The WdBthMT ATwragc iMfly Nat PraM R«a FCncaat af V. B. Weatete For Ui» WMk Bodad s Auguat 1, 1964 Okwdy, waraMT toaIgMii. Ala.18 ehaaea o t she wen. Iww MM* ii^ 1 3 , 7 0 8 SUghMy waneer toasavreWo llaittitar ot tha Audit aaar 80, Buraan of Oiroulattoa HmnthmaUr-^A City o f ViUago Chmrm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1964 VOL. LXXXm, NO. 259 (SIXTBBN PAOE8) Events In State Legislature Begins Miishaps Claim 3 During Weekend rm By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | J Fire, water and traffic Redistrict Session claimed three lives in Con­ necticut over the weekend. In addition, a Hartford man was kiUed in a highway acci­ Speech Made dent in Maine and a Westport auxiliary policeman died of in­ juries suffered a week ago. By Dempsey In Stamford, Mrs. 'V iolet (Jlanfagllone, a 48 - year - old widow, died Sunday in a fire At Opening that swept her six-room house. A t Cedar Lake in Bristol, HARTFORD (AP) — Donald Cyr, 29, tried to re- trteve a'water ski Sunday, fell Gov. John N. Dempsey to­ out of hlfl boat and drowned. day urged the General As­ Cyr, a Bristol resident and fa­ sembly to reapportion itself ther of four, did not know how with “ statesmanship, ord«r to swim. In Milford, a Stolen car and dispatch." swerved across the Conn. Tpke. He said the job would not .Tha Defense Department in Washington relfe6^ this Saturday and smashed head-on be an easy one and Indicated into a ^e truck. The driver of that he expected It would take Navy Destro^r U.S.S. Maddox, which was attacked by PT boats off North the car, Clyde Davis Jr., 24, of several weeks. Viet Nam yesUrday. (AP Photofax.) Bridgeport, was killed. The Governor told the legis­ A ■ The truck driver, 49-ysar-old lators that It Is "our duty to Howard B. Boulton of Milford, accomplish this transition as Response Underscores U.S. Policy suffered a broken hip and an- our own free act and deed, kle. through the deliberate exerclsa A t KUot, Maine, Joseph Da­ of the legislaUve and executive vila of Hartford was killed Sun­ authority entrusted to you and day night when a car veered to me by the people of Con­ Destroyer Routs o ff Rt. 286 and struck a tree. necticut.” The driver, Leo K. Hart, 30, "We do not want this job o f Somersworth, N. H., who done for us,” he said. "W e was also kUled, had tried to must do it ourselves — fur pass a car driven by his broth­ Ourselves end for our feUow Viet PT Assault er, Jerry O. Hart of Kittery, citizens who have given us Maine, police said, but collided this kuthority In the full confi­ with the other car and then dence that we will use it in WASHINGTON (A P )— A tough response by U.S. swerved off the road. whatever manner the publie Navy guns to a North Vietnamese PT boat attack hM In Westport, Aldo Santinl. g ^ requires.” spoken louder than words of American determination to 47, died Saturday of injuries The Governor delivered the suffered July 28. Santinl was speech, which lasted about 10 curb the Communists in Southeast Asia, officials said on the Westport police launch minutes, at the openhm o f h ^>ecial session of the General today. uppeured to c lu i the Incident trying to help pull a sailboat off a sandbar when a winch Assemibly to realign the State This was in the thinking of long with other instances in Washington strategists as they came loose and struck him on Senate and House. w h l^ U.S. air or ground forces Dempsey said: ‘T oday "ws weighed whether to write Hanoi in South Viet Nam and Laos the head. a formal diplomatic note com­ begin several weeks of Intense have fired back when fired on. and sustained effort. IxMig plaining of Sunday’ s assault on Authorltes said the destroyer, To Support Barry the U.S. destroyer Maddox. hours o f hard work are ahead. like other U.S. forces helping STAMFORD (AP)—"There's I respectfully invite the lead­ According to the Navy, the the South Vietnamese campaign Maddox was on patrol in inter­ plenty of room under the big ers ot both houses and both po­ Republican tent for everyone," litical parties to meet with me national waters about SO miles (See Pago Btaven) off the North Vietnamese coast GOP senatorial nomlntee John in my office ss soon today's when throe unmarked PT boats Lodge said at a Republican business permits so that we Attack on Maddox took may get on with the Jeb.” , place in Gulf of Tonkin opened fire with lrtT>edOS8 knd Club duthu! yaaterdsy- 37-mlUimeter cannon. Congreeiinan Ahner W. Sl- The special session rsceeaed some 30 ’ miles off The Maddox prompUy coun­ V ie t r C b ir ^ bal, vrtio also underscored the Gov. Dempsey speaks as General Assembly opens special session on r^ istn ct- I immediately after the govem- North Viet Nam coast. tered with its own guns and need for vihlty in the i>arty, said ing. (Herald photo by PmtQ.), ; I oTg imssd i until 4 p.m., when it (AP Photofiut.) •eaUed in four Jeto from the air­ he'tf^'suM ^ the TOP ticket is ela ted that the s<diedula craft carrier ‘Ticoodergoa. U.S, 9 1* 1*®* ibottam.” for the rest Of the weeK wlR.ba . w ia gm an tam -w ant un­ ___ ’ personally,” said detenntaed.r . 1 scathed but the destrojrer and tor MS Dead Tfouths RepifbUcan legislators In tea Maddox Vet idanea left one PT boat reported Bombed Post third lefm , *we wlUbeileve in Racial Disorder House will hold a caucus at 2 sadly damaged and dlsaUed in What wa always believed in, but pjn. the water,' the other two crip­ TORTO (AP). — Cwnmunlst the R e^llcafi party 1s bigger Found after Dempsey reviswsd the ervente Of Battles in pled and retreating slowly. NprOi Viet Nam has charged than all irnttvlduals.” that led to the special seeslon Steal was a^ backer ' of Gov. First word of the rtaval actim that tour U.S. figfater-bomber In Jersey City and outlined in some detail the reached Washington about S William W: " BOrtmton at the British Riots "many acta of courageous planes from tAos bombed and WWII, Korea a.m. Washington time and Pres TOP naM««ai convention and stateanuuuhlp” witnessed in ident Johnson conferred with rocketed a North Vietnamese urged the convention to adopt LONDON (AP) — Two dead the state’B “hietoric legislative a platform amendment con- JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) —«adults and one 17-year-old top advisers during the day as border port and village. The youths were found on the sea­ PEARL HABOR (AP) — damning, extremism. ^ Helmeted policemen patrolled were removed at gunpoint, ^ e halls.” Three North Vietnamese patrol further news came in. R e^ said the attack was unpro- shore today after holiday week­ girl was held as a juvenile del- These Included legislativa Secretary of State Dean Rusk vedeed and blamed It on the the glass-littered streete of Jer- *i*i- boats tired torpedoes and guns end of rioting by rival teen-age sey City’s Negro district today hiquent and the . adults were acts going back to 1818, when at the batUewlse U.S. destroyer said: “ The other side got a sting United States. Card Game Robbed cults. charged with disorderly con the legMature “paved the way out of this. If they do it again, U.S. ofBcials in Washington where a rioting mob of young Maddox without a hit in the Gulf STAMFORD (AP)-r Seven- While detectives started in­ Negroes attacked officers, duct, police said. for tha separation of church o f Tonkin Sunday and were they'll get another sting.’’ said they knew of na evidence to te«m men at a bard'game had to vestigating, fresh disorders rip­ On orders to disperse the and state and the establish­ BHirthermore, he said, the Unit­ suppmrt the charge, the second broke windows and . looted damaged and driven off by put their paata,as well as their pled through Hastings, an an­ stores. crowd, police formed a . wedge ment of complete religious toK Navy gunfire and airborne rock­ ed States will continue to “ insist in as many dayi made by the cards on tha tpMe when four cient south coast town which and advanced, firing shots upon using international wat­ North Vietnamese against Oie Police said'18 Negroes were ets, the Navy said. bandits descended on tiiem yes­ Simday had to call in an air­ arrested during Sunday night’s the air. (Itee Page Eight) The Maddox, veteran of World ers." United States. borne squad of Scotland Yard The crowd broke into small Administration sources said ‘"This constitutes a provoca­ terday. outbreak — the first incident of War n and the Korean fighting, riot police. this scale in this northern New lockets and faded into door continued its patrol and left two the PT boat action did not seem tive act on the part of the U.S. The body of a boy about 16 ways and down side streets. to be part of a new large scale government and its henchmen (Bee Page Fifteen) Jersey cjty that faces Manhat­ wounded PT boats' limping in washed up on the beach near tan across the Hudson River. At 10:46 p.m. John Hudak Jr., Bailey R e je c ts the general direction of North assault from the North nor does which crudely violates the sov- tiw fashionable Queen’s Hotel.
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