Einblatt! March 2009 Calendar and the updated electronic issue of by Terry A. Garey and (ex-local) Einblatt.) If you're able to retrieve it Camilla "Mog" De Carnin; art by à Tues, Mar 3, 6:30PM. Geeks electronically, please do so and Julia Hart; miscellaneous prose by Read. To Your Scattered Bodies save the club the expense of mailing Terry Faust, Eric M. Heideman and Go, Philip Jose Farmer. FFI: a physical ballot out to you. Please Rebecca Marjesdatter (Korvo).
[email protected] let Laura Krentz (the membership Michael Merriam sold his short story, g Sat, Mar 7, 2PM. Minn-StF secretary) know that you'll be "Fey Child Fair," to online horror and Meeting. Irene & Scott Raun's, retrieving your ballot electronically dark fantasy magazine From the 3928 11th Ave S, Mpls. No by sending her email at lkrentz -at- Asylum for a future issue. smoking indoors, dogs. FFI: visi.com. (If you've already marked 612-822-0451, your name on a list at a meeting, pb=mass market paperback.
[email protected], you don't need to tell her again.) If hc=hardcover. tp=trade paperback
[email protected]. you need a ballot mailed to you and nf=nonfiction. coll=collection. your current address is not in the anth=anthology. r=reissue à Mon, Mar 9, 6:30-8:30PM. latest MnStf directory, please give MISFITS/CONvergence Open Laura your mailing address. There Conventions Meeting. Davanni's Edina, 5124 will also be some printed copies Gus Young Lane. FFI: March 6-8 MarsCon, Bloomington, available at the voting meeting in http://cts.vresp.com/c/?MNSocie MN.