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Servizi Speciali SettembrelSeptember Eruzioni Improvvise :p. 5 Italian Procession • p. Il ! , Italian Church RoofAppeal p. 18 ,, ~ '" ~...._..;.rhe Dunera Affair • , p. 20 • ,• : Verdi Festival p. 27 ••

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Sellembre 95 3

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Due Parole Padre Roberto Russo

Cari Amici, faeciamoci una chiaechierata sulla diventare lristi, anehe nella tristczza e eioe' partecipare alIa continua creazi­ Madonna del Carmine: si,e' svolta in nel dolore: Le abbiamo ehiesto di one della vita insieme a Dio Crcatore: modo solenne c bello: c'e' stata la darci la straordinaria forza della vita, portando tutto iI bene ehe abbiamo c Mcssa prima e dopo: c'e' stata tanta quella che fa sperare contro ogni ehe possiamo:facendo ercscere la nos­ gente,che ha partecipato: c'e' stata la spcranza: quella forza della vita ehe tra vita, I'amore della nostra vita, la Sagra con i prodotti itaJiani: c'e' stata nelle tragedie del mondo ei fa scntire testimonianza della nostra vita, la ! la pioggia ogni tanto che ci ha ehe Gcsu' non ei puo' abbandonare: gioia della nostra vita: ehe cammina ) rinfrcscato le idee e ci ha fatto Gesu' non e' rcsponsabile del male: con Gesu'Crocifisso sotto la protezi~ correre: c'e' stata gente ehe si e' Gesu' e' prescnte nella laerime e one della Madonna del Carmine. • offesa, ci sono stati sorrisi e ci sono nelle ferite nostre e di ogni persona: state rispostacce: c'e' stata gente che se n tire que s t a.,.."...... -.., ",,--r ha mangiato bene alle bancarelle e presenza di Gesu' e' ,', gente che non gli piaceva iI mangiare la nostra prcghiera: ~~ ~"- (pochissimi in verita'): c'e' stato solo ma e' una preghiera un giovane che si" e' ubriacato nel ehe ci cambia, nelle tardo pomeriggio: c'e' stata la polizia idee, nel cuore, negli L sempre vigil~: c'era un polizzio!to afI"ctti;'nei sentimenti: '. . •

che parlava napoletano e uno ehe .noi non diveritianio ;: . " ._.~~ parlava tOs<:<1no. Ecco ci siamo stati ~1nti, ma ei cntrano '.' c :i - .' '. tutti noi cosi' come siamo fatti. Siamo nell'anima tanta um­ - ~ venuti Per' \;Cdere la Madonna, per i1ta', tanto desiderio f pregare con la Madonna e 10 abbiamo di csscre buoni e di •f • ~c fatto: cosi' come siamo fatti: eravamo fare it bene: cioe' ci ~------• tanti tanti e ognuno ha portato qual- pentiamo dei nostri che cosa della propria vita: hanno peccati e pentirsi e' lavorato tanti per prcparare i costumi guardare verso •, ed i carri per la Processione: hanno I'amore di Dio e pro- .~. . 1 I partecipato in tanti nel cammino della vare un senso dl or- • proccssionee seguendo -la Madonna: rore e di pena per le ,· hanno preparato in 1.1nti i banehetti e i ferite ehe abbiamo ; tavoli della Sagra, cucinando iI mang- fatto a noi stessi ed ,, iare ed organizzando i giochi: tutti agli aUri. Il penti­ • hanno fatto qualebe cosa, ognuno con mento e' una luce ebe . le prop~ie miserie, i propri difetti, i ei fa vedere che iI propri pecCati. Abbiamo pregato, ei Regno di Dio e' in "'==~~-~~_. ~alla".Madonna:=mezzo:a.noi~ siamo",raccomandati ma,cc·lo=j",..,,,,,, , 4· COn tauta umilta' Le abbiamo chiesto fa anehe amare: e am~ ,, , la speIimza: la speranza per me e per are significa parteci­ -­, iI mondo: Le abbiamo ehiesto la pare a tutta la vita spefanza della vita: di non farci mai cbe e' intorno a noi: ,• i l • ; Dear Friends, , • l • In the' Gospel we hear Christ pray. We are led • leading his disciples into his aware­ through reverenee ness. They wcre with him, talking to and respeet to an upholding of God's found him. St. Paul tells us tbat him and listening to him, yet they did will for all the world... Then with witbout tbe Spirit we cannot even not recognise this as prayer, and needs met, forgiving those who wrong speak his name. No wonder Cbrist looked, perhaps a little enviously at us, we too <:<1n bc forgiven and <:<1n ~ uses tbe present imperative, tbe com­ the followers., . of John. John 1.1ught. kept from all harm. Prayer, Christ mand: "Seck". "Ask", "Knock". prayers and without formal prayers seem to 5.1y, is about making known We are cbildren of a loving Father Jesus' disciples felt they did not pray. our needs with persistence and with who wants to reward. to give, to So they asked, and were' given the the eonfidence that friend places in sustain, and wbose love enfolds us complete perfect prayer. friend, and ehild has in loving parent. even as we ask. Notbing is lost, for He prayed as a ehild to a loving The very ability to look for God is his everything is his. "Arise, clasp my parent. This too is how we are to gift. and in SC<1rching for him we have hand and eome".


Eruzioni Improwise F. Spirito

Quando uno pensa ai vulcani, vengono sempre in mente iI Vesuvio 0 l'Etna. Ma esiste ancbe un cerchio di vulcani cbe circondando l'Oceano Pacifico conosciuto come l'Anello di Fuoco.

Benehe\ dall'altra parte del globo stcsso punto almeno due volte at matiei. Durante un'eruzione la polv· ei siano vulcani allivi sulla Terra giomo. "Questi satellili polari fomis· ere, la cenere e i delrili sono unili da Ferma e suI mare, questo ccrehio e' cono le immagini di un fenomeno gas, ineluso iI biossido di carbonio e pero' iI piu' allivo. Questa violenta vulcanico e sono particolarmente in· iI biossido di lOlfo. , allivita' e' causata dalla vieinanza teressanti per evidenziare le variazioni L'intercsse sulle soslanze ehimiche • alle piallafoorme continentali (pezzi negli e1ementi ehe formano la nube e' doppio: iI biossido di lOlfo rag' di crosta terrestre che creano allrito vu1canica" . giunge la stratosfera dopo una vio· slittando 0 sliorandosi passando I'una Nonostante le informazioni ci rag­ lenla eruzione e' puo' cssere traspor: aceanto all'altra) 0 da punti caldi, giungano magari solo dopo un altro lato dall'aria fine a eircondare la dove iI materiale liquido caldo arriva passaggio del satellite, i dati dei circonferenza della~.Terra. Da la' su iI ad oltrepassare la crosta che gli fa da salelliti del NOAA sono importanti gas, unendosi co'n acqua, forma delle , barriera. Ma qualunque sia la causa per gli aerei ehe devono atterrare in goccioline minuscole di acido sol· dell'eruzione iI risultato e sempre 10 prossimila' di zonevulcaniehe. Ad forioo che possono allonlanare raggi stesso: una eruzione calma 0 c.,tastro­ esempio, circa mezZ'ora dopO I'emzi· di luce 'provocando un "anti-effetto lica. one del Monte Spurr. i radar del 'scrra", raffrcddando iI pianela. 11 gas I La caralleristiche vulcmliche sono s.,tellite NOAA·12 su orbita polare inoltre fomisce una superfioe, per osservate allraverso una varieta' di registrarono la prescnza di cenere rcazioni c1oridriehe, idcali per alon· strumenti perccllivi, da illlmagini di vulcanica a diversi chilometri di alti· tanare I'ozono necessario e cauSando nuvole erullive prese da una navicclla tudine. Meno di 10 minuti dopo, il un aumento'di radiazioni ultraViolette spaziale di passaggio 0 dalla lellura di National WcaU,er Service lancio' un che raggiungono la superfice.' dati raccolti da un radiometro piaz­ awertimento ai piloti circa la cenere Strumenli quali iI Total Ozone zato su un s.'tellite che orbita allorno vulcanica. Ci sono slati casi di aerei Mopping Spectomeler (TOMS) suI .11 polo. che hanno avuto problemi con i Satellite Nimbus· 7 possono n1isurare Osservare i vulcani dallo spazio motori avendo aspirato cenere' vul· I'emissione di biossido di zolfo e non c' cosi' selllplice come fhre una camca.• I'cstensione della nube. Originari· foto - '~'I satelliti sono utili per 11 fallo di raccogliere dati sui amente i TOMS erano usali per loealizzare i vulc.,ni, ma e' difficile vulcani da S.1lellili che orbitano sulla rivelare ('ozono fine a quando i interpretarne le imagini,'specialmente fascia polare ha inoltre una utilila' ricereatori si resero conto che distinguere nuvole da nubi vuleani piu' a lunge termine: iI loro poten· potevano riconoscere e quantificare le che" dice Ollo Karst, lIletereologo del ziale contributo ai cambiamenti eli· emissioni di biossido di lOlfo. National Environment Satellite Data Information Service alle dipendenzc del National Oceanie~ and Atmos­ pheric Administration (NOAA) del Maryland, USA. "Ma abbiamo dei sistemi per scoprire i fenomeni". Uno dei metodi e' osservarne I'azione con dei s.,telliti geostazionali ossia dei s.,tclliti che pratic.,mente restano piaz­ zali in un unico punlo durante iI corso dell'evento. "Per esempio abbiamo us.,to i dati forniti da uno di questi s.,tellili per osservare la nube vul· canic., fuoriuseita dal Monto Spurr (Alaska) spostarsi verso iI Canada (ncl 1992) e raggiungere gli Stati Unili" dice Karsl. In moW c.,si pero' non ei sono s.,tellili geoslazionali che registrano a latilildini elevate, inclus., I'Alaska, sede di numerose eruzioni vulc.,niche. Ci sono poi i s.,tellili che orbitano sulla sfera polare: questi mezzi Jlmonte Pinotubo. nelkFilippine, che duronte I'eruzione de/ /99/ ha cousoto spaziali pass.,ndo divcrse volte sopra i una tlis/ruzione enormc, et! ha pcrsino provocalo I'evacuazione del/a base poli raccolgano immagini di uno aeronaulica omericana. C/ark. pol distrulla e sepolta dalle cened del vu/cono.

I Sellembre 95 5



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•• ·'

Cronaca Attivita" della Comunita" Le nostrc Signore hanno ..--. ;(==L::e::'N::::OS::tr::e::C::,::W::,::A::,::::;) organizzato una festicciola a ~ ­ tUlli i costi: sono pochc, rna buonc: c se crano moltc erano buonc 10 stcsso: perchc' sono tullc buone di cuore c di animo, di impegno c di gcncr­ osita'. Qucste ultimc qualita' morali si rispccchiano nci loro / volti che quindi sono raggianti Foto: P. Russo e luminosi. Hanno fallo la fcsticciola per raggrancllarc qualchc soldino per Ic cosellc dclla Chicsa e hanno fallo molto benc: vcramcntc tullc Ic personc prescnti hanno contribuito con molta gcnerosita'. Stare insieme nei momcnti fclici c nci momcnti tristi c' sempre quello chc ci fa scoprire I'amicizia c la bencdizionc di Dio,


( Centd di Preghiera ) Mcreolcdi' 21 giugno c'c' _, - stato _iI Cardinalc in questa Cliicsa, Per onorarc iI nostro San Vincenzo Pallolli, fondatore di questa stcssa Chicsa. C'crano tanti gruppi prescnti. ma desideriamo ricordarc chc 1~""""e=--=uno,dci.grUppi,prescnti·cra.iI.Gentro'di.prcghicra,.Questi.Gentri.stanno= naSccndo in tullc Ic nostrc casc pallolline. Noi, qui a Londra, ci riuniamo iI prima lunedi" di ogni mesc alle 8pm. (c' scmprc mcglio tclcfonare prima di vcnire). Chc cosa facciamo? Leggiamo Ic preghicre del nostro Fondatorc c prcghiamo noi stessi: c'- molto bello perchc' ognurio comunica la propria vita, la propria espericnza spiritualc: c'e' vcramentc tanta

ricchczza in ognuno di noi: perchc' farla perdcre? Dio cc la ha data per , noi stcssi c per tutti gli altri. Chi wolc, si unisca a noi: c' molto bello, non c· impegnativo ncl scnso chc non c'c' bisogno di parlare: si puo' anche ascoltarc: Dio ci parla in tanti modi nclla vita:·e ci parla con questo gruppo di preghicra. VEN1TE E VEDETE. Ci siamo incontrati in Chicsa iI luncdi" 19 giugno con i nostri Saccrdoti vcnuti dall'It.1lia per la fcsta: c cioe': Don Ianni Gactano chc rapprescnta iI nostro Superiorc. Don Vinccnzo lIari. Don Mario Proiclli chc c' ilo fratcllo dcl nostro carissimo Don Eugcnio Proiclli chc ha lavorato con tanto zclo in quest.1 Chicsa c chc ora prega pcr noi dal Ciclo: e poi c'crano i nostri carissimi Don Franccsco Amoroso e Don Mario Morclli: sono stati dci Saccrdoti chc hanno dato iI loro cntusiasmo nci tcmpi difficili di questa Chicsa: difficili perchc' c'cra tanto da farc, tanlo da rnandarc avanti. pochi mczzi economici. rna insicmc alia Comunita' It.1liana hanno f.1110 f.1Villc con la benedizionc dclla Divina Provvidcnza. E' stato molto bella trovarsi insicmc c prcgarc insicmc: cd c' stato 'anchc molto bcllo riunirsi dopo la preghicra nci 1~1i dclla Chicsa per mangiarc c bcrc tullo qucllo chc ognuno ha portato: mcno male chc riusciamo a scoprirc chc Hi 'vita c· eonercta c la prcghicra si svolgc nclla.nostra allivita' di ogni giorno: quindi anehc in una bella mangiata c bewla.

8 September 95 RlVISTA DEUA COMUNITA' ITAlJANA Evviva iI F,R.I,C. ) 11 FRIC (Fund Raising Italian Community)... ha un nome solennc ed importante, ma c' pieno di tanta aJlegria, entusiasmo, serenita': non c' chiuso in se stcsso, ma c' apcrto ai suggerimenti c alle iniziative: c' veramente pcr il bene delle opere, ma non ti levano i soldi: ti aiutano a darli con gener­ osita'. E' bella I'atmosfera che gli amici del FRIC sanno crcare: e' screna: non di una screnita' stupida, ma di una serenita' che nascc dalla con­ sapcvolezza di starc insiemc in qucsta vita, di lavorare insiemc, soffrire c • godcre insieme, mandare avanti iI mondo che Dio ci ba affidato: con la • preghiera, con le buonc opere, con t.1nta generosita'. GIi ineontri del FRIC, si svolgono nel nostro Club c sono organiZL1ti sempre molto scriamente, Folo: P. Russo anehe sc con tanta allegria. Venite c divertitevi con la benedizione di Dio. >

I ( Pallone ) Tanta semplieita' e tanto entusi· dopo, domenica, uno dei suoi barn· asmo: e'c' stata la premiazionc delle bini riccvcva la prima comunionc: nostrc squadrc di calcio: i giovani del c' callolico. La fcsta si c' svolta SI. Peter's Catholic Youth Club. E' bene, sui play.ground della scuola: , stato veramente bello, spccialmentc antipasto abbondante, lasagne a pcr la prcsenza di R.1Y Houghton: vc volonta', gelato c bevande a vo· 10 ricordate? E' iI calciatorc dell'Ir­ lonta'. C'e' sempre da ringraziare landa ehc ci ha scgnato iI goal nella tante personc c cioc' tUlli noi: i partita della Coppa del Mondo. E giovani, ehe ci mellono impcgno c indovinatc perehc' c' venuto lui: s,1erifieio, i genilori chc seguono c • guidano questi giovani, gli aliena­ " - . pcrehc' qnando era un bambino gi­ I piu: grandi con le coppel ocava nella squadra del St. Peter's, tori, gli sponsors, quelli del Clnb: • •• • insicmc ai nostri giovani. E' venuto non ho fallo nomi, ma qtmnto sono pcr la premiazione: c' una persona care qucste persone che vogliono fantastica. Non ha pcr nientc iI naso mandarc avanti le cosc con tanto in su 0 la puzza SOllO .11 naso. E' stato afTello. Quanto e' bella la preghi· buono, pieno di tanto affello: c' St.1tO era, quando le parole della preghi· assediato non solo dai nostri raga­ era diventano la nostra vita con·, zzini, ma anehe dai genitori: tUlli creta. Quanto c' bello iI "Padre hanno ehiesto I'antografo e 10 ha dato nostro" chc ci fa sentire tUlli uniti. a tUlli: si c' fallo le fotografie con tnlli. E' padrc di tre figli e iI giorno GIi alienator; con Ray Houghton Folo: P. Russo ( The Mazzini-Garibaldi Club - Flood AePeal Fund ) In November 1994" with thc cnthnsiastie encouragement of the Italian Consul General, DOll. Luca BrofTerio, the Mazzini-Garibaldi Club sct up an Appc.11 Fund with the San Paolo Bank in London. As a result wc are delighted to II~ inform all rcaders that thc fund has rc.1ched the sum of £10,783.42 and has now been closed. Wc will shortly be making • , ' arrangcments to transfer the monies to the Red Cross in Turin for dispers.11 by them for the Flood Victims. On behalf of thc Commillec of the Mazzini·Garibladi Club I wish to thank everyone for their support for this worthy Appc.11. Wc set out below a list of the donors. In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment wc havc not provided details of the amounts that they have individually paid into the fund but that information can be obtained, upon wrillen application, from the President of the Mazzini·Garibaldi Club, Gino Bastiani Esq, at the Club's premises of 5 I Red Lion Street, Holborn, London WC!. from John Zani, Vice Presidcnt ,I The Mazzini·Garibaldi Flood Appc.11 - List of Donations: Mr B Maelc.1n; Lord Fortc; Association Trinaeria: Italian Community Peterborough; N Zarola: Circolo Veneto Margaret Bennell; Association Piemontcsi: Horsham Society: Staff of Consul General: Assc Italiana Woking Spaghelli Housc; British Italian Society: Mr M Vignali: Italian International Bank: Messrs Quaradeghini Filef Cmnbrige; Community Ipswich; Circolo Italiano SwansCo1; Mr Coleman·Carr; Mr Gino Bastiani Enfield Italian Association; Luiset C.1tering Co Ltd; Mr & Mrs A Amasanti: Miss R Signori; Mrs Della Vallc Comm G Giaeon; Cheltenham Italian Society; Mr G GaZL1no: Mr E Nanno; Mr F ReiJm; Mrs G Killon; Mrs Juliani Ms Rilcy; Mr M Cavalli; Anon ,

", , Scllcmbrc 95 9 ", ,, :tJ; ,RIVISrA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA

( -,--_=IL=..'.:..;N:...::U~N:.=Z:::.I0::::.,..:..A:::P...::O:.::S:-:T:...::O:.::L:.::I.::::C.::::O~N.:.:E:.::L:.::L::.A=-C=H:::::IE:::.:S::.A=-I::.;T:.;.A=L:.::I:..:A::..N;.:.:A::... ) Domenica 9 Luglio la Chiesa Italiana ha avuto iI grande onore di ricevere iI Nunzio Apostolico, Sua &:cellenza Monsig. Luigi Barbarito, iI quale ha celebrato la Messa solenne in onore di San Vincenzo Pallotti, Fondatore della stessa Chiesa e della Congregazione dei Padri Pallollini a cui appartiene la Chiesa. Durantc la Messa, alIa presenza dei fedeli e dei Padri della Chiesa, concelebranti con Sua &:cellenza. I'Arcivescovo ci ha offerto una preziosa Omelia. A noi e' sembrato opponuno ricordare questa messa, citando alcuni passi dell'omelia del Nunzio Apostolico. "San Vincenzo Pallotli fondo' la Societa' dell'Apostolato Catlolico e fu uno dei piu' popolari Apostoli di Roma. Era tanto forte I'impatlo del suo ministero sacerdotale sui fcdeli di Roma chedai suoi contemporanei fu salutato come un sccondo Filippo Neri. L'intuizione piu' significativa ,della sua visione sacerdotale e missionaria sotlo ,I'azione dello Spirito Santo fu I'istituzione della'Societa~'deIl'Apostolato Catlolico., Per queltemposi tratlo' non ~Io di una iniziativa audace ma anche profetica per i Suoi sviJuppi. Sail' Vincenzo Pallotli vide'nella cooperazione Ira sacerdoti e laici iI scgreto di un apostolato piu' efficiente e fecondo per la guida morale e spirituale dei fedeli cd una vigorosa ripresa della prcdicazione del Vangelo per, far conoscere meglio e scguire con maggiore dcdicazione I'escmpio di Cristo noSlrO Salvatore. Egli invitava i'laici de!!,imo e dell'altro sesso,di ogni,sIato,grado e,condizione sociale e'professionale ache, animati dalla vera carita' cristiana coi mezzi e con le opere temporali, anche dellaloroprofessione, cooperassero nel modo piu' energico, atluato e perseverante alia propagazione della verita' catlolica..... Questo ideale egli trasmise a quanti, chiamati da Dio, entrarono a far parte della grande famiglia dell'Apostolato Catlolico, religiosi e religiose .di grande prestigio e zelo. Vorrei qui segnalare la missione dei Padri e delle Suore Pallotline tra', gli Aborigeni dell'Australia nell'aspra regione del Kimberley che ebbi modo di visitare cd apprezzare quando ero' Rappresentante del Santo Padre in Australia. Questi Religiosi, che vediamo con tanto zelo lavorare qui a Londra tia gli emigrati, sulla scia del loro Santo Fondatore si fanno con generosita' e zelo servitori e ministri del Vangelo e dell'amore di Cristo.'La So'Cieta' dell'Apostolato Catlolico fu ideata da San Vincenzo Pallotti per far sentire ai Laici cristiani iI dovere di farsi apostoli del Vangelo nel mondo in cui vivono, affiancandosi aFsacerdoti in un apostolato organizzato, molteplice e vario,come' molteplici e vari sono i bisogni dell'uomo. La sua opera e' piu' che mai atluale, particolarmente oggi, nello spirito e 'nell'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano Secondo che ci presenta la Chicsa come popolo'di Dio'in cammino, partecipe delle sofferenze. delle ansie e delle speranze di tutta I'uinanita'; una Chicsa comunitaria' nella quale lutli i suoi membri, nella professione della mcdesima fede e uniti nel vincolo della carita' operano nell'obbcdienza ai legitlimi pastori e in modo particolare al Successore di Pietro, centro di unita' e'maestro di verita~ . Noi tutli qui presenti, in comunione con tanti altri fratelJi c sorelle nel mondo, rendiamo grazie a Dio per iI dono che Egli ha fatlo alia sua Chiesa della vHa e delle opere di San Vincenzo Pallotli e di quanti ispirati dal suo escmpio ne continuano la missione." ,

Vogliamoaffidare alle preghiere di tutli la nostra cara Maria Bailey che e" morta in Italia. Vi ricordatc bene che ~"',~=,,,,,,,' -era-Ia-moglie-del-nostro-caro-Petet'Bailey'Clle~e"Stiit0:;:' _ - amore e dedizione. La sua c nostra Maria c' stata sempre vicino a lui con tutlo iI suo affello: e' stata una donna scmplice, ma forte, piena di coraggio e di iniziativa. Maria e Peter hanno servito la Chies.1, la nostra Chiesa e la nOSIra Comunita' con generosita' e lealta'. La nostra Maria continua ad aiutare iJ suo Pietro dal Cielo e protegge e benedice la nostra Chies.1.

Let us offcr up our prayers for the repose of the soul of our dc.1rly beloved Maria Bailey·'who passed aWay , recently in . Many of you will no doubt remember her husband, Peter Bailey, who for many years was sexton of this Church which he served with so much zeal and devotion.



Processione - 195 -' Procession

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In anticipazione di un servizio piu' completo nel prossimo numero di BACKHILL, vi offriamo alcuni immagini della Processione in Onore della Madonna del Carmine tenutasi per le strade intorno alia nostra Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro. Londra, 10 scorso 16 lugHo. Le foto sono di Tony Gay

In preparation of a more detailed report in the ncxt issue of BACKHILL., we present just a few photograps of the Procession in honour of Our Lady of Mount Cannel, which wended its way through the strcctsaround the Italian Church of SI. Peter's in London, on the 16 July 1995. Thc photographs are courtesy ofTony Gray. "'<1





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To be launched soon, an exciting espresso Bar Concept based on the classic Italian dedipation to tme espresso quality.

Bchind the project, with over 50 years ofcatering cxperience in London will be Giitscppe Cacchioli ofQueens Catering & Pino Ispani ofPonti's GroujJ.

Working with Lavazza Coffce UK Ltd, the concept will interpret a classical Italian style in a'modem prestigious way.

, Drawiilg on the extensive experience ofall the companies involved, the llew outlets will be dedicated to providing their customers • with Quality, Service & Professionalism. =L=~==="" _'~_.'=ti_e="",===.~=,.==. ..,.....#-=i#...) ..""...... ~L=_=.~.=.=.."Jll!£;.,_;,_=_.."...4...' ....3_=_=_.....=""_=s==~'='=.=s==a.",_"=_~4".,.",l)_=.~S=.==-=4.=.:.__. =."",=.~=,,=

We will"ave a numberofvac(lIlcies & applications are invite(1for lIar- Persons wit" (lri,'e & motivation to beparlofa young teal/lll'itll (Ill organised Trllining Programme.

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PONTl'S LA VAZZA CAFFE - '. . - F.A.O Mr G.Caccllioli 17- 21 Well/oc" Road Lom/oll NI 7SL

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LAVAZZA Italy's No.l Coffee have just signed a ~oint venture' contract with Ponti's (the London Caterers), and the Cacchioli family (long established caterers), to develop various sites as 'PONTI'S LAVAZZA CAFFE' BARS'. Targeted at very upmarket sites, initially in the London and South East area, they will be 'show-case' units for Lavazza where consumers can enjoy both Espresso and cappuccino coffees produced to perfection, as well as genuine Italian delicacies. Lavazza has just .celebrated its Centenary, (in June 1995), and this venture marks a new and dynamic direction for the company, setting very high standards of preparation and presentation to which all Espresso and Cappuccino connoisseurs will strive to aspire. The first sites are targeted to be open in October\November 1995.

. , ------..--- . ",--:'.. _-;- , " .. " ..-- - _. '._ " ,F_ ;".' -::.' , '. , '. ---." ..--

,,, ; I .. " ."

From left to right: J. Cacchioli - Chairman; Dott. G. Lavazza - Director; A. Cacchioli - Joint Managing Director; G. Ispani -Director; B. Hopking - Director; S. Cacchioli - Joint Managing Director.

Settembre 95 13 ---- -c------:--

The ·Hill, Olive Besagni •

The feast' of Our Lady of Mount, work, in London's Clerkenwell in the Peter's Italian School. Silvio attended Carmel (procession, Sunday) is over ·terrazio trade where he worked along­ St Peter's (see school photograph ,for another year;' What an enjoyable' side other Italian immigrants, some of taken in 1950: our Silvio is the little occasion" it is,for' so many Pacsani them second or even third generation. fellow standing in the back row third who turn up ycar after year to meet descendants of the early immigrants. from the'left). There were two sons old faceS and wallow'in the nostalgia Giovanni worked hard and was able born in Britain, Pietro in 1948 and of the "old days doWn the hill" and to return to Grezzo on a couple of Aldo in 1954. Famiglia Giovanelli S~ndays Procession in', the.years gone occasions 'to sce his wife and sons, was complete. Unfortunately, Luisa's • by. never ..m,anaging to save enough,',to joy was short-lived. Giovanni passed I,do hope that. as ,the day ends, .bring his little family to..· In away in 1955, at ,the early. age of 55 people give a little thought to the 1939 Luisa gave birth to a third son, year. By this 'time the' three eldest hard work and pressures .that the Silvio. sons were employed. Silvio, .with his Clergy and' members of'the Commu~ The advent of World War 2 meant brothers had attended St Peter's, and nity have bOrne to uphold this aneient that all hope of the family joining the school leaving age at that time religious, tradition. It would be won­ Giovanni in England had to be post­ was 14 years. deifuUo see more youngsters walking poned until the war was over. Gio­ The young Silvio Was employed in ihe proCession so next year pae­ vanni was not to be reunited with his by "The Selected Wine Company" a sa,!i; 'See if you> can get this gener­ family for eight years. Silvio recalls retail wine shop in 'Gt Windmill ation of. teenagerS out there. It would faint memories of his childhood spent Street, where he worked from 10 a.m. be a tragedy to sce this exceptional in the mountains. He remembers the until 3 p.m. 'returning at 5 p.m. until 9 event fizzle out - it is such a retreat of the German army and the p.m., extraordinary long hours for a wonderful experience to be a part of. arrival of the American and English boy of sueh tender years. soldiers. The photo of the group of His next place of employment was boys and girls below was taken in the well known Drury Coffee Com­ Silvio GiovaneIli Grezzo in 1946. As you C<1n see some pany where he started in 1970 and is of the children are in school'uniform, still employed there today. This month's article deals with the so in spite of the war the school was Luisa moved wilh her boys to life and times of Silvio, who I'm sure still funetioning. Silvio is the little Northdown Street, King's. Cross many of; our readers are familiar with, boy in the front row, first left. where they lived for 40 years. The He is' to be seen with his wife, In 1947, Luisa and her three sons, first son to leave the Giovanelli Gcmma on many and varied commu­ finally arrived in London to join her household was Giuseppe, when on the nity occasions. I find Silvio a charis­ husband. At last the age of eight years 25th October 1959 he married Maria matic character, this is probably be­ Silvio met his father. Their first home Mazzochi. Maria's family come .from ,Cause he always greets me as "Dame was in Whiskin Street 5 minutes walk Bettola in Provincia di Piacenza, Olive", he has such a,grand manner from "11 Quartiere Italiano" and St northern Italy. Eleven years later in In ,with him (that for one elec- =~~~"trie,second"I.grow.2,inches,_~;":,;;~..,,~;;,;;;;;;;:~,;:.,,.~~ - ~._-----~ - -- -.-~ ,- in the belief that indeed I , ; deserve the title. Wc' can all dream can't wc!) Grezzo, a small hamlet just outside of Bardi in the mountains of Northern Italy was the home of Luisa Brae­ chi. In 1932 the young Luisa married a local boy, Gio­ vanni Giovanelli. The cou­ ple's first baby, Giuseppe was born in Grezzo 1933, followed by Mario 1935. During' this period, follow­ ing in the footsteps of the majority of PaeS<1ni, Gio­ vanni went off to seek his fortune in, England, leaving his wife, Luisa and two little sons with her parents in Grezzo. Giovanni found Grezzo 1946

14 September 95

'-~----, , . . '" . ...

, ,

St Peter's School Photo Back Row L;R~ Paul Modica, Terry Cassidy,. Si/vio Giovanelli, Brian Mays, John Weaver, Remo Bruscini, Joseph Oliva,. Tony Rossi. MrMcKee. . Centre L-R: Mr. Gallantry, Mario Vestuto,. Roy Scully, ? McArthur. Peter Ferrari, Terry May, Luigi Ri::!, Remo Scaglioni, David Davighi. Teddy Wood. Tino Frattaroli. Front Row L·R: James Marcantonio. Ra::i Tuffano, Angelo Maestran:i. ?Ascarino, ? D'Agostino. Robert Logli,. Vincen:o BojJa, ? Posci, Nino Baccarini•. Tony Schiavi•. Terry Dr!scoll, Ray Baccarini.

January 1970. Mario wed Patrizia Gemma's family are from Treviso in settled in originate from Bae­ Balzani. Patrizia was from Florence, the Veneto. In June 1991, Aldo colo in Tassi (this group were ehaff­ where the couple now live. Silvio married Imelda Edgar in Belfast; the age boilermen) to American accents always kept himself busy in and couple now live in Monmouth, Wales from New York immigrants from around the Italian Community. He where many other immigrants from Gravago. was a founder member of St Peter's Provincia di Parma settled. Finally At this time of the year young Boy's Club which began in 1960. He Pietro (peter) married Sally Steel on people, the descendants of new and spent 22 years on St Peter's Church 10th October 1992. old immigrants love to return to their Committee. He also took part in the Grezzo is a small village and in roots, and for the best part of August Procession for many yc.1rs. I think we those days there were 29 houses, the square in Bardi is swinging. The can say that Silvio has done his share today only seven of the houses are older generations meet up with rela­ in keeping the Italian Community occupied. Apparently in the year 1947 tives and friends of the days gone by. spirit going. Although he was never there were 20,000 people living in As August ends sadness descends on the comniittee, he worked along­ Comune di Bardi, today 1995 there on the area and the excitement of the side Lou Necchi at the well known are 3000 lell. Today the descendants long awaited holiday in Italia is over. The goodbyes have been said to Mazzini Garibaldi Club. in Red, Lion of families who have emigrated across Street for many yc.1rs. the years return to the land of their relatives and some parents who have The family were shocked when fathers at holiday timcs. In the month returned to their native land to retire ­ one drc.1dful day 4th April 1977 of August the returning migrants the Italians are on the move again, Luisa, aged 70 was nm over by a c.~r gather in the Square in Bardi in the this timebac,k to the comfortable in caledonian Road and fatally in­ evenings and especially on market hOrilCS that they now have in which­ jured. Her dc.1th lell her sons devas­ days. . ever country their forebears began tated. The three Giovanelli boys'lell The accents vary frOlu English their new lives, facing so many at home remained bachelors unlil with a Welsh accent, emigrant fami­ hardships, to make good and obtain a Silvio married his long time girlfriend Iics from C1erovoli, mostly in cater­ better way of life for their families. Gemma Rcch in the yc.1r 1983. ing, to French accents. those who

Settembre 95 • 15



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16 September 95 ------_.-

Dall'ltalia news from Italy

Six Italians. including two children, Palenno's Prosecutor Giancarlo Ca­ Alessandra Mussolini, the grand­ were shot dead by bandits while on selli, the man who has arguably the daughter .of the late Fascist leader an excursion to the Virunga game most dangerous job in the Italian Benilo Mussolini, has given birth of a park in eastern zaire.The zairean judiciary, has asked Swiss govern­ girl named Caterina in honour of the government blamed Rwandan refu­ ment, bankers and the public for more wartime dictator's grandmother. The gees (or the murder on 6 August. The help in stopping what Swiss officials 3.5 kilogram baby was born on 15 group was touring in a ear when they admit is a never-cnding flow of mafia July at Rome's San Cmnillo hospital. were stopped and robbed by masked money into Swiss banks. , men wearing military clothing. Four An off-beat protest against the re­ of the adults worked for the Italian A leading lawyer has threatened sumption of French nuclear testing in aid agency Mondo Giusto (Just court aC\lon••agamst mayors •m some the Pacific was mounted at the French World). Italian resorts who want to confine embassy in Rome. Italian rock musi­ skimpy swimwear to the beach. cian Gianni Nannini conducted an Interior Minister Rinaldo Coronas Carlo Rienzo, a lal'Yer at the national impromptu anti-nuclear concert from said the state could no longer afford consumer rights group Codacons, said the balcony after being winehed up to support the growing number of he had presented a complaint to lhe by six Green activists who had scaled Mafia informers and that they would public prosecutor aftcr the mayor of the building. have to go out to work. He said there the northern resort of Diano Marina Police eventually pulled the plug on were 1,059 criminals who had turned announced plans to ban "ugly" Nannini's amplifiers. Even then the state's evidence and become protected women from walking about his town singer carried on, using a megaphone. witnesses, together with 4,500 mem­ in bikinis. The mayor's decree, said bers of their families, receiving state Rienzo, was an unacceptable infringe­ Italy's Aids Gang has struck again, handouts. He complained that the ment of an individual's liberty. the fourth time in three weeks. Turin process of issuing new identities was But Andrea Guglieri, the mayor of police are being made a laughing­ too slow. So far only 31 had been Diano Marina, was unrepentant. "One st9Ck by a group of robbers armed ilble to assume a new name and st.'ut can't tolerate certain sights. From next lvilh a pocket knife who can't be work. summer there will be no more flab all jailed. over the place: buttocks, cellulite Under a 1993 law jail sentences A guardsman at the presidential thighs and drooping boobs lvill all be cannot be imposed on those whose palace was suspended on suspicion of banishcd," he s.,id. state of health constitutes "incompat­ threatening to blow up President Os­ A number of Italian resorts already ibility lvilh detention in prisoo," a car Luigi Sealfaro and his daughter. cxcrcisc a strict dress code in their category which includes Aids suffer­ Military prosecutor Vinccnzo Ferrante town ccntres, and in Alassio, whieh ers; and all lhe gang have Aids. They said the unidentified corazzicre at the imposcd a ban on bare chcsts, bikinis have no fear of securily cameras, rob Quirinale Palace was accused of mak­ and flip-flop smldals in the town in broad daylight and without masks. ing telephone ealls in which he centrc, 20 scantily clad tourists wcre Their latest haul netted about insulted Scalfaro. rcccnlly fined 50,OOOLirc. $12,000. The police can impose house The guardsman reportedly said it had arrest; that docsn't secm to work. merely been "childish fooling Fortunately,. not all Italy's 29,030 around". He could face a charge of diagnosed cases of Aids have latched offending the hononr of the president, on to the seam. Not yet. which carries a jail term of five to fifteen years. Citta" Sant'Angelo, near Pcscara in OPllosition Ilarliamcntal"ians called central Italy, claimed it had estab­ for the resignation of the Speaker in lished a world record for cooking , parliament after she took part in a spaghetti, but the proof disappeared ­ prayer mceting to protcst ovcr the onlookers ate the food. Tlvenly·fou( opcning of Europe's biggest mosquc cooks gathered round a huge pot to in Romc. MP Marco Taradash called boil 105.01 kilos of spaghetti. But on Irene Pivctti to resign aftcr she adjudieators had trouble verifying the joined Roman C,tholic fundamcutal­ claim. The spaghetti was served on ists at thc protest. M:lgistr:ltes havc opcned an investi­ plates 10 more than 4000 people who gation into Umberto Bossi, 1e.1der of watched the record being set. A sixty-thrce-year-old Italian woman Italy's ''fedcralist Northern Le.1gUC, af­ who provoked a storm of criticism last ter rcports that he made overtly seces­ A forest fire swept Sardinia on 16 ycar whcn she gave birth to a son sionist remarks. July, apparently after three holiday­ aftcr fcrtility trc.,tmcnt said that shc Giulio Tamburini, depuly prosecutor makers let off a flare to indicate lheir wanted anothcr child. "It is a decision in the northern city of Mantua, con­ where.1bouts to friends on the island. I havc thought hard about,"s.,id Ro­ firmed tl~1t Bossi was being investi­ Hundreds of inhabitants of the area s."lIla Dclla Cortc. "I want Riccardo gated for the possible crime of "­ arouud' Bella Marinella, were forced to have a little brother or sistcr," shc threatening the integrity, independ­ to abandon lheir homes, and huge s.,id on hcr son's first birthday. ence or unity of the state". tracts of f.1nnland werc scorched.

Setlembre 95 17 , RIVISI'A'DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA • T etto Chiesa - Church Roof

~ -----, - "------'-,. -", < ~. _.- --"---"- --~- -~~~-:-?~--,.( • --..-

Vi presentiamo alcune These are some photos immagini dcl restauro dcl which show the progress be­ tclto della nostra'Chiesa. ing made on repairing the Come si vede dalle foto Church roof. qui presentate,• iI telto princi. As can be seen, the main pale della Chiesa e' stato roof 'repairs are now corn· completato. II telto del' plete. The Youth Club roof Youth Club e' in fase con· is just being completed as clusiva, e dovrcbbe essere this edition of BACKIDLL is finito mentre pubblichiamo going to print, as is the roof questo numero di BACK· to the Social Club. fiLL. Si lavora ancora suI English Heritage have telto del Club Sociale. upgraded the building to II 40% dei costi e' stato Grade 11, and have contrib· pagato. da un dono della uted a grant of 40% of the "English Heritage". cost. La Comimita' ha finora Our community has so raccolto una magnifica far raised a fantastic sum of somma di 80.000 sterline. nearly £80,000. Per questo, tramite queste It is with these pictures, immagini, vogliamo that we would like to thank ringraziare tuUi coloro che all those who have under­ hanno svolto qualsiasi at· taken any fund-raising event ===tivita'~o'hanno'offeno-anche'" "or-have·contributed-even·the""--~= la piu' piccola somma per smallest sum, to this most questa cosi' impon.,nte op· imponant of causes for our cra, parish community. Grazie di vero cuore, e vi Thank you. BACKHILL terremo costantemente infor· ,Viii keep you informed of mati. how the work progresses.

-----:---- - __c :_: :-_-:--:- _ ------_: -.-... :-~. --- :.

18 Seplember'95 RIVISrADELLA COMUNITA' ITALlANA La Vita della nostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di,Dio con iI Santo Battesimo Kicran Stcphcn Soraghan: Patrick Soraghan e Ada Farace Angclo Michclc D'Alcssio: GcrardOD'Alcssio e Agala Klimala Olivia Giovanna Clark: Ncit lames Clark e Giovanna Colclla Isabclla Maria Gooch: Richard Gooch c Anmi Maria Colella Fabio Bragoli: Andrca Bragoli c Anna Zeppetclli Emma Rosa Galvani: Giuseppe Galvani e Romana Rodi Robcrta Gina Nadia Mazzi: Stefano Mazzi e Alida Mansi Flavia Rosa Amato: Fabio Amato e ]udith Mary Hartwell • Giorgia Elcn Racis: Giuliano Racis e Clare Marie Burns Danicla Am'clia Giuscppina Solari: Marco Solari e Maria lacolino Franccsca Rosina Turncr: ChristophcrTumere AnnamariaBadini Christina Maria Marresc: Douato Marrese e Debbie Woodward Nadia Cccco: Agata Cccco Alcxandra·Dora Rosc Sclls: John Sells e Louisc McGee Paul Joscph Phillips: Paul Phillips e Angela Cirillo Christol,hcr Anthiiny Sartor: Luigi Sartor e Bognsia Piechowska Salvo Gianni CaciOIJpo: Domenico.CacioPJlO e ]osephine Giambrone Francesco Padovano: Anthony e Dora Padovano' Gino Ernesto Croci: Marco Croci e Giuliana Forzoni Danicle Cosimo Monachcllo: Giovanni Monachcllo e Concctla Nicastro Natalie Alessandra Volpini: Luciano Volpini e Karen Croal Pictro William laml,ino: Donato Zampino e Karen Farining Alcssia Carolina l\faria Mallardo: Giuscppe Mallardo e lsabella Giacalone Ugo Hcwlctt: Rick Hewlclt e MichelaPisanti Maria Christina Salmmi Cucuccio: Mario Cucuccio e Masako Hiraya Laura Valcntina Dcmctriou: Lucas Demetriou e Annarita Caruso Shcona Angclica Dick: Grahame Dick e Elisabclla Primavera Si sono uniti in Matrimonio davanti a Dio Simone Roehford - ]uson Carlon Anna Saggese - Domcnico Scognamiglio Natalie Marano - Paolo Rubinia Anna Maria Tamassi - Daniele Sassano Yolanda Solcr Slade - Ciro Grande Maura Gasparelli - lan Hutchings Lcanne Martine McGovem - Paolo Amaranti • ~.> Alice Brzezinska - Mania Summa *~t Libera Dcl Grosso - Antonio Melella • (' Tcrcs.~ De Bcnedictis - John Rumin M\Ti ]ackic McMahon - Andrew Carlenides Giovanna Baccaro - Dcan Cnmmings Cannella Monticolombi - Robcrt Stewart , Dclia Dance - Danny Caziato Traeey lames - Felice RiSveglia Vincenza Consiglio - Paolino Oilena Susan Maria Ryan - Malthew Di Lorenzo Michcle Notaro - Mario Cass<~ndro Rosanna Mcrola - Alfio Coia Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore Marco Gallo Antonio Lombardelli Irenc Maria Bcsagni DATE IMPORTANTISSIME- SOME IMPORTANT DATES Iscrizione Prima Comunione - DomeniealSunday 1.10.95@ 11.00 am - Enrolment 1st Communion Class Iscrizione Cresima - DomenicalSunday ·15.10.95@ 11.00 a.m. - Enrolment for Confirmation Cluss Si terrano nella saladcl Club':The meetings will take place in the Club Hall. Durante it meeting faranne le iscrizioni e si spicghera'· come si svolge I'anno catcchctico. During the meeting people names will be enrolled and thcre,will be an explanation ofthe Catcchctical year. ,QUESTIMEE17NG SONO IMPORTANTISSIMI - THESE MEETINGS ARE VERY IMPORTANT L'iscrizione si chiude 3 sc;ttimane'dopo le'soprascriltc date/Enrolmcnls close 3 weeks aftcr the above dates.

Sellembre 95 19 t. _ The Duneralncident j. Dunleavy The Dunera incident has received less attention than the Arandora Star episode. Yetthe.impact on the Italian community was far from negligible.

Echoes of 1940. friends in and heard speeches been forgotten. since apart from the Numerous Italians. along with from Barry Cohen. Miehael Sondeim. plaque in Sydney there is already a Gennan and Austrian nationals, were president of the Hay-Tatura Associa­ similar tablet in place at the Hay shipped out to Austrialia; and de­ tion. and Kevin Fewster. 'director of camp site, while suitable inseriptions tained in camps in the states of the; Tatura museum. Mrs. Paddy Pearl, can be found on the graves of Men­ , Victoria and New South Wales. Once widow of the late Cyril Pearl, pre­ ache Bodner at Hay and that of Capt. in Australia'the treament meted out to sented a copy 'of The Dunera Scandal Broughton at Fawkner Park, Mel­ the interneccs improved and by the to the museum on behalf of the bourne. Other reminders can be found' . ' war's end many were in civilian SUrvIVOrs. at the Broughton Busts in the Jewish occupations, while some had joined On a recent visit ,to Australia the Museum. 'Melbourne; the Canberra the anned forces. With the cnd of present writer was able to make War Memorial; and the Tatura His­ hostilities the captives were liberated. contact with the Hay-Tatura Associa­ torical Society Museum. some choosing to stay in a country. tion and through the kindness of its Michael Sondheim edits the Dun­ with a small population and appar­ president was'supplied with copies of era News and would welcome news of ently 'limitless opportunities, while the Dunera News and additional infor­ survivors living in Britain. He can be others 'chose to return to the United matin of the association's activities in contacted at III I Yarrbat Avenue, , '. .' , . . Kingdom. Reminders of the Dune'ra a most hifonnative letter. Survivors of Bal"yn, Vletona 3103. Australia. can now be found at Tatura in the Dunera will be plc.~sed to Ic.~rn For news of Hay contact Victoria and elsewhere. while the that their arrival in Australia and their Mr M Beckwith, Hay Shire president, actual voyage of' the ship which contribution to that country has not P.O. Box 141, Hay. N.S.W. docked in Australia in September 2711. Australia. 1940 is commemorated with a plaque " . . at the Maritime Museum in Sydney. The unveiling of the Dunera me­ morial plaque took place in Sydney on December 17. , 1994. The ceremony was perfonned by HMTDunera the Rt. Hon., Barry Cohen, fonnerly a member of the Fed- , . eral Government. Although he grew up in the vicinity of

I"",.===-,"., thC?~(:amps.~Mr=<::()',=,-==.I= ....= 4. S , , hen was unaware of their existence until many yc.~rs later. As a minister he be- c.~me interested in the s.~ga of the Dun- era and the intern- ment programme. and as a minister in the Hawke adminis- lbJs ptaque commemorates the arrivat orHMT Duntm at tration sueceeded in declassifying some P)'1DX>Ut Whanon 6 September 1940. On board were 1984 refugees who after fleeing Nazi oppresalon were mjus11y of the documents in • the government ar" Interned In England and tnnspOned 10 Australia.Upon their chives. release In 1942. many joined the Australian Military Forces. Some ISO in­ lbey and IhcIr descendants have made AUSlralla bomc and vited guesis at­ contdbuted greatly to Its postwar development. tended the ceremony at the museum in December last. About thirty Dunera veterans drawn from as far away as Brisbane. Mel­ bourne and C~nberra joined their

, ' 20 September 95 Financial Services Richard Silvio

Regulation of of the industry has been granted its percentage of its total income. In the own Self-Regulation organisation case of a firm of solicitors, for Financial Services (SRO) by the SIB to authorise and example, the appropriate RPB would control individuals and firms operat­ be the Law Society. In order to Regulation of the financial service ing within the sector. continue to be regulated by the Law Society. the firm of solicitors must not industry in Britain is a mixture of At the time of writing there arc > statutory and non-statutory. measures. five such SROs, which can be summa­ generate more' than 20% of its overali The main piece of legislation is the rised as follows:- income from investment business. If Financial Services Act 1986, which a. Securities and Futures Authority this Iimit'is exceeded, the firm could sets out the basic framework to be (SFA) - consisting of specialist firms no longer be authorised by the Law followed. However, in practice, therc of 'stockbrokers, securities dealers, society, and would have to seek is a strong bias in favour of self­ futures and options brokers and deal­ authorisation to undertake investment regulation. The basic concept is that ers, as well as subsidiaries of major business from an appropriate SRO. the financial service industry should institutions such as banks that deal in Similar RPBs also exist for aecount­ be allowed to regulate itself and such areas. ants and actuaries. monitor the actions of practitioners b. Investment Management Regula­ The SIB keeps a register of all within the industry. tory Organisation (IMRO) - which authorised persons who .are directly The financial Services Act 1986:- regulates investment managers, unit regulated by tile SIB itself or through 1. Sets out the various types of trust managers, investmenl,lrUst man­ either an SRO or RPB. This Central investment transactions that constitute agers, pension fund managers, and Register is accessible to the public "investment business", to which the firms which give investment advice to (Tel No 0171 929 3652). Ultimately, Act will apply. institutional or corporate clients. given that the SIB is the overall 2. Requires any individual, part­ c. Life Assurance and Unit Trust regulatory body to which the Govern­ nership or limited company involved Regulatory Organisation (LAUTRO) ­ ment has delegated the power to m• anyone or more of the regulated the SRO regulating life offices, oversee the workings of the Financial types of investments to be specifieally friendly societies and unit trust corn- Services Act 1986. it can disqualify authorised to give advice or exempted pames.• anyone from this register who is in accordance with the Act, as the d. Financial Intermediaries Managers found not to be fit and proper to case may be. Virtually any person or and Brokers undertake investment business. body wishing to carry on any form of Regulatory AssO­ The SIB is also empowered under investment business covered by the ciation (FIM­ the Act to establish an Investor Com­ Act in the U.K. nceds to be (with a BRA) - which pensation Scheme. Such a seheme is few exceptions) granted authority to regulates the ac­ now in force and applies to all private do so. tivities of inde­ investors. Separate Schemes operate lt is a criminal offence for any­ pendent financial for members of the SFA. IMRO and body to carry on investment business advisers. PIA respectively. Losses caused by unless such a person is authorised or e. Personal Investment Authority fraud or failure of an authorised exempted under the terms of the Act. (PIA) - is in its business or person are made up by a 3. Imposes rules on how author­ initial stages of levy on other solvent members of the ised persons must conduct their busi­ formation, cur­ SRO concerned. However the maxi­ ness in relation to dealing with cus­ III rently processing mum compensation under the seheme tomers, placing advertisements and Re'IlI"ltd by the applications from is limited to £48,000 (i.e. 100% of the Ptrsonallnvutmtnl handling complaints. A\ltborit)' LAUTRO and first £30,000 of an individual's claim As you would expect; the main FIMBRA mem­ plus 90% of the next £20,000). En­ responsibility for the implementation MEMBtROFTHt bers. Once estab­ quiries regarding the scheme should of the Act lies with the appropriate IrA ASSOCIATION lished it will lake be made to the SIB at: Gavrelle government Minister - namely the over from LAU­ House, 12-14 Bunhill Row, London Chancellor of the Exchequer, who TRO and FIMBRA Eel y . heads the Treasury. In practice, how­ to regulate both product providers and 8 R A ever, most of the Minister's regulatory independent financial advisers and (Tel. No. powers arc delegated to the Sccurities provide a unified SRO for the provi­ 0171 638 and Investment Board (SIB) under the sion of investment business to private 1240). Act itself. It is an umbrella organisa­ customers. tion which exercises overall control, The SIB also authorises Recog­ in consultation with the Trc."\sury, of nized Professional Bodies (RPBs). A the financial service industry. The firm is authorised via the appropriate SIB has sole authority to crc."\te and RPB only if the investment business it Richard Si/vio is cu"ently em­ regulate subordinate bodies within the undertakes is incidental to its main ployed by 0 finn of independent financial service industry. Each scctor activity and ,docs not exceed. a certain finoineial advisers:


•• • •

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-(\ll ro()ms are en-suite wit~ every facility including Sky television.

:The, , '. food is excellent, and head chef Antonio Marin will be • • delighted to cook his favourite specialities for you. No:wh~re will .• •, YOll' (ind a warmer welcome with a distinct Italian bias.

fr~e Cl~b. • All. our residents have entrance to Enzo's Night Named after Papa; but run by son Paul and daughter Marina, the club is a - , ,- sopl1isticateo'"Niglit"'Sifocwitli"'tJie"'latesCin"sotin(J'""anir"liglit . .. __ L • te<;hnology. press to impress, and enjoy top D.J's, and an. authentic Cocktai~ Bar•.Open until 2 a.m.


Starting on Friday evening with dinner, accommodation and full English breakfast, Saturday dinner, accommodation and breakfast, and a wonderful carvery speciality lunch on Sunday to complete your weekend. £94 per person (sharing a twin or double room) • TH~ INN is situated on A345 between Amesbury & Salisbury. • Out of London westwards on ~13 to A303. Turn left at Amesbury and The Inn is 3 miles on the right. Easy!

22 September .95 ------

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Mario and Mmr Becarelli, owners of Ristorante San Carlo, Highgate's Premier Restaurant are putting on an exhibition ofSurrealist paintings by 10nothon Caudrille. • Caudrille, who was in 'short trousers' during the heyday of Surrealism, is living proof that Surrealism is still alive and provocatively 'kicking'. Coudrille's work is inspired by the wild and often Surreal Cornish landscape where he lives with his wife and daughter perched precariously on the edge ofa cliff. Coudrille was taught by Tunnard and iri his,early days 'was. influenced.by ,he work of Hillier, Maddox and Dali in particular. His paintings are true to the sUrrealist tmdition ' , . ..~ in that they are'technically breathtaking and full ofmystery. IF YOU WOULD.LIKE MORE BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ABOUT COUDRILLE PLEASE DO ASK

I The exhibition of 10nothon Coudrille's paintings will be opened by the celebmted Surrealist artist Conroy Maddox. Maddox now, a yery spry 83 joined the revolutionary Surrealist movement in !he 1930's. During this time he became acquainted with those giants of Surrealism Andre Breton, Max Emst, Paul Eluard and Salvador Dali' amongst others. Throughout his life Maddox has tirelessly championed the Surrealist cause. During the past few months a major exhibition of Maddox's work has been touring the country. It's final port of call will be at Leeds City Art Gallery from September 7th to 21st. Conroy Maddox has produced a special limited '~~~' _edition.of,Surreal.objects.to.celebmte.the.month.of,Surrealism·at,the,San.Carlo,Restaurant. ., '"' i -- ~"..... In addition to the exhibition, San Carlo's chef, Franco, has created a special 3 course Surrealist menu. The barman , has concocted some devilish Surreal' cocktails, Throughout September customers besides eating and drinking

Surreally will be able to enter the San Carlo Surrealist Quiz. Weird questions and wonderful, prizes. The winners will be invited to celebmte their success a prize giving ceremony in the bar at San Carlo during October.

• Opening hours are: Tuesday to Sunday between 12 noon and 3.00p.m. andfrom 6.30 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. (last orders) For Reservations Contact :­ RISTORANTE SAN CARLO 2 Highgate High Street, London N6 5JL Telephone: 0181 340 5823


Settembre 95 25 ------


Cinema Agrifoglio Bosco

What's the strangest way for a Steven Barron directs Martin Landau Wahlberg (or should I say couple to meet? Well in Forget Paris and James Taylor Thomas. Marky Mark) and Lorraine Braceio. it is when Ellen (Debra Winger) helps This brings me nicely on to my Mickey (Billy Crystal) find the body Italian theme. It seems film makers of his father that the airline has can't keep away from the place. misplaced. The"couple fall in love in Bernardo Bertolucci is rolling again Paris (after the body 'has been, found with Stealing Beauty. The drama and buried) anaMickey returns to his deals with a young American girl job as a NBA referee.' , spending the summer with family and Well things progress, quite a way friends in Tuscany. Need I S:IY more? • actually. This is When Harry Met Except, perhaps that it co-stars hus­ , Sally beyond the New Ycar's Eve band and wife Jeremy Irons and party and marriage itself: Sinead Cusack and Joseph Fiennes • Produced, direCted (I wish he (R.1lph's brother). would leave that ,to someone else) and Lake ~mo is the setting for A written by Billy Crystal along with Month By The Lake. The Miramax Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel it production is the story of a love is an amusing yet serious piece. An triangle set against the backdrop of enjoyable film especially for the the rise of Fascism and the outbreak women. of World War 11. Starring Vanessa HollyWood is back at looking to Redgrave, Uma Thurman and Edward the small screen for inspiration. "Y- Fox and produced by his brother our mission Jim should you decide to Robert. aCcept it...... Missi'o;' Impossible is Kenneth Branagh finds it as hard A slriking talent who I hope alive and kicking. The only chamcter as Shakespeare to keep away from doesn't burn oul/ • moving frqm small to big scrcen is Italy. He l13s now stepped to the front Jim played by Jon Voight. Brian.De of the lens for Othello. Laurence Films to catch: Palma directs Tom, .Cruise, 'Em- Fishburne plays the title role, Branagh Britlges ofMadison County. Clint manuelle Beart and Vanessa Red- as lago and Uma Thurman is Desde~ Eastwood and Meryl Streep co-star in grave. .Interesting to see Mr Cruise mona. the adaptation of Robert James we;lr the Producer's 'hat. Will it be With Richard /11 currently filming Wailer's mature love story. Has done posSible even for Parainount to dis.1p- in London to a 1930s backdrop it is brisk business Stateside. Opens 15 -'point with this? hardly surprising that the Amcric.1ns September. Steve Martin takes over from Phil have gone one better. We are soon to Apollo XI/I. Ron Howard directs Silvers' for Universal's Sgt. Bilko. see Romeo and Juliet as it hasn't this true story of 1970s ill-fated This really is a dicey job L1king on been sccn since "'est Side Story. Baz Apollo 13 mission. Tom Hanks leads such a papilla'j' programme. My spirits Luhrmann (Strictly Ballroom) plans a C.1St which includes Kevin Bacon, were lifted, however, when I S.1W that to direct the film using Shakespc.1re's Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise and Ed Jonathan ~nn (Yes Minister, My characters, plots and words but move Harris. Apollo X/l1 has been leading I====~Cousiii - Vinny)"is"'directing"a""C.1St"..the'"actio'Cfrom-Iiiily'"to W prcscnt"(IaY'-i1i1fliox" oIliCC'inlliC'U:S;-since- ii'~s-""..,=== which also includes Dan Aykroyd and Florida, with the 11U110US balcony opening. Opens here 22 September. Phil Hartman. scene rcloc.1ting from Verona to Ve- Species. I was going to say ,it's a One man who epitomises the an- rona Bc.1ch, Miami. No Juliet has surprise hit but why shouldn't it be? tithesis of the small screen is Stanley been announced but lined up for After all it involves horrifie monsters, Kubriek who is currently working on Romeo is one of the most promising DNA blueprints, aliens thrc.1tening to • AIArtificial Intelligence. acting talents I have seen for a long take over the world. (Why are all With all the vampire films in the time: Lconardo DiC.1prio (see photo.). these Crc.1tures so ugly? Or is that the last few YC.1rs it is hardly surprising If you missed this exceptional point?) Talking of aliens you won't be that Mel Brooks has come up with young man in "'hat's Eating Gilbert amazed to hc.1r that the film was Dracula: Dead and Liking It with Grape and. The Quick ami The Dead made by the Aliens man himself and Leslie Nielsen. then make sure you c.1tch the 20- CO-S!.1rs Ben Kingley, Michael Mad- It seems life is turning on its hc.1d yc.1r-old in either Total Eclipse or sen, Forest Whitaker and some gory for the latest trend that seems to be Basketball Diaries. In the former he Crc.1tures. Opens 29 September. developing is the live version of the plays Rimbaud with David The\vlis Pocahantas. This is as unfussy as animated classic. Kathleen Turner is (his Eilglish equivalent) as Verlaine Disney gets (if you exclude the open signed up to play the nastiest one of which, chroniclcs the two poe'ts' air viewing in NY's. Central Park). the' lot, Cruella ,De Ville in John doomed love affair from a serccnplay Mel Gibson's voice has not reached Hughes' live version of 101 Dalma- by Christopher Hampton. Basketball anywhere nc.1r Simba's roar but what tions. (1 wonder if they will be Diaries has little to do with the with the lunehbox, pyjamas and vari­ allowed to paint dots on any dog?) NBA but much to do wilh dntg-taking ous aceoutrements I doubt they'll be The secOnd rolling is. Piliocchio. and hustli!lg. Co-starring is Mark losing money. Opens 6 October.


The Verdi Festival Reg Suter One of the glories of Italy is its melody, in particular in the art of canto. Both in the operatic and popular field the voice reigns supreme. Tcll an Italian that you are going supporter Sir Edward Downes, Philip more capable of coaching in this area to thc Opcra and thc first question is GossCll, Charles Osbome, Roger than Maria, who, besides being ltal· "Chi canta?". On thc contrary hcre in Parker, Prof Pierluigi Petrobelli (Di· ian, is also herself a former singer. England it would be "What arc you rector of the Institute of Verdi Studies Therefore she understands not only going to sce?". It is significant that from Parma), Andrew Porter, David the intricacies of the language, but Vcrdi himself is on record of having Rosen, John Roselli and many others. also how to transfer·the··nilanccs to said, "Gcnnan art is orchestra, Italian All the above named are highly the singing voi~. She very quickly art is vocal". Not for nothing was he respected in tile field of Verdi studies. established a great rapport with both frequently referred to as "Father of Many subjeets were covered including audience and singers and she commu· the chorus". Probably his most fa­ ,an illuminating talk on "Verdi and nieated her love and enthusiasm for mous chorus, "Va' pcnsiero sull'ali the Ballet". Vcrdi and the: interpretation of his doratc" from 'Nabucco' was de­ One of the most important aspects music. Maria coaches at the Royal scribed by Rossini as an aria for the of the Fcstival is the opportunity to Opcra House, .the National Opcra chorusl How right he was. Of the fivc cvaluate afresh some of the more Studio and the Royal College of grcat composers of opcra in Italy, neglected opcras of the great Maestro. Music as well as taking part in Rossini, Donizctti, Bellini, Verdi and Some of them we have already heard: numerous opcra recordings, both here Puceini, it is Vcrdi who provides the notably 'Stiffelio', of which Verdi in England and on the continent. major contribution to the repertoire of himself thought highly and, on hear· All those fortunate enough to be all the great opcra houses of thc ing it, it is easy to understand why. It present had a great insight into how a world. is very dramatic lvith some marvel- language coach works and also how It is fitting thcrefore that Vcrdi has lous music. important the words are to the making been chosen by the Royal Opcra A Verdi Festival lvithout a contri· of a complete pcrformance, House to provide an annual fcstival, bution form the "Amici di Verdi" The four singers taking part were: "The Verdi Festival" that com­ would have been a disappointment Clare Marlin, soprano; Julia Melinek, menced this year and will continue and so 1 lvaS delighted to be invited soprano; Ka/ia Nikolic, soprano; every year until the centenary of the by Margaret Stonborough, of the Philip Rock, baritone. . death of Verdi in 2001, when every Friends of Covent Garden, to provide The accompanist for this event one of Verdi's opcras will bc pcr­ an event. was Paul Wynne Griffiths, who is a fonned in Great Britain. A/ler much discussion it lvaS de- member of the Music Staff ·at the This is a substantial undertaking cided that our own Maria Cleva Royal Opcra House and who made a I and is the joint brain-child of Sir would give an Italian Masterclass to fine contribution to the evening. Edward Downes, the Associatc Music four young singers. This took place on The organisation for the events, ! Director of the Royal Opcra House, Wednesday 12th July to a capacity other than the actual pcrformances, and Paul Findlay, fonner Opcra Di­ audience in the Chorus Rehearsal was by Margaret Stonborough and • rector. To these two in particular wc Room at the Royal Opcra House. Cormae Simms from the Friends of owe a debt of gratitude. The importance of the use of Covent Garden, who must be con· The first ycar of the Fcstival has language in opcra eannot be too gratu!ated on an excellent job, It is got off to a flying start. Performances highly stressed becausc it is from the planned to publish a transcript of all of 'Un Ballo In Maschera', 'Stiffelio', text that the colour, shading and the talks and events at the start of Ihe 'I Due Foscari\ -'La Traviata' and characteris.1tion emerge, No-one is Verdi Festival for 1996. This lvill 'Simon Bocc.1negra', plus a concert . prove of great interest both to all performance of the original 1857 "~;~t\i~t~ar~~R~~~~V& those wh? atlended this yea(s events , 'Simon Boccanegra' at the Queen 104~~~:~~:;~1~,~'~!,~;~:z.~~~~::~~~Z:~~;/~~~J.j_ and, poSSibly, of even more Interest to Eliz,1beth Hall and a concert perform­ ,:,\:,:c,;,~lt'll1l1llll'll'3,',~3:n:lla}; ~"-",,._:": _iy~: -'£E~- •• • %' .••.• ,:;",;"" -,".",,""'"""""''';''J'.O;~*'': ance of 'Aroldo', the rcvised version "•. ~ .,"':" :-. ,,~.1JI1'III(',...... ~ ... •"_..__ il't-~" -~-- .1 -:f". all the partiCipants for ensunng that of 'Stiffelio'" at the Royal Opera ·-~~;·~:~~~t?:.?trt:~1i~~1f~~l;~~;~'!i~~ this, the first year, was so successful. C k ,., •• ,,,,,,,~,,.,A.,,'>"><~4><" ·"'F_,W House. >¥.:;':;~'11;.~" '\--·-.~"e ' "":,, "-, "><;:. "<,C: _<"..... ~%',;.:!-- For ,ne pcrsonally 10 see and talk Alrc.1dy announced for 1996 arc ",;, '\l!_ «. .~i1:.' ~ "• ::";,& with these Verdians was a great 'Aida' in December 1995 'La Travi­ ! :" 1\;'." . ~~if' / 1, 'e delight. In pa.rticular .. I~ delighted ata' in March, June and July, along , i ], " .~'11,- .; "! ; 10 meel Martlll Chusl~ Wlt~ whom I with 'Nabuceo', '11 Corsaro', 'Don ; " " .,..' " ,,' .t have been correspondlllg Slllce 1988 Carlos' and 'Giovanna d'Areo'. , '.. : ,. and who is an honorary member of In addition therc have been many "The Amici di'verdi'" here in Lon· other cvents taking place including don. 1 had the pleasure'of dining lvith lectures and discussions on various Martin and his wife prior to a pcr· aspects of Vcrdi. Among the cminent formance of 'I Due Foscari', He was scholars taking part werc our presi­ full of enthusiasm and admiration for dent, Julian Budden, Martin Chusid the Verdi Festival, as were all Ihe (Director of the Americ.1n Institutc for delegates, and hopcs to return next Vcrdi Studies), our patron and grc.1t year,

Seltembre 95 27 r- ---=._--.:RIVIST::..:...:::..:.~::.D::::;EILACOMUNITA'ITAUANA

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• 28 September 95 - ---


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Settembre 95 29 •


Italsport Sandro Pratoli

Calcio: I "prim;" della stagione Atletiea: Alle. mondiali di Goteborg, Sport c Nazionc: Fratelli d'ltalia, c'c' 1995-1996: sei medaglie e iI terzo posto nel una nuova sorellina che ha speso una - II,prima espulso: Settimio Lucci, medagliere finale alle spalle degli Usa Jacrima suI podio dell'atletica.mondi­ libero del Piacenza. Ha prolestato per e. della Bielorussia, a pari merilo con ale a Gotcborg: si chiama Fiona May. iI rigore assegnato alia sua squadra ed la Germania; non se I'aspettava nes­ Ed e' una storia ritornata. c' stato cacciato dall'arbilro Borriello. suno. L'Italia ha cosi' dato suI campo In una gara valida per la Coppa del - La prima autorete: E' di Andrca la miglior risposta a chi pensava che mondo di cielismo a Leeds vince Tentoni,. attaccante della Cremonesc: la partecipazione azzurra avrcbbe Maximilian Sciandri, toscano nato a ha sbagliato porta suI tiro dei De­ avuto risvolti puramente decoubertini­ Derby, corridore italiano fino a fcb­ sehanps, 4-1 per la Iuvcntus. ani, perche' non solo i medagliati braio, quando ha scello la licenza - 11 primo gol: E' di .Igor Protti, 28 hanno fornito ,un rendimento di alt­ britanniea per poter sieuramente anni, attaccante dei Bari, in gol dopo issimo livello. parteeipare aI eampionato del mondo appena 270 secondi. Sei medaglie, un record, nel bilancio da corrcrc in Colombia. "My name is - 11 Primo' rigore: Lo ha segnato azzurro. 2 Ori: Fiona May nel lungo Seiandri", raecontava aI Tour de Ravanelli in Iuvc-Cremonese ed e' femminile e nella 20 France ai perplessi media inglesi. stato concesso dall'arbilro Bettin: iI km di marcia. 2 Argenti: EIis,1belta Bene, Fiona May e' iI suo specehio: gran tiro di sinistro ha messo fuori Perrone nella 10 km di marcia e natali londinesi da genitori di origine causa Turci. Perricelli nella 50 km di marcia. 2 giamaicana, casa proprio a Derby Bronzo: Ornclla Fcrrara nclla mara­ dove i suoi vivono ancora, garc in Pallanuoto: ltalia campione d'Europa tona e la staffctta maschile della 4 x divis,1 britannica fino a quando iI di pallanuoto, 'come a Sheffield nel 100. malrimonio toscano con I'astista Gi­ '93. ltalia d'oro come a Barcellona Medagliere delle Mondiali anni lapiehino non I'ha POrt.1ta a nel '92 (Olimpiadi) e Roma nel '94 Fircnze. E I'ha cambiata di maglia e (Mondiali). Il Settebello e iI Setteros,'I Oro Argento Bronzo di Paese. hannovinto due ori agli curopei di Usa 12 2 5 Max che vince per la Gran Brctagna e Vienna, battcndo I'Ungheria nelle fi­ Bielorussia 232 Fiona per l'Italia sono un Derby nali maschile e femminile. • Italia mullietnico, una frontiera spalancata: • 222 Caleio: , Iuvcntus e Parma fa- Gennania 222 I'extratcrritorialita' dell'atleta e, nel Cuba 220 caso della May, la vittoria del nomad- vorile rispettivamente in Coppa Uefa, • • Coppa Campioni e Coppa delle Kenya 2 I 3 ISIllO tecl\lco. Coppe: 10 dice "William Hill", agen­ Canada 2 I I Portogallo 2 I I Golf: Costantino Rocea e' stalo con­ zia prineipc degli seomlllettitori in­ VOC.1tO per la seconda voila in Ryder Ucraina 201 glesi.•Nella Champions LeagUe, la Cup, sfida tra rappresentativa europc.1 Algeria 200 Iuve c' d.'Ita a quota 3,75; in Coppa c US,1 (22-24 scttembre). Uefa iI Milan. e' a 4,30'scguilo Giamaica 1 4 2 d.'Ill'lnter con 8;. in Coppa Coppe, Russia 147 Canotaggio: L'ltalia fa cinquina nel­ Parma al prima posto con 2,65. G.B. I 3 1 I'oro e tombola con gli Abbagnale ai Bulgaria 1 1 1 Mondiali del remo di Tampere. Con 5 Sci Nautico: Continua iI momento Finlandia 111 ori e 3 bronzi ha coneluso alia Ilari 1",===.... d'oro·dell!Italia...negli"'sport"d'acqua.' -.dcgli~USA"'(5"'oii:"unLargento-c'~u;';n;""".===1 Dopo i triorifi iridali dei canoisti; ecco bronzo) ma davanti agli alllericani sc la medaglia d'oro mondiale del vcnti­ si da' iI giusto peso alle specialita' novcnne lecehese Slefano Gregorio olimpiehe. ncllo sei nautico di veloeita'. E a suo Ai Gioehi di '96 si sono gia" fianco iI comasco C'Irlo C'Iss,'I, coeta­ qualific.1te nove'barche azzurrc (3 nco, amico piu~ chc rivale, ha con­ vinecndo questi Mondiali: "quauro quisl.'Ito I'argento. scnza" e quadruploH senior. "quauro Canoa: Pcr 49 cenlesimi di ritardo dal senza" pesi leggeri) ed allrc potreb­ tre vollc iridato Giekler, Robert Pon­ bero arrivare dai recuperi di Lucerna I.'Irollo ha mancato iI titolo nel KI dei (giugno '96). Alle Olimpiadi ci an­ mondiali di discesa di canoa in' Gal­ dranno purc i tre Abbagnale, Agostino les. (foto a sinistra) suI "doppio" e Giuscppc e Carmine, che hanno bril­ Calcio: Il vice-presidentc del Milan, lantemente vinto la piccola finale Galliani, ha incontrato iI procuralore dell'ouo". di Lenlini, Pasqualin, che aveva chiesto piu' spazio per il suo assistito. Moto: La Ducati ha vinto. a Sugo Caleio: Coppa Italia - Fiorenzuola. Le parti hanno convcnuto "con recip­ (Giappone) la quart'ullillla prova del squadra di serie Cl, stadio piccolo e roc.'I soddisfazione" che Lcntini rcst­ mondiale Superbike illlponendosi con senza illlpianlo di ilIuminazione ha cra' rossoncro almeno fino a giugno I'australiano Corser c iI campione in elilllinato iI Torino di Serie A. Allra del 1996. carica Fogarty. sorpres.1 - Forii' batte iI Piacenza.


Sportlight Richard Evans

My sister-in-law who is also onc Open, from the home of golf at SI. does not suffer from a tarnished of the people responsible for produc­ Andrew's Scotland. The grcatest tour­ profile, it would nevertheless have ing this publication is currently doing nament and venue in the world. 10hn been good for the sport and for the the round of dinner parties and enter­ Daly from America was the clubhouse , game in Italy if Roeca had won his taining her social circle at the expense leader. There was only one person out first major. It is perhaps a sad reflec­ of her brother and two brothers in law on the course who could catch him ­ tion on the popularity of golf that his (including me). Costantino Rocca from Italy. He remarkable achievement in reaching She tells the talc of how three needed to birdie the last to force a the play-off only managed a footnote i grown men, all past the agc of 40, play-off. A mighty drive left him just in the sporting columns of his ·own attending a· family picnic in Cuffiey short of the green. Surely he would national papers on the following day. were to be seen huddled under a pUll through "the valley of sin" But anyone who thinks that Roeca blanket, in the height of the hottest thereby giving himself the best possi­ may suffer adversely from his brush summer ever, trying to get a better ble chanee of achieving the elusive with fame clearly does not appreciate view of a 2" x 2" television screen. threc. But no, he opted to chip, fluffed the quality of the man. He has "If this is what marriage does for it and the ball ended up in the bounced back from that missed pUll at you , " (I will leave her to finish dreaded valley. Surely his chance had the Ryder Cup and in the PGA the sentence). gone now. There had been talk of his Championship, scored a highly·credit­ The date was Sunday 23 1uly 1995 missed pull on the seventeenth in the able eight under par. He is now and !he time was late aftemoonlearly Ryder Cup two years emlier. What recognised as a world class player and evell1ng. tragedy if it should now be replaced is going to be a formidable opponent Before I go on with the talc, by comment on the fluffed chip. He in the forthcoming Ryder Cup. however, it is necessary to remind you stood over the ball with his pUller, Sadly, I have not been very suc­ of a little history. gave it a mighty rap and the whole of cessful with the people I have rooted In 1991, the editor of this publica­ Cuffiey must have for so far this year. tion (not the brother who was huddled realised that the Rocca, Arsenal, (al­ under the blanket) kindly agreed to ball incredibly though, in spite of publish on the front page of this raced across the my comments about august magazine a photograph depict­ green and into the Rioeh, perhaps the ing his brother (who was huddled hole. Rocca was in tide is starting to under the blanket), your correspond­ tears, prostrate on turn) and now Colin ent, Ralph Dulwich (a close friend the ground striking Montgomerie. The and golfing partner) and one Costan­ the hallowed turf Scot put up a thrill­ tino Rocca outside the clubhouse at wilh his fists. ing performance in Bergamo. Sadly, history the final round of Not only did Rocca agree to have was not qUlle• to that USPGA but his photograph taken with the golfing be made, The there was no dis­ Triumvirate but he also sent over to play-off turned out grace for Mont­ them in the bar thrce "sputa" which to be something of gomcrie in losing at is a mixture of Campari and Cham­ an anti-climax. the first play-off pagne, so that they could share with Rocea was too hole to a birdie. him his celebration of the birth of his bold with his first Let us hope that baby child only a few days earlier. pUll so went one both his and Roe­ The general word around the club­ down after the ca's day in the Ma-· house was that Rocea was the 1II0st first play-off hole. ., . jors is yet to come. charming and friendly individual you He held a slight The Seot - Co/m Montgomerle I am hoping, could possibly wish to meet. Certainly advantage on the however, that onc his behaviour towards three total second until it was Daly's turn to sink temn I root for will be successful: • • strangers would give ample support to a monster pnll. Two down wilh two to Mike Atherton's England side. After that statement. My brother-in-Iaw's play. Rocca had to go for broke but the drawn series with the West Indies parting shot was that it would not be sadly it was the road hole bunker there will be a lot of sorting out to do long before Rocea won an event on which broke him. A birdie on the last before the tour to South Africa and the PGA Tour. Costantino agreed with restored dignity but in the end it was some hard decisions taken about I' him. a comfortable play-off victory for the which of the young players truly have Of course, since that time Rocca American. the potential to make it at the highest has achieved that stepping stone and This was pmticularly dis.1ppoint­ level. I think it will boil down to eamed his place in the 1993 Ryder ing. Daly has a wild lIlan reputation taking one or possibly two from Cup and has already qnalified for this and whilst his golf may be exciting, Knight, Gallian, Crawley and Ram­ year's EUrOpc.1n team. his repc.1ted bmshes with authority prakash and my present inclination So perhaps, now, you arc begin­ and his pnblie drinking and matrimo­ would be to pick them in that order of ning to rc.1lise why the thrce of us nial problems could not be in starker preference. were under that blanket. It was The contrast to Rocca's image. Whilst golf •

Aprile95 31 • I


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32 September 95 ------::-:::------,--_.- -

Associaz,ione -, Parrnigiani valceno •• 1111


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~tVFia;pej at .2 CC am WtIe/ZUlp £gmdd &)ttkma!' q p "'~


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~ --- . , ' Settembre 95 33 ------c------:--:---c:-c

. Tempo Libero


~_- ~ .s ___ -" 6:... 14 " 9 • • " 1216 5 7 " • 33 13" . IS " -31- .32 34. ~'.JO 10 <9. • ••17 18 7/ ..... 11 • 35-27••28 22~ " 37 3626. .25 20 • .23 • 24" 1_ .44 .55 2 • v· " ",,-.51· • • •54 19 -. ,57 56 • ::9 36._ " .- ro· 53 042 4i 49 " 52 " • 45" 48 46. .47 Fill in the areas marked with a dot. Join the dots in the numbered sequence.


• i • ;;> M4N4GCR - -d 0 .. .?, "" 'lJ '" "" 0 " 11. [ • ) t- ' ~ lY

Solution to last month's puzzle I want to be excused from Mum ... I can't wake daddy up .. Il feeding th.e elephnats...

c i ._ .1 !J!_. % _'4 •..•. _ . , .. 4 SPOT THE DIFFERENCE The two pictures have 25 differences. Can you spot them?

34 September 95 -----


•• Mamma's Ricetta Mrs. M G.

Pasticcio di Sedano Celery Bake

Ingredienti: Ingredients: 300 gr di gambi di scdano 10 oz celel)' 1 porro trilato I leek, finely chopped 30 grburro 1 oz buller 60 gr molIica di pane 2 oz breadcrumbs 120 gr di lalle 4 fl oz milk 2 turoli di uova 2 egg yolks 50 gr di parmigiano grallugiato 4 oz parmcsan cheese, grated 50 gr di emmental, grallugiato 4 oz Cheddar cheese, grated salclpepe sail/pepper Metodo Method Tagliate iI scdano in pezzi. Fatelo' bollire per 5 minuti in Cut the celel)' into pieces. Boil in salted water for 5 aequa salala. Scolatelo. Passate iI scdano ed iI porro nel minutes. Drain. Mix the celel)' and leek in the buller and burro e fate friggere per 5 minuti. Lasciateli raffredare. then fl)' lightly for 5 minutes. Allow to cool. Soak the Bagnate la molIica con i1lalle. Unite iI scdano, i tuodi, brcaderumbs in the milk. Add the celel)', egg yolks, iI parmigiano, I'emmental, sale e pepe.' Mescolate parmcsan, cheddar, salt and pepper and mix all these insieme. Versate iI composto in uno s!.1mpo di 24 cm ingredients together. Place the mixture into a 9" greased imburrato con i bordi bassi. Passatelo nel fomo flan tin. Place in a pre·heated oven 190Clno.5 and bake pre-scaldato 190Clno.5 per 30 minuti. Servite tiepido. for 30 minutes. Serve tepid.

Torta di Erbette e Riso Rice and Spinach Savoury

Ingredienti: Ingredients: 200 gr riso che non scuocc 1/2 Ib long grain rice 500 gr erbelle 1 Ib spinach • 1 piccola cipoJla tri!.1la fine 1 small onion, finely chopped 2 porri trilati fine 2 leeks, finely chopped •, 50 gr pancctla 0 bacon, tagliata a IistreIle 2 oz bacon, cut into thin strips • 3 uova 3 eggs t 80 gr burro + 1 cucchiaio di olio 2 oz buller + I tablespoon of oil 1 foglio di alloro + 1 ramello di savia 1 bay leaf + I sprig of S<1ge . 50 gr parmigiano grallugiato 2 oz parmCS<1n, grated 50 gr gruyere, grallugiato 2 oz gruyere, grated 30 gr prezzcmolo, trilato I oz parsley, finely chopped 5 foglie di basilico, tritato 5 basil leaves,. chopped 1 spicchio di aglio, tritato I clove of garlic, chopped sale + pepe &11t + pepper pangrallato brcadcrumbs , Metodo Method i, Fate cuoccre iI riso in 2 Iitri di aequa bollente salala per Cook the rice in 2 litres of S<11ty boiling water for 10 • 10 minuti. Scolatelo e lasciatelo raffrcdare. Cuciriate le minutes. Drain and allow it to cool. Cook the spinach. erbelle. Scolatele. Lasciatele intiepidire, strizzatele bene Drain and allow to cool. Remove any excess liquid and e tritatde. Fate rosolare la cipolla e i porri in 30 gr di chop. Lightly fl)' the onion, leeks and bacon in 1 oz of burro e 1 cucchiaio di olio. Unite la pancet!.1, I'alloro e the buller and I tablespoon of oil. Add the bay leaf and la &1lvia finche' tullo &1ra' appassito. Togliete la salvia e &1ge. When the onion is soft remove the sage and bay l'aJloro. Mellete iI riso, le erbclle cd iI soffrillo di Ic.1f. Put the rice, spinach and the onion mixture into a cipoJla in una ciollola. Aggiungete il prezzemolo, mixing bowl. Add the p.1rsley, basil, garlic, eggs, basilico, I'aglio, le uova, iI pannigiano. Mcscolate 30 gr parmcsan, I oz of the gruyere cheese, salt and pepper. di gruyere, sale e pepe. Mcscolate tUIlO insieme bene. Mix all ingredients together. Pour the mixture into a Versate iI composto in una tortiera di 25 cm imburrata e 9.5" cake tin which has been greased and lined \vith spolverizz.1ta di pangralluggiato. Cospargete la superfice breadcrumbs. Sprinkle the top \vilh the remaining con iI gruycre rimasto. Infioccatc la superficie con iI gmyere cheese mixed \vith I !.1blespoon of breaderumbs. burro rimasto. Passatela nel forno prc-scaldato 190/no 5 Place small knobs of the remaining buller on top and per 30 minuti. bake in pre·hc.1tcd oven 190/no.5 for 30 minules.

Sellembre 95 35 . . - - ,. . - ,, ,



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