to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 13, 1988

HOMES 8 8 Bool Estate FOR SALE M rchandls Autsmotlva Conflict? He isn't Jude Evac ends MANCHESTER. Well A S p c C io li HOMES cared tor six room ICAR8 FOR SALE aluminum and brick FURNITURE |«1J FOR SALE PZC member asks New grid at ECHS Cool, wet weather Cape In lovely family neighborhood. New BEAUTIFUL Pcntvlvo- 1*81 PONTIAC T1000. AH rtol Mtat* odv*rtl» *d In R t I r o o fw d / MISCELLANEOUS MIBCELLANEOUB about mall votes /3 just wants to be himself /18 helps fight fires /lO ttM MoncHMter Harold It carpet In living room CHILD CARE nlo House c h e rry Runs g re a t, 85,000 lublact to Hit Fair Houtino and dining room plus EijDIOlHa SERVICES BERViGEB corner cabinet. Bowed miles, new clutch, new very large enclosed windows and lighted. brakes. 8650.643-1534. Act or 1MI, which ntokM It REGISTERED DoyCare llltool to odvtrtlta any prtf- porch off kitchen. This $495. Coll 647-8756. 73 M U S TA N G Convertl- •rtnco, limitation or dltcrlm- home has a lot to offer Mom, full time open­ H & R R O O n N G S A S FramlHg ings, ages 2 and up. wHIdo Gay A Son Masomy M U S T Sell. Six antique ble 302, new duel ex- Inotlon boMd on roco, color, for the growing family. No job too big or too tlddle back choirs, me- haust, original mags, roHolen, tox or notional Call Susan Donahue for 646-5964. • Addition* • Oarag** • Porch origin, or on Intontlon to small. Will work 7 days and dack* Brick Block Stone tol porch chairs and very solid. $3000 or best mokt any tuch prottronco, more Information. until job complete. 10% • Stats Llosnasd glider. All good condl- otter. Coll Mike 568- $139,900. Sentry Real CARPENTRY/ • Fully Inaurad Fireplaces 8 Concrete limitation or dltcrlmlnotlon. discount for Senior tlon. 646-5442. 1441. Tht Harold will not know­ Estate, 643-4060.O REM00ELIN6 Call 6460821.845-1757 T u u n FO RP 1979 L T D W BBPn. ingly occopt any odvtrtlte- MANCHESTER. Eight Citizens. ______Evenings______282-7341 Excellent condition, mont which It In violation ot room custom Cape In 875-91S3, Joe tee* ?150* 5~'*Ple«” l” ht tha low. sought after South FARRAND REM0DEUN6 647-9289, Rick Screened Loam, gravel, Modulir Hems s o u t h e r n n o w Eng- Manchester. Three Room addltlona. daoki, roofing. processed gravel, Sand, b.rc|, $150. 742-9281 at- , ^ ^ ; , , t D,4 lond clottlfleld ads (kHng, window* and guttart. Stone A Fill. Conitructlon bedrooms, formal liv­ W» alto tiava Modular homoa. reach nearly 800,000 ing room and dining Baekhoa and buMdozar aarvic* For Deliveries call DINING Room set with . SC^rtwrlno® homes In Connecticut avaltaM*. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. lighted China Cabinet. HanrhfBtPr MmlJi room, den and full HEATINB/ GeorgB GrlfflHg LARSON BUILDERS and Rhode Island. The basement with finished Bus. 647-8S09 New England Homaa Contemporary design, P"®” ' ®®P®i”PP- price tor a basic 25 PLUMBINB 7 PHkln St., Vamon, CT 06086 Pecan table with two rec room. Extras In­ R 0 0 . 6 4 5 W 9 74 2 -7 8 8 6 word od Is only $55 and clude, central vacuum, 871-6BS4 leaves, 4 side chairs, 2 P®*? ® ® ^ J will appear In 43 news­ fire alarm system with aqBaeaeebeeeB arm choirs. Asking ®®'^ papers. For more In­ fOFA06oRG9t i8fOo6 oi6k$9a 6ooko< PJ'8 Plumblno, Hasting 8 DELIVERING $600. 646-8645 after 6pm f|®® PI'"®':*' ,®f; battery back-up and fOORwg. oowofUB motK G Ml Air CMiditiBnIng Rich, clean, etone-free formation call Classi­ Intercom. Ask for Su­ phitii o( ooBRifurtJoft. iERViCE&'dFFEREO on iwekdavs A all day ’ 30 Cents # oMr OF oowFrooofB not Boilers, pumps, hot water foem. 8 yardp. *80 Plus Tax. weekends. •/««,#imu. Weidnesday, Sept. 14, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm fied, 043-2711 and ask san Buckno.$209,900. - CALL ART for detolls.o______fOtomln§ foor eoMi - eoN imt tanka, now and Also, send, grevel, stone Sentry Real Estate, 643- FuNy IfMurod • fim iettmeiee raplacamanta. and horaa manura. THE MOVER - 1977 D O D G E Aspen. T E R R IF IC Ranch In oulet 4060.P______FREE ESTIMATES OapandaMa, honatL axparl- 49,000 miles plus 1974 neighborhood. Priced MAR CoBStiactlaa BOLTON. Convenient ' sfNMNiaNr 643-9649/228-9616 643-9504 anoad, Inauiqd, raaaonaMa. PI IITHIMS Toyota Cellca. Both tor to tell. 5Vi rooms, 2 full - country living with a $650. 649-5445.______baths, tunporch, lower 6 4 3 -1 7 2 0 AMi tor IRRfli 6 4 6 -9660 Anytima viewl Reduced pricel L7NiD"“Rust“Teather 0 '*®’ TOYOTA Corolla, leyel family room and Raised Ranch, 1800 iMiSaLUNEOUr T&L MASONRY B B • B • B # B garage. Coll office to­ PAMTHKI/ locket. Size 10-$15.00. Excellent transporta- square feet with 3 bed­ I8EBVICE8 Brtck, block, alona. Call 649-8635. Don. Asking $1400. 742- Chemicals Hurricane day for your exclusive rooms, 7'/2 baths, fire- PAPERINB Chimnaya and rapalra. Gay 8 Son Masonry 0351, evenings. showing. $149,900. Sen­ placed family room No job too amall. Residential A Commercial try Real Estate, 643- with custom built wet N A M E >9007 own reaso­ HAtMaSTBEESERVIGE MACHINERY ICK LeSabre, 1976. FREE ESTIMATES Ceramic tiles — Marble 4060.0 bar. This home offers nable price. Father A Buckol, truck 6 chippar. Slump AND TOOLS Eut<4 good. $550. caii 180-102 Eldridge Street. beautiful view In this Son Pointing and Pap­ cell 645-8063 A Granite 649-6894 otter 5. crisis plan ramoval. Frta aaUmalat. Two family 6-6 duplex towns most desirable ering. Removal. 291- Spaolal eonaldoratlon lor 32 FOOT Aluminum Ex- 1976 FORD LTD. 4 Door, a rea.$209,000. Flano 8567. cell 627-8973 for Immediate sole to aMarly and handicappad. tension ladder. Like 400 cubes. Good run- packs winds settle estate. Firm R ealty, G a lle ry of DAD SIDING CO. new. Call 643-5255. nlngconditionorparts. $175,150. 646-2426 Homes, 646-5200.P ★ ' 647-7553 Free saamlBM gutters — $200. 649-5453. up for O K weekdoys.______BO LTO N . Best buy In BRUSHWDRKS. Interior Tap SbII ScrtBBtd Lsani with job. By owner. 7 room Cape town I Affordable, CONCRETE ■7^1 BlRKIIIIiR LOOKING FOR good with family room, fire­ completly renovated 3 painting. Free esti­ Any amount ddhamd Abo, Ml Top of thk line vinyl 1 ^ ^ HAHUtlllRIi news? Look for the many By Andrew J. Davis mates. 12 years expe­ materials. place, eot-ln kitchen, bedroom, 1 both. graMl skxw and bark, muloh. bofooln buvs advertised Manchester Herald tormol dining room, Ranch style home with rience. Finished cabl- Boboal backho* 4 loadw nnW. Fully Insured. C H R Y S A N TH E M U M S . |p classified columns of 175 mph garage, porch. Move- detached 1 car garage, nets/celllngs. Wall Free estimates. MMCRETE” Dig your dwn, your *oHov reflnlshlng. 647-0636. DAVIS CONSTRUCTION The Local Emergency Planning Commit­ In condition. $154,900. first floor laundry on 1 Manchester, C T ADDITIONS 8 FLOORS container. 550 Bush Hill ^ , 649-8200.______acre wooded lot. Still 872-1400/659-9555' • Commarelal S raaMantlal Rood, Manchester. 1981 Chevy Monte Carlo, 6 tee is poised to accept the most comprehen­ Renovation^Plus •4S6277 er 64M 963 cylinder, good running By Chris Angelo "W e are full, and there is not M A N C H ES TE R . Raised time to choose colors. • Fraa EsUmtla* sive plan ever developed to handle CuBtom Intorlor & Exterior ------co n d itio n . 649-5589. The Associated Press one tourist now in the beach hotel Ranch, 2’A baths. High­ $174,900. Flano Realty, SNOWPLOWING chemical emergencies in Manchester, but Gallery of Homes, 646- PalnlinQ e CeNing ftopelr A Renew John Hinnon Concrila B00DTHIN08 Call otter 5:30. zone,” he said. "The sound of the land Park location. a Commarclal PBRSONAL SBRVICBS some companies have yet to report what Priced to sell at only 5200.P______• Decke A tight Cerpentry a Realdontlal • Industrial Company • 875-9371 To EAT 1968 LINCOLN Contlnen- MERIDA, Mexico — Hurricane wind outside is horrible. You • Free f erJmefee • toturetf e Chtekbook Cnntrol chemicals they store. $197,900. T .J . Crockett, AN Immaculate home In­ Call • Ificomt Tox Prooorotlon ttal. Call 643-5255. Gilbert slammed into the resort couldn’t leave even if you wanted e Sentor Dtooountt Fred Weil, committee staff assistant, 643-1577.______side and out. Parkllke S. I . BIANCNARD, Inc. • Uto A Htolth Iftturonco Advie* GRAPES. Pick your o w n , ______island of Cozumel with 175 mph to." rear yard. Front to • iu d ttt CDfiauitcNion bring own containers. C/*UAI I BD said today that the m ajority of companies BOLTON, new 4 bedroom 6 46 -225 3 for depandabla aarvica wishing will not sell any­ winds today, and thousands of He said the winds felled utility rear living room, for­ • Mlnonclol A lototo Pionnlnt 270 Hackmatack Stree- in town storing highly hazardous chemical Contemporary on acre 7 4 2 -1 0 R 2 xnt't ttnuATta thing ... 0 low-cost od In people on the nearby Yucatan poles and trees and that sheets of lot. Loaded with ex­ mal dining room. ExM or PaMhig 8 Call Don Moiltr - 449-3329 Classified will. Why not t(rear), Manchester, ACURA materials have reported what chemicals Come see much Peninsula fled coastal areas for rain were hitting the city. tras. Price reduced. GSL Building Molnton- D. B. Mosler. Inc. place one todoyl 643-2711. they store. But he said there may be others m ore.$164,900. D.W . oMninB the interior. Telephone lines from Mexico 649-6232.______•Also stockada fanes* Installsd ence Co. Commerclol------U S E D C A R S the committee does not know a ^ u t. Fish Realty, 643-1591 .□ /Resldentlal building **aaaa***a********aaa***aa*a*a*aaaaaa***a* Residents along the gulf coast City to Cozumel and Cancun later Charming 8, cozy Sums •Fully Insured — fra* aatimata* IW O IM L 37 HX7 ...... •13,005 Eight companies have reported to the GOOD sized Colonial. •Senior citizan discount repairs and home Im­ of Texas, 560 miles to the north, were cut. up this Dutch Colonial KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING ITEMS 57 Toyota Corolla 8,605 committee Uiat they store highly hazardous South Windsor. Beauti­ Miko — 643-0743 provements. Interior stockpiled food and supplies and The Mexican Weather Service with 4 bedrooms, 1st and exterior painting, materials, and there are “ one or tw o" floor den 8, laundry ful treed lot with ploys- after 5 pm From the smallest repair to the largest renovation, JUPITER Alto Sox. Like li \olll prepared to evacuate. The hurri­ said that at 6 a.m. EDT Gilbert cape highlights this 3 light carpentry. Com­ new. One year old. $300 Toyot. Coroii*....• s,20s companies that the committee knows about room, formal dining our own craftsmen do the complete job — cane, one of the strongest in was at latitude 20.2 north and bedroom Colonial. 1st plete lanltorlol ser­ or best otter. 647-9684. 87 Toyota QT...... »10,005 and must obtain information from, Weil room, eot-ln kitchen, IROOFINB/ vice. Experienced, rel­ neatly and on schedule. history, is "extrem ely danger­ longitude 86.0 west moving west- marble-oak fireplace floor fireplaced family 8S Chav C 2 0 ...... • 0.505 said. rocm. 1st floor I8IDINB iable, free estimates. ous," the U.S. National Weather northwest at 12 mph. It was 68 In living room, patio, Visit our showroom or call for a free estimate. PETR AND ®® <^''ane...... >l 0.505 But there may be a number of other loundry. Spectacular 643-0304.______Service said. miles east-southeast of the resort walk-up attic. Bowers SUPPLIER eSLaSabr. • 0.M5 companies who have not reported to the district. What a buy. multi-level pressure- Oil companies evacuated thou­ island ot Cozumel aiming at the treated deck. Conve­ MANCHESTER ROORNG HANDYMAN and 649-5400 ______Se Tempo...... • 4,005 committee because the committee is $179,900.Anne M iller All typo* of rooting 6 sands of workers from rigs in the upper portion of the Yucatan nient Icoatlon. Quiet HAUUNG SHELTIE AKC regls- eoLXiHB • 8,006 unaware either of their existence and their Reol Estate, 647-8000.O repairs. Wood shingle* HERITAGE KITCHEN and Gulf of Mexico, according to Peninsula, where it was to hit nelghborhood.$194,900. tered. Blue merle and ssToronado...... • o,405 use of chemicals, and the companies do not F A L L In love with this — Cedar Shakaa. Any jD b — Anytime reports from New Orleans. around 2 p.m. EDT. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- 27 Year* Expurlanct BATH CENTER, INC. tri-color. 742-6188. S5 Regal...... • 7,205 know they have to report. special 8 room Ansoldl 1591.0______Call G ary The National Weather Service Gilbert was expected to pass tn$vfod • Ueeneei • (kuerenfeetf 182 W. Middle Turnpike. Manchester DOBER M AN cross pups, as Audi Q T ...... • 0.505 "I believe we have all the ... companies built Colonial, 4 bed­ in Miami said the eye of the storm over the northern portion of rooms, 1 full bath, 2’/3 IN-LAWS? Teenagers? 8 75 -3 4 8 3 8 weeks old. $50. 643- S4 Skylark...... *3.005 that we are aware of,” Weil said. “ There Party People? Come 64S-8830 was near the island, 12 miles off Cozumel and hit the peninsula baths, 2 fireplaces. It 0743. may be others that have not informed us.” look at this unique rtpicMTAi— .hnr. hnir 3** Csnlsr StrBSt the Yucatan coast, at 9 a.m. EDT. near the sparsely populated area even has a 1st floor The comprehensive emergency response In-law apartment. 1 cor Raised Ranch with ° ’(Lolld^''blue*Slime«)': Mancheotor « 647-7077 I Gilbert was reported at latitude of Puerto Morelos, 30 miles south complete lorge self plan will be submitted for committee garage, large lot. In HOMES HOMES APARTMENTS Young, adult, female...... PMrtck Flynn/M*noh**t*r H*f*ld 20.4 north and longitude 86.6 west of the resort area of Cancun. contained suite (In­ I BUSINESS I approval Thursday, Weil said. The report, Martin School district. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT CFA Champion. Very ^ I ■ moving west-northwest at 15 Merida is 175 miles west of $219,900. Anne Miller cluding kitchen, bath, PROPERTY affectionate. Proven ^ L y t; which defines what chemicals are stored at P R O TE C TIO N — Town of ManchastBr firsfightBr John Rivosa Jr., iBft, Real Estate, 647-8000.D living room & bed­ mph. Cancun. i ia l' trade, c h e v r o l e t - b u ic k , in c . certain companies, must be submitted to room) on lower level. FIN DER S keepers. This HUGE U & R Built, S FOR sale. Manchester MANCHESTER. Avolla- and Training Offiesr Capt. Jack Hughss study a radiation dstsetor Gilbert pounded the Dominican The storm was maintaining its ______ROUTE S3, VERNON the 8tate in a month. Don't miss the many offer­ Also, Inground pool, super 8 room Split room, 2 botrh house Doctor's office space. ble Immediately. 5 monitor today that could be used in the case of a chemical disaster. The Republic, Jamaica and the low- west-northwest course and had deck on aulet cul-de- Hilliard Professional Large rooms, 2 bed­ DOBER M AN Pup. Red A „ wane Ronald Kraatz, town health director, is ings In today's classified Level Is 0 great home with stunning field- rust female. AKC m BuIcK Cam. 2 Dr. *4995 firefighters will be using the equipment Oct. 6 during a simulated lying Cayman Islands Sunday, slowed down a little from its 15 sac. $239,900.D.W. Fish for the young family! stone fireplace.Blan­ Building. 2,153 square rooms, wall to wall chairman of the committee. The committee columns. Champion Lines. Ears S4 chavatt 2 or. *3495 Monday and Tuesday. At least 11 mph speed, but retained its Reolty, 643-1591.0 Recently updated and chard A Rossetto Real­ feet and convenient carpet, appllanced kit­ is comprised of town health, fire, and police radiation-leak drill at Wickham Park with the East Hartford Fire chen with washer/d- cropped, toll docked, S4 Caprice wagon *8295 people were reported killed, and intensity. TODAY'S Lucky CT Li­ HANDY-Dondv oppor­ redecorated. 3 bed­ tors," We're Selling storage area. 1st floor. officials as well as representatives from cense Plate Number Is Move-ln condition. Ex­ ryer hook-ups. shots. Excellent watch _ „ io,ick Department and Manchester Memorial Hospital. at least 60,000 were left homeless The entire seaside hotel zone in tunity! I ! Super 5/5 Du­ rooms, 2.5 baths, cen­ Houses" 646-2482.0 dog. Loves kids A cats. «» Toy. e.gro v .n*8495 some of the major corporations in town 452. DEN. If this Is your cellent parking! In­ $600/month plus utili­ in Jamaica. Rescue teams Cancun was evacuated to inland plex on Bank Street In tral air, attic ton, stone NEW Cope. Hurry and $500,647-1184. 86 Spectrum 4 Dr. *4995 such as the Donwell Co., Purdy Corp. and plate number, bring Manchester's West fireplace, pretty treed quire today at 646-5153. ties. No Pets. Call otter worked desperately to restore hotels, said Jennie Valdez. ' a this ad to Ed Thornton, see this 7 room, IVi 4, 649-9066.______FR E E Dog to good home, as Eiectra 4 Dr. *11,895 end. One unit Is In need yard with o deck for Rogers Corp. representative of the U.S. Consul. at Manchester Honda, bath home with tire- I'/z years old, female, 85 century 4 Dr. *8995 utilities and communications in of total rehab, other warm weather enjoy­ placed first floor fam­ H E LP IN G P EO P LE sa­ MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ “ You can’t suddenly respond to (em er­ 24 Adams Street, Man­ tisfy their needs and purebred Rotweller. as Escort 4 Dr. *4995 What would happen the shattered areas. She said Cancun had been expe­ side Is In nice condi­ ment! New price room Duplex, $600 and gencies),” Kraatz said. “ You have to be chester, to collect your ily room and first floor In a telephone call early today, riencing heavy wind gusts and tion, exterior In great $209,900. Jackson 8. laundry room. 3 bed­ wants ... that's what want utilities. No pets. 643- Friendly, good dlsposl- ge CNbrity 4 or. *8995 prepared.” $25. You must bring tion, trained. Call 646- „ _ . - ,7aoc receptionist Pablo Torres of the sporadic rain. shape, 3 bedrooms Jackson Real Estate, rooms all on second ads are all about. 8529.______^291 M Catobrity Euro 4 Dr. ’ 7995 The emergency response plan is a result proof of registration. each unit, separate 647-8400.O______Carrillos Hotel in Caqcun said Ms. Valdez said she did not This offer Is void In floor. Only $166,900. ROCKVILLE. R e m o ­ 87 Spactrum 4 Dr. *7995 of the federal Superfund Amendments and utilities. Great oppor­ deled large one bed­ about ISO people, most of them know how many tourists were in seven doys. 9-13.______W AKE up! Woke up! Hurry! Blanchard A Reauthorization Act of 1986. The act also if a disaster strikes? tunity to own Invest­ Wherever you ore! Rossetto Realtors," RESORT room, Includes heat, MISCELLANEOUS !! tourists, were crowded in the JUST right!! Adorable (• CAD Q 8I C 87 Cantury LTD 4 Dr. *10,695 required businesses to report the use of ment property. Th!s super 7 room We're Selling Houses" PROPERTY hot water, appliances. lobby on sofas and chairs. See HURRICANE, page 12 room Cape Cod on $172,500.Jackson 8, r u n BRLt gf C*v*|lar 4 Dr. *8495 certain types of chemicals used at their Raised Ranch !s being 646-2482.0 One parking. One from Manchester, he said. McKee Street, 3 bed Jackson Real Estate, offered at o fantastic FLORIDA - Leesburg, month's security. $495 sites to local, state and federal By Andrew J. Davis rooms, 1.5 baths, hard­ M A N C H ES TE R . 3 bed­ EIGHT month old water- " Manchester Herald According to state law, the fire depart­ 647-8400.O______price! Beautifully situ­ room Cape Cod with Beautiful Resident per month. 872-8095. bed, $325. Courthouse Q 7 7 -9 1 1 1 governments. wood floors, fireplace, owned, double-wide ment is in charge of all such emergencies, LOVE at first sight!!! ated on 0 private treed full In-law studio A MANCHESTER. Tw o One Gold membership, . ^ While the state, which is coordinating aluminum siding. This lovely 7 room lot on Vernon Street. 3 mobile home. Com­ A truck barrels down Main Street on an Kraatz said. On the other hand, the fire Trade gap Tastefully decorated In privote entrance. 7'h bedroom, wall to wall 12'/j months left tor ...... local planning efforts, does not have a Cape Cod features a bedrooms, 2.5 baths, pletely furnished. $450. Compared to reg­ department would be dependent on the move-ln condition! baths. Large kitchen. carpeting, appliances, computer system to maintain chemical ordinary afternoon. In its cargo is a great 1st floor family family room with fire­ Fireplace. Only min­ Move-ln condition. 2 heat, air conditioning. ular price of $700 plus. knowledge of state officials, who have more $142,900.Jackson & Bedrooms, 2 baths. CENTER hazardous chemical that, if released, could room, eat-ln kitchen, 3 place and woodstove, 2 utes from 1-84. Make an No pets. Clean. $640 per Eric 649-3426.0 storage information, Manchester will have of a background in dealing with such Jackson Real Estate, bedrooms, modern cor garage, deck, open Marina Clubhouse, MOTORS one soon, Kraatz said. The $16,800 IBM pollute the air around the center of town and is lowest 647-8400.O offer.$164,900. Realty month. Available Oc- W OODSTOVE tor sole. incidents, he said. bath, hardwood floors and alrv floor plan. over 100 activities. Cali tober 1st. 647-9138. 461 Main St., Manchester place residents in jeopardy. World, Benoit, Please call after 4:00 . computer and software package has been After the chemical is identified through A class Act! I You'll lust plus attractive carpet­ $192,500. Jackson 8, Frechette Associates, 649-0871 o r B roker If an accident occurred and the chemical (904)787-1000, Rita. 6 ROOMS, 2 family 2nd pm at 646-8137. Low Cost Financing ordered, he said. such sources as shipping papers, or through love the great layout of ing, fireplace, 2-zone Jackson Real Estate, 646-7709.O floor. Appliances, dis­ was released, what would town officials do? heat, newer driveway 647-8400.P______MODEL three Radio - The town is still looking for an emergency the help of the responsible company, the since ’84 this brand new 7 plus hwasher, 2nd floor wa- 1X5 Pont. aoM...... *529.1 Who would be in charge? Firemen, police or room Gambrel Colon­ plus newer oversized Shack computer. In­ - information manager to maintain report- IT'S Party time! This sher/dryer hook-up. cluding printer and 4 Dr. Sedan. AT. PS. AC. TUI. CC the town manager? Where would people be town manager, currently Robert B. Weiss, ial on Loomis Road In garage and fabulous attractive 7 plus room ' ing requirements that will go into the COHDOMINIUMS M0RTBABE8 Nice yard plus garage. softwear, excellent HM Ply. Rellani...... *4295 evacuated? would determine whether the incident WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bolton. O ve r 2,100 screened In patio. Contemporary otters o ; computer, Kraatz said. That job will FOR SALE No pets. $650 plus utili­ condition. 742-8991. Wtlon. AT. AC. PS. AM/FM Stereo First, the accident would have to be requires an emergency response, accord­ U.S. merchandise trade deficit square feet, 3 great- Fenced rear yard. great layout tor fabu­ ties. Security, referen­ • become very important next year when FALUNO BEHIND?? (.HOLIDAY Health Plati­ IMS Cliev Cavalier CS...... *3795 evaluated. A IVpe HI accident, the most ing to the response plan. shrank to $9.5 billion in July, the size bedrooms, family $149,500. Jackson 8, lous parties! Dpen ces. 646-4773 5-9pm. reporting requirements become broader room with brick fire­ Jackson Real Estate, FDREST Ridge Town- num Membership. 646- AT. PS. AC. Stereo If people needed to be evacuated, the lowest monthly imbalance since floor plan with cathed­ house. 3'/i baths, 3 bed­ STOP FORECLOSURE!! and more chemicals will have to be serious of three levels, would call for place, 2.5 baths, mud- 647-8400.D ral celling, 2-3 bed­ If you are felling behind on 8268. Ask for Mike. 1X4 Cbev Chevette ...... *2395 evacuation and require the combined Senior Citizens’ Center would be the first December 1984, the government rooms, 1900 square feet t Dr. Sedan, t4K mi.. Exc. Cond. reported, Kraatz said. room with 1st floor rooms, 2 full baths, your mortgage payments... CONDOMINIUMS Leave message. expertise of local, state and possibly place they are sent to, while Manchester said today in a report that sent laundry. Over 2 acres BEST buy. Reduced for of living space, fire­ The committee also has not decided fireplace, finished rec place, airconditioning, OR...If your home Is In fore­ IMS Toyota Tercel ...... *4295 High School would be the second choice, suitable for horses! quick sale. Spacious, FOR RENT Wagon. 8 8pd.. AM/PM Stereo federal officials, according to the town’s stock prices higher. room, office or den, deck with view. Par- closure, WE CAN HELPI whether special chemical-fighting equip­ I $259,900. Jackson 8, well cared for,Lvdall TYPEWRITERS Mutt Sob interim Emergency Response Plan. Kraatz said. The Commerce Department Andersen windows, tlailv finished walk-out No payment program avail­ ment will have to be purchased, and such a Jackson Real Estate, Woods,3 bedrooms, 1 '/z 3 BEDROOM Condo. 2 car Used / RecondtUoned l*M Ply Turiim o...... *2495 Ronald Kraatz, town health director and The senior center can accommodate 160 said the dramatic 28 percent fantastic 3-cor garage basement. Pool, tennis able for up to 2 years. Bad garage, air condition­ Stondord, Bhetrte, ^ortabto decision would not be made until the 647-8400.D______bath. Colonial featur­ with unfinished walk- credit Is not s problemllAsk t Dr.. AT. PS. AC. Stereo chairman of the town Local Emergency people for sleeping and 400 for interim improvement in the trade deficit ing 1st floor family court. Priced to sell at ing, pool, with option to completion of the report, Kraatz said. PROUD as a peacock!!! up loft above. Bolton. $159,000. Call owner at how LOW payments can 30®/o OFF l*X Ronaull Alliance DL...*1995 Planning Committee, said a Type III relocation, while the high school can handle reflected a small increase in room, 1st floor $259,900. Jackson & buy. Call evenings, 647- 4 Dr., AM/FM Sterto, Exc. Cond. Currently, firefighters have air bags and Long-time owners 647-0748.______help you SAVE YOUR 1215. Yale Tyscwrller Service incident does not happen very often. 940 people for sleeping and 3,500 for exports and a big decline in have beautifully main­ laundry, loads of stor­ Jackson Real Estate, l*XPIy. Horiun...... *1895 protective suits to deal with emergencies, age and attached gar­ WELLSWEPT Condo. HOME TOOAYI 41 FunjmMI FFlap* • S4S4SeS "Those are rare," he said. “ It’s not likely relocation, according to the response plan. imports. tained this gracious 8 647-8400.O______4 Dr.. Auto. Exc. Treneportatlon he said. The Red Cross would staff the facilities. ro o m C o lo n ia l on age. Low maintenance Nice condition Swiss CoBSsmrtlvs Ureop to have them occur. At the same time, we The latest trade deficit was fees and a price that's Q U A L IT Y , Charm, price. throughout. Dwnerwlll I HOMES IM l Toyota Supra...... *4295 Kraatz said. School buses or private South Farms Drive. You'll find all of these at (203) 4S4-1336 er t Dr, S Spd.. AC, Sunroof k mora See CHEMICAL, page 12 know the potential is there.” certain to cheer Republican pre­ Impeccable condition hard to beat. Dniv p a y Condo fees FOR RENT An example of a Type III incident would automobiles would be used to transport sidential candidate George Bush, I $159,900. Century 21 Ep- In this well kept 3 through end of year. (203) 454-4404 E N D R O L L 8 1X0 DaUun II * ...... *2395 Inside and out I 4 bed­ bedroom beautifully t Dr., Auto. Exc. Cond. be the recent chlorine factory fire in who has been trying to deflect rooms, family room, steln Reolty, 647-8895.P $118,900. T .J . Crockett, MANCHESTER. 6 room S7% wNRIi • 8S« See DISASTER PLAN, page 12 decorated modernized 643-1577.______Ranch. Fireplace, 13% srtdlh • a lor 2S8 INO Chevy Cemaro...... ,f!!.*2395 Firms report chemicals, page 10 Springfield, Mass., which is about 30 miles charges from Democrat Michael rec room, summer SOUTH WINDSOR. Price Colonial featuring I'/z t Dr. Spt. Cpe., AT. PS. AC Dukakis that the country’s soar­ I porch and a sensa­ reduced on this Immac­ ELLINGTDN. N ew er 8 much more. $950 plus MUBT ba ptekad up M Sm baths, privte treed Rent ls utilities. Security and 1*7* Ford LTD Brgh...... *999 ing trade deficits demonstrate a tional In-ground Gunite ulate 2 year old, 7 room backyard with large Condo In country set­ HtraM Offle* Monday Swu 4 Dr. AT. AC, PS ting. Four rooms, V references required. Thufadr/bafoM 11 atAonly- major flaw in the Reagan eco­ pool. Holiday occu­ Colonial. 1st floor fam­ deck on which to enter- /2 1*7* Jaguar X J I L ...... $5999 pancy. $254,900. Jack- ily room, 3 bedrooms; taln. Reasonably baths. Cathedral cell­ APARTMENTS T.J.Crockett, 643-1577. nomic program. son & Jackson Real 2.5 baths, bullt-lns, fire­ priced at $149,900.Cen- ing. Sliders to deck. 3 SAVE BUY USED CARS The July deficit was substan­ place, carpeting, large zone heat. FOR RENT Food Mart will move into A&P site Estate, 647-8400.a tury 21 Epstein Realty, STORE AND TAB tially better than economists had $112,900.Strano Real M IKE F L Y N N lot on a cul-de-sac 647-8895.0 expected. The government did, I street. Asking $227,900. Estote, 647-7653.P MANCHESTER. First OFFICE SPACE SALES Waldbaum’s is better known in or May. The Planning and Zoning Com­ INVITATION TO BID EXCELLENT Value. 649-4304 By Nancy Concelman U A R Realty, 643-2692.0 floor apartment In 2 Open H-P t-f / Set. k t “ It’s very difficult to do it, but mission Sept. 7 approved a however, boost the June deficit to Saolad bids will ba raealvad Move In condition des­ VERNDN. Move right Manchester Herald the Greater Hartford area and family house. 4 rooms, FURNISHEDOtfIceswIth NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ the customer needs to be served, ” wetlands permit and site plan $13.2 billion from the originally In ttia Ganaral Sarvlca*' of- NEW 6 room Colonials. cribes this 3 or 4 bed­ Into this 4 room 2 phone, receptionist, would have more of a “ regional” flca, 41 Cantar St., Monchas- bedroom, 1V^ bath 1 bedroom, stove, re­ eral Statute 23-65 prohibit* reported $12.5 billion. I Mallard View, 3 bed­ room, 2 both. Cape copy, tax and secre­ the poitlno of advortlao- The A&P grocery store in the appeal. The spokesman would not Morin said. modification allowing the expan­ tar, CTuntll 11:00a.m. on tha rooms, 1V6 baths, fire­ Condo. Newer wall-to- frigerator A heat In­ TRUCK8/VAN8 The June deficit was the data shown below for the fol­ located on a beautiful cluded. 1 months secur­ tary support. 647-4800. ment* by any poraon, firm or Plaza at Burr Corners will give his name. Morin said he’s not sure when sion of the store. Original plans place, gourmet kitchen wall, garage. Nice! corporation on a tologroph, biggest trade shortfall since a lowing: private lot In Ellington. i t y $525/month. FOR SALE become a more than 50,000 A&P owns 95 percent of Wald- the name will be changed. . for the plaza approved in March with all appliances, Approximately one $105,900.Strano Real tolophone, electric light or $14.4 billion deficit in February, a AP photo SEPTEMBER 23, 19SS — 649-6006. ______power pole or to a tree, square-foot Waldbaum’s Food baum's Inc., the company that did not include the grocery store FURNISH 6 INSTALL carpeting, full base­ mile from country Estate, 647-7653.0 INDUSTRIAL 1986 G .M . JIM M Y S-15, A&P officials could not be figure that had sent the Dow ment and garage I No shrub, rock, or any other Mart superstore. owns the Waldbaum’s Food expansion, but did contain a FOUR (4) OVERHEAD club. Brand new septic PROPERTY Excellent condition, reached for comment on the Jones industrial average tum­ POWERFUL PATTERN — DOORS Monthly association natural object wlthouto writ­ . The plan is the latest in a series Marts. free-standing bank and restau­ system and leach field. LOTS/LAHD ten permit for the purpose of low mileage, fully name change this morning. bling by 100 points. Rows of martial arts devo­ SEPTEMBER 27,19SS — fees.$149,900. B la n ­ Ottered at MANCHESTER. 3400 protecting Itorthepubllcond equipped, air condi­ Of commercial developments in A&P originally had announced rant in front of the A&P. RE-ROOFING — MARY chard A Rossetto Real­ FOR BALE MANCHESTER. 1st The grocery store expansion The July deficit had the oppo­ tees form an interesting $152,900. Century 21 Ep­ months free rent. 2 square feet Industrial carries a fine of up to $50 for tioning, power win­ ^ e North End that include the plans to expand the existing store The bank and restaurant were CHENEY LIBRARY tors," We're Selling eoch oftente.______project is part of a $5 million site effect. pattern as they perform stein Realty, 647-8895.0 ANDOVER., 7.35 acre bedroom apartment. space. Loading dock, dows, power locks, Pavilions at Buckland Hills, the from 29,000 square feet to a 57,000 removed from plans at A&P's The Town of Monchaatar Is Houses" 646-2482.0 parking.Principals AM /FM tape-cassette, expansion and renovation of the After one hour of trading on the on equal opportunity am- BY Owner. 27 Lakewood building lot. Tested and Air conditioning, pool, stores, offices and industrial uses square-foot A&P superstore, said request. Morin said. during reherarsal in Seoul ployar, and raqulra* on offlr- Only. Woodland Indus­ 4 wheel drive. 898(X) or plaza, located off Tolland New York Stock Exchange, the EAST HARTFORD. New Circle North. Ranch, approved. $79,900. T .J . all new appliances, $775 planned for the 380 acres sur­ Dennis Morin, president of the Wednesday for the opening m^lva action polK^fproll of Crockett, 643-1577. trial Pork. 643-2121. best otter. Michael at ’Turnpike. The Burr Corners Food Mart Dow Jones industrial average It* Controetor* ond Vendors listing. 3 bedrooms, 2 5V^ rooms, fireplace In per month. Includes G IA N T Parish Tog Sale. rounding the mall and a retail Farmington-based White Enter­ heat A hot water. 282- 246-5023 or 742-1608. won’t be the first in Manchester. was up nearly 10 points on heavy of the Summer Olympic os 0 condition of doing busl- cor garage with 40 living room, large neat COVENTRY. Affordable St. James Church center on the Manchester-South prises Corp., the company that Morin said the Waldbaum’s nas* with tha Town, os par yard, move-ln condi­ 7584 after 6pm. R q I ROOMMATES trading. At one point, the average Games. The opening cerem­ AMP service, wood- lots and new construc­ Grounds, 896 Main Windsor border. bought the plaza a year ago. Food Mart at Burr Corners will be A Food Mart in the Manchester Fadarol Order 11244. tion. $179,900. Call 643- tion. Flano builders EAST HARTFORD. 4 Spa­ Street, Manchester, CAMPERS/ Bid forma, plan* ond sMclfl- stove A workbench. |2 2 | iWANTED A spokesman for the Spring- 'The name change will not affect patterned afier a new store in Parkade closed in 1985. Three had risen more than 17 points. ony takes place Saturday in Needs work. An excel­ 5295.______will use your plans or cious rooms with hard­ CT, Thursday, Sep­ TRAILERS cotlons oro ovollobla at the field, Mass.-based Northeast the planned expansion. Morin Rocky Hill. It will have the same stores moved into the old Food The Reagan administration the Olympic Stadium. Turn Oonorol Sarvlca*' offlca. lent buy I Make an MANCHESTER. Cream ours. 1-17 acre lots, wood floors, high M ALE. 28, Non-Smoker. 2 tember 15th, 5-11pm, said today the store will remain services proposed for the ex­ Mart early this year, a shoe store, immediately hailed the big de- Town of Monchaatar, CT offer. $in,500. Realty Puff Cape. $153,900. $65,000 and up. Owner ceilings. On busline. bedroom. $288 plus half Friday, September 1981 SHASTA IS* Pop-up Group of A&P said Tuesday the to page 19 for Olympics Robert B. Walaa, financing available. Fl­ $550 Including heat A 16th, 5-11pm, Saturday, Camper, sleeps 6, good company decided to make the open during the expansion, which panded A&P, including a phar­ a bed and bath shop and a World, Benoit, Call Luclenne, Century utilities. Tw o months See TRADE DEFICIT, page 12 coverage. Oanarol Monogar Frechette Associates, 21 Manor House, 871- ano Realty, Gallery of hot water, parking. No security A no leose. September 17th, 11- condition. Coll 742- store a Food Mart because should be completed by next April macy, bakery and delicatessen. discount women’s clothing store. 027-09 646-7709.D 7212. Homes, 646-5200.O pets. 872-4245. Don at 643-1108. 11pm. 8991. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 — 3 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedneaday. Sept. 14. 1988 W erbner Conflict ruling sought RECORD silent on Weiss job over mall and PZC work Police Roundup By Nancy Concelman of interest, but if it does, he's not Planning Director Mark Pelle­ A b ou t Tow n By Andrew Yurkovsky Manchester Herald sure whether he’ll take the grini said Tuesday no other PZC Manchester Herald consultant position or resign from member has ever gone to the Women to meet Thursday Assistant Town Manager Planning and Zoning Commis­ the Pianning and Zoning Ethics Commission for this type Man airested in theft Steven R. Werbner said today sion member William A. Bayer, Commission. of problem in the four years he’s The Manchester Junior Women's Club will meet of car from Manchester that he has not decided whether an engineer, has asked the Ethics “ It would be very interesting to been planning director. Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Church of. Christ. The he will apply for the position of Commission to determine if work get involved (with the mall Bayer said he was abstaining evening will consist of a pot luck supper and social town manager. he’s been asked to do by the town project),’’ he said. “ But I’d be from votes on applications for the followed by a business meeting. An 18-year-old Manchester man who ducked into Last week Town Manager Building Department on the reluctant to leave the. . Homart project because he the woods near Route 316 in Andover after Robert B. Weiss announced his Buckland Hills mall would re­ .commission” missed some of the presentations Peach Festival In Bolton abandoning a car stolen in Manchester was arrested retirement effective June 1989. present a conflict of interest. Bayer has been a PZC member on the applications, not because early this morning with the aid of a police dog, police Werbner has been assistant man­ Bayer, a partner of the Kahn & for about 16 years. He’seo-owned of the potential conflict of inter­ The Women’s Auxiliary of the Bolton Fire ager since 1982 and previously Bayer engineering firm at 48 the engineering firm for about 20 est. He said he wasn't aware of .Department will sponsor a Peach Festival Saturday Manchester police said they pursued Rodney J. worked as personnel assistant Purnell Place, has been asked by years, he said. the potential conflict until July, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the firehouse on Bolton Center Fuller, of 290 Oak St., for seven miles before and personnel supervisor in the the Building Department to serve He was asked to be a consultant when the state law went into arresting him about 12:30 a m . in connection with town administration. He was on as a consultant during the design for the project because his Is the effect. Tickets will be sold at the door. Admission is $2 for the theft of a car about on hour earlier. Fuller was vacation last week when Weiss phase of the mall project and on only structural engineering firm adults and $1 for children. charged with first-degree larceny, engaging in made his announcement. subsequent inspections. in town. Bayer said. He also has abstained from voting on applications for the pursuit, and reckless driving, police said. “ I haven’t made any decision He said today he’ll decide A new state law resulting from Class on breastfeeding set The gray Ford Mustang was stolen from 93 on my part,” Werbnersaid today. whether to accept the job offer the collapse of the L’Ambiance renovation of the Plaza at Burr Ashworth St., police said. Fuller was spotted by Werbner added that he thought when he gets a ruling from the building in Bridgeport two years Comers because he’s working on A breastfeeding preparation class for expectant that project with the architect. police an hour later turning the car in tight circles in he was well-qualified for the job Ethics Commission. Bayer said ago requires structural engineer­ parents will be held Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at a parking lot full of cars at the Amazing Store on and had "given the good service he’s not sure how long the ing consultants on projects over a Bayer said. Rockville General'Hospital in the Rockville section East Middle Turnpike, police sold. to the town over a number of consultant job would last. certain size, Bayer said. "He’s been very careful about of Vernon. All couples are welcome to attend the When he saw the police car. Fuller turned onto years.” He said that Manchester “ My first thought when it was As a consultant, he would check it,” Pellegrini said. Bayer said if no conflict of class whether or not their infants are to be bom at East Middle Turnpike and started driving at speeds is an “ attractive city” for those offered was, ‘I better check it plans for the mall building and interest is found, he’d be “ happy” the Rockville Hospital. of over 60 miles per hour, police said. After police interested in city management. out,’ ’’ Bayer said. inspect the site according to The class will be conducted by International chased the car for about 7 miles. Fuller abandoned Bayer said he doesn’t expect orders from the Building Depart­ to do the consulting work on the Meanwhile, Manchester attor­ mall project. Lactation Consultants Karen Berg and Judith the car and ran into the woods behind the Andover ney Stephen T. Penny, a former the commission to find a conflict ment, he said. Gubala of Breastfeeding Consultants, Inc. The fee Town Hall, police said. mayor, ruled out his possible for the class is $15. Registration can be made by According to police reports, a police dog was candidacy for the town manager calling the hospital’s matumity department at dispatched to the scene 15 minutes later. Fuller was position. 872-0501. found hiding on the edge of a dirt road off 6f Cider “ Absolutely'not,” Penny ans­ R o o m in g house owners file ■ Mill Road, police said. wered when asked whether he Sock Hop to benefit schools Fuller was released on a $5,000 cash bond and is was considering the job. “ That’s scheduled to appear in Manchester Superior Court St. Bridget’s Church will sponsor a Sock Hop and ridiculous.” appeal of Illegal use ruling Classic Car Rally Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 Sept. 19. Last week Director Kenneth N. a.m. The proceeds of the function will benefit the Tedford suggested that Penny By Nancy Concelman Center hearing room. for seven rooms. Because of the expansion of local elementary and middle schools. might want to become manager. “ Kenny Tedford must be mad at Manchester Herald A sanitarian with the town ratio, the floor was classified as a A 810 donation will include set-ups and Pollen Count Health Department said in Au­ rooming house. refreshments. me about something,” Penny said. The owners of a Main Street gust he hoped the owners of the The owners had the option of Penny said that there are only rooming house that was shut building, which contains the appealing O’Marra’s order and ' NEW HAVEN (AP) — The Pollen Count Center at Workshops to continue three people who would back him down in August are appealing the Coach’s Corner restaurant, getting a variance or changing the Hospital of St. Raphael reported Wednesday for the past — Tedford, resident Zoning Enforcement Officer’s would appeal the order and the floor to apartments or tene Chapter 58 of the Service Corps of Retired that the pollen count was 4 and mold spores are low. ruling that the rooming house is request a variance from the ZBA ments. In tenements, each unit Executives will resume its Pre-Businness Work­ Patrick Flynn/Minchattar Herald Russell Smyth “ and some guy I A pollen count of 0-10 means conditions are don’t know that (Director) Dutch an illegal use and requesting a to operate the rooming house as a has Its own kitchen and shares a shops on Sept. 20 from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the comfortable for allergy and asthma sufferers, 11-50 RagInild Plnto/Minchmtar Herald bathroom with no more than one Rene Allard of 1591 N. River Road, Fogarty told me about.” variance allowing the use from non-conforming use in the Busi­ Community Room of the Greater Hartford AFTERNOON CHAT — East Catholic is uncomfortable, 51-100 is miserable and over 100 is LITTLE CLIMBER — Melissa Briggs, 4, of Manchester the Zoning Board of Appeals. ness III zone. other unit. Community College. High School students David Elliot, left, Coventry, enjoy an afterschool soda and dangerous. practices climbing on the playscape at Waddell School Dwight D. Downham III and John Salcius of the Health The workshops will address matters of concern to of 194 Twin Hills Dr., Coventry, and conversation Tuesday on Center Street. Voter-making Tuesday. She got better as the day went on. Gerald Fournier, owners of the Department said a rooming small business entrepreneurs. Topics will include building at 623 Main St., are house is the only practical use for Sophomore night the key elements of buisness plainning, marketing, appealing the Aug. 5 violation the third floor and that there’s a financing, record keeping, accounting and legal Current Quotations sessions set notice issued by Zoning Enforce­ need in town for a “ well run” tonight at MHS requirements. Pre-registration in not necessary Voter-making sessions will be ment Officer Thomas O’Marra rooming house. and a fee of $10 is payable at the door. n e w Manchester High School will held Thursday at two locations in Town asked to provide that says the of the third floor Rooming houses, unless pre­ Workshops are offered on the third Tuesday of "The fire raced in on us. We ran for the car, but it of the building as a rooming house viously licensed, were prohibited hold an orientation and informa­ each month. For information call 240-4640. beat us there.... I couldn’t get my dog in the car. She Manchester. The Registrars of Voters will is illegal. O’Marra ordered the when zoning regulations were tion program for parents of and was an accomplished pianist wds too scared.” — Elizabeth Cline, a resident of sophomores from 7 to 8; 30 tonight Albert Carlson, Anthony SIpala hold one session from 6:30 p.m. to owners to stop using it as a revised in the 1970s. and organist for over 40 years. Rough and Ready, Calif., relating her escape from a separate water meters The third floor of 623 Main St. in the school cafeteria. Bridge game results posted long-time musician Beside his wife, he is survived 8:30 p.m. at Marshalls Mall in the rooming house. Anthony Sipala, 77, husband of wildfire that razed her home and may have killed A public hearing on the appeal was investigated by Health De­ Members of the administrative The Manchester Morning Bridge Club results Albert B. Carlson, 68, of 72 by a son and daughter-in-law, Parkade on Broad Street. Bv Andrew Yurkovsky At present, water fees are and guidance staffs will bo Constance (Rizzo) Sipala, for­ her dog. Another session will be held from and variance is scheduled for 7 partment officials in July, when from the game played Aug. 29 are as follows: Hemlock St., husband of Jose­ Gary W. and Grace Carlson of Manchester Herald averaged out for all the buildings. inspectors found only two toilets available. Manchester; a sister, Doris Pre­ merly of East Hartford, died 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Main Street “ Some of the very small users p.m.. Sept. 26 in the Lincoln NSl - A1 Berggren and John Green; NS2 - Ellen phine (Massolini) Carlson, died Tuesday (Sept. 13, 1988) at “ The tension level is quite high. People want to ntice of Manchester; two nieces; Branch of the Savings Bank of A local condominium associa­ were subsidizing the larger Goldberg and Irv Carlson; NS3 - Linda Simmons Tuesday (Sept. 13, 1988) at Manchester Memorial Hospital. hear from their loved ones.’’ — Ingrid Price, a and Peg Dunfield; EWl - Frank Bloomer and Manchester Memorial Hospital. and a nephew. Jamaican helping organize relief efforts from Fort Manchester. tion hopes to take advantage of ones,” O’Dwyer said. The funeral will be Friday at 10 On Saturday, a voter-making Young recommended in a July Harvey Sirota; EW2 - Frankie Brown and Marilyn Bom in Manchester, March 19, Besides his wife, he is survived Lauderdale, Fla., commenting after Hurricane the town’s new water rate struc­ m s h o e a.m., at St. Mary’s' Episcopal session will be held from 11 a.m. memorandum to Weiss against " ARLOW’S DEPARTMENT Jackson; EW3 - Lettle Jane Glenn and Pat 1920, he was a lifelong resident. by three sons, Richard Sipala of Gilbert hit her country. ture and install separate meters Church, 41 Park St. Burial will be to 2 p.m. at Marshalls Mall at the for at least one of its buildings on the installation of individual Schackner. Before retiring in 1976, he was an Orlando, Fla., Roy,, Sipala of in the East Cemetery. Calling Parkade. a trial basis, the association’s meters until the separate service Results for the game played Sept. 1 are as follows; industrial engineer at Pratt & Mansfield, and Allen Sipala of “ In the name of Jesus Christ, we say stop this hours are Thursday from 2 to 4 Voter registration will be ac­ president says. lines for each unit were installed Men’s Rockport NSl - Peg Arsenseaux and Linda Simmons; NS2 - Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Manchester; a daughter, Sandra destruction. We condemn ... these criminal acts ... Jim Baker and Hal Lucal; NS3- Frank Bloomer and and was employed there for 39 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Holmes and demand justice for all the victims.” — Rev. cepted for residents of any town by the association. Young said Reg. •74“ -*89“ Giudice of Colchester; and 10 In Connecticut. For Manchester The Northfield Green Condomi­ R o c k p o f Harvey Sirota; EWl - Tom Regan and Marilyn years. He was a U.S. Army Funeral Home, 400 Main St. Joseph Lafontant, auxiliary bishop of Port-au- that without individual service There will be an American Legion grandchildren. residents, changes of address or nium Association asked the town lines, the installation of individ­ Jackson; EW2 - Frankie Brown and Faye veteran of World War II, serving , Haiti, reacting to attacks that killed nine in April to install separate meters Lawrence; EW3 - Ann DeMartin and Bev Suanders. with the 47th Tank Battalion. He service Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at parishioners and burned down two Roman Catholic changes in party enrollment will ual meters “ would not be good n u Women’s Rockport The funeral will be Friday at 10 .also be accepted. for each of its 168 units so that U l l Reg. •59"-*74*' attended St. Mary’s Episcopal the funeral home. churches. waterworks practice.” Memorial donations may be a.m. at the Newkirk & Whitney those who use a small amount of There are currently 11 service Brochures being mailed Church, was a member of the Funeral Home, 318 Burnside water could benefit from the new Army and Navy Club, the Ameri­ made to the American Leukemia Fusscas to visit lines for all 168 units, Young w/fh coupon only — Expires Sept. 24, 1988 Ave., East Hartford, Burial will rate structure. The Manchester Symphony Orchestra and can Legion Post No. 102 and the Society, 40 Woodland St., Hart­ reported in the memo. be at the convenience of the Chorale will mail brochures to residents of American Association of Retired ford 06105, or to the Book of GOP committee Under the structure adopted by But Young said Monday that family. Calling hours are Friday Lottery the town might be willing to Manchester and area towns. Persons. Remembrance of St. Mary’s state Rep. J. Peter Fusscas of the Board of Directors in May, the 867 Main Street Residents can add their names to the mailing list He organized A1 Carlson’s Trio Episcopal Church. from 9 to 10 a.m. Marlborough will be guest minimum quarterly charge of install meters on a trial basis Downtown Manchester for season tickets by writing to the Manchester speaker when the Manchester $31.20 was eliminated for users of without requiring the separate MARLOW’S Winning numbers drawn Tuesday in lotteries services. He said that the water Symphony Orchestra and Chorale, P.O. Box 861, Republican Town Committee up to 1,220 cubic feet of water and around New England. division would first look into Manchester. meets at 7:30 p.m. in the hearing replaced by a quarterly service 649-5221 Connecticut daily: 633. Play Four: 5270. Lotto; whether doing that is feasible. MCA/ISA/DISC/AM-EX Manuel Alvarez will start as new music director C ollege N otes room of Lincoln Center tonight. charge of $5.01. The service 3-4-9-17-18-36. and conductor on Nov. 5, the date of the season s Fusscas, a business consultant, charge would be in addition to the Under the trial plan proposed Massachusetts daily; 3542. by O’Dwyer, meters would be first concert. The performance will be at 8 p.m. in is serving his fourth term as current residential water rate of Tri-state daily: 072, 8679. installed for each of the units of Manchester High School’s Bailey Auditorium. UConn awards advance degrees On AU dean’s list representative from the 55th $2.62 per 100 cubic feet used. Rhode Island daily: 8026. Lot O Bucks; just one of the condominium Our Special Catalogs have the fashi Tickets are $6 and $4 for students and senior Assembly District, which in­ Edward O’Dwyer Jr., the asso­ Several Manchester residents were awarded Kathi Ann Albert, daughter of Robert and Sally 15-21-22-26-31. buildings. He said that the citizens. cludes Voting District 3 in Man­ ciation president, said Monday advanced degrees at the traditional commence­ Albert, 41 McDlvitt Drive, has been named to the association would guarantee pay­ you want today chester, whose residents vote at that he had discussed the idea of a ment excercises held at the University of spring semester dean’s list at the American ment of the water bills. University in Washington,'D.C. _ _ _ Buckley School. trial plan last week with Town It’s easy to get these catalogs. Here’s how. Choose Connecticut. They were; Manager Robert B. Weiss and Young said that no other Dr. Crane’s Quiz Mollie L. Braun, 51 Jensen St., master of arts; She is a 1985 graduate of Manchester High School | n O l l f l l l l S His Democratic challenger is from the following new editions for Fall/WInter ’88: Robert Young, the superintend­ condominium associations had Maureen A. Durocher, 20 D W. Middle Turnpike, and is a junior at the university majoring in John Quinn of Hebron, executive ent of the Water and Sewage requested separate metering. master of business administration; Steven W. international studies. During the spring she was a director of the Easter Seal Division. He said that negotia­ But if separate meters were Fashions In Large Sizes Uniforms 1. College athletes called “ harriers” compete in Edwards, 172 Mountain Road, master of business participant in the Study Abroad program in Society of Connecticut. How many times have we met a friend, talked of tions are ongoing with the town, installed at Northfield Green Rugged Workwoar Especially for Tails SWIMMING WRESTLING education; Brenda J. Johnson, 561 Bush Hill Road, Brussels, Belgium, where she studied NATO, the Besides a small part of Man; getting together sometime, and never get around to and the association is trying to Condominiums, he said he ex­ Big & Extra Tall Men ’88 Fall Bridal Collection CROSSCOUNTRY BOXING master of arts; Joseph Kershenbaum, 115 Timrod European Community, and East-West relations. Chester, the 55th As.sembly Dis­ setting a date? It seems that we get so busy with so address some of the town’s pected similar requests “ by the Especially for Petites St. John’s Bay 2. A “ pick-off” suggests which type of “ artist"? Road, master of business education; Jeffrey P. She also served as an intern at the International many things that we forget to reach out of our own trict includes Andover. Bolton, concerns about the plan. ton.” Boy Scouts 6 Girl Scouts CULINARY SARTORIAL TONSORIAL SLAB Lumpkin, 92 Ashworth St., master of music. Coalition for Development Action. She is active in lives to touch the life of another. Hebron, and Marlborough. 3. Which term suggests the production of steel? Also; Jeanne M. Mader, 112 Waddell Road, the Catholic Students Association, the University I wonder how Jesus feels about this. He spent a lot SHAVINGS GROUNDS SLAG FINDINGS master of business administration: George Polych- Chorale and the Honors Program. Last fall she of time with friends. He spent time with the sinners 4. Which sound usually issues from a city pound? roniou, 114 Woodland St., master of business served as an intern at the Bread for the World. and publicans. His whole ministry was reaching out BELLOW TRILL ARF HEEHAW education; Brad S. Seaton, 186-N Homestead St., to mankind. How different the Bible would read if 5. The sound “ Quack, Quack” indirectly suggests LOWEST PRICES EVER SALE master of business administration: Pamela M. Jesus never stopped to touch and to share. There which measuring unit? West, 131 Hartford Road, master of social work; and Graduates from Brandels would have been no miracles, lives wouldn’t have REAM CUBIT BRACE EM Anne P. Williamson, 51 Summit St., master of arts. Polly Susan Flaum,, daughter of Alfred and changed! 6. Match the entries at the left with the game to Ruthanne Flaum of Manchester, graduated cum Jesus is our example. We, too, need to stop and be which they usually pertain. Coventry resident awarded laude recently from Brandeis University. a friend. The best way to share the gospel is to be a (a) R ifle ...... Bass (V) She received a bachelor of arts degree in friend to someone. So go ahead, reach out! Take the (b) Hound...... (w) QuailJohn A. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. anthropology and elementary education and will be time to nurture a friendship. It won’t develop (c) Shotgun...... (X) Racoon Anderson of 49 Eric Drive, Coventry, won first place a first grade teacher at Ell Terry School, South overnight. Sometimes it takes effort as well as time. (d) Spinner...... (y) Rabbit in the Phi Gamma Delta Prizes in Mathematics for Windsor. She is also the granddaughter of Bella But the rewards are numerous. (e) Pointer...... (x) Deersecond year mathematics at a recent honors day at You may be surprised at how valuable a Country Oak Trinity College. Anderson is majoring in engineer­ Rosen of Manchester and Maurice and Nettie Miller Your Choice D/L Cherry of Vernon. friendship is. Try it! Pie Safe Answers in classified section ing. He is a 1986 graduate of Coventry High School. Wing Chairs Loveseats Coffee Tabie By Rebecca Stefanovicz Your Choice Retail $795.00 United Pentecostal Church $ 2 5 0 0 0 $ 4 4 0 0 0 $379

of murder and air piracy in the June 1985 Reagan policy: Pope visits South Africa hijacking. U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem was Cool and wet weather NATION JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) - Pope killed and 39 Americans were held captive for 17 John Paul II, who had planned U> bypass South days. No debate now, Africa on his tour of the region, landed in "The testimony very often deviates far from & WORLD Johannesburg today after bad weather diverted the truth,” Hamadi told the court today. helps control wildfires his scheduled flight to Lesotho. On Tuesday, flight engineer Benjamin just douse ’em The pope, an outspoken critic of South Africa’s Zimmermann described how Hamadi pointed Bv The Associated Press As of Tuesday, wildfires had charred 4.1 Paying past-due dues with pride to bloodstains of the murdered U.S. million acres, an area larger than racial seg'regation policies, didinot kiss the WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan’s ground, as he customarily does the first time he hostage and earlier, pilot John Testrake Firefighters battling Western blazesgot Connecticut, according to the, Boise spokesman says no time should be wasted now WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan is identified Hamadi as the hijacker who shot a : -Iping hand from weather so cool and Interagency Fire Center, which coordi­ releasing $188 million in overdue U.S. payments visits a country. arguing over the controversial "let bum” forest Officials at the Vatican and in Lesotho Stethem to death and said he was the leader of wt that a crew was pulled out of the nates firefighting in the West. ' fire policy and that the government’s attention to the United Nations after becoming convinced the operation. wilderness near Yellowstone National that the world body has reformed some announced a convoy was organized to drive the Interior Secretary Donald Hodel said will be focused on snuffing out blazes raging in pope and his delegation 270 miles across South Park (or fear they’d be trapped by snow. today on NBC’s "Today” that officials eight states. administrative and budgetary procedures. "Things are real calm," said park At the same time, the White House said Reagan Africa to Lesotho, a mountain kingdom U.S. monitors test have enough resources. "What we need The comments came after President Reagan was completely surrounded by South Africa. spokesman Greg Kroll. “We’ve had some now is some continued help from the briefed Tuesday at the White House on the fires, told the State Department to work out “a SEMIPALATINSK, U.S.S.R. (AP) - U.S. pretty good precipitation." weather,” he said. which have charred some 4 million acres during the multi-year” repayment plan involving some $520 In Maseru, Lesotho, police using helicopters experts for the first time monitored a Soviet Fires also burned in California, Utah, million in arrears that have piled up in recent and armed vehicles today surrounded a bus filled "If we continue to get the weather summer. with 60 nuns, school girls and other pilgrims after nuclear test explosion today at this long-secret Oregon. Idaho, Montana, Alaska and Reagan was told there was no way to predict when years because of U.S. dissatisfaction with the testing ground in the republic of Kazakhstan, the Washington state as the worst fire season break, they’re actually on the fire line the fires will be put out, but that the administration way the U.N. was run. guerrillas hijacked the vehicle en route to a Mass in 30 years continued. right now directly fighting the fire, which official Tass news agency reported. has dedicated “every resource available” to doing “In announcing these decisions, the president the pope was to celebrate. At 100-150 kilotons, the blast had a forces Calmer 5-7 mph winds, lower tempera­ is something they weren’t able to do as so, said spokesman Marlin Fitzwater. A nun today said somziof the 60 captives had tures and higher humidity were a blessing long as it was so hot, dry and windy.” called on the United Nations to continue progress several times more powerful than the bomb that Asked about the harsh criticism that has erupted in areas where reform remains incomplete,” been released. devastated Hiroshima, Japan, at the end of to California’s Gold Rush country, where a Hodel said. over the Park Service policy of letting naturally fire has burned 52 square miles since spokesman Marlin Fitzwater told reporters. World War II, Tass said. At Yellowstone, officials kept an eye on occurring fires burn. Fitzwater contendedit was not The Hagfors Ob servatory of the Swedish Sunday and destroyed 97 homes and 60 the weather. Rain continued Tuesday in the time for such a debate. "The president reiterated the commitment of Suspect blasts witnesses other buildings. Firefighters had sur­ Defense Research Establishment said it parts of the oldest national park. Today’s He noted that the policy had been suspended in' the U.S. to assist the U.N. In Its reform program AP photo rounded 90 percent of the blaze today. as well as in its new peace keeping efforts,” he FRANKFURT, West Germany (AP) - measured the explosion at 50-150 kilotons. forecast held a slight chance of showers AP photo July and that any new fires that erupt will be fought Mohammed Ali Hamadi today accused witnesses Buried in a hole more than 2,000 feet The thousands of residents evacuated but a return of summer temperatures and for the remainder of this year’s fire season. said. KISSING THE GROUND — Pope John Sunday or Monday were allowed to return FIRESTORM SURVIVOR — Don LaLonde sifts through at his trial of failing to tell the truth a day after underground, the nuclear explosion was not more wind, said Kroll. “It doesn’t serve anybody to get into discussions In addition to the roughly $520 million in late Paul II kisses the ground Tuesday on his to their homes. the remains of his fiancee’s parents' home Tuesday in about policy disputes,” he said, adding, "We’re in dues payments, the United States is in arrears to they testified that Hamadi gloated over the expected to have a noticeable impact at the Firefighters used the break to streng­ arrival at Sir Seretse Khama Airport in About 30,000 firefighters battled 32 fires Lake Wildwood, Calif., after a firestorm swept up a hill the middle of a fire situation of serious proportion the tune of $111.8 million in the assessments it is killing of an American passenger during the observation site about 30 miles from the site in in eight Western states, said White House then lines. Meanwhile, about 550 Marines and we’re fighting it with everything at hand.” Botswana. The pope is on a 10-day trip hijacking of a TWA jet. the vast, sparsely populated region 1,700 miles from Camp Pendleton, Calif., the first of and consumed the house and a fife truck. LaLonde and supposed to pay toward the separate U.N. peace spokesman Marlin Fitzw'ater. President Noting that the nation hasn’t seen such fires in its keeping budget. to five south African nations. Hamadi, a Lebanese Shiite Moslem, is accused east of Moscow. Reagan received a briefing Tuesday from 1,200 sent to reinforce the 7,200 firefighters several others were temporarily trapped by the fire when history, he did acknowledge that the situation calls a Cabinet-level team that toured in the park, arrived in West Yellowstone, the truck failed to start. “for some review of the policy.” Yellowstone. Mont. Bush, Duke battle in the Greater OPPORTUNITIES Manchester Area REAL ESTATE "V' on farms, defense featuring: 543 North Main St. ManehuEtBr Bv The Associated Press Tuesday, Bush pledged his sup­ Fiano Realty Co.jg M is], Onlui port for expansion of American _____fi 647-8895. Republican George Bush markets abroad and suggested Ca0^ l u ' oproftiwnirv ■ 'S - OF/homes f0 □ charged that rival Michael Duka­ that Democrats are only con­ - . EPSTEIN REALTY acAS kis wants to control farmers' cerned with production controls, 646 5200 rr lives with an outdated agriculture similar to the grain embargo m Each office Independently owned and operated. policy. The Democratic nominee imposed by former President MisPi lOUALHOUtlNO hammered away on the defense Carter. ____O OAAOflTUNtTV REAL ESTATE 'W issue as he promised to improve They want to “control the lives BOLTON *209,000 Real Estate QUALITY, CHARM, PRICE America’s conventional strength of the farmers,” the GOP nomi­ 647-800!) 985 Main Street, Manchester PROUD AS A PEACOCK!!! JUST RIGHT!!! You'll find all of thaaa In this wall kapt3 and maintain a strong nuclear nee said. i Convenient Country Living bedroom beautifully decorated Long-time owners have beautifully maintained this Adorable 6 room Cape Cod on McKee Slrecl, 3 bed­ Bush cited a published report with a view! Reduced Price! gracious 8 room Colonial on South Farms Drive. modernized Colonial featuring tH deterrent. rooms. 1.5 baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, alumi­ bathe, private treed backyard with The vice president’s criticisms that quoted a Dukakis aide as Raised Ranch, IROO sq, ft. with 3 bed­ 647-8400 Impeccable condition inside and out! 4 Bedrooms, num siding. Tastrfuly decorated in ” move-in** con­ large deck on which to entertain. rooms, 2Vii baths, fireplaced familv room family room, rec room, summer porch and a sensa­ of Dukakis, including Tuesday's saying the Democratic nominee Charming & Cozy dition! *142.900. Reasonably priced at *149.900. with custom built wet bar. This home off­ 168'Main Street, Manchester tional in-ground Gunile pool. Holiday occupancy. attacks on his economic and might re-examine the U.S. policy ers beautiful view in this towns most de­ Sums up this Dutch Colonial agriculture policies, appear to of selling government subsidized with 4 bedrooms, Ist floor den •254,900. sired area. and laundry room, formal din­ have paid off — at least according wheat to the Soviets. Fiano Realty Gallerv Of Homes 6-W>-5200. to two public opinion polls. "Can you imagine another ing room, eat-in kitchen, mar­ EXCELLENT VALUE ble-oak fireplace in livingroom, Move In condition describee this 3 or 4 A Gallup survey found Bush president who leaves open the patio, walk-up attic. Bowers bedroom, 2 bath Cape located on a leading by an 8-point margin, and door of using agriculture pro­ BOLTON •174,900 district. What a buy! beautiful private lot In Ellington. Dukakis suffering his highest ducts to make the political points Nbw Best Buy in Town! •179,900. Approximately one mile from country and using our producers in that club. Brand new septic system and negative rating of the presiden­ Listing Affordable, completely renovated 3 bed­ leach field. Offered at •152.900. tial race, \ CBS News-New York way?” he asked. room, 1 bath ranch style home with de­ Times poll also showed the Earlier, in a speech to Chicago tached 1 car f^arage. 1st floor laundry on 1 Democratic nominee trailing by 8 businessmen. Bush said that acre wooded lot. Still lime to choose V • • points, and Bush capitalizing on Dukakis' promise of a “helping colors! r -ir - * 4 defense issues. hand” from government would Fiano Realty Callerv Of Homes 646-3200. Fall in Love \ BEST BUY With this special 8 room Ansaldi IT’S PARTY TIME!!! till Reduced for quick sale. Spacious well A I.I0S Angeles Times nation­ translate into that hand reaching WAKE UP! WAKE UP! This attractive ?♦ room Contemporary offers a great cared for Lydall Woods 3 bedroom, 1 ti "right for the wallet" of the built Colonial 4 bedrooms, 1 full wide poll released today showed bath, 2 W baths, 2 fireplaces. It FINDERS KEEPERS!!! Wherever you are! ThU auper 7 room Raised Ranch layout for fabulous parties! Open floor plan with bath Colonial featuring let floor family Bush's strength on the defense taxpayers. COVENTRY ■ Affordabli* lots and new ronstnirtion Fiano Builders will even has a 1st floor in-law apart­ This super 8 room Split Level is a great home for the ia being offered at a' fantastic price! Beautifully cathedral ceiling. 2-3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ room, let floor laundry, loads of issue. Among all registered vo­ He said the economic picture use your plans or ours. 1-17 acre lots, •65,000and up. Owner financing ment. 1 car garage, large lot, in young family! Recently updated and redecorated. 3 situated on a private treed lot on Vernon Street. 3 place, finished rec room, office or den, Andersen storage and attached garage. Low available. bedrooms. 2.5 baths, central air. attic fan. stone bedrooms. 2.5 baths, family room with fireplace and maintenance lees and a price that's ters surveyed. 54 percent identi­ has been bright during the Martin School district. windows, fantastic 3 car garage with unfinished hard to beat. Only *159,000. fied Bush as the candidate who Reagan administration and •219,900. fireplace, pretty treed yard with a deck for warm woodstove, 2 car garage, deck, open and airy floor walkup loft above. Bolton. *259.900. would best ensure a strong promised to "strengthen and ‘Homework Is What JFe Do Best!* weather enjoyment! New price *209,900. plan. *192.500. ______< defense while only 20 percent broaden our economic growth.” 'V answered Dukakis, At the same time, the Republi­ > - < ■< > Dukakis continued to respond can Party unveiled a new televi­ to GOP complaints that he is sion commercial that uses a BB 8 f weak on defense with a foreign "crime quiz” to hit Dukakis on M it, i r t policy speech today at George­ the law and order issue. DON’T REAL ESTATE SERVICES •OOMtWM town University in Washington The ad scores the Democrat on 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 and a visit to Annapolis. Md. Bush issues such as the death penalty Jf Wi■A. planned to tour a farmer-owned and his state's inmate furlough LET THE cooperative in Fresno, Calif., and program before an announcer MANGHESTER *139,900 NEW 6 ROOM COLONIALS - *149,900 visit San Francisco's Chinatown. "asks" viewers "Which candi­ Well cared for 6 room aluminum MALLARD VIEW 3 bedrooms, tit baths, (Iraplace, gourrnm HANDY-DANDY New kitchen with all appliances, csrpMIm. lull bssement end President Reagan planned a date for president can you really and brick Capa In lovely family NEW CAPE Real Estate foray into Missouri today to count on to be tough on crime?" NEXT neighborhood. New carpet In living Hurry and saa this 7 room. 11* bsth horn# with flrepisesd giragal NO MONTHLY ASSOC. FEES. OPPORTUNITY!!! Listing room and dining room plus very jOmMloor tsmlly room and ";X,Lv“?[ai'SS) Cali 646-2482 “WE'RE SELLING HOU8ESI " Super 5 + 5 Duplex on Bank St. in Manchester's west stump for Bush with speeches on The answer comes, "George 1 badraemS'SH on second floor. ONLY *168,900 HUHHti his administration's economic Bush.” large enclosed porch off kitchen. end. One unit is in need of total rehah, other aide ia This home has a lot to offer lor the 647-8400 ill nice eondition, exterior in great shape, 3 successes and the nation's mil­ The Bush campaign accepted HOME growing family. Call Susan Dona­ the resignation of a seventh 168 Main Street, Manchester hedrooma. earh unit, separate utilities. Great itary strength. hue for more Information. opportiinitv to own investment property. New Price Democratic vice presidential adviser with alleged ties to MANCHESTER OFFICE 843-4000 candidate Lloyd Bentsen looked anti-Semitic activities, hoping for BUYER *167,500. to reinforce Dukakis' defense an end to the controversy. stance as the former pilot in­ Radi Slavoff quit his post as spected World War II aircraft national co-chairman of “Bulgar­ today and toured a defense ians for Bush” following a story in SNEAK contractor in Texas, GOP candi­ the Philadelphia Inquirer that date Dan Quayle planned a visit identified him as former chief of a MANCHESTER *209,900 MUST SELU! 9 TUMBLE BROOK DR. BOLTON to NORAD, the North American Bulgarian group formed after AWAY! 8 Room custom Cape In sought af­ Best buy In Mancheaterl 6 room, 3 bedroom ter South Mancheater. 3 Bedrooms, Huge U8iR built 8 room, 2 bath home with Aerospace Defense Command, in World War II which consisted of 4 , i... ' - Cape on Creatwood Dr. formal living room and dining room, pool and garage. ALL OFFERS WILL BE stunning fieldstone fireplace, Colorado. members of the Nazi-aligned dan and full basement with finished DIr: Rt. 85 to School St. to Tumble Brook Dr. Campaigning in Missouri on Bulgarian Legion. rec room. Extras Include, central PRESENTEDI A CLASS ACT!!! Advertise your listings here! vacuum, fire alarm sytfem with bat­ LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!! tery back-up and Intercom eyatem. ”WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES” This lovely 7 room Cape Cod features a great 1st You’ll just love the great layout of this brand new7-^ Ask for Susan Buckno. floor family room, eal-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, room Gambrel Colonial on I/iomis Road in Bolton. Wisconsin Democrats MANCHESTER OFFICE 643-4060 modern bath, hardwood floors, plus attractive Over 2.100 sq. ft., 3 great-size bedrooms, family room with brick fireplace. 2.5 baths, mudroom with "a Blanchard & Rossetto carpeting, fireplace, 2-zone heat, newer driveway call 643-2711 plus newer oversized garage and fabulous screened 1st floor laundrv. Over 2 acres suitable for horses! in patio. Fenced rear yard. *149,500. *259,900. prefer new candidate ask for Debbie — FREE HOME EVALUATION — caiisM Rsasaali BEAL ESTATE 646-2482 Bv The Associated Press Jerry Gillespie, according to > > - "STRANG’S CONDO’S” «!, REALTY WORLD unofficial returns, and House II ilY (203) 346-7709 73 VWMt C«nlor Strooi Wisconsin Democrats dashed Speaker Joe Lane appeared to be Jill Bvnoll/FrvchtlU A m o c IpI#* ManchBitor, M ir C T 06040 the comeback hopes of a former in trouble in his southeastern : V : Commerclal-InvostmenI Company MB WEGETRESULTS governor by nominating a millio­ Arizona district. But Mecham's ■ F O R S A L E naire sports club owner to suc­ former press secretary, Ron " 2 2 3 3 ceed Sen. William Proxmire, Bellus, was trounced by former i m m VERNON while a Republican legislator Senate President Leo Corbet. • Route 83, 6 acre Industrial Site, excellent for mini warehouie/itorage. Industrial Condo became the first woman chosen Minnesota voters, as expected, use. ,^ e jth e r party for a Senate seat set up a November clash between 271 Oak Street, So. Windsor a *194,000 • 2 Acres In C-10 zone on Rt. 83 near Hart- this ytsar. 878 Center SI., Manchester ■ *184,900 QOOD-SIZED COLONIAL mann'a Supermarket. 2,000 SF home with ELLINGTON - MANCHESTER '164.900 Republican Sen. Dave Duren- An Immaculate home Inside and out. Park Ilka Income apt. 3 Bedroom Cape Cod with full / Elsewhere in six state primar­ Beautiful treed lot with playacapa highlights this 3 Newer condo in country setting. Four rooms, IV2 baths, cathedral berger, seeking a third term, and rear yard, front to rear living room, formal dining bedroom Colonial, fat floor fireplaced family room. 1st in-law studio and private entr­ ies Tuesday, two Republican Democratic Attorney General room. Come see, much more. TOLLAND ceiling, aliders to deck. 3 zone heat. •112,900. congressmen from New England floor laundry. Spectacular multl-lsval preasure-traated ance. 2Vk baths. Large kitchen. Hubert H. "Skip” Humphrey III. Dir: Second houte tu t of Love Lana. • 20 */— prime commercial acres on Rie 105 passed the first hurdle toward deck. Convenient location - quiet neighborhood. adjacent to 1-84. PBD zoned. Potential uaea Fireplace. Only minutes from I- higher office. The victor in Wisconsin's De­ OIr: Vamon Circle to Kelly Road to right on Oak St Include clutter development, atrip ahopping 84. Make an offer. Vermont Rep. Jim Jeffords mocratic Senate primary was and officea. won the right to face Democrat Herbert Kohl, the Milwaukee ELLINGTON William Gray, a former U.S. Bucks basketball team owner • 3.8 Acraa In Prime Induatrlal area abutting El­ D.W.FISH lington Airport. Property Includsa sound attorney, for the seat of retiring who spent $2.1 million, mostly his THE RtALIYCOMBANY 1800 Colonial with Commercial Potential. GOP Sen, Robert Stafford. own money, on a campaign built New Hampshire Rep. Judd mainly on TV ads. BOLTON E. HARTFORD *128.500 Gregg, son of a former governor, • 31 acres In excellent location lor potential SOUTH WINDSOR — Price reduced on this Immaculate 2 year NEW LI8TIN6H Kohl, seeking office for the first aubdivlalon. Property also Includes historic old 7 room Colonial. 1st floor family room. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 VERNON - captured his party's nomination time, said voters wanted “a 18th century Colonial w/aaveral outbuildings 3 Bedrooms. 2 car garage with to succeed Republican Gov. John for possible horse farm. baths, built Ins, fireplace, carpeting, large lot on a Move right into this 4 room, 2 bedroom. 1^4 bath condo. Newer 40 AMP serive, woodstove and qualified non-politician with real 1 B e lt e r wall-lo-wall, garage. Nice! •105,900. Sununu and will run against business-world experience and I H o m e s , 22 Bishop Dr., Msnchsstsr • *230,900 cul-de-sac street, asking *227.900. workbench. Needs work. An ex­ Democrat Paul McEachern. they said they want a senator IN-LAWS? TEENAOERS? PARTV PEOPLE? F O R L E A S E ‘Putting You 1st Is iJnd Nature To Us:” cellent buyl Make an offer. In Arizona, Republican candi­ Coma look at this unique Railed Ranch with complete who'll be independent of special large self contained suite (Including kitchen, bath, ELLINOTON dates loyal to oi^sten Gov. Evan interests.” living room and bedroom) on lower level. Alao, • Rantal/Profeaslonal Office apace available In STRAND REAL ESTATE Mecham were having mixed Inground pool, deck on quiet cul-da-tac. 2 shopping esntsra on high traffic - Routs N. 156 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CT results in primary challenges to But former Gov. Anthony S. Savsral altaa available starting at 1400 SF at U&R REALTY CO. Dir: Vernon to Scott to Kennedy to Bishop. more than a dozen legislators who Earl, who finished second in a •a»^«»wi.ft. _CALL TODAY - 647-“S O L D *^ voted to impeach or convict five-way race, said he hoped OFFICE HOURS 243 Main 8lra«l, ManelMalBr, C T 06040 ^ M3-2692 IB Mecham last spring. Senate there could still be a place for 643-1591 243 Main St., Manchester, CT 06040 Dally 0:004:00 M i s 1 lautl ( ) (^jl^/Robert D. Murdock, Realtor 0 F F n I TUUllU^^^* 203 646-7709 President Carl Kunasek was personal campaigning not so 871-1400 Vernon Cr., Vernon, CT 00066 Sal. 0:00-9:00 6 4 3 -4 6 1 6 defeated by Mecham supporter reliant on big money. \Z - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Sept. 14, 19B8 IHanrlirslrr Hrralft Chemical emergencies Church fair Hurricane Section 2, Page 13 Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1988 From page 1 set to begin From page 1 FOOD Cancun, but that government Service said today that "People There are three levels of disaster the leak, company officials said. About 60 By Michele Noble figures estimate between 40,000 in the warned areas should have town must be ready to deal with, Kraatz people were evacuated during the first leak and 65,000 a month. Cancun has a completed all possible prepara­ in May 1987, while a dozen homes were Manchester Herald said. population of about 100,000 to tions for this extremely danger­ A Type I accident happens the most often, evacuated during the October leak. After 11 months of planning. theSt. James 150,000, she said. ous hurricane.” Kraatz said. It usually is something as Neither leak was a threat to residents, Ninth Annual Fall Festival is ready for its High winds also were reported Tides of up to 10 to 15 feet and simple as a gasoline spill and is easy to said Edward Boland, company president. in Valladolid, a city of 80,000 high waves were likely near and The leaks, though, and antiquated equip­ Thursday kickoff. clean up, he said. The annual three-day festival, which is located 80 miles southwest of north of where the center crossed A Type II incident happens much less ment made the company stop manufactur­ Oaty crunch expected to draw more than 8,000 partici­ Cancun, said Jose Joaquin Mar- the coast, the hurricane center frequently, maybe once every few years, ing block Ice because it required the use of til. local Red Cross president. said. ammonia, he said. The company still has pants, will include 30 booths, numerous and is more hazardous, he said. rides for the children, a giant tag sale, three Jamaican Prime Minister Ed­ Residents living within 2,000 An example of a Type II incident would be about 500 pounds of ammonia on site for ward Seaga said late Tuesday feet of the Caribbean coast and at other purposes but plans to discontinue its sit-down dinners under a tent each night, the two ammonia leaks at Manchester Ice & that at least six people were an altitude of less than 15 feet use within the next year. and a raffle drawing that includes a 1988 Fuel Inc. last year, which required the Mercury Tracer. The festival will be held on killed, and an estimated 60,000 above sea level were ordered evacuation of residents, Kraatz said. The The company now purchases block ice were left homeless in “ the worst evacuated, said Juan Carlos from out of state and makes only cubed ice. the church grounds at 896 Main St. second leak was caused by an equipment natural disaster in the modem Padilla, director of the National which does not require ammonia and is Fair-goers will also be able to enjoy free failure in a high-pressure line that history of Jamaica.” Civil Protection System. manufactured with modem equipment, evening entertainment, which includes maintains low temperatures in a cooler, “ Everything is a disaster,” The hurricane center said oW-fasWoned oatmeal t or aaW Boland said. music by guitarist Carl Henry of Newington hre officials said. on Friday and polka with Johnny Prytko and said Grace Morris of Kingston. Gilbert was the most intense Wear on a condenser caused the first If a Type III accident occurred, the state The Good Time Band on Saturday. “ We have to build a complete new storm on record in terms of _ and Department of Environmental Protection “ We are discovering that we don’t have to Jamaica.” barometric pressure. It saij by 8 , 'margarine, stirring coo® gtirlnoats, has a 15-member hazardous material team work as hard at reminding people that we Civil defense officials in the p.m. EDT ’Tuesday it was mea­ ready to assist local authorities, said exist,” said Arlene S. White, the church’s Dominican Republic, sideswiped sured at 26.13 inches, breaking Disaster plan Charles Zieminski, principle emergency publicity coordinator. “ It has become a Sunday by the storm, reported the 26.35 inches recorded for the response coordinator for the DEP. The ^ ell-W e" ® From page 1 town tradition.” five people were known dead. 1935 hurricane that devastated team, which can be called into service 24 Terry Parla, the festival’s chairman of The U.S. National Weather the Florida Keys. hours a day. would help with cleanup, the iDooths who began planning the event last people, he said. determine who is responsible and help November, said the festival, which will be If more people needed to be evacuated arrange for payment from the responsible open each day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., sells than the town could handle, mutual aid company, he said. more than 500 dinner tickets each night and Trade deficit plans worked out with neighboring towns The state has the power to make sure any expects this year’s sales to increase would go into effect, Kraatz said. chemical spill is cleaned up as fast as substantially from 1987. From page 1 The evacuation of Manchester Memorial possible, and has a lien on any company’s “ Last year we were completely rained out Hospital and local convalescent homes property that does not pay reparations, he except for one day,” Parla said. “But would be contingent on where the accident said. financially we still did better than previous dine as proof that the administra­ “ Our exports continue to climb occurred and whether people would be put “ That’s a tremendous amount of power,” years. So this year, if it doesn’t rain, we tion’s economic policies were because our goods are cheaper in a greater danger by not evacuating them. Zieminski said. “ That ... allows almost expect It to be fantastic.” working. and imports are declining be­ Mothers can conquer Krdotx 8&id anything to be done.” “ This is great news,” Com­ cause we have finally found a “ You don’t evacuate those facilities About $100,000 has been allocated in this merce Secretary C. William price high enough to stop consu­ unless in dire need,” he said. year’s state budget for SARA implementa­ Man admits embezzling cash Verity said in a statement. mers from buying Imported The police department would handle the tion, which will be used to help collect "Compared with the same seven goods,” he said. evacuation, control the crowd, and support information on chemicals, storing the HARTFORD (AP) — A Middlebury man months of last year, exports A weaker dollar, in addition to rescue vehicles, Kraatz said. Ambulances information, training and answering in­ Wednesday pleaded guilty to embezzling more surged 28 percent while imports making U.S. products cheaper on would also be available, if needed, he said. quiries, Zieminski said. than $10,000 from the Waterbury post office where rose less than 10 percent.” overseas markets, makes im­ the brown-bag blues The state also would provide assistance Because the federal government did not he worked, said U.S. Attorney Stanely A. Twardy Jay Goldinger, an economist ports more expensive for Ameri­ with controlling the accident, with clean up provide funding for SARA when it was Jr. said. with Capital Insight, a Los can consumers. For the first seven months of and getting the responsible company to pay passed in 1986, the state is left to pick up the Peter F. Lawlor, 50, pleaded guilty to Angeles investment firm, pre­ like, such as plain yogurt flavored with an for cleanup, said Charles Zieminski. funds. Because of lack of funds, the state embezzling postal funds before U.S. District dicted that the deficit figures this year, the U.S. trade deficit By Nancy Pappas herb mix or cream cheese and chives principal emergency response coordinator has not bought a separate computer system Judge Peter C. Dorsey. would likely remain in the single­ has been running at an annual Manchester Herald for the Department of Environmental to help store collected information, Zie­ Lawlor could receive a prison term up to 10 digit range in coming months as average of $137.5 billion, down softened with a little milk. Save small, firm Protection. minski said. It may be up to 10 years before years, or be fined as much as $10,010, the amount U.S. manufacturers continue to 19.3 percent from the record plastic yogurt containers, and spoon dip ChlckenW aW ort This is the week when many parents start The town has never had a Type III the state has an active computer system he embezzled, when he is sentenced Nov. 14. reap the benefits from the decline $170.3 billion deficit suffered in into them. Pack in the lunch box with raw 1987. singing the brown bag blues. Those incident. listing chemicals. Twardy said. in the value of the dollar. vegetables and whole grain crackers. resolutions made in July and August — the ■ To many children, breadsticks and ones about making exciting lunches each cheese chunks, packed separately, will morning — are beginning to wear thin. 8 firms seem m ore like snacks than a “ real lunch.” In their place is the seemingly endless Nothing wrong with that, since every y iE E K E N D question, “ What’s going into the parent knows that kids are always more report youngsters’ lunch boxes today?” enthusiastic when chomping on snacks. W'- Bologna and cheese? Roast beef on rye? ■ Some youngsters love pizza so much, Oh, no, not peanut butter again! they’re happy to find slices of it, at room chem icals After a quick inventory of the temperature, in their lunch bags. Wrap well refrigerator artd cupboard, you must in foil, and don’t use pizza topped with Eight companies in Manches­ determine whether the kids will eat, trade hamburger meat. The meat may spoil. ter have reported the existence of PRrCED TO or toss that tuna on toast, or pepperoni in a ■ Even kids who like yogurt will often extremely hazardous chemicals pita. object to the whey, or clear liquid, which at their plants to the Local If it’s any comfort, you’re not alone in this forms on top as the yogurt warms up. Use Emergency Planning Commit­ tee. The committee will review a dilemma. A nationwide survey company, an insulated cloth lunch bag, if possible, report on efforts to deal with Roper Inc., has determined that 25 million and pack a frozen juice box to keep chemical emergencies at its American children carry lunches at least a everything chilled. Thursday meeting. few times each week. In the course of a ■ Toss hot, freshly-popped popcorn with The companies and the chemi­ single year, they figure that more than 3 a little grated Cheddar or parmesan cheese. cals stored are listed below. The report includes how the town will billion lunches are carried to school. That’s It will melt against the popcorn, boosting deal with emergencies and eva­ an awful lot of little plastic sandwich bags! nutrition while replacing butter and salt. cuation plans since the compan­ ies are close to residential neigh­ □ □ □ □ □ □ borhoods, schools, nursing homes Everyone who packs lunches needs to get Kids don’t necessarily hate things, just and Manchester Memorial out of the sandwich rut once in a while. because they’re nutritious. Try these Ho.spital. The effects of the chemicals Here are some ideas to consider: tot-tested recipes which work well in lunch range from the respiratory prob­ ■ Mix up a simple dip your youngster will boxes, and as after-school snacks. lems and bums associated with chlorine to respiratory problems, ' eacon-db**** ^ « burns or possibly death if hydro­ fluoric acid is inhaled. The'eight companies with ha­ zardous chemicals are; ■ Rogers Corp., Mill and Oak­ land streets, bromine, chloro­ ■Aft form. phenolic resin. loiit nil - Heawn' ■ Manchester Ice & Fuel Inc.. 51 Bissell St., ammonia. Iteaap®®® i^wl Letstandat ■ Purdy Corp., 586 Hilliard St., oowder «vinamedl««‘'^ ^ « i . combine hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid. ■ Tyco Inc., 50 Harrison St., chlorine, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide. ■ Manchester W ater and Sewer Division. 125 Spring St., liquid chlorine. ■ SNET Co.. 50 E. Center St., sulfuric acid, ■ Northeast Utilities, Olcott TO BUY FROM Street. VC <, ■ United Technologies, 140 c h o o s e ^ P C A Progress Drive. * " '* 1 PRICE GUARANTEE ITIIII'I ,„,TSO B tSW ;«Q ^. HITACHI I AS AMEMBEfi Of'NAItOA Northeast Utilities and United ■ fW Ai ClCCCCDrC A lii a;^iNG. 6 Technologies have not completed reports identifying specific . ZemTH *“ApAWA80WC ------FAST SERVICE mA*- chemicals, said Fred Weil, com­ AL SlIfFEm’S SEIMCES EVERV Pfiooua SOU) mittee staff assistant. The re­ BV A PROEESSIONAUV TOAINEO TECHNICIAN ports, though, will be ready by BOTH IN AND OUT Of WARRANTY. 7 next month, he said. FAMOUS NAME BR^OS Seven other companies which AT A L SIEFFERT'S AL StEfFERTS CARfiVS ONLY NAJIONAUY KNOW NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE THAT store less hazardous chemicals YO U C A N TRUST....SUCH AS: SONY. also have reported to the PA N A SO N IC . MITSUBISHI. ZENITH. G E. YOU GET MORE... WHIRLPOOl. MAGIC CHEF. MAYTAG. RCA, No joke, no gimmick: It’s orange cauliflower committee. LinON, JENN-AHJ, PLUS MANY MOREI 8 I They are: • FREE DELIVERY FINANCING said Carol Bowman-Williams, a spokeswoman than caulfilower now available and is more him some more,” Dickson said. ■ Empire Tool Tool & Manu­ alsieffertsoffei Now, Dickson and researchers at six or seven facturing Co., 180 Olcott St. • FREE REMOVAL «0 DAYS SAME A! By Randolph PIcht for Frieda’s Finest, which claims to be this nutritious. PROOUOS, PLUS It tastes just like white cauliflower, Dickson seed companies are working to come up with a ■ Gas Turbine Corp. of Man­ CARO, AND DOC! The Associated Press country’s largest seller of specialty produce. • FREE NORMAL 9 said. commercially viable seed, a laborious process chester, 80 Colonial Road. "M ore and more people are out looking for ■ Globe Hollow Water Treat­ GENEVA, N.Y. — Look! ... On the plate! ... the foods they may have tried in another The orange color comes from a high that involves cross-breeding different cauli­ HOOK-UP EXTENDED W ^ A N T Y flowers to come up with the strongest hybrid. ment, Spring Street. AL SIEFFERT'S OFFERS EXTENDED WARRANTEES It’s a carrot. It’s a Sweet Potato. ... No, it’s country or read about in a food magazine or concentration of carotene, the hydrocarbon ON EVHTY MAJOR APPLIANCE. COLOR IV. “ If I or they are lucky, we could have seed out ■ IMO Delaval Inc., 80Sheldon • FREE SERVICE Cauliflower! tried in a fine restaurant,” Bowman-Williams that gives carrots their color and is converted VCR THEY SELL LOW COST PROTECTION next year. That would be a fluke,” Dickson Road. AGAINST FUTURE REPAIRS. ASK A That’s the cry that someday may be heard in said. into vitamin A by the body. • PLUS MUCH MORE! SALESPERSON FOR OCTAILS______said. ” I hope within three or four years we ■ Manchester Herald, 16 Brai- American households that are already trying to Frieda’s Finest, based in Los Angeles, has “ It’s not as high as a carrot or tomato, but it might have some seed on the market.” nard Place. deal with purple broccoli, yellow peppers and seen sales rise steadily each year since opening has 300 times the amount of carotene in white Dickson, who is conducting several unique ■ Sinclair and Valentine, 275 E Z T E R M S red bananas. Pretty soon, the list may include in 1961, and this year the company expects cauliflower,” said Dickson, a native of England Progress Drive. Af tiPFFERrS EASY TO GET TO: research programs for cauliflower, is also ■ CASH orange cauliflower. sales of $15 million. who grew purple broccoli in his family garden ■ Syndet Products Inc., 201 ta s HARTFORD ROAD ■ MASTER CARD It’s no joke. It’s not a gimmick. It’s Bowman-Williams said the company would as a boy in London. trying to come up with a white cauliflower that Boston Turnpike, Bolton. ttANCHESTER. CT. now you can ta« ^-384 N O W r o u ^ " ■ VISA something Michael Dickson, a plant breeder at certainly consider adding orange cauliflower So far, the orange cauliflower has only been will grow and stay white for a long period of ■ MONTHLY PMT. 1-364 the New York State Agricultural Experiment to its long list of produce which includes 250 grown" as an experimental crop at the time. d is c o u n t CENTER!! WS4 ■ DISCOVER CARD Station, has spent eight years working on. different items including red bananas and agricultural station, although Dickson did take That research could lead to big savings on the Second time around several hundred of the colorful cauliflowers to farm, where workers now must go out into the HARTFORD ROAD I SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER “ I think people are always interested in purple potatoes. NEW YORK (AP) - A third of something that’s different or a new color,” said “ We have an open door for anything new and a local market two years ago to see how they fields and tie up the leaves of cauliflowers to 445 HARTFORD ROAD-KEENEV STREET prevent the sun from turning the vegetable the women who married in 1987 HARTFORD Dickson, who has been growing orange different,” she said. would sell. were making a return trip to the ^SIEFFERTS * MANCHESTER, CONN. cauliflower for the past several years. The new cauliflower, which looks like its been “ It sold out pretty quickly and people were brown. altar, according to Modem Bride Orange cauliflowers also don’t need to have OPEN DAILY: MON Sr THURS 'T IL 9, TUiS, WID, EA T'TIL 5. W l'TIL t. tUN 'TILS. There’s a growing interest from consumers thoroughly drenched in Cheddar cheese sauce, apparently asking for more. Every time I see magazine, which reports that of also is easier to grow, has a longer shelf life the owner of that farm stand he asks me to get their leaves tied. 2.421.000 marriages last year to try exotic and unusual fruits and vegetables, 823.000 were remarriages for the bride. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1988 — 15 14 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 Supermarket Shopper Smuckers enters spreadable fruit war Home-cooked meal Microwave cherry-lime salsa takes some time 1^4 e«p« treth or troieii IVi teaipooBO cornstarch SMUCKERS SIMPLY FRUIT. Red raspberry,s premium white C h e d d a r cheese. $1.49 a 4.5-oz. bag. Dash groBBd cloves ylttod Urt red ckerrlet. Invest In food, beat 1989 food prices Concord grape, blackberry, orange marmalade, Families are rediscovering the pleasure of 1 teaspoon grated lime peel V H V t o r o d strawberry and blueberry. $1.7»-1.99 per lOriiz. jar Bonnie: Nutritionally Cape Cod Popcorn is a sharing a home-cooked meal at the end of a 4 teaspoons lime Juice S taUetpooBO BBgar Burdened with heavy debts percent increase is more likely. Supermarket near-clone of Bachman’s Air Popped Pop Corn with busy day. These tips will help you streamline Editor's note; This is the first in A shopper like Peggy Goodwin Bonnie: Polaner, Sorrel Ridge and .Smuckers white Cheddar cheese. dinner preparation. HOME SHELF LIFE OF from Wall Street buyouts and have all entered the spreadable fruit war with Partially thaw cherries, If froien. In a microwave-safe 2-cup a Ahree-part series entitled mergers, the largest food proces­ isn’t passively waiting for the Sam pler Both Cape Cod and Bachman’s are lower in Shop and stock measure combine sugar, cornstarch and cloves. Stir in cherries, "Beating 1989 Food Prices.” MAJOR FOOD PRODUCTS answer. As part of her Investment basically the same product. Basically, all of these Carolyn Wyman sodium (only 150 milligrams) per ‘4 ounce serving — Post your grocery list on the refrigerator. sors are under pressure to products have added sugar or preservatives and are lime peel and lime Juice. Cook, uncovered, on 100 percent power increase their profits. Less than plan, she is buillishly stocking up & Bonnie Tandy Leblang than Smartfood (240), the original real cheese- When you notice a staple running low or use the (high) 21/i to 8‘A minutes or until thickened and bubbly, Bv on frozen foods such as peas and sweetened by fruit juice concentrates. And. they all Martin Sloane Mayonnaise 9 months three years ago, Beatrice Cos. flavored popcorn. last of an item, add it to the list. Encourage twice. Cook 30 seconds more. Cover; chill. Serve with grilled beef United Feature Syndicate com that haven’t been hit by have almost as many calories as preserves. In the Cape Cod, like Smartfood, also has disodium your family to do this also. Corn Oil 18 months was involved in a leveraged case of Smuckers spreadables a teaspoon has 16 or chicken. Makes 1 cup. buyout that left it with billions of major price increases. phosphate added to the cheese to remove its — Take advantage of quick-fix items such as To many supermarket And she has organized monthly calories to preserves’ 18. moisture. Although it’s naturally-occuring body cooked meats, chopped vegetables, and deli NutrUloa Informatloii per Ubletpoon: IS cel.. 0 s pro.. 4 g carb.. S g fat. Omg shoppers responsible for buying Flour 6-S months dollars of new debt. General eM ., • mg sodium. shopping adventures with her chemical, I’d prefer eating my popcorn without it. salads at your grocery store. the family groceries, the news of Cereals 6-8 months Foods was purchased by Philip Carolyn: Smuckers has taken their time coming Don’t think you have to buy a mix tobake a cake in Morris Inc. Nabisco bought Del friends to a Houston "wholesale Fortunately, Bachman’s offers a disodium — Keep supplied with staples such as eggs, a summer drought in the Midwest cmniin out with their own line of spreadable fruits — and it your microwave. With a few changes you can make Crackers 26 weeks Monte, then Nabisco Itself was club,” a supermarket that car­ phosphate-free alternative. fruits, spices and vegetables. It’s easier to run brought chilling reminders of the seems as if they have put that time to good use. many of your favorite cake recipes work in the Soft Batch gobbled up by R. J. Reynolds. ries items In bulk. It’s a 75-mlle to the cupboard or refrigerator than to the early '80s, when double-digit Unlike some of their competitors, none of their microwave. Rich cakes (cohtaining a high propor­ Carolyn: Cape CJod is the second company I know Cookies 21 weeks For companies like these, it trip but well worth the effort. store. inflation hit the supermarket flavors are diluted or overly sweetened by added tion of oil, butter or shortening and using whole 'of to copy Smartfood’s delicious cheese popcorn ns may be an irresistible temptation Once you, too, decide to become fruit juices. The blueberry, strawberry and orange — Buy ingredients as near to the form your shelves. Cake Mix up to 2 years eggs) are most easily adapted. For complete invention but neither imitator is as good as the Ham with cranberry sauce to use the drought as an excuse to an investor in food, you, like marmalade are particularly good. recipe calls for as possible. For instance, At that time, stores were Crisco 6 months to 1 year details, check the cookbook that came with your ^ original. But if Smartfood isn’t distributed in your raise prices beyond what is Peggy, will want to make the choose canned boneless skinless pink salmon 1 tablespoon margarine or raising food prices so frequently Cookies 6 months microwave oven or any microwave cookbook with a part of the country. Cape Cod's version is a bit 14 pound fully cooked ham, needed to cover their own in­ biggest profit on your invest­ BETTY CROCKER MICRORAVE MICROWAVE instead of regular canned salmon. Other that some cans and boxes had Peanut Butler 2-4 years section on recipe conversion. cheesier (in the good sense) than Bachman’s. sliced Vk-lnch thick hotter creasing costs. ment. And the way to do that is to ready-to-use ingredients; boneless chicken three or four price tags, one Oils 2 years CAKE MIXES. DeviTs Food with chocolate . 1 small green apple, cored 14 cnp cranherry-orange Compared with the early ’80s adapt some proven investing breasts, frozen cubed cooked chicken, layered on top of another. Pringles 1 year frosting, yellow with chocolate frosting, German Carolyn; Most cakes made from mixes are too big sauce episode of rapidly ascending food tactics that allow you to buy low! shredded cheese. and chopped (Vi cup) Unfortunately, consumer fears chocolate with coconut pecan frosting, gold vanilla for today’s smaller families. Celebrate a birthday KEEBLER SUNCHEROS. Original, salsa and 1 stalk celery, sliced (14 t tablespoons vinegar prices, shoppers trying to watch Despite price increases, ' with rainbow chip frosting. 31.59 per 10.25-lQ.75-oz. and you’re sentenced to eating cake for the next six nucho. $1.49 a 7-oz. Bag. — As you unpack groceries, clean greens and of rapidly rising food prices are Pasta 1-2 years neither manufacturers nor super­ enp) Several dashes ground their grocery budget today will box containing frosting, mix and pan. or seven days. One of the things I really like about chop vegetables. Store in plastic bags in the well founded again this year. The markets can shake the habit of allspice Crackers'Cookies 6 months find themselves at a the new MicroRave cakes is that they’re sized just refrigerator. You can even make up your U.S. Department of Agriculture promoting their products by Bonnie: Skip these nacho-and salsa-flavored favorite greens combination for tossed salad. has predicted that the drought disadvantage. Bonnie: I used to think no comapny’s ingredient right for singles or couples. Another good thing is Frozen foods up to 1 year According to A.C. Nielsen, only putting them on sale — even the tortilla chips. They contain many added ingredients Supper helpers In a large skillet cook ham over medium heat about 5 minutes will reduce the nation’s corn list could be longer than Pillsbiiry’s. But the new that, unlike the competition, each of these cakes or until heated through, turning once. (Overlap slices in skillet, if Cereals up to 1 year 4,568 supermarkets had checkout items affected by the drought. MicroRave cake mixes from Betty Crocker have comes with a pan and prepared frosting. not naturally found in tortilla chips — or any other — Make meals a family affair. Ask your harvest by more than 30 percent. And the flow of coupons on food, for that matter. spouse to start dinner the evenings he gets necessary.) Remove ham from the skillet; cover to keep warm. Damage to crops of spring wheat, Source: Individual companies counter scanners back in 1981, even more artificial flavors, colors, gums, preser­ As might be expected of any product that comes In the same skillet cook apple and celery in hot margarine until and most of America’s groceries national brands continues at a vatives, thickeners, antioxidants, and emulsifiers with many varieties, the quality varies. The devil’s But compared to other tortilla chips on the home first or organize your kitchen so you can oats, rye and barley will cut the record-breaking rate. market, the original flavor Suncheros are not bad. tender. Stir in cranberry-orange sauce, vinegar and allspice. What can a consumer do? Is were still rung up by cashiers who than the rival Pillsbury Microwave Cake Mixes. food makes the moistiest, tastiest cake while the share cooking tasks. grain harvest by 25 percent. In the months ahead, flour will Although quite salty and made with partially — Kids can set the table, pour milk, tear Cook and stir until heated through. On 2 dinner plates, arrange there a strategy to helr> ' "ght checked the prices marked on These MicroRave mixes also contain some of the festive-looking rainbow chip frosting is the best Sporadic summer rains didn’t go on sale, along with cake mixes hydrogentated fats (a process that makes polyun­ lettuce for a tossed salad, or clean vegetables ham slices. Spoon sauce on top. Makes 2 servings. rapidly rising food pricts? i oggy each item. Consumers saw the most saturated fats around; coconut oil, palm oil. candidate for a party centerpiece. save them. and frozen peas. When you see saturated fats more saturated and therefore, not as while you cook. This is a good chance to talk Goodwin of Lovelady, Texas, for price marks; they were a visible beef tallow or even lard, depending on which is most Nutrition Information per aorvlng; 36S cal., J4 g pro., 41 g carbo., « g fat. 60 While most of the food now on those advertised specials, it’s CAPE COD POPCORN. Select white corn with good for you), they do not contain the highly over their day, too. mg Choi., 1.4S1 mgiodium. U.8. RDA: 47 percent vlt.C, 5* percent thiamine, 15 one, says the answer is yes. cause of pain-in-the-pocketbook. available when they make the mix. the supermarket shelves was time to plunge into the market saturated palm oil found in many other chips. Fast-cooking tips percent ribonavin. *4 percent niacin, 12 percent Iron. harvested and processed many Peggy has seen the price of This is not so true today. Approxim ately 16,000 super­ and make your Investments. — Before you leave in the morning, slice or months ago, before the drought, cantaloupes rise from 59 cents markets, more than half the ■ Stocking up tip; It isn’t Carolyn: I expect to get overly-salty snacks in a chop vegetables, meat, or cheese or other prices on these items are going up each to $1.79, but she isn’t always easy to invest in grocer­ dinner ingredients and store them in the worried. She has a money-saving nation’s stores, are'now scanner- bar: it’s a clever ploy to get you to buy more beer. — now! ies, especially if your budget is Desserts made with fruit refrigerator. A spokesman for General Mills system, complete with a food equipped and, in most, the But you shouldn't have to put up with this in your marking of individual prices has stretched to the limit right now. — Get a head start on main-dish or fruit confirmed a recent 4 percent “ investment” plan and group edge of the pastry circle. Remove making a checkerboard pattern. own home. been eliminated. Hence, price How do you do it? You set your Continued from page 14 salads by storing cans of meats, vegetables increase in the price super­ trips to the supermarket. This a 2 inch piece from circular Fold circular strip of dough over You will if you buy any of Keebler’s new taco Texas ribs increases are harder to discern. mind on stocking up on just one or and fruits in your refrigerator. markets pay for Gold Medal special Supermarket Shopper pastry strip. Discard the 2 inch ends of the checkerboard. Seal chips. All are extremely salty. The salsa and nacho What does it all add up to? The two items on every shopping trip. 4 pounds meaty beef chuck Vi to >4 teaspoon ground red Flour, and a 5 percent increase series should help you, too, beat In a large bowl, combine fresh strip piece. Place remaining and flute edges. Sprinkle with are also hard to tell apart — and not very hot. Department of Agriculture pre­ Week after week you will see your short ribs pepper for many brands of cereals. the rising cost of food. investment grow. peaches and blueberries. Add circular strip on a 12 inch round sugar and cinnamon mixture, iof 8 tablespoons Worcester­ Vi teaspoon dry mustard CPC International has raised While the drought will contrib­ dicts that food prices will rise as peach brandy and set aside. microwave platter, sealing ends desired. Microwave at 70 percent much as 5 percent this year shire sauce >/4 teaspoon chill powder the prices of its Hellmann’s and ute to higher prices, there are Prepare pie-crust mix accord­ together. Cut remaining center (medium-high) power for 4‘4 to because of the drought. But some 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/3 cnp water Best Foods brands of mayonnaise other, behind-the-scenes reasons Next: A strategy for beating ing to package directions. On a circle of dough info strips ‘4 inch 5'4 minutes, or until lattice 1 tablespoon brown sugar by 8 percent. Up in price, too, is its why consumers will be paying economists think those figures lightly floured surface, roll out wide. Twist half of the strips and begins to brown, giving platter a 1 tablespoon cooking oil are optimistic and that a 7 or 8 rising food prices. 14 teaspoon Instant beef 1 teaspoon cornstarch Mazda corn oil. more this year. dough linch larger than the top of place 1 inch apart inside circular half turn once. Cool and loosen bouillon grannies Vi cup ketchup the casserole for a deep dish pie. strip with both ends of each strip edgesd with a spatula before 1 clove garlic, minced Trim edges to make an even overlapping circular strip. Twist transferring lattice top to pie. circle. With a pasti^ wheel cut a 1 remaining strips and place at In a small bowl combine sugar, To precook ribs, in a large kettle or Dutch oven cover ribs with Fresh fruits inspire iavish desserts inch circular strip around the right angles across first strips. flour, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, 50 to 60 well. Fold sugar mixture gently into fruit in baking dish. Dot with Apples, minutes or until tender. butter. Cover. Microwave at high For brushing sauce, in a small mixing bowl combine the peaches and power for 8 to 10 minutes, or until Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, oil, bouillon granules, garlic, red blueberries all 1135 TOLLAND TURNPIKE fruit is just tender and mixture is pepper, mustard, chili powder and l-3rd cup water. Reserve 'A inspire extrav­ M icrow ave thickened, stirring twice. Top agant ideas cup of brushing sauce. with lattice crust just before In a covered grill arrange preheated coals around a drip pan. and lovely des­ Kitchen serving. Yields 6 to 8 servings. Place ribs on rack over the pan but not over the coals. Lower grill serts. These hood. Grill ribs over medium-slow heat for 15 minutes, turning seasonal fruits Merge Churchill MANCHESTER ribs halfway through grilling and brushing occasionally with are with us now Marge Churchill is a Manches­ in super- brushing sauce. ter resident who Is an expert on Meanwhile, for serving sauce, in a small saucepan combine markets and microwave cooking. H you have brown sugar and cornstarch. Stir in reserved brushing sauce and roadside any questions about microwaving DOUBLE COUPONS ketchup. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 stands, so we advise you to take Peach and walnut torte that you would like to see minutes more. Serve sauce with ribs. Makes 5 or 6 servings. full advantage of thiese lovely W'l SEE STORE FOR DETAILS cup flour answered In this column, please fruits and create some special Vi Nutrition Information per aervlng: 40«cal.. 41* pro., 8g carbo., 22 g fat. 128 Vi teaspoon baking soda send your Inquiry to: Microwave, mg Choi,. S4S mg aodlum. U S. RD A; 19 percent riboHavin, S3 percent niacin, 30 treats for your family. teaspoon salt P.O. Box 591, Manchester Herald, The Peach and Walnut torte is Vi CAMPBELL’SeSPLIT PEA W/HAM 690 OR CHICK W/NOODLES percent iron. 21 percent phosphorus. 3 Tablespoons butter Manchester 06040. made from a single layer cake >4 cup packed brown sugar which is cut in half and then sliced 1 egg horizontally to make 4 layers. We >4 cup milk think you will love its rich nutty ■4 cup finely crushed vanilla M enus Home Cookin flavor as a perfect foil for fresh wafers (11 wafers) Watermelon sherbet peaches. Vi cup ground walnuts (about 1 7 The Peach Glace Pie is in a 10%'" oz. Q d ounce) wich, tartar sauce, chips, fruit Monday; Chicken pattie on a U 4 cops cubed watermelon 1/3 cup cranberry juice cracker crumb crust for quick 1 cup fresh peach slices Senior citizens gelatin with topping. roll, vegetable, fruit. can f lH cocktail and easy preparation. A bit more The following meals will be Soup <4 cup sugar Lemon juice Thursday; Hamburger on a Tuesday: Double cheese­ 1 envelope unflavored time-consuming, but well worth 1 cup whipping cream served at Mayfair Gardens and roll, corn niblets, potato puffs, burger, vegetables, fruit. gelatin the effort is the Brandied Peach Grease the bottom on an 8xl‘4 Westhill Gardens the week of cake with fruit. Wednesday: Ziti with meat and Blueberry Pie. It is a inch round baking dish. Line with I cup orange juice glass bowl, cook preserves on ; Sept. 19 through 23 to Manchester Friday: Cheese pizza, tossed sauce, vegetable, hot roll and HEAT AND SERVE Place the watermelon cubes in a blender container or food microwave version of a deep-dish waxed paper; set aside. Combine >4 cup water high power for 2 minutes, or until residents who are 60 or older; salad, dessert. butter, fruit. processor bo wi. Coverand blend until smooth (should have 3 cups pie, and features a microwaved flour, soda and salt. In a mixer Whipped cream or ice cream melted. Brush over top of Ku­ Thursday: Grilled cheese sand­ mixture). Stir in sugar. . . lattice crust. bowl, beat butter for *4 minute. (optional) chen. Garnish with fresh mint Meals on Wheels Coventry schools wich, french fries, vegetables, In a medium saucepan soften gelatin in cranberry juice Apple Kuchen features a crust Add sugar. Beat until blended. In a 4 cup measure, combine sprig. Serve with whipped cream. ' fruit. Libby’s The following meals are to be cocktail. Stir over low heat until gelatin is dissolved. Add gelatin that is made in the baking dish. sugar, cornstarch and ginger. Yields 8 servings. The following lunches will be Friday: Pizza, salad, fruit. Add egg. Beat well. Add flour served to Meals on Wheels clients to melon mixture; combine thoroughly. Pour mixture into an 8- We suggest an apple shaped mixture and milk alternately to Stir in orange juice and water. served in the Coventry elemen­ the week of Sept. 19 through 23. by 8- by 2-inch baking pan. Cover; freeze for 2 hours or until firm. baking utensil if available or a beaten mixture, beating until Cook, uncovered, on high power Apple-walnut coffee cake tary schools the week of Sept. 19 12 oz. The hot noon meal is listed first, Andover Elementary Break up mixture; place in a chilled large mixer bowl. Beat fluted flan pan to create this apple combined. Combine vanilla waf­ for 4 to 6 minutes, or until 1/3 cup packed brown sugar through 23; can the cool evening meal second. Monday: Fruit juice, meatball The following lunches will be Corned Beef with an electric mixer on high speed until mixture is fluffy. treat. ers and ground nuts, stir into thickened and bubbly, stirring Vi cup walnuts Monday; American chop suey, served at Andover Elementary Return to pan. Cover; freeze at least 6 hours. Scoop to serve. For people in a hurry, our batter. Spread batter into pre­ every minute. Cook uncovered 30 2 cups biscuit mix grinder, cheese, peas, pudding Apple-Walnut Coffee Cake is a seconds more. Cool slightly, for 1 cup chunky applesauce green beans, corn. Chicken sand­ with topping. School the week of Sept. 19 Makes 8 servings. pared dish. wich, fruit, milk. jiffy-quick microwave sweet Microwave, uncovered, on 50 about 5 minutes. Arrange half of Vi cup chopped walnuts Tuesday: Tuna salad boat, through 23; HEAT AND SERVE Nutrition Information per aervlng: 83 cal., 1 g pro.. 20 g carbo., 3 mg sodium. Tuesday: Leg of veal with Monday: Spaghetti with meat bread. It can make the difference percent (medium) power for 10 the fruit in chilled graham 1/3 cup milk potato puffs, pickles, fruit cup. U.S. RDA: 20 percent vlt. C. gravy, baked potato, wax beans. between a ho-hum breakfast and minutes, giving the dish a quarter cracker crust. Spoon half of the >4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Wednesday: Fruit juice, pan­ sauce, salad, fruit. Egg salad, fruit, milk. Tuesday: Salisbury steak, a breakfast that will send your turn every 3 minutes. If not done, thickened mixture on top. Add Vanilla glaze; ' cakes with syrup, sausage pattie, Wednesday: Chicken a la king mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, family off to work or school cook on 100 percent (high) power- remaining fruit and thickened Vt cup powdered sugar muffin, fruit cup. singing your praises. It uses mixture. Chill for at least 2 hours, 2 teaspoons warm water over rice, carrots. Turkey sand­ Thursday: Tomato soup, rolls, chocolate cake. Libby’s 9 for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until wich, fruit, milk. Wednesday: French bread biscuit mix as a base and features surface is nearly dry. Ctool on a but not more than 24 hours. >4 teaspoon vanilla grilled cheese sandwich, pickles, Thursday: Pot roast with pizza, salad, fruit. Peanut better cookies a cup of chunky style apple sauce. wire rack for 5 minutes. Loosen Before serving, set pie plate on a Mix brown sugar and ‘4 cup celery and carrot sticks, cookie. 5 oz. The apple sauce can also be made hot damp towel to loosen crust. If walnuts; set aside. Mix biscuit gravy, white rice, peas. Chicken Friday: Pizza with meat and Thursday: Chicken patty on a 1 slightly beaten egg white edges. Invert onto rack. Remove cans 2/3 cup packed brown sugar in the microwave ahead of time. desired, serve with whipped mix, apple sauce, chopped wal­ salad sandwich, fruit, milk. cheese, spinach salad, fruit. roll, potato puffs, vegetable, fruit •4 cup whole wheat flour waxed paper. Cool. Vienna Sausage Friday: Chicken croquettes in a cloud. ■4 cup peanut butter See the recipe to follow for a Split cake in half horizontally. cream or ice cream. Yields 8 nuts, milk and ground cinnamon; Vi teaspoon baking soda with poulette sauce, zucchini, Friday: Veal Parmesan, 2 tablespoons cooking oil delicious home-made apple Halve each layer crosswise, servings. beat 30 seconds. Spread in a round The following lunches will be 1 cup multigrain flake broccoli. Tuna salad sandwich, mashed potatoes, broccoli or W/ MEATBALLS 670, SPAGHETTIO-S OR sauce. It cooks in just 6 to 8 making 4 thin half circles. Brush microwave dish 8 inches by 2 served at Coventry High School cereal carrots, chocolate chip cookie. minutes in the microwave and fresh peaches with lemon juice. Apple Kuchen inches. Sprinkle with brown fruit, milk. the week of Sept. 19 through 23; can be refrigerated for later use. sugar and nut mixture. To assemble, beat whipping 1(4 cups unsifted all-purpose In a medium mixing bowl stir together brown sugar, peanut cream until soft peaks form. Microwave, uncovered, on high Manchester schools butter and oil until smooth. Stir in egg white. In a small bowl Fresh applesauce flour power, rotating dish ‘4 turn every Place one half circle of cake on a >4 cup sugar Here are the lunches to be Franco American combine whole wheat flour and soda. Stir flour mixture into 6 to 8 medium size cooking plate. Spread with '4 of the 3 minutes until top springs back served in the Manchester public peanut butter mixture. Stir in cereal. Drop dough by heaping U4 teaspoons baking powder Fried apples, peeled, cored, and thinly whipping cream. Top with second when touched lightly and cake schools the week of Sept. 19 teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet. Flatten dough balls •4 cup butter begins to pull away from the side 7V2 o z . sliced cake layer. Spread with another through 23; slightly. Bake in a 375-degree oven 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly 1 large egg on the dish, approximately 6 to 9 cup water Vi of the whipping cream. Ar­ Monday: Hot dog or chili dog on Whole Clams can browned. Cool 1 minute. Remove cookies from baking sheet and Vi Vi cup milk 1/3 to W cup firmly packed range ‘4 of the fruit atop. Repeat minutes. a roll, hash brown potatoes, Spaghetti 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (jool 10 minutes on the counter. cool completely on wire rack. Makes 18. brown sugar layers in same manner, topping buttered spinach or carrots, $ ^ 9 9 U4 pounds tart baking apples Drizzle with vanilla glaze. Nutrition Information per cookie: 108 cal.. 3 g pro., 14 g carbo.. 5 g fat, 68 mg V4 teaspoon salt with remaining whipped cream 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon apple wedges and raisins. side order GENERAL FO ODSeSUGAR FREE 6 OZ. $2.99 OR sodium. U.S. RDA: 13 percent niacin. 10 percent Iron. >4 teaspoon ground cinnamon and peach slices. Chill up to 2 To make glaze; combine all Tuesday: Beef stew with potato 1/3 cnp peach preserves Handbreaded whole belly Combine apples and water in a hours before serving. Yields 6 ingredients in a small bowl, and and vegetables, bread and butter, sprig fresh mint clam s co o ke d ’til they’re 1>4 quart casserole. Cover with servings. stir until smooth. Yields 8 peanut butter cookies. Whipped cream (optional) servings. golden brown. plastic wrap. Microwave at high Grease microwave safe apple­ Wednesday: Chicken patty on a International for 6 to 8 minutes, or until apples Peach glace pie shaped cake dish or large flan roll, com chips, sliced tomatoes Brandied peach and lettuce, waldorf salad, Herbed couscous & vegetables are tender. Crust: pan. In a medium bowl, combine Stir to break apples apart. Add 1V4 cups finely crushed graham flour, Vi cup sugar, the baking and blueberry pie chilled pears. 8 oz. sugar in desired amount, salt and Thursday: Baked lasagna with 1 cup sliced fresh Vi teaspoon salt cracker crumbs powder and >4 teaspoon salt; mix 5 cups peeled and sliced fresh cinnamon. Cool. meat sauce, buttered green can mushrooms ■4 teaspoon dried oregano, Vi cup sugar well. With pastry blender, cut in peaches FHIft of Sole C offee Yields about 4 cups of beans, bread and butter, gelatin 1 tablespoon margarine or crushed 6 tablespoons melted butter >4 cup butter until coarse crumbs IV^ cups fresh blueberries applesauce. with topping. Served with Fresh Broccoli with cheese. Dash pepper In a mixing bowl, combine form. With a fork, stir in egg, milk 1/3 cup peach brandy batter Note; This produces a chunky Friday: Orange juice, tuna 2/3 cup couscous graham cracker crumbs and and vanilla just until dough sticks cup sugar ALL VARIETIES 1 cup water applesauce. If a finer texture is Vi salad in pita pockets, celery and 1 medium tomato, peeled, sugar. Stir in melted butter and together. Spread evenly In pfe- cup flour 1 tablespoon snipped desired, process in the blender or Vi carrot sticks, harvest cake. seeded and chopped toss to thoroughly combine. Turn pared pan. Vi teaspoon ground cinnamon parsley food processor until smooth. Pare and core apples; thinly >4 teaspoon dried basil, into a 9-inch glass pie plate and dash of ground nutmeg spread evenly. Press on bottom slice. Arrange slices in concent­ 2 tahlespoons hutter Bolton schools crushed and side to form a firm crust. ric circles on top of dough. In a Crust; The following lunches will be Microwave on high power for 2 small glass bowl, cook remaining In a medium saucepan cook mushrooms in hot margarine until 1 stick pie-crust mix served in the Bolton Elementary minutes. Chill for 1 hour, or until butter on high for 1 minutes, or 2 tablespoons water 13V2 oz tender. Stir In water, parsley, basil, salt, oregano and pepper. and Center schools the week of firm before filling. until melted, stir in cinnamon and In a large bowl, combine fresh Bring to boiling; remove from heat. Stir in couscous. Let ytand, Sept. 19 through 23; can % Filling: remaining sugar. Brush over peaches and blueberries. Add covered, 5 minutes. Stir in tomato. Makes 4 servings. Monday: Hotdog, baked beans, ^ - SEA FOOD n * 4 cups sliced peaches or apple slices. peach brandy and set aside. Microwave on medium power fruit cocktail. prices EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., SEPT 17TH 1988. Nutrition Inlormatlon per lervlng: 108cal., 3 g pro., 17 g carbo., 3 g lot. 170 nectarines prepare pie-crust mix accord-' Tuesday: Egg salad sandwich, SERVING t h e a r e a o v e r 3 0 TEARS mg aodlum. U.S. RDA: 10 percent vlt. C. for 10 minutes, rotating a quarter WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. 1 tablespoon lemon juice ing to package directions. On a potato salad, carrot sticks, PEM^^ NOT AVAILABLE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS 1/3 cup sugar turn after 5 minutes. Cook on high power for 5 minutes. Let stand on banana. 2 tablespoons cornstarch See Microwave, page IS Wednesday: Fishwich sand­ Vi teaspoon ground ginger counter for 5 minutes. In a small — Recipes from Better Homes and Gardens

T MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednegday. Sept. 14. 19«a - 17 1« — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 M cCAU OP TH t WILD by OumM A Crawford SNAFU by Bruca BaalHa KIT W’CARLYLE byUrryW rlghl Puzzles Now, the ‘White People’ movie M'OSNALDS? Y U«TeN,KlO, M‘ COfJAUD'S COeSTHAT I D UKE. A BI&AAAC, CoeSN'T DeUVeR.SBODND, /WEAN You'Re ACROSS 2 Moro uncanny Aniwar to Previous Putzio UR&EFRieS,LAB&e VDU DON'T SOUND OLD NoTCOiWiNO? © By Kathryn Baker starshine.' RtXTBeeR, AND ENOU&M TO FAY FoR IT. 3 Wickadly IaIj IaIxI The Associated Press For his part. Mull is now proud father of a APPUfc Pie,..AND THIRD, '>ouVe ear "mry m i m ’’ I SwarvM 4 Legal mattar TV Topics 3-year-old daughter. His wife, Wendy, a eeNOlTTO... THtWRON&NUMeeR. DBODO 6 Parts of ipaoch 5 Thaatar aign □ □ O D D D E3BOI3QE] BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Martin Mull is composer, wrote the score for "White delighted. He has found a parking place right M arriage” and has a bit part — as an ex-con II Ettaam (abbr.) □ Q c i D i i n n n n in front of the Beverly Hills restaurant. But, The specials were among the most trying to start a diaper service. 13 Fraud 6 Actor Heflin □□□ □□ODD DUO of course — his car is white. successful Cinemax had aired, and they 14 Prayer In the movie. Mull plays the slick host of 7 Stretch out □□□D DDOEID Blond-haired, blue-eyed Mull has become a spawned two best-selling books. In 1986, Mull 16 Rough “ Ask Martin," a "Donahue” -like talk show. 8 Insult □ □ □ n o □ElDCHSDC] white person by profession since 1985, due to and Rucker followed up with a four-part When he can’t fill a studio in Pittsburgh, he 16 Artist's mtdium nCIEiClIDClQ □ □ □ □ □ the success of an innocuous notion he and series on white religion, crime, stress and 9 Baer maker goes to Hawkins Falls in a pathetic effort to 17 Sassms plant DEIDBC] nOIID fellow white writer Allen Rucker had one day politics. 10 Church council keep the show afloat, intending to lure 19 _ Jims □DQ ElDnDD □OD — "The History of White People in Am erica. ’' The series has since been packaged for 12 Grafted, in starstruck housewives into a gymnasium to PEANUTS by Cbarlaa M. Schult "Based on my experiences in Ohio and his home video. ZOM srgs □□□□ DOBESD talk about such subjects as "wom en who have heraldry in Oklahoma, we figured we had the Grain 22 Dawn goddess □ □ D B I30 DEinClClD lost parts of their bodies through household 13 Inaincara Belt pretty well in hand," Mull said over MULL, THE ON-CAMERA host of the think maybe ll move □□□Eli] □□□□□□ accidents.” REAP lUHAT iVe IDRIHEN HERE, PO YOU THINK MAYBE I NO, I V I 23 Qot away series, took viewers right into the lair of the IT’SPUM B (M YPE5KTOTHE n n o 18 Elactrically L E lP lilE j lunch, a salad with a lot of white stuff in it. UNLL YOU, MARCIE ? I'M AFRAlP 5H0ULP"PUMB ITPOWN"? i4 Actor _ O'Neal white people, Hawkins Falls, Ohio, and . ehargad parti- “ We started describing what, makes a I MAY HAVE 60TTEN A EN0U6H 1 OTHER SIPE OF introduced them to quintessential white 26 M ors royal 33 Cat 41 Aid in diagnos­ person white by our standards. And in this HE ENLISTS JOYCE AS his unpaid LITTLE TOO INTELLEaUAL... ALREAPY A THE ROOM.. cla couple Hal and Joyce (Fred Willard and Mary 26 Danesr 34 Prophecy ing (comp, wd.) case, the standards were liberal enough they assistant and falls in love with her. It seems 21 Synthetic fabric 43 Paradises could include black people; there are certain Kay Place) and their offspring, Debbie and the big Hollywood star actually longs for the "M y students say I’m too verbose. Charlsss 35 Chonga color of 23 Burni 48 Concsalad Caucasians who do not qualify, as well." Tommy, students at Dinah Shore High comforts of a Midwestern home. Meanwhile, Would you be predisposed to concur 3 0 _ culpa 37 Vegetable 49 Curvy lettsr A friend at a movie studio told the two they School. Hal becomes jealous and embarks on an with such an assertion?” 25 Russian no 38 Noisy dispute 31 Dakota Indian 51 Next to should send the idea to the cable television Now Cinemax presents White People: The 27 Units of sound affair with the minister’s wife (Julie Payne). 32 Now Haven 39 Actress Jan. people. Mull recalled. "W e said send what? Movie. "Martin Mull in Portrait of a White ZIPPY bySIIIQrllfllh 29 Most profound Black 52 Juns bug r tree We don’t have anything other than the title. Marriage” premiered on the cable channel Michael McKean plays the minister. Harry last week and is being played Thursday and Shearer, who directed the movie, plays Mull’s • Soof '.,33 Paid, as a bill He said, that doesn’t matter.” yl/AiTCRF- \P on Sept. 17, 20, 23 and 28. The two-hour movie producer. Robin Williams makes a cameo * 9 I I I r I I . I _ — in„ pnivePRivii ^ ! : 36 Ego Mull and Rucker produced a two-part n M M A O ,-m e / Cinemax special, "Martin Mull Presents the takes characters from the instructional appearance as Bill Loman, a salesman who Is ‘ 39 Composer HAOAR THE HORRIBLE by DIk Browne I TO History of White People in America,” series and sets them up for a psycho-cultural rooming at the same motel as Mull. A- _____ > wierr ' I Jiro n w _ instructing viewers on the identification of crisis — even as the day of the Hawkins Falls Since completing the movie. Mull has Coot (jAtiricoO ' I UP-THI ^ 40 Communion the white person: habitat, the Midwest; its Founder’s Day parade approaches. moved on from "White People” to black h / ^ a r ! yv\e/// \ OopF • t e»u.j wrnk , I W/r 0 '(' A - JVCTIOW CwFt 1*0 I WAXOO voaaal clothing, polyester; its food, tuna noodle “ White People” was often viciously satiric. comedy. He’s written a feature film, 4 U ( U » ( l W>|V0»W5 I fv iT . In “ White Marriage,” Mull and Rucker have scheduled to go before the cameras this fall, ^ ftATioM WAtfo*iX I ; 42 Arid casseroles and Cheezits. We were informed the specials were sponsored by the Institute softened up. The laughs are m ore m ain­ about two homeless men in New York, Eddie iflH'W l^AT ]4 4 P I# ____ mode for White Studies in Zanesville, Ohio, and stream, and the movie is a virtual homage to Wood and and Mr. Nickles, called "Wood ’n’ H A P P g H B P *! ^oST iHOUfiaT IT WAJ : v 145 Always (poet.) funded through a grant from Tastee-Freeze. old-fashioned values in the face of Hollywood N ickles.” - 2 :f^ ^ ^AFe TO !46 Roam about ; idly • » ^ ■Siynes , •5 UlSoP.. l47 Wealth TV Tonight TpWitlSToe, , 50 CIto as proof •I Pawo •Q 9-14- I S3 Volunteer ______A [ESPN ] Bowling: Showdown to Seoul (g ) Sea Hunt 54 Naval patty boy restores an injured dog to health. Ron [ESPN] Baseball Bunch: From Apopka, Fla. (90 min.) (Taped) ® Newlywed Game CAPTAIN EASY by Crooks S Caeale 5:00PM Howard, Earl Holliman, Jacquelin Scott. officer Host: Johnny Bench (Taped) 1970. [TM C ] MOVIE: Kelly't Heroes' The [ESP N ] Motorweek Illustrated BAD NEWSi prospect of netting $16 million in a wild THE PHANTOM by Lea Falk A Sy Barry 55 Raquiras [ESPN] Ttioroughbred [U S A ] Edge of Night h a w k . 5:30PM (D Infinite Voyage (60 min.) dash behind enemy lines brings out the Sports Digest 56 Salad green CD Infinite Voyage (C C ) This scientific leadership qualities of a busted officer. 12:35AM CD Entertainment Tonight MS\ DEVIL/, I WI5SEP 1 [H B O ] MOVIE: 'Three O'clock High' A exploration and discovery series begins its Clint Eastwood, Telly Savatas, Don Ric­ Geratdo Rivera reports on a controversial yo u / YOU'LL timid student agonizes through the worst second season examining the hunting kies. 1970. Rated PG. (In Stereo) book and movie about John Lennon. (In DOWN day ot his life after a foul-tempered bully bands who crossed the Bering land bridge NEVER KNOW 10:00PM CD W iseg u y Mel Profilt of­ Stereo) challenges him to a tight. Casey Sie- between the Siberian Peninsula and North WHAT you, fers Vinnie a chance to run the biggest 12:40AM MOVIE: 'ToughmtMan 14 maszko, Anne Ryan, Richard Tyson. America. (60 min.) Part 5 of 12. (In Stereo) j I t A1IS5EP 1 Engine sound osoo (c)19S8 by NEA. Inc 1987. Rated P G -13. (In Stereo) cocaine-distribution network in the nation. in the World' A kindhearted nightclub IN RHUA, (33) National Geographic on Assignment (60 min.) Pan 2 of 2. (R) bouncer enters a "Toughman" competi­ The animats tliat inhabit the terrains of the CD dD (S) [CNN] News tion to help save a youth center from being 5:35PM [M A X ] MOVIE: Spaceballs- Central American country of Belize, includ­ closed. Mr. T , Dennis Dugan. Lynr>e ® China Beach (C C ) Cherry, Lila and (C C ) Mel Brooks lampoons the science- ing mountain lions, hummingbirds and ja-' CD Moody. 1984. (R) fiction genre with this big-budget send-up guars. (60 min.) Lauretta struggle to survive in the Viet­ namese highlands after their helicopter [HBO] MOVIE: The Big Easy' (CC) A of "Star W ars". Mel Brooks, John Candy. G D M cC loud Rick Moranis. 1987. Rated PG. (In Stereo) crashes. (60 min.) (R) New Orleans homicide detective falls for ¥ CELEBRITY CIPHER an Investigator assigned to uncover sus­ CRjabmy etphw crypioorame ara oraalad from quoutlora by tamoua poopto. pool and praaant. d§) M O V IE : 'Gable and Lom bard' T w o of Ql) INN Newt Each lanar in tba dpbar ataiKto for anottiar. Toda/$ ekm: P 0900*1 Q. 6:00PM GD (£ ® News pected departmental corruption. Dennis Hollywood's top stars of the '3 0 ‘s fight the (jS On Trial CD Thraa's Company Quaid, Ellen Barkin, Ned Beatty. 1987. ARLO AND JANI8 by Jimmy Johneon powerful studio bosses' attempts to con­ ® Star Trek Rated R. *SXIC XO N P N G C O T A H CD T.J. Hooker trol their private lives. James Brolin, Jill THE US r TIME I BOUGHT [H B O ] Vietnam War Story: Home (CC) QD UfeQuest: One Nation NOTHIIOG. (B) Oonp Show Clayburgh, Red Buttons. 1976. 1 :00AM I BOUGHT G0B5 Three soldiers recuperating in a Veterans U nder Stress Topics relating to stress are UNPERWEAR/VWIVeU^ d D ^ Unsolved M ysteries Mysteries in­ HTCWC ECAE8C HTA TNQC GD Rockford Files Pan 1 of 2. Administration hospital deal with reality in discussed including the causes, the w arn­ OF NEW UlOGERie.' clude: a psychic w ho helps police solve BLONDIE by Daan Young A Stan Drake 'VHO16 6HEf/*AWP CRIED ® A -T e a m different ways. (In Stereo) ing signals, and the ways people can cope crimes; a man w ho walked off with more THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS , FOR THREE H0UR6 1 0:30PM QS (9) Odd Couple with it. Host: Merlin Olsen. (60 min.) THEN YOU WILL TH AT NO, B U T YOU'LL FEEL IVK NWC.MTC HXKKCWO.* — ( S ) N e w s (Live) than $1 million of his employer’s money. I PLANTED LETTUCE, ■TO ALL OF US T CD Discover with Robert Vaughn TOAAATOES AND CARROTS. MUST JOIN HELP ME RIGHT AT HOME (2$ Doctor Who: Tha Tim a Meddler Pan (60 min.) (R) (In Stereo) 128) Morton Downey Jr. ' NEXT YEAR BUT ONLY RAISED OUR g a r d e AWOAK DCNK. 4 of 4. (2D Infinite Voyage (C C ) Examines the un­ @ ) ® Sea Turtles' Lett Dance (CC) CD Joe Franklin CALLUSES AND OUR seen worlds around us, from matter's How man has caused the seven species of PREVIOUS SOLUTION: ‘Mn these times you have to be an optimist to Charlie's Angels Pan 1 of 2. (33) Twilight Zona WATER BILL smallest parts to the vastness of space. sea turtles to nearly disappear and what is open your eyes when you awake In the morning." — Cart Sandburg. ® Family Ties (CC). Pan 2 of 4. (3D Home Shopping Network (3 hrs ) (60 min.) (R) (In Stereo) being done to prevent their extinction. Noticias ® Hart to Hart (3D (2D MOVIE: 'American Justice' A former (S) INN News (S) World of Survival: Fighters and [C N N ] Inside Politics '88 police officer wages war against corrupt ® ) Hogan's Heroes A rch ers (R) border guards w ho are exploiting Mexican [ESP N ] Sportsman Series emigrants. Wilford Brimley. Jameson Par­ (33) Noticiero Univision (S ) Divorce Court [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Bachelor Party' (CC) A \ ker, Gerald McRaney. 1986. [ H B O ] Hitchhiker (C C ) T w o killers and a carefree school bus driver's pals decide to [C N N ] Showbiz Today hooker form a triangle of love and revenge. throw him a no-holds-barred pre-wedding [D I8 ] Vidaopolis Superstar Special A Stars Bud Cort and Jonelle Allen. (In d D M O V IE : 'Shane' A former gun-fighter, party. Tom Hanks, Tawny Kitaen, Adrian behind-the'Bcenes look at young recording JpiV*W------■ determined to establish a peaceful life, Stereo) Zmed. 1984. Rated R. Y L . anists, including Debbie Gibson ("Only in must strap on his gun again in defense of ALLEY OOP by Dave Qraue My Dreams"); and the Jets ("Rocket 2 1 1 ;00PM CD CD ® N e w s [U S A ] Search for Tomorrow I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME the hom^teaders. Alan Ladd, Jean Ar­ U'')r who perform in Disneyland's dance thur. Van Heflin. 1953. CD ® M-A’S-H Love Boat WE OVERHEARD WHAT'S THOSE FEMALE I WELL,NOW! Y 'E S .B U T ....THEY DECIDED THE ONLY by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee club. Host: Jonathan Price. (60 min.) 1:05AM CD THING AROUND HERE THAT CD Benny Hill SOMETHING I V t h a t ? yCREATURES PON'TV THAT'S J4ERE'STHE Growing Pains (CC) Maggie's preg­ WILL GIVE THEM THE PROPER Unscramble these four Jumbles, [ESP N ] SporttLook 1:30AM CD Family Medical Center W HAT A OUY by BUI Hoest THINK. YOU'LL B E ^ INTEND TO PUT ANY S GOOD B A D N E W S , What he's got is the nancy causes the family to w orry about (Tl) Odd Couple ALLEY. ' ENERGY LEVELS THEY N ttp one letter to each square, to form best gimmick of all (33) IN N N e w s INTERESTED IN! MORE DINOSAURS (. NEWS [TM C ] MOVIE: 'The Garbage Pail Kids how the baby wilt affect their lives. (R) (3D Best of Saturday Night Live INTO THAT MACHINE a r e h u m a n BEINGS! four ordinary words. Movie' The repulsive trading card charac­ 03) El Extrano Retomo de Diana Salazar ® Later With Bob Costas J C A :S "l* * rr3 c rT L o f t h e i r s ! ters help a young man defeat a neighbor­ ® N e w s (Live) [C N N ] Newsnight Update hood bully. Anthony Newley, Mackenzie Suleyman the Magnificent Filmed in @ ) Motorweek MUGMY Astin. Katie Barberi. 1987. Rated PG. Turkey at the palaces and mosques of O t­ [ D I S ] T h e Boys of S u m m e r This film " c a r e TO toman Sultan Suleyman I, ruler for 46 years Crook and Chase traces "Jackie Robinson's team" of [U S A ] Cartoons JOIN ME, (1 5 2 0 -'6 6 ) over an empire that included ® Mala Noche...No Brooklyn Dodgers from their beginnings to 6:30PM CD CBS News (CC) Asia, Europe and Africa Actor Ian McKel­ ( ^ Bill Moyers' World of Ideas: Ethics: the years following their retirement frorr M166 HOUSTON?” len narrates. (60 min.) (R) active play. (90 min.) CD Family Ties (CC). For Wimps Only? Ethicist Michael Jo- @ MOVIE: 'The Seduction of Gina' A sephson explores how the rules of Am eri­ [ESP N ] Fishin' Hole SCAMK (D (9) ABC News (CC). can life are determined by the moneychan­ young woman risks destroying her mar­ [U S A ] W W F Prime Time Wrestling 'A\ (3D Hollywood Squares riage and future when she is lured into the gers on Wall Street. L_ l: ® NBC News (CC). world of high-stakes gambling. Valerie dD Love Connection 2:00AM CD Synchronal Bertinelli, Michael Brandon. Frederic © } Nightly Business Report [C N N ] Moneyline CD Superior Court Lehne. 1984. (g ) Home Shopping Overnight Ser­ THE BORN LOSER oy Art Saneom (S ) Family Ties (CC). Pan 3 of 4. [D iS ] Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet CD VERABE [CN N ] PrimeNews vice (3 hrs.) Noticiero Unlvislon [ES P N ] Golden Unk: Great Olympians; SD [DIS] Ashford and Simpson: Going Bob Richards, Payton Jordan (Taped) (33) Twilight Zone lloEsl THE BE6TLAB0^- ® Love Connection Home The husband/wife songwriters re­ HAVE'ltXJMADeUP ;t □ 'J (2D N ightw a tch BAVIMd DEVICE. [C N N ] Inside Politics '88 flect on their careers and family life, and [ H B O ] M O V IE : 'Blind D ate' (C C ) A blind 'toUR.AAINP/^ACYS?. perform hits with guests including Stevie date pairs an overworked yuppie with a (g) Dating Game ON THE FA8TRACK by Bill Holbrook [ES P N ] Action Cycle Sports Wonder. Patti LaBelle and Paul Shaffer. beautiful woman w ho reacts to alcohol in a [ESP N ] SportsLook RALCOR Now arrange the circled tetters to 7:00PM CD USA Today: The Televl- (60 min.) strange way. Bruce Willis, Kim Basinger. John Larroquette. 1987. Rated PG-13. (In [ T M C ] M O V IE : 'M alone' Stranded in O r­ 1 ;ji)sr WISH 1 COULP S66 How form the surprise answer, as sug­ eb>n S h o w Scheduled; cities competing [E S P N ] Horse Racing: Del Mar Futurity F^ Aare R 6 YdO 60IK&601K & T o I I ^AeM,lT IPO^^ gested by the above cartoon. for baseball franchises (Pan 2 of 3); a Stereo) egon. a retired CIA agent takes a stand . J i w From California. (60 min.) (Live) against a ruthless land developer. Burt h D o ti'T 6ooD 01^ !At HoW, ' it LD0K6 ON SoMEONe HU&e... movie about New Jersey high-school prin­ [M AX] MOVIE: Stripes' (CC) Two re­ g O Y 'T RT D R t e S , [HBO] Women of the Night (CC) An Reynolds, Cliff Robertson, Kenneth McMil­ WOW... ENOKNVW5...WIV5 LOOKS UKE AN cipal Joe Clark. cruits spark an international incident when W t f l W ? BOT.. "O n Location ’ tribute to female comedi­ lan. 1987. Rated R. (In Stereo) Print answer here: Q [ I I I X XI their joyride in a prototype vehicle lands ) EN60R6ED WALRUS... if\' ans with performances by Ellen DeGe- C D d ® N e w s them in Czecfioslovakia. Bill Murray, Har­ (Answers tomorrow) neres, Paula Poundstone, Rita Ridner and 2:05AM (£ n«ws (R) CD (S) Wheel of Fortune (CC) Judy Tenuta. Host: Martin Short. (2 hrs.) old Ramis. Warren Oates. 1981. Rated R. \ kr'tw - Jumbles: DROOP KETCH CAUCUS ENTICE 2:25AM [ H B O ] m o v i e ; 'O ottlng Yesterday's CD $100,000 Pyramid (In Stereo) 11:30PM CD Taxi Even ' A rugged Texas industrialist and his S xS h ' Answer; Some people think that a kid with too much [TMC] MOVIE: 'Malone' Stranded in Or­ power-mad rival battle for possession of a spunk might benefit from a little of this— (33) ( S ) Cheers (CC). CD ® Nightline (CC) egon, a retired CIA agent takes a stand poisonous gas. Edward Albert, Joe Don SPANK aSKoJak against a ruthless land developer. Burl CD Baretta Baker, Audrey Landers. 1986 Rated R. M*A*S*H Reynolds. Cliff Robertson. Kenneth McMil­ (33) Honeymooners Now bach in slock, Jumbit Book No. IS Is sysllsWo t« y j? - ^*?g 2:30AM CD l Love Lucy FRANK AND ERNEST by Bob Thavet •nd hsndllno. Ifom Jumbl*. c/o this o#wspsp4f. P.O. Bos 43SS. Ofland^ FL S2ao3-yM. @ ) MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour lan. 1987. Rated R. (In Stereo) (3D Career Media Network Includa your nama. addrass and tip coda and maka your chock payabio to NosrspopotMOkt. (33) Twilight Zone (S) Your Show of Shows [U S A ] Tales of the Gold Monkey (^ 1 1 0 Lombard Street Premiere Bon Bainborough, Mike Meyers and Ryan Stiles [C N N ] Sports Latenight ® Win. Lose or Draw 8 ; 30PM ® Head of the Class (CC) star as three single guys sharing a loft I F 1 [iA P a l l T H F New academic coach Charlie Moore pre­ [ESPN ] SportsCenter CREDIT DEPT. (3D Primavara apartment. (70 min.) pares his losing team for a match against 2:40AM CD Nightwatch Joined In Family Ties To n ig h t S h o w (In Stereo) THE GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr the powerful Bronx Science squad. (R) Progreia MoNey IN THe w o /?l p , [C N N ] Moneyline ® Desfile Ollmpico (2 hrs ) (2$ Bill Moyers' World of Ideas: Ethics: [DIS] Show Off At Parties Malcoim- For Wimps Only? Ethicist Michael Jo- 2;50AM [ M / 0 ( ] m o v i e : 'W o iM n g ■FAUHA,>CilJRTEA(:^ER.5AIP ' 'ON NO... T'A m ^A ^M A ... G irls' Lizzie Borden's fictionalized account A/HH».3.'30,„5CHOOL'$OVER AMP XV PAY OFF AAY Jamal Warner teaches children how to be 9:00PM ( D Equalizer McCall aids a re­ sephson explores how the rules of Ameri­ NOT TD VlORRy A90Ur VOUR. RELAPSE’ MAY0E WE SHOULD the hit of a pany using gimmicks that in­ porter who has gone underground to get can life are determined by the moneychan­ of a day in the lives of a group of prosti­ I P I W T UAVE TD REAP MV E5?AY tutes in a Manhattan brothel. Louise Smith. MOVE TO AKI20NA . clude telkirtg like a duck and making slime. information about his daughter's death. gers on Wall Street. OUMJAtriNe ALL- SUMMER TOR E$?AV... fH E I ^ P IT IN raoHT (60 min.) (R) Ellen McElduff, Amanda Goodwin. 1986. ...AS FAR IT lAstrograph [ESP N ] SportsCenter (2D Racing From Plainsfield OFTVIECLA55F0^2>CU ( D Hooperm an (C C ) Sitardi's identi­ Rated NR. OAY 0ERH$1PE TD NOW Y [H BO ] How to Raise a Street-Smart ® Morton Downey Jr. cal twin, also a policeman, pays an unex­ m o v i e ; "D m Q to M W M ta X taHiSOPACKTOMOKSaOWWITN C hild Police officials and child-abuse ex­ 3:00 AM (X) \MOULP Go. pected visit. (R) (In Stereo) d!) News (CC). H op e' The story of the w orld's first black se rio usly. pens offer advice on educating children MV IREPlirATlOH ' ' '' heavyweight champion it told. Jam es Earl about the dangers of abduction and as­ (5) Morton Downey Jr. ® Late S h o w (In Stereo) Xh AYCJ 9-IA- CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) Things Jones, Jane Alexander. 1970. ItTrAOT,,., - =~ ^ — are moving In your favor and a success­ sault. Commentary by John W alsh, father (33) Critical Condition: AIDS Ufeline The [CN N ] Sports Tonight Anchors Fred (ID MOVIE; 'The Golden Eye' Charlie ful conclusion to a testy matter Is In the of Adam Walsh who was abducted in impact of AIDS on society, particularly Hickman, Nick Charles ^ r t h d a y 1981. Host; Daniel J. Travanti. (60 min.) hospitals and health care systems. (60 Chan soives a murder and turns up a gang WINTHROP by Dick Cavalll offing. This Is not a time to be a quitter. [DIS] MOVIE: Plymouth Adventure' of gold smugglers. , Man- [U SA] AIrwoH min.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) The se­ The drama of the men and women tan Moreland. 1948. ® MOVIE: 'Downpayment on Mur­ crowded aboard the small ship Mayflower, C O Y O U F ia U R E H IM Sopl. 15,1988 cret to constructing a successful agree­ 7:15PM [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Revenge of [C N N ] Heedlirte News Overnight EVER NOTICE THAT WHEN T H E R E S T OF U S GO der' (C C ) Enraged when his young wife pitting themselves against the winter A t­ ment Is to want the same for the other the Nerda II: Nerds In Paradise' (CC) disappears with their tw o children, an es­ •cough cough" b u t FOR SOME KIND OF More indignities await the brothers of lantic to seek a new life. Spencer Tracy, [D IS] MOVIE: 'Sounder' A deprataion- NASTY MCNARF COUGHS, DO . ,~ jo year ahead lor solid In­ guy that you want for yourself. Fairness tranged husband hires a hit man to murder /AN A l i e n b e i n s ? Lambda Lambda Lambda when they at­ Gene Tierney. Van Johnson. 1952. era family of sharecroppers fights to stay HE aoeS "HOOPHOOP"? ^ HE QOES"HOOPHOOP." vestments or side ventures that could Is the binding agent. her. Connie Sellecca. Ben Gazzara, Daivd tend a Fon Lauderdale fraternity conven­ [ESP N ] SportsCenter alive. Cicely Tyso n, Paul Winfield, Kevin Improve your tinanclal position. Possi­ PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) A situation Morse. 1987. (R) Hooks. 1972. Rated G. tion. Roben Carradine, Cunis Armstrong, [U SA ] Riptide bilities tor tinding something good look that Is presently gerrerating Income for Larry B. Scott. 1987. Rated PG-13. (In (23) (S) Moyers: The Secret Govern­ [ESP N ] Thoroughbred Sports Digest encouraging. you still can be Improved upon. The Stereo) ment... The Constitution in Crisis (CC) 11:35PM CD Magnum, P.l. 3:30AM [ESPN] Top Rw * Boxing: NORTH VIROO (Aug. 23-8opt. 22) II a little foundation Is already laid, so build upon Examines the Iran-Contra revelations' sig­ Bridge (£ ) PM Magazine Featured: nificance concerning covert war and gov­ 1 2:00AM CD Late s h o w (In Stereo) From Atiwitic City. N.J. (2 hrt.) (R) ♦ AK84 mending Is required In a relationship what you've begun. 7:30PM author Carol Saline ("D r. Snow: How the ernment secrecy and the executive 8t. Elsewhere [TM C ] MOVIE: ‘Kolly'o Haraao’ Tha Y A Q J 10 9 with someone you love, this Is a good ARIES (March 21-April 19) In your so­ CD a'lv,.'''.,.. FBI Nailed an Ivy League Coke King"); branch's growing tendency, over the last prospect of netting $16 million in ■ wild ' SaI 'fo cial Involvemants today, be a take- (33) Star Tre k ♦ K d a y to d o It. D o n ’t w ait lo r th e o th e r p a r­ Olympic swimmer Melvin Stewart. 4 0 years, to avoid constitutional checks dash behind enemy lines brings out tha 4 J 8 0 ty to make the overtures. Trying to charge person. Your way ot doing (3D M in dp ow e r CD Current Aftair and balances. (90 min.) (R) leadership qualities of a busted officer. take the ace and queen in some order, p a tc h u p a b ro k e n ro m a n c e ? T h e A s tro - things will appeal to others — they (S) Wyatt Earp Clint Eastwood. Telly Savalat. Don Ric­ EAST d ) (S) Jaopardyl (CC). [C N N ] Larry King Live WEST depending upon what you play, and Graph Matchmaker can help you under­ won't mind you chairing tha show. kies. 1970. Rated PG. (In Stereo) 4J96 Test yourself dViU/l [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Sounder' A depression- ® Current Affair 4 2 will continue with a third club. ^ plan stand what to do to make the relation­ TAURUS (AprH 20-May 20) Be ambi­ (X) Bamay Millar Pan 2 of 2. [U S A ] MOVIE: 'SpNt SaconiT Eecaped 4K043 47 era family of sharecroppers fights to stay (33) PEUCULA: 'Beseme' Espkmaje y the play. Did you discard a heart? And ship work. Mall $2 to Matchmaker, c/o tious today but not for self-aggrandlze- (0) INN Nawa alive. Cicely Tyson, Paul Winfield, Kevin contraespionaje an la exotica ciudad afri- prisoners hold the occupants of two cars ♦ 9 8 6 2 ♦ AQJ73 as declarer CHUBB AND CHAUNCEY by Vance Rodawalt this newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleve­ ment. Focus your efforts to benefit (S) M*A*S*H Hooks. 19'72. Rated G. cana de Casablanca, durante la segunda hostages. Stephan McNally. Jen Starting. 4 10 6 3 2 then did you play dummy's A-K of 4 AQ 94 those you love. This Is where you will Guerra Mondial Sarita Montiel. Muarice Alexis Smith. 1953. By James Jacoby spades and a spade back to your queen land, OH 44101-3428. (S) Caiaon'a Comedy Claaaica [ESP N ] Billiards: Fran Criml vs. Jean find your real |oy. Ronet. Home Shopping Networfc S O U T H to take a heart finesse? That would LIBRA (Sapl. 23-Ocl. 23) Partnership ® Win, Loaa or Draw Balukas From Atlantic City, N .J. (R) 4:00AM QS WHO'S RESPONSlBL-e FOR GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) If you are 4 Q 10 7 3 3 srrangements you establish at this time [M AX ] MOVIE: The Squeeze' A mys­ d3) Gene Scott (2 hrs.) Casual players may never learn to win, but you are now in trouble. If you THiSr./Tw em Y-Two eieairrs, presently unattached, there's a possi­ O ) Nawhart (CC). 4 8 6 2 are seeded with promise. The results ot terious black box spells trouble for an artist [CN N ] Newsnight [C N N ] Larry King Overnight recognize situations that call for un­ play the heart ace. East shows out, so bility that an existing friendship could ® Hollywood Squaroa ♦ 10 S 4 A BONg ANP THREE SOCK56 the collaborations should please all and a would-be private eye. Michael Kea­ [ESPN ] Speedway America American [HBO] MOVIE; Houaa' (CC) A young you can no longer ruff out the king. If soon turn Into something more roman­ ton, Rae Dawn Chong, Liane Langland. 4 K 7 usual plays, but experts are supposed HIDDEN UNDER"nHE SOFA/ N aw hart Racing Series highlights, from Gardena, writer must face the horrors of his past to be alert to them. Today’s deal pre­ you return to your hand with the spade a c o f ^ (Oet. 24-Nov. 22) Determina­ tic. Today might mark the beginning. [C N N ] Croaafira 1987. Rated PG-13. (In Stereo) Calif. (Taped) when his son disappears in an old family CANCER (June 21-July 22) Success Vulnerable: Both sents just such a situation. Would you 10 to take another heart finesse, once tion, coupled with optimism, are the es- [D IS ] Moutotarpieca Thaatar [U S A ] MOVIE: 'Rollover' An ex-movie [ T M C ] M O V IE : B om In East L A . ' A Los home. William Katt. George Wendt. Ri­ Dealer: North again the bad heart split defeaU you. aantlal Ingredients required for success c o u ld c o m e to y o u n o w In a n a re a w h e re ■^star fights for control of a petro-chemlcal Angeles native is sent south of the border chard Moll. 1986. Rated R. be surprised to know that two of our [ESPN] Scholaatic Sports America: empire founded by her murdered husband. today, especially where your career Is you previously mot rejection. This will after he's mistaken for an illegal alien dur­ [ M A X ] m o v i e ; 'It'a fiAy best young experts flunked the test? And the winning play? Ruff the Summer Gamsa (Taped) Jane Fonda. Kris Kristofferson. Hume 4:25AM West N o rth East South third club in your hand and take an im­ concerned. Go In as It you’ve already not be due to a change In condition, but ing an immigration raid. Cheech Marin, Paul T u rn ' A kberatad professor finds she m utt Pass 1 4 Anyway, cover the East and West Lival Dick Clark Prsaanta Cronyn. 1981. Rodriguez, Daniel Stern. 1987. Rated R. 1 Y w o n . a change In attitude. 8:00PM (X) choose between Iter easygoing boyfriend hands and see how you would do in mediate heart finesse. Then play three Premiere Host Dick Clark presents con­ Pass 4 4 Pass Pass BAOITTARIU8 (Nov, 23-Dac. 21) II you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your optimistic 9:30PM CD 8® Slap MaJtwell Story 12:30AM CD (S) Alfred Hitchcock and a ebarming ex-baseball playsr. JiN rounds of spades ending in your hand temporary musical and comedy artists in (C C ) Rather than bask In the glory of being Pass four spades. have something of Importance to tackle and energetic personality will make you Presents Clayburgh. Michael Douglas. Charles Gro- and take another heart finesse. Then performance end celebrity interviews from named Sportswriter of the Year, Slap de­ dki. 1980. Rated R. The opening lead is the nine of dia­ today, treat It like a game rather than an a d o m in a tin g fo rc e In y o u r In v o lv e m o n ts (g) ® Late Night With David Letter- play a spade back to your 10 and take Hollywood. (60 min.) (Live) cides to ruin the lives of the women who Opening lead: 4 9 monds. East wins the ace and leads a obatade. Things will be smoother by with others today. Objectives you es­ m an (In Stereo) TwWght Zono QD MOVIE: 'Smoke' A troubled young love him. (R) (In Stereo) 4:30AM (B) low club. You will either play the king one more heart finesse. Voila, you are not taking yourself or events too tablish can be achieved. or play low. Either way, West will home! t MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 - 19 18 — M ANCHESTER HERALD . Wednegday. Sept. 14, 1988 SPORTS SLIMMER OLYMPICS ’88 At last, an Olympics with all the track worid there Thoughts Endowment targets Yale post By Bert Rosenthal closely as the individual consecutive races at various ApLENty NEW HAVEN (AP) - A Yale said Smilow’s gift "will help carry The Associated Press performances. distances on the track before University alumnus who donated $1 forward the glorious tradition of Most recently, the three met in finishing second in a 8,000-meter Len Auster million to endow the head football varsity football at Yale.” If the Seoul Olympics were a the 1987 World Championships at steeplechase last year — the first Sports Editor coach’s position at the Ivy League But the gift provoked mild disappro­ gam e show category and every­ Rome, where East Germany time in eight years he had run the school never played, varsity football val among several Yale students thing went according to plan, the dominated. event. as an undergraduate, but loved the questioned at random. answers and questions might go The East Germans won the Aouita may try both the 800and gam e all the same. "It doesn’t surprise me one bit,” like this: . most medals, 81; the most golds, the 1,500 at Seoul. "I love Yale and I love football,” senior Kirk Semple said. "There is a Carl Lewis — Who was the first 10; the most medals by women, Soviet Coach Igor Ter- Joel E. Smilow, a 1954 Yale graduate never-ending supply o f funds going in sprinter to successfully defend 23, and the most golds by women, Ovanesyan calls the pole vault "a All Facchini and chairman, president and chief that direction. I wonder if the money his Olympic championship? six. complicated event,” but he said could be more wisely spent. I think executive officer of Stamford-based Ben Johnson — Who, as the The Soviet Union finished se­ Bubka “ makes it look easy.” other departments are wanting for Playtex Inc., said Tuesday after the "World’s Fastest Human,” cond in total medals with 25, but At the rate the stolid Bubka is university announced his gift. funds.” spoiled Carl Lewis’ attempt to the United States was second In progressing, having raised the Sophomore Richard DuBois said it wants to be "Excellence in football Is not a core win four gold medals for a second golds with nine. The American world record to 19 feet, lOW was easier to imagine the gift being objective of Yale or any other great straight Olympics? men alsohad the most medals, 13, inches, he is considered the No. 1 made at “ a place like Nebraska or Institution of higher education,” said Jackie Joyner-Kersee — Who and the most golds, six, in their threat to reach the 20-foot UCLA — not a place like here. Smilow, whose college football career was the superwoman who won . total of 19 medals. barrier. Is just himself was limited to intramural touch " I t ’s pretty strange,” he said. both the heptathlon and the long While the medals table will be football. The magnanimous Moses also Junior Elizabeth Archey said; “ The jump? closely scrutinized, the individual sidelined him for three months by “ However, it is my belief that is a world record-holder, with a Ray Perkins never did fili Bear Bryant's shoes at money could go to something e ls e ... I Sergei Bubka — Who was the performances will come under a winning the Canadian Olympic football is an integral part of the very time of 47.02 in the 400 hurdles, Alabama. Phil Bengston, Forrest Gregg and Bart can’t see what else Carm Cozza could first to break pole vaulting’s more powerful microscope. trials in a wind-aided 9.90 broad objective of attracting, educat­ and an athlete with a magnificent Starr couldn’t puli off what Vince Lombardi did do that would warrant such money.” 20-foot barrier and the first Soviet Occupying center stage will be seconds. ing and motivating persons with the winning streak. He had a 10-year with the Packers in Green Bay. No one really has Smilow brushed aside the criticism, to win the event in the Olympics? Lewis. Lewis believes he will run potential to become tomorrow’s lead­ string of 122 victories, including saying the gift would allow the Edwin Moses — Who won an Only he, Jesse Owens in 1936 better in the 200 than he did at the replaced Scotty Bowman in Montreal. And Notre ers, irrespective of the field of 107 finals, before losing last year. university to use money from the unprecedented three gold medals and Alvin Kranzlein in 1900, have trials, where he finished second to Dame is still looking for someone to fill the void left endeavor which they choose to Slaney, world recortl-holder in by Ara Parasegian. coach’s salary in.other areas. in the 400 hurdles ^ tw een the won four track and field gold Joe DeLoach. the women’s mile and the Am eri­ pursue,” he said. medals in one Olympics. No one And he is confident of extending Replacing a living legend is a difficult "Maybe it’s more important at a AP photo 1976 and 1088 Olympics? can record-holder at all distances As an undergraduate. Smilow has won four twice in a row and no his 7*A-year winning streak in the proposition, to say the least. place like Yale than at a place like Mary Decker Slaney — What from 800 meters to 10,000 meters, broadcast Yale football games as one has won the 100, 200 or long long jump, which reached 55 at So, why is S3-year-old Leo Facchini jumping into Nebraska, because at a place like COACHING POSITION ENDOWED — Yale head football coach American woman had to beat her has yet to strike Olympic gold — sports director for WYBC. the college jump twice. the trials. the fire at East Catholic Nebraska, a strong football program Carm Cozza, left, poses with Joel Smilow, chairman and own bad luck before finally or even Olympic medal, mainly radio station, and said during a Joyner-Kersee has a more is a given,” Smilow said. beating her opponents for an Lewis will begin his quest for because of injuries or accidents. High School where Jude telephone interview that his secret president and chief executive officer of Plaxtex Inc. Smilow modest winning streak in the Olympic medal? gold in the 100, then compete in In her only Olympic appear­ Kelly left a major ambition had been "to be a Brent Although football is generally consi­ presented Yale with a gift of $1 miilion to endow the head grinding, two-day, seven-event Florence Griffith Joyner — the 200 and long jump, and ance, she collided with Zola Budd footprint? Musburger." the sportsannouncerfor dered a more genteel affair in the Ivy heptathlon. She is unbeaten since football coaching position at Yale. What American, known for her complete an attempt for another during the 3,000-meter final at " I always wanted to CBS. League than it Is in powertiouse 1985 and is the only heptathlete to sizzling outfits as well as times, sweep in the 400-meter relay, in Los Angeles in 1984 — an incident be a head football The Joel E. Smilow Coach of leagues such as the Southwest, nation — 743, followed by the $l-million gift to endow an assistant surpass 7,000 points,-reaching a became the first woman since which he will anchor the U.S. that became the Games’ cause coach,” Facchini said Football position is the first endowed Southeastern, Big Eight and Pacific- University of Michigan’s 684. Yale football coach’s position about a year record 7,215 at the trials. 1072 to win both the 100- and team. celebre. during a recent inter­ position in the athletic department, 10 conferences, Yale boasts among its also has had 118 players named ago. ' While she will be an over­ 200-meter dashes? “ Anything I do in these Games G riffith Joyner raced into view. "And like I said, according to university spokesman alumni Calvin Hill, who played as a All-Americans. Smilow, a Westport, Conn., resi­ whelming favorite in the heptath­ Daley Thompson — Who be­ will be historic,” Lewis said. "I worldwide prominence during somebody had to take Walter Littell. running back for the Dallas Cowboys Endowed coaching positions are dent, also has a degree from Harvard lon, Joyner-Kersee will have a came the only man to win the have the capability of winning the last month’s U.S. Olympic trials Carm Cozza is entering his 24th after graduating in 1966; and Rich apparently rare, though not unique. Business School. He became presi­ much more difficult assignment AP photo the job. Jude left, and decathlon for three straight 100,200 and long jump. I won’t say with a spectacular series of season as Y a le’s head football coach. Diana, a 1982 graduate who played for Cornell University’s football coach’s dent of International Playtex in 1969 in the long jump. There, her the job wasn’t going to Olympics? I will win them, but I can.” performances in the women’s FAST FLORENCE — Florence Griffith Joyner of the U.S., His teams have compiled a record of the Miami Dolphins. position was endowed in 1982 with a and led a management team that competition includes world be frozen into a time East Germany and the Soviet Probably the biggest obstacle sprints, including an electrifying 139-70-4. Yale also has more football victo­ gift from a 1961 graduate and the bought the company in 1986 to form record-holder Galina Chistya­ shown in a file photo, will be a medal threat In the 100- warp and no one was Union — What countries finished in his path to another four golds is world-record clocking of 10.49 in Yale President Benno C. Schmidt ries than any other college in the University of Rochester received a Playtex Inc. kova of the Soviet Union and and 200-meter dashes at the Summer Olympics in Seoui, going to take it.” 1-2 in medals? the sullen Johnson. the 100. Isn’t that the truth. Puzzles abound for track and Johnson is the world record- Heike Drechsler of East Ger­ South Korea. The African distance runners Besides, if you talk to field competition beginning Sept. holder in the 100. Johnson is many, with whom she shared the ranked No. 1 in the world. And world record until Chistyakova showed their durability at the Leo Facchini. he does 23 and running through the final riuki, Peter Koech and Julius Athletes now took it this year. World Championships, with vic­ In addition, the African Olym­ not want to be the day of the Games, Oct. 2, with one Johnson has beaten Lewis five Another double hopeful is Mo­ tories by Kenyans Billy Konchel- pic contingent will include mara­ Korir, all of Kenya. Second Coming of Jude off day. Sept. 27. consecutive times, although he Track and field, the blue-ribbon still trails their series 8-6. rocco’s Said Aouita, the world’s lah in the 800 meters, Paul thoners Ibrahim Hussein of K e­ Kelly. This being the first Olympics event of the Games, also will since 1976 vrith the United States, “ I am not afraid of Carl most complete distance runner Kipkoech in the 10,000 and Dou­ nya and Juma Ikangaa of He wants to be Leo have Incentive glas Wakihuru in the marathon, Tanzania, 5,000-meter runner feature several other world Leo Facchini Lewis.” said Johnson, who with world records at 1,500 Facchini. the Soviet Union and East Ger­ record-holders, worid champions many all competing, the medal showed he had fully recovered meters. 2,000 meters, two mites by Abdi Bile of Somalia in the John Ngugi of Kenya, and 3,000- Facchini has been training for a head coaching and Olympic gold medalists. count will be watched almost as from a tom left hamstring that and 5,000 meters He won 43 1,500 and by Aouita in the 5,000. meter steeplechasers Julius Ka- position since 1979 when he was appointed an at Olympics assistant coach by Jim McLaughlin at Waterford High School. McLaughlin is the new head coach at Security at crosstown Manchester High School. Evans carries U.S. hopes Bv Fred Bavles "When I started coaching, I didn’t know how The Associated Press much was involved in it,” Facchini admitted. "Jim the Games was good because he was so organized and so SEOUL, South Korea — Ah, the Olympics. The in swimming competition thorough. I couldn’t have had a better guy to be thrill of competition. The self-satisfaction of initiated under.” he said. personal achievement. The six-figure check. back at this year’s U.S. indoor very tight Facchini is well aware of the enormous job he’s Much has been made about state support of Bv Bill Barnard West Germany, with a strong taking over. In in nine years with East Catholic. supposedly amateur athletes. But now. a new The Associated Press stable of freestylers led by "The championships by regaining the Kelly had a 60-33-2 won-Iost-tied mark with seven wrinkle has come up in the pay-for-play controv­ Albatross.” Michael Gross, will world mark in 8:17.12. five By Phil Brown shared or outright conference titles. Eagle teams ersy: the incentive bonus. The United States Olympic contend for many medals. The seconds faster than her previous The Associated Press won state titles in 1983. '86 and '87, with the last two Some nations here for the Seoul games, swimming team wants to make Soviet Union, Hungary. Poland best. She also set a world mark in the championships via the shutout route. East was the particularly Third World countries hungry for up for its disappointing perfor­ and Canada have little depth, but SEOUL. South Korea — The 400 freestyle — the oldest mark No. 1-ranked team in the state a year ago. ranked prestige, are offering the green stuff to athletes who mance in the World Champion­ each will take record-holders to troops in full battle gear won’t be then on the books — in December. in the top 20 nationally by USA Today, and the bring home the gold, bronze and silver. ships two years ago and its the Games. the first thing to grab the Her biggest threat in that event Eagles go into the '88 campaign with the longest And there’s other booty for the winners: housing comeback hopes are on the Evans credits her increase in attention of Olympic visitors should be Heike Friedrich of East winning streak in the state — 16. East, now No. 3 in for them and their families, government jobs, even .narrow shoulders of l6-year-old size from 5-foot-l, 80 pounds in arriving at Seoul’s Kimpo Germany. lifetime pensions. • Janet Evans. 1986 to 5-5>A and 105 today with Airport. the preseason scholastic poll, hasn’t lost since a But Evans has given little While not many countries now offer bonuses, Evans, of Placentia, Calif., her rise from a 14-year-old who And getting through the airport 28-16 reversal to Notre Dame of West Haven thought to the competition in midway through the ’ 86 season. some fear an Olympic future where the ceremonial wasn’t good enough to make the failed to make the world cham­ will be just the first step in a maze check and keys to the new Mercedes are handed to team that won five individual pionship team to a swimmer who Seoul. of security precautions that will “ Whether people like it or not, win streaks do " I don’t think about who the the victors along with their medals. gold medals at the World Cham­ has set three distance-freestyle make getting around the Games come to an end,” Faccchini said. “ My wildest AP photo competitors are beside me,” she “ There has always been rumors that some pionships in Madrid, a dramatic world records in the last year. almost an Olympic event for dream is to go 10-0 again. We’ll pursue that said. “ It doesn’t matter whether I GRAND SLAM — Boston’s Jim Rice, homer in the third inning Tuesday night countries are paying athletes to win. but this is the slide from the 20 it won in the 1984 "The main thing was I grew a spectators. endeavor to the fullest. But I ’m also prepared for know them or if they speak a center, gets congratulations from team­ against the Orioles at Fenway Park. first time they have gone public with it,” said Olympics. lot and got stronger,” Evans said. First, arriving passengers go the eventuality that you can lose. And if that foreign language.” Robert Helmick, president of the U.S. Olympic But even with the powerful "Th e added speed and strength through a metal detector and happens, we’ll just roll up our sleeves and go back mates Mike Greenwell, right, and Larry Rice’s blow helped the Bosox to a 6-4 Evans also holds the world Committee. East Germans back — they together pushed me to the luggage X-ray check similar to to the drawing board and do whatever it takes to do Parrish, left, after hitting a grand slam victory. record in the 1.500-meter frees­ Consider the following. Malaysia’s National boycotted the 1984 Games — records.” what they underwent before tyle, but the latter event is not to win.” Sports Council offers $30,000 for gold medal. A Evans is a solid choice to win the Evans works out with weights boarding the plane to Seoul. contested at the Olympics, a fact There will be no shortcuts for success for Filipino businessman has promised a free house and 400-meter and 800-meter frees- three times a week. Baggage is then subject to that doesn’t please her. Facchini or the Eagles. He has great respect for a million pesos, about $50,000, to first gold winner tyles in Seoul and is expected to Evans does have some interna­ thorough searches by customs “ I ’m disappointed about the those whom he’ll be matching wits with in the All Rice still has some sock left from his country. challenge for another gold in the tional experience, at the Goodwill inspectors. 1,500, but there’s nothing I can do Connecticut Conference. “ The level of coaching in Saudi Arabian officials admit their athletes can 400-meter individual medley. Games in Moscow in 1986, and the CLOSE SHAVE — U.S. swimmer Matt Biondi takes a The troops are in the lobbies about it,” she said. the conference is second no none.” he applauds. "When I ’m called upon, I want count on a free education, a government job and a Evans, along with 1984 Olympic Pan-Pacific Games in Australia and just outside the airport Bv Dave O’Hara out in the fourth for the eighth In addition to her two distance break after a morning workout Wednesday in Seoul. "You ’re going up against guys who are to go up there and do m y job. If lifelong pension if they win. holdovers Matt Biondi, Pablo and a European tour in 1987— but terminal, marching in small The Associated Press grand slam of his career. freestyle events, Evans also is an Biondi is entered in four individual and three relays and football-savvy, guys like Earl Lavery (Fairfield I ’m not called upon, I don’t have Korea, anxious to shine before the hometown Morales, Mary T. Meagher and almost none against the East squads, paratroopers in helmets His 12th homer of the season up-and-coming star in the 400 some say is a prospect for seven gold medals. P re p ), the winning coach in the state. All the guys and No. 376 of his career re­ anything to worry about.” crowd, also is reported putting up a bounty for Betsy Mitchell and former world Germans. and commandos in green berets. BOSTON — In his major league individual medley. have extensive coaching background. debut, Baltimore right-hander bounded halfway up the light Rice said after striking out winners. According to the Seoul newspaper record-holders Tom Jager and In 1987, Evans set a world Comba* police also stand guard “ I know if I don’t want to go home an unhappy Pete Hamisch said he was told tower above the 379-foot mark at against Hamisch “ I had a better Kyung-hyang Sinmum, winners of the gold will get a Dave Wharton, gives the United record of 8 minutes, 22.44 seconds Meanwhile, other metal detec­ camper, I have to do my homework. I ’ll do my best not to pitch to Boston’s Jim Rice. the flagpole in left-center. idea of what he was throwing and six-figure cash bonus, an $800-a-month pension and States what could be the strongest in the 800-meter freestyle, only to tors and guards screen everyone to formulate good game plans against them.” “ If they told him that, he should The Red Sox went on to their where. exemption from military service. swimming team in Seoul. see it broken by East Germany’s Coaches making the switch entering the terminal. Police " I got a good pitch to hit.” he Other countries reject the idea of paying for Anke Mohring in 8; 19.53. outside check trunks and engine Facchini said. have listened,” Rice said Tues­ seventh victory in nine games, East Germany, with another said of the homer. " It wasiowand success. The British believe it is wrong, both in Not to be outdone, Evans came compartments of arriving vehi­ Facchini set the tone for ’88 in the summer. day night after hitting a grand bolstering their hold on the powerhouse women’s team, and away, a fastball or a slider and I principal and practicality. cles for weapons and search That’s when he drove two or three times a week slam homer that powered ^ s to n American League East lead. to a 6-4 victory over the Orioles. With 18 games left, Boston hit it pretty good,” “ It’s a naive to hand out money that way,” said for athietes to Seoui time underneath the vehicles with from his Niantic home to East Catholic to run a “ It’s good to see Jimmy come Dick Palmer, general secretary of the British mirrors. weightlifting program. Before that, he had spring “ I ’ve given up some long ones, leads New York and Detroit by 4 back and get a couple of hits,” Olympic Association. “ It’s better spent in identify­ With that In mind, Liskevych’s South Korean officials say practice. "That was important to get to know them and this one sure was long,” said 1-2 games, with the magic Bv W endv E. Lane It’s also a problem U.S. athletes number 15 to eliminate the relief ace Lee Smith said after ing talent and getting good coaching instead of just team will arrive in Seoul 14 days stringent security is vital because and to have the summer weightlifting so the kids Hamisch, who was drafted off the DAL TOTALS COMPARED The Associated Press and coaches haven’t had to Fordham University campus in Yankees and 14 to beat the Tigers. earning his 25th save with 1 1-3 paying the winners.” contend with in the Summer before its first match with China. of potential threats from commu­ could get to know me better.” innings of hitless relief. U.S. Olympic officials, who recently drew up a Total Olympic medals won in summer Olympics nist North Korea and interna­ June 1987. Relegated to part-time duty When an American athlete Games since 1964 in Tokyo, la the "There’s times when we travel Maybe it’ll be week one. or week seven, but "With the bases loaded and two plan to raise $25 million in direct support of tional terrorists. " I watched it go the whole after slumping as the designated climbs into a starting block at same time zone as Seoul. to Japan and we play seven hours Facchini is prepared for those who’ll compare. out, I was just trying to get a hit, American athletes, think bonuses are a waste of, 125 On the eve of the 1986 Asian way,” Hamisch said. " I turned hitter this year. Rice also had a noon Seoul time, U.S. Olympic Quick plans to ease his after we arrive,” he said. “ Let "Y ou follow a guy like Jude who did such a great but the home mn is nice,” Rice USA USSR C D Games. Seoul’s dress rehearsal around because when I give those single which set up an insurance money. coaches want to make sure his swimmers into the time change me tell you. that’s no way to job and people are going to compare you to him. said. " It not only helped us win a “ We feel our athletes are very much in need o f' for the Olympics, a bomb ex­ up I don’t mind watching them. If run in just his fourth start in 14 body doesn’t think it’s bedtime in slowly, breaking up the trip to handle competition at a high But I ’m the guy who goes home and has to look at game, but I ’m a little closer to financial support, but we have a policy that they ploded just outside one terminal, it hadn’t hit halfway up the light games. 107 the United States. South Korea into sections. level, so that’s why we’re spend­ need and should get the support no matter if they killing five people. South Korea himself in the mirror. I feel I have a hard enough tower, it might still be going “ I ’m ready to play any day, but 400.” 103 To ensure athletes’ biological After training in Austin, Texas, ing the time and going earlier” win a medal,” said Helmick. " I think we can find blamed North Korea . for the exterior that if I don’t live up to expectations of somewhere.” if I ’m not in the lineup I can’t do "That was one of his old time clocks get in synch with Seoul’s the squad is scheduled to move to U.S. equestrian team member more creative ways to help athletes rather than attack. those other people. I ’ll be able to deflect those Stmck out on three pitches in anything about it,” the 35-year- shots,” Boston Manager Joe clocks, which run 17 hours later Los Angeles for four days, then on Joe Fargis, who won two Olympic giving money out at the Olympics.” No incidents occurred during criticisms.” the second inning while trying "to old veteran said. "M y attitude Morgan said, assuring everyone 00 than those on the West Coast, the to Hawaii for another 10 days of gold medals in 1984, said he’s There also is money for winners of lesser medals the actual games, when troopers All Leo Facchini wants to be is Leo Facchini. determine his strike zone,” Rice has been the same for 14 years. Rice would be in the lineup for the U.S. Olympic Committee has training. The swimmers will getting to Seoul on Sept. 10 to give patrolled the airport and some of That should be more than good enough. unloaded on a 2-2 pitch with two I ’m not going to change. Baltimore series finale tonight. and marathoners who finish under certain times. issued a brochure for athletes reach Seoul about 10 days before himself time to adjust before the sports complexes with their 76 with tips on fighting jet lag. competition starts on Sept. 18. jumping events begin Sept. 23. 74 71 submachine guns leveled straight And coaches are going one step Long jumper Larry Myricks ahead. They now point them further with training programs and triple jumper Robert Cannon And for his three horses, Fargis slightly downward. ND one of last bastions where ‘redshlrtlng’ Is a dirty word and special diets designed to will practice in the early evening is prescribing plenty of rest and Olympic visitors staying In the minimize the effects of compet­ in California to approximate the care before shipping them. Upon line, three new receivers and two new kickers. arrival in South Korea, he’ll wait major hotels meet their next Bv Herschel NIssenson freshmen as possible to build depth for the future — iioii-athletes — you go to summer school and you ing halfway around the world. time of their midday competi­ "People have five classes, and they mature and a few days before working them. security check, including a The Associated Press but says he agrees with it. start out your sophomore year even with your class. The time change shouldn’t tions in Seoul, said their coach, grow and develop,” Holtz said. “ We have four Total Medals Won Olympic competition schedules search of their luggage, in the “ Eleven times a year — 12 times, hopefully — I Same thing at the end of your sophomore and junior negatively affect any American’s Ernie Gregoire. classes. You need three classes to win, and when have been arranged so that hotel lobby. Police will be stati­ "Redshirting,” like "Miami,” is a dirty word at wish we redshirted,” Holtz says. "But it doesn’t years. So you start your senior year, you’re on line perform an ce in Seoul, say "W e’ re going to gear our people redshirt they have five classes to draw USA 606 prime-time television viewers oned on every floor during the Notre Dame. blend in with Notre Dame’s philosophy or with its for graduation. coaches and USOC officials, but it workouts at a time when it can watch events live despite the Games. The Notre Dame roster for 1988 includes only purpose. “ Now the NCAA says to be eligible you basically three.” USSR 673 multiplies one more factor into coincides with that side of the Ib HMAHM 14-hour difference between Seoul Such thorough measures are three redshirts — fifth-year seniors Flash Gordon, "W e’re the only school in America that doesn’t have to be pursuing a worthwhile degree. But you’ve "When I first came here (1986). we were O H B M ite M training for the Olympic Games. world.” he said. time and Eastern Daylight Time. not expected to apply, however, Wes Pritchett and Frank Stams, all linebackers. redshirt, and I don’t think there’s any doubt that already graduated. Do we give somebody a position predominantly a freshman-junior-senior football ” If you don’t take precautions Later this month, the women’s For example, boxing finals begin at small hotels where there are no Gordon was granted an extra year of eligibility that has hurt us drastically on a Saturday afternoon. Jn graduate school and deny a worthy candidate a team. Last year, we were predominantly a to adjust to it, you’re simply not volleyball team also will spend a Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. in Olympic VIPs staying. after a series of injuries prevented him from "But I concur with Notre Dame’s philosophy and position just so he can play one semester of football ? freshman-sophomore-senlor football team. This going to perform at your highest week training at the same times Seoul so that the events can be There will be more metal playing in 1984. Pritchett was not in school during belief. You have to understand why Notre Dame Or do we start playing games and stretching out year, we’re predominantly a freshman-sophomore- level,” said U.S. Olympic swim­ at which they will be CMnpetlng in seen live at 8 p.m. EDT Friday detectors at the main gates to the spring of 1986 and needs this semester to doesn’t redshirt. their career and change everything about Notre junior football team without very many seniors on ming coach Richard Quick. South Korea, said U.S. coach night. Seoul’s sports complexes and at complete his degree requirements. A nagging thigh "N otre Dame says you come in here as a Dame?” "There are studies that prove Terry Liskevych. the first two teams.” IW2 1956 I960 1964 I96S 1972 1976 But the scheduling has rankled the entrances to the stadiums. problem limited Stams to 16 seconds of action in 1986 freshman and your schedule’s set for you. You’re How important is redshirting? Holtz says it has essentially that performance Research by USOC medical But if any school in the country can survive the some coaches, including U.S. Guards will search hand luggage — ergo, an extra year. going to take ’X ’ amount of hours. You have your "changed the game more than any other thing in the The USA boycoOMl 0»e 1900 Moscow Olympics whem USSR diminishes if your body’s on a officials and others have shown rigors of major-college football without redshirting, men’s basketball coach John and demand one picture be Coach Lou Holtz may not be thrilled with the choice what language you want to take or what last 25 years.” won 196 medals. The USSR boyoooed the 1904 Los Angles different clock than the actual thorough acclimation to a new it would have to be Notre Dame. It won’t be easy, time zone takes one day for every lliompaon, who has said the clicked off on all cameras to Notre Dame athletic board’s policy of granting a science you want to take. Like most schools, Notre Dame is hurting time zone you’re in. • "At the end of your freshman year, if you’re not depth-wise. In Saturday night’s 19-17 victory over though. Olympics where 0»e USA won 174 medals.______"It’s a physiological problem." one-hour change in time zones. starting times are too early. prove they are cameras. fifth year only for medical or personal reasons — "W e’ve got to, ” Holtz says. “ We can and we will. ” many coaches automatically redshirt as many true even with your class for graduation — athletes, Michigan, the Irish unveiled a brand-new offensive MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 — gl

n - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1988 Rutgers finally gets some attention in home state SPORTS Cheney soccer looking up Bv Jim Tiernev Sophomore Kettaphone Kcovilay fullback, juniors Larry Oliver at is slated at stopperback while the Bv Tom Conavon back, get some interviews and it "F o r at least one day we’re A Detroit newspaper asked the questioned how big an upset it about it all week long,” Andersqn Manchester Herald midfield and Brent Lassen at was because his team knew it said. "Y o u ’ve got the students, IN B R IE F wing fullbacks will be sophomore forward, sophomore Jason Gag­ Tho Attoclated Press gave ussomenationalattention,” bigger than (Bruce) Springsteen question again on Saturday the professors and the media who Andy Luginbhul and junior Jona­ said Anderson, now 21-21-2 in his In the state of New Jersey," morning. could win if it played Well. There should be only one non at fullback and impressive want to talk about it and we can't than Snow. EAST RUTHERFORD. N. J. - fifth season. "It was a help. It Anderson said in ending an Against Michigan State, the Rutgers has posted some major r * L . . i direction in which the 1988 freshman Rob Goulet at midfield. do that. We’ve got to get ready f^r Patrolling the midfield will be Sometimes timing is everything. certainly got Rutgers’ name interview at CBS. according to answer was a better football team upsets in Anderson’s tenure, UConn soccer Is busy Cheney Tech boys’ soccer team Soucy sees Rocky Hill and the next one.” < senior center halfback Steven Rutgers shocking season-opening across the country, in particular Kevin MacC^nnell, the school’s for at least a day. playing a 28-28 tie against No. 1 t can go this season and that is up. Coventry as the teams to beat in STORRS — The University of Ckinnecticut After suffering through a dis­ Infante, who will be looked upon victoryoverthen-No. ISMichigan in the Midwest.’’ sports information director. "That particular game has Florida in the 1985 season opener History supports that view. The the Charter Oak Conference with men’s soccer team, coming off two lossses at the for his offensive abilities. Junior State could not have came at a Because the afternoon game in That might be an exaggeration significance because we got na­ and knocking off then-No. 17 West week after Rutgers tied Floii<^ mal 1-12-2 campaign last year in Bolton as a sleeper. adIdas/Ethel M. Rebel Classic at Nevada-Las Nick Werfel is at one halfback better time for the Scariet East Lansing, Mich., was the only on Anderson’s part, but there can tional attention as a result,” Virginia 23-19 in 1984. in 1985, the Scarlet Knights went which it was outscored, 60-8, the " I hope we can surprise a few Vegas, resumes action tonight at 7 at Willow while senior Mike Cote is at the people,” he said. "Confidence Knights, literaliy. m ajor upset on the opening be no downplaying the impor­ Anderson said ’Tuesday at a Anderson would not speculate to West Point and dropp^ a 20-is Beavers, while remaining a Brook Park In New Britain as It meets three other. early will be very helpful.” weekend, it became the lead story tance of the victory for Rutgers. luncheon with New York on whether the victory would help decision to Army. young squad, return a promising opponents in the next six days. nine starters as they head into The forward line will consist of The 17-lS victory by Rutgers on on several broadcasts. Anderson The impact was immense for a metropolitan-area sports wri­ the school in recruiting, but he Rutgers’ next gam e is Saturday UConn, 2-3, hosts Boston University In a Big today’s opener at home at 3:15 senior Scott House at center Schedule: Sept. 14 Berlin H, 17 Saturday afternoon has quickly also was able to fly home to New program that cannot get the ters. " I think a lot of people said it certainly could not hurt. at Giants Stadium against Van­ East Conference clash before visiting Syracuse p.m. against Berlin High. striker and junior Shannon Mal- Cromwell A (10:30 a.m.), 22 turned into a publicity bonanza Jersey in time to take a limousine state’s best high school players to around the country looked at it as There is, however, at least one problem that probably won’t go derbilt, which defeated the Sca­ University on Friday for a 7:30 p.m. game at the "W e’ve got our entire defense lett on the left side with senior Prince Tech H, 24 Bolton H, 27 for the school and coach Dick to New York City and to appear as stay home and one that more a major upset.” Portland A, 30 Bacon Academy A. Anderson said the game was an away for at least a few more days. rlet Knights 27-13 last season. Carrier Dome. Connecticut winds up its hectic returning,” eighth-year Cheney Rafael Menenses on the right Anderson. a halftime guest on CBS’s broad­ often than not has been the butt of Oct. 4 RHAM A, 7 Coventry H, upset because the Spartans were "Y o u ’ve got people out .there Anderson is not looking for slate on Sunday at 2 p.m. when it hosts Arm y at Coach Paul Soucy said. "W e ’re side. *T don’t know if itwastiming or cast of the Michigan-Notre Dame the question; ’’What’s a 11 Vlnal Tech A, HEast Hampton Rutgers?’’ favored by about 17 points, but he who are going to want to talk history to repeat itself. i the Connecticut Soccer Stadium in Storrs. still young, but we’ll have more "W e’ve got to cut down on our what it was, but I was able to get game. H, 18 Cromwell H, 21 RHAM H, 25 UConn fell to No. 10 ranked host Nevada-Las experience.” goals agaiiist and at the same Rocky Hill A, 28 Bacon Academy Vegas, 3-1, and to No. 4 ranked UCLA, 1-0, in the Sophomore Nate Paradis is time put the ball in the back of the H. Rebel Classic. again the netminder for the net.” Soucy said. Beavers while senior Tommy Key reserves for the Beavers Nov. 1 Coventry A, Bolton H. Husky senior Dan Donigan was named the Mascaro will be the sweeper. •■vill b" cpnlor Todd R o ^ at Most games 3; 30 p.m. first weekly recipient of Soccer America’s SCOREBOARD ’Collegiate National Player of the Week’ award, it was announced. AP photo Amsrlcsn Lsagus rssuHs Rads 5, Astros 2 Bolton soccerfest coming TEEING OFF — Pro golfer Ken Green, a Yanks battle back again Favorite Summer Olympic sports Transactions resident of Danbury, tees off on the first Baseball Rad Sox 6, Qrloiss 4 HOUSTON CINCINNATI Bailes, 8-13, who had just re­ Medina’s fourth in his a b r h M BOLTON — Bolton High School and the Bolton hole at the Watertown Golf Club By Chuck Melvin Larkin ss 4 0 2 1 Youth Soccer Association will hold its second The Associated Press placed Don Gordon, fell behind last three games, all against the BALTIMORB Sabo 3b 3 1 1 0 BASEBALL Tuesday afternoon during a charity 2-0 in the count before Aguayo hit Yankees. The Indians made it 4-2 O b rh M LHarrIs 3b 0 0 0 0 annual SoccerFest on Saturday. Matches will be Amirican Lngue standings Amorlcan U bbuo a fastball over the fence in left, later in the inning on consecutive Orsulak rt Daniels It 4 0 11 BALTIMORE ORIOLES-Recolled Ptta played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the high school event. Green won the Canadian Open CLEVELAND - The New York BAndsn cf EDavIs cf 4 0 2 1 Harnisch and Bob MllockI, pitcheri; Cart fields. The Bolton High girls’ team will play two weeks ago and the Greater Yankees simply can’t afford to barely beyond the reach of doubles by Julio Franco and ■ M t n v M o n CRIpkn 55 RMrphvp 0 0 0 0 Nichols, cotcher; Keith Hughes and Jeff leaping left fielder Mel Hall. Reggie Williams. w L Pet. OB Murray 1b Froncop 0 0 0 0 Coginchaug Regional at 11 a.m. with the boys’ Milwaukee Open last Sunday. give up on a game. — Stone, outfielders, and Craig Worthington, Dave Winfield doubled and Boston 81 63 .563 Sheets If ONelll rf 4 0 10 third baseman, from Rochester of the squad opposing Woodstock Academy at 1; 30 ’”The fact that the guys in the " I hit It pretty good, but when I Now York 76 67 .531 4'A BDavIs If Esaskv 1b 3 0 0 0 International Leogue. saw Hall lean over the wall, I scored on ’s sin­ Dotrolt 77 68 .531 *'/7 Tettleton c Reedc 3 2 11 p.m. dugimt feel it’s never over is a National Loaguo thought he might catch it.” said gle to get the Yankees within a MlhNOukM 77 70 .524 5New York Mets Son R-ancIsco 74 71 .510 10 IP H R ER BB SO Sasser ph 10 0 0 eoo 020 000—2 country coach. SEOUL, South Korea (A P ) — Four cities complaining of dizziness. (9). Totals 30 1 4 I Totals 32 0 4 0 (tame Winning RBI — (Trace (8). Son Diego 72 71 .503 11 New York IP H R ER BB SO bidding to host the 1994 Winter Games made this season to deliver a message. i 34 E—KNMIller. DP—Phltadetphlo 1. s t u n t o k u u Atlanta 49 94 .343 Guidry 4 2-3 6 Milwaukee Pittsburgh OOO 100 000—1 K— Named Will Wlberg The Pirates beat the Mets 1-0 I Tuesday's Gomes Allen W,5-2 31-3 3 LOB—Chicago 8, Philadelphia 7. 2B— assistant women's soccer coach and their last presentations to the International Nieves W,6-5 3 0 0 2 4 New York 880 880 m s Palmeiro, iCtawson, (Trace, Law. HR— Cowboys release Zende)as Cincinnati 5, Houston 2 Righetti S.21 1 2 Chicago assistant sports Information director; (Treg Olympic Committee Wednesday, all of them Tuesday night behind the com- I Montreal 7, St. Louis 1 aevelcmd (tame Winning RBI — Bonilla (11). Dawson (23), Parrish (14), Bradley (10), Connelta assistant men's lacrosse coach; Patterson L,0-2 DP—New York 3. LOB—Pittsburgh 3, Berryhlll (6). SB—Sandberg (21), Das- sounding like winners. bined six-hitter of Bob Walk and I Pittsburgh 1, New York 0 RNIchols 6 6 Poll Susan DIMonda director of Intramurals; IRVING , Texas (A P ) — Luis Zendejas, who Chicogo 9, Philadelphia 2 (tardon 1 1-3 2 New York 9. 2B—Wilson 2, Bonilla. cenzo (2). Tim Tenogtla head baseball coach; Alex Lillehammer, Norway, and Anchorage, Jim Gott and Bobby Bonilla’s Umpires—Home, Clark; First, Evans; SB—VanSlyke 2 (27), Dykstra (28). IP H R ER BB SO kicked a 47-yard field goal in a 17-14 N F L victory San Francisco 4, San Diego 1 Bailes L.8-13 1 2-3 1 1 1 Second, Ford; Third, Hendry. Sosvary men's and women's tennis coach fourth-inning RBI double. Los Angeles 2, Atlanta 0 BK—RNIchols. PB—Allanson. Chicago and Debbie Thomsen cheerleaders coach. Alaska, were first up before the IOC’s 94th over the Phoenix Cardinals Monday night, was T—2:24. A—8,307. IP H R ER BB SO GMadduxW,17-7 7 6 2 2 0 6 "W e’ll be smarter next year,” Wednesday's (Tomes Umpires—Home, Coble; Rrst, Den XAVIER, OHIO—Announced the resliF Session, which will vote Thursday on the site for released by the Dallas Cowboys on Tuesday and Houston (Ryan 11-11) at Cincinnati kinger; Second, McClelland; Third BleleckI 2 3 0 0 0 1 notion of Terry Kofler,trolner,sohecantake reliever Gott said. “ They beat us (Jackson 21-6), 7:35 p.m. McCoy. Walk W,1M0 8 5 0 0 2 2 Phllodelphlo thesomeposItlonwIththeChorlotteHornets the first Games held in a new every-two-year Roger Ruzek was activated. Royals 4, Angels 3 (Toff S,29 1 1 0 0 1 1 K(Tross L,11-14 3 2-3 6 4 4 3 2 Pittsburgh (Dunne 7-11) at Montreal T-3:02. A-8,455. New York of the NBA. cycle. so many times by coming back in (Holman 37), 7:05 p.m. Dawley 11-3 1 1 1 0 0 Ruzek kicked 22 of 25 field goals attempted (Tooden L.17-7 7 5 1 1 1 7 Barolos 2 2 4 4 2 0 Sofia, Bulgaria, and Ostersund, Sweden, were the late innings.” Chicago (Schlraldl 8-11) at New York KANSAS CITY CALIFORNIA last year but got into a contract dispute with the (Fernandez 8-10), 7:35 p.m. Myers 2 1 0 0 0 2 Service 1 2 0 0 0 0 making their presentations later in the day. Ob r h Bl O b rh b l HBP—Wilson by (Toft. BK—(Tooden. /Madrid 1 1 0 0 0 0 team and was held out of the first two weeks of St. Louis (Mathews 4-5) at Phllodelphlo Blue Jays g. Tigers 1 WWIIsn ct 5 1 0 0 DWhIteef 5 0 0 1 The loss snapped the Mets’ (Sebra 0-2), 7:35 p.m. Umpires—Home, Davidson; First, WP—KGross. PB—Berryhlll. Bowling Sofia came into the meetings as the consensus the season. Seltzer 3b 4 1 1 1 Dwnnp dh 4 0 2 0 Pulll; Second, Horvev; Third, Crawford. Umpires—Home, Pallone; First, KIbler; five-game winning streak and cut San Froncisco (Robinson 6-4) at San DETROIT TORONTO Brett 1b 3 2 10 Joyner 1b 4 0 0 0 T—2:31. A—36,633. favorite, but some members this week have (Xego (Jones 9-12), 10:05 p.m. Second, (Trego; Third, Quick. Zendejas. a free agent, also had a field goal their lead over second-place ab r h bl O b rh b l Tobler It 4 0 2 1 CDavIs rf 3 1 1 0 T—2:59. A—13,301. complained about political arm-twisting by the Atlanta (Mahler 9-14) at Los Angeles Pettis cf 4 0 0 0 Fernndz ss 3 0 11 Thurmn If 0 0 0 0 Ray 2b 4 0 3 1 blocked against the Cardinals and that could Pittsburgh to 10 games in the (Hershlser2O8),10:3Sp.m. Bergmn 1b 4 0 11 Infante ss 0 0 0 0 FWhlte2b 4 0 0 0 Howell 3b 3 0 0 0 Expos 7, Cardinals 1 Eastern Business Bulgarians. ^ have been the deciding factor for Coach Tom National League East. New York Tramml ss 0 0 0 0 Mosebycf 4 1 1 0 BJacksn rf 4 0 2 1 Hndrck ph 0 0 0 0 Anchorage suffered a blow when the U.S. Solozar ss 2 0 10 Ducevet 0 0 0 0 DISntos dh 3 0 0 0 Romos 3b 0 0 0 0 Giants 4, Padres 1 J. Slronnl 149, JoeMelzen 146, P. Scoff Landry. won 12 of 18 games this season Lynn If 3 0 10 Mc(talff 1b 5 0 11 Bucknr ph 0 0 0 0 Armas If 4 0 0 0 STLOUIS MONTREAL 143-148-425, T. Stanchfleld 155-150^37, T. Olym pic Committee’s executive director, Kowzun 172-405, B. W oulef 146-151-412, against the Pirates, scoring 10 Pennant race picture Lusoder It 0 0 0 0 GBell If 5 2 3 0 Pecota ss 3 0 0 0 Schotlld ss 3 1 1 0 O b rh b l a b r h M Baaron Pittenger, said he had heard com plaints Nokesc 3 0 10 Campsnif 0 0 0 0 LOwen c 2 0 0 0 M cLm rph 1110 Colemn cf 4 0 0 0 ONIxoncf 2 10 0 SAN FRAN SAN DIEGO D. Peck 163-153-147-463, P. Peck 156, M . runs in the six losses. Heath ph 10 0 0 W hitfc 3 2 12 Dorsettc 2 0 0 0 OSmIthss 3 13 0 TJones If 4 2 2 0 o( b r h b l O b rh b l Roux 146, M. McCarthy 142, M. OavIS that the Alaskans had failed to build enough Tigers’ Trammell Injured Eppard ph 10 0 1 Guerrer 1b 3 0 0 0 Gatarrg 1b 3 2 11 Butler ct 3 0 0 0 Wynne cf 4 1 2 0 142, L. Aceto 143, D. Balch 167-429, & And, once again, the Mets AMERICAN LEAGUE Bandoc 0 0 0 0 Buterac 0 0 0 0 facilities. EAST DIVISION DEvns dh 3 0 0 0 Mlinksdh 2 1 1 0 M iller c 10 0 0 Walling 3b 4 0 11 Brooksrf 4 13 5 RThpsn 2b 3 1 1 2 RAIomr 2b 3 0 10 Holmes 152-142-416, E. Roux 156-43S TORONTO (AP) — Detroit’s Alan Trammell almost rallied to beat the Pirates. w L Pet. OB Knight ph 10 00 Bordrs dh 1 1 0 0 Totats 12 4 6 3 Totals 35 1 8 1 Bmnsky rf 4 0 0 0 DMrtnz rf 0 10 0 Clark 1b 4 0 10 CMortnz It 4 0 0 0 John Melzen 140, K. Melzen 156, M. Ostersund was picking up support, according Holmes 162-401, A. Boninl 149, D. Flgeza was hit on the right forearm by a pitch in the Walk. 12-10, allowed five hits in Boston 81 63 .563 — Lemon rf 3 0 0 0 Barfield rf 4 2 2 4 Oauend 2b 3 0 0 0 Waltach3b 4 0 2 1 MIdndo rf 3 1 1 1 Kruk3b 4 0 11 to some members, but Anchorage and New York 76 67 .531 4'/j Bean rf 10 0 0 (tauber3b 3 0 0 0 Kons(H City 200 001 010—4 F a rdlf 2 0 1 0 Sontoven c 4 0 1 0 Aldrete It 4 0 10 Morind 1b 4 0 10 141, A. Szobo 141, G. Szobo 141, D. first inning Tuesday night and had to leave the eight innings and won his first Detroit 77 68 .531 4'/j Brokns 3b 3 0 10 Lee 2b 4 0 0 0 California 000 100 101—3 Quisnbrv p 0 0 0 0 Hudler 2b 4 0 0 0 Riles 3b 2 1 1 0 Jeftrsn pr 0 0 0 0 DeDomlnIcus 143, D. Toee 153-189^479^ Lilleham m er said they came out of their P. H ort 161-157-443, R. J e rry 174-421. game since July 20 to snap a Milwaukee 77 70 .524 5'/2 Lovullo 3b 10 0 0 (tame Winning RBI — Seltzer (7). Tl Jorres ph 1 0 0 0 Rivera ss 4 0 0 0 Si3eler3b 2 0 0 0 Santiago c 4 0 10 presentations with the feeling that they had solid game against Toronto. Toronto 73 72 .503 8'/j Wlwndr 2b 4 1 1 0 E—Schofield, Howell. DP—California 2. TPena c 4 0 1 0 Perez p 4 0 10 Mnwrng c 4 1 1 1 Flonnry 3b 3 0 10 Standings: Annulll's 29-19, Mobil 37- Trammell suffered a serious bruise and will personal six-game losing streak. BOSTON (18) — Home (8): Sept. 14, Totals 33 1 4 1 Totals 34 910 8 LOB—Kansas City 7, California 8. MeWIms p 1 0 10 Uribe ss 3 0 0 0 Ready ph 10 0 0 21, W etherell 26-22, T8,S 27-21, Brown's chances, too. Gott replaced Walk to start the Baltimore; 15,16,17,18, New York; 26,27,28, 2B—Seltzer, Ray 2, Brett, McLemore. Morris If 2 0 0 0 Reuschel p 3 0 10 Tmpitn ss 4 0 0 0 26-22, Melzen's 26-23, P antry 24-34) be on a day-to-day basis. Trammell, who was Toronto. Away (10): Sept. 19,20,21,Toronto; Detroit 001 000 000-1 3B—Schofield. S—LOwen. Totals 31 1 7 1 Totals 33 7 10 7 Leftertsp 10 0 0 Whitson p 2 0 10 M odern 23-25, Irish Insurance 23-25, batting .315, was hit on a 2-2 pitch by Dave Steib bottom of the ninth and had to get Oaks 21-27, Post. No. 8 18-30, Wood­ 23, 24, 25, New York; 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2, Toronto 104 000 40x—9 Lelperp 0 0 0 0 out of a bases-loaded jam. Cleveland. (tame Winning RBI — Whitt (5). IP H R ER BB SO StLoub 000 080 010—1 Thonph 1 0 0 0 peckers 18-M. Wllander out of Games with two outs. DETROIT (17)— Home (9); Sept. 16,17,18, E—Lee. DP—Toronto 1. LOB—Detroit 8, Kansas City Montreal eoo 340 tax-7 McCllersp 0 0 0 0 High averoge: R. Joiner 131.16, D*, It marked the second time this season Kevin McReynolds led off the Baltimore; 19, 20, 21, Cleveland; 30, Oct. 1, Toronto 9. 2B—Walewonder, Nokes. 3B— S a b r h ‘ g n W 1 4 Game Winning RBI — (talarraga (14). Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 34 I 8 1 Toce 130.90, J. Burger 128.73; hlgli STOCKHOLM, Sweden (A P ) — Mats ninth with a line drive deep to Oct. 2, New York. Away (8): Sept. 14, Moseby. HR—Whitt (13), Borfleld (17). 14 7 6 2 2 2 9 E—OSmIth, Walling. DP—Stlpuls 1, single; T. Stanchfleld 209; high triple/ Trammell was hit by a pitch from a Blue Jays SB—Fernandez (14). Gleoton 2-3 1 0 Montreal 1. LOB—StLouls 8, Montreal 5. San Rondsco 400 121 000- R. Joiner 516; high no m ork; M. Holmes Wllander, the U.S. Open champion and center field that Andy Van Slyke Toronto; 22, 23, 24, 25, Baltimore; 26,27, 96. • pitcher. On June 19, Trammell was hit on the left 28, Cleveland. IP H R ER BB SO Farr S,19 11-3 1 1 2B—Ford, (talarrago, TJones, OSmIth 2, Son Diego 100 400 OOO- top-ranked tennis player in the world, withdrew caught on the edge of the warning NEW YORK (19)— Home (7): Sept, 19,20, Detroit California Brooks. HR—Brooks (17). S—McWilliams. (tame Winning RBI — Manwaring (1). elbow in Detroit by Todd Stottlemyre and 21, Baltim ore; 23,24,25, Boston; Oct. 3, Texas Power L,S7 2 1-3 7 5 5 2 3 Finley L,9-14 7 6 4 2 3 3 IP H R ER BB SO E—Ataldonado, Aldrete. DP—Son Fran- C unllfffl AulO ’Tuesday from the Olympic Games because of a missed several games with that injury. track. Gott then hit Mookie (K necessary). Away (12): Sept. 14, Heinkel 3 2-3 2 1 1 2 4 Minton 2 0 0 0 1 2 StLouls dscol, San Diego l.LO B-San Francisco 5, leg injury, the Swedish news agency T T said. Wilson with a pitch and Gary AP photo Cleveland; 15,16,17,18, Boston; 26,27,28,29, Gibson 2 1 3 3 4 0 Rnlev pitched to 1 batter In the 8th. McWlllms L,5-7 6 8 6 6 3 5 Son Diego 7. 3B—M anw aring. HR— Tony M arinelll Sr. 419, Rick Johnsori It also marked the second consecutive year Baltimore; 30,0^. 1,0(J. 2, Detroit. Torimto HBP-Pecota by Finley. WP—Mlntan. Quisnbrv 2 2 1 1 0 2 RThompson (6), AAaldonado (11). S— 150, Larry Navella 150-401, Ed Fenton " I ’m not going to Seoul,” Wllander told TT that a shortstop has been injured late in a game Carter followed with a single to MILWAUKEE (15) — Home(5): Sept. Stieb W,13d 7 6 1 1 2 4 PB-Dorsett. Montrool RAIomar. SF—RThompson. J r. 153-189-457, Glenn Elgabr/tadt 403i from his home in Greenwich, Conn. " I t ’s not left field. STOLEN BASE — The New York Mets’ Len Dykstra is 23,24.25, Oaktand; 27,28, California. Away T(tastlllo 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, Palermo; First, Perez W,11-6 9 7 1 1 4 1 IP H R KR BB Fred Schoenfeld 408, Joe (3arneau 153.* between Detroit and Toronto late in the season. (10); Sept. 14, Chicago; 16,17,18, Seattle; 19, Elchhorn 1 0 0 0 0 0 Young; Second, AAorrIson; Third, Phillips. Umpires—Home, MeSherry; Rrst, Mon­ Sixi Pranciseo Stondings; R843 Auto 34), J.J. B olt 301 worth it. I have a problem with shin splits in my Last year, Toronto shortstop Tony Fernandez safe at second base during third-inning action of their 20,21, California; 30, Oct. LOct.ZOaklond. Heinkel pitched to 1 batter In the 7th, Stieb T-3:06. A—22,522. tague; Second, Rlppley; Third, Brock- Reuschel W.18-9 7 7 1 1 0 Holiday Lanes 2-1, Journal Inquirer 2-1; leg and I ’m not going to take a chance.” After Howard Johnson struck tander. 2 hurt his elbow after a hard slide by Detroit’s Bill game with Pittsburgh Tuesday night at Shea Stadium in pitched to 2 batters In the 8th. Lefferts S,8 1 0 0 0 Village Stylist 2-1, Team Six 1-2, East out, Lee Mazzilli walked to load TORONTO (17) — Home (11): Sept. 14, HBP—^Trammell by Stieb. WP—Heinkel. T—2:20. A-8,623. Son Otago Hartford Nursery 1-2, Romo Pizza l-r» Wllander had indicated after his five-set Madlock and missed the rest of the season. The New York. Pittsburgh second baseman Ken Oberkfeil is Whitson L,12-10 5 7 4 4 0 the bases but Gott retired pinch- Detroit; 15,16,17,18, Cleveland; 19, 20, 21, BK—Stieb, Heinkel. Twins 2. Mariners 1 Purdy Corp. 0-3, Anton's Accessories victory over Ivan Lendl in Sunday’s U.S. Open Blue Jays lost their final seven games and were Boston; 30, Oct. 1, Oct. 2, Baltimore. Away Umpires—Home, Reed; R rst, (tarclo; Lelper 2 . 0 0 0 0 hitter Mackey Sasser on a fly to late with the tag. The Pirates won, 1-0. (6): Sept. 23, 24, 25, Cleveland; 26, 27, 28, Second, HIrschbeck; Third, Tschldo. Dodgers 2. Braves 0 McCllers 2 0 0 0 2 final that he would skip the Olympics. passed in the American League East by Detroit. lialtimore. T—3:00. A-32,141. MINNESOTA SEATTLE Whitson pitched to 2 batters In the 6th. Wllander, who was troubled by periostitis five left field to secure his 29th save. abrhM HBP—Butler by Whitson. that situation (in June),” (Jott starts this season and must win Ob r h bl weeks ago during the A T P Championships in “ I got a little bit of everything WEST DIVISION Herr 2b 5 0 11 Cotfocf 3 0 0 0 ATLANTA LOS ANGELS Umpires—Home, Davis; F irs t, said. “ I went v.’lth sliders this all three to reach 20 victories. W L Pet. OB Athletics 2. Rangers 1 Gladden If 4 0 10 Fields ph 100 0 ObrhM ObrhM Froemmlng; Second, Darling; Third, Hal- Cincinnati, was advised by his doctor to that inning,” Gott said. " I wanted (kin t 2b 4 0 10 Griffin ss Students attack torchbearer *’Doc pitched a great gam e,” Los Angeles .580 — Hrbek 1b 3 0 10 Reynlds 2b 4 0 2 0 4 0 10 llon. Soccer to get Wilson with a slider toward time.” Houston .535 6'/i Puckett ct 4 0 0 0 Coles If 3 110 LSmIth If 3 0 0 0 Sax 2b 4 0 0 0 T—2:10. A—9,530. withdraw from the Olympics, ’TT said. Mets manager Davey Johnson TEXAS (3AKLAND GPerry 1b 3 0 0 0 Gibson If 3 0 2 0 his back foot and I hit him with it. Johnson, a noted fastball hitter, Cincinnati .524 8 Bush rf 4 0 2 0 Brantley If 0 0 0 0 "M y doctor told me that the injury can get SEOUL, South Korea (A P ) — Radical said of Gooden’s effort. " I hated LOS A9IOELRS (19)— Home (7); Sept. 14, O b rh b l abrhM Davidsn rf 0 10 0 Bradly ph 1000 DMrphy rf 2 0 0 0 Marshal rf 3 0 0 0 struck out on a slider. Brower cf 4 0 0 0 Polonia If 4 0 10 Thomas ss 4 0 10 J(kinzlz rf 0 0 0 0 worse if I don’t rest,” Wllander was quoted as students hurled firebombs Wednesday at Carter got a fastball (for the Atlanta; 21 (3), 22, Son Diego; 30,Oct.1, Goettl3b 4 0 3 0 ADavIsdh 3 0 11 M8C UnHed “ It’s good to end against them to pinch hit for him.” W l Oct. 2, Son Francisco. Away (13): Se^. 16,17, Fletchr ss 2 0 0 0 Javier If 0 0 0 0 Newmn3b 0 10 0 BalbonI 1b 3 0 10 MorrIsnSb 3 0 0 0 Shelby cf 3 0 0 0 runners carrying the Olympic flame and some single) because I didn’t feel Gorbey If 3 0 10 DHedsncf 3 110 Smmnsph 10 0 0 Stubbs 1b 2 0 0 0 Calendar saying. with a victory,” Gott said, "W e Bonilla said he hit a Gooden 18, Cincinnati; 19,20, Houston; 23,34,25, San Dwyer dh 4 0 11 Valle c 3 0 0 0 The Manchester Soccer Club Unlta(f of the missiles exploded near the torchbearer, confident with my breaking Francisco; 26,27,28, San Diego; Oct. 3, New Sierra rf 4 0 10 Canseco rf 2 113 Laudnerc 3 0 0 0 Buhner rf 3 0 0 0 Benedict c 2 0 0 0 MHtchr 1b 1 0 0 0 (boys 11 years old) defeated thq played a lot of close games but curve ball for his game-winner. York (If necessary). MStnIydh 4 111 Porker dh 3 0 0 0 (Togness 2 0 10 Presley 3b 3 0 0 0 Gregg ph 10 0 0 Hamltn3b 3 1 0 0 W indsor W ildcats, 4-2. Jonathan Sta-, police said. ball.” OBrlen 1b 4 0 10 AAcGwIr 1b 2 0 0 0 Virgil c 10 0 0 Sclosctac 3 1 1 2 they beat us in the late innings.” "Gooden pitched a great game Moses ph 10 10 (Sulnonsss 3 0 10 nizzi scored two goals for United while- Stars suspend CIccarelll Firebombs exploded about 10 yards from the The next batter for Gott was Sundbrg c 3 0 0 0 Lansfrd3b 3 0 0 0 Baker ss 0 0 0 0 Blockercf 3 0 0 0 Tudorp 1000 TODAY tonight,” Bonilla said. " I was just HOUSTON (18) — Home (10); Sept. 16,17, Beys Soccer Ben Berte and M att Somberg added thP With one out in the fourth, Van 18, Son Francisco; 19,20, Los Angeles; 21,23, Espy ph 10 0 0 Steinbeh c 3 0 0 0 Larkin ph 00 0 0 Smoltz p 3 0 0 0 CGwvnph 10 10 other scores. Brendan Prlndlvllle,' runner carrying the Olympic flame, but nobody Johnson. Buechle 3b 3 0 0 0 Hosseyc 0 0 0 0 Olwine p 0 0 0 0 RMrtInzp 0 0 0 0 East Cathoticat East Hartford, 7 p.m. Slyke singled, stole second and able to get that pitch.” Attanta; 30, Oct. 1, Oct. 2, San Diego. Away Lmbrdz ss 0 0 0 0 Kevin Repoll and Kevin Blount hodi was hurt in the attack In Sungnam on the On June 29 in Pittsburgh, Gott Petralll ph 10 10 Weiss ss 3 0 10 Totals 24 2 11 2 Tetals AHollph 1000 MIDovsph 100 0 Berlin at Cheney Tech, 3:15 p.m. KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) - The Minnesota New York also threatened In (8); Sept. 14, 15, Cincinnati; 23, 24,25, San 1 0 1 6 1 Creu Country assists. Also playing w ell to r UnNed- scored when Bonilla doubled Browne pr 0 0 0 0 (Tallego2b 3 0 0 0 Alvarez p 0 0 0 0 JHowell p 000 0 were Jeff Roberts, Andy Oorin and Olen* southern outskirts of Seoul, police said. The was one out away from beating Oleae;27,28,29, Atlanta. Tetate 29 8 1 0 Tetals 27 1 5 1 Manchester/East Catholic at Notre North Stars have suspended holdout Dino down the right-field line against the fourth when McReynolds led CINCINNATI (19) — Home 03); Sept. 14, Kunkel 3b 3 0 10 /Mlnneseta 080 000 001-1 Rlngbloom. ' runners appeared surprised, but did not stop. the Mets when Johnson hit a home Rsimer ph 1 OJ) 0 ie o ltle 180 880 800-1 Dame (boys), 3:30 Ciccarelli, a spokeswoman for the NH L club off with a single down the 15, Houston; 16,17,18, Los Angeles; 19,20, Son East Catholic at Sacred Heart (girls), Dwight Gooden, 17-7. Bonilla Diego; 21,23, Son Francisco; 30, Oct. 1,Oct.2, TotaN 32 1 6 1 Totals 31 2 4 3 Game Winning RBI — Herr (3). Attanta 888 888 888-0 The Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee run at Three Rivers Stadium to DP—Minnesota 3, Seattle 3. LOB— LOS Angeles 888 tM 88x—8 3:45 p.m. said’Tuesday. entered the game in a 2-for-28 left-field line but was thrown out Attanta; Oct. 4, New York (If necessory). (tame Winning RBI — Sdoseta (4). said it was unaware of any attack, which was tiethe score. The Mets went on for Away (6); SM. Los Anodes; 23, 24, 25, Texas 888 888 MO-1 Minnesota 9, Seattle 3. 2B— Coles. SB— The suspension of the eight-year veteran right slump and lined out his first time by Barry Bonds trying to stretch Ooblond 888 881 OSx—9 (k/gne (15), Reynolds (33). S—Loudner. E—Thomos, Hamilton. DP—Atlanta 3. THURSDAY also reported by the Joonang Daily News an 8-7 victory and a 5‘A-game lead Atlanta; 26, 37, 38, San Francisco. (iam e Winning RBI — Canseco (15). LOB—Atlexita 7, Los Anodes 4. HR— Beys Soccer Radio, T V wing was retroactive to last Saturday, said at-bat. it into a double. Wilson followed R ockville a t Manchester, 3:30 newspaper. over Pittsburgh. At the time, it OP—Texes 1, Ookland 1. LOB—Texos 8, IP H R ER BB SO Sclosclo (3). Joanie Prescott, the North Stars’ assistant The Pirates beat Gooden three with a double, his second of the Oakland 5. HR—Canseco (39), MStanlev IP H R ER BB SO Bolton a t Hale-Ray, 3:30 Police declined to give details. But student was considered the Mets’ biggest Mlnneseta Coventry a t Woodstock, 3:30 public relations director. game, but was stranded. (3). SB— Canseco (37). Straker 7 5 110 2 Atlanta TONIGHT leaders and workers at Kyungwon University hit of the season. times this season. IP H R ER BB SO Smoltz L,2-5 51-3 5 2 3 3 5 Girls Soccer The St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch reported " I think some guys are looking Tuesday's home I uiis Atherton W,7-5 1 0 0 0 0 3 Manchester a t R ockville, 3:30 7 p.m. — College soccer; BU of. “ They are a tough team.” TexiM Reardon S js 1 1 0 0 0 0 Olwine 3-3 0 0 0 0 0 UConn, WHUS-FM (91.7) who saw the Incident told The Associated Press "The greatest thing on my Guzman L,11-13 6 3 2 2 4 7 Alvarez 3 0 0 0 0 1 Coventry at M o ntville, 3:30 Tuesday that the club also would fine Ciccarelli Carter said. "The standings may past the season, now,” Mets Seattle Hale-Ray a t Bolton, 3:30 by phone as many as 50 firebombs were hurled mind from that point in June was •v TiM AsMcHrttd P rm Henry 1 1-3 1 0 0 1 2 Tovlor 61-3 6 0 0 1 2 Les Angeles WTI? **’'• NESN, $250 for every day he remained out of training indicate we have a comfortable second baseman Wally Backman Wllllcxns 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 MJackson 2-3 3 0 0 0 1 Tudor W,90 5 2 0 0 3 2 at the torch procession. It was not clear how to make sure that each pitch that I AaMficpn LM0IW FRIDAY T Yankees of Indians, camp, but Prescott said the club would not ■ said. "W e have a pretty comfor­ Conseco (3), Athletics; x-RIce (12), Red Oohiond C o o le r 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 RMrtlnez 3 0 0 0 2 1 SportsChannel, WPOP many landed near the parade. threw in a game-winning situa­ lead but they’re up and coming.” CYoung W,I0S 72-3 4 1 1 3 6 JHowell S,19 3 0 0 0 0 1 Beys Soccer comment on possible-fines. Sox; k-Borfleld (17), Whitt (13), Blue Walter 0 0 0 0 1 0 South W indsor at East Cathallc, 3:30 7:30 p.m. — ^ s of Mots, WKHT; 11 Gooden has three sheduled table lead.” Joys; Carter (27), AAedlno (4), Indians; Codoret 1-3 1 0 0 1 1 Swiff L,7-ll 1 2-3 3 2 2 1 .0 Umpires—Home, Wendelsteitt; Rrst, p.m. — SportsChannel (taped detay) tion was right which I didn’t do in Marsh; Second, Rennert; Third, DeMuth. Girls Soccer Aguavo (3), Yankees; AAolltar (13), Yount Eckersley S,40 1- 1 0 0 0 1 MJackson pitched to 2 batters In the •’-.T’- Roclng: Del Star (12), B rs w m ; Sfonlev (3), Rangers. BK—Guzntan, Henry. 8th, Walter pitched to 1 batter In the 8th. T—2:37. A—22,758. East Catholic ot South W indsor, 3:30 Futurity, ESPN ZZ — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14. 1988 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14,1»M - M BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711

Brady’s nomination IHDMES I HELP WANTED I HELP WANTED I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED I FDR SALE Dr. Crane’s Answers E Q U IP M E N T operators. b A T A Entry clerk. Home CREW chelf trainee - F U L L Time or port time bSCTBBT "5onvenlenT getting speedy OK Lawn crewond general Mortgage Corpora­ carpet, furniture, mechanic. Must hove couhtrv living with a Quiz on page Z laborers. Expressive tion, 0 subsidiary of floor, upholstry, walls DRIVER tools/work on cars and viewl Reduced price I 1. Cross country Grounds landscaping, Suffleld Bonk, has o and general cleaning trucks. Alt benefits. Raised Ranch, 1800 WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury respond to the fall in the value of the 872-8008 between 9 and full time position lo­ NAMCO/one of Phone 649-2871.______squore feet with 3 bed­ 2. Slab (Pitcher) 3. with reputable franchi­ Secretary-designate Nicholas F. Brady is dollar. cated In our Glaston­ see east of the river. If America’s largest ra- F U LL or port time oil rooms, 2'/i baths, flre- 3. Slag heading toward near-certain confirmation “ We have to give the system a chance to bury office. The Ideal you're reliable, ener­ tallera ot home lei­ truck driver. Must 6toced family room 4. Arf with custom built wet by the Senate after receiving the unanim­ work. My prediction is that the trade BUILD AN candidate should pos­ getic, diversified and sure products, has have class II license. 5. Brace (2 ducks) sess good clericbl and people oriented, come Will train. Phone M8,M bar. This home offers 6. (a) Rifle — Deer (z) ous support of the Senate Finance deficit is going to come down and one of the communication skills. Immediate opening beautiful view In this EXCITING and loin us. Good driv­ 011,649-2871. (b) Hound — Raccoon (x) Committee. surprises of the next two or three years is Responsibilities In­ ing record necessary. tor Class 1 Driver. towns most desirable Sen. Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., said how fast it will come down,’’ he said. HOME-BASED clude preparation of S7.00 and up for the Postion Is perma­ area,$209,000. Flono (c) Shotgun — Rabbit (y) Brady’s nomination could be passed by the Analysts cited the comments as the mortgage reports, In­ right person. 633-3335 nent. Full benefits. OT Rsal Eatate Realty, Gallery of (d) Spinner — Bass (v) full Senate as early as today, but certainly reason for a last-minute surge in the price CAREER putting, maintaining or 649-3433. ‘______Homes, 646-5200.D (e) Pointer — Quail (w) and updating various available. All New En­ would be acted on before a meeting late of stocks, which had been slightly lower We’ll train you In our FULL Time. We hove BOLTON. Best buy In documents. Previous openings for the As­ gland Dellverlea, no towni Affordable, next week in West Berlin of finance for much of the day. Traders apparently personalized advertle- experience with com­ overnight. Above HDME8 completly renovated 3 HOMES ministers from the world's industrial interpreted the remarks as hinting that Ing service In this area. sembly and packaging puter systems helpful. of our homemade starting wage. Apply FDR SALE bedroom, 1 yboth. FOR SALE FOR SALE powers. the government’s report on the July trade You’ll work from your We offer competitive foods. $5.50 per hour to In person; Ranch style home with IN BRIEF salaries and company detached 1 cor garage, Before the committee voted 15-0 on deficit would be favorable. Home to represent local start with scheduled IN-LAWS? Teenagers? SOUTH WINDSOR. Price paid benefits. For All real estate advertised In first floor laundry on 1 Tuesday to recommend Brady’s confir­ Brady also said growing overseas buslneteee In the homes wage reviews and su­ the Manchester Herald Is Party People? Come reduced on this Immoc- investment in the United States, which has of brIdes-to-be, new further Information, per benefits. We need NAMCO tublect ta the Fair Housing acre wooded lot. Still look at this unique ulote 2 year old, 7 room mation by the full Senate, the Wall Street Striano completes course please contact. The time to choose colors. investment banker and former senator risen as foreigners purchase U.S. assets parents and movers. coring people to loin 1 DO Sanrico Dr. Act of 19M, which makes It Raised Ranch with Colonial. 1st floor tom- Human Resources De­ our team. Colt 633-7656, lllagol to advertise any pref­ $174,900. Flono Realty, tly room, 3 bedrooms, promised to reassure the G-7, as the with the dollars they earn from selling Vincent Striano, partment, Suffleld Manohester, CT complete large self Openings now available Ask for Dove. erence, limitation or discrim­ Gallery of Homes, 646- contained suite (In­ 2.5 baths, bullMns.fIre- finance ministers’ group is known, of his goods here, can be taken as a sign of the an account repre­ in Bonk, 157 Mountain H ARD W ARE Clerk. Full ination bosed on race, color, 5200.O______cluding kitchen, bath, piece, carpeting, large economy’s strength and of foreigners’ Your Area Rood, Suffleld, CT 203- religion, sex or notional lot on o cul-de-sac intent to continue the economic coopera­ sentative with the or port time. Good pay. origin, or on Intention to AN Immaculate home In­ living room 8, bed­ faith in it. 668-1261. Ext.300. EOE side and out. Porkltke street. Asking 8227,900. tion policies of his predecessor, James A. Manchester office Good commleslon earn­ M/F Apply: Conyers Hord- moke any such preference, room) on lower level. Baker III. On the federal budget deficit, Brady wore, 646-5707.______limitation or discrimination. rear yard. Front to Also, Inground pool, U a. R Reolty, 643-2692.0 of the Metropolitan ings In flexible hour, NANNY - Core for four promised “ to do everything in my power to full-time or part-time LICENSED Day Core The Herald will not know­ rear living room, for­ deck on quiet cul-de- NEW 6 room Colonials. The steady decline of the value of the Life Insurance Co., month old In my home. ingly accept any advertise­ mal dining room. guarantee (the) integrity” of the budget position. Car a nacsa- home needed tor 2 sac. $239,900.D.W. Fish Mallard View, 3 bed­ dollar since September 1985, coordinated recently gradu­ Coll 643-0392. ment which Is In violation of Come see much Reolty, 643-1591.0 rooms, V h baths, fire­ agreement reached last winter between slty. Call month old, storting Oc­ the low. by the United States and its economic ated from the MICHAELS Jewelers has GOOD tober 31st. Experience more.S164,900. D.W. place, gourmet kitchen the administration and Congress. BOLTON, new 4 bedroom HANDY-Dandv oppor­ allies, has been credited with reviving Career Success Marge Brown o full time service soles and 'references re- Fish Reolty, 643-1591.0 tunity 11 I Super 5/5 Du­ with all appliances, U.S. sales abroad and reducing the trade He praised both the administration and position open. Retail HELP qulred. 647-1305. Contemporary on acre GOOD sized Colonial. carpeting, full baie- School at the 1-65B-1135 lot. Loaded with ex­ plex on Bank Street In deficit this year. Congress for their efforts, which have exposure o plus. Great People looking for EVENING Janitor South Windsor. Beauti­ Manchester's West ment and garage I No company’s Nor­ benefit package. Apply tras. Price reduced. Monthly asioclatlon Brady delivered generally upbeat re­ whittled the deficit from $220 billion in 1986 jobs read our needed at once. No ful treed lot with ploys- end. One unit Is In need theastern office in In person, Tuesdov- 649-6232.______fees.$149,900. B la n ­ marks on the prospects of narrowing both to an estimated $150 billion this year. experience necessary. cope highlights this 3 of total rehab, other Warwick, R.I. Soturdov, 10om-5pm at em ploym ent listings T E R R IFIC Ranch In aulet bedroom Colonial. 1st side Is In nice condi­ chard a< Rossetto Real­ the trade gap and the federal budget “ I see no reason at this moment why Will train. This Is o tors," We’re Selling Striano received 958 Main Street, Mon- e v e r y d a y steady, full time posi­ neighborhood. Priced floor flreploced family tion, exterior In great AP photo deficit, drawing mostly praise from both taxes have to be raised,” he added. chester. 643-2741. to sell. 5'/i rooms, 2 full room. 1st floor shape, 3 bedrooms Houses” 646-2482.0 an introduction to tion. Only willing Democratic and Republican senators. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., urged Brady TEACHERS for Sunday MANCHESTER worker need apply. In­ baths, sunporch, lower laundry. Spectacular each unit, separate HUGE U 8. R Built, 8 He even managed to get credit for a to offer more than “ platitudes” on the basic sales con­ Jewish religious cludes benefits. Stort­ level family room and multi-level pressure- utilities. Great oppor­ room, 2 botrh house TREASURY NOMINEE — Treasury Secretary-designate HERALD treated deck. Conve­ Nicholas Brady testifies in Washington on Tuesday stock market rally late in the day. budget. Brady declined to recommend cepts and tech­ school. Grades 1,2,4,5 in g rote will be garage. Call office to­ tunity to own Invest- with stunning tleld- Responding to senators’ concerns that specifics, but promised to present Con­ niques, and in­ and 7. Salary commen­ d assN M ads $6.75/hour. No phone day for your exclusive nient Icootlon. Quiet ment property. stone tlreplace.Blan- before the Senate Finance Committee, which was surate with education pkeesM 3-2m colts. Apply to: M an­ showing. $149,900. Sen­ neighborhood.$194,900. $172,500.Jackson 8, chord 8i Rossetto Real­ the trade deficit still was too large, Brady gress with new ideas for reducing the struction on life, WELCOME WAGON® try Real Estate, 643- D.W. Fish Realty, 643- Jackson Real Estate, tors," We're Selling considering his nomination. deficit by the end of the year. and experience. Coll ager, Porkode Bowling urged them to give U.S. companies time to accident and EOE 644-8466. Lanes, Manchester. 4060.D 1591.□ 647-8400.O Houses" 646-2482.0 Vincent Striano health insurance, annuities and re- tircment planning skills. Market is taking new look at blue chips Striano lives in Vernon.

By John Cunniff founded Investment Information Ser­ hot line. Why would you need such Emhart unions reject deal The Associated Press vices to offer investment counsel and things when your recommendations materials after years as a mathemat­ WIN Business Mirror are these; BERLIN, Conn. (AP) — Members of two NEW YORK — A sign of the times ics professor, —Exxon, Florida Progress (elect­ machinist unions at Emhart Corp. have voted “A Winner Every Day... Monday thru Saturday” arrived on the market during the past Co-editor Pierce observes that ric utility), Philip Morris and WPL to reject the company’s latest contract offer. couple of weeks, a newsletter dedi­ seemed bigger and better than the small investors must take the long­ Holdings (electric utility) (or above- The members will continue to work under cated to the thesis that the way to other. Three thousand on the Dow? term view rather than attempt to average yield. the previous three-year contract, while both make money in stocks is to buy That’s nothing, one of them said. “ We trade. Those who try, she says, “ are —Deluxe, a checkprinter, as a MANa€SI«HOND\ 24 ADAMS ST. 646-3515 sides try to negotiate a pact that workers will undervalued blue chips and hold forecast 3,600 points.” drawn in only when the market is special situation. accept. Your *25 check is^jwaltlng at M a n c h s ie r H o n c a if your license number appears somewhere In the classified columns today... exciting; they’re always in and out at —Banc One, in banking, Brunswick them. Then the tent collapsed on the The machinists, members of locals 1137 and the wrong time.” in leisure products, James River in The publishers of “ Blue Chip carnival and all the esoteric theories. 1249 of the International Association of In truth, says Perritt, “ if people paper products and Pfizer in health E A R L Y Morning donut JUST right 11 AdoroDie 6 Values” say they will stress funda­ The Dow Jones industrial average Machinists, have been operating under the old TREE CARE Soles Repre­ COOKS line, pantry, ban­ SOUTHERN New Eng­ Charming & cozy Sums BY Owner. 27 Lakewood mental research to find basic values, shriveled to half that forecast, and knew how easy investing is they care, chosen in part for their low sentative. The Bartlett finisher wanted. quet, full and port time room Cope Cod on contract since calling off a three-week strike land clcssltleld ods McKee Street, 3 bed­ up this Dutch Colonial Circle North. Ranch, demonstrable through such mathem­ the shouting was seen for what it was, wouuldn't need people like me.” His price-earnings ratios. SECRETARY Tree Expert Company Mondoy-Frldav, 3am- positions available. reach nearly 800,000 with 4 bedrooms, 1st SVt rooms, fireplace In theories rely on the efficiency of the in May. The old contract expired in April. Is looking tor moti­ 9am. Apply: Mister Do­ Apply In person: The homes In Connecticut rooms, 1.5 baths, hard­ floor den & laundry atical evidence as price-earnings a hysteria of avarice and self- —Aetna Life & Casualty, chosen in A clMll«nRln9 onM dIvtrtIfItM nut, 255 West Middle wood floors, fireplace, living room, large neat market; that is, that stocks selling part because of its low price to book The unions represent about 700 workers at Mcrttorlol position It ovoll* vated tree care special­ Gallery, 141 New Lon­ end Rhode Island. The room, formal dining yard, move-ln condi­ ratios, yields, price-to-book value delusion. oM« ot our Cpnnscticut Vollsv ist for the central Con- Turnpike, Manchester. aluminum siding. above or below value eventually Emhart’s Hardware Division plant including don Turnpike, Gloston- price for a basic 25 room, eot-ln kitchen, tion. $179,900. Coll 643- and return on equity. And that produced the market value. Epst bronch In AAonchstftr. nectlcut area. bury or call for an word od Is Only $55 and Tastefully decorated In marble-oak fireplace adjust. skilled, production and maintenance workers. Rrtftr M ypors •xperltncp PEST Control. Position move-ln condition I 5 2 9 5 . ______"Now more than ever, good funda­ setting for Gerald Perritt and Cheryl There probably aren’t any quick Knowledge of tree care available for a service appolntmedt, 659-2656. will appear In 43 news­ In living room, patio, But, he continues, the hypothesis of witti tvpina 9D wpm ond pood or green Industry ne­ $142,900.Jackson & MANCHESTER. Cream mental research is needed to bring Pierce to add their latest basic-value bucks in such stocks, for subscribers orponliotlonol skills. WP o technician. Experience RESTAURANT, hiring papers. For more In­ walk-up attic. Bowers Putt Cope. $153,900. most market advice is that the Phis. cessary. Soles expe­ Jackson Real Estate, district. What a buy. true values to the surface — not hocus newsletter to a stable that already or for Pierce and Perritt. preferred, but will for toll, line, banquet, formation coll Classi­ 647-8400.O______Call Luclenne, Century pocus and market timing trends,” includes “ Investment Horizons,” market isn’t efficient. When that Perritt jests that when matched Heat cost $449 million Outstondlno bonoftt pockops rience helpful. We train the proper appli­ pantry, cooks, dis­ fied, 643-2711 and ask $179,900.Anne M iller 21 Manor House, 871- ond working tnvironmont. offer excellent earn­ cant. Must be over 18 hwashers, banquet for detalls.o F IN D ER S keepers. This Reol Estote, 647-8000.Q they say. "FundProbe” and “ The Mutual assumption is made, he says, it against the offerings of the hucksters WASHINGTON (AP) — The government ings and benefits. For super 8 room Spilt 7212. becomes a different game alto­ and touts, their theory of buy and hold Ploott stnd rotumo ond so- and have a good driv­ servers, bartenders, FA LL In love with this What a contrast to a year ago! Fund Letter.” says that August’s steamy weather added $449 lorv rooulrtmtnts to Corolvn further Information ing record. Salary, va­ cocktail and food 180-102 Eldridge Street. Level Is a great home special 8 room Ansoldl Their proposal is incredibly sim­ gether, one in which frequent and seems almost unsaleable. But maybe Pokonos or coll (209) S7I-27I1. and appointment, coll for the young family I Back then, the stock market was a million above the norm to the national cost of cation, good working servers, barbacks. Two family 6-6 duplex built Colonial, 4 bed­ CDNDDMINIUM8 crazy carnival, a whirl of noise, a ple; Buy sound common stocks often exotic advice is rationalized. the market is ready, even at $175 for 649-8150.______conditions. Call 527- Apply In person: The Recently updated and keeping cool. for Immediate sole to redecorated. 3 bed­ rooms, 1 full both, 2V^ blur of activity, with excitement kept whose value can be demonstrated. Says Pierce; “ Too few people who 17 issues a year. American F U L L or port time kit­ 9000. Gallery, 141 New Lon- settle estate. Firm baths, 2 fireplaces. It FDR SALE The national electricity bill was nearly $4.3 Red Cross chen help. Dishwasher, rooms, 2.5 baths, cen­ at a level of shrill intensity by Choose value, and then wait for the buy stock even realize that they are As with all investments, be patient. OFFICE Position - East d o n T urnp ike , $175,150. 646-2426 tral air, attic fan, stone even has a 1st floor FORES^ndoeTowIT- buying a business. They don’t think in billion in August, and the National Oceanic 209 Formlngton Ave. line cook, up to $7 per Hartford. Good typing Glastonbury. weekdays.______In-law apartment. 1 car thrilling performances, fantastic market to come to you. To promote “ Blue Chips Values,” the Formington* CT 01032 fireplace, pretty treed house. V/2 baths, 3 bed­ such terms; they’re gambling, play­ authors offer the first three issues and Atmospheric Administration said that hour. Free meals, will skills required. Varied MAINTENANCE. Full or By owner. 7 room Cope garage, large lot. In forecasts, and big winners every This approach to stocks exchews EOS AA/F/H7V train. Tony's Cuisine, yard with a deck for Martin School district. rooms, 1900 square feet ing the funny money games.” meant the average residential electricity bill duties Include custo­ port time position In with family room, fire­ worm weather enlov- other minute. the day-to-day view. free — no obligation to subscribe — Manchester, 643-9202. $219,900. Anne Miller of living space, fire­ You aren’t likely to find hot stocks came to $104 last month, $11 more than mer service. Inven­ restaurant. Apply In place, eot-ln kitchen, mentl New price place, olr conditioning, What expectation! What entertain­ “ If you need to know daily about from Investment Information Servi­ tory, billing and pro- person: 141 New Lon­ formal dining room, Real Estate, 647-8000.O on the Perritt and Pierce lists. There normal. $209,900. Jackson & deck with view. Par­ ment! The spielers and barkers your investments then they’re not ces, 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, cesslng orders. don Turnpike, Glaston- garage, porch. Move- Jackson Real Estate, MANCHESTER. Well tially fintshed walk-out outdid each other, Each attraction investments,” says Perritt, who is no stock of the week, no telephone III. 60606. Trucking or warehouse bury, CT. 659-2656. In condition. $154,900. 647-8400.O cored for six room basement. Pool, tennis experience helptul. 649-8200. aluminum and brick PRIVATE PARTY POULTRY Personnel- WA up I Woke up! court. Priced to sell at Call tor appointment. Needs men and MANCHESTER. Raised Cope In lovely family $159,000. Call owner at Hartford Despatch, yinWnfever you ore I neighborhood. New women. Will train. Full Ranch, 2 Rear view, 14th fairway. FLORIDA • Laaaburg, easy terms, call us for TWO 20 Hour positions flexible hours. Apply In X-RAY technician, full Cut laundry costs by de­ • Free Meals ing room and dining Woods,3 bedrooms, 1 'h Herald. Penny Sleffert, lary depends on expe­ creasing the amount of room, den and full Manchaatar Country Beautiful Raaldent Publisher. all your financial adding to present staff. person at Diamond time for busy ortho­ Herald route. For mors Information both. Colonial featur­ owned, double-wide rience. Call Kathy at pedic practice In En­ detergent used. Reduce basement with finished ing 1st floor family Club, fall conatructlon needs. Conn & Conn Apply; Salvation . 646-2094. Showcase. Manchester please call mobile home. Com­ ARmy, 385 Broad field area. Excellent by onc-third and see Short Hours — rec room. Extras In­ room, 1st floor •438,500. 233-9687. Porkode.______CtESTFKLO clude, central vacuum, pletely turnlahed. LD8T Street, Monchester. B A B Y Sitter needed otter starting salary and be­ whether you notice o dif­ Great Pay! laundry, loads of stor­ Call Ralph Viola PART Time office work. nefits. Reply to Box A ference In the appearance CONVALESCENT tire alarm system with age and attached oar­ Move-ln condition. 3 AND FDUND THE EASY W AY to flndo ACCOUNTS Payoble, school In my South Billing, bookkeepping battery back-up and Bedrooms, 2 botbs. Windsor home. Excel­ c / o Manchester of your wash. Add extra Call 647-9946 HOME age. Low maintenance THE HERITAGE cash buyer for no-longer- port time, 12-4pm, and telephone. Flexi­ Herald. dollars to your budget by MANCHESTEN,CT. Intercom. Ask tor Su­ tees and a price that's Marina Clubhouee, LOST. Black 8i white cot. needed household Items Is some office experience lent pay. Own trans­ ble hours. Excellent Ask for san Buckno.$209,900. 6R0UP over 100 octlvltlee. Coll portation and referen­ Use 0 low-cost ad In telling "don't needs” with hard to beat. Only Flea Collar. Vicinity with a want ad. Dial required. $6.50 per hourly wage. Call 643-5151 Sentry Real Estate, 643- S159,900. Century 21 Ep­ 633*8311/S684876 649-0871 or B ro ke r ces required. 644-8733 Classified for quick re­ a low-cost od In Classi­ Gerllnde (9041787-1000. RltO. Woodbridge Condomi­ 643-2711 to place your hour. Coll 522-2257, ask Tweedle Dental Arts, fied. 643-2711. 4060.G stein Realty. 647-8895 n niums. Call 645-1260. qulck-oction ad. for Karen or Connie. evenings. 649-0436. sults. 643-2711. Z4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 14. 1988

TAB CARS CARS CARS SALES FOR SALE IFOR SALE HIRSALE stalemate S p e c i e NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ 1981 P O N T IA C TIOOO. BUICK TeSobre, 1976. Paint job eral Statute 33-65 prohibits Runs g re a t, 85,000 Runs good. $550. Coll SCHALLER • 9^ the posting of advertise­ miles, new clutch, new 649-6094 gftsr 5. ments by any person, firm or ACURA Teacher’s aides corporotlon on a telegraph, brakes. $650.643-1534. 1976 FORD LTD. 4 Door, Eighth can’t hide telephone, electric light or 73 MUSTANG Convertl- 400 cubss. Good run­ USED CARS ROQFMfi/ MI8CELLRNEDU8 MISCELLANEOUS power pole or to a tree, ning condition or ports. get pay support /3 Q] CMLDCME ble 302, naw duel ex­ 87 Intsrgs L S ..... • 0,905 Its true ccicrs /7 m s n iM CD SERVICES ED SESVICES shrub, rock, or any other haust, original mags, $200. 649-5453.______natural oblact without a writ­ 87 Toyota L/B .... • 0,005 REOISTCRED DoyCort vary solid. $3000 or best ten permit for the purpose of otter. Call Mike 560- 87 Mazda RX7 ....113,805 Mom. full timt opon- S A 8 FromiHg protecting It or the public and CENTER 07 Toyota Corolla ...• OiSOS Ingt. OflM 2 and up. H&R ROOnNG Gay A Son Maaonry carries a fine of up to SSO for 1641. No |ob too big or too will do F ORD 1979 L T D W nOOh . MOTORS 87 Chevetta ...... • 4,705 646-5964.______• Additions • Qaragas • Poroh Brick Block Stone eoch offense.______•mall. Will work 7 daya anddaoki Excellent condition, 461 Main St., Manchester 87 Toyota Corolla ...• 8206 67K miles. $1000 or best until Job complete. 10% • Stats Lloanaad 07 Toyota Q T ....110,095 ICMPEimiY/ • Fully Inaurtd Fireplaoee & Conaete otter. 295-8347. Low Cost Financing diecount for Senior 80 Chev C20 ...... • 9,595 REMOOELINfi Cill K . G IA N T Parish Tag Sale. 1977 DODGE Aspen. CItIzene. 6430 1 845-1757 282-7341 INS Pant. NM...... 15295 so Corvette...... 110,505 ______Evenings______St. James C h u rch 49,000 miles plus 1974 4 Dr. Sedin. AT. PS. AC. tilt. OC 875-91S3. Joe Modular Home Grounds, 896 Main Toyota Cellco. Both tor 00 LeSabre ...... • 9,205 FMMND REMOPEUM Screened Loam, gravel, Street, Manchester, $650. 649-5445. INS Ply. Reliant...... tSlSS 85 Toronado...... • 0,405 647-9289, Rick prooesaed gravel. Sand, Walan. AT. AC, PS. Ali/PM Slarta |noom •ddMom, dMiw, rodlno. Conitrucllon - CT, Thursday, Sep­ jil981 TOYOTA Corolla. 85 Audi Q T ...... • 0,505 Stone & Fill. Wt also Aava Uodultr Aomat. Inp, windowt and guNtra. tember 15th, 5-11pm, Excellent transporta­ INS Cliav Cavtilar CS..... tSTOS 84 Skylark...... • 3,095 IBm Miw and buMoaar aarvloa HEATM6/ Friday, September AT. PS. AC. Slarta For Deliveries call LARSON BUILDERS tion. Asking $1400. 742- 84 T o i ^ Camry ...• 7,906 lavaMMa. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. IPlUWWIlfl NSW EniHand Homsa 16th, 5-11pm, Saturday, 0351, evenings. IN4 Chav Chavatia ...... tlSSS Aoorgo Grifflog 7 PKkIn 81., Vsmon, C T 06060 September 17th, 11- 5 Dr. Sedan, S4K ml.. Esc. Cond. jfflanrljpstrr M m li 345 Center St., IRB.M7-SS09 11pm. ______R M .64S4M 9 7 4 2 -7 8 8 6 871-6B54 IMS Tayalt Tarcal...... 14295 Manchester • 047-'7077 PJ't Phi'eM^ Hming 6 Don't miss the many offer­ CLYDE Wagon, I Spd., AM/FM Starao • Air Cn«UMlng SERVlG^G’b^^Eij’ED ings In today's classified CHEVRDLET-BUICK, INC. MuatSaa Bollsrs, pumps, hot wstsr DELIVERING ■m mik, mmofwf > Rich, clean, stone-free columns. ROUTE S3, VERNON 1M4 Ply Turiimo...... *2495 RnTRUCKS/VANS • ElMiNlnMloa tanks, new and T CALL ART t Dr.. AT. P8, AC. Stereo raplscements. foam. 5 yards. *80 Plus Tax. THE MOVER - 82 Buick Cant. 2 Dr. •4995 I g l n R S A L E T h u rs d a y , Sept. 15. 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm MMmMf |««r mM - M* «•/ FREE ESTIUATES Also, sand, gravel, etons ' CARS 1SS3 Renault Alliance OL...*1995 30 Cents and horse manure. DapandaMa, honssL sxparl- 84 Chavatl 2 Or. •3495 4 Dr.. AM/FM Stereo. Bie. Good. anosd, Inaurad, rsaaonaMs. FOR SALE lyoTaTT’jIMMY S-15, 643-9649/ a 8-6616 84 Caprioa Wagon •8295 IfSS Ply. Horlion...... *1895 Excellent condition, 4 Dr., Ante, Exe. TraniportetJon MISCaUUIEOUS 643-9504 6 4 6 -0 6 N Anytima 1905 BUICK Sentry LTD,4 85 Toy. Cagro Van •8495 low mileage, tuMy H M T 2 E itofclorMMh cylinder, 4 door, 36K, INI TayaU Supra...... 14295 equipped, air condi­ M Spectrum 4 Or. •4995 5 Dr. • Spd.. AC, Sunroof 8 more SERVICES T&L MASONRY power steering, power M Elactra 4 Dr. •11,895 tioning, power win­ Brick,'block, stone. PERSONAL SERVICES breaks, olr condition­ I9M DaUun no...... '2395 dows, power locks, Enrollment drop won’t alter Highland Park plan ia iP A iUnilB/ 85 Century 4 Dr. •8995 HAWKESIREESERVMZ Chimneya and repairs. • OMclikMk Canim ing, power windows, S Dr.. Auto. Exe. Cond. AM/FM tope8 condition. Call 742- gnMl, atone and tMrt, THich. repairs and home Im­ 8991. School Superintendent James P. classes this year to the fifth day of Kennedy said. school this year, which is 93 11 students) and Verplanck School officials are predicting polntlna. Free esfl- cell 6 2 7 -8 9 7 3 tlol. Coll 643-5255. Kennedy. classes last year. The figures mote*. 12 years expe­ Bobcat, baokhoa a loadw lanW. provements. Inferior The remaining decrease of 33 students less than the actual School (plus three students). All between 358 to 508 new elemen­ rience. Rnlsbed cabl- and exterior pointing, School board members said show 6,847 students enrolled this students occurs in the Regional count. TTie enrollment projec­ remaining schools showed a tary school students within the DAVIS CONSTRUCTION SNOWPIOWING light carpentry. Com­ today, however, that the decline year compared to 7,181 last year. nets/celllnos. Wall • Commercial Occupational Training Center, tions are within 1 or 2 percent of decline, according to the data. reflnltblng. M7^ 872-1400/659-9555 plete lonltorlol ser­ does not leave them with any Final enrollment figures will two programs for students with • Residential • Industrial vice. Experienced, rel­ predictions, Kennedy said. School board members Terry See SCHOOLS, page 18 Call iable, tree estimates. Ronovationi/I DAD SIDING CO. 1 R. lUNCNARD, I rc. 643-0304.______Cii9(om Inttrtor A CxlRriof tor dapendabla servica I Felndno 0 Oellfie Repeir S Renew Free seamlese gutters Oeofce A UgM Oerpeniry . 7 4 2 -1 0 8 2 0 with Job. ^LANDSCAPINS 0 Aee reUfiiefee • Inemwtf To p of the line vinyl 0 SenJdf OJeeeunn HANDYMAN and materials. GOP director UND86AMN(ii'' 646-2253 Fully Insured. HAUUNG wojosroostMu Free estimates. Any job — Anytime Pruna Wmika, hadgaa. lanauinB, tXNnflf HEimg A pbiWnsaJaainaaadlng a Manchester, C T ^nMnunnnno^k ouraiB Call Gary caa FREE BSTtMATEB 04542ner 0494963 eAleo Rtookidi ftnoM InelilM 8 7 5 -3 4 8 3 FsneBanzetl Lbwb Care •FuRy ineurtd — frt* Mtlmitei ALaadeeapiaf escnior cR lm Gleeounl ******** *W**A*AA*W*****A*AA**A*A*****A***A asks study on 742-S224 (aawmaaaapa Mike - 6434)743 KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING aWarB pm From the smallest repair to the largest renovation, iROOFmS/ our own craftsmen do the complete job — ICONCRETE IsrouM neatly and on schedule. Visit our showroom or call for a free estimate. strong mayor MARCMESTEE EOOFUM TOVCRETT All typoa of roofing A 649-5400 ADDITIONS a FLOORS repalra. Wood ahlnglaa a Commatolal 6 rsaldantlal Cedar Shakea. HERITAGE KITCHEN and a Fraa Estlmataa By Alex GIrelll after Weiss announced his retirement 77 years Eiperfanea BATH CENTER, INC. John Hinnon Conerota Manchester Herald had given people the impression he M»t»»d«UMim a»eii»»mr»J was launching a campaign. 182 W. Middle Turnpike, Manchester Compiny e 875-0371 64S8830 Republican Town Director Theunis A strong mayor form of government ****************************************** Werkhoven says he will propose that is one in which a popularly elected A va ila b le the town study the possibility of inayor is the chief administrator of adopting a strong mayor form of the town government. STORE AND 0000 THINOS Rentals I government, partly because of citizen But Osella said that he feels MORTBMES OFFICE SPACE TO EAT support. confidentiality and bipartisanship " I think we will have to take a hard should mark the search for a FU R N ISH ED Offices with GRAPES. Pick your own, APARTMENTS bring own containers. look at that,” Werkhoven said at a successor to Weiss. TO D A Y IS o good day to phone, receptionist, Patrlok Flynn/ManchMtar Hsnild place on ad In classified to FOR RENT copy, fox and secre­ 270 Hackmatack Stree- meeting of the Republican Town He said that he feels the press sell those Idle Items tory support. 647-4800. t(rear), Manchester, ACCIDENT VICTIM — One of the victims of two Committee Wednesday. should not badger officials to learn the MANCHESTER. Avalla- CT Tw o of the victims were flown by LIfestar to Hartford you've been storing. A separate accidents which injured at least five people He added today he favors a strong identity of candidates for the post quick coll to 643-2711 will ble Immediately. 5 WORTH LOOKING Into... Hospital. mayor form over the council- before a selection is made. put your od In print. Large rooms, 2 bed­ the many bargains of­ [ m u s ic a l is taken on a stretcher from the car he was driving. manager form because it gives people rooms, wall to wall fered tor sole every day In And he said the selection process carpet, oppllanced kit­ the classified columns I I ITEMS In Stock more say in government. He also said has to be bipartisan so that the public FAUIIM BEHIND?? chen with wosher/d- he has heard from many citizens who feels it has a part in the selection. rver hook-ups. JUPITER AltoTi^LIke favor the change. One town committee member, STOP FORECLOSUREII S600/month plus utili­ |3 y J INDUSTRIAL new. One year old. $300 If you are falling behind on At least five hurt in two accidents Werkhoven made the observation Patricia Gotten, asked what the ties. No Pets. Coll otter I PROPERTY or best otter. 647-9684. your mortgage payments... after his fellow Republican directors, Republican Party would do if the 4, 649-9066. Ronald Osella and Geoffrey Naab, Democrats, who are in the nnajority OR...II your home Is In tore- MANCHES t F r !“'^ 400 By Michele Noble closure. WE CAN HELPI M A N C H ES TER . 2 bed­ I PETS AND talked about the process of selecting a on the Board of Directors, make the room Duplex, S600 and square feet Industrial and Nancy Concelman No payment program avail­ spoce. Loading dock, SUPPLIES town manager to succeed Robert decision in caucus. Mayor Peter P. utilities. No pets. 643- I Manchester Herald able tor up to 2 years. Bad 8529. parking.Principals Weiss, who will retire at the end of DiRosa and Director Stephen Cas- credit is not a problemllAsk Only. Woodland Indus­ SHELt Ie AKC regis­ June. sano, both Democrats, have said they ROCKVILLE. Remo­ tered. Blue merle and Two automobile accidents how LOW payments can trial Pork. 643-2121. 1 4 Naab said today that while he feels are opposed to any investigation of a help you SAVE YOUR deled large one bed­ tri-color. 742-6188. m Wednesday injured at least five room, Includes heat, the council-manager is the better strong mayor form of government. HOME TODAYI ROOMMATES DOBER M AN cross pups. “ In Stock people, two of whom were flown hot water, appliances. 8 weeks old. $50. 643- form, he agrees that a strong mayor Democratic Director Barbara Swiss Ceaservative Groap One parking. One e l e b WTT 4 Doors & Wasons by Lifestarhelicopterto Hartford I ^ W A N T E O 0743.______alternative should be studied. He said Weinberg said the idea deserves study at (203) 4S4-1336 or month's security. $495 Hospital. The driver of a vehicle the time is appropriate because of only if citizens call for it. per month. 872-8095. ORIENTAL short hair involved in one of the accidents (203) 4S44404 MA^^sTNof^moker^ (solid blue Siamese). Weiss’s retirement. Osella said he could not speak for MANCHESTER. Two bedroom. S288 plus holt Young, adult, female. was charged with drunken bedroom, wall to wall utilities. Two months At the GOP meeting Wednesday the party, but he himself, would INVITATION TO BID CFA Champion. Very driving. night, Osella said, " I am not starting a protest. carpeting, appliances, security 8< no leose. affectionate. Proven A three-vehicle accident in­ Seolad bids will ba raceivsd heat, olr conditioning. Don at 643-1108. referendum campaign for a stong In tha Ganaral Sarvicat' of­ breeder. $400 or trade. jured at least four people about II fice, 41 Csntar St., Manches­ No pets. Cleon. $640per 647-1184.______mayor. He said reports in the press See MAYOR, page 10 ter, CT until 11:00a.m.onthe month. Available Oc- p.m. on Adams Street, police dote shown below for the fol­ tober 1st. 647-9138. DOBERM AN Pup. Red 8. 18 safd. More than 40 firefighters Merchandl88 rust female. AKC lowing: 6 ROOMS, 2 family 2nd from the Eighth District, Fire S E P TE M B E R 23. 19SS — Champion Lines. Ears In Stock FURNISH & INSTALL floor. Appliances, dis­ cropped, toll docked, Department responded to the hwasher, 2nd floor wo- Full sizB a accident, which occurred outside Gilbert strengthens, FOUR (4) OVERHEAD shots. Excellent watch DOORS sher/dryer hook-up. dog. Loves kids 8, cots. S-10 SbfIbs 318 Adams St. Nice yard plus garage. S E P TE M B E R 37, 19SS — laOTHING $500. 647-1184,______Police said they arrested RE-ROOFING — MARY No pets. $650 plus utili­ CHENEY LIBRARY ties. Security, referen­ LINED Rust leather FR EE Dog fo good home, James Napolitano, 24, of 140 ces. 646-4773 5-9pm. locket. Size 10-S15.00. years old, female, Spruce St., on charges of driving turning toward U.S. The Town of Monchoster Is purebred Rotweller. on equal opportunity em- MANCHESTER. First Coll 649-8635. while intoxicated, second-degree ployor, and requires an affir­ Friendly, good disposi­ assault with a motor vehicle mative action policy foroll of floor apartment In 2 tion, trained. Call 646- CANCUN, Mexico (A P) — The most family house. 4 rooms, Its Contractors and Vendors 6281. while intoxicated, and evading intense hurricane on record surged Damage reports, page 10 as a condition of doing busi­ 1 bedroom, stove, re­ FURNITURE responsibility. ness with the Town, os per I into the Gulf of Mexico today after frigerator 8< heat In­ He apparently fled the scene of Patrick Flynn/Manchaatar Harald Federal Order 11244. cluded. 1 months secur­ MISCELLANEOUS battering the Yucatan Peninsula with Bid forms, plans and specifi­ BEAUTIFUL Pensylvo- the accident on foot, police said. cations a rt available at the i t y $525/month. nlo House cherry FOR SALE R ECO R D DAY — The Lifestar helicopter lands in Manchester in one of three 160 mph winds that leveled slums, Friday and that its sustained winds General Services' office. 649-6006. corner cabinet. Bowed In stock Police said they found him later pummeled po'sh resorts and forced ' being treated for injuries at separate trips Wednesday, setting a record for the town. Tw o of the calls were would today "certainly increase to Town of Monchestor, CT windows and llohted. EIGHT month old water- PatsBneor Vans tens of thousands to flee. 130, 140 miles per hour.” Robert B. Weiss, $495. Coll 647-8756. bed, $325. Courthouse Rockville Hospital, but declined for accidents. Hurricane Gilbert, which has left Brownsville was deemed the most General Manager One Gold membership, to give further information re­ M U ST Sell. Six antique nearly one in four Jamaicans home­ likely target, with a 21 percent 027-09______MANCHESTER. 1st fiddle bock choirs, me­ 12'/i months left for garding the accident. months tree rent. 2 $450. Compared to reg­ less, slackened somewhat as it made probability of being hit, though a NOTICB OF PUBLIC SALB tal porch choirs and With Napolitano in his vehicle bedroom apartment. glider. All good condl- ular price of $700 plus. landfall but was expected to streng­ hurricane watch was in effect along Air conditioning, pool, Eric 649-3426.0 i | at the time of accident were Lifestar gets too many calls A public sale of the contents tlon. 646-5442.______then over open water as it moved the entire Texas coast as well as the all new appliances, $775 Shamus Kershaw, 19, 38 North of the storage spaces listed W OODSTOVE for sale. toward the U.S. Gulf Coast with northeastern Mexican coast from below will take place at A per month. Includes TWO bedroom sets. 7 Elm St., and his brother, Seth piece Mediterranean, Please call offer 4:00 By Michele Noble Battaglio said the helicopter, which has sustained winds of 128 mph. Tampico. S ^ c e Station at 2S2 Chapel heat 8, hot water. 282- pm of 646-8137.______Kershaw, 17, of the same address. Rood, South Windsor, Con­ 7584 otter 6pm.______$150. 5 Piece light Manchester Herald been in operation for three years, is unable to The storm, about 450 miles wide, The hurricane center said Gilbert necticut 06074at 4:00p.m. the N E W 1989 In one of the other vehicles was birch, $150. 74^9281 of- MODEL three Radio respond to about 9 percent of its calls each struck the Yucatan coast about dawn was the most intense storm on record afternoon of October 6 ,19M. E A S T HAR TFO R D . 4 Spa- Shack computer. In­ Linda M. Bellancer, 24, 139 City Each space will be sold as clout rooms with hard­ ter 4.______Because Hartford Hospital's Lifestar helic­ year. Of that 9 percent, 6 percent have been Wednesday, thrashing at beaches in terms of barometric pressure, cluding printer and Ave., and Amy P. Gravelle, 36D one lot. wood floors, high D IN IN G Room set with CORSICAS & opter was busy responding to three calls in because the helicopter has been on another with 23-foot waves, uprooting trees, which was measured at 26.31 inches, lighted Chino Cabinet. softw ear, excellent School St., Rockville. BSOt - Wlllleffl Basldsc ceilings. On busline. condition. 742-8991. Manchester over a 12-hour period on Wednes­ call and 3 percent have been due to knocking out electricity and water breaking the 26.35 inches recorded for Bx spring, matt, bike, 30 $550 Including heat 8, Contemporary design. Jackie Piechowsi, 21, 684 Rye bxs, dTSssr, dryer, fan, day, it was unable to respond to one of the four mechanical maintentance . supplies and severing telephone lines. the 1935 hurricane that devastated the hot water, parking. No Pecan table with two k HOLIDAY Health Plati­ BERETTAS St., South Windsor, was in the mirror, sofa, 3 sokers, cot num Membership. 646- other calls it received that day, hospital Mexican officials reported only two Florida Keys. tab, grill, tools, mtsc. pets. 872-4245. leaves, 4 side choirs, 2 third vehicle. The helicopter was initially intended to arm choirs. Asking 8268. Aik for Mike. officials said today. minor injuries. 701 - Perry Hama Firefighters were forced to use respond to three to four calls daily. But lately, Impravamsiit CONDOMINIUMS $600. 646-8645 otter 6pm Leave message. N O W O N James Battaglio, vice president of public it is not unusual for it to respond to six or seven At 6 a.m. EDT, the center of the See GILBERT, page 10 on weekdays 8, all day the "Jaws of life," or a hydraulic Paints, compound FOR RENT information at Hartford Hospital, said WedT calls, Battaglio said. storm was near latitude 22 north and Clio - Rabart Blckfard weekends. TYPEWRITERS spreading and cutting tool to nesday’s missed call demonstrates why the longitude 91.5 west- about 465 miles I About 68 percent of its calls are for routine $ shutters, sled, tools, Used / Reconditioned remove Gravelle, who was hospital has requested state approval of a southeast of Brownsville, Texas, clock, head bd, o.c., 3 BEDROOM Condo. 2 cor trapped in her vehicle. It took medical problems or organ transports and the garage, air condition­ MACHINERY Standard, ila o trki, ^ortabta second Lifestar unit. according to the National Hurricane TODAY drvar, fan, wash mac, fir other 48 percent are calls to the scenes of I lamp, misc. ing, pool, with option to AND TOOLS 30% OFF SALE! almost one hour from the time of “ There is obviously a critical need for Center in Coral Gables, Fla. accidents or major trauma. call • Cberlas Sleesard buy. Coll evenings, 647- the accident to the time the another helicopter,” Battaglio said. "W e The storm, blamed for at least 19 Index Hutch, 4 kit chr, kit tab, 4 1215.______32 FOOT Aluminum Ex­ Vais Tnssrrltsr Ssnlcs victims were rushed to the "The Lifestar was designed to be at the bags, 10 bxs, drssr, plc- 41 FuniM Flaea a S4S-4SSS shouldn’t be missing calls. Many of those deaths in Jamaica and five in the tension ladder. Like hospitals. ready and on call constantly, 24-hours a day," 20 paflM, 2 ■•eUons turas, radio, tool bx, toys, new. Coll 643-5255. situations are life or death.” Dominican Repubic, was moving orlll, mitc. HOMES "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A CAB" Gravelle was flown by Lifestar Battaglio said he did not known the nature of Battaglio said. "But in some situations, such west-northwest at IS mph and dump­ Bualtwaa— _ 17 Obhuarlaa _ _ _ 2 ASM - Maxlea Briar FOR RENT to Hartford Hospital and was the called that was missed on Wednesday. as yesterday, there just isn’t enough time.” ing up to 18 inches of rain. It was Claaaillad. . 17-20 Opinion______8-7 Baby crib, bx sprlno, ENDROLL8 listed today in critical condition, moH, 2S bxs, • kit chr, lOARDENINO EXITS It was the first time that Lifestar has been In July, the hospital applied for an expected to turn gradually more Com lea_ — 16 Paopla------8 cloth, ton, rsfrldoa, rug, MANCHESTER. 6 room 37% wMNi • 3M OFF a hospital spokesman said. Sha­ called three times to Manchester in one day. additional Lifestar unit to be available as a northwest today. Fooua —_ 8 Spoita ,11-14 kit tab, 2 spkrt, vacuum, 13%wtdHi-3lor2SB mus Kershaw was treated for Ranch. Fireplace, CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 1-384 The first trip was a routine medical call but the backup and for other purposes, Battaglio said. Hurricane center director Robert Local — 2-4,10 Sdanca------8 mItc. much more. $950 plus MUBT Ss pioksd up at MW CARTER 'cTTc" second and third calls involved major The hospital has not yet received an answer Lottary _ _ 2 Slata/Raglon____ 4 Availability of Iota tublact to utilities. Security and Dig your own, your HanM ORIes Mendsy Mini 1229 MWN ST, M/*NCHE5TER*646-6464*0PEN TIL 8 PR-FRI., TIL 6 PM Sheets said the hurricane was ex­ Chongs. references required. container. 550Bush Hill Thufad»/batais11fcia.onty. See ACCIDENTS, page 18 accidents. from the state. pected to make landfall about midday Natlon/World S Talavlalon_— _ IS 02S4I9 T.J.Crockett, 643-1577. Rood, Manchester.