to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 13, 1988 HOMES 8 8 Bool Estate FOR SALE M rchandls Autsmotlva Conflict? He isn't Jude Evac ends MANCHESTER. Well A S p c C io li HOMES cared tor six room ICAR8 FOR SALE aluminum and brick FURNITURE |«1J FOR SALE PZC member asks New grid coach at ECHS Cool, wet weather Cape In lovely family neighborhood. New BEAUTIFUL Pcntvlvo- 1*81 PONTIAC T1000. AH rtol Mtat* odv*rtl» *d In R t I r o o fw d / MISCELLANEOUS MIBCELLANEOUB about mall votes /3 just wants to be himself /18 helps fight fires /lO ttM MoncHMter Harold It carpet In living room CHILD CARE nlo House c h e rry Runs g re a t, 85,000 lublact to Hit Fair Houtino and dining room plus EijDIOlHa SERVICES BERViGEB corner cabinet. Bowed miles, new clutch, new very large enclosed windows and lighted. brakes. 8650.643-1534. Act or 1MI, which ntokM It REGISTERED DoyCare llltool to odvtrtlta any prtf- porch off kitchen. This $495. Coll 647-8756. 73 M U S TA N G Convertl- •rtnco, limitation or dltcrlm- home has a lot to offer Mom, full time open­ H & R R O O n N G S A S FramlHg ings, ages 2 and up. wHIdo Gay A Son Masomy M U S T Sell. Six antique ble 302, new duel ex- Inotlon boMd on roco, color, for the growing family. No job too big or too tlddle back choirs, me- haust, original mags, roHolen, tox or notional Call Susan Donahue for 646-5964. • Addition* • Oarag** • Porch origin, or on Intontlon to small. Will work 7 days and dack* Brick Block Stone tol porch chairs and very solid. $3000 or best mokt any tuch prottronco, more Information. until job complete. 10% • Stats Llosnasd glider. All good condl- otter. Coll Mike 568- $139,900. Sentry Real CARPENTRY/ • Fully Inaurad Fireplaces 8 Concrete limitation or dltcrlmlnotlon. discount for Senior tlon. 646-5442. 1441. Tht Harold will not know­ Estate, 643-4060.O REM00ELIN6 Call 6460821.845-1757 T u u n FO RP 1979 L T D W BBPn. ingly occopt any odvtrtlte- MANCHESTER. Eight Citizens. ________ Evenings________ 282-7341 Excellent condition, mont which It In violation ot room custom Cape In 875-91S3, Joe tee* ?150* 5~'*Ple«” l” ht tha low. sought after South FARRAND REM0DEUN6 647-9289, Rick Screened Loam, gravel, Modulir Hems s o u t h e r n n o w Eng- Manchester. Three Room addltlona. daoki, roofing. processed gravel, Sand, b.rc|, $150. 742-9281 at- , ^ ^ ; , , t D,4 lond clottlfleld ads (kHng, window* and guttart. Stone A Fill. Conitructlon bedrooms, formal liv­ W» alto tiava Modular homoa. reach nearly 800,000 ing room and dining Baekhoa and buMdozar aarvic* For Deliveries call DINING Room set with . SC^rtwrlno® homes In Connecticut avaltaM*. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. lighted China Cabinet. HanrhfBtPr MmlJi room, den and full HEATINB/ GeorgB GrlfflHg LARSON BUILDERS and Rhode Island. The basement with finished Bus. 647-8S09 New England Homaa Contemporary design, P"®” ' ®®P®i”PP- price tor a basic 25 PLUMBINB 7 PHkln St., Vamon, CT 06086 Pecan table with two rec room. Extras In­ R 0 0 . 6 4 5 W 9 74 2 -7 8 8 6 word od Is only $55 and clude, central vacuum, 871-6BS4 leaves, 4 side chairs, 2 P®*? ® ® ^ J will appear In 43 news­ fire alarm system with aqBaeaeebeeeB arm choirs. Asking ®®'^ papers. For more In­ fOFA06oRG9t i8fOo6 oi6k$9a 6ooko< PJ'8 Plumblno, Hasting 8 DELIVERING $600. 646-8645 after 6pm f|®® PI'"®':*' ,®f; battery back-up and fOORwg. oowofUB motK G Ml Air CMiditiBnIng Rich, clean, etone-free formation call Classi­ Intercom. Ask for Su­ phitii o( ooBRifurtJoft. iERViCE&'dFFEREO on iwekdavs A all day ’ 30 Cents # oMr OF oowFrooofB not Boilers, pumps, hot water foem. 8 yardp. *80 Plus Tax. weekends. •/««,#imu. Weidnesday, Sept. 14, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm fied, 043-2711 and ask san Buckno.$209,900. - CALL ART for detolls.o__________ fOtomln§ foor eoMi - eoN imt tanka, now and Also, send, grevel, stone Sentry Real Estate, 643- FuNy IfMurod • fim iettmeiee raplacamanta. and horaa manura. THE MOVER - 1977 D O D G E Aspen. T E R R IF IC Ranch In oulet 4060.P________________ FREE ESTIMATES OapandaMa, honatL axparl- 49,000 miles plus 1974 neighborhood. Priced MAR CoBStiactlaa BOLTON. Convenient ' sfNMNiaNr 643-9649/228-9616 643-9504 anoad, Inauiqd, raaaonaMa. PI IITHIMS Toyota Cellca. Both tor to tell. 5Vi rooms, 2 full - country living with a $650. 649-5445._________ baths, tunporch, lower 6 4 3 -1 7 2 0 AMi tor IRRfli 6 4 6 -9660 Anytima viewl Reduced pricel L7NiD"“Rust“Teather 0 '*®’ TOYOTA Corolla, leyel family room and Raised Ranch, 1800 iMiSaLUNEOUr T&L MASONRY B B • B • B # B garage. Coll office to­ PAMTHKI/ locket. Size 10-$15.00. Excellent transporta- square feet with 3 bed­ I8EBVICE8 Brtck, block, alona. Call 649-8635. Don. Asking $1400. 742- Chemicals Hurricane day for your exclusive rooms, 7'/2 baths, fire- PAPERINB Chimnaya and rapalra. Gay 8 Son Masonry 0351, evenings. showing. $149,900. Sen­ placed family room No job too amall. Residential A Commercial try Real Estate, 643- with custom built wet N A M E >9007 own reaso­ HAtMaSTBEESERVIGE MACHINERY ICK LeSabre, 1976. FREE ESTIMATES Ceramic tiles — Marble 4060.0 bar. This home offers nable price. Father A Buckol, truck 6 chippar. Slump AND TOOLS Eut<4 good. $550. caii 180-102 Eldridge Street. beautiful view In this Son Pointing and Pap­ cell 645-8063 A Granite 649-6894 otter 5. crisis plan ramoval. Frta aaUmalat. Two family 6-6 duplex towns most desirable ering. Removal. 291- Spaolal eonaldoratlon lor 32 FOOT Aluminum Ex- 1976 FORD LTD. 4 Door, a rea.$209,000. Flano 8567. cell 627-8973 for Immediate sole to aMarly and handicappad. tension ladder. Like 400 cubes. Good run- packs winds settle estate. Firm R ealty, G a lle ry of DAD SIDING CO. new. Call 643-5255. nlngconditionorparts. $175,150. 646-2426 Homes, 646-5200.P ★ ' 647-7553 Free saamlBM gutters — $200. 649-5453. up for O K weekdoys.____________ BO LTO N . Best buy In BRUSHWDRKS. Interior Tap SbII ScrtBBtd Lsani with job. By owner. 7 room Cape town I Affordable, CONCRETE ■7^1 BlRKIIIIiR LOOKING FOR good with family room, fire­ completly renovated 3 painting. Free esti­ Any amount ddhamd Abo, Ml Top of thk line vinyl 1 ^ ^ HAHUtlllRIi news? Look for the many By Andrew J. Davis mates. 12 years expe­ materials. place, eot-ln kitchen, bedroom, 1 both. graMl skxw and bark, muloh. bofooln buvs advertised Manchester Herald tormol dining room, Ranch style home with rience. Finished cabl- Boboal backho* 4 loadw nnW. Fully Insured. C H R Y S A N TH E M U M S . |p classified columns of 175 mph garage, porch. Move- detached 1 car garage, nets/celllngs. Wall Free estimates. MMCRETE” Dig your dwn, your *oHov reflnlshlng. 647-0636. DAVIS CONSTRUCTION The Local Emergency Planning Commit­ In condition. $154,900. first floor laundry on 1 Manchester, C T ADDITIONS 8 FLOORS container. 550 Bush Hill ^ , 649-8200.______________ acre wooded lot. Still 872-1400/659-9555' • Commarelal S raaMantlal Rood, Manchester. 1981 Chevy Monte Carlo, 6 tee is poised to accept the most comprehen­ Renovation^Plus •4S6277 er 64M 963 cylinder, good running By Chris Angelo "W e are full, and there is not M A N C H ES TE R . Raised time to choose colors. • Fraa EsUmtla* sive plan ever developed to handle CuBtom Intorlor & Exterior ----------co n d itio n . 649-5589. The Associated Press one tourist now in the beach hotel Ranch, 2’A baths. High­ $174,900. Flano Realty, SNOWPLOWING chemical emergencies in Manchester, but Gallery of Homes, 646- PalnlinQ e CeNing ftopelr A Renew John Hinnon Concrila B00DTHIN08 Call otter 5:30. zone,” he said. "The sound of the land Park location. a Commarclal PBRSONAL SBRVICBS some companies have yet to report what Priced to sell at only 5200.P_________________ • Decke A tight Cerpentry a Realdontlal • Industrial Company • 875-9371 To EAT 1968 LINCOLN Contlnen- MERIDA, Mexico — Hurricane wind outside is horrible. You • Free f erJmefee • toturetf e Chtekbook Cnntrol chemicals they store. $197,900. T .J . Crockett, AN Immaculate home In­ Call • Ificomt Tox Prooorotlon ttal. Call 643-5255. Gilbert slammed into the resort couldn’t leave even if you wanted e Sentor Dtooountt Fred Weil, committee staff assistant, 643-1577._____________ side and out. Parkllke S. I . BIANCNARD, Inc. • Uto A Htolth Iftturonco Advie* GRAPES. Pick your o w n , _____________________ island of Cozumel with 175 mph to." rear yard. Front to • iu d ttt CDfiauitcNion bring own containers. C/*UAI I BD said today that the m ajority of companies BOLTON, new 4 bedroom 6 46 -225 3 for depandabla aarvica wishing will not sell any­ winds today, and thousands of He said the winds felled utility rear living room, for­ • Mlnonclol A lototo Pionnlnt 270 Hackmatack Stree- in town storing highly hazardous chemical Contemporary on acre 7 4 2 -1 0 R 2 xnt't ttnuATta thing ... 0 low-cost od In people on the nearby Yucatan poles and trees and that sheets of lot. Loaded with ex­ mal dining room. ExM or PaMhig 8 Call Don Moiltr - 449-3329 Classified will. Why not t(rear), Manchester, ACURA materials have reported what chemicals Come see much Peninsula fled coastal areas for rain were hitting the city. tras. Price reduced. GSL Building Molnton- D. B. Mosler. Inc.
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