TO: The Secretary-General A: EXECUTIVE OFFICE KLFE THROUGH: Mr. S. Iqbal Riza OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL S/C Dl: Chef de Cabinet, EOSG

FROM: Kensaku Hogen, Under-Secretary-General DE: for Communications and Public Information

SUBJECT: Media Coverage of Report and Op-ed piece

We have continued, directly as well as through our information offices, to pursue media coverage of your Report and Op-ed piece on Africa, and I am pleased to state that we have been able to generate a lot more of it since my initial report three weeks ago. The totality of this very positive coverage is remarkable, and is a clear reflection of the international impact of its message. This prominent global coverage was a result in part of two historic firsts: 1. The Organization's first launch of a report using the Internet and e-mail to provide significant press materials to journalists and UNICs; 2. The first-ever globally-placed Op-ed piece by a Secretary-General. Attached is a partial listing of the major media which covered the report to the Security Council, and printed the op-ed piece. Coverage of the Africa visit itself, which DPI also promoted, is not included in this report.

cc: The Deputy Secretary-General Members, Senior Management Group 12 May 1998

Media Coverage of Secretary-General's Report on Africa This is a still-incomplete listing of the major media which covered the above report. (i) NEWSPAPERS

New York Times Washington Post Washington Times Los Angeles Times USA Today Baltimore Sun Globe and Mail Toronto Star Vancouver Sun

Asahi Shimbun International Herald Tribune London Times Guardian Financial Times Jane's Defence Weekly Irish Times

Le Monde La Liberte La Croix-L'Evenement (Paris) Jeune Afrique (Paris) Le Courrier (Switzerland) La Tribune de Geneve L'Osservatore Romano El Pais Diario 16

De Volkskrant (Netherlands) (3 articles) NRC Handelsbad (Netherlands) Le Soir (Belgium) (2 articles) Knack (Belgian weekly) De Financieel Economische Tijd (Belgium) L'Echo (Belgium) Luxemburger Wort Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagespiegel Genera1-Anzeiger Suddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt (Germany) - 2 - Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) Aftenposten (Norway) Tidende () (multiple articles) Kristeligt Dagblad (Denmark) Politiken (Denmark) Asia and Africa Today (Russian Monthly) Rzeczpospolita (Poland) The National Herald (New Delhi) The Hindu (New Delhi) Al Anba'a (Kuwait) Al Rai Al Aam (Kuwait) El Espectador (Bogota) El Heraldo (Mexico) El Financiero (Mexico) Uno Mas Uno (Mexico) (2 articles) Daily Nation (Nairobi) (2 articles) The Standard (Nairobi) The Monitor (Kampala) The Financial Mail (South Africa) The Star (Johannesberg) Ghanaian Times (2 articles) The Statesman (Accra) The Free Press (Accra) The Herald (Yaounde) (4 articles) The Chronicle (Zimbabwe) (2 articles) The Herald (Harare) Le Renouveau (Tunis) Al Ahram (2 articles) Al Ahram Hebdu Al Ahram Weekly Progres Dimanche (Cairo) Al Akhbar (Cairo) Al Wafd (Cairo) (2 articles) The Egyptian Gazaette Al Ahrar (Egypt) Le Progres Egyptian ii) RADIO, TV, ETC. All the major international and national radio broadcast networks, such as BBC, RFI, Deutsche Welle, VGA and NPR, as well as all the major wire services, such as the Pan African News Agency and ANSA in Italy, prominently covered the report. In Africa the report received extensive television and radio coverage. In Cameroon, for example, a special 30-minute weekly current affairs programme "Your Window on the World" put on a special edition devoted entirely to the report. - 3 - Television coverage is hard to track, but it appears that outside Africa it was minimal, except in Belgium and the Netherlands. iii) OTHER EXPOSURE

. Other efforts by UNIC directors included the following:

Copenhagen: The Foreign Editor of Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) wrote his own op-ed piece, in which he commented in positive terms the Secretary-General's ideas and his travel to Africa. He illustrated it with Evan Schneider's photo of the Secretary- General reading Dagens Nyheter on the plane en route to Finland last year.

Moscow: The Geopolitics Committee of the State Duma in Russia will hold a meeting on 12 May on "The Place of Africa in the Context of the Geopolitical Interest of the Russian Federation", at which the UNIC Director will present the Secretary-General's report. The report will also be presented on 13 May at a meeting of the diplomatic corps, organised by the UNIC. Tunis: UNIC will hold a round table on the Secretary- General's report on 10-15 May, at which the Ambassadors of South Africa, Senegal and Cameroon will participate. In addition, the UNIC National Information Officer will make a presentation on the report at a seminar to be held by the Arab University of Sciences on 8 May.

Buenos Aires: UNIC held a two-day international seminar (20-21 April) on "Society, Politics and Economy in Africa". This was held in cooperation with The Centre of Studies on International Relations of the National University of Rosario, the Centre of International Studies of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires and the UNHCR Regional Office for Southern Latin America. - 4 - The Secretary General's Op-ed Piece on Africa DPI has been able to place the Op-ed piece in the following papers so far: The Washington Post The Globe and Mail International Herald Tribune La Tribune de Geneve Die Welt (Germany) Jyllands-Posten (Denmark) Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) El Pais (Madrid) Times of India The Nation (Islamabad) Muslim (Islamabad) The News (Islamabad) Pakistan Observer (Islamabad) Frontier Post (Peshawar) Pakistan Times (Islamabad) Kayhan International (Tehran) Morning Daily Abrar (Tehran) The Indonesian Observer Los Andes (Argentina) La Nacion (Argentina) Uno Mas Uno (Mexico) El Panama America El Universal de Panama Ghanaian Times Daily Graphic (Accra) The Standard (Nairobi) Sunday Times (Nairobi) Daily Nation (Nairobi) L'Observateur Paalga (Ouagadougou)