Otay Ranch Resort Village
1.0 Project Description, Location, and Environmental Setting CHAPTER 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1.1 Project Objectives Pursuant to Section 15124 (b), of the CEQA Guidelines, the statement of objectives sought by the proposed Project is described below. The objectives are intended to assist the County in developing a reasonable range of alternatives to evaluate in the EIR and aid the decision makers in preparing findings or a statement of overriding considerations. The underlying purpose of the proposed Project is to complete the planned development of an Otay Ranch-designated specialty village, and to help accommodate the projected demand for a distinct community as envisioned by the adopted Otay SRP. The proposed Project’s statement of objectives is as follows: • Implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the adopted Otay SRP, the Otay Ranch RMP, and the County MSCP Subarea Plan South County segment. • Create a prestigious destination resort that maximizes unique South County open space, high-terrain, and lake views of the reservoir within a distinct, predominantly single-family home community, ,and allow first-time buyers and others to transition to distinct, high-quality homes within Otay Ranch. • Decrease the intensity of development at higher elevations away from Lower Otay LakeReservoir, and thereby enhance unique South County open space, high-terrain, and lake views of the reservoir. • Establish an executive-level, “specialty” housing enclave within Otay Ranch that attracts business owners and employers within both the Otay Ranch and Otay Mesa planned business parks, urban centers, and university uses, thereby providing this segment of the housing community with opportunities to live and work in South County.
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