Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Vista Irrigation District
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT February 7,2018 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Vista Irrigation District was held on Wednesday, February 7,2018 at the offices of the District, l39l Engineer Street, Vista, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER President Dorey called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors present: Miller, Vásquez, Dorey, Sanchez, and MacKenzie. Directors absent: None. Staff present: Eldon Boone, General Manager; Lisa Soto, Secretary of the Board; Brett Hodgkiss, Assistant General Manager; Don Smith, Director of Water Resources; Brian Smith, District Engineer; Randy Whitmann, Director of Engineering; Frank Wolinski, Operations and Field Services Manager; Alisa Nichols, Management Analyst; Al Ducusin, Engineering Services Manager; Sherry Thorpe, Safety and Risk Manager; Marlene Kelleher, Finance Manager; and Marian Schmidt, Administrative Assistant. General Counsel Joel Kuperberg was also present. Other attendees: Karen L. Thesing, Associate in Risk Management (ARM), Director of Insurance Services, and Peter Kuchinsky II, Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Lead Risk Management Advisor. 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director MacKenzie led the pledge of allegiance 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA t8-02-12 (Ipon motíon by Director Vdsquez, seconded by Dírector MøcKenzie and unanímously carrìed (5 ayes: Miller, Vósquez, Dorey, Sønchez, and MacKenzie), the Board of Dírectors the AS 5. PUBLIC COMMENT TIME No public comments were presented on items not appearing on the agenda. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 8-02-13 Upon motion by Dírector MacKenzíe, seconded by Dírector Vdsquez and unanìmously carried (5 øyes: Mìller, Vdsquez, Dorey, Sanchez, and MacKenzíe), the Board of Dìreclors øpproved the Consent Calendar, íncluding Resolution No.
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