1St Outdoor Commencement to Solve Large Class Size Problem of Ofanf
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1 • .';; Second Class Postage. Bald Vol. LXXII. No. 17 3 Sections, 24 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1965 Cricnford. N<no Jersey, 0,7018 TEN CENTS New Valuation Figures 1st Outdoor Commencement Effective Here Jan. 1 The J. M. Clemlnshaw Co. valuations of all real property in the To Solve Large Class Size township will go mto effect January 1, 1966, it was announced at Tuesday nights meeting of Township Committee by Finance Com- missioner Wesley N. philo. The commissioner reported that letters had been sent to more Problem of Ofanf ord High than. 800 residents who asked for conferences after the Cleminshaw Cranford High School's an- . valuations were released last fall, nual commencement exercises and that the new valuation figures Plan IT A will be conducted on Tuesday, have: been turned over to Tax ."As-, June 22, at Memorial Field, it Committee Named to Study sessbr Edward P.. Markowich. Workshops Was announced today by G'. Commissioner Phiilo explained Frank Zimmerman, principal. that the tax bills to ^be mailed Long-Range Garbage Plans out next month will be for the fi- The decision to conduct an A five-man citizens' committee to make a study of a long-range For Parents outdoor graduation was made program for the township's garbage disposal was named at Tuesday nal two quarters of 1965,and will Four workshops for parents of be based on 5ftper?ent of the valu- when a-majority of the parents night's meeting of Township Committee by Mayor H. Raymond ations which have been in-1; effect pupils who will be in the first of seniors indicated a prefer- Kirwan. here for thejpast decade. ':. i grade next year in the Cranford ence for that type program, Mr. Suggestion that such a committee be appointed was made several The tax~biUs for the first h W of public schools are scheduled for weeks ago by Public Affairs Com- 196*5, which will go out in Decem-' May 26 and 27 and June 1 and 2 missioner Charles G.- Siegfried,, •s^ber, will be based on 50 percent of to explain the Initial Teaching Al- UJC Commencement lone Democrat on the governing tlfle%ue<y Clefflinahaw valuations. April Adlded body. The mayor noted that the Begitlninglin June, 1966, the town- phabet. Moved JBadk juduurs AH 500 Cranford first graders problem is one facing nearly all ship wil^turn to mailing out one IT WON'T BE* LONG NOW! — Above photo shows excavation work, rearing completion on Crafi- Union ,Junior College's 32nd municipalities in. the area. ,-bilI for the'stlcceedihg year. will use the^lTA system in Septem- ford's new $400,000 municipal swimming pool, off Orange Ave. Orange Avenue Junior High School annual Commencement is sched- Over Million ber to learn to read and write. " With the dosing of the lnunici- is in background. Contractor announced this week he expects the new gunite concrete pool to be uled for Saturday, June 5, at The shift from the traditional pal dumps the first of the year, ready to have water pumped in abo\it June 15 and facility to be open for swimming on July 1. 10:30 a.m. in the theatre of the local scavengers have had to cart reading instruction to ITA is be- Campus. Center/4t was an- In Valuations karbage-and t)ther debris to the Cougar's Den ing made on the basis of an ex-' nounced today by t)r. Kenneth April report of Building Inspect- Woodbridge area, which resulted perimental program now .under- C. MacKay, president. There are or Stanley Grzybowski showed 30 in an increase of approximately 50 way in two first grades. , The pu- 83 candidates for associate in cents a month in residential sca- Project Helps pils in these .two first grade classes permits were issued for new con- Name Farreli Swim Pool Manager; arts degrees. > struction valued at $1,378,800. vipnger service f6es. The town- were already reading at the third Dr. MacKay said commence^ ship's former dumping area is lo- Jaycees Win grade level in February. ment exercises have been shift- Permits for two business office cated in Industrial Park, which is A workshop for teachers who ed from Nomahegan, Park op- buildings 'accounted for $850,000 being developed- rapidly. Phillip Morin, president of the will be assigned to first grade Opening Seen on Schedule July 1 posite the Union Junior College of the total, while the municipal William P. Michals of 103 Holly ^ Cranford Jaycees, announced this classes next year is scheduled for week 'that at an area meeting in 1 Herbert Farreli of 210 Hampton Campus: to the Campus Center" swimming pool and accessory St. was named chairman of the June 3 and 4." St., "a physical education instructor theatre because the park area committee, other members of Rahway on Friday the local chap- The parents' workshops are buildings construction cost was iter was awarded a plaque for at- in the Cranford Public Schools for used for the exercises has been which are: Gerald Croushore, 126 scheduled as follows (all begin at Planning Board Sets Hearing the past 12 years, has been named converted into a baseball dia- estimated at $244,600. No fee was Mohawk Dr.; JomvB. Warrington, taining first place in external af- 8 p.mc): v fairs for the year 1984-65. manager ot>*Cranford's" municipal mond. * , * charged for the latter. Jr., 15 Kensington Ave.i "William May 26 — Lincoln and Sherman swimming pool, which is, slated to Following the ceremonies, the Other permits during the*aonth H. Lange, 20 Tulip SU and Rob- Twenty-two area chapters com- Schools at (Lincoln School. On UJC Development Plans open July 1, it was announced this ert H. Thill, 111 Oak Lane. peted for the award. ]\£r. Morin graduates will be guests at a re- included:- 11 residences and gar- May 27 — Bloomingdale and A hearing on Union Junior College's plan for development of "its week by Robert M. Crane, chair- ception hi the Campus Center said Cranford's victory was due in ages, $231,000; 1 drive-in bank, A township lot on South Ave., Roosevelt Schools at Bloomingdale 28-acre campus, including proposals for a $1 million, science building, man of the piiol committee. ' lounge and terrace sponsored by W., east of Idncofti Ave., was sold large measure to the success of School. $25,000; 1 permanent pool, $3,000; the Cougar's Den, a teenage recFe- the $100,000 William Miller Sperry Observatory andt«ther facilities, Assisting Mr. Farreli will be the Friends'of the College. at public auction to Martin Rad-; June 1 —> Cleveland and Brook- will be held by the Planning Board in the Municipal Bikilding at 8 p.m. Robert Bomstein of 48 Fairfield I pool,_ $300; 8 additions and al- ley on hjs bid of $14,OQ0. The pur.* ation center sponsored jointly by side Schools at Brookside School • the Jaycees and the Township Re- on Wednesday, June 2. ; ' Ave., a physical education in- terations, ^IFJ2Q0; 3 aluminum sid- chaser plans to -build a 6,000- June 2 — Livingston and Walnut structor at Livingston Avenue Zimmerman said. Parents of square-foot office building of creation Committee under the di- •In accordance with aii amend- ing, $4,800; 1 sign, $300; and 1 . reckon of Robert Shupin. Schools at Walnut School. School for the past' five years, as about 330 out o£ the 400 members brick, masonry and concrete cork, Dr. Cl&rk w, MfcDermtth, super- ment tqHSite zoning ordinance pass- assistant manager, and Mrs. Ann of the senior class responded to garage, $1,200. > struofjon at a cost flf $35,000. It In accepting the plaque from intendent of schools, said ITA will ed in January by th*fe Township Sullivan of Elisabeth, an instruct- the poll. will 'be occupied by''a. distributor Tilt Kurtz, state president of the be explained in detail, and all Committee, junder'v wi|eh public or in the Scot* Plainjj Public Mr. Zimmerman said the tftne o£%itchen cabinet? and metal and Jaycees, Mr. Morin said the chap- questions will be answered. at?*khe institutions are not requited to V School?, as head lifeguard. and other details for the progtam store fronts. ter appreciated not only the sup- paremy workshops. '*§ pearl, bef oise the. Board ^rAdjustr Robert Shupin, superintendent at Memorial Field using the new Week's Weath auction, wilj'be he*i at port gitfen the project by it? own permanent bleachers' will be an- members but also the cooperation TW wprhshoppp s will* be con- •tumt to obtain approvalffor new of recreation, and Mr. Farreli art UJC meeting on- t&f .tale' ducted by the office of curriculum cpnstr.octi.iiij,..a cdmpre|iensive site-. selecting nine lifeguard? from 100 np'unced at a later date. A ^tudent- projKwtgR. fronting on "of the township in the endeavor. Mi faculty-administration comml^e HAROiO and instruction. I^ticipating will plaiv fel?'•'•'•the Jiropogfedrn^w devel- Ticket* for the Cranford .Higfc awtications which the Recreation and Dermody St. in He expressed hope that Cran- Department received for the posi- Will work on plans for,the outdoor ^ Park. Harold Spickler ford would soon, haver a full-time be'Mrsi.VVirginia of Cleve- opnVettts^ was file# by WC with School Senior Prom will go on land School and Mrs. Jean Ronn- tions,. While no 'further applica- commencement, the principal said. of S'^hTbins and Philip Kuznet ' recreation center and pledged that the'Planning Board. ' sale Tuesday, it was announced by ^Temperatures this week ranged lund of "Walnut Avenue School tions are toeing accepted for these in the event of rain oh Junp 32, from a high of 89 degrees onrMon.- of Linden ha've offered $20,000 for, th"e Jaycees would continue to In addition t(S the science build- Mark Aaron and Joseph Coyne, positions, Mr.