
Upcoming Releases: Summer 2021

Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall An historical and imaginative tour-de-force, WAKE brings to light for the first time the xistencee of enslaved black women warriors, whose stories can be traced by carefully scrutinizing historical records; and where the historical record goes silent, WAKE reconstructs the likely past of two female rebels, Adono and Alele, on the slave ship The Unity. WAKE illustrates the humanity of the enslaved, the reality of their lived experiences, and the complexity of the history that has been,till now, so thoroughly .

Publication Date: June 1, 2021

In: A by Will McPhail A poignant and witty graphic novel by a leading New Yorker , following a millennial's journey from performing his life to truly connecting with people.

Publication Date: June 8, 2021

The Adventure Zone 4: The Crystal Kingdom by Clint McElroy A desperate call for help interrupts holiday celebrations at the Bureau of Balance, and sends Taako, Magnus and Merle on a high- stakes mission to find and Reclaim a fourth deadly relic: a powerful transmutation stone, hidden somewhere in the depths of a floating arcane laboratory that’s home to the Doctors Maureen and Lucas Miller. An unknown menace has seized control of the stone, and is using it to transform the lab into a virulent pink crystal that spreads to everything it touches.

Publication Date: July 13, 2021 Try These Authors: Yoshinobu Akita - Orphen Kazune Kawahara - My Love Story! Hiromu Arakawa - Fullmetal Alchemist Masashi Kishimoto - - Your Lie in April Naoshi Komi - Nisekoi, False Love Patrick Gleason Hirohiko Araki - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Keiichi Arawi - Nichijou Yusei Matsui - Assassination Classroom Kosuke Fujishima - Oh my Goddess! Yusuke Murata - One-Punch Man Hiro Fujiwara - Maid-sama! Tsugumi Oba - Dan Jergens Haruichi Furudate - Haikyu!! Yoshitoki Oima - A Silent Voice Brian Buccellato Kengo Hanazawa - I am a Hero Kanaoko Sakurakoji - Black bird Bisco Hatori - Ouran High School Host Club Yoshiaki Sukeno - / Behind the Scenes! Shigeyoshi Takagi - Flower in a Matsuri Hino - Shuriken and Pleats Rumiko Takahashi - Ranma 1/2 Sui Ishida - Tokyo Ghoul Yuto Tsukuda - Food Wars! Tony S. Daniel Daisuke Igarashi - Children of the Sea - Buso Renkin Greg Ruka Realism / Memoir - Marjane Satrapi - Persepolis Ray Fawkes Loic Dauvillier - The Attack Riad Sattouf - The Arab of the Future Meredith Finch Daniel Clowes - Patience / Ghost World Art Spieglman - Adam Glass G. Willow Wilson Tom Hart - Rosalie Lightning - Buddha Tom King - The Sheriff of Babylon Craig Thompson - - March Brian K. Vaughn - Paper Girls Horror / Supernatural Kunwu Li - A Chinese Life

Ed Brubaker - Caitlin Kittredge - Coffin Hill Cullen Bunn - Harrow County / Sixth Gun Michael Mignola - B.P.R.D. / Hellboy / - Nightschool Chris Roberson - iZombie - - Revival Julien Blondel - Michael Moorcock Elric Gabriel Hardman - Invisible Republic - Locke & Key Scott Snyder - Wytches Jim Butcher - The Dresden Files Jonathan Hickman - - - Morning Glories - Unwritten - Divinity Hitoshi Iwaaki - Matthew Sturges - Arvind Ethan David - Dirk Gently's Holistic Jeff Lemire - Descender / Antony Johnston - Joshua Williams - Ghosted Detective Agency Bryan Lee O'Malley - Scott Pilgrim - The Walking Dead Norihiro Yagi - Claymore Peter David - 's Dark Tower - Low / Black Science Series Nick Spencer - Morning Glories Anthony Del Col - Assassin's Creed Brian K Vaughn - Saga / Y: The Last Man Crime Garth Ennis - Preacher Kurtis Wiebe - - The - - - Chew - The Wicked + Divine - Wayward Brian Azzarello - Mark Millar - Kick-Ass Ed Brubaker - / Fade Out - Sin City Juan Diaz Canales - Blacksad - V for Vendetta Allen Collins - Road to Perdition Nicole Dawn Phillips - Blacklist Ready for your next book? Garth Ennis - Max Series Naoki Urasawa - No matter what you're interested in, we can help you find the right book! Robert Kirkman - Thief of Thieves - The Unknown Come to the reference desk and ask us how.