
Analogical Processes and College Developmental

By Eric J. Paulson

Abstract: Although a solid body of research is analogical. An analogical process involves concerning the role of analogies in reading processes the identification of partial similarities between has emerged at a variety of age groups and reading different objects or situations to support further proficiencies, few of those studies have focused on and is used to explain new concepts, analogy use by readers enrolled in college develop- solve problems, and understand new areas and mental reading courses. The current study explores ideas (Gentner, & Colhoun, 2010; Gentner & Smith, whether 232 students enrolled in mandatory (by 2012). For example, when a biology teacher relates placement test) developmental reading courses the functions of a cell to the activities in a factory in in a postsecondary educational context utilize order to introduce and explain the cell to students, analogical processes while engaged in specific this is an analogical process designed to use what reading activities. This is explored through two is already familiar to illuminate and explain a separate investigations that focus on two different new concept. A process of mapping similarities ends of the reading spectrum: the word-decoding between a source (what is known) and a target Analogy appears to be a key level and the overall text-comprehension level. (what is needed to be known) in order to better element of human thinking. The two investigations reported here build on understand the target (Holyoak & Thagard, 1997), comparable studies of analogy use with proficient analogies are commonly used to make sense of readers. Results indicate clear use of analogy at the new in general. Scholars in cogni- decoding level of reading with trends toward some tive have argued that many aspects types of analogy use facilitating comprehension at of thinking are analogical in nature, with some whole-text levels of reading. concluding that analogical processes form a core aspect of human (e.g., Hofstader, 2001; Developmental reading courses are typically Kurtz, Miao, & Gentner, 2001). Supporting this designed to increase the reading proficiency of view of the integral nature of analogy to cognition college students who are underprepared for college- is its use by even very young children. Holyoak and level reading. Existing at U.S. higher education Thagard (1995) report that infants are able to use institutions since the beginning of the 20th century basic analogical processes, and by the time children (Kingston, 2003), developmental reading has his- are 5 or 6 years old, they are able to use complex torically been a core part of developmental educa- analogies for many purposes. In short, analogy tion offerings in two- and four-year colleges (Stahl appears to be a key element of human thinking. & King, 2009). Reading difficulties have been judged Reading is a sociocognitive process of making to be “the most serious” developmental proficiency sense of information presented through text, and issue (Adelman, 2004, p. 87) for college students. difficulties in reading can be intensified when the With recent analyses of ACT college entrance test text involves unfamiliar content and new words. scores indicating that fewer than half of incoming Because of the core nature of analogy in human college students nation-wide were prepared for the learning, its role in a sociocognitive process like reading requirements of a typical first-year college reading warrants exploration. This article inves- course (ACT, 2013), developmental reading sup- tigates analogical processes in reading, at a basic port at the postsecondary level is prevalent and an word decoding level and at a higher, whole-text important part of a college education for a significant comprehension level. number of students. Research that allows for a fuller understanding of developmental reading processes, Research on Analogical Processes and with implications for instruction, is important. This Reading study investigates the role of analogical processing Eric J. Paulson Professor, Doctoral Program in Developmental during the reading process for students who place From a theoretical standpoint, analogy use in Education into developmental reading courses. reading can be directly related to schema-theoretic Texas State University Analogical Processes for reading comprehension. Hofstader 601 University Drive (2001, p. 504) described any “triggering of prior San Marcos, TX 78666-4684 In a general educational sense, one key process mental categories by some kind of input—whether [email protected] by which people make sense of new information sensory or more abstract” as a process of analogy

2 JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION construction. Schemata are those “mental catego- of relating the new word to a known word in order Hammadou (2000) took a similar approach ries”—as well as concepts and structures—that to read aloud the new word. For example, reading in examining analogy use during reading, look- help us make sense of the world. Schema theory the unfamiliar word “tepherd” by a letter-sound ing at reading in a second as well as first notes that new information is processed through rule application would result in /teferd/, where language in college students (the first-language interaction with old information, resulting in what the “ph” digraph would be pronounced /f/ as in aspects of her study are of interest here). Four pas- is known as comprehension (Anderson & Pearson, “phone.” Alternatively, reading “tepherd” by anal- sages were used with two versions each. Students 1984). Specific to reading, this means that a reader’s ogy strategy would result in /teperd/ by analogy to read either a baseline text or a version of that text ability to comprehend a text is directly related to the known word “shepherd.” Marsh et al. (1977) with an analogy embedded within it, similar to the reader having the appropriate schemata (see reported that when knowledge of the analog source the approach taken by Bean et al. (1990). Students Anderson, 2013; Faris & Smeltzer, 1997). Reading was accounted for—that is, in order to use the word read the version they were assigned, then wrote involves a constant, albeit many times implicit and “shepherd” as an analog to read the unfamiliar everything they could recall from the passage on nondeliberate, comparison of the new informa- word “tepherd,” the reader would have to know a separate sheet of paper. The written recalls were tion in the text to what the reader already knows the word “shepherd”—they found that the 5th scored using Meyer’s (1985) idea-units analysis about the topic of the text in order to make sense grade group used an analogy strategy 39.5% of the protocol. Results indicated a trend toward better of what is being read. This is an analogical process. time, the 11th grade group used an analogy strategy recall of the nonanalogy versions of the text; for Because reading is not a monolithic entity, this 41.12% of the time, and the college group used an one pair of analogy/no-analogy versions, it was article addresses analogical processing in reading analogy strategy 56% of the time. a nonstatistically significant trend and for the in terms of more than a single measure of reading. other pair of text versions there was a statistically Specifically, a focus on decoding words and on Experienced Readers’ Use of Analogy significant difference of better comprehension on more holistic comprehension of whole texts are in Whole-Text Reading the no-analogy version. both included. Clement and Yanowitz (2003) investigated reading Purpose of the Current Study Experienced Readers’ Use of Analogy processes at a more holistic, whole-text level and Despite the amount of attention that the role of to Decode Words analogies in reading processes has received at a variety of age groups and reading proficiencies, Using analogical processes to assimilate and Verbally producing a there has been little research that focuses on anal- accommodate new information during reading ogy use by students enrolled in developmental is an important aspect of reading at a variety of early word accurately does reading classes at the postsecondary level. As such, reading levels (e.g., Farrington-Flint & Wood, 2007; of interest here is whether—and if so, how—read- Goswami, 2013; Wang & Gaffney, 1998). The use not necessarily imply ers at this level utilize analogical processes during of analogical processes appears to be an important comprehension of that word. reading. aspect of more experienced and proficient reading As noted, two “levels” of reading processes as well, though research at this higher level is not have been focused on in studies that have investi- nearly as widespread as research at the emergent- found that college students were able to analogically gated analogical processes. One level is described reading level. relate the information in a source text to that of an here as the “decoding” level. At this level, readers Kay and Marcel’s (1981) early research dem- unfamiliar, target text in order to problem-solve utilize knowledge of sound-symbol correspon- onstrated how older readers’ reading of nonsense in the target text. That is, where the source text dence to verbally produce combinations of letters words that had multiple acceptable pronunciations explicitly modeled a solution to a problem in one according to accepted convention, which can be was affected by the real words that immediately arena, readers were able to use that text to bet- thought of as “reading a word aloud.” Although a preceded the nonsense word. For example, when ter understand the target text in another arena. general indicator of comprehension and correlate presented with a list of words, readers were likely Bean, Searles, and Cowen (1990) also investigated of reading ability, verbally producing a word accu- analogy use at the whole-text comprehension level rately does not necessarily imply comprehension to read the nonsense word “yead” as /yɛd/ (rhymes with a study designed to “explore the impact of of that word or its use. Nevertheless, decoding is with “bed”) if preceded by the real word “head” text-based analogies on students’ comprehension an important aspect of overall reading processes. and more likely to pronounce it /yid/ (rhymes of a high school biology text passage” (p. 324). Another level of reading processes that has with “seed”) if preceded by the real word “bead.” One hundred and nine students were randomly been investigated in studies of analogical processes Similarly, Marsh, Desberg, and Cooper (1977), assigned to either the control condition or the is that of holistic understanding of a text. At this who established some influential approaches to experimental condition group. The control condi- level, what is measured is not accurate oral produc- investigating analogy (Nunes, Bryant, & Barros, tion was a two-paragraph passage from a biology tion of text but rather some aspect of comprehen- 2012), looked at analogy use in 5th grade, 11th grade, textbook about how enzymes control the rate of sion on a whole-text level. This a somewhat more and proficient college-level participants reading chemical reactions. The experimental condition difficult level of reading to accurately and reliably lists of unfamiliar words (unfamiliar words as used was the same passage with an analogy to a “lock and measure than that of decoding, which may par- in this article are new, unknown words constructed key” embedded in the passage. After reading either tially explain the relative dearth of analogy-focused for the study). The purpose of the study centered the experimental text or the control text, students research at the whole-text comprehension level around understanding the type of reading strategy responded to a short-answer quiz on the reading, compared to the word-decoding level. employed by readers at each level. Specifically, the and their answers were evaluated for the presence Both the decoding level and the whole-text two approaches the researchers considered were of major ideas and supporting details. The results comprehension level are important aspects of read- a “grapheme-phoneme correspondence” strat- of the quiz indicated a trend toward the analogy ing processes, both have been investigated from egy—essentially applying a letter-sound phonics version promoting reading comprehension, though an analogical-process perspective, and both will rule—and an “analogy strategy,” which consisted the results were not statistically significant. be considered in this study when considering the

Volume 37, Issue 3 • Spring 2014 3 reading processes of students placed into develop- part of analogy research must include information List material. In this condition, participants mental reading courses at the postsecondary level. about how analogy use can be activated. So another viewed unfamiliar words, each presented separately This article focuses on analogy use during reading question Investigation One pursues is: Does expos- on a large note card. by college students enrolled in several sections of ing participants to analogical source words before Paragraph material. In this condition, par- a mandatory (by placement test) developmental they read the unfamiliar words increase analogy ticipants read the first paragraph of A Clockwork reading class, and it explores two aspects of reading use in developmental reading at the college level? Orange, the 1962 book by Anthony Burgess, processes: the use of analogy to read and decode with the unfamiliar words embedded within the unfamiliar words and analogy use at the whole-text Method: Investigation One paragraph. A Clockwork Orange was chosen as a comprehension level. Location. This investigation’s educational context source text within which the unfamiliar words was a four-year comprehensive Midwestern col- would be embedded because of the nature of the Investigation One lege with an open-access unit providing develop- book as one in which the author consistently used Investigation One focuses on analogy use at the mental courses in reading, writing, , invented nonsense words as part of the characters’ decoding level of reading processes that deals with and as well as general “first-year dialect throughout the story. Of the 11 nonsense reading unfamiliar words. There is relatively consis- experience” courses for college freshmen. All of the words in the first paragraph of the story, 10 of those tent evidence for analogy being used at the decod- participants in this study were students enrolled in were replaced with the unfamiliar words used in ing level of reading by young children; emerging various sections of the same developmental read- this investigation. Replacing the nonsense words readers are able to name an unfamiliar word based ing course in the open-access unit. Enrollment in in the original story with the unfamiliar words on knowledge of a similar graphic or phonological the developmental reading course was based on a for this study was done in order to replicate an element of a known word (e.g., Goswami, 2013; combination of ACT or SAT scores and the Degrees authentic reading experience, specifically the expe- Wang & Gaffney, 1998; White, 2005). In addition, of Reading Power test score incoming students took rience readers have when beginning A Clockwork the early and limited studies that have been under- as a placement test. Enrollment was mandatory for Orange. That is, instead of creating a fake paragraph taken of analogy processes at the decoding level of students testing below a certain score. in which to embed the unfamiliar words used in reading in older, experienced readers show similar Participants. Eighty students took part in this study, this approach instead replicated that of usefulness of an analogical process (e.g., Kay & Investigation One. Female students comprised an actual work of fiction. Although the text used in Marcel, 1981; Marsh et al., 1977). This investigation 51.1% of the sample, and .4% of the students were this study is artificial, it appears very much like the adopts some of the materials used in the Marsh et Hispanic, .8% were American Indian, 2.3% were A Clockwork Orange text does the first time that al. (1977) study because of the pioneering nature of Asian/Pacific Islander, 31.7% were White non- text is read: a mix of traditional, known vocabulary that work (Nunes, Bryant, & Barros, 2012). Hispanic, 60.7% were Black non-Hispanic, and and syntax with artificial words. None of the par- There are several focal questions for this 4.2% were Other/Unknown. Their average high ticipants in the paragraph groups (see Table 1) had investigation. The first is: Do developmental college school GPA was 2.34, average ACT score was 15.1, previously read, or were familiar with, A Clockwork readers read unfamiliar words through a letter- and average SAT score was 770.5. The average age Orange. sound correspondence process or an analogical was 19.4 and the average raw score on the Degrees Procedures. Participants in Investigation One process? The second question is: Is there a differ- of Reading Power placement test was 43.1 out of 70. were randomly assigned to one of four groups, as ence in analogy use at this level between words Materials. The materials in this first investiga- noted in Table 1. All groups used the same 10 unfa- presented in a list and the same words presented tion consisted of the 10 unfamiliar words and 10 miliar words and analog source words. Groups 1 in connected text? The third question pursued in analog source words used in the Marsh et al. (1977) and 3 read them in list form, and Groups 2 and 4 read this investigation has to do with the usefulness of study. However, in the current study, the words them embedded in connected text. Groups 1 and 2 analogy during the reading process in general. If were presented in both list form and embedded read the analog source words after the unfamiliar analogy use is an important aspect of the reading within a paragraph of connected text. Descriptions words to confirm that they knew the words needed process, as Goswami (2013) suggests, a crucial of list and paragraph materials follow: to use an analogy strategy. Groups 3 and 4 read the analog source words before reading the unfa- miliar word materials. Group treatment variation Table 1 was designed to measure the effect of prereading exposure to analog source words on analogy use: Four Intervention Groups, Investigation One whether presenting readers with analogical source words before reading the unfamiliar words would Group Titles Group Descriptions activate analogy use when readers encountered an unfamiliar word. For example, this question Group 1: List version This group read aloud the list of unfamiliar words, then read aloud the involved whether reading the analog source word analog source words to confirm that they knew the words needed to “shepherd” before reading the unfamiliar word use an analogy strategy. “tepherd” would result in greater use of an analogi- Group 2: Paragraph This group read aloud the modified A Clockwork Orange text with the cal process when reading “tepherd” (see Table 2 for version unfamiliar words embedded, then read aloud the analog source words more information about the processes). Directions to confirm that they knew the words needed to use an analogy strategy. associated with the prereading conditions were restricted to participants in these groups being Group 3: Prereading This group read aloud the analog source words first, then read the list told that “there may be some similarities between list version of unfamiliar words. the real words in the list and the unfamiliar words” they would read. In all groups, each part of the task Group 4: Prereading This group read aloud the analog source words first, then read the modified was completed before the next part was begun; for paragraph version A Clockwork Orange text with the unfamiliar words embedded. continued on page 6

4 JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION continued from page 4 an analogical process would be less likely without processes to be used more frequently than non- familiarity with that analog source word. analogical processes, only in the conditions which example, a participant in Group 4 would read the included exposure to analog source words prior to entire list of the 10 analog source words before Results reading the unfamiliar words were the differences reading the paragraph with the unfamiliar words Within each group, there were varying levels of statistically significant. As is discussed in a sub- embedded. analogy use demonstrated (see Table 3). In groups sequent section, priming readers by raising their one and two, an analogical process was utilized awareness of analogical source words appears to Analysis more frequently than a letter-sound correspon- stimulate the use of analogy as a reading process When reading aloud an unfamiliar word, it is dence process, but that difference was not statisti- in both list form and paragraph form. possible to read the unfamiliar word from what cally significant. In groups three and four, which The second question in Investigation One could be attributed to an analogical process or some both employed exposure to the analog source involves the difference in analogy use between process other than analogy (e.g., letter-sound rule words before reading the unfamiliar words as reading the words in a list and reading the words application). That is, an unfamiliar word could be part of the intervention, analogical processes were in paragraph form. An ANOVA has revealed a read aloud in a way that uses the reader’s knowledge utilized statistically significantly more frequently significant difference between the four groupsF ( (3, of a similar looking word as an analogy—termed than nonanalogical processes (Group Three:t(19) 76) = 7.812, p < .0001). Two comparisons inform the analog source word—in order to read the =8.11, p < .001; Group Four: t(19) = 4.68, p < .001). this line of inquiry: unfamiliar word. Or, an unfamiliar word could In addition, a one-way analysis of variance revealed • Comparison A: Group 1, List version vs. Group be read aloud through the application of a phonics a significant difference between the four groups F( 2, Paragraph version rule (e.g., the digraph “ph” makes the /f/ sound). (3, 76) = 7.812, p < .0001). Fisher’s Least Significant • Comparison B: Group 3, Prereading list version Depending on the method used to read aloud the Difference (LSD) posthoc analysis compared anal- vs. Group 4, Prereading paragraph version unfamiliar word, there could be more than one ogy use between each group. The posthoc test pronunciation produced (see Table 2). revealed significant differences in four pairings, all Although analogical processes were used to a Thus, a word was scored as being read through of which indicated that raising readers’ awareness greater extent than nonanalogical processes in an analogical process if it shared a phonological of appropriate analogical source words before they these two comparisons, the LSD posthoc analysis rime with a known word (a rime is the sound in read the unfamiliar words resulted in greater use results demonstrate that the difference was not a word that follows the initial consonant sound, of an analogical process than not providing read- significant (see Table 4). which is called the onset; in the word “kite” the ers with analogical source words prior to reading The third question associated with Investigation onset is /k/ and the rime is /ite/). This assumption the unfamiliar words. No significant differences One examines whether raising readers’ awareness about a strong link between analogy processes and between list and paragraph conditions were found. of appropriate analog source words before read- rhyming is supported by research into onset-rime ing the unfamiliar words increases analogy use. and rhyming analogies in young readers (Goswami, Discussion: Investigation One If analogies are important at all during the read- 1999, 2013). As noted in Table 1 (p. 4), participants The first question in Investigation One focuses on ing process, it is worthwhile to examine how to were tested for knowledge of the analog source whether students placed in developmental reading activate the use of analogies in readers. Within words. If a participant did not know the analog courses read unfamiliar words through an analogi- each type of material—list or paragraph—half of source word, the corresponding unfamiliar word cal process or a nonanalogical (e.g., letter-sound the participants read a list of the analog source was not considered during data analysis because correspondence) process. Although results reveal words before reading the list or paragraph with a tendency in all four conditions for analogical the unfamiliar words. The participants were told that “there may be some similarities between these Table 2 real words and the unfamiliar words you’re about Example of Each Process When Reading tepherd to read.” This priming was thus subtle in that the participants were not instructed to use analogies while reading but simply had the analog source Description of Process Example words brought to their attention before reading Unfamiliar word: continued on page 8

This is the word the participant would read aloud, which could tepherd be pronounced either through a letter-sound correspondence Table 3 process or an analogical process. Percent Mean Analogy Use by Task Analog word: Group N M SD This is the analog source word that the participant would be shepherd exposed to either before or after reading the unfamiliar word. Group 1: List version 20 58.3 21.7

Letter-sound correspondence process: Group 2: Paragraph Theph in “tepherd” 20 54.5 16.4 If the participant read the unfamiliar word using this process, it pronounced like f (sounds version would sound like this example. like “teferd”) Group 3: Prereading list 20 80.5 16.6 version Analogical process: Theph in “tepherd” If the participant read the unfamiliar word using this process, it pronounced like p (sounds Group 4: Prereading 20 70.2 19.3 would sound like this example. like “teperd”) paragraph version

6 JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION continued from page 6 comprehension between texts that utilized analo- assignment “how to write a summary”—usually the unfamiliar words. The comparisons to shed gies and texts that did not. This, of course, is the key a part of coursework in the second or third week light on this question are: area of interest in terms of analogical processes for of the course—included a written text describing • Comparison C: Group 1, List version vs. students enrolled in developmental reading classes: the assignment. During this window of time, with Group 3, Prereading list version whether analogy use facilitates comprehension, the permission of each course section’s instructor hinders comprehension, or has no effect at all. and each student’s written consent, the investi- • Comparison D: Group 2, Paragraph version Within that broad question, the type of anal- gation materials were used in class to introduce vs. Group 4, Prereading paragraph version ogy use that may or may not make an impact on that summary writing assignment. This arrange- Fisher’s LSD posthoc test has revealed a sig- reading comprehension is investigated. Specifically, ment allowed a high level of ecological validity nificant difference at the p < .01 level for both com- the first question of Investigation Two focuses on to be incorporated into the study, since students’ parisons: The prereading groups used analogical the extent to which providing a useful analogy reading of a text they were assigned for a clearly processes significantly more often than the groups to readers immediately before reading the target defined purpose that already existed within their that were not exposed to the analog source words text is useful: that is, whether exposing students course requirements was analyzed. Three versions prior to reading the unfamiliar words. Priming to analogical information before reading the of this text were constructed to use as materials appears to activate analogy use in these reading target text facilitates comprehension. The second for this study, and these became the independent tasks for these developmental readers. question of Investigation Two focuses on whether variables. exposing readers to an analogy embedded in the Version 1: No-analogy version. This version Summary: Investigation One target text itself—as opposed to before they read of the text is a straightforward description of the Investigation One explored reading at the word- the target text—is effective in promoting reading course summary writing assignment and serves as decoding level, a foundational aspect of reading. comprehension. a baseline measure against which the two analogy Investigating how readers in a developmental versions of the text may be compared. Version 1 is reading course utilize analogical processes at Method: Investigation Two very much like the default explanations of sum- that level of reading is useful in understanding Location. The educational context for Investigation mary writing used by instructors of this course to the role of analogy in reading processes in gen- Two was the same as in Investigation One. introduce this assignment; in the absence of this eral. Investigation Two focuses on what may be Participation included different sections of the project, instructors would be providing such a text described as a different end of the spectrum of same developmental reading course in an open- to their students. reading processes: overall comprehension at the access unit in a Midwestern college (see Method: Version 2: Prereading analogy version. This text level. In addition, it follows up on the results Investigation One for details). version of the text is exactly like Version 1 (no- of the first investigation. Participants. There were 152 participants analogy version) except that it is preceded by a short that took part in Investigation Two. Female stu- text that exposes students to an analogy for sum- Investigation Two dents comprised 55.8% of the sample, and 1.9% of mary writing. The analogy text is a brief descrip- Investigation Two focuses on whether analogy use the students were Hispanic, .4% were American tion of going to a movie and then describing that similar to what was found at the decoding level Indian, 3.5% were Asian/Pacific Islander, 35.7% movie to someone who hasn’t seen it before, with (Investigation One) is also demonstrated at more were White non-Hispanic, 51.6% were Black non- the analogy to summary writing made explicit. holistic levels of reading. In the research literature, Hispanic, and 4.7% were Other/Unknown. Their This version of the text investigates the usefulness there is much less consistency when considering average high school GPA was 2.62, average ACT of priming students for analogy use before reading whether analogies facilitate comprehension in score was 15.7, and average SAT score was 760.5. the target text. higher levels of reading. For example, whereas The average age was 19.1, and the average raw score Version 3: During-reading analogy version. Clement and Yanowitz (2003) and Vosniadou on the Degrees of Reading Power placement test This version of the text uses the same analogy as and Ortony (1983) have found a facilitating effect was 44.3 out of 70. the prereading text in Version 2, but it is embed- for the utilization of analogy, Giora (1993) and Materials. A required class assignment ded within the body of Version 1. This version Hammadou (2000) have identified a debilitating across sections in the developmental reading investigates the usefulness of the movie analogy effect of analogy usage, and Bean et al. (1990) course from which the participants were drawn (the analogy that was the core of the prereading found no significant difference in the students’ involved summary writing. Introductions to the analogy text in Version 2) embedded within the baseline text (the text from Version 1). At issue Table 4 here is whether the reading process is facilitated by exposing readers to an explicit analogy embedded LSD Test Comparison of Analogy Use by Task within the target text, as opposed to priming the analogy in advance, as in Version #2. Group LSD Posthoc Test Procedures. Participants in Investigation Two Group 1, list version vs. Group 2, paragraph version nonsignificant were randomly assigned to one of three groups: No-analogy (Version 1), prereading analogy Group 1, list version vs. Group 3, prereading list version p < .01 (Version 2), or during-reading analogy (Version 3). The instructions were the same for each group: Group 1, list version vs. Group 4, prereading paragraph version p < .05 “Read this paragraph about summary writing and Group 2, paragraph version vs. Group 3, prereading list version p < .01 when you’re finished, turn it over. On the back, you’ll write an answer to the request: ‘Based on Group 2, paragraph version vs. Group 4, prereading paragraph version p < .01 what you just read, explain how to write a sum- mary in your own words.’” The language of the Group 3, prereading list version vs. Group 4, prereading paragraph version nonsignificant continued on page 10

8 JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION continued from page 8 difference between the three conditions with alpha is, comprehension scores were lower in this version instructions was designed to elicit their under- set at the .10 level but not the .05 level (F(2, 149) = than in the no analogy, baseline version. On the standings of the text without implying a word-by- 2.467, p = .088). Although .05 is more conservative surface, that is an indication that analogy processes word memorization task. If analogical processes and less apt to result in Type I errors, for a two-tailed are not useful during reading, and may even be are used at this whole-text comprehension level of exploratory study the .10 level is an acceptable level counterproductive. However, when considered in reading, providing explicit analogical information if for no other than to guard against Type II light of the positive tendency of the during-reading should facilitate that analogy use and, therefore, errors (see Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, & Razavieh, 2009). analogy comprehension measure in this project, facilitate comprehension. Fisher’s LSD posthoc test revealed signifi- what may be more accurate is that how analogies cant differences between Version 2: Prereading are presented in a reading situation is extremely Analysis analogy and Version 3: During-reading analogy important. That is, priming readers’ awareness of Participants’ written recalls were analyzed in two (see Table 6).These results indicate a difference in analogical relationships by embedding analogies ways. First, each written recall was evaluated in the effectiveness of different types of analogical within the target text produced greater compre- terms of propositions (Goldman & Wiley, 2011) and priming: raising readers’ awareness of analogical hension and assignment fidelity descriptions than concept units (Meyer, 1985; Voss, Tyler, & Bisanz, relationships before reading the target text is not providing a prereading analogical trigger. 1982). Each recall was also holistically scored (Arter as effective as including analogical information in & McTighe, 2001; Kucer & Silva, 1999) for evidence the target text itself. Summary: Investigation Two of understanding overall themes, ideas, and pur- In sum, the primary purpose of Investigation Two poses in the texts. Two doctoral graduate research Discussion: Investigation Two centered around how readers enrolled in a devel- assistants were trained in each analysis method There are two main issues tested in Investigation opmental reading class utilized analogy during and independently evaluated each participant’s Two. The first is whether there was evidence of reading. The results demonstrated trends in two recall. The evaluators then compared analyses and analogies playing a role in facilitating reading pro- directions: (a) a nonstatistically significant tendency consulted the principal investigator if there was a cesses at the level of overall comprehension. The for a during-reading analogy to facilitate compre- disagreement; interrater reliability was greater than second is, if so, whether raising students awareness hension as opposed to not using an analogy and (b) 97% across all analyses. Both evaluation measures of analogical relationships before they read the a significant finding for a specific type of analogy were then combined to produce a single compre- target text or while they read the target text was presentation—embedding analogies within the hension measure for each participant which was more effective. target text itself—to facilitate understanding. then used for statistical analysis. Study data reveal statistically significant differ- ence between comparisons of the prereading anal- Discussion Results ogy group and the during-reading analogy group This study explored analogy use during reading Mean comprehension measures are displayed but not between either of those analogy groups by students enrolled in a college developmental in Table 5. An ANOVA revealed a significant and the nonanalogy group. There are interesting reading class by focusing on two ends of the reading tendencies within the data that bear mention. spectrum: decoding unfamiliar words and overall Table 5 First, the direction of the comprehension text comprehension. Investigation One found a scores between the no-analogy text and the during- statistically significant effect for analogy use at Percent Comprehension Measures for reading analogy text mirrors that of Bean et al. the decoding level, which is appropriate since the Each Version (1990): Both studies have shown nonsignificant literature is consistent on this point, across a vari- tendencies for during-reading analogies facilitat- ety of ages (e.g., Farrington-Flint & Wood, 2007; Group M SD ing reading comprehension over a nonanalogy Goswami, 2013; Marsh et al. 1977). The finding condition. This may indicate that incorporating here suggests that, like readers in k-12 contexts, Version 1: No analogy 57.75 12.82 analogies into text may be a useful way of utiliz- analogical processes are frequently used by readers ing normal cognitive analogical processes, if the in a college developmental reading course as part of Version 2: Prereading analogy 54.08 12.83 conditions are appropriate. This line of reasoning is the reading process at the decoding level, especially Version 3: During-reading discussed further in the general discussion section when readers are exposed to analog source words 59.83 13.80 analogy of this article. prior to reading the unfamiliar words. Second, the version of the text that utilized a In contrast to the consistency in findings of Note. Percentages are of total possible prereading analogy—priming students to think of analogy use at the decoding level, there is inconsis- evaluation points across both the concept unit a specific analogy before reading the no-analogy tency in analogy use at the whole-text comprehen- and the holistic evaluation measures. version of the text—had a negative tendency. That sion level, as Investigation Two revealed. There were significant differences between the three interven- tions in the current study—no-analogy, prereading Table 6 analogy, and during-reading analogy texts—in LSD Test Comparison of Analogy Use by Task Investigation Two. The direction of the tendency for the prereading analogy group was toward analogy Group LSD Posthoc Test hindering comprehension, and the direction of the tendency for the during-reading analogy group was Version 1, no analogy vs. Version 2, prereading analogy nonsignificant toward analogy facilitating comprehension. In Investigation One, participants utilized Version 1, no analogy vs. Version 3, during-reading analogy nonsignificant analogy more frequently than letter-sound cor- respondence rules in both the list groups and the Version 2, prereading analogy vs. Version 3, during-reading analogy p < .05 continued on page 12

10 JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION continued from page 10 Pedagogical Implications tapping into analogy use, one that was not explicitly explored in the current study. Actively discussing paragraph groups. Analogy use was more prevalent An awareness that analogical processes play a the use of analogy with students—helping students when participants read the unfamiliar words in role in even basic aspects of the reading process become metacognitively aware of their own anal- a list compared with when participants read the informs practitioners’ understanding that tapping ogy use—may be a useful next step in researching unfamiliar words in connected text, though this into analogical processes during reading may be these issues. Using —which, in their difference was not significant. useful in general. As discussed previously, there are most basic form, are expressions of some types of In one sense, this trend toward more anal- solid theoretical links between analogy and schema analogical connections—to approach such dis- ogy use with the words in a simple list may seem theory. Some of the results of the investigations cussions may be useful. Students’ exploration of counterintuitive if analogy use is considered an reported in this article demonstrate the utility of reading processes through an analysis of their own important aspect of reading processes. However, in analogy as a powerful tool to access and use readers’ metaphors about reading and writing have been terms of syntactic information especially, a simple existing schemata while reading. demonstrated to promote a greater understanding list of words is impoverished relative to connected The results of Investigation One do not form a of active literacy processes and critical thinking text because readers have fewer cue systems (e.g., lesson plan. But the results add to an understanding (Paulson & Armstrong, 2011). syntactic, semantic, pragmatic; see Goodman & of processes that students have at their disposal Goodman, 2013) at their disposal to use while and that they utilize during reading. The more Conclusion reading. If a list has fewer cue systems available that is understood about the processes involved This study supports the idea that readers in college to readers than does connected text, reading words when students confront unfamiliar aspects of text, developmental reading courses clearly use anal- in a list may require readers to utilize more basic the more tools instructors have to plan instruc- ogy during basic reading processes like decoding word-recognition processes, including applying tion in a way that taps into those processes. For unfamiliar words. This is an indication that these knowledge of letter-sound correspondence rules, example, emphasizing students’ abilities to make readers will use analogy during reading within or, in this case, using an analogical approach. connections between what they discover in the certain parameters. At the whole-text comprehen- When reading the simple lists, with no syntactic or sion level there were nonstatistically significant semantic information with which to disambiguate tendencies demonstrating that certain types of the unfamiliar word, results indicate that readers This trend toward more analogy presentation may engender connection to tended to utilize analogy over sound-symbol cor- analogy use with the words natural sociocognitive processes of analogy and respondence rules. This implies that even in the facilitate comprehension, and other types of anal- most context-reduced environment—reading a list in a simple list may seem ogy presentation may not facilitate comprehension. of unfamiliar words—readers are more likely to These results indicate that further investigation relate the unfamiliar word to a known word via an counterintuitive. into the relationship between analogical processes analogical route than they are to break the words and reading processes may be worthwhile. down into phonemes and reproduce the words text and their own background knowledge—their In short, analogy is a process, but one that via sound-symbol correspondence rules. That is, schemata—is supported by these results. lends itself to pedagogy fairly intuitively. Raising at this decoding level of reading, readers appear The results of Investigation Two show pos- analogical processes to a metacognitive level makes to efficaciously link new information to known sibilities for embedded analogies facilitating more explicit the connections students can, and should, information analogically while reading to make comprehensive levels of reading. Extrapolating make to their own knowledge and experiences. sense of the new information. from these results, instructors should encourage Using analogy explicitly with students to bring to The prevalence of analogy use as being students to watch for analogies that are presented the forefront their implicit knowledge about text more pronounced in the reduced-context list in in texts since, in this study, those analogies proved and content while reading may be a productive Investigation One may inform the understanding useful to students. 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