GIPE-003248-Contents.Pdf (1.230Mb)
THE LIFE AND SPEECHES . OF THE 'MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. LONDON: PRINTBD BY GILBBRT AND RIVINGTON.'LIMITBD, ST. JOHN·S- SQUAltB. THE LIFE AND SPEECHES OF THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. BY F; S. PU:LLING, M.A. ..• XETER COLLBGB, OXFORD; SOMETIME PROFESSOR Olt MODBRN HISTORY AT THE YORKSHIRB COLLEGE, LBBDS. " Sanctus haberi ].ustitizque tenax ractis dictisque mereris, A.gnosco procerem.'J 'I'11f1t""l.. ·IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. UonlJolt : SAMPSO~ LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, CROWN BUILDINGS, ,88, FLEET STREET. 1885. [All rights res(J"1)t1.] . V~ ?t fri-s c If) r- (\ v:::> ~ '" ::....~ --. , ~L-Lt~ . • .INDEX. ABERDEEN Ministry, The, i '5. Abyssinian Expedition, The. i. 108. Affinnation Bill, The. iI. 152. Mghan Question, The, ii. 12, 36, 46, 53, 76. Agricultural Holdings Act, i 217. Alexandria, Riot in, ii 129; bombardment of, 1..11. All Fools' Day, 1880, ii 58. Andrassy Note. The, i. 232. Anglo-Turkish Convention, The, ii. 1,3,38. Arabi Bey, Rise of, ii. 128 j his objects, 131 j defeated and exiled, 132, 241. Argyll, Duke of, attacks Lord Salisbury, ii 15 j opposes the Irish Land Bill, 91. Army Discipline Bill, The, ii 22. Arrears Bill, The, ii. 125. Arrow, Case of the, i 26. Artisans' Dwellings Act, The, i. 197, ii 158. Austria, Mr. Gladstone's apology to, ii 62. A yrton, Mr. i. 163. BALLOT, The, i. IS', 164- Bank Charter Act suspended, i 30. -- Holidays Bill, The. i. 143. Barkly, Sir H •• i. 166. Baroda, Gaekwar of, i. 220. Beaconsfield, Earl of, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, i.
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