Life Assurance. Public Notices KILMACTHOMAS UNION WATERF ORD SAVINGS BANK , To the Editor of the Water ford News. BRITANNIA GENUINE { SIR—May I hope you will rive insertion in your 1J1E YEAR ENDING 20th NOVEMBER. 1852 LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY columns to the following :—•' J HONEY SOAP The Board of Guardians of the Kilmacthotnas 1, Piincea Street , Bank , London. Tim Form of the G ENERAL STATEMENT of the F UNDS of the SAVINGS ' BANK is to lie filled up, pursuant to 9th Gr.o. IV., cap. 92, sec 40, and returned Union met on the 6th of December last OUR Honey Soap will be found equal to all, and to elect of- N ATTIONAI. D UBT Orncn, within Nine Weeks after the 20th November, 1S52, pursuant to 7th & 8th Victoria, cap. 83, sec 13. ESTABMSIIED 183< much superior to what is generally sold. Each ficers for the new poorhouse, according to advertise- Tablet stamped with our name, ment. The isalary named for medical attendant yras THE TRUSTF.ES OF THE SAVINGS' BANKI ESTABLISHED AT AY \TERFORD, Empowered by Special Act nf Parl iament, IV. Viet. cap. IX. ROBER TSON 8f LEDLIE, £40. There was no candidate. The Kilmacthomaa In the Cowitij o/ Watcrford.T WATERFORD. Union is divided into two dispensary districts—Dr. Colonel Ror.URT ALEXANDER , Blacklieatli Park, Walker and I being medical officers. - On the day of Cus Chairman. A CHOICE SELECTION OP NEW PERFUMES, meeting much indignation was expressed, particu- ADVANTAGES larly b Mr. Richard Barron of Sarahville who had OB' THIS INSTITUTION All warranted the very best. Distilled from flowers y , , DISCHARGE. £ s. dA I.VCtl EASING CHA11G1 £ s. d. £ s. RATES OF PREMIUM. onl le and safe. a motion ruled on the books that our dispensary sa- TAIiT. G r pecialiy adapted to the aecuring of Loans y, perfectly simp The public cannot be too carpful in the quality of laries be reduced by £20 each. This motion was Balance duo on the 20th November, 1851, including In ilic lenr ending 20

  • 8 Policy becomes a claim. , ght S'.)l I-t 2 RepairsRe and Tainting ...... 41 8 4 ' Hi'ct. 15, dated 2lst November, 1S52 SUM ASSURED PAYABLE DURING LIFE. A CRIPPLE SETS ASIDE HIS CRUTCHES AFTER have been made in our absence, founded in mistake, Su To Interest on Sums drawn for by the Trustees upon the Sundries ...... 19 G 11 The amount payable at the deaih of the Ansured , if lie TEN YEARS' SUFFERING. and which we, had we been present, might have Commissioners within the said Year 30 8 11 Balance on 20th November, 1852. died before attaining the nge of S IXTY, but to the assured Copy of a Letter from. Mr. Thompson, Chemist, Liver- been able to set right. Since the day of our appoint- Interest from Treasurer 11 11 8 RaRalance on the G KNERAL A CCOUNT, himself, if he attain that age thus combining a pro- , pool , dated August 20th, 1852. Sale of Books, &c, (if any) GOO invested with the Commissioners vision for old age with An assurance upon life. ment, in March last, to the 6th of December, no To PROFESSOR H OLLOWAY , for the Reduction of the National OHPIIAN'S ENDOWMENT nRANCIJ. idea existed of interfering with our salaries ; and I D EAR S IR—I am enublud to furnish you with a most Debt, INCLUDING I NTEREST, on Established for the purpose of aff-.rding to parents and believe, therefore, the inference is a fair one to draw, others the extraordinary cure effected by your invaluable Ointment 20th November, 1852 50,531 0 1 means of having Children educated and that Mr. Barron, the originator and prime mover in started in Life , by securing annuities , to commence at the and Pills, which hai astonished every person acquainted on accoimtof S KPAH ATE S URPLUS irith the suff erer. Abimt 10 years ago all this business, had recourse to this step in conse- Parent's death, and to be paid until a child, if a son , shall , Mr. IV. Cummins , F UND , invested with said Com- of Sallney-slreet in this town , was thrown from his quence of what he might have considered our con- attain his 21st year, or, if a daughter, her 25th \ear of , missioners 7S9 13 4 horse, whereby he received very serious injuries; he had tumacy in daring not to come forward as candi- in the hands of P ROVINCIAL BRITANNIA the best medical advire nt the time, and was afterwards dates, as well as for the purpose of letting us see BANK OF I RELAND, TREASURER , an inmate of clilFtrent infirmaries, yet he trrew worse , and how easily he could crush us. The rule of the Board which fact is hereby Certified Mutual I,ife Association. at length a niHligiuint running ulcer settled in his hip, is, it seems, silence out of door as to all that occurs which so completely crippled him, that he could not move by me ...... G12 G 11 ... 57.033 0 4 1, PEIKCES-STREET, BANK, LONDON. within—a rule, however, which some of the members ¦ ¦ without crutches for nearly 10 years ; recently he began : (Signed) Instituted 183!). feel themselves, fortunately, in no way bound to ob- to use your Ointment nnd Pill?, which have now healed Empowere Mnjeitv j serve, at least strictly. Mr. Barron, however, who It. HARRIS, Manager, .-£71,328 1 11 d by her ' Royal Letters Patent. the wound , strengthened his limb, and enabled him to dis- £7-1,328 1 11 was formerly most anxious for the admission of tho pense with his crutches, so that he can walk with the press is now proportionately stringent as to the ob- The Rate of A NNUAL IlxTuiiLSTN allowed to the Depositors is £2 I5s. ti'd. per Cent. Annual Division of Profits—applied in reduction of greatest ease and with renewed health and vigour. , ' , the current year s Premium. (Signed) J. THOMPSON. servance of the ride of silence on the part of the Policy-holders entitled to participate in the profits after other members. He was, of course, the rincipal The Daintier due on the 20th November, 1S52, brought ftforward ... A MOST EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DREAD- p Total Amount of each Class payment of Five or Seven Annual Premiums, according speaker for the motion , and one of his arguments was No. of Depositors. to the Tnble of Kutos selected. FUL SKIN DISEASE WHEN ALL MEDICAL £ s. d. AID HAD FAILED. that there was more business done, more visits paid Premiums charged for every three months' difference ' oCO whose respective Balances on the 20th November, 18522, (including Copy of a Letter from Mr. Hird, Draper , of Keady, in one lane in Dungarvan, than in Dr. Walker s of age—not , as is usually the case, for every whole year whole district or in mine. He, I think forgot to Interest) did not exceed £1 each 82 2 1 only. near Gainsbro' , dated March 1st , 1852. , , give ths name of tho lane, or its population ; and 217 Do. were above £\ and not exceeding £"> each 572 11 10 Half Credit Polities granled on terms unusually fa- To¦ P ROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, '• • I'm sure he never consulted our books 228 Do. were above £5 and not exceeding £10 each 1,(535 10 1 vourable to the O83iired , the nniount of half premiums S IR — Some time since, one of my children was afflicted , so as to en- IS.'} Do. were above £10 nnd not exceeding .£15 each 2,200 2 3 for which credit is given being liquidated out of the with dreadful eruptions over the body and limbs, I ob- able him to make the comparison—a thing that most were above £15 and not exceeding £20 each 2,171 15 10 profits. tained the advico of severa l eminent Surgeon? and Phj- gentlemen with any nice sense of honour would feel 125 Do. by all of whom the case was considered 212 Do. were above £20 and not exceeding £30 each 5,007 5 3 At the Annual Oeneral Meeting in 1852, a reduction of sicians, hopeless. themselves bound to do, before making a statement 8 812 ifi 10 30 per cent, was made on the current year's premium on At length 1 tried your Ointment and Pills, and without bearing on a third and an absent party. Were such 273 Do. were above £30 and not exceeding £10 each , exaggeration , the effect was miraculous , for by persever- 73 Do. were above £10 and not exceeding £.00 each 3,227 17 4 all partici pating policies. a statement made by Mr. Barron before those who ing in their use, all the eruptions quickly disappeared , are at all intimate with him, that ample allowance \(h' i Do. were above £50 and not exceeding £75 each !) ,8G0 15 7 to perfect health. A Board of Directors in attendance daily at 2 o'Clock. and the child was restored always made for his sayings, owing to the known vi- (VI Do. were above £75 and not exceeding £100 each 5,585 8 9 I previously lost a child from a similar complaint , nnd Age of the Assured in every ca«e admitted in the vacity of his imagination, would render it harmless ; •17 Do. were above £100 and not exceeding £125 each 5,255 0 2 Policy. I firmly believe, had 1 in her case adopted your medicine*, 11 Do. were above £125 and not exceeding £150 each 1,000 3 5 she would have been saved also. I shall be happy to but that statement coming from one in the position Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their of a gentleman and addressed among others to a •11 Do. were above £150 and not exceediiii; £200 dach (i,875 1 II Reports. testify the truth of this to any enquirer: , , , (Signed) J. HIRD, Draper. number of rural guardians, was so calculated to in- 5't 00G 0 4 fluence their votes, that I consider I have cause to !032 Total Number of Depositors , "§ | -jflfiOOOt'OC ANOTHER SURPRISING CURE OF ULCERATED 3,002 13 5 3 BAD LEGS DEBILITY complain of the chairman for not at once putting 58 Charitable Societies a % , , AND GENEKAL ILL rt > i s .2 OJ "I" •* "* S C\ 51 r. r.H-1H r- — p ~ siderable period she had been a sufferer from debility, and drawing-room for the purpose of ruining a worthy Deduct the portion thereof reserved to meet CURRENT EXPENSES, as directed per 23rd sec. 9 Geo. •!, c 92. ... 44 13 3 * health nccompanied with a disordered sto- J% * general ill , man, and one at the time struggling with many dif- ¦< '? ^woccioOHh • >< i-i a ' mucli, and great derangement of the system. In addition Actual Amount to he carried to the S EPARATE S URPLUS F UND A CCOUNT, at 20th November, 1852. 0 0 0 (B) ficulties ? tu I-- t^ t- CO CO « "tf to this she was terribly afflicted with ulcerated wounds, •* legs) An appeal to the press is seldom made m vam, G\ 01 O» or running eores, in both her , so that she was totall y We dn hereby certify to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, that the aforegoing is a true Account, and that the above Actual «^J d « « « « incapable of doing her usual work. In this disttessing when there ia a real grievance to complain of. I, at Amount of Surplus Fund or increased Stock of the said Savings' Bank ( MARKED 15) is to be discharged from our G BNF.RAI. ACCOUNT , and carried to the S t. * condition she adopted the use of your Pills and Ointment , all events, at present have no other resource. Thero can be no guarantee that, should the commissioners Sr.rARATi: .SURPLUS FUND A CCOUNT ," belonging to the said Bank, forthe future purposes of the Institution , pursuant to 9 th Geo. 4, c 92, s 23. And we -S VI and she states, that in a wonderfull y short time, they " the Board may not meet further certify, that a D I PLICATK of this statement, accompanied by a List of the Trustees and Managers of the above Institution, is publicly affixed in the effected a perfect cure of her legs, and restored her con- sanction the reduction, ' Bank are usuall received for the information ol all Persons, making Deposits therein. stitution to health and strength ; and that eh::is now again the next day, and, influenced by the same un- OHiee or place where the Deposits of the above Savings y , "So e5 ' • 9> enabled to walk about with ease and comfort. Several founded statements, lop off another £20. Our sa- E CL oilier person!) in this neighbourhood have also received Witness our Hands this Eighth Day of December, 18.12. lary was £100 a year each, for the performance ofthe EY So extraordinary benefit frum the tse of your invaluable dispensary duties of half a union. I need not say Two Trustees of the said s 3 Bank medicines. p vnocif TOBIN ' 1 <™»g ' - tH that for the necessary work a well-fed horse must be I remain, Dear Sir, ynurs faithfully, always a,t command. Those who calculate closely Witness, MATTHEW W. BIGGS, Actuary. (Signed) JOHN MORTON GLENNELL. i r3:ioo-»»30'» go as high as £40 for the maintenance of a horse and CKHTA1N REMEDY FOR SCORBUTIC HU- servant, yet the balance is deemed too extravagant NAMES OF THE TREASURER AND OFFICERS WHO HAVE GIVEN SECURITY w JIOUUS-AND AN ASTONISHING CURE OF 6 J % a .2 •§ ^ m a n a oo a o «9 for professional services, performed in all weathers gJ3° Every Bond must be entered into with (he C\CotnptroUer-General of the National Debt Offic e for the time being, and be deposited with the Commis AN OLD LADY, SEVENTY YEARS OF AGE, Debt «,j i-i C» Cl « C5 •* O O OF A BAD LEG. and at all hours. I forgot to say that there was no. sioncrs for the Reduction of the National , -£g pretence even made for neglect of duty, or any fault Officer. Amount of In whose hands the B onds gaa Copy of a Letter fromMessrs. Walker {• Co., Chemists, Name. I i3 t>O-«OOO00 whatever as a reason for the present motion. On Security. are deposited'. Bath. . To PROFES« OR Hoi.r.owAY, the contrary, Dr. Purcell, in a visit of inspection, liovixci B ANK OF I IU:I.AND Treasurer.... None. i' *f. BEAR Sin,—Among- the numerous cures effected by paid on Tuesday last, expressed hi3 hi h satisfaction, Auditor and General Superintendent £300 . g THOMAS D ILLON (^O^rtHr-Cl ti n the use of ynur valuable medicine* in this neig hbourhood , at the amount of work done, and at the order in. M .VTIIUW W A UK BlfiG S Actuary £500 / we may mention that of an old lady living in the Village ( Commissioners for the Reduction which the books were kept. Cnr.uuY, D KNIS B. K G AS, Assistants attending in \ , / I isono o o o p of Prenton , about five mile.-" from this City. She had ulce- for;a *100 V of the National Debt. 5i a Cl M n ^T T iQ O U Now remedy. I confess I see none except in TREVOK T. L ANNIOAN , & Dr.xis M'G RATH , \ rotation as required, J rated wounds in herleg for many years, and latterly they the admission of a reporter for the press ; but that E DWAUD M AGKXSIS Resident Porter £50 ' B. K. -FOSTKll, Resident Director. increased to such an alarming extent as to defy all the ' is on T does not rest with you or me. I am aware, too, of g^T The Oilice open MONDAYS and FRIDAYS , f rom Half-past hlcor.x to Ilalf-pasi Two o'Clock— on MONDAYS to receive AN DJ{E\V" 1'itANClS, Secretary. usual remedies ; her health nipidly giting wiiy under the to such a measure lia- suffering she endured. In this distressing condition she the strong objection there is , Deposits— on FRIDAYS to make Repayments nnd every vcfpiisitc information ble as it is to be abused b and Detailed Prospfctuscs, had recourse to your Ointment nnd Pills, and by the as- y every unprincipled Assurances, may be obiuiued TRUSTEES OF THE INSTITUTION. as to the mode of cttccting sistance of her friends, was enabled to persevere in their would-be demagogue, who, for the sake of seeing his uiwn application to the following Aguit-3 :—• llight Rev. NICHOLAS FORAN, II. C. Bishop, PATRICK TO 151N use, until she received a perfect cure. We have ourselves name in print, might be tempted to interrupt all bu- JOSHUA WILLIAM STRANGMAN, HENRY DENNY, siness b long-winded and chaff y -harangues. But CHEIHIY Solicitor 32 Peter been greatly astpni.-hed at the effect upon so old a person, y Kev . WILLIAM M'CANUS HENRY WHITE Watorford—Mr. R. W , , , is liable to abuse ; and on the whole , , street. she lieing above 70 years of uge. We shall be happy to everything , , I JOHN POWER. authenticity lies on the side of HENRY GALLWKY, Clonmel—Mr. SAMUEL MtlRPIIT. satisfy to any enquiries us the of this really should say, the balance of good Treasurer—PnovixciAn BAXK OF I RELAND . wonderful case, cither personally or by letter. publicity—at aU events, the stab in the dark would Auditor and General Superintendent —THOMAS DILLONT . A private in the Bath Police Force, also, has been per- be avoided. Borough of Waterford fectly cured of an old scorbutic affection in the face, Actuary — M ATTHEW W ADE B IGGS . Your obedient servant, fore- after all other mear.9 had failed. He states that it is Jons COGHXAN, M.D. In pursuance of the Act 11th and 12th Victoria , cap. 133, sec. 3, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have examined and compared the whole of the- OTICE is hereby given that a Special Present- entirely by the use of your Ointment , and [speaks loudly poiiig General Statement , with the Accounts of the above-mentioned Savings' Bank, and that the SEVERAL S UMS THEREIN STATED AGREE WITH THE S AID N ment Sessions tor the County of the City of in its praise. We remain , Dear Sir, [We deem it only right to say that Mr. Barron was ACCOUNTS . Waterford previous to Spring Assizes, 1853, will held Your's faithfully, the first member of the Kilmacthomas Board who. December 1852. Witness my Hand, this Second Day of , at the City Court House, on Monday, the 10 th day April Gth , 1 852. (Signed) WALKER & Co. moved for the admission of " THE NEWS," and con^ TSSOiHAS DILLOV Auditor, The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment , of January, 1853. sequently for the press generally. And we may fur- Applications to be lodged at my Office in the New in most of the following cases :— Court House on or before the 31st December. Bad Legs Chiego-foot Fistulas ther state, that Mr. Barron need not,, we think, enter- II. SARGENT, Sore-throat Bad Breasts Gout tain any fears about the admission of the Press, be- Skin-diseases Burns Chapped hands LOTTERY. Secretary Grand J ury GlandiilarSwellings Scurvy Bunions cause Ae has been long recognised as one of the most MILLINERY AND MANTLES of Waterford. City Corns (Soft ) Lumbago Sore-heads honest and consistent of. the Liberal party of Ais, 200 PRIZES! Dec. 21, J852. Bite of MosclictocsCuncers Piles county.—EJ>. N.} .... 4^ AMONGST WHICH ARE SEVERAL HANDSOME PIECES OF and Snnd-Flies Tumours Contracted and SALE OF BLOOD STOCK AT DYCElfS. Rhmnntisra Ulcers Stiff Joints JOHN 1' B, Berliu Embroidery. Coco-Bay Elephantiasis Scalds The « Kilkenny Journal* states that a Tenant E N D E ycer's on Saturday last was very The muster at D , Wounds Sore Nipples YHWS Ri ht meeting was held in Kilmacow on Sunday,. TO BE HELD to the announced sale by auction of the g IVo. G, Little Gcorge s-street large, owing Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, Win. Ellis, Esq., Greenvill House, in the chair. ' , celebrated .Harkaway, with other sires and blood 244 , Strand, (neur Temple Bar), London, and by all Limerick have met for the purpose, AT THE TO WN-HALL, stock. The sales commenced shortly after three Medicines throughout Tie people of TTAS the pleasure of intimating his return from the Markets with a fashionable collection of respectable Venders of Patent get up a memo-, o'clock, (Mr. Edward Dyccr officiating as auctioneer), at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. C.I., of raising contributions ifi order to. 0u TUESDAY, 4th of JANUARY , 1853, the Civilized World. In Pots, e memory of the great Q'ConnelL' and proceeded in the following order :— 1 Is.. 22s., and 33a. each. rial to tb, SUAWLS, . RIBBO.NS, For the Benefit of the Poor under the Care of Harkaway, ch. h.—The bidding commenced at 5CP There is a considerable saving by taking the %he Bishop of Newfoundland (Dr. Mullock) has, MANTLES, LACES, 400 guineas, ond progressed to 400, 5 00,' and 550, larger sizes. arrived in Limerick for the benefit of his health. THE SISTERS OF CHARITY. at which sum he was "knocked down" to Mr. Henry N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patient* in every FRENCH CASHMERES. GLOVES, &-c • disorder are affixed to each Pot. Lieut., the Hon. Watson Miles, 43d, son of Lori Tickets—Cd, each. Anderson. Sondes, returns from the Cape, to succeed Capt. De. Smallhopes, b. h.—Biddings, 100 gs, 150, IG0, SPEECH ON THE Morei as Paymaster to the Depbt.. Which will be ready for inspection on MONDAY next On the same day will be Raffled Two Large Beau- Mr Ruthlcdge. MR. DISRAELFS GREAT 180, 190—Buyer, , BUDGET, tifully Dressed WAX DOLLS, a very large SHIP, , Lord Hardinge has ruled that no General officer Fencer, b. h —No bidder beyond 25 gs. many eecasumsj some of , and ROCKING HORSE, and a Set of CAMEO 4 yrs. (own brother to the King I have heard Disraeli on shall obtain'a regiment unlesshe has served regiment- THE BONNET DEPARTMENT Itargehopes, b. h., interest when the fate of a minis- ORNAMENTS. —Buyer, them of the deepest , ally or on the staff 20 years.. of Oude.)—Biddings from G5 gs. to £70, decided or the fortunes of a party in TUSCAN try was to be , Major Robertson, 82d, Glasgow, presented Ser-. Is now replete with every novelty, , LEGHORN and STRAWS. Mr. Coolohan. sacrificed or secured ; 1 have heard his most wicked DUN6ARVAN UNION After the sale of the above sires, the following were jeant>major Aston with a silver medal for long ser-. attacks against Sir Robert Peel, which led to the de- vice and good conduct. assortment of New Mantles comprising all brought-to the hammer :— that statesman's administration, and J. P. is now offering a choice , (bred by the Marquess of West- struction of , the eldest son of Colonel N rpHE BOARD of GUARDIANS of the above Maria Day, b. m effectuall severed the great Conservative party into Mr Nugent, .ugent,, the and Trimmings of the season. The Royal ysician out of Lady Lmily, by Mu- y most admired shapes, Fabrics J Ur.ion will, at their Meeting on THURS- minster,) by ph , . two hostile sections ; I have heard the able and in- PortaferryHouse , has been gazetted to a Cornctcy ncivcst sty les in Rich Black Silk Velvet ditto. ley.—65 gs./ttt Willans. he strove to reconcile in the Scots Greys. Seal Skia Cloak (reg istered) ; the DAY the 30th day of DECEMBER, 1852 , re- colt by Ugly Buck, 1 yr. old on 1st genious speeches with whieh Bay yearling necessity, and the country to his Mr. Grant the surviving officer of the 44th after ceive Proposals from Competent Persons to 1853 out of Maria Day.—35 gc. his friends to their , , of January,' , I do not think that any of his the massacre of the Regt. at Cabool , and Dress Mantles supply this Union with the following Articles, b. m. by,Retriever, out of Circe, (dam of change of policy—but . , is now Barrack- New Opera Pinwire, was superior to his grand display of master at Liverpool. Workhouse, or its Auxiliaries, by Sk lark (in foal to Burgandy.)—No former efforts delivered at the Magnet,) y ht To me and I shall say to very A large assortment of New Braided Cloth Mantles in Black and Colors, VECUNA, &c -. Thursday nig , Major Blackburne retires from the 85ths as may be required, either for One Month from Bidder. it was a splendid intellectual treat of the colt by Ugly Buck, out of MariaDay. many more, , The Resistance is fitting out to convey a draft o£ that date, or to the 25th MARCH, 1853 :— Bay yearling and one that few could hel ' bidder. highest order, p enjoying the lGih to Jamaica. . —No with the keenest relish, is b tfholcmeal, at per Sack of 20 Stones, Chesnut yeerling colt by Birdcatcher, out of Pin- tie y n,o means a strong The Canadian R^ifle Regiment «s more likply to. h& THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT man, but the contrary, and looks as if he were tho- augmented than disbanded. - - Extensive Assortment and New Styles. Oatmeal at, per do., wire,—£55, Captain Scott. . far excels any former Season, both as regards Seahorse out of Mr. Dycer's roughly jaded with his work, at times bent down by Lieut. Colonel Ferryman 89th, is abput to leftve. liarley Heal, at per do., Black colt, 4 yrs., by , ' ¦ . ' black mare.—3G gs. Sir W. Garnett. the pressure of duties which are always arduous, but the service* ' ' ' .'•- -,. • ,•. ' ¦ '. . Trimmed without Charge . §31 , at per do., famous trotting [CP All STRAW BONNETS bought at this Establishment Superfine Flour Seahorse out of Cojlier.— which the peculiar circumstances in which bis col- There ore 500. hones wanted fortheTArtillery. Wheat (klludried and uukiludrled),. at per Brown mare, 4 yrs., by , . ' . ACKET, leagues were placed rendered more burdensome still ; Capt., BJairBJair, who lately retired% 'jBnQtrt-jfii- the'--BuffiBufls, iiy \ TRADE. 25 gs.—P ' perfect knowledge of the FANCY Barrel of 20 Stones, yet he has displayed a power of endurance almost the inventor of a new; species'.;'o^.cbnicalebnical.*'Bnsbot'fot"fdrdr"ih4)th©;' W Wanted TWO lOOJfC LADIES who hare a ' ; q^ ; ' r miraculous, and a physical energy far beyond what commqn iDusket)L ' wi& rV^h^liJelbiu' qii ij^&C . Tendeis for the above must be lodged with is estimated that Napoleon III. will be able at " it^^" .. 319 tons was It , any one could have expected or supposed. Disraeli precision a,t the range of 40Q yards.. ' - '" - ' ~ v Three The^airfQucen,' of this poiV rce, on or before Five o'Clock, p.m., on WED- to raise over three million soldiers in V-l^ R gunners of Capt. Bedford's corn^ Stokes for the any period, drank wine rather freely ; and as each tumbler sue- Five Lieutenants and ope; :Epsign, ?oyal Artillery, 'years sold by auction on Fnday by tfe«r!• NESDAY the 29th day of DECEMBER, 1852, France. ' at^¦ d* p^¦ oJC.t^^ have beat sentenced to two 11 1 ceeded the other—for they were absolutely necessary service pri Friday.;——-•¦- ~ •¦ '.. :,. .';> *->3B imprisonment each assaulting sum of £2,400, to our " ™ entertained. ' ; | , with hard labour, for ^Pf^^for ^the; passenger'^' n none o.thers will be The Adjutancy of the 29th is vacant by the pro- for his prodigious physical and mental effort-yhis )¦ - ffour Sandhurst Cadet^ w.ere prpm^d oyj6 a|li^ Adjutant Baddelev. ' James Miley, of Eden-quay, ¦ ¦ ¦ Uy order of the Board, marion of Ljeut Colwell to a company. voice became stronger, Uis manner more tattntuigi, jto Ensigncieg. , . ' r1 ' :::::f tieut Colonel Smyl trade. She Is well Known here as ^vjng be^en- '> ' ' - '^&MwK^B&& &ckson and Brevet Mrjor y, the port of Uub JOHN KARRON. Capt Murchison, in command of the 29th Depot, his mockery more bitter, andhuacting'inore inimUo-' [ ^Seq*eanti39oierty' g E. Board Roorm, of 1852. has retjred upon half bles— CORRESPONDENT or T;HE Qowt y&uaiii**. ' ;,%' ' . Van Diemen's Land. fin.-^[D. Post.} . . De^, P*y fe^^^^^; -V^^^^^^^B^^^* ^

    ^¦ ¦. ^¦¦X& Vi WS^^W'mmmmw^msmm^m^mmm From oar Bablfn fonreapowieRk To Advertisers Thclfttenr. r'anuiHg'sWlll-fartlttriielettiis. CHRISTMAS DAY $mjim'al;$arttamcnt • Dublin, Wednesday BefbW^iMByp^l^Tibiteau;v^l^ B ' : Advertisement Duty Paid by the Tfalerford " When the people support the people, th». Vy m*ne% Itelves comfortable and happy at their : Vast Complainant, wbo is a married woman, sued 'doi^r^ The SPEAKER took the cbair at four o'clock , Mail. NEWS. Chroniele. 1 thronging to witness the, progressof this magnificentfendant for £1 I2s^forwages , alleged to be doe themselves over their good ¦ ¦ ¦ ppWM • It has been suggested to us by more . enjoying ' • ¦•¦' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •• ¦ when there full attendance of mem- 1851— £ a. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. tbtth'Yj>ne [aj es , and is fast railing its mighty l}ead,nnder the servic e. : . - " • • •>- ^ ' was a very 0 , &c, on building, which i^vf c January...6 14 0 4 11 0 3 10C respectable and intelligent friend that mer^wouW dinners, with their wortted appendages ineer and patron Mr. D«rgan j Mr. E. T. Power (for Defendant) objected to jhji-p bers. 8 0 3 4 0 1 0 ^ skill of that eminent eng SPAIN. February.^ " day—we hope they will summons, inasmuch as a married woman had no right' * March ....C 12 0 3 8 0 3 G 0 be no harm in having a copy of the!'late-.Mr-. to-morrow—Christmas and which is destined to form an important epoch in the 3f Sir R. H. INDUS wished to ask the "Under- 0 we are to be a complainant in a Civil Case. Dkmbsed.' .• ;', H-'r^ »| April....7 8 0 3 11 0 2 10 JAMES FANNING 'S will printed, hung '-ujjj' in not forget the poor, upon whose vitals, quered history of this nnfortunateifllwid. The glo- ' here app " : secretary of-Slate for Foreign Affairs whether 0 5 5 0. 2 13 0 che Captain Davis by his Attorney, lied to the ?5jl May 7 7 disease, to a considera- spectacle which is there presented must be gratify- go'to sea and not hdltt,Trim he had seen a notice published by the Spanish June 5 1 0 2 13 0 2 1 0 the Board Room of his Jnstitufe, andlpublisbed gorry to say, penury and rious Bench for leave to bound v&; old every Irishman who has witnessed it , and who to his recognizance, whereby he was pound in ' ") Government , in which it wa9 stated that io,- July 5 11 0 3 2 0 2 5 0 as a portion of the Annual Report. We agree with ble extent, still feed. Time was—and we are ing to a 8 0 2 4 0 —not only in beholdinga gigantic penalty of £20 to prosecute two notorious thleres I * reigners residing in and passing through Spain Ausuat...S 9 0 2 remember it—when no one need feel loves his country, :; Sept 5 8 0 2 4 0 1 17 0 our friends—it no harm to anybody—on enough to of a master mind, fast assuming all the ont- now in jail for robbing him last week. ' would be prohibited from practising or pro- 0 3 1 0 Well, may we undertaking, held him bound to prosecute ; they cbnJj October...6 10 0 4 2 the contrary, it might tend to do some good ; but, cold or hunger on Christmas day. appearances of elegance, beauty, and splendour, Bench fessing any other than that of the Roman Ca- November 7 18 0 4 1 0 2 IB 0 ward not give him permission to proceed to sea unlessfie at all events, it would be a source of satisfaction hope that a similar tale may he told of to-morrow ? with strength and durability,—but also the tholic religion ? December 5 13 0 3 15 0 3 7 0 combined was sure of being in attendance at Sessions. ./ ' . an expensive poor law, of employment which this work, even nou>t Lord STANLEY said, that the attention of the 18o2— to many persons. And, at the same time, it wonld But we feac not. With vast amount "Pierse Ronayne, High-street,, was .fined the'fuB January..C 7 0 3 13 0 3 5 0 industrious to such a no- be no crime we expect, to have that passage a decimated population, and a daily emigration, is affording to nearly two hundred of the penalty, £2, and 10s. cost, for having sold spirits on Foreign-office bad been directed February 4 5 0 2 17 0 118 0 , which license to do so. In the notice were of so ain - 1 16 0 numbers of our trades, and labouring classes of this city. Passing ovei Sunday,without having default tice, but the terms of March ..7 2 0 4 8 0 refers to the daily " prayers for li"r.,Fanning's still we fear that we shall have one month's imprisonment. Howden our pril....5 11 0 C 5 0 2 14 0 Carlisle Bridge, the visitor must also be forcibly struck of payment Vguous a character that Lord , A soul," printed in Italics, in order.that the re- population to whom to-morrow will be anything Mrs. Denn of Little Barronstrand-street, was BUTT... Minister of Madrid , had been requested to apply with tho more than ordinary preparations, of painting, liquors at prohibited Total 98 4 0 69 7 0 40 8 0 quiremeuts of the Testator 's will should be carried but a happy Christmas." And, we moreover, moned for having sold hours. to the Spanish Government for an explanation " cleaning, and otherwise beautifying, which are proceed- appeared and pleaded guflty to the charge shall have our domiciles Defendant , of them. NUMBER OF ADVERTISEMENTS. out—if possible—to the last letter. Who knows venture to say that we ing in the several houses, both North and South, leading saying that she knew nothing of it, as she had not THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUITIES. an araouut of wailing and whereon the Exhibition building for stairs since the death of her husband News (once a week.).. .. 1187 but other wealthy individuals , when dy ing, may besieged, and as great to the Duke's Lawn, been down , Mr. MOORE gave notice, that immediately after as if a tax-man had never 1853 is now being ereoted, To you, sir, ft will be grati- who was washed over board off our London steamer CHRONICLE (once a week.) .. 808 yet bequeath large sums to this admirable Insti- crying 'that day, woman looked most the recess, he should bring before the house a f ing to know, that the contributionsfrom foreign coun- some short time since. The poor MAIL (twice a week.) 1964 tute ; but, if Mr. Fanning'slast will and testament gone on his rounds ! But, what can the afflicted y —Fined in the mitigated penalty of 10s. motion in relation to the Irish Consolidated An- the News-Rooras and tries are expected, not only to be large, but also of a afflicted. "T HE K EWS" is taken in all ^ more their misfortune than their fault. and costs, whieb she paid. nuities, and the recommendation contained in Principal Hotels in this and neighboring counties.— be treated as a nonentity—except so far 'as his do ?—it is choice and elegant description. Why not Irishmen then Dublin, Denis Hackett v. Michael Nolan. the report of the Lord's Committee on that Also at the Reform Club and Imperial Hotel, money is concerned—many benevolent persons, All can't be rich ; and if all were rich, there would to mako this vital movement worthy of London ; at the leading bo up and doing, This was a complaint to the effect that defendant subject. At Peel's Coffee-House . possibly no comfort in the object of which being ¦ the three kingdoms ; and by our News feeling disgusted with the Institution, may dis- be no contrast, and very themselves and-their country ; , stopped a sewer which ran through both their yards Mr. W. WILLIAMS gave notice that early after News-Roomsin Agents in London , Dublin, Liverpool, Paris, and New pose of their worldl y effects to other charities, affluence. In the name of God , then, let us not to exhibit to the visitors from other countries the great into the public sewer. the recess, he should move that probate and Laws Act, York , &c. Sec. forget the devoted children of and paramount capabilities of Ireland for the production Mr. E. T. Power cited the Bye empower-/'/ legacy duties should be extended to real pro- in which their memories and their souls would at this holy season and Corporation to inflict £1 on.any. " THE NEWS" is Published ,at tho General Printing at the same time let us of manufactures; and that the genius of her s.ns require ing the Mayor perty. Machine-Ruling, Lending" travail and penury ; and , stopping such private sewer which led into a . . ; Publishing, Bookbinding, receive better treatment. aroused, to produce some of the most chaste person ¦ " MINISTBRIAL CRI8I3. Library, and Wholesale Stationery Establishment, express our ardent hope that, by this time twelve- only to be pVublic sewer. ' .¦: No one objects to the publication of the rules and exquisite works, both of the pencil and the chisel, ' By a quarter past four there was a scanty ga- No. 49, King Street , opposite the Provincial Sank. months, both our readers and our country may be \ The Bench desired the parties to bring the matter . the most ipolished nations of the earth, '-' ¦ '¦ thering of ex-Ministers on the Treasury Benches Every Friday Evening, in time for the Mails. of the Poor Lavr Commissioners, .although the more happy and prosperous than they aie to-day. equal to some of before the Corporation. . countries '- . —among those present, we observed Sir John to be addressed to are not. their and far superior to many proverbially refined Thomas Higgins v. Mary Ann Sullivan. }, &ST All communications, &o. finances which they see disbursed . .,$ Packington and Mr. Walpole. CORNELIUS R EDMOND at the office aforesaid. of the world. Defendant was fined 2s. 6d. for throwing nuisance* , own. Whatever may be in the will , let it, we-say, 7^ MEMBER FOR CARRICK. * . • .:. About twenty minutes past four, Mr. Glad- out of her front door into the street. »> PARTICULAR NOTICES. that all who run may read and all stone having entered a few minutes previously, be posted up, , Ireland To the Editor of the Waterford N ew» must bo sent to this Office on Friday We perceive that a few small towns in , SATURDi«r. post below the gangway, JCr* Advertisements who wish may pray ! hurried from his usual . Morning at farthest. If not, they 'will be too late for tho towns in England aud Scotland , Michael Hally (Bellman) was brought up, charged Russell on greater part of our Country Edition. and some pettier LEASES—THE POINT OF to the seat occupied by Lord John Our last " reflections" have had , we are hcippy REVERSIONARY with having acted as a drunken man in Barronstrand- the front bench of the Opposition when the two 5J3=Unoutlicuticatcd or un-postpaid communications , will not be have petitioned Parliament for leave to have cacli THE WEDGE I attended to. to say, an excellent effect , viz. :—a good many street,'and disturbing the public peace. eminent statesmen were very speedily absorbed represented in the Senate by a new member. M R . EDITOR—You deserve well of the public for Hally answered to the charge, and said—I was respectable Liberals having signified (heir intention in conversation. Sir James Graham was in his DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE-WEDNESDAY . Now, this being the case, may we ask, has not endeavouring to put down a system which had dis- taken for being drunk, your worship, and I was aa noble lord the member of becoming members of the Institute in the much drunk as you are now, having drank nothing place by the side of the GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Carrick a prior claim in point of trade , commerce, graced the Old Corporation , and robbed the people for the cicy of London. , stronger than a glass of spring water after dinner. 3 per Cent. Consols 100i coming year. The duty is important—the case to any of those towns ? We of their property—namely, " Reversionary Leases.' deserve severer punishment After the conservation already alluded to hav- 3} per Cent. Stock 103J and intelligence, Mr. Tabiteau—You is urgent. What can be the meaning of these leases in town, drunk by your acting as a drunken ing taken place between Mr .Gladstone and Lord Ditto for Account Oth Dec 103J 10£ think she has, and would therefore , advise hci than if you were , where the Crowbar Brigade are never seen, and where man, and disturbing the peace. John Russell, the latter crossed over for a few MISCELLANEOUS. the race. When it is apparent HibcrniaD Bank 33 Since writing the above, we have read a length- not to be last in extermination ever takes place ? When Hally here pulled out a Jewsharp, put it in his moments and, taking his seat on the Treasury no case of , National Bank 20% to all, that a band of 40 members can prostrate a I am told mouth and giving it a stroke of his finger said—That's bench near Mr. Walpole spoke for an interval (for account) 13i ened piece of superficial raillery in the Waterford several poor persons (and amongst them, , worshi , Mining Company of Ireland ht we not do all in our power to all the annoyance I was, your p. He here to the ex-. The noble lord Dublin Consumers' Gas 8J Mail of Wednesday . In the article to which ministry, aug ^ two widows) applied to the Council to have their describe the good character he bore, when say to 80 or 100. Wh went on to then talked for a minute or so to the Speaker. RAILWAYS. that journal refers, it will be remembered that, augment that number, y claims considered, nothing was done for them—their Mr. Tabiteau in reply said he wonld take infor- " Watcrford and Limerick '(500 28 not Carrick have a member of Parliament as well y. But when the and send him for trial to the The Right Hon. the Chancellor of the Ex- Cha- claims were rejected (peremptoril , mations against him, Ditto for account (HP/) 28 whilst giving our reflections on the Fanning as Ross and Dungarva n ? • was ordered to sit down, but was chequer entered the house at about half-past (2(») 10J Mary-street Reversion was mooted, there was a regu- sessions. Hally AYatorfordand Kilkenny rity, we never used one offensive epithet to any- shortly afterwards discharged. four o'clock with a blooming red rose in his but- Ditto for Account. - (201) 10 lar " fuss" in the Council to see who would say the Dublin and Droghp Ja body. Now, reader, attend to a few " flowers" " THE IRISH BRIGADE ton-hole. most about it. One Sage cries out, " oh, think of MONDAY. rose Dublin and Drogheda (New Shrs. Third s).... (151) 02 which we take tho liberty of culling from the The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (foraccoimt) 84 Tenan t Right" (the same gent, havingvoted against Mr. Patrick O'Neill (late Dean Lee's man) came Great Southern and Western The Brigade have performed their work well. and said—Mr. Speaker—After the vote to which Irish South and Eastern (for account) 7i Mail :—No. 1 . " The Holy Romans"—-No. 2 : it himself)—another exclaims, " let us encourage a into court, and addressed his worship thuB :—^KnoW , the Earl 5$i the House arrived on Thursday night Killarncy Junction " Hungry-looking Coadjutors"—No. 3:" Embez- They allowed the Government to proceed as long good employer"—a third ejaculates, " the last rem- (said he) the court now tranquil, I wish to know if of Derby and his colleagues thought it to be your worship is at leisure ? zled"—No. 4 : " Purgatorial release"—No. 5 . as it seemed disposed to do justice to Ireland ; nant of our local manufactures"—and a fourth mur- their duty to tender the resignation of their of- The Mayor—Yes, Mr. Neill. What can I do for but, no sooner did Lord Derby exhibit the cloven murs out, " oh ! the firm will run out of town unless fices to her Majesty, and her Majesty has been " The Plotters"—No. 6 : " Pious and wholesome " &c, &c. you? resolved on you give them the reversion, Neill—I want your worship's permission to go most graciously pleased to accept the same. It m$ fraud of pray ing a pious saint out of the rest foot in the Lords, than the Brigade This was all " acting" in order to blind the peo- Mr. §8$* fi^fatffl* w§) ing was believed ? None at to the race. has reached me that the Earl of Aberdeen has .vhich remains for the people of God," &c, &c. smashing his government. Hear his own dy ple. But how much of it , yes, Mr. Neill, by all means, all. Even the actors themselves did not believe it. The Mayor—Oh undertaken the office of forming a new Adminis- " HE JUST, ASD FEAR NOT." declaration on the subject :—" There was a but I don't consider you a fitting subject for a good tration, and it therefore remains for me to say These epithets are not very " classical" • yet Mr. Editor—I hope the public will meet and pro- third party from the sister kingdom (Ireland), Job" in time. Let the new Lords steeple chase (laughter.) that we hold our present offices only until our 24TH they do not surprise us. They are a portion of " test against this " FRIDAY DECEMBER , 1852 representatives of the Catholic Clergy, and know how it was effected. Let successors are appointed. I hope the house will " the of the Treasury the old stock in trade. Without them we wpuld principles, and pledged to them know the truth. Let them be told that the pre- not consider it presumptuous on my part if, un- " of ultramontane l&orttng not recognise our friend of the Mail. They are government who were notprepared cedent of Reversionary Leases worked badly in the der these circumstances, I venture to offer them From our London Correspondent " oppose every as important to him as are the sanctimonious extreme views." This was the Old Corporation, and cannot be tolerated in the New. DUNMORE STEEPLE CHASES. my grateful thanks for the indulgent, and I may " to act on their that the point of the wedge shall London, Dec. 21st, 1852. Derb in. a minority , and will , we Let them be told even say, generous manner, in which , on both ph ysiognomy, the tract , and -fte soup-gotjo the party that left y not be inserted. Let them be told that if the wedge STEWARDS : After a brief tenure of office in which, however, it incoming government also in a sides, I have been supported, in attempting to proselytiser ! But what,. Vtu 'MdiUin ari' ,'hag the hope, leave the be inserted for a Brewer, it .can'tbe refused a Baker. Earl of Huntingdon, I N. A. Power, Esq., must bo admitted that they havo effected some valuable wiser than the past. But, John D. Coughlaa. conduct the business of this house—(cheers)— minority, if they be not Let them be told that the Corporation do not dispos- Sir Robert Paul, | legal reforms the Derby ministry resign the Budget being " hungry-looking Coadjntors " to do- wjtbr the from the Whigs. Let them be FIBST RACE. and if, Sir, in the course of that unequal strug- we fear there will be great danger sess people who pay their rents. told to horses the stumbling-block which has arrested their governmenta question at issue? Better, however, that they dispossessing Brewery people. £5 and a plough given by P M. Power. Esq., , one word The golden bait will be held out constantly. An that there is no idea of reserve to him the sole right gle in which we have been engaged} career;more especially thoso sections of it w Inch con- Let them be told that they are not yet out of lease ; the property of Farmers who li calculated would appear hungry-looking any day, jbanjliat attempt will be made to scatter or hires the Bri- to hunt hares on their lands. has escaped my ps which has been tcmplato doubling tho house tar and extending the in- and will not be out of lease for the next 18 years 11; to hurt the feelings of any gentleman in this they should fatten themselves and families at the gade. It therefore behoves the people to be on " Mr. Mooneys' b h, .".12 come duty. Self-preservation is' the first law of nature, their guard—to watch , and encourage their mem- A COUNCILLOR. Mr. Spencer's Lazy Moll, • • . • 2 dist. house, I deeply regret it—(cheers from the op- expense of their Protestant neighbours ! We 3 drawn and these severe onslaughts on the pockets of the small be prepared for, and, if necessary, Mr. Budd's Balljsax, position)—and I hope that the impression on bers^—to s b. m 4 1 householders, and the low-salaried workers, at a time should rather see them perish than live by such THE NATIVITY. M r. Sheehan' their part will be as transitory as the sense of denounce their oppressors. er immensity s boundless domain , Sheehan's rider bring Mb- short of weight; Mooney whtn the unseasonable character of the weather fore- lie who rules o' ' The kind means ; or, " fatten" on the rewards of plunder ! Is tied as a Blav>> and Ilia love is the chain— was awarded the race. provocation was on my own (cheers). would , shadows great privation, it was natural to expect, , TENANT RIGHT He who shines thro' the stars, and who moves in the sea SECOND RACE. opinion of the members of this house, what- But now as to the alleged amount of good SOTS, added meet with that determined opposition-which has proved Is bound in (lie manger, a captive for thee. Sweepstakes of 10 shillings each, "with 10 J ever may be their political opinions, and wher- which Protestant? , and Protestant jud ges, and 3 years old 9 stone 71b. ; 4 years old, fatal to the existence of the Derby Government. A ge- The God oT Eternity born in time, weight for age, , over I may sit, will always be to me a most pre- Protestant officials , havo broiight to bear on the Serjean t Slice's and Mr. Lucas's speeches on 10 stone 71b. j 5 years old , 11 stone 21b. •, six and aged, neral opinion prevails in the well-informed circles of The Omnipotent weak—to atone for our crime, St. lb. cious possession, and one which I shall always Fanning Charity. We say no thanks to them for the Tenant Right question have been highly spoken in J sua ore veiled 11 stone 71b. 1} mile heats. - content to let the house The glories of Heaven , , - .. 10 4 .. .. I I (cheers). I beg town, that had Mr. Disraeli been it ; they were paid, and well paid for the per- but his love is revealed. Mr Dobbyn s Cock Robin, •• most covet and most appreciate of throughout all parts of the country, for the His perfections are hid , Napoleon .. H 7 .... 2feU ind income-taxes remain in stalu quo. that want of , iveth ease to his hand , Mr. Scurry's III, • • leave to now to move, Sir, that this house, at its formance of their respective duties. We are of The labourer now g Mr. Dobbyn s Tell Tale . ? » 7 - • • • » confidence in tho Cabinet which has led to its dissolu- past few days. The learned Serjeant 's oration darkness and silence environ the land, ' • • J rising, do adjourn until Thursday next. , course, gratefu l for all private or individual contri- And 's Champion .. •. 11 7 .... alst labored is taking his real, Mr. Ryan , RAHAM UME AYLEY tion, would not have been expressed. Among the seced- but it should never be forgotten thai opened the case in splendid style, whilst Mr. The Ox having s Waterford U 7 diat Sir J. G . Mr. H , and Mr. C , butions ; to her nest. Mr. Purccll' , ing members of tho Government virtually defunct, argumenta- And the bird of the forest hath flown Mr. Dyer's Potteen .. .. II 4.... dist made a few remarks to the same effect, when James Fanning laid the f oundation of the charity Lucas concluded it in a powerful and When Jesus descends from His Kingdom above, understand that that learned personage, Lord St. Leo- Lord PALMERSTGN entered the house. He without which the edifice would not have been tive speech. Government grumbled , and growled , To suffer for us in a mission oflove ; TRAMORE SEEPLE CHASES nard's, will be much regretted j for while in office ho ht of darkness still deeper loit mankind to win— looked pale and care-worn. thoug , and never could have been perfected. and nodded dissent ; but, Shee and Lucas loaded From Monday 20th Deo., 1352. wasactivel y engagedin redressing legal abuses, and in Any untutored individual can draw stones, and The bondage ofSatan, the darkness of sin. that to remove m are come —MONDAY rendering justice easy of acquirement by the poor suitor brick, and morter, and ile them in one huge un- them with a such a heap of facts, The Virgin and Joseph to Bethle' , STEWARDS : p for admittance—receive it of none, —desiderata to which former Lord Chancellors Lave si htl heap ; but, it is to the great architect who them off their shoulders was impossible. They seek The Marquis of Waterford, Patrick M. Power Esq. . g y Contempt and disdain , being poverty's lot, Edmond Power , Rsq. The LOUD CHANCELLOR took his seat on the generally paid too little attention. y admitted John Esmonde Esq., M.P., plans and forms, and directs the building, that all When a Tory government has justl They hasten for shelter to Bethlehem's grot. Robert Keating, Esq., M.P. James Delahunty, Esq. Woolsack at five o'clock. The new ministry, it is currently reported, will bo a merit is due. . poor is the shelter "Inch here they can find , the following will it the necessity of a Tenant Right Bill, who will Ah ' FIRST RACE. • MINISTERIAL EXPLANATION. coalition one, and in its composition , December s cold wind, SOTS, added First Lord of The Mail may vaunt in favor of Protestant Exposed to the chill of ' Sweepstakes of 2 SOYS. each,, with 40 11 , The Earl of DERBY rose and said—My lords, said; take part .—The Earl of Aberdeen , now despair ? The question has recently gained no hand to supply, years old stone, James Graham Chancellor of tho No warmth to cherish, weights, viz.—3 years old 10 ston^"4 it is consistent with the usual practice and ad- the Treasury ; Sir , liberality, when its friends have clutched the to their Maker deny. , 12 stone. The , Home Secretary ; Vis- immense ground ; and, guided by such men as What nature, and mnn, 5 years old II stone 71b., six and««ed Exchequer ; Lord John Russell Catholic money " bags"—it may talk of " the her manifold ills, flat or hurdle-race, of tho vantageous for the public service that a Minister count Canniug, ; Right Hon. W. E. by the Bri gade—we But now quite forgetting winner of any steeple-chase, numbers at present in the house being not more Shee and Lucas—backed Only conscious of Him , who the Universe fills , value of £5(1, to carry 71b. of two suoti 101b., and of three of the Crown in announcing to your lordships Gladstone, Colonial Secretary ; Right Hon. Sidney Her- most signal Hettto rl of Clarendon than one Protestant to five Romanists ;" but it have not the slightest doubt of the The daughte r of David withextacy fired , or more, 141b. extra ; the winner to pay 6 sovs. the dissolution of his Government, should enter bert , First Lord of tho Admiralty ; Ea , st lb Prewdont of the Council; Duke of Argyll, Lord Privy does not venture to essay a word regarding the success.. Is come to the time, which she long had desired.— 11 miles. . into some explanation. The responsibility of heavenly dew s Warner, . 13 11 .. 1 • 1 . Seal.; Earl Granville, President of tho Board of Control; With ardor entreats that the " " Lord Waterford' .. .. resigning office is no less an offence than that of " Burch all Asylum ," which may be likened to the exposed to her languishing view— Capt Johnson's Cream of Wexford, II It .. 3 3 Right ^Hanorablc G. Cardwell, President of the Board COUNTY ELECTION PETITION May soon be 2- accepting it without due consideration ; and it old motto said to have been written on the gates That " his just one descend," when lohe is come, Mr. P. M. Power's Caffir .. •• 11 11 ..2 of Trailo j Marquis of Clanricarde, Postmaster-General ; H 4 .. 3 dist. is due to your lordships to the other house, and Commissioner of Woods and Forests; of Bandon , viz :—" Turk, Jew, or Heathen is And Mury embracs her first born son. Mr. Dobbyn's Cock Robin , Lord Seymour, Now that the ministry has been scattered, and DhaVaha,.. 11 11 ... 4 dist Duke of Newcastle, Governor-General of India; and welcome there " And " one The angels assemble to worship their King, Capt. Johnson's Shee to the country, that those who are charged with , but not a Papist. SECOND RACB. Lord Cranworth , . Of these, Lord Sey- the Tories out of power, it is rumoured that the And OJKO the Shepherds, their rude presents bring the Government should not throw up that Go- Protestant to five liomanists" (see how polite the 1 sov. each 10 sovs. added. mour, who returns to his former post as Commissioner of Whilst heaven- taught inelody, steals on the ear, , vernment on light or on trifling grounds, upon fellow is !) is not a bad proportion when we con- Hon. Hely Hutchinson and his friends have aban- . Mr. E. Power's Champion, .. • • 11 7 . • 1 1 Woods and Forests, is unenviably known for his austerity And tells the great truth, that JEHOVAH IS HCRI. H 7 .. 2 dist. any minor differences of opinion, or upon any in office, and his name will ever be associiited with that sider the number of our Protestant population as doned the idea of prosecuting the Petition against s dress ? Mr. Dobbyn's Tell Tale •• •• But why does lie meet us in poverty' Mr. Molyneux Joe .. .. II 7.- 3 2 , ground of private misunderstanding or personal of poor Ann Hicks, who by virtno of his authority, was compared with the Catholic. It is the lion 's share, Mr. Esmonde. We hope the report may be true , in want and distress. , Or why docs He pine thus, ' Mr. M'Larney's Bantry Hero, ... 11 7 .. dirt, i; intrigue. Upon the present occasion 1 am not ejected from her little tenement in Hyde-park, and, Mr. Mail-man. However, we should be very and that Mr. Hutchinson may have adopted a The outcast of mankind, with guilt on His brow ? ; the poor old Mr. Dyer's Potteen, •• .-• 10 4 diat. thud deprived of the means of subsistence, enemies would 'Tia the guilt of our sin*—and he .weeps for them now. 10 4 dist' called to trespass on your lordships' time at any creaturewas compelledjtoseek a precariousliving in Aus- sorry to exclude the Protestant poor from the wiser policy than that which his Mr. Budds Ballysax, .. •• ^ length, because the causes of the dissolution are benefits of the Institute. They are, by the bye, have him pursue ; for, we rar.k those who should Ah ! cold is the tear which His gentle eye fills , . . *«.*v( tralia. which His infant blooi chills, patent to all, and upon the surface. The noble A. great sensation hasbcen created in tho money mar- amazingly well, taken care of, and if they stand urge him to embark in this fruitless and enormous And cold is the blast TUESDAY—2nd day. .. | But colder by far is the heart which repels, FIRST RACE. V earl then proceeded to say that, after the general ket by tho unexpected riso in value of the shares on tho but as five to one, it is because, we presume, a expediture of his fortune , as amongst his worst of bosom swells incorporated in 1824. The fire of that LOTI which His young . A Handicapsweepstakes of 2 sovs. each, with 30 son. £ election of last summer, her Majesty s govern- Australian Agricultural Company, possess, ¦ ' Th« shares were £100 each, of which I learn only £35 greater number cannot lehad. We remember when enemies ! The rich man rejoices his wealth to added. - •' ment having gone through the returns, found has been called for. Their market value had gone down to the Waterford Union contained over 2,000 souls, The profli gate riots, in SHJMELISS excess, Lord Waterford's Warner, .. .. 13 10..3 2 1 I ? who comes to our aid, that there were about 310 gentlemen who were .£90, but on Friday, intelligence having been received only 25 or 30 out of that large number belonged TRAMORE RAILWAY. " The expected of nations," Lord Waterford's Postillion, .. .. 12 0 dist..V disposed to repose confidence in her Majesty's that gold had been found in great quantities on the Peel's On a pallet of straw in a manger is laid ! Mr. P. W. Power's Caffre, ... .. 11 0 2 1 2"B.' -fe to the Protestant communion. Is it, therefore, It is said that 500 men will be engaged on the and delight, Government irrespective of the question of free rivsr, and LiverpoolPlains estates, two out of the throe 'Tis so He would show UB the joy Mr. Jepson's Cream of Wexford .. 11 013 3dist.- ,- , surprising that, in James Fanning's Charity, they earth-works of this line immediatel y after Which only are found by the children of light , dist. trade or protection. There were three other properties owned by the company,the price of the shares Mr. Dobbyn's Cock Robin 10 0 rt ascended with coronautic velocity, reaching on Saturday occupy the relative position of one to f ive, ? Christmas. The path beingjrough , He would sweeten it thus, Mr. Dyer s Waterford 10 0..4 4 dr. & ' ' parties, or rather there were more, one of whom the astonishing height of 340. I havo heard of ono gen- Admittiug the return to be correct—that the Ab! the puin is for Him! tho' the joy is for us. SECOND BACE. •. " ; included within itself the various gradations be- tlemen on 'Change, who, on that day, in consequenceof Catholic inmateB are as f ive to one—is not this DEATHS FROM INTEMPERANCE Hosanna , Hosanna, Hnsanna on high, Sweepstakes of one sov. each, 10 sovs. added. >V: tween high aristocratic aud exclusive Whig and this fortunate transition, netted £35,00.0, while another For mercy, and peace, and Balvation are nigh , Mr. E Power's Champion .. .. 11 4 1 walkOter % fact another strong argument in onr favor that the FROM OUR DUNOARVAN CORRESPONDENT .] ¦¦% the wildest theorist and extreme Radical, com- got upwards of £7,000 for his day's .¦worK*;«*.:.Tbe succes- [ Oua J KSUS shall triumph o'er sin, death , and hell, Mr. Scurry's Napoleon 111.. .. 10 4 fell . sor of Professor Empson, the late editor otVan Edinburgh officers and managers of the Institution should be And lead us with Him , in bis Eden to dwell. Mr. Dyers Potteen dist. prising about 260 members. There was a third On the morning of the I9th instant the dead body ' , .. .. 10 0 £; Review, who recently died from tho rupfeiro of a blood- like the inmates, as f ive to one ? Are they so ? VINCENT Mr. M'Lamey'8 Bantry Hero, .. lo 4 dist u^. dom—the representa - where ho was professor, of of a man named Patt Mullins, a schoolmaster, was " ' party from the sister king vessel atHaileybury College, No. Will the Mail-men say they are ? We THIRD RACE. .,jS&- lav, is Lord Monteagle, formerly well-known in the" discovered on the side of the road between this town Sweepstakes of 10 shillings each sovs;- & tives of the Catholic clergy, and of ultramontane defy them ! We have not a fair proportion . , of , with * * &?% princi les, and ledged to oppose every Govern- Lower Uouse as Mr. Spring Rice. I know not what , An inquest was subsequently COST OP THE PAUPERS' CHRISTMAS 11 stone eaeh. . ;fe- p p of Lord Monteagle for the impor- officers—exclusion and one-sided" dealing* have and Colligan wood. ¦ ¦ ; art the qualifications DINNER. Mr. Scurry's BlackPrince ,.. .. 1 1 • ¦ •• -% ment who were not prepared to act on their ex- tant post but trust that he will not make a Guy of Mm- been here practiced, and not only in this Institution, held on the body, (Mr. A. Brennan presiding), when y , i We learn from the master of our Union -that Mr. Dyer's Potteen' 2 2 * ii$f-' treme views. There was another party, numeri- self. but we are sorry to say, in every institution and the following verdict was returned :—" We find that "We are happy to say that the Races termin»frd i»**||t Morning Ad- cally small, but of great personal worth, pos- .Mr. Bower, the ex-correspondent of the on every Board in the city, where the '.popular deceased came by his death from the effects of intem- the Christmas dinner for the paupers will cost most quiet and orderly manner—no riots, i»-drnak