Life Assurance. Public Notices KILMACTHOMAS UNION WATERF ORD SAVINGS BANK , To the Editor of the Water ford News. BRITANNIA GENUINE { SIR—May I hope you will rive insertion in your 1J1E YEAR ENDING 20th NOVEMBER. 1852 LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY columns to the following :—•' J HONEY SOAP The Board of Guardians of the Kilmacthotnas 1, Piincea Street , Bank , London. Tim Form of the G ENERAL STATEMENT of the F UNDS of the SAVINGS ' BANK is to lie filled up, pursuant to 9th Gr.o. IV., cap. 92, sec 40, and returned Union met on the 6th of December last OUR Honey Soap will be found equal to all, and to elect of- N ATTIONAI. D UBT Orncn, within Nine Weeks after the 20th November, 1S52, pursuant to 7th & 8th Victoria, cap. 83, sec 13. ESTABMSIIED 183< much superior to what is generally sold. Each ficers for the new poorhouse, according to advertise- Tablet stamped with our name, ment. The isalary named for medical attendant yras THE TRUSTF.ES OF THE SAVINGS' BANKI ESTABLISHED AT AY \TERFORD, Empowered by Special Act nf Parl iament, IV. Viet. cap. IX. ROBER TSON 8f LEDLIE, £40. There was no candidate. The Kilmacthomaa In the Cowitij o/ Watcrford.T WATERFORD. Union is divided into two dispensary districts—Dr. Colonel Ror.URT ALEXANDER , Blacklieatli Park, Walker and I being medical officers. - On the day of Cus Chairman. A CHOICE SELECTION OP NEW PERFUMES, meeting much indignation was expressed, particu- ADVANTAGES larly b Mr. Richard Barron of Sarahville who had OB' THIS INSTITUTION All warranted the very best. Distilled from flowers y , , DISCHARGE. £ s. dA I.VCtl EASING CHA11G1 £ s. d. £ s. RATES OF PREMIUM. onl le and safe. a motion ruled on the books that our dispensary sa- TAIiT. G r pecialiy adapted to the aecuring of Loans y, perfectly simp The public cannot be too carpful in the quality of laries be reduced by £20 each. This motion was Balance duo on the 20th November, 1851, including In ilic lenr ending 20<li November 1852. A or De!:1», and to all oilier cases where n Policy To , the perfumes they use, many of them being highly interest , as per last return 55,173 15 2 By Sums actually paid to Depositors IN M ONEY , INCLUDINCI niBy bo roquiinl ior a temporary purptse only, but which carried by a majority on the last day of meeting. rany be kejit deleterious. I NTEREST withing; the \ear ending 20th Nov., 1852... 1G 009 9 up, if necessary, throughout the whole (erm Now, what I think I have a right to complain of Iii the Year ending 20th November, ISS2. , ., 7 of Life By Sums actually paid for Management within the said . To Sums received of Depositors within the Year ending y IliALE-CIlKDIT RATES OF PREMIUM. is, that during the fortnight that elapsed between the 2(Hh November, 1SJ 2 17,3 IS 1 10 Year, viz. :— Never Failing; ISente<ly ! Credit piven for hnlf the amount of (he ruling of the motion and its being carried, we, the Interest on Monies Invested with the Commissioners SalariesSal ... ... ... ... ... 23G 10 0 First Seven To Annual Premiums, the amount of the unpaid Half- parties concerned, had no notice whatever of this for the Reduction of the National Debt, viz :— RentRe , Taxes, and Insurance ... ... ... 70 2 11 Pretniiims beinp deducted from the sum assured when the HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT. proceeding, and that, therefore statements mi Iteot. B, dated 21st May, 1S52... SOG 1 2 PrintingPri and Stationery... ... ... ... 9 !> 8 Policy becomes a claim. , ght S'.)l I-t 2 RepairsRe and Tainting ... ... ... ... 41 8 4 ' Hi'ct. 15, dated 2lst November, 1S52 SUM ASSURED PAYABLE DURING LIFE. A CRIPPLE SETS ASIDE HIS CRUTCHES AFTER have been made in our absence, founded in mistake, Su To Interest on Sums drawn for by the Trustees upon the Sundries ... ... ... ... ... 19 G 11 The amount payable at the deaih of the Ansured , if lie TEN YEARS' SUFFERING. and which we, had we been present, might have Commissioners within the said Year 30 8 11 Balance on 20th November, 1852. died before attaining the nge of S IXTY, but to the assured Copy of a Letter from. Mr. Thompson, Chemist, Liver- been able to set right. Since the day of our appoint- Interest from Treasurer 11 11 8 RaRalance on the G KNERAL A CCOUNT, himself, if he attain that age thus combining a pro- , pool , dated August 20th, 1852. Sale of Books, &c, (if any) GOO invested with the Commissioners vision for old age with An assurance upon life. ment, in March last, to the 6th of December, no To PROFESSOR H OLLOWAY , for the Reduction of the National OHPIIAN'S ENDOWMENT nRANCIJ. idea existed of interfering with our salaries ; and I D EAR S IR—I am enublud to furnish you with a most Debt, INCLUDING I NTEREST, on Established for the purpose of aff-.rding to parents and believe, therefore, the inference is a fair one to draw, others the extraordinary cure effected by your invaluable Ointment 20th November, 1852 50,531 0 1 means of having Children educated and that Mr. Barron, the originator and prime mover in started in Life , by securing annuities , to commence at the and Pills, which hai astonished every person acquainted on accoimtof S KPAH ATE S URPLUS irith the suff erer. Abimt 10 years ago all this business, had recourse to this step in conse- Parent's death, and to be paid until a child, if a son , shall , Mr. IV. Cummins , F UND , invested with said Com- of Sallney-slreet in this town , was thrown from his quence of what he might have considered our con- attain his 21st year, or, if a daughter, her 25th \ear of , missioners 7S9 13 4 horse, whereby he received very serious injuries; he had tumacy in daring not to come forward as candi- in the hands of P ROVINCIAL BRITANNIA the best medical advire nt the time, and was afterwards dates, as well as for the purpose of letting us see BANK OF I RELAND, TREASURER , an inmate of clilFtrent infirmaries, yet he trrew worse , and how easily he could crush us. The rule of the Board which fact is hereby Certified Mutual I,ife Association. at length a niHligiuint running ulcer settled in his hip, is, it seems, silence out of door as to all that occurs which so completely crippled him, that he could not move by me ... ... ... G12 G 11 ... 57.033 0 4 1, PEIKCES-STREET, BANK, LONDON. within—a rule, however, which some of the members ¦ ¦ without crutches for nearly 10 years ; recently he began : (Signed) Instituted 183!). feel themselves, fortunately, in no way bound to ob- to use your Ointment nnd Pill?, which have now healed Empowere Mnjeitv j serve, at least strictly. Mr. Barron, however, who It. HARRIS, Manager, .-£71,328 1 11 d by her ' Royal Letters Patent. the wound , strengthened his limb, and enabled him to dis- £7-1,328 1 11 was formerly most anxious for the admission of tho pense with his crutches, so that he can walk with the press is now proportionately stringent as to the ob- The Rate of A NNUAL IlxTuiiLSTN allowed to the Depositors is £2 I5s. ti'd. per Cent. Annual Division of Profits—applied in reduction of greatest ease and with renewed health and vigour. , ' , the current year s Premium. (Signed) J. THOMPSON. servance of the ride of silence on the part of the Policy-holders entitled to participate in the profits after other members. He was, of course, the rincipal The Daintier due on the 20th November, 1S52, brought ftforward ... A MOST EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DREAD- p Total Amount of each Class payment of Five or Seven Annual Premiums, according speaker for the motion , and one of his arguments was No. of Depositors. to the Tnble of Kutos selected. FUL SKIN DISEASE WHEN ALL MEDICAL £ s. d. AID HAD FAILED. that there was more business done, more visits paid Premiums charged for every three months' difference ' oCO whose respective Balances on the 20th November, 18522, (including Copy of a Letter from Mr. Hird, Draper , of Keady, in one lane in Dungarvan, than in Dr. Walker s of age—not , as is usually the case, for every whole year whole district or in mine. He, I think forgot to Interest) did not exceed £1 each 82 2 1 only. near Gainsbro' , dated March 1st , 1852. , , give ths name of tho lane, or its population ; and 217 Do. were above £\ and not exceeding £"> each 572 11 10 Half Credit Polities granled on terms unusually fa- To¦ P ROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, '• • I'm sure he never consulted our books 228 Do. were above £5 and not exceeding £10 each 1,(535 10 1 vourable to the O83iired , the nniount of half premiums S IR — Some time since, one of my children was afflicted , so as to en- IS.'} Do. were above £10 nnd not exceeding .£15 each 2,200 2 3 for which credit is given being liquidated out of the with dreadful eruptions over the body and limbs, I ob- able him to make the comparison—a thing that most were above £15 and not exceeding £20 each 2,171 15 10 profits. tained the advico of severa l eminent Surgeon? and Phj- gentlemen with any nice sense of honour would feel 125 Do. by all of whom the case was considered 212 Do. were above £20 and not exceeding £30 each 5,007 5 3 At the Annual Oeneral Meeting in 1852, a reduction of sicians, hopeless.
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