Stockbridge Coup~E Fall Before Hammer Ol Escaped Convict
Kiw11111ans Are Pickin\g up Rummage Attend American Log) Open Hou5o for Annual Si!lll Soplombor 23-24 The In ham ~County News thb Sunday Afternoon In Mason Ninclv·Sixth Year, No. 36 Mason, Michigan, Thursday. September 8, 1955 4 Sections - 26 Pages News Index Subdivider Will Build Wnnt nels, Pnges •!, 5 nnd ll, Court Calendar Part I. ' Social news, Pages 3 and ll, Stockbridge Coup~e Part 1; Page 6, Part 2. For Septembelr 25 Homes on West Side l~dltorlnls, Pnge 1, Part <1. F'arm news, Pages 2, a ancl J{css!Pr CmJsfrllf'lion C'o, of Tlw tii'P.II I~ going In rh•vclop any· I, Purl •1. Hits New Hig~ Holt will hnllrl 2:i :l·hl'dr·mnn way and it mlglll Just as w<•ll hi' Lt~gul notkcs, PagC! ll, Pnrl Fall Before Hammer holiSCH In MaiiOII this wlnll't', In 1111 orrll'rly fnslrlon wltl1 Kr.!h· I; Pngc a, Part 2; Page 5, Purl On Tnghnm'~; clt•cult court ·c~l· Crlllofnlf!llnn will hr> In SnyrlPr I' II' rlolng I h1• hullrli ng. If .I ust n 1. rmrlnr fur Septemhcl' term suhdlvlslnn WI'S I of ll!i· 127 hY· fl'w JwltPr·slwltl'r shad<s urr• Business rill ectory, Pngc G, 711 <·nscs, a new high. The puss dllll onuth of C'olumhJ,, h11llt In tlw suhrllvlslon, the dtv Part <1. vlous high was In Btl'l'l'i. woulrl hP oiJJigall'd In bulle! lhl' lnsl ycur when 64!1 e!ISC!S Ol Escaped Convict 'l'hP l'rllllfliiii,Y's dl'l'islon In street trnyw<ty," listed, hull! I In Mason, < '111! 1\Psslr>t' lo'rl ('JHIJH'il rn11n Walmtt agr'ct!tl On 1he print eel calcndm· are 92 I!ammel·ed to death, Mto, and Mt·~.
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