Kiw11111ans Are Pickin\g up Rummage Attend American Log) Open Hou5o for Annual Si!lll Soplombor 23-24 The In ham ~County News thb Sunday Afternoon In Mason Ninclv·Sixth Year, No. 36 Mason, Michigan, Thursday. September 8, 1955 4 Sections - 26 Pages News Index Subdivider Will Build Wnnt nels, Pnges •!, 5 nnd ll, Court Calendar Part I. ' Social news, Pages 3 and ll, Stockbridge Coup~e Part 1; Page 6, Part 2. For Septembelr 25 Homes on West Side l~dltorlnls, Pnge 1, Part <1. F'arm news, Pages 2, a ancl J{css!Pr CmJsfrllf'lion C'o, of Tlw tii'P.II I~ going In rh•vclop any· I, Purl •1. Hits New Hig~ Holt will hnllrl 2:i :l·hl'dr·mnn way and it mlglll Just as w<•ll hi' Lt~gul notkcs, PagC! ll, Pnrl Fall Before Hammer holiSCH In MaiiOII this wlnll't', In 1111 orrll'rly fnslrlon wltl1 Kr.!h· I; Pngc a, Part 2; Page 5, Purl On Tnghnm'~; clt•cult court ·c~l· Crlllofnlf!llnn will hr> In SnyrlPr I' II' rlolng I h1• hullrli ng. If .I ust n 1. rmrlnr fur Septemhcl' term suhdlvlslnn WI'S I of ll!i· 127 hY· fl'w JwltPr·slwltl'r shadt' lo'rl ('JHIJH'il rn11n Walmtt agr'ct!tl On 1he print eel calcndm· are 92 I!ammel·ed to death, Mto, and Mt·~. IIoward HetTick of lhl' lOIIIH'II Monday night. hlngPrl that II Is nhnosl lrnposslhlr• lor Pupils Crowd criminal cases, 70 ,jury civil, 13<1 Slocl\bridge were found dead in thei1· barn late! Monday night. on wlwiiH•r or· not tlw l'!tv would ynnng pr•oplc In gt'i nrlcqunf,• non·.IUI'Y civil, 33 non·contes,tcd gi'IHif•, gi'IIVI'I 111\d hlaf'll, npproxlmaiPiy l,lflfl only qtll'sllon was on tlw quality •pry Hfl no-progress law and ·119 Buchanon, 30, of Detroit, who escaped ft·om .Jadtson prison ft•l'l long. C'onndlmen agrcl!d tn of tlw homes tile Kessler r:om· City Schools · no p;·ogress ch~nccty cuJ;Cs . .( cnl'ly last F1·iday. gl'lllil' 11111! g!'IIVI'! till' Hil'l'l'i this pnny pia ns I r1 1 onsll'llf'l. The no-progress cases nrt! fall and to la,Y till' triple sp;rJ as L'otnwllrnPn Morris anrl Co1rl~ ,ublcct to dismissal, when cqurt Howard HmTick, 63, and his wile Mym, U2, fell hcfot·e pilllll matJng Will'll Ill ti'IISI 7;';'~ also nsir olnrl slrh•wllill In till' !mlrl. "Tiwt woulrln'l he rlolng the of court have been summoned' to The suspect made his way to Mason and then to Lansing Hrl'rl 111111 Jnst.dl Willi'!' and si'Wf'l' e\ly Ill' f'V!'n fhr Jll'IIJloSCIJ hnml! hulltllng provides relief. That report In Lansing Monday, Scp fndlltlPs UIHIPJ' tlw dly pial ordl· OIVIH'I'S II favor." won't he for several weeks, school tembcr 19. Criminal trials arc SMASHED EYEGLASSES and ignition keys helped set tire time following the slaying. The last sure tmce of him was at the IHIJV'f' T'Phafp syslf'lll "Wr•'vl' got our own shnclc·. offleials said. scheduled to begin then. of tho bludgeoned duths of Mr. ~nd Mrs. How~rd Herrick. This ------·---··- Gt·eyhound bus sial ion in Lan· Till' arPa In whkh ilw linttsr>s flllvns now, ami no one SPPms In Judge Charles. H. Hayden Is picture w11s t11ken in ~he barn at the Herrick ft~rm north of Stock­ sing Saturday night. Will hi• h11JII \ViiS III'C:I'flll'd hy lhf' worry about them," Cndy de· '!'he greatest pressure Is In 4th, the presidmg judge for the Sep· city as a plntiPcl an•;r In l!l:l!l darer!. filh, 6th and 7lh grade rooms. tcmbP.r term. Plans are being bridge ~s· Dr. C. W. Muelrlb~rger of the stllte crime l11bor11tory 11nd Buchanon, assigned to n trusty However, r•xr rpl fnr a rough 1\t•ssh•t• Ill\ft•ruls C'nrrsh·m·Uon There are only 2 rooms for 87 made to have 2 juries hearing Sheriff Will11rd P. B11rnes gathered evidence, The keys in tire str11w Search Widens detail at the [ll'ison, m.tlopr>d Men fmm IIH' C'flil'rl homl' r·onolructlon as cquai [)4 llflh·gmdcrs and 2 rooms for Many of the jury <;!vii cas~s the asstgnment of . rli'lv\ng the J(e,sler r·ornpnny t•onfr>IHI<•d that to any <'Ustmn house of tlw same 80 sixth-graders. There are 3 are actions resulllng from autn· far an esc11pe, Close together were the spectacles worn by both For Suspect in trucl1 to fnrms npm· the prison bC<'EIIISf' ihl' llfCil \VIIS fi('!'C'IJII'ti 'IS c•nst or more. rooms for 145 sevcnlh·gradct s. mobil!:! accidents. lr~ Mr. ~nd-Mrs. Herrick. (lngh11m County News photo.) to pick up garbage for feeding to 11 plat hy flu· l'ily In l!l:l!J, the lie >':tid that 2 hmtses in the When the new school Is opened Seventeen of the 33 n'on·co · prison hogs. The Jll'isnn ll'Uclf was ' pi'I'SI'Ill suhrllvisinn orrlinfiiiC'I' an•a nave already bcPn pur­ there will he added a combination tested and 1~0 of t~e 198 co · .. Double Slaying found ahanrlorwtl at lhC! Sloclt· with Its stlffpr· rcquirl'ml'nts hns dHISml If the cornpnny develop!; teacher for fourth and fifth tested chancery cases nre dlvor9e bridge athletit· fiC•Id Friday mom· no effect on 1111' SnyriPI' prop­ tlw nrea. fn botl1 <'ascs, he saul, grades and one more teacher for actions. . D~dication Comes Sunday in g. f Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapid~ each of the slxlh and seventh erty. the IHHISPS will !'ost well over and pollee In other cities, county As ret•onstnwted hy Sheriff grades, Supt. James H. Vander Caltnn 1\Pssll'r, prPsirlcnt ,,f $11,000. AII of t hr. homes, he sherlll's, state police and railroad Banw~. BLIChanon tool1 rPfuge in tfiP 1\t•sHlPI' !'Oill[JIIIIY, fold f'ollll· salrl, will lwvn 3 hcrlrnoms, I lh~ Fo·r New Legion Building pollee have .Joined In the search the llcrrlck barn 1111 M-!12 just cllrnrrt t•arliPI' that IIH• pri<'e n11 rtnnrs, hot water anrl will he deC'· 5 gt·ades the en· Near enough to completion for I for Nealy Buchanon, suspected of south of wl1e1·e M-:Jn swings east the Snyder land lll[I(IP it Import· rJratr.rl beyond the usual houses Ve:~ at~:o~~~:~· Cou nti I Set$ . rollment stands at 6()9 with the occupancy, Bmwne·C ave n de r murdering Mr. and Mrs. Howard toward Gregory, lie had used ant tl1;1t till' dty lwlp out with in Mason. The company, Kessler f 11 Herrick of Stocl(bridge. Pollee in bales of straw ln make barrl· tlw pmjPt'f. said, will plant a tree In front of probability It will increase to 620 New Date Q·~. post's ·new home north of Mason by next weeJ(, At the close of I' wiU bQ, dedicated Sunday after· Chicago, Toledo, Cleveland and cuclc, but was proho~hly luding 1'\JII'IIII,\' Volt•s "Nn" r.vcry house and will gmdc and school in May enrollment stood ryoon at 2 o'l'loclt. other midwest cities are on behind a rloot' as l lcrrlcl< stepped Conndlman l~rlr! Spr.nny voter! seed all lawns. All driveways Will out of his ear ilmidc tire barn, at 523 for the upper 5 grades, 'Justice Harry 1?. Kelly of watch. Standing by are FBI opel'· ar:ainst lwving 1111' dly huilrl th:• be paved, he adder!. b Hearl'ng P. One blow with a h.1ilpeen ham· said Principal Richard Dcmlow. c Michigan's supreme court, who atlves, said Sheriff Willard rond In fill' ln RohPJ I Phillip, Jive In or· have your c:hllw 1.•:1:•. """""''0•'·' mBtvors..ll·'· prosecutor F'rlday morning to Dr. WIJPrlcn opposed the plan on helping with the project, most 92 sign the complaint upon which sfi'Uci< down hy ·the burly con· rwelfth ...... " · ...... 65',/,. of property owners slgn,lng. Ingham viet. up until lhl' last minute. Jlp of the inquiries have enme from and vlllages, township officers the warrant will be based. However, at a public hearing and school officials, announced called the tlcvelnpmcnt west of the Mason area." Total ...... 1,381 Sheriff Barnes went to Detroit The cnnvif'l, unable fo find the the h y·pa s s horsc·ancl·buggy FPUt tilt! wrlcowt and founrl the car In I he gara~e. Mrs. Docshcrt-: said ~he. heard Patients In Mason General II hetd seen his parents. The Wests breaking and entering charge nursing home at. Mason for a House' and other relatives. and the elder Herr1cl{s were close In a S'C!arr:ll Thursday forenoon upon which his present sentence year. Wheal ...... :.. $1.69 Oats ...... :... .47 Mr.· and' Mrs. Edward Bel'lllcr 1rlends and made frequent trips Captuin Versilc Babcod< ami was bused. Buchanon was sen· Born in Eagle Jarlllary 18, 1869, Corn ...... :.1;07 entertah1ed at a: weiner roast and together. Deputy Philip Maiville dlseov· tenced from Detroit. He has rela· Mrs. Brnwn spenl most· of her Barley ...... : ...... :. ·.84 hayride Tor· Jc,rry ·on. his birth· When the \Vests said I hey I ' · , b 1 1 1 i ~ tlves there unci in Flint. A neph· life there. She was a member of knew nothing of the whereabouts j erecl Herne1 { ~ an< 100 1 n ' Bucl1wheat, cwt ...... :::.·1.!30 clay. 't~nnlvcrsary sa·turrlny night. ew is on the Detroit police force. the Methodist d111rch al Engle. of the Hcrrlel1s, the son called his corn !lelrl 1,000 feet northwest of Rye ...... :... ·... :.. ;...... :.· .. 84 Mrs.· E! !ll'icc>s trois scoured the Stoci{brldge I Mrs. Brown i~ survived by a Dr. Lynferd Wlcl{ermun, zyino· · · · · · · · · 1 home In Onomla,:.:n. fhe Harold ~rounrl to llle edge of the corn area Friday after word was re· dnughter, MrK. Freel Balderson lbgist at the northwest· regional· · .. Mr;,:. Lee· Ger·hardstein spon· Herrlclcs !mew noth111g about field. In the r:m·n the tracks wei'e SPI~fJIAL twir.••s nu nmny 1 !Ja5 Ch''''J'oiC't 1wr.rssol'il•s ceived of the abandoned garbage of Mas.on, 111HI ~ son, Donald laboratory in Peoria, Illinois, l!i 'sored U:.class: picnic at Irison October . 9, 1891., ·in Dansville. One · Jd~-lltltlcutlon Is 1\ladtl Prison ol'fidals said Buchr.non Mrs. 1-Icrriclt was born December Sheriff Bamcs, Detective Cap· was permitted to ivear I he base· 8, 1892, in 1he fru·m· home where lain Versile Babcock and other ball cap. while driving· the gar· she met. her death. Mr. and Mrs. deputies sped lo lhe Her-rick bagc truck as trusty. Members of Hen·iclc wcr·e married Deeember home immediately after lhe find· the Herrick family identified the 8, 1913. Both were only children lng of the bodies. Some neighbors green sports jacllan famlly spei1t the Labor Day wee!< many, b o its ts a modernist:,c ., Four montl•• ...... :...... 1.00 to rultH! rnnds rnuKt be .pttld nt regu• · end at Lalte George. Monday they lllngloe colll•• """"""""""'"""' .05 lnr rntctl. cuckoo. Time is rend on· ·a visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schnei· cylindrical dial. The little bird Salvage Auto Parts. der of Merrill. · bops back and forth. T'hat' s Proof of Bud's Selection, Quality and Integrity .;··

.'' I •

\ Bud's Auto ·POrts • 1 . .Phone- Holt OX 9-2154

2 Miles South of Holt . 2 Miles 'North 9f Mason ·,. on U. S.: 27 ·,on· U.l 27 ·. ,., ·:; ,Sue Ann Bergeoll Weds Willianl Parson.s '. Party Hohor·s i. Jn St, .Tume~ Culholic chtu·ch I t Social Suturdn,v nl 12:30 Miss fi!lo Ann Four- Year~Oid + • • nr.q~con, dau~hlcl' of Mr, and ' 'I ' • • • . " .' Mrs .•r. c. Bergrmn, anrl Wllllnm Dr.nn Flsl< nhsm·vcrl his fOUI'!It E. Parsons, ~on of Mrs, Gr.rnld hlr·lhrlny nnnlve!•sru'Y Thtl!·sdu~ {)oujJle Wed in Ca~dle-Light Cerenzo11y Thirty-Six Play 1fternonn ut n PIII'IY glv!!n l)y ['lll'sons, exdutngerl their nuptial' 'tis mother, Mrs. Dnrt·PI Flsl(, · In n pretty r•rJilrllf'·li~hl 2-Ball' Foursome vnws. Jo'r, Paul DcHoso ot'flclaterl Guests Included Mnvls, IC!lthy mony Sntul'flny evenlnt~ nt Vnn· at tho rlnuhlc·rlng ccr·emony hr.·, llHl Rlf!lved gro~s. froclt acPenterl wit II a largo hnw / Mr. nnrl Mrs. Elwonrl Mlllarrl "rcsbytnrlan c:hllt'eh sr:hool Sun.' Slur, 0 Promise Me and 0 Per· ill hadt. Mrs.. John D. Bm·gcon, lay, Sept em her 11 at. II : 15 a. in, feet Love. Vof'al Hl'lectlons, Be· will scJ•ve as ehnlrmen of Mrs. Milton C. Bm•geon and Mrs. It Is tlw first showing In Mlch· (:RUHC, I Love Thee ami The next 2·hn.ll foursome flr.ptembt!r Charles l•'lnlun were hrlrlr.smalris 'rrnn. II WIJH pr·ortuced hy tho ~orrl's Pmyer, were sung by 11 at the Mnson golf r:oursc. Golf in dresses ldcnlienl to tile' maid Moody Tn.~tllutc of Scicn<"e at· Los William Ainslie of Dansville, play will be at 4 o'cloclc with n of 11onor's, All worr! matcblng potluclc supper following. Angeles anrl Is under the dlrcc· Fm· her· nupllals, the hrirlc headpieces and mrrlerl hnHIer of Misses Mary Kymn of Kalama· tioned .over the week end act told by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. day. Miss Cbilds will enter MSU Lansing on his 73rd birthday an· i zoo, Joan Gager and Mary Ann v~olvcrmc, the . Straits of Ma · Wallace J. Thomas of Augusta, Ibis fall. Miss Sarah Jennings niversary. Dinner guests were We Delivbr OR 7-0411 ' ·,Nichols of Lansing and Kcltha ltmac and Bellaire. 1Maine. Mr. Fryover Is the son and Miss Mildred Plclcett of Les· Mr. Acl Hart of' In. northern Michigan. of next week to mal·dia Sled at, ·East.. Tawas. They returned' Ito me· last'· Satur; .. d~~' . :~~~~·,": ·, -\~~: :·~··· ':l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ffi~~ cown rs oun nusmmss. Zlm· r-----...... ----...... ,...... ,._. ______.. ___ .....,. ___ ~--.;..,;. merm11n'a, 3l4 South ,Tel'for~on, j Mnson, 23wtf Phone DINING H.DDM SlJITTI;-..=-!l--p-loco I wnlnut; davenport. nnrl muteh· lng chair•, dttHly mso mohair; lamps nnd smull lnhles. 15Hl Cor·· For Ad Action !Jolt Bll'Cllt, Lansing. Phune IV· 2-:~1 44. :itlw1 OR 7-9011 LIGHTED ;;;~;-H_E_S--f-o;-: I church and home. Youth fm• 1 Chl'isl 131ulos, ltu·go sol cellon of I church and ,Sundny school sup· plies, 'l'ho lotest In Cln·lsllnn I e Wednesday afternoon hoolts, l'omrnentarles, . sph•ltuol deadline on clllBsllltldB helps, hlogrnphll's, dasslc unrl fiction. Corner Gill uml Blhlf' I ~ 40 words for 50c - Ad· Shop. Phone Holt OX-4-:JO!ll. dltloual wm·ds lc each 35wtf e Oln.'lsille•l display mlB tHe Jler Inch . ALUMINUM 'I'ABLES I foldln~ 1 type!, AnHco nnrl Imperlnl One of l'tllchlgan's htrg· ·· ~umermr, art wood plaques unll • nst rural wnnt ad lll'C•·es, Select tl1c gift, have It. tions wrapped ~nfl rencly. Use our lrtY· awny plan. Comer Gift and Bible Shop, phone Holt. OX·4·:JOfil. 3Gwlf I ~cn.. e...... MHP~IUuggaiDeli%~3WIEia75757 ...... ¥" DI .. EI .. IR .. II .... IIII .. IIIIII ...... ~~ ------I KENMDH.E nutomnlle woRiwr·,l GRAIN DRILL -1954 .John DHCHAHD EQUIPMENT-John good condlllon, $2~; :J nlr· com·! Livestock 11Hh Wolverine Bean apple grader, $000, · 400 Deer·e 13·hole disc drill on rub· pressors with motors, $1G eaclt; DwosHo crates, 1,500 regular ber with mnrl1ers and row at.tach· alr.o ~·orne quarll'r·horse motors. Holstein Sale crates; ladders, 14, Hi, J 8 feet, ments. Lllo;d YoLI can .medw a a picturn of happiness, Start your own family sav· HEIFERS, 4 Jlolstcin heifers, lti."lt t'ecorcl clam" 3 ."easons. ·Also· New Polland d 1 t "'1" M ings project now! we1gh· nhoul GOO 1hs cnelt, $G:i " c. blowm·.o Phone DR·7·1786. -, · separator, BOO pound capacity·, I"an reacA Y 11 0 go. <:> " up. M ason 1 j each. Also J-Tcrcf1Jl'Cl IJLtll for sale Consignments from some nf DcLaval mllllrling, 7 Pabst, Canwtirm nnrl Triune half yard bucket: together with , ' r r • 35w2 $144.50. NO\V only "'97'' ..~J0, $".98., pel' THE FARMERS BANK 111 years olrl ..r. L. NidJol~. cornr.l' breeding. b m1le talnd 1trailer. B1a1rller·B·Grtehene month. Mason Home Appliance, Member F. D. I. C. Oldest Hanli in Ingham County Feilcral Reserve lilystem of Hulr.ll nnd ~nnrtl ma~. Thm~~ll~w~100h~dto ucm. oac~ooruJE~ 0 1n ~~CHml<~emne IJm~e~ ~ UOW.Ma~e.~ooeMuonO~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 Roule '1, Mason. 3Gwl sell--your chanee lo buy reul bar· good condition. 2619 S. Cedar gallon chlcl; 19-18 Stude· U. S. No. 1 washed potatoes, $1 ED·2·58G8, 3lwlf outh, Mlclllgnn. FOR SALE DR 'l'RADE-39F20 OR·7·2141, Bflwlp surancc. Mason Home Appliance, a trailer Instead Po I do nol nP~d halwr, l·ton truck, $250. Both I per 50-lb bag. Basil Freeman ------· --~------·--- tmct'or with mounted mower, 120 W. Maple, phone Mason 0~ the set, cost $109.50, I will ~rll in good running condition. 24-fl. farm, 4780 Iosco road, Webbf:'r· HEW~Ifi'1 ·11E~RS-4 2·year·Dicl Holsteins. C. B. SMITH in excellent condition. Also 2 GOOD FARM TRAILER with 7·5911. 36wl for $95. Call Mason OR·7·•19!5~("!. 81,, .1 wstnut I .lW p her 7. Bangs tested. North of east anrl one sin<>le holt om. Call Holt REFRIGERATOR, Crosley, G1;,j ~-·-~--- ~- I sl rPrl. Lansing. .3Ciwl 4 Williamston, MidtigRn " ard Gailey, 2477 Carter road, RADIO AND PITONO J tt I US-Hi on Vanettn mad In Piper :Jfiwl OX-4-8349. :J6wl Dansville. Phone Dansville MA· cubic foot; home safe, 24 ·. cnnso l' '<' i -- --.. ·---· I OUR FAMOUS Honr.yrocl< mel· ronrl, first· farm north ~lilt' on --~--- -- 32011 35 2 Inches high. Both In good condi· combination with new :l·FJlt•ed; I Ions are now ripe. Bring !lw Piper· rond. Ike Piper. Phone EWES-40 registered Oxford INTERNATIONAL DRILL- 13 · · 'w t.lon. Phone Mason DR-7·4721 plronogmph unit, exr·eliPnl enn·l , kirls out for a free slice. Palmer Lansing FE·fl·Bii77. a5w2 ewes, young nock. Earl hole drill on rubber, in good evenings. 36wt'f dillon. Harold Lavis, plwne l'vl.l· S I IOrchard, 7 milc>s south of Mason EWEs-=io-;~~eJJil-,~;Jal~wes for: N!clwls, corner of Onondaga and condition. Ready for use. Phlllp H G . F d .son OR·G-1762. 3~w1 i ave. on US·127. 35w2, ,. , . . Nrchols rn~ds, pltnne Muson OR· Boclrir. Phone OR-7·7787. 34wtf ay- ra1n- ee BIDS WANTED nn furnace. Coal, I ,. ,-. i ' !l,tle. All I ill~erl tw1n lambs. 7 3252 •3 I If _____ ~ __ - __ Century model .3Gl, and stolwr,! ANTIQt_JE FURNI I URE, Uuna. 'CANNING PEACHES-J.. H. Weigh 81 lh al. D(>tmit at !i ., ' . . '\V ' . . Iron Fireman deluxe, size DL-30. I and sliver. 304 Armstrong St., r Wr• Are Cle~r·ing the Derl{S Ilale and Elberta now ripe, lasl montlls. B. A. Marsltnll, 3299 2,1 SIX WEEK OLD PIGS fo; Check These Barg. aIns GENESEE SEED .w~·AT. One 'sen together: To se~ c~ntnct-sal~'· r Leslie. _Phone J~:~~~~:~-- --~l~l~l on Oin' En lire Stocl~ o( o[ t.lte season. Palmer Orchard, 7 llarnes road. 3·1wlf sale. Clare Howery, 2 miles year from certiiJcatmn. W. D. I ag~ department·, Micll!gar~ ~ta.e r , miles south of Mason on US·l27. cows-1n registered nnd grade south of Mason on 1IS·127. Phone Massey·Hnrris 2.plow tractor wlth Orr, one mile south of Aurelius umverslty, room 100, ndmunstra·l A • ll!l:!Ci MrrriPl Forrl Cm·s and Trucks 36wl J 1 1 G r.: Mason OR·7·7288. 3fiw2 Ctlltlvator Center. on. Aurellus road. Phone ?ti.on ..Phon. e, Lansing ED·.· utomot1ve erseys am gmc e uern~cys, ·> 1511 31 t POTATOES Tarecl Atl~ttn Ctlr clue to freshen I his fall. These 20---·------RED DUROC pigs 8 weeks old Minneflpolis·Mo!ine ZB tractor Aureltus 3231. 35w2 - · • extensron · HG l 1l 'I'JJrlrJJ'.o.• -- "'nt·rtnrs,. - ·- Vi'ctot•la"., · ·lis road," ' Route 1,o Mason.' • animnls from very goot!!ing, for sale. Phone Lansin[! ED· with power·lirt 4·row culli· ___:_::_v_ 1 ------·-··------~-~----~- C'om•rJ'Iilllc>s ~--Station Wngnns Phone Aurelius 3714. 3Gwl .. d f 2 SEED WHEAT-Certlflecl, $2.25 1'1 1 · 1 g?o£1 producers and hangs test. eel. 17·73GG, 1901. E. Cavanaugh rom!, vntot·. Can be use or or 4 per bushel. Also rye. JVII!ton WALNUT VANITY, $20. Robert @ ·,..nmu•rhn.;c s , , . , !-Ill ton Ehrrly, phon£> Lnnsmg % mile cast nf Ols. 8 miles Co·Dp tractor with live power and ------TILT BACK CHAIR-Yellow SCHOOL DAY,'S SPECIALS TIIF: BEST BUYS both geldings. Wuyne C. Miller, north and 1 :Y, miles west nf 2·row power·lift cultivator ALFALFA HAY for sale, first plastic, with ottoman. Very Tuttle Orchard 2£il College rnnrl, Mason, phone Greenville. Carl Speese, Gowen, \1\'·:lO tractor on rubber for belt and second cutl·ings. Also good condition. Phone Mason OH· If you nrc in I he JH'Prl for ;rnnlllror in lllf' County on 2 miles north of Leslie, mile west or power work wheat straw for sale. Call Clar· 7·0533. 3Gwlf car in the family, £'hr.1·l< nlll' ancl \~ m liP north on Tuttle road DR·7·583.3. .3!'\wlf phone Trufant YD·4fi:i31. 35w2p SllAEP lJSlW CARS ------·------International M tractors ence Bo 1 es, Mason OR ·7 ·2361 , --~---~----- stocl~ of Used Cm·s lll'forP y~ru 36wtf FAMILY MILCH COW - :l BOARS --~ Regl~-~~;:;J big·type. Used Trucks and Piclmps first farm south of Mason on US· KENMORE nil whiLe 4·hurnct·, buy. Used Plows table-top bottle gas £1·ove. years old. Part. Holstein, $12:1. Rex Hill, 3254 E. Prost road, 127 36 4 1953 CHEVROLET, 2·111 2·rlnn 1·, IITJRRY! MciNTOSH APPLES, Bartlett Russell L . .Jenkins, .3722 C<~vnn· Williamston. Phone Williamston New Gehl l"leld Harvesters ·B. R. W P Feig;hner Sales, 207 Park street, $1,095. pears and extracted and eonr augh rond, phnrw Lansing ED· 614F2'1. 35w2p New Wagons m.d Raclts 5f5 ACRES well dented standing Mason. Phone Mnson 0~7-7031. 1953 CHEVROLET, sport rnup!>, I honey. Hansen Orchard, 1043 Ori· ' 7-7Gfi1. .3fiwl ------·---~- corn. Robert Alles, phone Wil· 36wl 495 , l mad, 6 miles west on Co· .JERSEY COW, 2 years old, clue I b I I Power Glide, $l • · I R Ch · i lumbia, 2 miles south on Onon· RIDING MARE--- 3 years· old, of Sis y mp vment Co. Jlamston 6l2·F·22. 36w2p NORGE FREEZER-Medium· l!l!52 CHEVROLET, dr.luxr. '1·rloor,, OY r/Stensen 1 1 c1 PI A J' 1614 with second calf, an excellenl !'ower Glide, $895. . £ aga !'On • mne ure JUS ~i 214 W. Slate 0 i racing stoc•k, brown. Rcgi~lercrl family cow. A. Alexa, 4909 South ~7 · 0141 ONE YEAR FROM certification, ·size upright, in pet-feet. concli· 361 Berl1sliirc boar, nnr: yf'at· sr•r·vil'e. it. l!J,J2 CHEVROLET, SJlOI'·l C'Ol!Jl~, Ynltl' Friendly Fonl Dealer 1··------:------Logan. Phone Lansing IV-~8031. Genesee ~eed wheat. No coclde, tlon. No room for Best casl1 !_"ower Glide, $~:~!!5. ·r.t .• 2ll! Slate St. 'Phone Oll·7·!JG11 TOMATOES - Red ripe tomll· Girl's 26·in. bicyl'lc, $10. Phrme 3!iw3p ------$2.15 per hushel. L. K. Zimme1·· offer takes it. 12fi r.Iat hew slree:, Leslie ,JU.0·5107. 3Gwl Mason. 36w1p 19al CHEVROLE 1, ·1·r.loor,. $.>8.J. Mason 1 loes, get yours now for can. POTATO DIGGEa, International man, 1291 Eife11t road, Holt. 1950 FORD, club coupe, $4:~0. _. Op1m Evenings Till !l - Jning. It's at the penlt of the crop. ------·-----·-- PTO driven, very ,good condl•· Phone. Holt OX·~·2194.·.·> ·. 36wtf -----,------G~ERNSEY cows-- Your pict~ Mr. Farmer,· FURNACE - 24-lnch. steel, coal 1950. PLYMOUTH, 4·tloor, ~:lfl~. Saturdays Till (i _ , J :tl{~ry .-AJ.lll Jfrede.~lclt, 1% mlloR ~::·or ·one out of .3. Two arc Bangs tlon. Howard .Jenl~s. 1 mlle,ea,~r ::'·-<: ..... : :: .::·. > ., '·· ·.. :~.::.. .. ,"... -· -.·~·­ fired, fire brick lined, warm air. ~0~0. CHEVROLET, 2-cl~or, ~3fl.>. ------· -·- south. ·of Masori,-Ql1)t{S·J27 •.::·~honr; i6stccl..,\ ..tags. ·in r.nrs .. One. is· Wr.ntld ,;ymJ ·.IH. ing. User! gas furnace, $25. Gal· ELBERTA PEACHES now. Bart· Dansville M A·3·32G2. !~red Shep· spring boars fot· sale at. farm- man road, f5 miles west of Stoclt· TRUCK V,ALUES vanizerl angle! iron, fumace pipe, lelt. pear·s ancl Stanley prurie nrd, 1. mile eaPI or Merirlinn roar! er' prices. These boars are bridge. 36w1 1 FOR SALE -· 2 beds with 19!'51 CHEVROLEr. 1 /~·lon with fil.tings 111111 rcglstCI', pipe fittings plums. on M·36. .36w2 fmm lillers or 12 pigs or mor~. springs, cheap. A feat.her bed stoclt rae!,;, $695. . amt pipP~. iron nnd copjler. ALLIS·CHALMERS chopper, 2 could be made into pillows. F·ruit BOARS - Regislered Hampshir~ 104~ INTr;:RNATIONAL. .l·ton l~verylliing must go. Soeters, 221 D k I 0 h d Carlton An.way Son years old. Corn head· on hay Household Goods jars. Phone Mason OR-7·6672. boars for sale. Sired by litter & nnd grass at•rochment also. Pa· ptclnip ,wt~h ~oorl S·loc:l\ rac;l< Nor·th Mnin street, Leslie. oc ter s rc ar 36w1 IS J' mate of OrR!. place pen of 3 C. A. Farm - Phone 608·F·2:; sides. , rhrs a real ~hat'PH' 36wl pee, blower. B!acl< hammer mill VERY FINE deep rose all·wool ------with nearly new tires. -----·· 1.% miles south of Dansville harrows u.t the 19:14 Internntion· Williamston belt. Self unloading wagon. Rea· twist rug, 10'hx12. Has just COAL HEATHOLA l~v}ng room · Phone Dansville MA·3·2014 al. C. E. Puffrmberger & Son, First house south of Holt mad sonable. Phone Lansing IV· been dry cleaned. Used only 2· stove, good condttJOn, $15. 32wtf Ferris road, Ononclagn township. on Zimme1· rom!. :JGw2p 7·2069. 36w3 years. Ball-Dunn Home Furnish· Ma1:Y Woltersdorf, 926 S. Barnes·, AI Rice Chevrolet ___,_ ------Phone Eaton RnpidH 6402. lng, Mason, phone Masnn OR· Mason. 3Gw1p FOR 'SALE,-Corn binder and Open Friday Nights Week End 36w2p 7·0231. 31wtf WEALTHY APPLES ------bundle carrier complete, good Phone OR·7·30Gl. BARTLETT PEARS FOR SALE - ·a springer co1v:.;, Farm TQois as new. Surge mllldng _machine, 2 Mason 1 5·yeat··old, 2 2·yenr·olds, due b,ucltets, can buy whole machine Specials soon, From artificial in~emtna· Blossom Orchard or just part. Phone. Mason OR· CHEVROLJ<::T 2·dom· tlon. Ralph Stillman, 34.30 Dobie 7·2861, Jules Dorn, Holt road, Ma· Alfred Wardowskl Farm l!l54 CHI~VROLE1' 2·cloor road, Mason, phone Lansing ED· son. 36wlp 2 miles north of Leslie on US-127 7·7951. .3Gwlp 1950 FORD Club Coupe Equipment 2 FORD Tudors, 1949 . Phone Leslie JU·9·2307 McCORMICK· DEERING cor 11 31wtt RAMS - Registered Hampshire binder. George ·B. ·,Frost, 1080 1!H8 PONTIAC :2·door rams. The universal sheep iust Steel corn cribs Frn'st road, Route 1, Williamston. 1048 F'ORD Tudor right for your flocl<. M. C. Hyde Lincoln Welders and Supplles 36wlp Low clown payment - Terms to & Son~, 1633 N. Phillips roarl, Kingwise Elevators Rllil. Clothing Mason. Phone Mason OR-7-4959. Chore Boy Mlllbull, 18 months old. Fred Cox, Clod Busters DAYBROOK hydrauJ.Ic. flat raei<, 4623 Elliott Road, Mason $7.50. Mt·s. w. J. Mcllquham, 529 1415 Osborn road, Dansville, Wagons and Unloadcrs all steel, 12x8. Lll All sizes, tlon, 21Fi ncres tlllnblc, 10 acres 21wti by ~cnlo WC!ight. .TnrncH Whlltn· nlslwrl. Suitable for I or 2 per· wlnclowH nnrl storm doors. Two the lowest pr!ce11 Dnywhere on all prlc1!s, all 0, ){. TermK avail· timber, 2·fnmlly, m o cl ern IPRACTICALLY new homo In GENERAl~ HAULING -;;;;i-llght leer, 1738 Murruy Honrl, Dansville, sons. Phone Mnsnn OR7·7891, loeatlons, 12pllnncc, 120 hou~e. 2 lm·ge barns, n 3'lx70 Mnsnn, large Jiving room, gus trucifr>rences l'(l· 10. Cub Scout suit size 9, $4. f t. Upl' 1g 1t 1 c1 eep f ree~e. 111 ce new TATE SHOPPER - Country down.Priced nt $10,500 with $2,500 ncres nncl modern home on Slit~ $3.09. W' AD plywonrl, $'1.02. 2xB WANTED '1'0 BUY -White t ollel" Bill nvPr hnuls, slzP 12, hUif()n H2-lnch cui Iawnmower, Worth· rood. Breezeway, 2·Cill" gm·age, 30 qullcd. Av,ellahlc, uhoul Seplom· ;Jwntl!lng, $118.75. 15 o;, Jb skates In good r•ondltion. Wom· IJCI' 10. Cull nr sec !Tnrold Neal, sizP 10, nelliiCI' evPr ington mnlce. A few thousand home near 79. acres nf NEAR DIMONDALE, 8·ncre large heated chicken house, Call ~;weutcl', Dans~lllr., ,cit, $3.09 Pattern lOG ga!.tge sicl· en's, size . nuth Ann Frecmnn, 564 S .Jndcsou ronrl, phom• Mil· l lwen wm·n, hnth, $1.50, No Satut· feet of new hnrclwood lumber,/ good land, house Is hi lei< Inrm, G-room house, good barn Clarence Boles, Mason OR·7·2361, 1 7 ~1th lng, $171.00 pel' M. 3 In 1 •1780 Iosco rrnrl Webberville son OH-7·0701. 3Gw1 1!ny or· Setnday Palls. Phone Lun· ·tly maple 14.111 Deltn hand· living room, dining room, h1eak· and poultry house, lGO·ft. rock c ..Jewell Agency. 36w1p shingles, $6.65 pel' sq. We carry n Jl ue ·u~ ' ' 3~w2 111 21 'sing IV·fl·Hi;i(j, 8fiw1 ~r::. Snnrlors, 'polishers and hack- fast room, ldtchen, bedroom and well, $8,500 with $2.~00 down. -,2-0--A-C_R_E-~-farm on Dan.~vllle·Ma· complete line of windows, build·~1_ _ __'____ • ______I ------~ snw~ for Ya ·inch r1rHI and other hath do\vn, 2 hedroon;s up, hns~· lng hnrrlwnre, everything for that F'OR RENT - Furnished npnrt· TOPCOATS-- Men's, size aB, one Mn."clll OR- . ot• ment, furnace, water softene1. SON b son road. Modern countn• ment, ;~·room:-; with l'nrlosc:rl I 1 tool.~. Pltolt~ 7 2693 2 new home. Om· term~ nre stlrctly WANTED-All lclnds o! scrap I "' 'ttlrl onn ll"llt tntt !Jotlt itt " " 111 1 I I I NEAR MA ' . cc1 room 1tome, )tome, large bnseme11t baJ'Il, clio, hack porC'It, p1·lvnte r•ntranrr• anrl g ~ ' '" " ' ' OR·7·2G!ll,·~ Dt· ..r. C. Ponton, 1fl0ll Th Is not an ° rl lOuse, nne Jns 2 ncr·cs of lund lncntecl on o cnsh. Open weelt dnys tIll fi:30, Iron, tin, cars and trurlcs. Also hnth, utiiiiiPf. fill nlslwrl. Not suit· verv good romllllon. Mrs. M. B Phillips rond Mason. 36w2 u t'OCit garden with beautiful hlncktop road. Dansville school Owner Reiling due tn lllness. Saturday until 4 o'eloelc, Sunday old farm machinery. WrIte 1\Rlclecl Sundnys, open eve· ELGTN bmrt motor, 7% h. p .. here in Mason with new o 1 fm·· homes. 36 x 75 hlp-roof base· linen closets. Full basement. Oil sing ED-2·3789, St:~A C'lwst nut I< Intis nt all times. Marlcct nlngs till fl. btntlain's Bird with reverse drive.• Just user! nnce with 1'j lots. Only $10,500. men I barn. Also a 24 x 50 barn, heat. For one of the best see this. street, Lansing. 36W1 price paid ut home. Roy D. Don· CUSTOM BALING, No. 77 New Shoppe>, :107 Melt street on US-127, once, will sell or 1radc for huy, -AOG; 400 acres Fowlcrvl!IP,8 hog house, lnrge grnln storage, Dial Mason OR-7-3781 or c. Johl)· Iaid, second ~rm south of Aurc· Holland Imler. W. E. Kranz & Lr'sllr, pltnne Leslie .TU·!l-~081. grain or goorl rlairy cow. Call 270 ar:re~ tillable, 3ll X 1 poultry house, tool house, son, C. Jewett Agency. 36w1p llus Center, llll()ne 3203 Aurelius. Sons, phone Mason OH ti-1787. 1lw52p William I Stocltbrlclge road, 2 wny Diner. :J5wtf the job at n() cost to you. Just phone Mason OR-7 3871, C. Jew- block I a y l n g, ' floors and reliable man to help operatr. WANTED-Ride for small boy miles nm·th of Dansville road. call OR-7·4311, Perldns Hardware. ett, brolcer. 36w1p founqatlons, carpenter worlt and 'large poultry farm year around, to Nont Leslte school eaC'It GOLF CLUBS-One set of 11 Morris Reinhart 36w1 23wtf plastering. Clyde Starr, 2% m!les full-time employment assured mormng Call AI Torbet at How· matched, registered H:orydon Phone Leslee .JU.fl·24:i4 clubs, 4 woods, 9 irons and bar(, south of Mason on US·127 to Coy Expe~lence preferred . but not ard Pon.tiac, Mason. Phone Ma BOATS-And boat trailers and ., W d R I E I Aurelius 1<10~ $125; and a set of m.ttched, regis· COLLEGE POINTE/ SUB.-Of· ante ea State road, east on Coy road to stone necessary. Phone Warren Muel·f son OH.- . . . GWl]> motm s. Good buys. Guns, fers complete plat restrictions 180 ACRES more or less, prefer· house or phone OR-7·2945. 49wtf ler, Dansville MA-3·2443 1 7 1801 3 Mn.~r;n OR·7 0~08 sropes, polyclwkes. Rentals and tered McGreggor clubs, Byron 35w4 Nelson signature, 4 woods, 9 for your protection. Clussed "A" ably more. Must be around the 49wtf 36wtf R t repairs. New Hilltop (Easy Ride) residential. Lots 146x240 nnd Mason area. I have sold their -'--~~--,.-'----,-.,...... ,--- WANTED-=-someone over 21 to f boat trailers from 310·2200 ca· irons, $100, Phone Mason OR· or en 125x240. Located on College road farm and have cash to pay 0 1' care for 4-year-old while moth· paclty. 1500 Cavanaugh road. 1 7·0751 after 6 p. m 36w1 ! CRATES-250 light onion crates. nenr Harper. Terms offered. yours. Must have fmr footings, smnll basements dug. cr wm·lcs swing shift. Phone Mu· plnce east of NYCRR. Phone 1 b~lld· Lost and Found First $25 tnltes them. M.A. Pat· Owner E. E. Wentland 3580 Har· l~g~. am not interested 111 .a Fill dirt and road gravel hauled. son OR·7·5081. 36wl F'LOOR SANDERS for rent. Lansing TU-2·2961. 33wtf ' . ltstmg, all I want to !mow Is 1f Perluns Hardware, phone Ma.· terson, mile cast and ~; mile per road, phone OR-7·8334. wtf you want to sell. Call or write Phone Lansing ED·7·7170 or ED· NOTICE-All stray rlogs plclted 32 son OR-6-4311. 8wtf south of Bunlon. Phone Aurelius 1504. 36wl 9 LOST - Monday night between BOATS ~ Closing out 10 used tlful floors, very nice kitchen and 127, south of Mason. Prlc!' $5,· septic tanks complete. Have Phone Holt OX·4·9651. 36w1p bath. Full basement with 2-plece 000, running water through pas· power digger and dozer. Phone WANTED-Used windrow attach· 3MALL HOUSE for rent. Suit· Pleasant lal>e and Mason, a .· metal boats at $75 each. All 12 ment for 7·ft. mower. James baby's piny pen, probably on , ~:_ footers, all In good shape, had bath nnd plastered walls. Auto· ,ture. 25 acres on US-127, worlc OR·7·4973. Glenn Starr. 30wtf 11ble for 2 people. Refrllf!'rator 1 maUc heat, large 2-car garage. shop, cottage, $10,500. 45 acre -:::-:-:-::=-:-::--''==~==---,.-~ Martin, phone Mason OR·7·5863 . <.tnd gas stove furnished. Automa· Meridian road. Finder please • ' excellent care. W. R. Dudley at 34wtf . poble lake. 31wtf Radio&· TV See C. Johnson or phone Mason building locution, plenty of shade BUILDING TRENCHES, septic ------­ tie gas heat. Water and electricity notify Dr. Mary Dexter, Mason. OR-7·3781, c. Jewett, broker. nnd priced at $2,100. Call Clar· t11nks and tile fields, dug with HIGHEST PRICES paid for poul furnished. Phone Mason OR· Phon~ Mason OR-7·0251. 36w1 1,,;;,.' TROMBONE --Good condition, 36wlp ence Boles, Mason OR-7·2361, c. power digger. For a good Job at tr • Pick up nnyUme. custom 7·2041. 36wlp -- - .. · $25. Formals, size 14, pi nit and --..,..------..,..--- Jewett Agency, 36w1p a right price call L. K. Zimmer· .Y w H Appleton 'blue, $10·$17. Call Mason OR· man phone OX·92194. 24wtf wor1 t 1s spec1 a 1• · · • · 7·4932. 36w1 I phone Mason OR-7.0382. awu • 'I ' ' . M1~. ~nk Mrs, fr,nl~ H.}~!~~~n· ~iM~~' ~N+E~T+iN vlslt~r:l M~·· and fvlrs. Fr~d tJol'· :, M1·, ahil M~~J Italph Simoni! craft .flllll Mr. Ill)~ ··Mtij, Ocorge r.ntcr.talfT!ir:l :. 32 fiiiCBiij !'iloncluy Mason OES Hasf Bnrson of E:nton Rnplr]s Wmlnes rift()rnoqn nt apicnic, Gnml!s wore Want Ads clay, Mrs. R. m. Troxell, n fqi'JTII!I' the rllvcrstr\n .of tlhc afternoon, First Fall Meet! ~elghhot• nt · thr. Hazeltrms, culled 'I' he 110!tM ahowcr) colnrecj ~licli!B In thn aftol'lloon, ' ·' . '' jn the evenln!l after whlrh Mrs. Organizations Muson 0. g, S. olrnpter No. 'J!iO -----·---- ·---.. ·-··--· ---- Mr. nnr:l Mrs. J, Wllllum Couch Simone 'ac11ver1 11· huiTct luncheon. msumort Its rnerllngs nt tho Mil· ·' GOING '1'0 I•' I .011.1 DA llw first t'elurncd on Ute weclc end trorn Ou.csts 'nttcndccj' from Lnnslnfl, Th'c flnll mec.tlng df t11u ,folly 12 club fnr tho Yl'fll' wilt be sonle temple 'l'tiC~rlny evening of Ocl<~hb Mr. an1i'Mrs. Samuel Cmfl are and vlce·chnlrman; Mrs. Charles .v~cnl!on period. Tlw men had ducrgc of the .Jei'!IH 1f1 Sllmson IJnHpltnl, l•!nlorJ 'ce·. S Cllftnn, LanHlng, 'J'uesrtay, Sep· Klcselhneh. 1\Jr••;. r;. · lrlal· DeCnmp afl1•r r:r1•;cl firarcdpa hall Tuesday, Sr•tJlenth!!r 13. Lansing. Jleservntlnns mny Ill' lllcir way home. ererl al the home of Mrs. ,James l'''""""t, liON, JoliN Mcci.ELI.AN, meeting, Mrs. Toplfff and co· Mnson ehaptcr of 0. F. S. will I.Y lllm In llcanl< 1111• nrpha J•;llc!n N~ISIJII PeCamp. 'I'IJIII11ils, weigh· JtUIJ.rU of Prohut.e, marie with Mrs. Lconnrr! Blnocl Mt·. nne! Mr·s. lll:r·sdwt ,ff!Welt N. Bl'rlwn Wcrlnesduy evening to In thu Mutter or the E•t"t• or c. hostess, Mrs. Deeg S'Jrvcd lunch· circle, W. S. t '. S. for fond I'll In nl H Ill, fi oz: flis hrotlil'l's sponsor 11 roast beef dinner at before Sumlay. 'l'hn group wilt be 'IIIII fumlly sp1!11l lire week enrl hmughl In, Mas1111 ll!•hPIIall lodge nrga nize a chapter of the Beta RU::!STCI.L CllO~I•;I\, Ucccu•""· . eon. During the afternoon session the Masonic temple dining ro~m welcoming new members. al Gmnd Ilaven. and Hislni'H arP 1\iJIIli',VII, 12; Sil',ma Phi s'orority, Lansln" It uttrocurlu" tn ·tho Cour~ thut for the dinner, VPv;c~· lmiJ.(<' No. V;r!r•rir, II ; Vemon, D; Narll'y, ~ t:l thnu for prmu~ntntlott or ohllmtl J93 for parliclpalint: In llw fn· r~p~ilon Mll chapter. Mrs. Ted HUid ••lute Hhould hu llmilcd, u fi; ,llil'!mrd, 2; and 11ohr·r·l, I. Tit!' Lone or Lansing, extension ot'fl- lime urul uluc•c IIU UIII!Ointcd to . neral sr>rvil'l', HPv. N10rlon for iiiTiv;ll of IIi!! .yrnrngPst m!:-;s1•rl t!Milmlno untl udjuHL nil cluhn11 his mmrorl inJ.( words, nnrl ;ell c·cr, ~iiVC the program, Present~ mnndH 11\.flllnt~t Hltld dt!Ct!IIHt!d by II 2 other· hirlluln.vs. Holil't'l 's on ·IIIJ.( Bel« Slgmil Phi. lore oulrl Cnurt: und ~hut. the legal those Willi hPitH'rl [I'SHI'n lltll' Sill'· Moncl.ty and Naric,Y's on Tucs· ould dccouoecl vntltlcil to lnhcl'it row. Mr~. VPr'a llny, DIII'Pll anrl day. At ' Ji 11 ll of which Hnld' de!'CUfiNl dlm1 Htll'lcri 'Kids Are cenr 11/l 1e mee ng were he 'urljurllcutcd and dctc•·mlncd, The Margmvl, Mr·s. .lolrn llarnlin, Mrs. Ridwrd SwanlnJ.(er of Lan· Orderud, 'rhut uti the credl~uc·o \II MrS'. Annalwl Anw.l' nnd 'Elton Mt•. and JV!r·s. \VIIIIarp Patrld1 1slJJJ.(, Mt·n. ,James Inghram, Mrs. deccuocrl um requlrorl l.o roreucnt Roy. :Jfiwl o.f Lansing. a.l'!' pnrrnl~.of n sn11, l'tllln.r·t Corte, Mr·.". )~,"rl Joltnson, I heir ··lulmo In wrlllu~t und undor outh G W 1 1 .... \. ~~ •"1 -r-' ua lll'uvided by tdnLUl1! 1 to Kuid Court regri!'Y 1 tram, lot·n ·'~!plember Mr·s. Hohert Taylor, Mrs. William ut. ~hu Prohute Olflcc uL 2115 Wo•t Sagl- 4 Ht Sl I '1\VI'P.tH'(' hos[HI'il r 'ill nnw Strt•ul, LnnHinJ.(, MlchiJ,('UII, On or BOOS'I'Eil C:Lllll \\'p wish In ' . "' - . ' ' "' . Tliorhurn, Mrs. GPorge Whyte, b"fnrc the 16,th duy of Novcmhuo·, A. D. 11 I II n 111 11· 1 ~lng. Mrs. l'alridl Is lice .rormf•r· .ft•., Mrs. C. ,f, Hubbard, Mrs. rur.n, ut. tun-thirty o'clock In the roc·o- 11111 I IP ilrCHV I' ('llll1111111 y Shirley Millis of M:lson. c.regnry l•'hcnk Young and Mrs. Duane 1\IHIO, •nld lime nnd pluco holn~ licrehy for how;chnlrl ifr•ms. [;cnn mn· lias a H!sler, Dcnrse Lynn, JS f''',Jl'l'. • ll(lpolnlcd lor thr. oxllmhuclion """ ud- dtlnery, f'l(ri!JIIIJ.( lind !Ja)H'IJ -' JUHIIIIIHI~ o( niJ cJufmd unci domandH lnnntlu;. n~-:"nln~t •wid dt·el!lltwd, nnd Cot• tho ad. goorls llial marl!' our eiJihlh an· Mrs. Merlin Green will .have judi•·ntlon "'"' det•,·mlnntlon or the hoi•·• CHEERI G! nual sale a sli<'I'CSs mnldng il A son, !'nul Alliin, Wils l111rn tl p 0 f w 0 ...... ,n t h ut. law nr •nid """"u""l ut the time· or S C' I ano lCJ' grnll ""' a er hi" rln~c.d unol clrcu- DOLBI~I':-I wish lfl llwn!l Dr. r I h h lulc•Hfnle uivc known JtltC1'eHtud Lcwl~ and !liP tltll'iil'~ of lllf• n 'lll"t 1,. Stie A , ... fornwrl a rllnner will be given In '""'lies rul emld Cnunty, on the '7th ·duy of thank y friPnrl•:, r~lailvP~, Rr•Jvirlcrc, Tllinols. Grcal·gmnli· !ember 1 iltld 2 amlthelr weddlpg S••ptemher, A. n. 1!l!i5. . . 111 PrPtwnl, HON~ JOHN McCf.,EJ~JJAN. neighbors anrl r>lhPrs for I he parents Hrc Mr·. and Mrs. Fmnl1 date ls September a. Mr. and Mrs. Jurhw nt Pl'obntc, In I he ~[utter of the Eutnte of MABEL many letters and nora! tributes Wylhc of. Milson. Raymond McLean and Mr. and 1 GUNN, DN!CIIHerl, • received at the 1\!Hson hospital Mr. iiJHI Mrs. Lnr·cn Stili of Mt·~. Gilson Pearsall were guests It u pp(•l!rinf.{ to lhe Court thnt the anrl at lhl' nursinJ.( homr'. r mn in Dansville ilrr: parr•nls of n snn, at the dinner. time fm· lll't'l:lcntutlon of claims UJ:rninut HHld cstntc Hhoulcl be limlll•d, nnd thnt n Because They Know Where· the Money Goes hopes to be able In return tn M,J· Stcvr.n .h1mcs, born Sundfly, Scp· * * timf! nntl lllnct! he nppolntrrl to rec1•iv~. son nml gel nhoul will! my usunl lcmhr•r <1, al St. l.:IWI'PIH'C hw;. HIO:CTORY LOCATION TOLD t•xnmine nnd ndju~t ull clulmH J1ntl de· •nnnd1-1 ngnlnMt HHid ileceatwd hy-'dnd lw­ faclllly. Edmund A. Ciclldns. pllal, Lan~inJ.:. ThP Slirl~ lrnw :1 St. .James rectory will be fut•v snltJ Court; nn!l lhnl the le~nl heh·A :ltiwl other <·hilrlren, Marlen£! Kay, 5, lemporarlly located ut '100 East of Knhl dt!Ccnst.HI entitled to lnhcdt th~ From the Kiwanis Community Rummage Sale u~:~tntu of which snid deceRHcd died aelzed ·--- . a nil Wesley, 2. J~lm street. The phone number ~:~huuld he ndJudlcntcd nnd determined, It IH, 'rhnt ull the crcdito1·~ of WILL I AM S -·1\f.l' heartfelt! Mr. nnri·Mrs. Elmer Crnnrlall nf 1 will he the same as at the church, Hnld decemwd nrc reqlllred to 'tJrCtlcnt thanlcs In Dr. Cllnlon, Dr. !~den arc pnrenls of n rlaughlcr ar:cording to Fr. Paul DeRose, thch• clulmH In wrltln~-t nnd under onth Calrns, Dr. Clarl\ nnd the entire horn SeplcntiH:r :3 lnlnt will be tllkcu no OR·7·9611 OR·6·4771 A1lam Schu l'f Piano u nd lUusic Gas Hanjl;e Rcfrigerato.r COtlfCfltltHf, tlw Coon, Glen Pn••l(eJ', Llun•eJtce Cht•omc GJ•cald'ast Set, comtllete with 11 Jmcetric Water Heater ( 30-gaJ.) · And I~ lu luc·thet· OllDERED thnt ululntllf eliUHe thl• Ot·dcr to be J.Ubllahed OR·6·1471 OR·7·038i That All Profits from This chuit·s Dishes · In the lnghnm County Ncw11, n ncWtUittpur Stlulio Coueh 2 Dressers IGlcctric Jlen.tcr for bathroom r•ubllohecl nnd clrculutud within ould Cor1iwell, Stanley Pauley, o. Keith County, tmld publblcntlon to bl:! con.. OR·7·3803 2 BCIIS anti J\1 a ttrcsscs Washing 1\lachine und Tubs tlnued once cnch. week tor t!lx uucccaatVe . OR-8·4001 wecka. . · · · ' Curtis, Shirley · noolwase and nooluty. · P.rojects! Clothes na.J'S Commode I~SPECIAJ.. LY NIC& Renmer Whde, Attot·ney for Davis, .ruck RobUJson, Lowell 8!)cretnry Desl< with 3 lirawm•s Ruolnc-. Add res.: 8!14. Atnorlcnn ' OR·7-1611 OR·7-1471 Libra.t•y 'J'ablcs Bnnl< Dldg., Lanolng, MlchiKnil'"' "!' .. Dean, ,J, B. Fruit Jurs nnd Croclts \Valnut Dt~slc for llusines~ Office: Jl :ttL.. " :Sclhet't, Jlnwartl ;'I OR·6·41131 08·7·6071 De!lllow, ltlchard Seyfarth, -Ro!JCJ•t ; ~R·7·7581 OR·'7·8841 · Dmtit, . Glim 'fhOl'bll11i, .Wllllant Farm Equipment OR·7·8881 · OR·8·108l Edgington, Don wa·.. e, Eclward Call Your Favorite Stockland Hydroscoop for ·Farman it 10 Stonu Sashes :..... Different Sizes . OR·0·12511 ... OR·'7·83fll Tractor ' .30 Pieces lxQxlO new· oak boards Flnk, William ·,D,Lee Surge Vacuum Punw, 'l.'anli and Motor . 08·7·.6781 08·7-1'761. ·Kiwanian Now! Pipeline for 9 Stlutchions · . · 1\itchc'n C1tbinct for Sholl · Dancer, Wbl!ltOJI W~vcr, v. ,A. Electric Fence Posts nmt Wire · Post llolo Digger, Shovels, Other Tools . OR·'7-1241 · ·: OR·1·42fll Plummer's Fire[)()t 'and Ladle·· · 'J'ollet Stool (•new) Fox, llerb, Sr." Zimmer,. Walter Burke Pum11 .. . ' Miseclhtncomi Items OR·7·006l .OR·8·1601 I ''<~ Scplcmhcr 8, 1955 The Ingham Co·unty ·News Part 2

The Zimmers Sec Sights in Europe, Too lng for ·mnny Yl!lll'H wil h r1ds 1111rl . ' mke In ••arw1n' n:sPan•h. AI. Mn· Two Scientists son llu!y also <'IIITir•rl nul eom·, merdal c!xperlmenls with Cnra· Mason Couple Enjoy Music Festivals Return 1on Visit eul sheep, l•'lve yr:ar·s ago, as a. result of 'l'lwlr r>rtrs slill ringing wi'l1 II 1\'IIS nl Fmnl;furl·oll·l\lnln l'nrls hy lraln. 'l'lwy wer·e In Dt•, M. n, Curtis nnrl Dr·. W. 1~. 11 follnrlHiion [.(1'11111, Dr, Dunning Dunning nf Mlnml have hecn In rrnrl Dr·, C'11r1js lll[IV£'11 lhclr can·. llw world's r:n•:lll'sl 11111sil', Mr·. lhut 11111' 11f llw mosl "llloylll1h' Paris •I rlays, seeing IIH! sighiH unrl 1\Jrs. \\';riiPr 1·:. Zimnwr 111'1' PVr•nl>; of llw Ioiii' llappPrwrl, Mr. hy rlay and allr.ndlng c•once!'ls, MIIHilll anrl l~ast Lansing litis cer.reseill'l'i1 inhnrnlory In IVIiarnL wet!l{ on 11 comhinc1l business anrl IIIII' it In l\l11snn 11 fll'l' 11 :'111111111'1' of Zimnwr c·rtlkd c,n I Iii' dry rm· plnys anrl OJli!I'HS hy nlghl. plenHurc t1·ip. The 2 women sc·len· rnusir• fr•sliv:tls rlhi'IIIHI. In ruldl· r.:lrH'I'I'. Ill' insistl'rl llt111 IIH• Zlm· From Paris llw WilY IPd hy tisls tnre nttenrllng si!lcnce re· Holmes Enters Colleg·e llou '" visiling •drr·irll's 11f "l"'l'lt· 1111'1'" IIH• l'assltVIInl worl's ovr•rnlghl lrrtln 111 Cnnrws anrl 1·i.~it sr!:tl'ch sessions at Michigan Stain Hayrn"nrl 1•:. I l"lnws of Nnrlh rlr• 111td l'i;r.•:sir• IIIIISII', rrrtrl itl'lll'· in I liP llhltll' VIIIIPy H:i ldlnnw11•rs tlwrwe by bus alnnr.: llw Frenel1 unlvcr:-;lly ami In hclwccn visit· Alll'nllus has entered WilllanJ lnr.: 111111 s••,.inr: frrm1111s arlis's, 1111'11,\'. Tlw ''"lllJlllll:,' is 1\llllWII :rnd ll:rllan Rlviems. lng Milson friends ancl relallvi!s, .TPnnings llry:rn unlverslt.Y at IIH• Zlmn11'1'S nls11 ll'lll'••l1•rl ••XII'Il· lltn•ll<(linttl li11• world f11r IP;rrl· rn llaly rhey visited Pis11 11n1l Dayton, 'I'PiliU':iSPI1 • For n1,~ .Yr!IIJ'$ slwi,l' IH1IIr ;rlnnr: iltl'l llltl:;idl• rrl j l'l'.'rltip in disprrs:rl planl r•qulr;· Siena will! lis famous :-;chou! 11f Durin~ wa1· yenrs lhe women lu• has lu•pn IIIith lllf! ~·lair! poiiPr•, lrlltl'isl rrrrrlr'''· 1111'111. AI IIH• f;ll'lrrry hnll1 Mr. music•, slopping to visll heaullful main I ainPIJ I heir Cllllt'CI' J'esea l'Cil prcs••n lly on I he in.J'ormatlon 1\Jr. Zilni!H'I', ~~~~""" I'll\' 1•rr· rttul ~1rs. Zirnnwr Wl't'(! grl!'sls '11 •·r 11Jwdrals on the ronrl to Rprne. lnhoralory on Dcxler Trail. They clcsk. liP l'l!joinr•d · lite slull' 11 glw•Pr r1nrl r·rllr!:llll;rnl In sr··w:rr;" :r lilllf'lr"1•11 li'I!IIPI'f'ri llrr•rn hy Tiley were in Ronw '' days. Onl! mover! lhelr laborntory In Masrm yeru: nnrl a hall' ago fullnwlng rr.>· 1 db;po~iill ror o!IH 1 1' f'ill,.s. SP'I· l ii.L'~iavr~nl PXPr·ttliVP~. of ihc rnosl rnmnorHh'c PVon!s from New Yori{, using lhe old lease rmrn "'" army. ·Mrs. f1rr11Prl Jrl:1 11111'-;ir· \\'illi !11'\ViiJ:I' l.l•avint: \;<'1'111 1'11.\ · IIH• Zlm· of lho I rip lo llw ;!,lmmers was Curlls homestead lo l'lll'l'Y nn llnlnws will.go 111 Daylon to lm lrPrrlnll'nl pl:r11l::. ll1• rl11f'l.;r•rl ;, 1111'1'1' 11'1'111 hy llir lo :-:hnnll Allr•r 111111'111>! 1111• h11lanwy Sl'l'·l r·rnps. They also vislled. Dante'.~ won a first place ribbon. Patricia is a d11ughter of Mr, 11nd Mrs. George Covert o,f leslie. The. ani­ dw•s lrr• havp 1111 1'111' for musi1·, lion of l.r"larrrl 1.1'" llllll'tsls went lomb, Then lhcy headed north· mals were selected from 11mong 168 Holsteins at t~e show. The Holstein division was the largest of Mr. Zirnnrr•r h;"' a l1111g11r• fo:· 1~1 1hi' llill•rmlltiiJiill musl•· •. r~s· wcsl, slopping at Parlun and , Auto Radio Drive-In Service Gl'l'nran. llis 11111'111')' irr 1111• r;,., .. lt\.'111 al Llangrdll'n, Wrilt•s. 111.111 Napl<•s before reaching Venice. any breed on exhibit, the show can't re:nember. when all 3 top spots h11ve been ~on by I rpnn l11ngrr;rr.:<· arlr!Prl lo 1111• valrr•• fr•slivrrl 111'1'11' l'iJOl'llSJ's from all V . • club members from the same counfy, · · . , · ' . . . . 1 11 1 1 of I ill! lour. ol'f'r 1111' 1\'lll'lrl. A fl1•r :l days ~I entce, IV lcre ?Y e: Ther~ were ot~er winners in Jhe Holstein class, too. They wer~ William Diamond, Susan Wilson, All Makes Mr. anrl /.imnH•r lorrk llrr• llu•n• IIH• lour lr•d on '" l.otrrlun marned fot' 4 clays, the Zrmmers ~.Irs. Polly Diam,ond and Bruce. Th~rburn, all of Mason; D~vid Sturman of Vevay; and Harold Oakley of pleasa111 llrlllll'l'il' r·ruisr• ro r•;q. wilh a visil lo Rughy and to heard Rlgolello sung by a nol· Webberville, : · · · . · ro(ll'. 'l'hc•,v s;r iiPrl from I.Ju<•lrr••· 1 'lll'lll'llhlllll 11'111'1'1' lltr• Wesl· a hie company In liJC public ·Shirley Glynn of Mason wcm a second place ribbon the . Guernsey show. MMilyn Potter of .T11nc 11, d,1,,. 11 till' ,'-;I, J.1111T 1•11,.,, mill:-;lr•r aiiiH•Y l'llllil' II'IIS lll'llrrl. square. They 1~enl on to Vcr·ona Cousin's Radio &TV Service anrl fH'ross llrr• All;rnlif' In La· Tllf'n r·mnr• ;"1 lrip 10 SIJ·;rrforrl ~vhere lh~y Wllnessccl lhc stag· Munith won a second place in t~e.Ayrshire clas5 anLJoyce· Madden .placed third, Hnvre. Thl'y h;rd planltl'rl lo visil a11cl '" tlu• llll'alr•r tlll'l'l' '" sr!t! 111g of Ar~la, lll'cscnlc~l from n For cattle showm11nship, Joyce MadQen won 11 blue rib~n .with. her Ayrshire, Pete LoVette won a 440 S. Jefferson Phon a OR-7-aoo I Engla 11 rl firsl lllrl rlrr• J. 11 ndnll ~i<·IT\' \\'lVI'S of Windsor, stage a erly hlock tn lenglh. second place/·11ward with 11 Guernsey 11nd Susan Wi Ison ploced sixth with a Holstein. ( ICN photo.) clod\ slril\1' inlr•rfl'l'l'rl. Thf'l' ll'rSI Tr:'II'Piing by wny rrf Oxford, J->r:•:-;cr:l }' the performance was ~p1:n1 2 ria,\'.' in Paris anr'l 1111•11 lh<· parly II'L'III In llorwieh '" Ill!. pre~Jd~~~. ,of Ilal,y, AI ,::man .,. w1•nl lo l'r:rrrkl'ill'l·oll·l\lain, 1111• b"ard " t'111tt111cl ship for 1111~ they wttiH.ssed mote 0 PC 1

MICH •. teach children to be not h '• ', • CIVIC CENTER our what . .. •' ' ·'' .... :~~!~· :: ·.;·<-? ·:~:~~· l ~ ·should we are but what· they be, ... •, • • • 1 •••• • • Ingham County News September 8, 1955 Page 2 and he!' son·ln·lnw nnrl rlnughlnr· W bb 'II Grugel Hearing anri fnmiJy Were• f'lliJl'l'S :'JitttrJny e erv1 e _...., lJ-M Launches Menlalllealth Research Unit nfternnnn of Mr. and Mm. ,[nnw:; illr·K, l'llyrt ll llawlc!y road to l'l'llll'll for 10 u. m. Augu11t 28. It was postponed untll September 11 saclrlJP ilol'sr• Ji" 11111! ltllliiii't, who has a smart hou:.fJwivCJs Fmow • • , tl1ere's Jl-lr. l'mwisllll was at wcn·Jc Mr:;. lhmlth Hescnrch Instllutc wllh $1'/n,ooo ntiJII'ol>ri· Doctor or l'ltllosoJlhy degree, (center). All lhre1• Mrs. \Vusley Brownlee of Le!i· McDoll!lld at one p. m. to be ntcd by thli Lllglsluhu·e. E!qllunntions unli cnuses l'ow<'IHon sunlnllllll'ri ti!C Lccltic fire· rle(Hlt'lment nwl worlwd as fnculty. JIOWCVCI', ))r, Glmml Cllllle to the U-al fl'!lm l'omona h W. Ecicncc•!i ut Stanford Unlvcrsily. 'I'Ju• llnnws g:Iill<'rl slid! IIPadway Pcunona Grange convention as Its After 3\~ hours of introduction llu11 many vnlunhlu nrtidPs harl of rceords by Prosecutor Chnm· to l11• h•J'I ill'himl. 1\'rtrliiY m:tster In the Ingham I'Cilllll I' I'OIIrt house in Mason, berluln nnd Assistant Prosecutor l•'ir<' l'hlf'f Olivur l•:l'iwrl said 1 TilL: first itPm of business was Joseph ·~avey, Justice Hutter an·[ I South Aurelius and that the' lmi·n fire• wns n hugP the appoinling of a credentials nounccd· ad.Journinent. Holt News fl_ln'h hy tiH• 111111' thr• fln•mr·n ill'· r·ommltteu •·onslsting of Mrs, .· . North Onondaga Mrs. Alton Kin·ney !UI'N, II. II. Jo'h•ld l'l\'('((. All tlwlr pffr>l'ls and tlw LaWJ'('IH'(' Smith, 'Mrs.. L. S: Lif_~~Long' 'Res.iden• ' . ;,,111111 gallnns of wnte1· ~VPI'I' liH<'ci llanws and the ~ccretary, Mrs. ~ Mr. and j'lli·s, Hnt;ry Mcssc•ngc1' to s:_IVI' tile ill!l!Sl'. A hi'!Hi{ ilr~c·~·· 13rrt\\'IIIC'l'. They mported 10 dele· Is' Taken:- by'' .Death and family of· Dclrolt Wf'l'l'. Sun· I"al'll lo tlw mol ol I liP lwusP. :~nrl Mn;. L:~wrence Smith and ~:Mrs,' Cora (Harwood) Rocl(ey, Former Resident HemanH. announ!'CS 1he, engagPmcnt of Nearly 1011 J'rlr.nds nncl nPigh· :1-lr. ancl Mrs. Burton .Johnsoni 81; dlec] early Sunday morning, Mr. anrl. Mrs. Fran!' Aiclrn of hill'S assr•mhl<'d and ilelp<'d t!H' L<'slic•, 1\11'. and MI's, Clare-More; at. the' home of her daughter, Mrs. ltet• cluughlcr·, Miss Charlen'! Dies at Lansing Gayle Blasen, lo Tlwmas Cllnlon Lansing, Mrs. Betty Lawlon unr! Gulf Ref;ning Co. lirr•mpn SII'Cl'JI tlw silinglr.H o!T ilotise nncl 1\li'. anrl Mrs. L. s; Glen. Rl~lr• Ia 1ccn to p omona· the armed ··rorces. She 1vas" also her 17 in Ohio. Canada, em·outc to Maine and were: President. Hoycl Warmn·;' It Pays to Iost 111· Ill'1 1mm as II':Js a 111•w Gr;Inge 11H'<'Iing Serllemhcr· 17 a 'metnl>er of the E•arnest Worl<·- He is survived hi'· 4 other sons, visited Mr·s. ,Jennings' 8istcrs in vice-president, Charles Cciy; and stol'<', 11PII'_Piumilil1g fixtures ~lon ," tile I-Iolt Garclen IO!lll'. •.Ill! ' ' . , •• , •• , · f . · .. · · J 1 h Mrs Lucille Bunker of Leslle · 1 " ·' last Saturday in August. tnwk paris were among vnlunhiP sc< 1< toil~.. ur_ nss1st ng n . I e- • , _ · . smg, and Mrs. The ma Harvath club will he Saiui'Clay and Sun- ! . , . 1. 1 1 , 1 .1 'l'l .-. pn•p:ll'iiiton ol the 20 I'Csoluttons.· and Mrs. L. C. l\ycs of Jackson; of Delton; 3 ~isters, Mrs. Mildred t ungs. "wwn o >~ os . a II \ . • . I. I . . ·I . . 2 sisters. and one brother 8 A f Cl I . P 1\' day nt the Delhi township hall. Ml'lfvl'))e .,_111 11 1.,-0 I rude p·IrJ·crJ bl'sidc• I' 1 ott ut 11.111 cs was I'I.rla. . and family ·t·hc past week. Mt·. and 1\Irs. William Sauml·. · J J 1 \II 11"1111 1 til c ti!Jty Jl"l'k at crs visilcd Mrs. Louis Swo_ horla Tl1e JIHI!ll on t 11' louse anr ' . " c l'' " ' neral.home:. B. urial was ln Wood- FLIJleJ','Ii .sr>.rvlc·c." IV".r·e_ r.'ro {· ' " ' H P· ' ·W l lt'Jlller ·. Ia\vii' cemetery. ducterl sunda~· afiPmoun' " from moved into their new home on Tucsdav afternoon. ''" J'mrn IH•al. ·· ·· ·· the Ball-Dunn funeral horn~. M•l· Clever str·cet. Carol Sai{st n1p and r•hilclrcn ~lr 'Inrl Mrs Phil Stiles nml called on Mr. morning and is in St. Lawrcnc'e Rev; and MI·s. Luren Strait unci ~ RJ H R I J I S ll:eninH~IIa at Cnppct· Hurbor and Year'S Activitie·s rites. hospital. r.:hlldren of Schroon Lake, New M nl'l'llfiiiJe mountain~. York. have been visiting Jrierirls : M·r·". M, c. Dol\;lr'rlg' of Juclcson Holt Kiwanis eluh sponsored a . . SUFFERERS! Mr. and Mrs ..J. C. Schwablaml a "f BJt,y 1 •1J~·. and Mrs. Wayne Hampton the· hi-en.nlal convention of Na· wa~ treated at St. Lawrem~e lws· is making plans for ldri's day. Stmits. F'amilicF from Vantown, anrt famii,l' visited the Hamptons'' tiona! Federation of Music clubs, pital Saturday afternoon for Snturday, September 24. F'J'anlc Slockbriclge, Millville Place Your Ad . son, Jconest, and his· inmily at ~n Miami this year. J\o!r·s. Dowlin_g minot· cuts nml hruisL•s IH' sur- Brown is ehairman. and Slodchriclge were present. [•'ai'Hilll, Iowa, last wee!~.- Their IS chait~m~m of .. ~ali.on_al Musrc I fered when struelc by a r.:ar driv- Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Knapp ami Mr. ami l\lrs. William Pif'IWit R0 n OFFER SAME DAY rlaugiltr"·· IO:vclyn .June, has en· W~ci~, :se~ond vrce-pres!dent of en hy Allen E. Huffman of !j492 family vis'ilecl relatives al Hougil· are touring the Upper Peninsula the· •RELIEF!I ltcn~cl t lie Cllieago Evangellstlq l\'hclugan F~deratlon of Music.: Willoughby road. The ar.:cident ton La lee over t·lm 'bahor Day Litis week. inst ilulc•, at. University Parle; cl\lbs -'.111fl director. of the chorus happened 'when the youngster, week eml. Mr. and Mr:;. H. C. Valentine, I!@ Iii ll ~; W':.i€:QI'!S 1 100 Tablets $2.49 1 Iowa. This is the ~iime.' school qf ll~~ Jacl.son :uesday Morning riding a bicycle on Willoughby Mr. ami Mrs. Ernest Burlew Mr. [ m a brief outline of what belong· ernoon. a son born nt the u. of M. hos- Ing _might mean to· each. of them. Mrs. Fern Fouty ancl Mrs. Ken- pi tal Seplember 3. He is named She .thanl1ed h~r c?mmlttees for neth Kimball and daughter.. ; Larry Robert. their co-operatiOn m planning a called on Mr. ancl Mrs. Jpss~ worthwhile year arid .paid tribute campbell and Mr·. mJCI Mrs. Fr·icndly Bible class will hav~, to .the record left by former Guerdon Usher Monday ·after- its September meeting at the presidents.· noon. home of Florence Holmes Fri- . Mrs. Foi·d Chapman sang two Walter Bauer and family at· day evening Sepreml er Cake selections. There were 2 special tended the state fair· at Detroit ' . ·,' 1 9• · guests present, Mrs. Kenneth Saturday. They a·! so brought Iand Jello wrll hr~ served. Tator of Detroit and Mrs. William Donna June Bauer and Patsy Pioneer Sunday school clns.q McDonald of San An~onio, Texas. Hegge from t h~ir week's· vaca·r will meet Saturday evening, Sep-1 Mrs. McDonald Is charrm~n of the lion wlth Mr. ~111d Mrs. Clyde tember 10, at the home of MJ•, pArograim cTommdlttee Mof the sabn Wallcer of DetrotL land Mrs. Wayne Geer. nton o ues ay use1 c1 u , Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bearss · .whlch has a membership of 200 and Jerrv Thomas spent. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Sic- and brings 4 ma,jot• concerts ·to with Russell Bearss and family ph ens left Tuesday morning for 1 th(l city, In addition to their pro- of Detroit. Itheir home in Englewood, Flo:-· grams for members, only. Mr. and' Mrs. Huber'!: Bearss ida, -after spending the past 10 returned home from their vaca· weeks visiting friends and rela­ ·Rev. Vernon H. Beardsley's tion in the nor! h Tuesday eve· tives in Michigan and attending sermol). topic fot• Sunday morning nlng. Jerry Thomns stayed with fairs as a representative of th1; at 11 a. m. will be. The Glory of Mr. and Mrs. Guerdon Usher Marshall real estate agency of Christ. Rev. Donald H. Carrlclt while M1•. anti Mr·s. Bear·s-s were IEnglewood, Florida. will be the speaker ut 7 p. m. at on their vacation. • Phoebe Stephens of Mason their quartea•ly conference. Com· Mr. and Mrs. Fay Townsend'' spent the weelt end at her home. muni_on.wJII be observed .Wednes· and Charles Galbreath and fam- Mr. and Mrs. William Wright day evening at 8 'p. m. . lly' spent Sunday wl~h Mr. and of Stockbridge attended church Mrs. John Lot•hamcr of Coldwll· at Plainfield Sunday morning. A Bronc ••• ter. Mrs. Phyllis Coakley of Lan· Douglas· Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Otis\ of Ma· sing spent the weel1 end a.t. the son called on Mr. and Mrs. Fran- home of her parent:;:., Mr. and And you are liable for damages. in · ' ~trs: Ull\vaud Glynn '· : ' . . . cis Jess!! Saturday night. . Mi·s: Emerson Kinsey. Mrs. PhyJ. case of :ac_cide_~~- to ·a fri~_nd _or ,an ·Mr. ·and Mrs. Jaclt Mll-ler, Judy Susie Polloclt ot Leslie spent lis Osborne · of Williamsville and John from Madison, Wlst'Ol1• from 1'hursday till Sa-turday wlt·h called on her Sunday alternoon. I 1.'~ tho n~woRl dcv"lopmont io sin; have been· visiting Mt'. and Joyce Freer. Joyce returned Mrs. Jane Bollinger and moth­ inlorior painl-porr<'l't for empfoyee whil_e ~~.~sing . your equip., I Mrs. ·Ivan Lamke and family. home with Sus.Je for the weelt er, Hazel Stephens, attended the wnlhl, cmlingfl nnd woodwork I . ·Dale and Shirley Glynn both end. · King reunion at the ho"'e o-f ment. ·J·ust· be: ~~re yo_u,_carry ~a.rm 1 George Freeman and family of Mlna I! jun foot II 111 plllgl llll son this year After Ill!! I year's !01, ns hi» HI Ill I ill!' qunt!CI hntll showing, un lmpwvemrmt Is log Dr.nnls Doolll Ill' will 1ell! In HI teal 1'ho Bulldogs ICCOirl was fnii!Jndt liHI Hn\ 1\lllltl Dlllll 8 losses and n 6 6 tie with St ClaJit Dm I Sf {lilt liHI Die!, l'nn Mary son mn b tilling It 011t fnt tlw 2 I 11 players will be nrlcquntr• anrl l In IHO pnlllHI< 1 nne! hr 11 Lo there will he some experlenrerl Vette nnollwl big IH \ 11 Ill sit II! plnyers Ill ound end ic l\clll' 11!!1 ll !y "" Masons v 1rslty sqund lists 8 vclci an Tolin I I •wlr II seniors L7 junlms md ~ sopho loml!nsnn IJIing '"' deciding factors In the gnme Holt I~ 1ton H<~pid' ONE-MAN SKI RIO-'lo ~·a bounding over the billowy rnaln on 'rim Stolz and !'loyd Bowen wuter ok!s it u'ua!ly tn!tcs quile a crew 'fhls new invention, hmlerl for the city employees demonstrated nt Klngcnturt, Aunlrln would slrnpiiCy nit that with Clifford Balmer catching The six-loot motet tua hns a JO-foot l:teerlnft and l'llllilol mcchaniBm The model wll! do 2'i miles pet hour and the In• 1 Erie Spenny rllct the catchln~ fnr ventor hopes to have the ~peed up to 50 miles per hour when he Ithe nremen markets the llndact 'l'he third anrl deciding g unc Mason Woman Wins ------"--.:....______will be played next Wednesday at 6 p m at the Cedm Sllcct Powder Puff Derby playground Justice Court Actions Mrs At linn Newrnnn of Mn~oll WOil hci lll[llll 'I II I IS Ill lliimg of testimony was com day, Septembet 13, has an en II) ple,lded guilly I m!.ty to .1 cit unk plcted fLtesday following ad of top teams wetghmg up to --I chm ge He was ordered I o pay JOUI nmenl f10m last weeh: Thf• 5000 pounds pet pair $15 01 SCI VC 7 cia; S ll1 ]a II JUdge ordered the defendants to Included 111 the entries are lhe Eatl Kttb~ Stml>bltdge puy $39 85 In co uri costs h) next 1954 national heavyweight cham HAll fARM pleaded gUilt\ to cl drunk chalg' Wednesday or serve 7 days In piOns owned by Fowler Brothers ••••• 0 Wcdncsda; lie was sentenced to )all Wednesday the defendants Reading A •• 3 day~ In 1ul m riel eel to pl) and Mrs M.t ry Mar tlnez demed The llghtwCJght nat 1 on a I INSURANCE Call me $20 and placed on proh Ilion fo th 11 they h 1ci taken any baskets I \ 6 months which Will be at the St Joseph m y 1 r 1 rl II oil 11 1 l!rc h 11., ORDER FOR PUBLICATION from the Madison company Four countv fair Center VIlle Tuesday sol • M"""" I "'I ' 'II> Mt< h' ' SIXTH ANNUAL ACCOUNT FlallClS r h I\ e r Lansmg boys however ms1sted they 1 1 September '20, has an enh y of th <1 n 1", • 1 FERNALD-Septomber 29 1966 pleaded guilt~ I ueRd.ty to dt helped load the basl•ets wh!cn n~i s~," B d E WI 35 lightweight teams Included I ICIIII I IN \Nl I ( 01!1'01! \I ION I ernar . l SOil St1 lt >f Mlchl~lll rhu Pr tl 11 C turb!nq the peace IIe \1 as 111 Maty Joseph ne Martinez handed l!y \u It< v I I < I l ll j are the 1954 nat tonal r hamp10ns 'wne OI: 7 Kl'i.! ~ • 1 1 feu th1 Co tnty nf lnJ.rh rn p11 $1'i or serve 7 da;s over the fellf c from the company 1 At ll ~fllH!lo I or Rllld Com t held owned by Chmles Roehl & Sons I t\uguMl II 1 1,5 lomhng docl1 1 he boys were Sm1th C1celt Pre"' nt !ION JOliN Mof:l Ell AN James Wug-gonet J1 Ray Howe J 1 h.t1 of Pro I te Outstandmg teams fwm MJCh In the M1 ttet of th Et1t1 te of GER Jt Gerald DeKell and Ge01ge rilUill I El\NA!,D Munlnlly lncom Igan Indiana OhiO Kentuc!1y PAINTING WITH MillS Illinois Missouri and W!scons111 11 a [ftc vtolutwn twlwts re are entered m the n 1t tonals ported settled m the Mason court clurmg the week were listed as Mmgmet Rathbun Lansing, fmlure to stop wtthm assured Extension Clubs clenr dt"tance ahead $5 WAll SATI lUodmn iUoms Ramon M 1rtmez Mason Modern Moms extcnswn club ure to obey stop s1gn $3 met at the home of Mary Jayne Dor 1l V Paule) Mason run Evans recently fm a socml meet IS EASY nmg slop stgn $1 lllg Joseph J Roll Perry run Canasta was played With p1 !zcs ntng stop stgn $1 being won by Ann Bwwn 1ml Raymond Parnell Lansmg Helen Van Singe! Mrs Evans running stop s1gn, $5 asststecl by Ethelyn Durbm I Rteharrl Hamtlton Columbus served refreshments of f1 ozen Oh10 unp10pe1 passmg $6 dessert coffee and mmts Rwhnrcl A RICs Dansville ex The September meetmg Will b" < cs,tvr> nmse $4 and recl1less at lhe home of Lea Roberts th IVII1g $29 70 Alawdon Centm Howard Sherwood Mason fml Almeoon Center extensiOn cluh control will have their first fall meeltn.:( Thursday evenmg September 1'5 at the home of Mrs Leon Cow dry Rapids I Jr:tt!lwll Co 111m s Etchell Corners extension club met last Thursday at the home of Mr~ Earl Snyder Mrs Ray Cochrane served as co hastes~ Stocl Mr anrl Mrs C,hest hospital and made a dona spent Sunda) at tlon to the Red Cross for flood Cub Scouts Have Dell ott relief The hostesses se1vec! refresh Colli !Is Picnic at Park home last week were Mrs Walter ments at the close of the meeting 1 Rose 1nd children of Shreveport Stockbridge Cub Scouts and La and Mrs Michael Ulyshen the1r fam1t1es had a ptcmc and and sons of Ypsilanti Law program August 31 at Pottage Mr and Mrs At t W1lde visited In 10 Petit on of Wllllnm Fori for Lalte park Softball and g.tmes his pdrents at Ypsilanti Sunday restorntlon of ehnnffeur H I ccnHf' H Dolmld lh ucc nlto1 ney were pia) eel and badges we1 e I Guests of Mr and Mrs Rob AKHoclntet~ DiRcount Cmrmrntfon v~ Eurl IC Lingo A•numv•lt Jnso11h P a\\ ar ded I o the following Bem B1 own, Jr, Sunday and Monday FIJnn nlto1 ney St Ito o( MlchtRIIO Office of I gl lm badge Clan Risner s11ve1 allow lweie Mr and Mrs Cllff01c! Park Grnl!c M Hh Hchmnn vR Hcnr.v Cm nty Drnln ComrniHHioner poml~ Chmles B<1tchelor and er and children of Munith nunn lhd Dolothy u Dunn rrc~l RHI'\ on NOHOE IS JIEnEBY (l[VEN thnt the the c 1sc l11rhut 1 ntl BuanH nttorncyH Bonrd of Detct m 1tion compoHcd of Ronny Kmse1 one e 1ch i Mrs James Lombard, Carolyn FrtJd c Ncwmr n It\ ndmlntRtl ntm or De n 1 aylo Amstln Cnvnnnugh 11 d L~o the eatntc of M1llurd V Vnnnmsnr1 df' Hnrrlt~on "111 rnuct on Mnnd If SeJltem. Regulm Cuh activities will be 1 and J!mm1e have returned home censcd VIi 1 he Norw tlk I r ck n).( 'r m Rubberized WAlL SAT~N bet 26 10~ 1t. to lO 1 m nt Locke gin this month Elevln St 1nrt J Dunning• Jr ntlot umendcd Fish Iai>e Miss Mmle Harr was a patient IICY at Mercy hospital Jackson last GEllALD L GllAHAM Mt s Leone Felton spent the eek Myr tie A Burch guntdlnn of tho p•r· 36w3 lnghnm County D nin CommiHKionut 11 Han nnd estntc of Cnrl A Omch n minor • Flows on easily 3flw2 v• George L Willits TronJ """ on the ORDER FOR PUBLICATION wee!, end with her children at Mls Myrta Ramsdell and cusc Roy T Conley nttorncy with brush or roller FINAL ACCOUNT NEW SUBMARINE DEVICE Ann AI bOI grandson Guy Paul, spent the Chuncery WHJPP-5ct>lombcr 27 1955 Willi M rcuniHZ VK Jshmt el Alion • Dries in an hour Stnte uf Mlclugnn 1he Pt ol tu Couo t A new under sea exploring sub Mt and M1s Chct Holt enter week end with Clara and Anna 1nd Gludys J Allen Btll fot nnnulmont foo the Co ty of lnghnrn marine has been developed, uslno" tal ned Mr and Mt s Elden Simons Sptingman at Gull Jalte of contruct John \Vendcll llhd nttor At. n H gasoline (which Is lighter than Guests of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Mr and Mrs Selb Rider of El Loul• M Thurlby nod Pearl J Thutl Poe• nt noN JOHR McCLELLAN water) as buoyancy material, as l by VB Wllllnm Snyder nnd ltuth Snyder just wash brush J 1l~c of Pral ttr. Ostrander Monday were Mr and Paso are house guests of Mr and JJill for lnJ 1nctlon Gte~~ Ohuuum Pn1r w~u~snrw und Rhcud utto11 cyK in soap and water In tlu M• ttcr of Lhc E•tntc of aLAR· a gas bag gives buoyancy to a Mts Jacl< Ostrander and sons of Mrs Howard Ashmore D RUI\1\FRJZFD I NCE I' Will PI' Dccun•cd balloon Small electric motors Hnrold McKnlo vo John L Ronrk Nollct IR He ehy Given 1 haL thu 1 e It ] d J 1 b I Jacl1son, Mr and Mrs J B Hu I Mrs C E Ashmore spent the und Jonn Rourk hl1 wife und their un e Gives tough, tltlon >f II t nnt I I Whlll ~ xec >tor of move a ong an re eas ng a known JwhH )ef.fl tecH dcvltweH or 1 H• belt of Bn m!nghdm and Mrs 1week end with her daughter, signs 8111 to ok l!ext friend of Snndrn Northville I John Ward and family of White JC Look n minot VIi Kenneth Lenno­ • Comes in dozens of "dd CHI tr will he henrd on Sut>tcmhcr and took pictures of undersea mnn Petition for otdu ntJ(Irovll g ngrlle• :!7 l!Hifi It len 0 ~lock I) tf 0 fotcnoon life and tlvlt Tl I Mt and Mrs Elmer Lehman Oak and Mr and Mrs Floyd lovely colors 111 the 1'1ohntc Olrtce In the City of ac Y 1e amaz ng ment Seth R Uurwctl and RnJliii>Ot t nL· MIKon MlchiH" thing was thnt an abundance of and chllchen spent Sunday afte1 IWard spent Sunday evening at lorneJR I I noon with the Wendall Abbott the Jacltson cascades Reamer WIKle admlnlotrnto• of the It r, Ot lurod hnt notice thereof c fish were observed all the way to CHtH.tft or Jennie Elltirw Sunford H11)1 A"l\1 n hy 1 •hllcnt on or n COil)' ho1eof famtly at Josl) n lal(e Mr and Mrs Robert Stover at Benjamin~ ( I fn1 th cc Wccl

From This ...

To This • • • 3 Tl1e Big Story Big

Sli']hily rnoro lhun o1w y~

the downtown area, but to chango also Olll' whole concept of merchandising. We dfiliated with the IGA (Independent Grocers Alliance) elwin of Ends privately owned stores with a ccntr,ll purchasing and promotion,,! set-up. Something Different

Your response has been so terrific that now Every Thursday, Friday ' we have been crowded out of our original quarters and Saturday and have completed an addition which doubles To This the floor area to better serve you, PRIZES

You will receive We Now Have tickets at the check-outs each day. 40 feet of self-serve frozen foods and 1ce cream Prizes will be given 48 feet of self-serve and serviCe meat counters away Saturday night, September 24 20 feet of self-serve dairy and delicalessen You do not JWBd to lu~ present 34 feet of refrigerated produce, beer and soft drinks 1 Roto-Broil 400 22 feet of drugs and cosmetics 2 KM Liquidizers An enlarged check-out area 4 KM Chefsters Salt-free and sugar-free diet section 3 Radios Parking for 125 cars All litis would 11ol have been possible if cvc1y mem­ 48 Bags of :ber of our sluff had uol worked to capacity to nwel ou~· A play area for the kiddies Groceries 'deadline. We would like you to meet 1/zem.. and Many More Many added lines of merchandise

JJon Hnnsmm·e J,lJ()Jifl lh!IISIIIIII'lJ l'I'OdUclJ Oll'leo Treats for Meat Department Grocery Department the Kiddies Let them use our play area


llnn Ann mu Pt•.te llnntit lin ~l'llllll l\1'11 Specials Hum I 1\1.~···· IAIVIll.ttl AlbmdJiso\11 llm·t. lllt•l< !Unrrls Valnm Frn·r~sf, J,oVelt•J ~lmfl'er l\l;;r. I~ vans Swll't Check-Out Dairy Department Store Demonstrations by Company Repre­ sentatives

Park Your Car in Our New Enlarged Lot Wanllla Cral'l E1•a llanenel' J(nt.hl'yn Crnndnll Joy1:o 8tmll'm•

lluiiJiny of 11ew addition in charge of Forest Srnilh, with

. '" Joe. Johnson ond Lynn Bullen on construction. l.ocated on US-127 Just Thanks All of You! Eloctricol work, ·Bob Leonard; refrigeration, Lawrence North of the Mason City Sch1icpp; installation of· Hussman equipment, Leo Mw·phy; advice and stock arrangement, Ralph Wil­ Limits · ,.". DON .and LEONE lard, Stan Roden~o and Paul Folso~ of' IGA. Ingham County News SetJlcmber 8, 1955 ''ii!JC 5

,, • 1 ' • 1 1 I ~ .,. ,t ' ,1 ~1, I' J J i', I. ·' ) I ~ ' 1l', I ' ' '. ~

IGA Lighter- Fluffier Pluill or Chocul,liB First Week Ovaltine First Wee!( Pancake Mix GRAND OPENING GRAND OPEN·ING 43c 12 Oz 17c J


IGA Apple SNOWCBOP For Saucier .Salads ... IGA FROZEN SALAD . ~.El.LIES 10 lb 93c G~,EEN 12 Oz DRESSING 3 lb 75c BEANS Atra Qt. 47 19c Whipped C No. 2 Can 29c w oz. l4c

IGA Plain or Kosho1· ;. Dill ·Pickles

' ~,. 22 Oz ·· ·· 27c ' ·-·. ·, Open Daily and Sunday 9. Till 9 ·. :. ·,' TENNANT FAMILY REUNION' s' d .. 'f' • •b t·l Jcourtccn memllt!l'!l of the •run· an el son-.1.1 all 0 l.anl , I nnnt fnmlly observer! the 4Bth wedding nn'nlversnry of ncv, mul Given In marriage hy lwr fa· ~.-~octalS Mrs. George 'l'cnnnnt lust Rnlur· thcr, Saturday evenh1g, Miss Pn­ tlny u.t !he Pllmsnnt lnlm resort trlcln Lou F'rlirhothum hoenme till' • • • • • • lodge ncnt' Cndlllnc. 'rhr!!o 11f hrltle of Dnvlrl Earl SnnrlcrsDn of theil· ~ chlltlt•c;n present wtth Lnnslng. 'T'he hrlde Is tlw duugh· tlwlr fnmlllos, wrwe !lev, Wll~tm ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ht!rsel Fulr· Mason lligl1 School Class of 1910 Gathers 'l'ennant of Holt, Hev. Wil,th 'l't!TI· hothnm anrlthe hrlc!egroom l!i the nanL of S1~nll vlllr;, nne! l\'lrs. lltlY· · ~on of Henry Snndcrson nf Oq· H11d 11 il':tl'lil'l' lll'l'll Jli'I.'SI'Ili monrl Norton oF Mtlllllll, 'l'h·~ r.lcnsburg, New York. to enll 1111' roll r111ly :! nwmiH•t·s chlclwn dlnnr.r which wu:;· 80I'Vetl Rev, Roher! WorgLII nf Lesll·~. of 1111' f!IJO gl'lldllllllilf.( "IIIHS II) ut 3 n'clndt, wns hl~hllgltted hy pastor nf tlw Aurelius lhpt!st M!UIDII would IHr\'1' lu•1;11 tn:tt'l"'" an nnn!vel'Hlll'.l' enlm rmwnc.l chur·ch, ptH'formerl till! tlouh'e· uhsllnl Ill 1111! rPII!lion Sltlldlly, with pink hells. Mr~. 'l'mmunt ring eerr.mnny before nn nltr1r Both would liai'P IH'I!Il I'XI'l!Hr;d. worl! an ordJid suit with n eor- decorated with a eenler tlnrnl ar· : Onn was :;!r·k IIIHI llw 111111'•' i>. sage of pink c•nrnn.tlons. F'ollow- rnngemenl of w!Jitl! flower.> , den d. Pt·e;sunt we•n• 17 111' tlw 1s lng lltt• dlnnct· pif'lllrrs WPt'l' tlnnltcd hy eanrlelnhm. Mrs. Erl·' IJVJn~ llll'llliii'I'H, \VJVI'Ii llllrf litiS· tnlten nnd il fnmlly worship ser-v- wrtrrl Dull pluyecltrudltlnnnl wcrl· bands sl'nl IIH• liilttl tip 111 ~.!. !r.e wns given. ding selections. Anthony Vnet•l< 'T'IW M11s11n >(l'lldllllii'H 111111 at ~~ "' * of LesllQ snng The Lord's Pray~ tlw lmnw 111' i\'JJ·. 111111 i\'Jrs. Waller er. Bl!cnuse und I Lovo You Dolhe£;, 710'," i\lt~>n r~>:ttl, l•:ast Truly. One hundred flfty guests Lansing frll' the• l'l'llllilln llwy Mason Songster witnessed the cl!rl!mony, nlll!nd­ havr. every !i Y<':tl'li. 'I'IIP,\' luul 1 lng from Ogdensbur~ und Lisbon, dlntwt· In tlw ,-;p;ll'iJJtJs rlinlng New Ym·lt; Ealon Rapids, Grnnd room of t tw 1)111111•1! honw, sPrVI!rl Appears on TV Ledge, Lansing, Holl. and Mason. by Mrs. D11lhl'1' asslsll•d lly 111!1' M1·s. Rltn Collnt' of Mnsnn wa,; A wnlt7.·length gown of net and ' daughll'l', Mrs. i'l'llt'l 1 :111. ;inr::;,; nu•c•ting. bnnrl'nppeitrerl r111 tout• at the On· wt•ists. The full sldrl wns Commlttl•e• <'iwlt·mr•p mwl1! t'l'· ondaga town hall last winll!t'. gathered on 11 seullopcd luc~ pep· porls. At llu; l!lel'l i1111 L. /\. Wull uslwd Mrs. Collm· to appear lum. A tiny lace; hnlf·l.wt ,held 111 13t·owe;r of llirminr.:ltillll, so11n 111 with him nn 'T'V nntl tlw Kulnma· place lll!r finger-lip vet!. Slw em·· mrJVI' to Hlw•n;icll', C'alit'lll'llin, zoo appearanr•p was wot.'IH•d on!. ricrl n eascaele mTangemenL D[! wns l'itosen prl'sltl1•nt. Mrs. r·;tlwl * .,- • While l'ORCS, 'J'Iiorhut·n, !loll. was l'll'e'll•tl . I · :'ilsters Ar11 AUen!lnnls viee-presid<'nl; \\'1![11'1' Dllilll'f', Mrs. Ei·nrst Woodman of Holt East Lansing, sl•cr<•lat·,\•; :ttlll Has Iett Ch u rc h donnt!d an ice blue wnllz-lcngth Mi:;s Flllt'f'IH'<' Latlii'"P of Battl1; Igown whr.n shl! sei'Ved ns het· sis- Creelt, lreaslli'PJ'. ter's matron nf honor. Her flow­ With IIH' 111'\1' fli'I.'Sidl'lll prf'· PI an s Prog ram I crs IVCI'C a cascade of fall flow-1 siding, till' gt·oup g:1v1• a votr; of rrs·. Mrs. Marvin Suit on or En Ion tlwol\s to Mr. Do!IH•r• frw g<'lling H~slcll Bnpti;-~ chureh homr.·t ha1;!rls nncl Mrs. Lyle Durling, the group Jogl'tlll•t· iiiHI to Mr~. comtng Will btl Stn:rlny, Septl'm· also sisters of the bride, wor.:o Dolber• for IHdng- llr,sle!ss and bet· 11. /\n nll·rl8y pmgrnm is. he- wallz-length gowns of purple and ' R!'I'Ving tht• I'Xf•r•!lt•nl rlillnf'l'. lng plamll'd for. 1lw. occnston. rose, respectively, fashioner! ic!Pn­ J\IRS. D/\ VID l~AilL SANDEil.SON Nam!!rl to a t'rlllllllillf't' to ;u·­ Sunday school Will hegm tlw serv- tical to tht! matron of honor's. range fnr th1• IIPXI t'f'llnion to IH• FORTY-FIVE YEARS AFTER GRADUATION h,rc are 17 of the 18 living members of the cla~s: ices for the day and fot·mel' pas· I'T'hey wort! matching hearlpirrrs Hawldns JH't•sirlt•rl ill the gut\'~ from Ma~on high ~l'lmol in J!t:i:l. on tlw Suntl;ty next lu•fot·f' La· ~itting, left to right, N~lson Huntley, John Shaffar, L. A. Brower, Frank Jenkins, Walter D.:~lbeo, tors will he guc!H spenkers. and carried bouquets of fall register. Mt·. Sanderson grarlltalcll in 19,Jf) hot• Day in I!J(i(J Wt'r<' Mrs. J•:tlwl James Avery, Willard WiKson, Ray Fowler, and Hugh Smith, standing, Mrs. Florence Jewett Jewell, Members, old anG new, are In flowers. Following n wedding trip in till• from Ll>hon high school, Llshnn, Thol'llln'JI, Mrs. Florl'lfl'f' ,lf'll't•ll Miss Lillian Coc, Mrs, lvah Godfrey Standish, Mr•. Ethel Burgm Thorburn, Miss Florence Taylor, lake thelt· own tnhle s·et'Vice ami Homer Sancierso·J of Lishon, west IIH· t•nuplt• will resirlt! at New Yut·lc He· plans to niiPnd anti Wa!tPI' noti>et•. Mrs. Lennagcne Swr:aringen, Miss Florence Lathrop and Mrs. Ethel Ellsworth Dow, (ICN photo.) a dish ln. pnss for tiw p~tlllck New York, was best man fm· hi~ 27:37 North Grand mv,.r. Lansillli· Michigan Sliill~ university. Nelson Brown of tlw Tnglwm dinner whtch will be served 111 I hl' brother. Ushers were Marshall Tlw brid<• donnee! a navy hlur' Hl'hf'lli'Hnl Lnnl'iH'IIIl tlil'l'll County NPws tool< pie•tut·cs of e'llt'l' Lalllt•op and lwt· guest, I Mr. The hrJr!p's pan•nls Pllit•rtained the group. Copi<'s will IJP sent Mrs .. Pcrl\ins, both of Battlr• Lr•slie anti Mr. and MrR. Bert Hev. Lyle Hoo!g, jlastor of til'~ Falrhotham. Beatrier. Ann Sutton accessories fot· going nway. Slw at a luncheon in tlw hPnl'ati> tllf' shade Met 0 1St (amp members anrl ft'i<'IJe lawn. AI d1•partut'l' Pa.; Mr. allli M;·s. Wlllnrd wix: Mrs. Cnt'l'ie \Vestovrr of Algl'r A k . 111 l]l * blu~ dress \vlth navy nncl white the guests dr•l'!m·f'd it In ill' tlw son, Crosse lie; illld Mr. und' 1\!J>. Colla,': ~~ vis~tin~ F:li~ahr.IIJ t La e LouJse Mr. anti Mrs. Alton Jewell" acct!s~ories. Pink and whilf' roses nftrt· wlilch the llnnot·ed ~(ttest best nweting tlif'Y lwrl lind. Mt·s. Wallet· Dolbr;c, lottct. SutHI<~:, ,IJid Monda •. nml M1·. and Mrs. Herschel .Tcw- made up her cot' Surprise Party 'J'Ite only abseil!. memllf'r was guPsts or Mrs. Pnttrr were, Mrs. was prt'SI'Ilil'r! with gifts. In attendant·c ll'<'l't' .lamPs ell Mrs. J•:stli<'r Loti Cu •nlbPt' of EVPrt't I C'nllrll', llfrs. M1·. and Mrs. Haymond Norton returnee! last Thursday from A reception honored the llCWI.I'· TIHH;<' prrsr;nt we~re !Vim. Rnh· Avery, Ithaf'a, Nf'll' York; Mrs. 1 Htt~sell a vacation trip ill thr. cast. The)' weds immediately following tlw Fetes Mrs. Evans I loll, unail!1• to attenel tlw l'f'lln· i'f'aslr•y, Nan Moran and Herbert spent ln':l weclt directing the sen· crt I-' let r•lwt•, Mrs. l•'rt'rl Butlrt·, Lennagene Swc•aringen, Mason; went: through Canada, Maine. ceremony at thl! Aurr.lius tuwn . . Tavlor. lor high Mcthorlist youth camp .1\ofrs. Lester Pf'JTinr' sst•s :11 Blrminglwm; Mt·. anr! [o'Jrs. Ernest Cook is tht' olliY mem- Mrs. B. L. Palmer returned I . · 1 g · • ' 1 \Vnodflrrl. Mrs. Wiilinm Carl an~! Falls. hall for. the occasion. Mt·s. Homet• a surprise hirt hrlay eeleln·at io;J Mrs. Mllhut'llf' Curtis. George Thorhum, Holt; Mis<; ht'r uf tiH• l~llD class noi living. hcnw Saturday l'rom Washinr,· L~kf', l~nUISI! .•0~1~. ht~~tlr?d nne! Mrs. Alfr!!cl Alll!n vis·ited he1· Sanderson of Lisbon, New Yorl<, Thursd:ty evening at tlw latter',; Lllllai1 Coe, Roval O;il\; Mrs. I •'• ,,, ,, ton. D. after a<'l'O!TIJHIIlyin;~ lht;t.l y_ou_lh, 1\r.rc legtstet.ed ~ml * c .. son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Marshall F'airbotham of home in honor of Mrs. DI'\Vii,\'IW \VI'IIH• Mr. and Mrs. All<'n JliciJards of Ethel E:llsii'OJ'tiJ 'now, llighlanrll Norl'i.~ ;md "Ills of JT(Ilt! lw;· lm;llwr-in-Jmv ant! sister, .!VI':. th<. ma.]_on~) ."r them w_erp lngh Mrs. V.• J. Dowel, of Kalamazoo Holt and Mrs. Dale Fairbotham Evans. · Parit' 'incl Mr ;. IV!nutle f{ie:hiirrls. Mt·.• and Mrs. ' Nelson • Huntley,' " man •sprmt ' Sunday· • 1111d· Monrlny;~' · r· rom . [''J'iln 1'.or. f 1 Germany. a rter <·taff'J'wcnty-stx e · . • counsellors·• · '·mel • Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. !-'rank in Detroit at lilt' r.:ift show sclcl't· • spending 21,e years under gov- ·· . m m 1Jers provtdetl leader .Jenllins, Hnrt; Mr. and Mrs. I ing llf'W C!Jri>~lmils lll<'l'f'llllndis<'! ornmrnt t:mploynwnt. Mm,ga!'['l ship f?r ll~e camp. Amon_g tl~'-' Lynn Jewell, Leslie:; Miss Flnr- frll' thcit• shop. · SilrJJ,\'t'I' will spend n month wtth leaders were Rev. and Mrs. \VII· ------Iller parr'nts thrn rrtul'll to son 'T'cnnnnt of Holt, George Bar· 1\Vasliington, D. c., to rt!sume na of Holt, Dr. ami Mrs. Ross Me· Ingham County News September 8, 1955 Page 6 : ll'rll'l<. Lennan, Rev. Paul Conklin, Mrs. a special HatTy Hunt, Mrs. Ruth Evans, ·------· Rev. Ml!inte Schuurmans and Miss Marilyn Schuurmalls, all oi Lansing, Rev. Maurice Glasgow Introductory Offer of Dimondale and Miss Wilma Irelnntl of East Mason Methodist youth who 10-day pre-sea!;on on lhas Sparldang New attended this camp were Barbara Stmud, Lois Hall, Lee Perkins, Barham Norton, Dale Cm.well, Kennl!til Bateman antl Ervin Owen. EUREKA 'T'he preceding weelt Mason sent .3 rlclegates to the flrst eamp which was composed of high school freshmen and sophomore~. They were Nnncy Bray, Judith FUR SALE Hanna and Barham Norton. Par­ ents providing transportatirm for lhl! group were Mr. and Mrs. AI· ton StrouLI, Mr. ami Mrs. Chell!~ Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Hall, lVII'. n: nnd Mrs. Marcus Hanna, Mr. and ~ Mrs. Dee Bra~· and Mr. and Mrs-. Starting Friday, September 9 Ray Perldns. EE :!r ~~ With !~\'l't'Y Clc·mu~r· Purchasecl * SensOJtional New Office Managers Meet for Session .. you are invited to see a unique $10000 Roto-Dolly The Lansing chapter of the National Office Management as­ collection of fine, outstanding furs sociation, NOMA, inaugurated the Roto-Hnlly damps ~:••cm·l'ly on lower side of 1955-56 series of dinner meetings, •·kanP r·. Hs '! I'll hhl' t•, swivt~l, ball-!w:uing Thursday, at Michigan State. · wiu•t•l!'. mal"· it l':tsy ami l'onwuic•nt to movn Guest spealter for the evening was Dr. George Salway, pastor of Coats Jackets Capes Stoles Scarfs (~it)a~••\r~ St. Paul's Episcopal church. He spoke on human relalions In 1n Minks Persian Lamb Raccoon dealing with your employees. Program chairman for the af· B-pi•'et• dip-on N••w 1•asy zip­ fair was Waller McComb, con­ Muskrat Squirrel Jv\any Others * J\Htwh-0-.~lafic~ tnols * ar.1.ion troller of Dudley Paper company. dip swiwl-top * Str)WI' pow..r-20% lllOI'I' sudion-t'ttll % 11: New oiTlcers fm• the year arc: Mary Greenfield, Lansing board II· motor * No !lust. hag to empf;r-tt•ip!t~ t'ill.e•· * So light of education, president; NicJ.: Musselm'an, branch manager, Styled in the New Slimmer Silhouette :me~ IJUid-weiglls ~~ to 4 lh~; lt•ss. Frlden Calculating company o.r Lansing, vice-president; Charll!s A. Rathbun of Mill Mutuah; Agency of Lansing, treasurer; at UNUSUAL PRE-SEASON ·sAVINGS and Neva Kirby, office manager, Complete with Farm Bureau Services, st~cretary, Mrs. C. W. Bell returned to lhe Come Early FRIDAY: Have the Pick of the Fall Deluxe Tools Only Women's home, Lansing, after convall!sclng at the home of her son and daughter·ln·law, Ml'. and Mrs. Harold Bell. 19 55 Selections Rev. and Mrs. Paul Arnold and famlly arrived home ·rhursday from a vaca tlon in north!!rn Easy Payment Pl~ns Michigan. Thursday afternoon they attended the General Mo­ tors Powerama exhibit at Sol­ diers field on the Ialte front in • Also a Complete Line of Fur Service • Chicago. On the retm·n trip they ,,~· and See the Sensational New Eureka: visited Mrs. Arnold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeYoung of IOU Cf0\' Mt'B. Mnrshull { llownnll Hynn l\lJ'H, ~Im·lon Ith·n ·-.. , ncv, 'l'orl Pilllllps of Lansing wn·s II (lallent at Osti)OJHIIIJfe tiOH· waH guest spenlwr· at tlw Child'~ pltni In .Tnclir•snlon. Lnhor Duy. Ivan Smith attendl•cl 'l'hursdny aftPrnoon with li pres· Mr. 1111<1 l'l:rs. William llwd1 SnturdHI' night. ' A d unri a memiH•r of tho Wllllumston r!nt. A pot ludt dlniWI' was HervPd ancl Mr. ;end Mrs. 11. S. 'i'oii'JIHend · R 51 f•'J•'A dmptel', \VIIS OIW of the 11 ece1ve war aftet• wlildt 11 htislness meeting nre HPC!IHiillg 1he wt•<'ll 111 lllllicln Mr·s. SPido11 1\'lonroP asslRtorl l•'uture J~ni'Jners of Amerleu mem· was eonduett•d, Rii'PI', her dnur.:lliPr, Mrs. l'nLtl W{•st, nt 'l'hrce Ingham r'oliiii.Y '1·11 eluh ber·s fmm Michigan to lm reemn· Mrs. J\olari, of Mar·l.l\lllsOJJ tile pnsl 11'1'1'11, n•dP<'DI'fll· J(!arlers wen• lioii lull I Sun· out tlw state• W<'l'!! llllnol·ed. lng· lll·I:J. ' and fumlly of Hlllsrlule spent Sun· tile WPelt c•nd with I lowanl's par· day in ilCJIHll' I 1111'11' dHIIJ:hter, CaJ"Oie. Ml', nnrl Mrs, Tlwmas, lVII'S, I ft11!ll Ot•sl<•tlr•. ' I lnrolrl ~lll<'t(, Lunsillf.:, SIH!I'IdaJJ JH•r plll'f'IIIS for ~ wer!t{S, l'ntrirlt 'l.'llla INDIAN CEJUal\IONY blessing the Mackinac bridge will. be highlighted by a tm· road r'itiiJ. Trailer Court will stay wit It his grandparents, ditlonal Indian war dance to be performed by the Cheboygan Daily Tr·lbune's ChiciHt-gami Austin nml 1\'11·. and Mrs, .fiml l\'li', HIHl MI'S, Llll\'l'l'tlr'e Stowe Mr. and Mrs. William Comstoek, Morsl! anrl s~111 Ill' J•:aton Hapids 1111d sons aii<'IHir•d thr> Vantown 'J'IH• awarrts wr•re marlt• hy .fohn j 1 1 1 t J J (Land of Many Watm·s) Indian maidens. The event, scheduled I'm· Fl'iday, September D, ' l·I· 1·. I' II , N, , llllamston area w II sonn have am go o se HHI, WCI'l' al:;ro Vliillol's at I IH! Jlu,,il •1·1 ( pi<·ni<• HI \ViliilllliSlllll (Jill'lt I 11 y, 11:1 c \\ will feature the entreaty of the Great Spirit, Oitchi·manitou to look with favor on the Bridge, '· .tn 's tr. 1.\l . ' en·~~~ modern trailer c·out·t. William Mr. and Mrs. l•'rnnl\ Clark and home. Sulln• 1! 'e· npemtm·s of Snyd'er Auto SHIPs, ily spent tlw weel\ end at 13ltlcy Chief Black Bit·d of the Ottawas. He will invoke his blessing from atop the highest. of the of !Iuwr•ll and Mr. 1111rl at: pearl set pins wun• Jll'l'sc•ntr.d for the proleet. 'l'lw Comstm•k family visited Lansin;: wr•r<' Sntunlay •·allt•r,, or .l!'i years, Tli.e sPiting for 211 yr!al' 1 'I'IH• \vork of gmrling Hllrl hull· a rlaug!Jtel', Mrs. ConniP Plcft'cr, tlw lmnw or ii<'I'•l', Mls~ Mrs. Billl<' W<'li<'l'. Sunday Mr. Anna %ulr:h, in Ji:ll;illll'l, lndlnnu, servlec• Is rllamorHI, 11111! r•nwJ•alr! dot.lng lias been going 011 for tile and f;1mJiy of .laciil' Styli'· linn of Williamston. TheJ·e will P.l'. Livonia spent the week enrl wilh Ji'umber of visitors. er of the primary room, Mrs. Mac 0-Ramu fashlnn show, St•ptem.llC'I' he automatic washers and dryers, his grnnrlnarents. Miss Lizzie Moon visited MrH. Spring, principal, is teaehing the l1 111. J.1 at p. ut St. 1\.lirr,\''s hall. and lights and water furnished to 0, E. Binkley of Lansing wns u John Maupin In Lnnslng Tuc~· lntet•medlntc room; an~l J'l!rs. Pennies A Day Can 'l'lw latest fusllions from Wanda P11<'h tenant. fitchburg supper guest Monday nt the day evening of last week. I Helen Lynch Is the junwr htgh Haneol'k's In l':nsl Lansing will Hoadways will he <"~. thing! Let '" help you plan o sound pro~r.>rn of in· to tran:;mit to ills daughtet·s high· ~ct'. ·~u~l:,',, ',lll he I SIX I 11 illllhday Emma Gougeon from Bny City ~urllncc protection Ia f0t11:t un'( ovHnludlity. Wo 'Urilo ly [Jesit'<~blc characteristiC's of .r nm\ Cl s,tJ ~ · . wcre wee!' end gucsls of Mrs. si'¥~mmy .Tanecke who suffered Mr·. anl: Mrs. Arnold Kninch hncly eonformation as compared ~:rs. ,Luc~·. Gr~JW an~l .. Mr. ~n~ Lily Jarvis.. · . a hrol

.Lett ern to llw. Rtl Uo.r- September 8, 1955 Truman Tactics Reveal Pattern The lo9ham Cou ntY News I lurry 'l'ruman'H rr~ce1rt out· Pondnr·gasl gang. I lis :;lundei'Ous me iJ' he harl rea~omthio grounds , hlii'HtH fll'l!lty Wt!ll outllrw tlw IYIU! of dr!mngoguPry tlwrefnre b£!Cilllllt! he IHI!! 11 legnl order In to helievc! I hnri r•nmmllled n llind of smt!lrr mrnpalgn we• eun ermws naturally. It In tho sind~ Republicans Will Be Next urrest me, He wouldn't have that ex peel fr•run now lllil II tdl'c~t ion In I I'll de of htll'll JH'DJl.l', flo me serious crime, or wns attempting rluy. 'l'hosn whrJ huve rr•ucl rny will r·r•rncrnhr.r thnt I was on the .; wmTnnl. unless ~omo judge m· <.. to c•ornmil nne. rr.· n•r~elving end of the sanw ltind of ,... ,jUstJee Of the 11('1\CC J111d hl!l'll !'Oil• pusl lettPrs to tlw Pcillor· will With Parley at Mackinac Altl1otrgh I lJiean cJ'· And he SJll'eitil'ally mr~ntion,; llral the barrel for an:,'thlng to At the moment, the Issue-still is Vantown, His tractor operating score was the best ever recorded at macy as a qunli1y rlntg stm·c,- a safe and forts to restore free enterprise criticize." •. when "Mr. 'l'rum;rn violated the unsettled. the annual state contest, Carl is shown being congratulated by t•cllablc place to come fot• prcscripl ion nnd constitution in seizing tile strocl or· wlll'IIH!I' it ll'rrnts to return to tlu: l\lnd of government we had Robert White, extension agricultural engineer at Michigan St~te drug needs. lndust ry" he did gn•al harm to Truman's appearance failed to university. (M.S. U. photo.) our form of govr•rJimt•nt. lie men· uncil Friday at ills home cent trial balloons for cilndidatcs in War;, Neck. Vir·ginia. Ftrneral Washington Calls Captain for the governor's race Indicate servic·c~; wet:.e.., _rnnrlur:teri al Jiamp· ton Vir"iirh Tiwsrhy Captain Frank Guerriero has thai lh.!ngs are vccy rnuch up in • h ' ' ·' • l)['en onlcrcri to rnport in '..Vasil· the air. ' · .. : · C1p'litin Lilll'l'l'lll'l' wns grari·l ing_to_n for. 2 weel\s of s~cr:ial * • • tllrted frorn Mason Jligll sd1ool in trarnrng wrlh army coLrnter·llltcl· Peaec anrl prosperity for the l!IOI.. t\fll'l'H fr•w ye 11 [rrrrn in A1rrelius lw wc~nt to Saturday, reporting in Washing· tile announced theme for l.ho GOP llamptun ilo;rris. Virginin, to join ton .M~Jnriay to bqgin 2 weel

Various activities will he seen ., ·;,' In various areas. In metropolitan Astonishing performance-the sizzling ·ac· areas branch registration offices ccleration of Chevrolet's new "Turbo­ will be set up, manned by fire- Fire VS"-it takes that to win stock car Fit as a fiddle! That's the way you want to keep your men, policemen or other volun· furnace, so it can keep you warm and comfortable! teers. In other localities, tele· A lightning-quick. power punch that races. It's easy when you ask for Letmoic Heating Service. phone campaigns will be organ· But it takes a lot more besides. Cor­ . because it embraces all phases of correct furnace care. lzecl. Bulletin boards wl11 remind . ·makes your driving safer! That's nering and handling qualities really count Let a skilled Lennox service man dieck your furnace people to 'register. Newspaper!\, on the NASCAR * Short Track circuit regularly, help you keep furnace repair and upkeep costs radio and TV will carry the mes· sage. orie of· .the reasons· for Chevrolet's where Chevrolet's king-just as they count to a minimum. You'll save important heating dollars • * • for safer . and more pleasant highway while you enjoy continued heating comfort. Humorous suggestion was sub· driving. And even the high-priced cars Call today for a free inspection of yow; heating system! winning stock car. record-but it's mitted by .the editor of a north· don't slice through a tight turn as neatly­ ern weekly newspaper In '¥1. open or handle as sweetly-as this beauty. The WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS,. letrter to the "New Secretary of .not the only one. Not by a long shot l State--Whoever You Are." record proves it! AND ENGINEERS OF ( J The editor referred to the run·· Come on in and sample all the things l~~~ll~ WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEIIS .._ ·"' ning battle about the site of. the jet Interceptor base in northern ., that give Chevrolet its winning· ~ays. New Oil Furnace..'i Oil Conversion Burners-­ Michigan, calling it a •lLazy Su· ·We're keeping a key ready for you! . san basis, stopping here ancl *Nolianol Auociation for Slack Cor Aura· Racing New Gas Furnaces Gas Conversion Burners thet·e." He suggested .that the be left to the U. S. navy. The base could then be built on I" an aircraft carrier, wtileh could NOW'S. THE TIME TO BUY! LOW PRICES-BIG DEALS.! ENJOY A NEW. CH~VROLET . steam to the area wqich satls· ~ I , . , . f . , . " ·• , Cady· Hardware fiod the most political pressures. .... - ...... :~- ...... '...... ______,. ______.. ,...... --- .. - ...... --- ~ .. ;...... ~ ...... ~ ...... __ .. .. ~- .... --- ...... -...... :...... --- ...... ~ .... .; .. ;._ ~ Other advantages of this plrul' ··------' ------. . ------! Plumbing and Heating ,. were listed: No roads required;· no television towers; no congres· Phone l\fasmi OR-7-1241· . 141 West Ash . . . . slonal district boundaries.' In the . summer it could be moved from AI.Rice Ch·evrolet Call Your Certifieil L(NNOX D~olcr Todoy! the National Music :camp area, 1\losou because, he says; ~o. enemy would _ln_i.Jh_am_C_o_un_tv_N_ew_s __s_cp_te_mb_er_8_, _19_ss__ Pa_oc_2~ rBooster Club li'll.I'P.Wr.ll P1n'f.Y OiVIlll 1'1 drmt; .Tcnn Johnson, sect•o(nt'Yi WO'I'U l'lnns OI'IVtl MI'S, Allie 'rhompson Is ~pond; Ji'l'iencls nncl fnmlly of Mr. nncl En ro ment at J{nren !•'elton,. II'Oit~UI'Ilf'j 111111 'l'llo w. c.')', u, In t;Jlllll~lll'ln~ It lug tlw Wr>Ol~ wltll Ml', ani! Mrs, Mrs. Ceml Unrlorwnorl gnlhP.rorl Mls~ Cohh, mlv!snl', rlr!ve fol' clolhlng for Koren, Any· Bon Hlr.nh11ry of nlnomftclrl IIIIIR, nl tlw!r home Monrlny fot· 11 fum· ll"AS T f I 574 '!'he student couJwl! n!Ho hnrl one who hHH uny wnr·rn Plolhlng Mr. nml Mrs. Bert Snow of Practices Third well dinner pnrty honoring Mr. 0 a s Its Ol'(WiliZut!onnl meeting with to c•ontr!hlltrJ to lhls l'aUiiP will Northville \V(!J'l! Sunday dlnnet• nnd Mrs, Gall I·krlglen nnrl family results nH follows: Hohr.rt. Sly, f!nrl hnxes nl Ander·snns hnrrlwnm gtwsts llf M ·. and Ml'li, W!ll!nm Dansville Verse of Psalm who nro r·etlll'nlng to 'l'uc·son, Sc>IHJol oJwned 'l'uPsdny nl Ing· prr.Hlrient; ,Tnnol. Brlg~s, vleo- stom nnrlln hoth <~hurf'lws, J'vluwlfl'. 1 AJ'Izonn, to mnl Swift of Mason. us n conscience !Jold and good, ville!, elrmcntary romllinallonroom, 28; der anrl Hlchnrd Lampman; fresh· the messages ul nll scrvlr'I'H. VnnNuys, CnJJrornln, nnll DUI'IIIlrl give us purpose true, thnt II und Intel' elementary eomhlna· men, Nuncy Wlllrlncsrluy of Mr. nnrJ Mrs. l.t•o the latter's pur·ents, Mr. anrl Ml'f llnm Frlennut h; lni£!1'111Prllnt<'s, Boostcl' club auction nl Diehl· Twonty·nlne memhm·s anrl hus· or, pre~ldt•nl\· .lad~ Cool>, viet•· The Future 1-Iomcmakers huvc Lyon of Hustings. Anth'PII' 11111llwusl', o[ Stod I MrH. Edrmrnrl Ynrtng; ynung pr•n· For Year's Events flolrls Snttll'day, This day and for lmnrls of 1111' Pnst MaiJ'ons dtrb president': Lmrlsl' Perrine, sr.cre· as theh· ot'fkors: Put ·· Wurwd, Mr. and M~~." Dnl£• 1\laln of Jn·lrlgl', pies, Mrs. HErrr·y Mnot'P; Yllllllg every nucllon day in the past the were entertained 'J'lrursdny ove- tnry; Chnrles Weclly organized The llliCtlon wus u climax ton Corwin. A pntluek suppc!r wa~ :runlors, Orville Emerson, pres!· Wry; Angela Myall, treasurer·; ncr guests of lheil· pnrents, Mr. with the latter':; parcniH, M1·. ant! tary, Leland Pc•JThw; lllltlt~t· tliP limrlr.r·,..;hiJl of theh· week of preparation when tho served at !i::JO nml followl'd hy a den I; Wllllnm Crumhni\Pl', vlr.e· Jlll Briggs, puJ·llamcntarlnn; Sal· and Mrs. Leland Perrine, Sr. lvlr·s, Myron 1\lrhy. As;;lstanl, William F'rPIPJ'Illlllli; arlvlmr, Mrs. Ali1·r• Hunt, and are community was cunvnssed for short. business mr.Ptlng after pr•esltlcnl; Hamid Taylor, Hl'CI'O· ly Nemor·, song Jear!Pr; Domthy Mr. nne! Mrs. Ir·vill Wlrlte of Dr•· Mr. and Mrs. l·lnr'l'y W<•lrlci< of trensurPI', Mrs. l•'rPiermutll; li· untll!l'll'ii.Y wllll thr.h· mnnPy mal<· household Items, farm equipment, which cards and hlln<'o wr.r·e tary; 13urlmm Coehmne, trcas· Dunsmore, reporter; ,Judy Croft, troll spent Sunrlny with Mr. an1l Co,\'iilii[{e Jo'alls, Ohio, nml Mr. and ing Jli'Ojl'I'(S, ht•m•lnn, I~Llg'('IW Moore; pianist, clothing and bul(c goods. It's a played. umr; Mrs. Manning, advisor; historian; and Mrs, llrlggs, arl- Mr·s. James Rld1:wny. Mr. and Mrs, .Jerlson !i'elton wcw Sunday Nnney !~Ills; assistant, Leland Tirey haw ilr!gun pielsts of Mr. and Mr·s. PP.rrino; substltute'tcill'IH!I's, Mrs. mng;tzines and n c w spa per s. wtwre one meets ncighbor·s from Clyde AllC'n and rlnughter, Doro· presldonl; .Jami!H Dreslin, vJroe. Offieers of the !i'uture lY vislll!tl Mr. mul Mrs. l~verett Mrs. Vern C11rl and \Vllllam first dr·ivr.. Tlwy will soon he talt· lOO children dre~s up. Clydo Howlell of Slockbrlrlge, lnry; Lee• 1\lrily, IJ'ens11rer·; Mr·. Donald Brown, vice-president; Mr·. nne! Mr·s. VIetor nlllett ant! Bal~er· ut' Hlod(!Jrldge. Freir.rmutll; promolt•rs, Mrs, Or· ing nwgazlrw suhsel'lpllons and Did you sr.o the young womnn Mr. and Mrs. Ethel Blakely of CappaP.r·t, arlvlsor; · Wlhm•r· Pnrson, secretary; Car·J family of Novi WCI'P. Sunday I!I'P· Mr·. and !\Irs. Elli(CIW Slhcrry ville Emcr·snn and Mrs. Erlmunrl ~('lling l'lll·l~tmas earriH. with a ptu•p!e hnt and ovchld· Milici' I'Oad, nnd Mr. nnil Mrs. Freshmen, Mnry Slwntlwlm, Minnis, treasurer; Larr·y Soule, ntn~-r lunclwon gue~ts of the Jnl· nnd family of Ann Arbor spent Young; assistant supPrlntr•tHII'nl, !•'or• III<' magazlrw subscriptions rlmmcci :;molted glnsscs? For Herbert Norris of PoiiPI'Villl'. president; Carol Gmf, vlce·presi· sentinel; Gilbert Hies, rcpnrtcr; ter's parents, Mr. anrl Mrs. A . .J. the Wl'l'l' 1'1111 as guests of Mr. Leland i'ciTine; Gc•riild iII<' lJ ndl'l'll'oocl and Bonnie clays Dansville will enjoy Heelng 'J'h(~ next meotln~-: will be at the dent; Hcginald Wyman, secrr.· nne! Mr. Whenton advlsnr.· . Miller. Mr. anrl Mrs. Millc•r Hpcnt nnd 1\'lrs. L1•wis t••ri'Pr. . Home rlep:ll·tm;twlios tool; the underei[ISS· with heads, huttons and pins. The guests of tlw Inlier's parents, Mr·. urer; Mrs. Stroud, advisor. Freel Snger I'Pmalnl.'d at hls home Mrs. BrssiP. Olson il01s h:!Cil In! l-1()11 11'1'1'1' II'PPk rnd guests of Carl; and song Jcutlrr, Mrs. Al· mt•n ami faeulty pielures Wedncs· MYF ilarl a pari. In the sale too, nncl Mrs. Donal Parl1s, of \Vii· Seventh gmde,. Lyle Hedglen, In Chelsea a[tl!r spending a COli· spending 2 wePks wit II hrr· sist<'J", IH'l' mother, Mrs. Allie 'l'lwmpson. fred Sherman. Mrs. Lt•wis J•'rPI!I' day anrl they will have a photog· with u lunch stand serving con· liamslnn. I prcsiclont; David Diehl, vlce·prcsi· pic of wrelr E:Jiis is V,Pneral C'hairman for soli· Kernel so tho Dnnsville auction, sdwol. l~11llowlng an lwur of visit· ing at :t II high sc~ilrml games. 'l'he r·ummuge and bal~e sule has In· 'i ing Mrs. Slu•mwn scJ'I•r•tl l'f'· sPnirw <'lass o11'it·ers and senior creased with the following re· frcshmcnts 11[ il't' l'rcam :11HI studr•nl c•ourll'il rcpresentntivcs suits: Auction sale, $479.65; rum· cal~e. Guests IVPI'C! .Jill Bri~-:gs, nwt for· a govPrning board meet· mage, $337.89; hul~e sale, $195.85: 1 Sally Nemer, Diarw !•'elton, Hulil ing and rlisl'ussod problems per· total, $1 ,013,39. Ann Coopo1· and .Jw,ly Craft. TIH• wining to lilt• allomtion of el::tss This Is an increase of $392.61 girls presented Vernit'l' witlr :t funds. from the 1951 sale. The largest gift. '!'he pm·ty was in honor of share of the articles In the auc· her lP.nving In attend tile Jo'rcP WSCS Will Mt•<•t; tlon were donated. It seems each Methodist high sdwol in Hpring Thl' I'Pgular meeting of the year the quality of the auction [ Arbor. Wom;tn's Hociety o( Christian Improves and the money received Service will be Wcrlnesday, Scp· goes Into the church improve· Srmst•t. lhavt~n NPws tr.mher 1'~. at tile home of Mrs. ment fund to be used to build 1111 Having dt~cidl'll to liuit fa•·ming Wl' will sdl at 1111hlie audi1111 at llu• Mrs. Vpra Arnoli"l and dput,{h· Hosa Anderson. Mrs. Allie annex for needed class rooms, farm, ,. mill's north of Eaton Ru!lids on l\1-!lfl. 101', Elsirt: and Miss Elsil' !:Cubll Thompson will Herve itS assistant ltitchen and other facUlties. ami Mrs. Lillian Lol'im' S£'h<•tlul!•d Friday evening nl. Consumors -(ll:JO P. M .. ~ Leslie visited Mrs. Frances Nelw· park. Following the wiener roast I Friday, Sept. 16 .. Saturday, September 10, there , I lung Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wen· will be> another painting llee at games were played. Later gifts dell Shram and family of Spring the Dnnsville Methodist church. were presented to Vernice Sher· Arbor, Mrs. Charles Anderson ·rt i>; expected tllat the outside man, who has been teacher of I and Mrs. TiiiiJ Sherman of .fv. Charles Gross. ber 13, after school at. the town and family' ofi,Webberville• II'CI'I' hall. The meetings had previously1 Sunday v··isitors'~or Mr·. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Abbott and been-discontinued because oft Je Jedson !i'clton. Mr. ,and Mrs. \Vii- st.n of Rives Junction, Mrs. Len· summer heat. Mrs. Bernard Gum· llo Swift: and grandchildren of nah Abbott o[ Plensant lal

cllle. · ' ·------~-..------~ ...... llilllll!l•lllllil• .. -~~~~~- ..-- ..~~~-- ....- ...... !114t lngh11in County News Setltember 8, 1955 Paue 3 Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Wallter 'Mr. anri Mrs. Harolr~ mnpp nf spry of Mrs, Fl')ster, Mr. and Mrrs. Mr, and Mrs,.'Orln Voss; Sr, Mr, nr Brighton nnd Mr. ntHI Mr~. J,lncoln Purl~ nnrl Mt', 1lnrl MrH. G, H. Ji'oster nnrl family of Ma· nncl Mrs, William Elrlred of Ma· Guy Fr.ltnn of White Oal{ wem ,John Richardson of JJ'Iat Rock son, Mr. nnrl Mrs ••r, Fcnsel of son were Mondny cn.ller/l, guest~ of Mr. nncl Mrs. Forrest spent Stinrlay ntul Monday Wllll Eaton llnplrls anrl Mrs, Roy Slrll'l' Wnll\1!1' Saturday tlvenlng. Mr~. Mr. anrl M1·~. ,Jnmes Crumlmlwr. anri l'ltlldren were nflernoon vlsl· Rev, nncl Mr~. J.,on~n Strait onrl Frnnlt SeiJmillt nnrl ehllrlnm anrl Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlcs Green· ICli'S at the Glover home, The family of Schroon Lalm, New Dansville Miss IJnrhnr·n PIIW!!Isnn of Mason ough and family of Lnnslng wer~ Fetzcrs left Monday for their Yorl1, were Sunrlny nl!ernoon (ConUnned on l'ugn 3) vislturi tlw Wnlltet•s Sllllll'dny. Snlunlny evening dinner guests hmne In Lmll, Ohio. r!aller~ of Mr. and Mt'H, Dicit Dunsmore. Miss Myrnetln · CuriiH ldt Ln· of the Cortner's IH•mnts, Mr. 111111 1\lr. anil Mrs. Lnwton Gnuss Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Taylor MP, and Mrs. I~. D, Shmycr of hor· Duy for Musl\egon urter Mrs. A. 0. Gt·eennugh. and Mr. nnrl l\lrH. Then Cllcl{ner Mr. nnrl Mrs. Porte•· ·shaw of and family and Mr. nnd Mrs. Mel· Gl'llnd ftnplrls nnrl Miss Peggy spending the sumnwt· vaentlnn 111 Mrs. Louis YuiHISZ anrl ellilrlrctt \Vl't'r! Sunrlny cvcmlnr: guests of Grass Lnlw were Sa.turrlny cull· vln Bnttlge unri dr1ughters were Shroyer of Wushington, D, C., hct• hnllll~ in Dnnsvllln, Mrs. of Holl callml Saturday on ltPr Mr. rtnrl Mrs.• !nmes Wright of ~rs o! their rlnughter, Mrs. Ethr.l Sundny visitors of Mr. nnd Mrs. wem Sunrlny afternoon guests of MaJ·inn Davis nttd Miss 1\largnrel parents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. A ..r. Mil-' Lam;lng. Sly, and attended the wedding of Wilbur Hnwxhurst of StclCI<· Mr. nnd Mrs, George Vngt, .Jr. Curtis r£!tllrncd to Mrs. Davis' Jet', their grnnddaughter, Miss Shlr· bridge, Mr. und Mrs. Donald Sites nnrl horne in Detroit Labor Day. Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. ,J. C, Nclsrm nnrl toy Sly, nnd Dicit Curtis nt t!JQ Wilmot Bohnet nttenderl the fumlly of PClrry spent Sunday Orville Harris nnrl family nf fluntly ~JH!Ill till! weelt cnlll r1s Vantown Methodist chur·ch Sat· Michigan state fair nt Detroit with the latter's parents, Mr. nnrl l•'llnt will oeeupy the curtis g1wsts of lhc Inlier's JlHrr•nts, Mr. North White Oak urrlny CVClnlng, Sunday, Ml'S, Robert Smith. Mrs, Lulu home rlurlng lhe sehool year·. nntl Mn;. llcrlwrl Wllldn~cm, ol Mrs, A. B. Brnrnan and Jean Magulr!l of Mason was n Sunday Gnnrge anrl Jcnn llurrls ai lrmrl Srntlh llnvcn. nnrl Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Flt.zslm· evening luncheon guest of the Michigan Stale unlver.~ily. Mrs. Andrew Millhouse .nnd Mr. anrl Mrs. lloland Bmol~I 1\'ir-Cormlelt pnrlt, Williamston, eooldt,; nnd punch, Jesus CIHist'l Jackson visited Mr. ami Mrs. guests at rllnner Wednesday of Ypsilanti, Mrs. C. 1·', S~!hmldt of Sunrlny afternoon. iunrlny. Ronalrl West Sunrlny, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Kirby, Dearhm·n allll Mrs. Ltily l'elty Mr. nnrl Mrs. L. II. Fostc•t' of Mrs. 1\litl' Sly w;ts 11 'l'IHu:srlay Mr. nod Mrs. George .mrt{lnnd Is it lh~ story of ALlam and Eve? Check with n theologian nnrl Mr. 11nd ·Mrs. WnY,ne Geer Mr. and Mrs, George H. Milc:h· Mt·, and MJ's, Merle ~wan and WC!rc Sunday visitors of Mr. and Holt, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. If. l•'eiZI" visitor oJ' 1\lr. anrl Mrs. I~Zl'll Wil and lind out whnt lite story a~tually meant in the original attended the state frth· Saturday. llli and family spcnl the Labor Mr. nnd Mrs, Floyd Mitchell MI'S, G. K Manning and ~Irs. M. anrl granrldaughter, Linda, o[ ~ox. Old Tesl<~mcnt language. Day week end with Mrs. Mary called on Mr. anrl Mrs. James I Ivah Manning. Lodl, Ohio, Mr•s, Dale lltll'l'isott .1\lr' .. anrl Mt·s. ll

God's mcs~:~gcs to them. Offh:md, J'd say they were mighty 0 11 positive about the whole thing-positive to the extent that there .simply cctuld not have been any mistake about it. Who would lose their head l'or less'! The important thing, however, is this. Whatever your ... ' stumbling blnck is, he sure ymt'rc doing all you can to ····! ., analyze it. l.onk for an answer. Try to fight it. But don't be

complacent about it: because il' there is a Christ-and every ' ;; fact leans that way-then your complacency, your lack of. interest in fact-linding, may just pay you ofi with an eternity '" vt utter misery. If you don't believe in Christ, he f>rJ.I'itive of your facts. Only a roul would do otherwise, brcause an ctcr.nity is at stake. .. ' -Fred Bell ··· ... ,,- and Mrs. Maude Marriott visited Aurelius Center Mr. anrl Mrs. Richard Rich in Opnl 1•:. Sl!d1•hnai"r ILansing Monday. I Mrs. U. A. Bunlter and children ·:.' lllr. ;n!d·.~. C'edl llos<;l?ury ~pent Thursday at the Elmer and f;nnlly 1'1'\UI'Ill'd lw•m• lue,. Flaugher and J. E. Disbrow • ' ~. I •' .. I ' ' 'rlay from a v:wation at Jliggins homes. • ·,• rr.: , ·lnlw. . , All g-mups of the Aurelius •1-H 'i:l I Mr. nt:rt 1\l,rs. T·.l~ner To lmtglwr club will meet Wednesday, Sep· •,j i ,,. nnrl f;llntly i'P,l'nl Sunrlay at thtJ tember 14, at the township hall 0. A. lltlllkl'r hom~··. . at 8 p. m. They must hand In re· I Mr. anrl Mrs. \Viii tam \Vtgger·s 'ports for their summer projects and son, lltll,l', aty guest~ of Mr. Iat that time In order to complete ,, ·.', r·';. I and 1\Jrs. t'nrl Grlll!WII I Ills week. their work. ,I J\1t·. and Jl.ln:. L~·lr• Hirlley anrl Mrs.'Lucy Griffin attended din· Kristl'tl spront Sunday with Mr. ne1· for the Webb School club at and Mrs. !farlan Gnrldy of Ma· the home of Mrs. Irene Laxton ~ · ~OIL last Tuesday. ! Mr.

This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the as a Public Service by the Following Fim1s and Individuals Following Firms and Individuals • •

The Farmers Bank Tho!burn Lumber & Coal Co. Mason Mason How tall the trees, and how straight the road. It cuts unswervingly through the countryside, and the trees border it like Pl!r~ins Hardware sentinels. Sentinels they have ·been too, Lindy's Drive· In Mason walls of protection during the storm, Mason blessed.shade when the heat' of the noon­ day sun is mercilessly strong:. Ball-Dunn Funeral Borne As we go through life, it might be easier Mason City Dakery ifour roads could be that straight. But so often they aren't, So often they are fuiJ of unexpected turnings. So often we're George's Food Market Tim Damer Company ter'npted to stray from them entirely. Mason of Milson But we, to.o, have a sentinel to protect us .. , in. the.. Church. It i,~ ...!here to shelter us in storms, to shade us when we've · Vogt Funeral Home Van's Service - Sinclair erred. Damville Mason The Church teaches mercy: It teaches compassion. It teaches forgiveness. We Leslie Coffee Shop need the Church, and it is never too late Leslie 81\ment Feed & Supply Service to find it. Mil$ on Consumers Power Dick'~ Sunoco Service Mason Mason Kean's 5c • $1 Store The ferris Company Mason Maison 'l Mason Dairy Mason 1.' A. Dart Co. 1'; Mason ul. ~·! Jewett Funeral Homt Mason Dart National Ban~ ~1 i ~I Ma~on . I I f. Ellis Grocery Corner Gift & Bible Shop and ~.1 Dansville II & M Drive-In Cleaners · Holr THE CHURCH FO IJ Eden Elevator ALL FOR TR RAy.···. Eden The Church i.- tl. E CHURCH .tiJP. building of" ch le. greatest factor on ca II J Ware's Drug It ;, a olornl aracter and good ... r 1, .or siren Cr . louse of "Pirilua/.v I .. Cll/z~,H:rup. Mason g lurch, neither d a ue... Wiihout a . Cutler Oil Co. con Stlrvh:o TJ ernocrocy nor ci\.··1· .. ,. ' "V • Jere ore feu ... '!..a .ton 119 E. Michigan - Lansing ' ery Person should . r wOUnd reoc.on:: Wll' Dart Manufacturing Co. and support .I he. Churc~lle~~ services rr,gularl·; ,~0~~ -~~!:f:"(2J ·for his chi.ldro~~; s':::' 111 l:or hi;: Mason "ol·e 11 .. community and n . . .c. 13 J For tho Francis Platt ~nd ol lh~ Chur'ch itselt; WIJ' ~lion, ('I) for th, Iori matenalsupport. Pion tole. needs hie m~ral Mason Y and read Your. Bible dail/IO to clanch rog,. Wolverine Engineering Co. ·Uuy :iuncfay · · Booft. Milson r..ronda.);:.'.'.'·.','.~ •• · •····Psalms · Cl••Ptcr 1' '· • • •.• • .Gcne:li!l l Vcrr.ts Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. 3 l-6 \Vcdncsd'il'f • • • '· • • • · • · Psulrns l-H 'f~ursday".. :::'' · · · • · • 'Jeremit~f~ 91 Mason l•nd01y . • ...... Matthew 17 1-10 18 s-ts.· Snturd~Y · · · '' · • · • •• ~·.Luke. . · 18-:!7 ·... _., .fstes.-Leadley·· Eunerai~Uoine.'-"'':~-~.::,. . . . ·.• ..... ~ ·, ~--~···:!:~-~~"!~:. 19 12 Ji'-·!3 l-1~21 Hail-Lansing Robart Nursing Home Mason

·What the Churches Are ·Doing nrnson Church of the Nnznt•ene, Fowlerville, Rc\'. Ft'. W.. the services for pupils up to the senior choir. · . . · 7 :30 p •. m., choir rehearsal, '" '.;' : ... ;I• \ . ' . , . ':· . r ~ .,. . I• tl1a clnss, navor mol'n thnn n. rloz. 1 fJ1 lk Gil OJ' H In rnunhuJ', wr!J'CJ en· B 001~ .B. a r!(ILIJ'IIt:(l'rl lo ).:IVC! In llwlr own lunguugo thcll' lrlcu of tlw won.!, HummtH' hr11rru, urTtHltiYo lmmnrllntuly, nt the MnHon .,,rnnnlr nt t.IHJ Jrud111rn nncl In dlst lngulsll It fmm HO· r:lllllrty lllu•nry: Mur~f,ay tlu•utJHh Fl'illnyj mllr!rl synonyms. :.!-Ii Jl. UJ,i Hulu•·duy1 II)~ I; 'J'nmuluy UIJI 'J'Inn·uduy, 7·0 ''' m. The snnw dass ronrl nloucl every dny, und the hnolts that Of nil knowlerlgc nncl mental wem rnacl Wt!l'r! of sufl'ldcnt In· tmlnlng, l'l'iirllng nlonrl Is thn temst 10 tompt: e!Jildrcn to rr.ncl JJI'indpnl nwans, nnrl rr.ndlng llwm of themselves, When the ulowl !ntnlllgc•ntlr t!w ttnmlstnlt· l'l'lllling hegnn, all In the class uhiP, If not I lie• only, ~lgn. Yet wore ohllgNI to follow tlw remiC'r, I Ills, whir'h wns w mmmon when each In his o1· her own hoolt; fnr olll' pJ·esr!nl genPnltlon of mature nny pupil was Jlnble to he culled Belief in something very often mnkes it come true, A&P's savings policy , • , . men WPI'I! boys, is j11sl what our upon to tnl\r! up tlw rGcltallon tried, tested unci proved by. thrifty millions daily , , , cnn be believed highly IIJHI sr:ienll!lt·lilly ecluealcrl even at nn unflnlslwrl sentencl!, in! We've dcvelop~d n progrnm of price-wise shopping for foocl, hmcd teadwrs seem either mosl lnuap· and go 011 with It, ami If he lwt;!· nhle IJI' most ncgieetful of tcaeh· tatetl in such a mnnnm· aH shower! on yeors of experience! Our formula? More low prices on moru' items, in g. Ami :,oct the men11s hy which 1hut. his l'ye nnrl mind were not more dnys of tho week! The result? Lower totnl food bills for you! I'!Jlldrc!l Wf!l'e made lntellir(ent with the render's, the ef'feCL upon SAVf Prescription for the pennywise? Choose A&P (or certuin savings! Comfl und lntl'lilglllle rcndr•J'S oJ' •JI) his marl\ ac:c:ounl was the snmc :m AT A&P see,,, ~oon! You'll sa vel . . . - - · yrmrs ago wen• Bot. so recondite us If he him!wlf had fulled 111 • as to hi' ht!,\'Ctlltl itltainrncnt nnd rending. liSP h.Y n tPIWili'J' of rnorlernle JI~HHY LEWIS,. masque1·ading as an 11-year-old in dn ul!ility alld '"'ttuln•nJt•nl, who ~cts If 1111' rending of any sentmwe SUPER RIGHT ,QUALITY--4·6 Llll hill1HI'if I'IIJ'III'St 1,\' lo ills worl\, did not show a just nppJ·eeJntion attempt to evade a killer, threatens Dean Martin with his of Its meaning, the reader was mill<-pislol in this hilarious scene from "You're NeveL' Too As It Is n•mr•mhlvr•s nnd wlllr at least sal· Words II'PJ'e explained. If they Nina F'och and 200 teen-age girls. !sl'uf'lion ''' tilPir iH'IIJ'eJ·s. Boys of were mmprHIJHI words, they wcm Smoked Picnics not moi'l' than 7 to fl \'!'Ill'S old analyzer!; tlw different slwdcs nl' nre lo be tasted, others swal· M t• ONi QRADE, NONE FI~ER ALL GOOD, LEAN ·LAYERS wr•re l'XI!I't'h1l'ri In delini'ng words mPII;Iillg which words have In lowed, nnd some few to he! chewed ' ar In and Lewis l'rom nn dl!f!nl· llllll'i(f'd upon, and tile suhjel:l nf lll'C' to lw rear[ only In parts; P·resent Gro~nd Beef 39c Sliced Bacon 49c I inn given fl'llm rnl'mot·y, and tlw <'~~ay, IIH• nnrrat Jvc, oJ' 1Jw others to he read, bu. I not, curl· New.Film1 SUPER RIGHT, tiH'n IIH• tL'IH'lH'I' liSI\r•rl fJLH'!;tlons mr•rn whi<'h formed tile lesson OL~sl,v; a.nd some few to he ~:end 8EEF. 1 1 Steaks ' RIB, SUPER RIGHT LB. 79c Frankfurters SKINLESS, ALL MEAT LB. 49c whkli teslr!d litP pupil's l'tllnprP· for tile day, was cludrlalr'ri. .' IWith dliJgenl'e and altt~l)llon. l!l'nsion of the dellnition that hr: How lo n,•ad llool;s "Novels," says TIHicl\e.rpy, "are At·ifox Theatre Boiling' Beef . MEATY PLATE LB. 19c Chop Suey Meal VEAL AND PORK LB. 49Q hml given, "IHI llw me m brrs o! . Lord 13;1 ''on ~nys: "Some hnoi