Montville Teen- Murder Charge
20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Oct. 19. 1989 r n ANTIQUES/ CARS A Newspaper In Education Prograin L £ | COLLECTIBLES SALES FOR SALE T H E Q U IZ Sponaortd by The Manchester Herald A Specjolisl ANTIQUE Phone-Crank ESTATE/Tog sole - 25'/a CORVETTE 1971 Sting type. In excellent con Eldridge Rood, Man Roy, C.J.K. 84K origi dition. Useable. No chester, Saturday, Oc nal miles. 99 per cent (10 pointi for each question 1 .': reasonable offer re tober 21st, lOom - 4pm. restored. $25,000 In WORLDSCOPE answered correctly) I fused. 643-7759. Rain or shine. Furni vested asking $10,500. ture, antiques, brass Serious Inquiries only. bed, mirrors, china, 633-8560._____________ gloss, silver, country, OLDSMOBILE 1974 Cu MACHINERY original pointings, tlass. Runs good. I AND TOOLS Christmas tree and Needs exhaust work. manrhpalpr Irralft CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL crystal decorations. $325. 649-4914, before REMODELING t a b l e Sow - 10" Rock FOUR family tog sole, 1pm. well. $75. or best offer. October 20th and 21st, 643-7063. CHEVROLET. 1984 Covo- DUMAS ELECTRIC 9om - 3pm. 75 East ller Wagon, good con GCF HOME Service changes, Middle Turnpike. Fur dition. Many extras Friday, Oct. 20,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents additionai wiring and niture, linens, miscel $2,500. 643-2108. SERVICES laneous. Priced to sell. Rempdellng, repair, decks, repairs on existing trim work, smaii jobs. homes. Quality work at i MISCELLANEOUS BOB RILEY Senior Citizen Discount affordabie pricea. I FOR SALE 645*6559 Entirely owner operated. WANTED TO OLDSMOBILE 27 years exp. Call BUY/TRADE 259 Adams St., Joseph Dumas END ROLLS Austin Healey - Any year 1 Troops of one of Generctl Manuel Noriega's elite battalions are Frustration 27%" width — 25« Manchester PAINTING/PAPERING 646-S253.
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