Kiw11111ans Are Pickin\g up Rummage Attend American Log) Open Hou5o for Annual Si!lll Soplombor 23-24 The In ham ~County News thb Sunday Afternoon In Mason Ninclv·Sixth Year, No. 36 Mason, Michigan, Thursday. September 8, 1955 4 Sections - 26 Pages News Index Subdivider Will Build Wnnt nels, Pnges •!, 5 nnd ll, Court Calendar Part I. ' Social news, Pages 3 and ll, Stockbridge Coup~e Part 1; Page 6, Part 2. For Septembelr 25 Homes on West Side l~dltorlnls, Pnge 1, Part <1. F'arm news, Pages 2, a ancl J{css!Pr CmJsfrllf'lion C'o, of Tlw tii'P.II I~ going In rh•vclop any· I, Purl •1. Hits New Hig~ Holt will hnllrl 2:i :l·hl'dr·mnn way and it mlglll Just as w<•ll hi' Lt~gul notkcs, PagC! ll, Pnrl Fall Before Hammer holiSCH In MaiiOII this wlnll't', In 1111 orrll'rly fnslrlon wltl1 Kr.!h· I; Pngc a, Part 2; Page 5, Purl On Tnghnm'~; clt•cult court ·c~l· Crlllofnlf!llnn will hr> In SnyrlPr I' II' rlolng I h1• hullrli ng. If .I ust n 1. rmrlnr fur Septemhcl' term suhdlvlslnn WI'S I of ll!i· 127 hY· fl'w JwltPr·slwltl'r shad<s urr• Business rill ectory, Pngc G, 711 <·nscs, a new high. The puss dllll onuth of C'olumhJ,, h11llt In tlw suhrllvlslon, the dtv Part <1. vlous high was In Btl'l'l'i. woulrl hP oiJJigall'd In bulle! lhl' lnsl ycur when 64!1 e!ISC!S Ol Escaped Convict 'l'hP l'rllllfliiii,Y's dl'l'islon In street trnyw<ty," listed, hull! I In Mason, < '111! 1\Psslr>t' lo'rl ('JHIJH'il rn11n Walmtt agr'ct!tl On 1he print eel calcndm· are 92 I!ammel·ed to death, Mto, and Mt·~. IIoward HetTick of lhl' lOIIIH'II Monday night. hlngPrl that II Is nhnosl lrnposslhlr• lor Pupils Crowd criminal cases, 70 ,jury civil, 13<1 Slocl\bridge were found dead in thei1· barn late! Monday night. on wlwiiH•r or· not tlw l'!tv would ynnng pr•oplc In gt'i nrlcqunf,• non·.IUI'Y civil, 33 non·contes,tcd gi'IHif•, gi'IIVI'I 111\d hlaf'l<lop J<oifli· hom1• fllllllll'inr{ in M;won. llf', "llftlli'Cl'Y, 1!!8 conlested ciJJill· Being sought on suspicion of the double murdct· Is Nealy I,\'11 hiiPr>l, npproxlmaiPiy l,lflfl only qtll'sllon was on tlw quality •pry Hfl no-progress law and ·119 Buchanon, 30, of Detroit, who escaped ft·om .Jadtson prison ft•l'l long. C'onndlmen agrcl!d tn of tlw homes tile Kessler r:om· City Schools · no p;·ogress ch~nccty cuJ;Cs . .( cnl'ly last F1·iday. gl'lllil' 11111! g!'IIVI'! till' Hil'l'l'i this pnny pia ns I r1 1 onsll'llf'l. The no-progress cases nrt! fall and to la,Y till' triple sp;rJ as L'otnwllrnPn Morris anrl Co1rl~ ,ublcct to dismissal, when cqurt Howard HmTick, 63, and his wile Mym, U2, fell hcfot·e pilllll matJng Will'll Ill ti'IISI 7;';'~ also nsi<Pd ahonl the type• of T~ Capacity convenPs In Lansing Mon_yny, I hcit· slaye1· Saturday aftcmoon. Ft·om I•'t•iday nwl'lling uri­ of tlw llrlnws 111'1' nt'l'tipiC'rl. lln· housPs planned fol' 1111' lli'Pa. They are mses In which tl'ere \ il SatUI·day aftemoon Buchanon skulked norl h of Stocl(. riPr I ht• llgll'l'ln£'111 n•;wlwd Mon· "Jf the houses ar<' l'iwnply !'011· Mason dassrnoms urc hulglng have been no action during \the 1lny nlgl11, tlw [(pss!l'r c·nmJHinV slrnr•fprJ, tlrr• ~nhdlvlslon may lw with pupils and will iJe urJtll the past year. ! bl'idgc, Sheriff Willat·d P. Bamcs of Ingham and stale pollee will pny Ill!' l'llllrP t·osts of C'lll'il a shad<lown In J:i ycnrs," Morri~ Jurors for the Scptembet• t~'t·m officm·s believe. new Steele Street elementary !IIIII gullr>r olnrl slrh•wllill In till' !mlrl. "Tiwt woulrln'l he rlolng the of court have been summoned' to The suspect made his way to Mason and then to Lansing Hrl'rl 111111 Jnst.dl Willi'!' and si'Wf'l' e\ly Ill' f'V!'n fhr Jll'IIJloSCIJ hnml! hulltllng provides relief. That report In Lansing Monday, Scp fndlltlPs UIHIPJ' tlw dly pial ordl· OIVIH'I'S II favor." won't he for several weeks, school tembcr 19. Criminal trials arc SMASHED EYEGLASSES and ignition keys helped set tire time following the slaying. The last sure tmce of him was at the IHIJV'f' T'Phafp syslf'lll "Wr•'vl' got our own shnclc·. offleials said. scheduled to begin then. of tho bludgeoned duths of Mr. ~nd Mrs. How~rd Herrick. This ------ -- ·---··- Gt·eyhound bus sial ion in Lan· Till' arPa In whkh ilw linttsr>s flllvns now, ami no one SPPms In Judge Charles. H. Hayden Is picture w11s t11ken in ~he barn at the Herrick ft~rm north of Stock­ sing Saturday night. Will hi• h11JII \ViiS III'C:I'flll'd hy lhf' worry about them," Cndy de· '!'he greatest pressure Is In 4th, the presidmg judge for the Sep· city as a plntiPcl an•;r In l!l:l!l darer!. filh, 6th and 7lh grade rooms. tcmbP.r term. Plans are being bridge ~s· Dr. C. W. Muelrlb~rger of the stllte crime l11bor11tory 11nd Buchanon, assigned to n trusty However, r•xr rpl fnr a rough 1\t•ssh•t• Ill\ft•ruls C'nrrsh·m·Uon There are only 2 rooms for 87 made to have 2 juries hearing Sheriff Will11rd P. B11rnes gathered evidence, The keys in tire str11w Search Widens detail at the [ll'ison, m.t<le his gradPd ro;HJ, Ill!' II I'C'II has lli'V~'I' 1\psslcr defenrled ll1e prcf:tiJri· fourth grade pupils, 2 rooms for escape in a garhagl' trnl'i<, lie had cases at the same time. ; expl11ined to officers why the murderer tried to wire Herrick's c~r hrcn t[r•vr>lopr>d Men fmm IIH' C'flil'rl homl' r·onolructlon as cquai [)4 llflh·gmdcrs and 2 rooms for Many of the jury <;!vii cas~s the asstgnment of . rli'lv\ng the J(e,sler r·ornpnny t•onfr>IHI<•d that to any <'Ustmn house of tlw same 80 sixth-graders. There are 3 are actions resulllng from autn· far an esc11pe, Close together were the spectacles worn by both For Suspect in trucl1 to fnrms npm· the prison bC<'EIIISf' ihl' llfCil \VIIS fi('!'C'IJII'ti 'IS c•nst or more. rooms for 145 sevcnlh·gradct s. mobil!:! accidents. lr~ Mr. ~nd-Mrs. Herrick. (lngh11m County News photo.) to pick up garbage for feeding to 11 plat hy flu· l'ily In l!l:l!J, the lie >':tid that 2 hmtses in the When the new school Is opened Seventeen of the 33 n'on·co · prison hogs. The Jll'isnn ll'Uclf was ' pi'I'SI'Ill suhrllvisinn orrlinfiiiC'I' an•a nave already bcPn pur­ there will he added a combination tested and 1~0 of t~e 198 co · .. Double Slaying found ahanrlorwtl at lhC! Sloclt· with Its stlffpr· rcquirl'ml'nts hns dHISml If the cornpnny develop!; teacher for fourth and fifth tested chancery cases nre dlvor9e bridge athletit· fiC•Id Friday mom· no effect on 1111' SnyriPI' prop­ tlw nrea. fn botl1 <'ascs, he saul, grades and one more teacher for actions. D~dication Comes Sunday in g. f Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapid~ each of the slxlh and seventh erty. the IHHISPS will !'ost well over and pollee In other cities, county As ret•onstnwted hy Sheriff grades, Supt. James H. Vander Caltnn 1\Pssll'r, prPsirlcnt ,,f $11,000. AII of t hr. homes, he sherlll's, state police and railroad Banw~. BLIChanon tool1 rPfuge in tfiP 1\t•sHlPI' !'Oill[JIIIIY, fold f'ollll· salrl, will lwvn 3 hcrlrnoms, I lh~ Fo·r New Legion Building pollee have .Joined In the search the llcrrlck barn 1111 M-!12 just cllrnrrt t•arliPI' that IIH• pri<'e n11 rtnnrs, hot water anrl will he deC'· 5 gt·ades the en· Near enough to completion for I for Nealy Buchanon, suspected of south of wl1e1·e M-:Jn swings east the Snyder land lll[I(IP it Import· rJratr.rl beyond the usual houses Ve:~ at~:o~~~:~· Cou nti I Set$ . rollment stands at 6()9 with the occupancy, Bmwne·C ave n de r murdering Mr. and Mrs. Howard toward Gregory, lie had used ant tl1;1t till' dty lwlp out with in Mason. The company, Kessler f 11 Herrick of Stocl(bridge. Pollee in bales of straw ln make barrl· tlw pmjPt'f. said, will plant a tree In front of probability It will increase to 620 New Date Q·~. post's ·new home north of Mason by next weeJ(, At the close of I' wiU bQ, dedicated Sunday after· Chicago, Toledo, Cleveland and cuclc, but was proho~hly luding 1'\JII'IIII,\' Volt•s "Nn" r.vcry house and will gmdc and school in May enrollment stood ryoon at 2 o'l'loclt. other midwest cities are on behind a rloot' as l lcrrlcl< stepped Conndlman l~rlr! Spr.nny voter! seed all lawns. All driveways Will out of his ear ilmidc tire barn, at 523 for the upper 5 grades, 'Justice Harry 1?.
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