Year Two Annual Report Fy17 Moldova Competitiveness Project

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Year Two Annual Report Fy17 Moldova Competitiveness Project YEAR TWO ANNUAL REPORT FY17 MOLDOVA COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT OCTOBER 1, 2016 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 MOLDOVA COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT YEAR TWO ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 1, 2016 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 Prime Contractor: Partners: Chemonics International, Inc. J. E. Austin Associates, Inc. Bhavana World Project November 17, 2017 Contract No. AID-117-C-15-00001 COVER PAGE PICTURE: Cover design uses elements of the country brand: Tree of Life – discover the roots of life. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared by the Moldova Competitiveness Project, financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The contents are the responsibility of creator and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government or Sida and the Government of Sweden.. ACRONYMS ACSA The National Agency for Rural Development MCCI Moldovan Chamber of Commerce Industries AmCham American Chamber of Commerce MCP Moldova Competitiveness Project ANTRIM National Association for Inbound Tourism M&E Monitoring and Evaluation ANTREC National Association for Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism of Moldova MECR Ministry of Education, Culture and Research APIUS Employers Association of Light Industry MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events Tourism ASW Association of Small Wineries MIEPO Moldova Investment and Export Promotion Organization ATIC Moldova Association of ICT Companies MOU Memorandum of Understanding B2B Business to Business NTA National Tourism Agency B&B Bed & Breakfast ONVV National Office of Vine and Wine B2C Business to Company PDO Protected Designation of Origin BPO Business process outsourcing PGI Protected Geographical Indication BSP Business Service Provider PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet BSO Business support organizations PMP Performance Monitoring Plan C&M Cut-and-Make PMU Project Management Unit CEED I&II Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development I & II PPP Public Private Partnership CIS Commonwealth of Independent States PQUP Product Quality Upgrading Program COP Chief of Party PR Public Relations COR Association of Creative Industries R&D Research and Development DAL Dekaliter (10 liters) RFP Request for Proposal DCA Development Credit Authority SEED Sector, Engagement, Enhancement, and Development Fund DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement SIA RVV Automatic Informational System’ for “Wine and Vine Register” DCOP Deputy Chief of Party Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency DMO Destination Management Organization SKU Stock keeping unit DO Development Objective SME Small and Medium Enterprise DSE European Sommelier Diploma STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics EIB European Investment Bank STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics EU European Union STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods TCB Tourism Country Brand GDP Gross Domestic Product TIC Tourism Information Center ICT Information Communication Technology TOT Training of Trainers IR Intermediate Result ToL Tree of Life ISSPA State Inspectorate for Controls over the Wine and Alcoholic Products TMPF Tourism Marketing and Promotion Framework ICT Information and Communications Technology TUM Technical University of Moldova IT Information Technology UKZUZ Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture of Czech Republic ICTCE ICT Center of Excellence (Tekwill) USAID United States Agency for International Development FAP Fashion Acceleration Program USD United States Dollar FCL Future Classroom Lab USG United States Government JAA J.E. Austin Associates VET Vocational Education Training L&A Lobby and Advocacy WEC Wine Excellence Center LOP Life of Project WoM Wine of Moldova MAFI Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry WTAP Wine Tourism Accelerator Program MARDE Ministry Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Y Year ACRONYMS ACRONYMS ACSA The National Agency for Rural Development MCCI Moldovan Chamber of Commerce Industries AmCham American Chamber of Commerce MCP Moldova Competitiveness Project ANTRIM National Association for Inbound Tourism M&E Monitoring and Evaluation ANTREC National Association for Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism of Moldova MECR Ministry of Education, Culture and Research APIUS Employers Association of Light Industry MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events Tourism ASW Association of Small Wineries MIEPO Moldova Investment and Export Promotion Organization ATIC Moldova Association of ICT Companies MOU Memorandum of Understanding B2B Business to Business NTA National Tourism Agency B&B Bed & Breakfast ONVV National Office of Vine and Wine B2C Business to Company PDO Protected Designation of Origin BPO Business process outsourcing PGI Protected Geographical Indication BSP Business Service Provider PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet BSO Business support organizations PMP Performance Monitoring Plan C&M Cut-and-Make PMU Project Management Unit CEED I&II Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development I & II PPP Public Private Partnership CIS Commonwealth of Independent States PQUP Product Quality Upgrading Program COP Chief of Party PR Public Relations COR Association of Creative Industries R&D Research and Development DAL Dekaliter (10 liters) RFP Request for Proposal DCA Development Credit Authority SEED Sector, Engagement, Enhancement, and Development Fund DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement SIA RVV Automatic Informational System’ for “Wine and Vine Register” DCOP Deputy Chief of Party Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency DMO Destination Management Organization SKU Stock keeping unit DO Development Objective SME Small and Medium Enterprise DSE European Sommelier Diploma STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics EIB European Investment Bank STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics EU European Union STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods TCB Tourism Country Brand GDP Gross Domestic Product TIC Tourism Information Center ICT Information Communication Technology TOT Training of Trainers IR Intermediate Result ToL Tree of Life ISSPA State Inspectorate for Controls over the Wine and Alcoholic Products TMPF Tourism Marketing and Promotion Framework ICT Information and Communications Technology TUM Technical University of Moldova IT Information Technology UKZUZ Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture of Czech Republic ICTCE ICT Center of Excellence (Tekwill) USAID United States Agency for International Development FAP Fashion Acceleration Program USD United States Dollar FCL Future Classroom Lab USG United States Government JAA J.E. Austin Associates VET Vocational Education Training L&A Lobby and Advocacy WEC Wine Excellence Center LOP Life of Project WoM Wine of Moldova MAFI Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry WTAP Wine Tourism Accelerator Program MARDE Ministry Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Y Year CONTENTS ACRONYMS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION I: PROJECT OVERVIEW AND GENERAL APPROACH 1 Project background 178 Project goals s and objectives 178 Project implementing principles 178 SECTION II: PROJECT TECHNICAL INTERVENTIONS 7 Wine industry 178 Tourism 178 Light industry 178 Information and communications technology 178 Access to Finance through Development Credit Authority 178 SECTION III: PROJECT-LEVEL OUTCOMES AND RESULTS 1 Sector Engagement, Enhancement, and Development (SEED) Fund 178 Local Capacity Building Program 17 Public-Private Partnerships 178 Inclusive Development 178 Monitoring and Evaluation 178 SECTION IV: PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 1 Project organization 178 Communications 178 APPENDIXES Appendix I. Reports and deliverables in Year Two Appendix II. Project indicators’ performance against targets Appendix III. PMP disaggregated cumulative results Appendix IV. Public-private partnerships facilitated by MCP This report was prepared under the coordination and leadership of Chief of Party, Doina Nistor, in partnership with USAID Moldova Competitiveness Project technical team, namely Diana Lazar, Deputy Chief of Party, Wine and Tourism Industry Team Leader, Alexei Burciu, Wine Industry Manager, Natalia Curnic, Tourism Industry Manager, Sergiu Rabii, ICT Industry Team Leader, Ionela Titirez, ICT Education and Entrepreneurship Development Manager, Maria Gheorghita, Light Industry Team Leader, Tatiana Durlestean, Light Industry Manager, Ruxanda Cheibas, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Access to Finance Coordinator, Veronica Midari, Workforce Development Manager, Diana Grigoriev, Organizational Development and SEED Fund Manager, Ana Railean, Grants and Capacity Building Manager. SECTION I: PROJECT OVERVIEW AND GENERAL APPROACH (SEED) Fund to allow Moldova Competitiveness trade agreements with the EU brings risk to Project to invest in targeted activities to enhance Moldova. To compete in higher value markets, the local capacity. The Project expects to assist 450 Moldovan government and the business community enterprises that employ up to 25,000 people, will need to make costly investments to adjust to generate $145 million of new sales among assisted the new reality. Meanwhile, many Moldovan citizens enterprises in domestic, regional and global markets, are still leaving the country to pursue higher-wage and bring $57 million of increased investments over jobs elsewhere, which underscores
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