Messenger May 2011 Points of Interest

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Messenger May 2011 Points of Interest 1 MAGDALEN Messenger May 2011 Points of Interest Easter Vigil Altar Society Magdalen RCIA Candi- First Eucharist. Timi Marie Paugh, and dates and Elect celebrated The Catechumens were Brycen Schoenhofer. Cookbook Baptism and Full Com- Mai Altimari, Doug Hengel, Please welcome our new munion at the Easter Vigil Micah Kowalski, Samantha members of the Catholic Confirmation on Holy Saturday, April Seang, and Kent Wartick. Church and of Magdalen First Communion 23. The five adult Cate- The adult Candidates were Parish. Keep them in your chumens were Baptized, Rebecca Buckridge, Daniel prayers as they grow in their Artesia 2011 Confirmed and received Dillenger, Brandon Gough, Catholic faith. First Eucharist. The ten Elisa Lau, Leslie Prichard, If anyone is interested in Senior Breakfast adult Candidates made a Timothy Thomas, Michael becoming Catholic or would Vocations Profession of Faith into the Trammel, Whitney Worrell, like to learn more about the Catholic Church, and then Renee Williams, and RCIA process, please con- Capital Campaign received the Sacrament of Michael Yates. tact Sister Connie at the Confirmation and First The children were Chiari- Parish office (634-2315). ―Principal/Vice Eucharist. Five children neth Ceballos, Nadiushka Principal‖ for a Day received Confirmation and Ceballos, Rebecca Padakis, School Recognition Baptisms Important Numbers Magdalen Church Office 634-2315 Magdalen School 634-1572 Fr. Pat’s Emergency No. 393-6160 2 Page 2 The purpose of the Altar and many more. We can assist together for food, fellowship, and Society is primarily to care for with wedding receptions held at fun. We discuss the needs and the needs of the altar of the Magdalen. We also sponsor and concerns of the parish and the Altar Church of the Magdalen. We organize our yearly Magdalen Society and have programs with promote Christian fellowship Bazaar. a variety of topics. At our May among our members and encour- Two examples of our corporal meeting, we installed our officers age spiritual and corporal works works of mercy are preparing and for the 2011-2012 year. These la- of mercy, thereby furthering the serving funeral luncheons for dies will begin their terms on July sanctification of our members. bereaved families and their friends, 1, 2011. All women of the parish The Altar Society is one of the and sending care packages to our are welcomed and encouraged to groups of the hospitality pillar of parishioners (or their immediate participate in this very active and Stewardship at the Church of the family members) serving in harm’s vital organization at Church of the Magdalen. We volunteer to serve way in our armed forces. Magdalen. at several church functions We have monthly dinner meet- President—Carolyn Gerstenkorn throughout the year: Confirma- ings from September through May Vice President—Colleen Wittler tion, concerts, the church picnic, (we are adjourned during the sum- Secretary—Sandy Nixon welcome and farewells to clergy, mer months) where we come Treasurer—Nena Ingermanson Ass. Treasurer—Myrna Loebsack The Magdalen Altar Society will category from the drop down box be producing and selling a cook- under Category Selection book at the 2011 Bazaar. We If you are unable to enter your would like to request parishioners recipes on the internet please mail contribute their favorite recipes. them to Nikki Omenski at 1946 S. Recipes accepted through June Brandon Circle, Wichita, KS 67207 30, 2011. on the attached recipe collection To enter recipes: forms or you may email to 1. Go to [email protected]. 2. Click Login. If you have additional questions Group Login: magdalen or would like to help with the Password: altar cookbook please notify me at 3. The system will allow you to (617-4955). add up to 5 recipes. Select a 3 Page 3 On Mon, May 9, a First religious gifts blessed by Communion Brunch was Father Pat. Second grade held to celebrate the parents decorated the school children’s recep- tables and provided the tion of their First Holy meal. Eucharist on May 8. The brunch was headed The children were able up by Terra Reusser and to have their special Jennifer Schoenhofer. In September of April 27th. their sponsors in 2010, sixty-three For their preparation Benediction, prayer- candidates for the they had been divided fully considering their sacrament of Confir- into small groups and call to discipleship in mation and their assigned a catechist Confirmation. In the parents gathered in who guided them as end, Bishop wowed the Parish Hall to they listened, shared them with another of learn what would be and reflected on topics his ever fascinating involved in getting ranging from their bap- homilies for which he ready to receive tismal promises to per- has come to be known the sacrament of sonal prayer. Each at Confirmations and Confirmation. Seven group prepared a skit thrilled the candidates months later, those or presentation on one as he said ―be sealed same candidates of the Gifts of the Holy with the Gift of the presented themselves Spirit. At their final Holy Spirit‖, and the to Bishop Michael retreat of discernment, newly confirmed Jackels at Mass on they spent time with responded ―Amen.‖ 4 Page 4 After months of planning, once again highly coveted auction Weigand, the Magdalen Altar the red carpet was rolled out for items. Society, and the Magdalen Knights the third annual Artesia, Magda- A champagne VIP party for of Columbus for underwriting some len PTO’s gala fundraising event sponsors started the evening. of the live auction packages. auction. This year’s theme, as The main event kicked off with an Shortly after the live and silent the red carpet would suggest, opening prayer and remarks by auctions closed, dancing began. was ―On the Red Carpet.‖ A Father Pat. Dinner was served im- This year’s band, On Call, some of sold out crowd, with more than mediately thereafter. It consisted whose members include Magdalen 450 people, was in attendance. of heavy hors d’oeuvres prepared parishioners, brought quite a crowd As guests entered through the by Corporate Caterers and donated to the dance floor. The evening walk of fame, Magdalen papa- in part by Cargill. Wine and beer wound down around midnight. razzi Justin and Angie Folger’s flowed freely throughout the Magdalen PTO would like to thank cameras greeted their arrival. evening. all of you for your support of Their pictures can be viewed at While guests enjoyed their Artesia 2011. A final tally was not meal, the live auction began. available at print time, but an initial Once registered, guests Megan McCurdy of McCurdy tally showed proceeds in excess of entered the ―ballroom‖ where Brothers Auction, served as the last year’s successful event, which more than 250 live and silent auctioneer this year. Megan’s netted $80,500. The PTO will do- auction items awaited. Highlights light-hearted banter and more than nate the proceeds to the preschool of the silent auction were a stone 31 items up for bid made for a spir- building fund. Construction on the bench donated by the Born Fam- ited live auction. The Porsche preschool building and the parish ily, a beautiful diamond bracelet Driving School experience, donated hall stage, which was funded by from The First Place, and a deco- by Schofield Automotive Group, last year’s Artesia, is expected to rator room redo with furniture was one of the highest income gen- start at the end of May. We hope from Material Comforts paired erating items. Some other popular to complete the construction in with home improvement services live auction items included Father September. A special thank you to from parish-based craftsmen. Pat’s Poker party, dinner with the our 2011 Co-chairs Alice Coltrane, Art pieces created by Magdalen sheriff, and a barbeque for 30 Michelle Johnson, and Maria School and PSR students and donated by Two Men and a Boat. Kozan, and Acquisition Co-chairs framed by Frame Works were A special thanks goes to J.P. Kate Higgins and Ann Rudy. 5 Page 5 Graduating Sen- Fr Aaron Spex- iors at Magdalen arth, chaplain at attended 9:30am Kapaun Mount Mass on Sun, May Carmel celebrated 15 in their respec- Mass and joined the tive cap and seniors for break- gowns. Following fast. Mass the seniors We congratulate enjoyed a wonder- all graduating sen- ful breakfast of iors as they venture biscuits and gravy, into their new en- breakfast casserole deavors and wish and eggs. them much success. Page6 6 May 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Deceased Theodore Stuart Shawn Dwight David Donal Religious Khin Smeltzer McKnight Birket Lies O’Hare Brothers & Sisters 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bishop Catholic Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Emeritus Diocese of Larry Andrew Samuel Patrick Joseph Eugene Gerber Wichita Parker Heiman Pinkerton York Nolan Seminarians 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bishop Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Religious Michael Steven David Andrew Raymond Daniel Brothers & Jackels Scheier Marstall Seiler Joyce Lorimer Sisters 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pope Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Sr Benedict XVI Ruben Ortiz James James Joseph Floyd Connie Montelonglo Weldon Mainzer Eckberg McKinney 29 30 31 Fr Fr Fr John Robert Robert Sherlock Pepe Freed Jesus, our brother, you have asked us to pray for vocations, that there might be woman and men willing to give their lives for the sake of the gospel. Hear our prayer and the prayers of your whole Church and send us good and holy priests and religious. We offer you this day all we shall think, do, and say, for this intention, through Christ our Lord.
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