T Statue Overlooks Denver To Dedicate 2nd Church in Month June 14 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1954— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Cure d'Ars Building to Be Blessed; Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue School Will Be Opened in September Denver’s newest and the second to be dedi­ cated within a month is the Cure d’Ars Church, E. 32nd and Joint High School DENVER CATHaiC Dahlia Streets in Park Hill, which will he bles.sed by Arch­ Commencement Urban J. Vehr on Monday, June 14. Speakers The Most Precious Blood Church in Southeast Denver Was dedicated May 13. A third new church, All Saints’ new edifice in Southwest Denver, replacing the one destroyed by fire, will REGISTER be dedicated in the near future. The Cure d’Ars Parish is evidence of the burgeoning THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 DENVER, growth on the outskirts of Denver. When tlie parish was estab­ lished just two years ago this June To Be Completed in Year and One-Half; the first census indicated between 400 and 500 families. The pastor *v5i§. . Cost of Total Project Is $1,200,000 now has 800 families on the par­ ish rolls. Similar unbelievable de­ velopment is being experienced in all the outlying and suburban Seminary Building areas of the see city. Tlie Rev. John N. Haley, pas­ tor, announces that the following pastors of neighbor parishes will assist the Archbishop in the dedi­ Contracts Are Let cation and in the Solemn Mass Contracts were let this week for the construction that will follow the blessing at 10 o'clock: Ralph P. Lowder, student of the huge new dormitory-classroom building at St, 1st in 29 Years chairman of the commencement Thomas’ Seminary, for which Catholics of the Arch­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles exercises, senior from St. Jo­ diocese of Denver joined in a great campaign last year. Hagus of Annunciation and the seph’s High School, ^ i r c f V ic if Arc Among the first visitors to and iron structure at their feet. Within the en­ Confirmation Set Rev. Edward P. Murphy, S.J., of r i l > l Y1911V I» the new statue of Christ over­ closure is a heart-shaped pattern of stones placed Construction work will start immediately and com­ looking the Shrine of St. Frances Cabrini in Mt. on the ground by Mother Cabrini herself in honor pletion is expected in a year and one-half. Loyola Parish will be chaplains Vernon Canyon was this group of Missionary of the Sacred Heart. The general contract was awarded to the Elder Construc­ to Archbishop Vehr. .Offering the Sisters of the Sacred Heart from Queen of Because this spot was chosen by Mother Ca­ tion Co. and the mechanical contract for plumbing and heating In Central City Mass will be the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ Heaven Orphanage, Denver. brini to pay honor to the Sacred Heart of , to Slattery & Co., both Denver Catholic firms. the Mother Cabrini Shrine Committee chose it also gnor Harold V. Campbell of The sisters, members of t h e community The cost of conftruction and of raodeit furnitbingt for Blessed Sacrament Parish, with the founded by the saint, are particularly interested in as the site of the statue of "the Sacred Heart the big addition will be approximately $K200,000. The ex­ shown above. The statue overlooks Denver in Historic Parish Rev. William V. Powers of St. penditure of such an amount was made poiiihle by the gen­ the formation of rocks enclosed in the cement the distance.—(Register photo by Warner) erous reeponte of Catholics in the archdiocetan drive. For the first time in 29 James' and the Rev. James Moyni- The main new building, three stories with full above-ground years, a Confirmation class han of Our Lady of Grace Parish basement, will provide accommodations for 90 students and as and . there will be 12 faculty suites. The first floor will house class­ will be held in Assumption Historic Building in Morrison Closes; rooms, a faculty conference room, and an office for the dean Church, Central City, on The sermon will be given by of studies. Sunday, June 20. Archbishop the Very Rev'. Monsignor Walter The northwest end of the second floor will be devoted to Urban J. Vehr will officiate in J. Canavan, pastor of the Cathe­ 1st Home of Jesuit College, Now Regis a chapel in which visiting dignitaries may say Mass privately. the ceremonies to begin at 4 p.m. dral, where Father Haley was sta­ Several garages -will be provided at the east of the new wing, Father Francis Potempa of tioned before being assigned to The historic building at Mor­ the late Mrs. Elizabeth O’Con­ which runs east and west at the south of the present seminary main building. Idaho Springs, who is in charge the new parish. rison in which Sacred Heart Col­ nor Kirchhof. of the (^lentral City Parish, said lege (now Regis) was first When the Sisters of St. Fran­ The two buildings will be connected by a cloister which will the Confirmation class of 40 chil­ Work is going ahead rapidly on 1 New Priests housed in 1884 again has closed cis Seraph obtained the former extend farther south to connect with the new library building. dren and 10 adults Includes the interior appointments of the its doors. Known now as Mt. Eliz­ Woodman Sanitarium near Colo­ The main library reading room will be one and a half stories parishioners from Idaho Springs’ abeth Retreat, the venerable rado Springs for use as their high with vaulted ceiling. This building will also contain a St. Paul’s Parish, Our Lady of new church in time for the dedi­ Will Sing First building was closed and locked mother-house and novitiate, it librarian’s office, work room, a walk-in vault for valuable vol­ Lourdes Parish in Georgetown, cation. The pews, altar. Commun­ Friday, May 29, when the last was decided to move the retreat umes, a periodical room, and a microfilm room. Off the main and Assumption Parish in Cen­ ion rail, and saaisty furnishings of the elderly guests were moved to the more spacious quarters of reading room will be the stack room with shelving sufficient tral City. to S t Joseph’s Convent in Den­ the former mother-house at 2825 to accommodate some 90,000 books. are being installed by the Behrens Miss Catherine Ann Glowes, ver,* they* new home. The previous Confirmation Fixture Co. The Pax Studios of valedictorian, class of 1954, sen­ Masses June 6 W. 32nd Avenue in Denver. The new refrigeration unit for the kitchen has already class in 1925 totaled 31 candi­ Built originally as a hotel and been completed and proved very serviceable before the closing Denver are completing the instal- ior from St. Francis de Sales’ aristocratic gambling house, the After extensive remodeling of dates, when Monsignor Arthur High School. Two First Solemn Masses St. Joseph’s Convent, the 33 of the school year. The addition to the dining hall, which is Kerr, now of the Pueblo Diocese (Turn to Page S.— Column 1) will be offered in Denver building was purchased by the being enlarged by one-third, is progressing, well and will be + + + Jesuits for their college in 1884. gpiosts have been transferred and pastor at La Junta St. Pat­ churches this Sunday, June there from Morrison. The new completed some time this summer. A hew acoustically treated rick’s, was administrator. Four years later, when the col­ ceiling being provided for the entire dinipg hall will reduc'e Joint Commencement June 6 6, and another Sunday, June lege was moved to Derrver, the quarters will provide for more A two-week religious vacation than twice the number accommo­ mealtime noise considerably and new lights will improve the school in preparation for Con­ 13, by Denverites who have building was sold and reverted to dated in the Morrison building, general appearance of the large room. been, ordained to the priesthood its original use as a hotel. firmation will open Monday, Archbishop Vehr to Give The resort hotel, known as which is now up for sale. The extension of the dining room made it necessary to June 7, in Idaho Springs. Sisters as members of religious com­ The classroom building on the move the small structure housing the Machebeuf Memorial bell munities. Hillcrest Inn, failed to weather Andrea Maria from St. Francis the depression years, and in 1943 grounds at St. Joseph’s Convent, to a wvr location near the auditorium-gymnasium building. d.e Sales’ School, and Rose Au­ The Rev. Simeon Finnegan, was purchased by the late Frank which will be occupied by the John K. Monroe of Denver is architect for the new seminary gusta from St. Catherine’s 502 Graduates Diplomas O.S.B., will officiate in St. Kirchhof and presented to the Infant of Prague Nursery, is un­ buildings, which will follow in general structure and design School, both in Denver, will in­ Francis de Sales’ Church, Den­ Sisters of St. Francis Seraph for dergoing extensive remodeling the seminary building constructed in the 1920s. The orna­ struct the pupils. ver, at 9 :45 o’clock this Sunday. mental work, however, will not be so elaborate as that found The Marian Year clas.s of 502 seniors from six use as an old folks’ home. The at the present time for its new The sessions will be held a» The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory home was named in memory of use. (Turn to Pages — Column i) Denver Catholic high schools will receive their diplomas Smith, V.G., will be assistant follows: In the morning at Idaho from Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver this Sun­ priest; Benedictine Fathers Bede Springs, from 9 to noon; and in Bradley and Gerald Messmer, the afternoon, for one week, at day, June 6, at 3 p.m. at the City Auditorium Arena. deacon and subdeacon, respec­ Pioneer Churchman Famed as 'Railroad Priest' Georgetown, from 2 to 4:30; and Ralph P. Lowder of St, Joseph’s High School will tively; and the Rev. Frank Mor- one week in Central City, from direct the program for the 284 feld, master of ceremonies. Fa­ 2 to 4:30 p.m. girl and 218 boy graduates. Thirty-eight scholarships have ther Bede will preach. Father Mrs. Spencer Penrose has do­ Catherine Ann Glowes, scholar­ been awarded to members of the Finnegan was ordained May 29 Rt. Rev. Wm. Kipp 50th Jubilee June 10 nated the use of her summer ship student from St. Francis de graduation class, according to in City, Kans. home in Central City for the Sales’ High School, will deliver the Rev. E. A. Leyden, arch­ Archbishop and visiting priests the valedictory address. She is diocesan superintendent of A recMtion will be held in schools. Father Finnegan’s home, 675 Bv Rev. R. E. Kekeisen on June 20. After the Confirma­ the first girl so honored in the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will preside in cappa tion rite, a dinner will be served past 22 years. Cathedral and St. Francis de S. Sherman Street, from 3 to 6 Sales’ High Schools have the p.m., June 6. magna Thursday, June 10, as the Rt. Rev. Monsignor in the famed Teller House for Mpsic will be presented by the the Archbishop and clergy. Al­ Catholic High School concert largest classes, with 113 in each; The Rev. Thomas Feely, C.M., William Kipp, pastor of St. Mary’s Parish, Colorado berto Campione, manager of the band and a special commence­ others are: Holy Family, 82; will offer his First Solemn Mass Springs, and Dean of the Pike’s Peak region, offers .a Teller House and active member ment choir of 250 voices under Regis, 78; St. Joseph’s, 70; and on the same day in S t Patrick’s Solemn Mass marking his golden jubilee as a priest. of the parish in Central City, is the direction of the Rev. Richard Annunciation, 46. Church. The assistant priest will in charge of arrangements. Hiester, archdiocesan director of Mullen High School, Fort be the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Achille Monsignor Kipp, also an Arch­ diocesan Consultor, will offer neally, C.M., rector of S t Famed Catholic operatic stars music, and Lloyd Bowen. Logan, .gave diplomas to a class Sommaruga; deacon, the Rev. 'Thomas’ Seminary, Denver, will Graduates will be presented of 12 on May 21, and SL Mary’s James Saracini, C.M.; subdeacon, his Jubilee Mass at 11 a.m. in who will be in Central City for be toastmaster, at the clergy din­ the annual festival will form a to His Excellency by the re­ Academy, Englewood, graduated the ■ ReV. James Galvin, C.M.; his own parish church assisted, ner to be held in St, Mary’s for the most part, by his own choir for ceremony. spective superintendents of Den­ a class of 26 on May 26, making master of ceremonies, Kevin School following the Solemn a total of 540 graduates of Cath­ Feely. The Rev. Vincent Walsh, assistants and boys of the par­ Central City was first visited ver’s six Catholic high schools, Mass. Father Kenneally will pre­ by Father (later Bishop) Joseph Mayor Quigg Newton, and other olic High Schools of Denver and C.M., will deliver the sermon. ish who are now priests. sent as speakers, the Rev. Robert The Rev. Michael Kavanagh, P. Machebeuf in 1860. It was the civic and educational leaders will suburbs in 1954. Father Feely was ordained at St. Freudenstein. assistant at St. (See program and list of Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, assistant at St. Mary’s, will be site of the first parish in North­ be guests of Archbishop Vehr Mary’s; Fattier Theobald; th e ern Colorado outside of Denver. for the ceremonies. graduates on page 2) Mo., May 29. assistant priest to the Arch­ jubilarian. Monsignor Kipp; and A receptiw will be held for bishop. of honor will be Archbishop Vehr. Father Feely in the St. Patrick Fathers Owen McHugh and Dean A public reception in St. Parish Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Kumba, the latter newly or­ Mary’s High School assembly Cripple Creek Has Different Problem; The Rev. Paul Nevans, O.M.I., dained and both alumni of St. hall will honor Monsi^nor Kipp ordained in Washington, D.C., Mary’s Grade and High Schools. at 8 o’clock Thursday evening. May 30, will celebrate his First Assistant priest to Monsignor The event will be sponsored by Solemn Mass in S t Philomena’s Kipp in the Mass will be the Rev. the Colorado Springs Deanery of No Pupils to Use Large Parish School Church, Denver, on Sunday, Duane Theobald, pastor of Di­ (Turn to Page S — Column S) June 13, at 9:30 a.m. vine Redeemer Parish, Colorado Springrs; deacon of the Mass, the Most pastors in the Arch­ Rev. Leonard Redelberger, pas­ Infirm Priests' Benefit diocese of Denver face the tor of Guardian Angels’ Parish, problem of building and ex­ Burse Gifts Help Denver; and subdeacon in the Collection Results Told Mass, the Rev. Theodore Haas, panding .school facilities to chaplain of St. Joseph’s Hospital, The Chancery Office an­ accommodate rapidly in­ In Church's Work Denver. Fathers Theobald, Red­ nounced the following results of creasing enrollments. But the elberger, and Haas all are the collection held throughout the Rev. Omer Foxhoven is tearing alumni of St. Mary’s. Another Denver Archdiocese for the bene­ down the parish school building Of Savinq Souls alumnus, the Rev. Robert Ke­ fit of infirm priests: in Cripple Creek, closed since keisen of the Register, also was ■DENVER PARISHES 1924 for lack of pupils and now Two contributions totaling $35 to take part but will be unable Cathedral ...... —...... $400.18 a fire hazard. Annunciation ...... 107.20 were made in the past week to' to do so as he will be in St. Blessed Sacrament ...... 435.00 On the hilltop site of the the Lady of Fatima Burse—Den­ Louis officiating at a niece’s Christ the King ...... 852.00 school a beautiful Shrine to ver archdiocesan fund for the wedding. Cure d’Ars ...... 60.00 Holy family ...... 117.00 Our Lady of the Assumption education of priests. The gifts Masters of ceremonies will be aHoly Ghost ...... 300.00 will be erected in memory of raised the burse figure to an the Very Rev. Monsigrnor David Holy Rosary ...... 42.60 the heroic pioneers and former even $400. Most Precious Blood ...... 48.97 Maloney, Chancellor, and the Mother of God ...... 166.56 members of the parish who In addition, the Sacred Heart Very Rev, Monsignor William Mount Carmel ...... 95.00 made it at one time among of Mary Parish, South Boulder, Kelly, superintendent of St. (Tttm to Page S — Column i) Rt. Rev. Monsignor William Kipp the largest and most flourish­ added the sum of $18.88 to its Mary’s Schools. ing in Colorado. own parish burse in honor of St. Monsignor Higgins Robert. Also, ^ e State Court, Founded in 1892, St. Peter’s Catholic Daughters of America, W ill Give Sermon HOLY FAMILY PARISH TO BEGIN Parish has served the people of made an additional payment on The Rt. Rev. Monsigmor Wil­ Cripple Creek for 62 years. It the burse founded by the C. D. liam Higgins, pastor o f S t Phil­ was a once-flourishing church in of A. omena’s Parish, Denver, will de­ $95,000 PROJECT OF RENOVATION a great “gold-camp,” but with Donors to the Lady of Fatima liver the sermon on the occasion. the decline in mining operations Burse were: Anonymous, La Minor officers will be Thomas An extensive renovation present parish school, and will September, Father Allen said, both the city and the chureh project in Holy Family Parish, greatly enhance the beauty of have fallen on evil times. Today Jara, $26, and Mrs. 'T. C. Sliem Willet and James Peck, acolytes; and it might be necessary F m l ftl F rn Peter’s School, Cripple Creek, which closed it» ers, Denver, $10. James Valdez and Charles Ara­ Denver, that will affect the the building. A new church when school opens to split the St. Peter’s Parish consists of only Ellll Ul EfU doors jn 1924, is being torn down. A shrine in church and school will cost ap­ facade is included in plans, 36 souls — valiant people fight­ Without a constantly renewed gon, thurifers; James McCor­ first and second grades into honor of Our Lady of the Assumption, dedicated as a memorial to personnel among clerics, the work mick, book-b e a r e r; William proximately $95,000, it was which were drawn by Architect two sessions. November is the ing to keep their parish, taking announced by^the Rev. Forrest John K. Monroe. pride in their church and its former pupils and parishioners, will be erected on the site. At the of the Church cannot go on. The Kerby, candle-bearer; and Blair probable date for the com­ left is seen a portion of the church, and at the right, the rectory. people of the archdiocese, through Farrell, cappa nuipna-bearer. Allen, pastor. The construction will not be pletion of the job, he said. surroundings. their eminent generosity, are sup­ Appropriate to the occasion, The letting of bids on the completed in time for the The pastor said that the Enrolled 250 opening of the fall term in plying the funds for the enlarge­ the St. Mary choir will render a construction work also was re­ church will be used as much as Opened in 1901, for almost a Parish Hall Seems Answer to Prayer ment of the seminary. They pray special Mass, Pax Vobis, com­ vealed by Father Allen, who possible until the renovation quarter of a century St. Peter’s daily also, in the vocation prayer posed by Frank Hammer, organ­ said that work is expected to work makes its use for Sunday School served the people of Crip­ tures into church halls. The begin in two or three weeks. Priesthood Candidates On May 1, the members of S t for the success of the Arch­ ist-composer of the parish, on the Mass impossible; then the con­ ple Creek, Catholic and non- Joseph’s Altar and Rosary So­ buildings will be moved from bishop’s Seminary Fund Cam­ occasion of the golden jubilee of The contracts for the gen­ gregation will use the parish Denver as soon aS they are va­ To Be Examined June 7 hall. Catholic. From a top enrollment ciety in Deertrail started a no­ paign, for divine callings suf­ the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Godfrey eral construction and electrical of 250 it declined, until in 1924 vena for a church hall. Just 30 cant. ficient to meet the spiritual needs Raber, P.A., late pastor of St. work went to the O’Flaherty Examination* for proipac- 'The present sanctuary and it was forced to close for lack days later plans wei*e announced To Also Serxe as Residence of this archdiocese. Many make Mary’s and Monsignor Kipp’s Construction Co. The bid was tive (tudents for the prieit- main and side altars will be of students. After its closing, that a parish hall soon will be a Plans also call for using part the further sacrifice of assisting predecessor. The musical pro­ $70,845 for both phases of hood in the Archdiocese of . used, if possible, for weekday the school building served for reality and a dream is coming of the structures as quarters for Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, in gram, all under the direction of work. Denrer will he held at St. Masses and for small weddings a time as a “winter-chapel” for true. the Rev. Leonard Abercrombie, the actual cost of educating s Mr, Hammer, will include also a The plumbing contract went Thomas’ Seminary, 1300 S. and funerals throughout the pastor, when he visits the two inarians. the people of the parish, but The congregations of Deer­ processional by Longhi, with to the Cobb Plumbing and Util­ Steela Street, Monday, June 7, construction. The area will be in time the condition of the trail and of Strasburg, which are missions. In addition to Deer- Gifts to the Lady of Fatima Qffertory; and a recessional with ity Co. for $18,425. at 10 a.m. All who wish to boarded up to separate it from building became such that it both missions of Hugo, have pur­ U-ail and Strasburg, Father Burse may be sent to Archbishop [trumpets; “Jubilate Deo” for the Work on the present church, make application as candidates the parts of the building in­ could no longer be used. For chased two quonset huts from Abercrombie also cares for Li- Vehr at 1636 Logan Street, Den- trumpets, also by Longhi. which was built in 1904, will for the priesthood should pre­ volved in the work. the past years it has steadily de- the North Denver Housing Proj­ mon as the third mission of the I The Very Rev. William Ken- add four classrooms to the sent themselyes at that time. (See Picture on Page 10} (Tum to Page S — Column 5) ect and will convert the struc­ Hugo parish. 1

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4-4205 Thursday, June 3, 1954

Winners of Essay Contest Denver Catholic High School Graduates Total 502 CLARKf S CHURCH GOODS H O U S ^ .1 (See Story on Page 1) Katherine Glowes, Shirley Ann Carlyle Hallett, Dolores Hof- Joyce Ramer, Marilyn Retten- Will Get Awards June 6 Girlt. 284; Boys, 218; Total S02 Griffey, Jocelyn Hart, Mary Ro­ schulte, Mary Horan, Nancy maier, Jean Rosales, Leroy Rupp, Cathedral High School berta Hawn, Mary Ann Hellnjan, King, Patricia Kulp, Alice Lamp- Thomas Ryan, Eileen Sedlmayer, ■ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr School, and third place to Leslie Hickman, James Highfill, recht, Lynnor Larche, Ralph will present autographed edi­ Bernadette Borelli, junior in Cla.i of 1954 (113) Dorsey Hudson; Lowder, Joe Lucero, Ronnie Mary Silk, Loretta Simpson, tions of the New Testament to St. Mary’s Academy, Engle­ Monica Marie Barteau, Fred­ Marceley, Donna Mauff, James Marie Sparacino, Willy Steck- eric Joseph Bartholomew, LeRoy Lucille Imrie, Nancy Ann the winners in the annual re­ wood. Isenberg, Earl Jackson, Marie McCurry, Beverly Melvin, Eu­ line, Sylvia S w a n k e, Larry ligion essay competition at the C. Beel, Lynne M. Bennett, Wil­ genie Milan, Gloria Montez, Joan Sweeney, Peggy Turner,'Arnold Freshman and sophomore liam R. Bennett, Donald C. Bin- Jamison, Vance Johnson, Kath­ joint commencement exercises contestants were assigned ryn Joyce, Georgfa Ann Keenan, O’Connor, James Owen, Margie Vahling, Leta Valdez, Reynaldo in the City Auditorium Annex ard, Wilma Bindel, Joyce Ann Owens, Don Pacheco, Kenneth Valdez, Pat Van Dyke, Jeanette “The Marian Year” as their Blake, Cla.udine M. Bowers, Mary James Keller, Mary Kenz, Mari- June 6 at 3 p.m. essay title. First place in this del Kerls, Barbara Jean Kimball, Pazzin, A'rlene Polak, JoAnn Ward, Ursula Yonker, Loretta division was awarded to Many Margaret Bradley, Barbara Rae Pulec; Young, and Joseph Zimmerman. In the junior and senior Braniim, John P. Brigham, Jr.; Jerry King, Margaret Klein- ♦ high school student classes, Frances Kerber, a sophomore Andrew Joseph Capra, Rosemarie schnitz, Daniel Kratz, Patricia writing on the topic “The Dig­ of St. Joseph’s High School; A. Carpineila, Robert D. Carver, Lamirato, Teresa Lawlor, Ruth nity of Man,” the first award second place to Danny Connor, Lederhos, Wilma Luino, Hope Program Is Announced sophomore of Cathedral High; Rocco N. Cavarra, Grace Olivia was won by Jerry Stremel, a C. de Baca; Lopez, John Marriott, Ruth Mc- junior from Annunciation and third place to Juanita Jo Ann Marie Cerrone, Carl L Andrews, Margaret McCabe, High School. Second honors Haley, freshman from Our Claassen, Margaret Louise Clar- Margaret Anne McCarthy, Kath­ For Joint Commencement Wesift Largest Church Goods Supply Houso’* went to Mary Ellen Toepfer, a Lady of Mt. Carmel High ner, Keith E. Coleman, Helen ryn McCarty, Joanne Meinnis, senior from Cathedral High School. The program for the joint commencement exercises of the Anne Connor, Margot Dolores Arlene McLaughlin, Hugh Ma­ Catholic nigh schools of Denver in the City Auditorium arena Seventh and eighth grade Cooper, Nancy Lee Corbetta, honey, Catherine Moore; June 3 at 3 p.m. is as follows; Thomas Murnan, Neal Myers, students wrote on “The Ap­ William A. Crespin, Elizabeth OVERTURE, “Marcho Poco” D. Moore, Catholic High Schools’ Established 190.2 1633 Tremont Plact Dr. G. J. pearances of Our Lady.” Jack McKenzie Cudmore, Olive Denise Jean Neavill, Marilyn Nelson, Jo Concert Band, Lloyd Bowen, director; Ellen Nicolai, 'Mary O'Mara, TAbor 5-3789 Lang from the eighth grade D’Arcy, Carol Ann Dechant, Wil- PROCESSION OF GRADUATES, “Pomp and Circumstance,” Denver 2, Colo. Schoeuble Ham J. Dionigi, Kenneth C. Di Julia O’Rourke, Thomas Elgar; Optomelrisi of St. Louis’ School, Engle­ Paolo, Roxanne C. Ditolla, Rich­ O’Rourke, Carole Ann Partsch, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, graduates and audience; wood, won first prize, and the ard K. Eckrich, John A. Fajardo, Patricia Patterson, Barbara STAR SPANGLED BANNER, graduates and audience; second award will go to Ralph Barbara Ann Fletcher, Norma Pepin, V'ergil Petrelli, Roseann Specialist St. Louis of Loyola School, GREETINGS, Ralph P. Lowder, St. Joseph’s High School, Lee Florida, George Marbury Pike, Barbara Polichio, Ann student chairman of the commencement exercises; For Visual grade eight. The third prize Fluitt, Jr.; James Francis Friel, Rohr, Paul Ross, Carol Ann Ross- will go to Marlene Spero of CHORUS, "Praise Be to Thee,” S. Raphael; “Battle Hymn Eye Care Jr.; Mary Frances Friel; miller, Patricia Ryan; of tlv? Republic,” F, Waring arrangement, by Catholic High Schools’ the eighth grade in St. Cath­ Emma La Quilla Gaiter^ Jose­ Anthony Santopietro, Charles DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING erine’s School. Commencement Choir, Rev. Richard Hiester, director; . 638 Empire Bldg. KE. 4-.S480 phine Dolores Galich,.William T. Sekera, Carol Siems, Robert VALEDICTORY ADDRESS, “Facing Reality” Miss Catherine Serving Colorado Since 1886 Glenn. Patricia A"** Golden,' Sirokman, Rosalie Slattery, Bar­ Ann Glowes, S t Francis de Sales' High School; Carolyn P. Golesh, Eyeljm Mau­ bara Sorg, Lawrence Springer, ACT OF CONSECRATION,'the graduates^ reen Gomez, Flora Victoria Go­ Bernard Stebenne, Patricia Oh, Holy Virgin, * pure and immaculate * u>e dedicate * House Moving * Heavy Moving mez, Howard Thomas Hammons. Storm, Gloria Suntrup, John ourselves in a particnlar manner to you. * Deign, 0 Mother, * F uvnitU V e • Moving • Packing ■ Shipping MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY James Jennings Hanson, Jo Anne Switzer, Karlyne Taylor, Mary- • to receive its among thy devoted children.* lyn Thornton, Patricia Traynor, Hart, Joan Annette Harvey, Grant vs ever in thie world * to avoid all that could be 1521— 20th St. KE. 4-6228 Marvelene Mae Heagney, Joseph Chrystelle Vasques, James opposed to the service of thy Divine Son. * Grant that we may INSURANCE SINCE 1897 Joseph, Julie Frances Koehler, Weber, Joseph Weber, Sara Ann embrace with joy * all occasions of increasing His glory and Norma Jean Kramer, Charlene Winter, and Barbara Young. yours.* 753 Gas and Electric Bldg. T.\. d-024-1 W. Krause, Madeline C. Kuhn; Holy Family High School Help ns, dear Mother, * to acquire all the virtues of which Thomas Lehman, Patricia Ar- CI«M of 1954 (82) we stand in need; * support us in the struggle * into which we leen Lohr, Regina Ann Lowrey, are led by our own weakness; * lead us to Jesus, * Oh Mary, * KITCHENS Herbert W, Leibmon Gerord R. TeBockhorst Barbara Jeanette Lujan, Cath­ Marian Baiamonte, Barbara Barbera, Carole Bello, Ronald that we may love Him * and serve Him * and never again PLANNING erine Theresa McCartin, Barbara offend Him voluntarily.* EXPERT Ann Manzanares, Carlos A. A. Birdsong, Arleen Bolke, Patricia Briscoe, Elizabeth Brunner, Strengthen us, * that when contradictions or trials * or insure r s Marquez, Manuel A. Martinez, fatigue try our virtue, * yee, * even when the phaliee of suf­ Aaron B. Medina, Ellen Ann George Bruno, Daniel Bradley, Lawrence Brown, Carole Butz, fering is before us, * we may go on with new couraae and Meh, Gonzell Theresa Miller, new fervor * along the path of life, * curtained under the John A. Miller, Jr.; Warren Ron­ Joan Coomer, Peggy Cullen, Paul Dalpes, James Davis, Patricia mantle of thy protection.* ald Miller, James E. Monson, One more favor, we ask, * dear Mother: * Preserve for Janet Ann Murphy, Marion Jean Day, Mary De Julio, Frances Domenico, Donald Durant; IIS our dear parents * to whom, under God, * we are indebted Nelson, James Thomas Noel, for our lives, * and all the advantages we enjoy upon earth.* Claire Elaine Nolan, Nancy Jean Robert EngelHardt, Michael Farrell, Patricia Gallagher, Kath­ Grant us to practice that obedience * by which we may yield O’Connell, Maria Anita O’Neill; to them all the consolation * which they have a right to expect Louise Therese Parslow, Rich­ leen Garramone, Robert Gray, Marlene Haberer, Terrance Has­ from us. * Beg thy Divine Son * to crown all His gifts unth JUNE SALE ard Popish, Karen Elaine Powell, the greatest of all graces: * that, * having been happy together All Steel Sinks — Dishwashers Patricia Ann Pritchard, Viola kins, Lucille lacino, James Isen hart, Dolores Isaacson, Eugene on earth, * we may be united in happiness for all eternity in Cabinets — Disposers Catherine Quintana, Raymond heaven. * Amen. Children's Fashions M. Rendon, Mary Teresa Rich­ Jones, Kathleen Keeley, Frank Kmitch, Clifford Kuhn, Robert “Salve Regina,” Gregorian; commencement choir; ardson, Helen Frances Rieger, Conferring of awards for Archbishop’s Essay Competition; Mary Ann Ruddy, Harriet Cath­ LaGuardia, Joanne Langer, Jer- INTRODUCING NEW OWNER vais Larkin, Lawrence LeMay, PRESENTATION OF GRADUATES AND CONFERRING SPECIAL Matt McEniry erine Ryan, Vivian L. Sanchez, OF DIPLOMAS by the Most Reverend Urban J. Vehr, D.D.; Elivinio Sandoval, Marguerite Margaret Lucero; 8543.95 Value: AND Mary Jo Mahoney, Anthony Cathedral High School: The Very Rev. Monsignor Walter Aloys Schaaf, Janice E. Scheer, Canavan; Combination Dishwasher, Sink and ? Ernest Eugene Schnabel, Clare Mancinelli, Nancy Mancini, Cath­ SURPRISING VALUES erine Marchio, Geraldine Maro- Annunciation High School: The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles Disposer ...... !____ 399»» Ann Seitz, John J. Sliemers, Hagus; Florence J. Smith; ney, Barbara Marr, Eugene Mc­ IN Cann, Charles McGinn, William St. Joseph’s High School: The Very Rev. Charles F. Buckley. Barbara Ann Tellington, Pa­ C.SS.R.; Call McEnirv for Free Home Demonstration tricia Ann Thomas, Mary Ellen McNulty, Kathleen Moffatt; Pris­ cilla Montano, Robert Pastori, Holy Family High School: The Rev. Forrest H. Allen; SPRING and SUMMER DRESsfes Toepfer, Thomas George Torrey, Regis High School; The Rev. James Eatough, S.J.; William Robert Valentine, Marie Mary Ann Penna, Mary Ann Periot, Anthony Pietrafeso S t Francis de Sales’ High School; The R t Rev. Monsignor SPRING COATS Virginia Vargas, Peggy Joan Gregory Smith, V.G. Warrick, Janice Marie Ann Sharon Piper, Susan Porfirio Darlene Quinlan, Donald Raub CHORUS, “Holy God We Praise Thy Name,” Traditional, BARGAIN TABLE Weingardt," Elizabeth Ann Welch, graduates and chorus, sine* ItOi Genevieve Joan West, Robert E. Mark Ross; 1232 Arapahoe MA. 3 -0 1 6 8 Daniel Samide, Thomas Scar- RECESSIONAL, "Archdiocese of Denver March," George Whitmore, Judith Ann Williams, Young. BOYS.WASH SUITS Judith Kay Winder, Felix Wil­ dina, William Scheitler, Marcella liam Wonder, Roswitha M. Schneider, Patricia Shevlin, Paul Wottge, Daniel Joseph Yacovetta, Sloan, Norma Spitz, Joan Spero, iCOTTRELL^S^ and Charlotte Anne Zimmerman. Patricia Stephens, Barbara Sul BUY FOR NOW AND LATER livan, Ralph Tancredo, Darlene Annunciation High School Tanko, George Theisen, Robert CUu of 1954 (46) Toepfer, Robert Tricarico, Mi Shirley Arnold, Patricia Atzen- chael Valiant, Richard Vitry beck, Guy Baca, Robert Black, Patricia Weiland, Mary Ellen Barbara Chavez, Edward Bezjak, Woertman, Frank Wright, Phyllis beau belle shop Ferman Chavez, Jack Chavez, Zarlengo, -Virginia Zarlengo Rey Cinocco, Donald Creach, Frank Zito, and Virginia Zito. Tupy Davis, Shirley Dawson, Margaret Dezzutti, Judy Farley, Regis High School 6403 E. Colfax Ave. — EA. 2-1296 Julia Gauna, Steve Huniann Cla(i of 1954 (78) LAST 3 DAYS Barbara Johnson, Robert KreuU Paul Abegg, Robert Allord zer, Joe Lopez, Richard Lopez Thomas Bastien, Richard Berens Norman Luna; Daniel Betka, Thomas Binard Viola Maes, Eloy Mares, Dar­ Robert Buckley, Daniel Camp lene _ Marolt, Gloria Martinez, bell, Richard Campbell, James Sophie Martinez, Louise Medina. Carey, Vincent Carbone, John W. R. JOSEPH Ray Menchaca, Constance Men­ Cawley, Thomas Clark, Leo Con dez, Robert Moore, Gloria Mum- nell. Kenneth Cramer, Joseph Optometrist ford, John O'Hara, Ray Olguin Cummings, Edward Curran Lloyd Ortiz, Dennis Papiernik James Delaney, James Dillon COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Beverly Popish, John Pris'elac. Richard Dines, Paul Doherty Shirley Raisch, John Reeves, Thomas Duggan, Donald Dunn For Appointment — TA. 5-1880 Donald Sandoval, Mary Sando­ James Dunn, Robert Eldredge; 230 Majestic Bldg. 16th & Broadway val, Martha Santoyo, Rosalie Joseph Farrow, James Fattor Santoyo, Elaine Schenfeld, Vir Gerald Feeley, Victor Finn, Den ginia Talarico; and Sheila Wies- nis Foley, Robert Frantz, John ner. Garbella, Will Freeman, Michael Garland, Donald Gavito, Charles St. Francis de Sales' Graham, Leonard Guida, Michael High School Haffey, John Halbert, James Frida^^ . . . Saturda^r... . Monday (11;JO to 8:30) Clait of 1954 (113) Hancock, Lawrence Heaton, John Dee Alie, Joan Anderson, Ver­ Hartley, Roger Haskell. Frank onica Archuleta, Frances Artzer, Herigstad, .John Kintzele, Wil Joyce Barnes, Madonna Bischof- liam Lawless, David Lancaster, ★ Entire Stock berger, Margarita Boehm, Fred Gerald Lewis, John McGowan HART SCUAFFAER & MARX Boom, Irene Brackle, Bernard Robert Metz, Richard Moore Bratrosvsky, Barbara Brennan Richard Nemechek, Thomas New Suits reduced! Marilyn Brockish, Fred Burke man, John Nieburger; Janet Burke, Ann Carmody, Edward O’Dea, William O’Fal James Casey, John Casey, Cath­ Ion, Fred Pepper, Stephen Pocsik erine Ann Caskins, Geraldine Daniel Porreco, Louis Pozelnik Cassidy, Eugene Christy, Mar Thomas Rees, Franklin Rosetta garet Ann Collette, Mary Con­ Albert Rotola, Francis Sakala ★ Entire Stock’^TIM ELY CLOTHES ley, Mary Connors, 'Thomas Leo Scherer, Donald Schmitz Coogan, Miriam Corish, Joseph Franklin Sferra, Donald Smith Suits reduced! Craven, Jean Crowley; Robert Strauss, Richard SuIIi Joan Deidel, John Delohery, van, Robert Sullivan, Eugene Edward Duffy, Edward Duran. Tharp, Richard Thorpe, Bernard, f Dorothy Eastman, Mary Michael Tierney, LeRoy Todd, Patrick Eddy, James Frain, William Treckman, James Verretta, and ★ Entire Stock and Freeman, Elizabeth Fulham, Joan Richard Williams. YEAR ‘ROEWD StM M E R Gamel, Maryangela Carrier, De St. Joseph's High School nise Gerber, Lucille Gibbons CU(1 of 1954 (70) Suits* reduced! James Bagan, Bernadette Bas The Denver Catholic tar, Dorothy Boh, Patricia Burke, Thomas Carter, Francis Register Casey, Charles Cavanaugh, Cher Published Weekly by the lyn Cerise, Jerry Collard, Philip ★ Entire Stock TOPCOATS reduced!* Catholic Press Society, Inc. Compton, Beverly Cordova. Nita 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Cunningham, Inez Dalla, Richard ‘ Except Plateau, Surretwill, Airgora Spun Diesburg, Geraldine Doran and Nylon Cord Suits; and Alligator and Colo. Teddy Dorrance, Teresa Espi Subscription; S8.00 Per nosa, Mary Favela, Alfred Fer­ Plateau Coots. Year Sold in combination with rari, John Fuller, Richard Fu- 'The Register, National Edi­ schino, Joseph (Jabbis, Gloria Here’s your big tion, in Archdiocese of Den­ Gallegos, Georgia Garcia, John ver. Garrod, Mary Graboski, John E opportunity to own Entered as Second Class Guinan; A Special groups SPORTS COATS and SLACKS • set of famous Matter at the Post Office General Tires. Get Denver, Colo. New Management set DOW for months of safe, low-cost At Beau Belle Shop mileage ahead. We'll COLORADO pay big money for the CONVALESCENT The Beau Belle Shop, carry No service charge, for I f ! aan^erous mileage ing a complete line of clothing left in your old tires. HOME for infants and children, is now EXTENDED Come in today! Reason.ihls Rates under new management. SIS Bo. I/Ot>n PE. ^ 71SS According to the new owner PAYMENTS I Annabel Stills, the shop will con­ tinue to offer the same high V3 JULY 10 Dolls and Doll Parts quality merchandise and service as always. Holds Any Coot r '' Joe Kavanaugh, Inc SELIGI0U8 STATUES BEPAIRED Vs AUGUST 10 Mrs. Sills and her husband Until Fall ■ 'i; A.B.C. Doll Ho§pital owned and operated a hotel in Vs SEPTEMBER 10 30 Years in Same Location Kansas lor 15 years prior to JhjL, WajCLL SiohiL Locally Owned and Operated Mr, and Mrs. J. A. McCourt ■ h moving to Denver. The Beau 7th at Lincoln TA. 5-1261 Cuttomer Parking in Rear Belle Shop is located at 6403 618 Downing MA. 3-7617 } Colfax Avenue. Are You Keeping Up Payments in the Seminary Drive? ^liBV^ TT^r^TTT

TKursday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4-4205 PAGE THREE Dedication Scheduled on June 14 Collection Results For Plant of Cure d' Ars Parish For Infirm Priests Are Announced (Continued From Page One) been attending two Sunday Masses large room in the basement of the (Continued From Page One) lation of liturgical afpointments since November, 1952. Catechism rectory. Our Lady of 180.00 in the sanctuary. classes have also been taught in Preaeoutloil ...... 169.58 School to Open Sacred Heart ...... , Outdoors a large area extend­ the theater on Sunday mornings St. Aone'« (Arvada) ...... 74.00 In September St. Anthony*! 61.84 ing the length of the church- to some 60 children by Sisters of St. CajeUn’t ______Father Haley reveals that the Sl Catherine’s ...... school building and 125 feet to Loretto from Blessed Sacrament Cure d’Ars School will begin in St. Dominic's ...... 24S.12 the east has been blacktopped by Parish. St. Elisabeth’s ...... 171.00 September with 100 first graders. St. Francis de Sales’...... 850.00 the Brannan Sand and Graval Co. Boundaries of Cure d’Ars Par­ SU Ignatius Loyola's ...... 90.62 This will necessitate two first Sl. James’ ...... 60^0.00 for a parking area and playground ish, embracing one of the nicest grades operating on a split shift, St. John the Evangelist’s...... 476.00 space. Around the church B. J. new residential areas of Denver, Sl JoReph's (C.SS.R.) ..... 120.00 one in the morning and one in the St, Joseph’s (Polish) ...... 24.70 Kohler and Sons have planted a are 28th to 46th Avenues on the St. Xeo the Great’s ...... 40.63 Sl IxiuU’ (Englewood) ...... 167.60 lawn, contributing all the labor south and north, Colorado Boule­ afternoon. "There are 70 second graders registered and 30 for the St. Mary Magdalene’s (Edge- involved, and the McCarty-John vard on the west and Syracuse on water) ...... 178.00 third grade. This means that there St. Patrick’s ...... ■ sOn Co. has installed an automatic the east, giving the parish an area St. Philomena’s ..... 850.00 will be one second grade room Sl Rose of Lima's ...... 92.00 i sprinkler system at cost. of more than four square miles. SL Therese’s (Aurora) ...... 234.00 with the overflow in a combined St. Vincent de Paul’s ...... 250.00 ) Church to Seat The parish property consists of PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER 48 lots running for two blocks second and third grade. Akron—St. Joseph’s ...... 650 Worshipers Aspen—Sl Mary’s ...... 81.14 on the north side of 32nd Avenue Three Sisters of the Precious Boulder~-Sacied Heart ...... 125.25 Blood will begin teaching in the Boulder. South—Sacred Heart Capacity of 'the church will be between Dahlia and Elm Streets. of Mary ...... 21.80 650, somewhat less than originally school this fall and will live in the Burlington ...... Eudora Street which would bisect Brighton—St. Augustine’s..... 124.00 figured, because of making al the church property is closed off. new'rectory of Christ the King Brush—St. Mary's ...... 7 ' lowance for wider aisles. At the Parish with other members ^ f Calhan^St. .Michael’s ...... It is possible that 32nd Avenue, Cascade— (Mission of Sacred Springs, Father Robert Greenslade of Chicago, Father Robert Dur- rear a large alcove on the one their community for the time be­ Heart. (Colorado Springs),... 14.80 for the Archdiocese of Denver are shown on which the new church faces, Castle Rock—SL Francis* Six New Priests shortly after they were ordained May 29 rie of Fort Collins, Father Kenneally, Archbishop Vehr, Father level building provides ample ing. will be made into a two-way park­ (Elbert) ...... by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver. With the new levites and Daniel Flaherty, a native Denverite; Father James Purfield of Col­ room for a choir. Balancing this Central City—Assumption the Archbishop is the Very Rev. William Kenneally, C.M., St. way on the main route to Denver’s The Rev. William Mulcahy, (Idaho Springs) ...... orado Springs, and Father Edward Ryan of Chicago. Father Kumba on the opposite side is a large cry busy Stapleton Air Field. who went to an untimely death a Cheyenne Wells—Sacred Thomas’, where the young priests made their theological studies. In Heart •...... _ n.15 the photo, from left to right, are Father Dean Kumba of Colorado arose from a sick bed to be ordained.—(Register photo by Warner) room for mothers with young year ago May 25,-was the found­ COLORADO SPRINGS— ^ The parish rectory is at 3050 Corpus Chri.sti ...... 207.65 babies. Dahlia Street, about half a block ing pastor of Cure d’Ars Parish Divine Redeemer ...... 142.86 Sacred Heart ...... 160.00 The new church-school building from the church. Living with Fa­ and under his direction the plans SL Marv’s ...... 323.32 w'ere laid for the construction, St. Paul’s (Broadmoor)...... 217.00 Cripple Creek's Problem: No Pupils h r Large School has been completed rapidly by the ther Haley is the Rev. Richard Craig—St. Michael's ...... 80.00 Berglund-Cherne Co., general con Mershon, M.M., on leave from a which have been carried out Cripple Creek—St. Peter's..... 5.20 Crook—St. Peter's ...... (Continued From Page One) ■ mark in Cripple Creek, erected Our Lady of the Assumption, ever, he has managed to maintain tractors. Ground was brokeri last foreign mission assignment in the under Father Haley’s supervision. Deertrail— (Mission of teriorated,- until today the wind on the hill, visible from all parts there will be an “In Memoriam” and improve the church property . Aug. 9. John F. Connell of Den- Philippines. Daily Mass has been Father Haley was named pastor on Hugo), ...... 4.51 whistles through the hallways, of town — in memory of those plaque. This will be a bronze in both towns. Derby—St. Catherine's ...... 86.37 who attended St. Peter’s School, plaque, set in marble or granite, . ver is the architect. The mechan­ Eagle—St. Mary's ...... 9^00 and the rain pours through the Through a forum for Catholics offered for some months in a July 10, 195.3^______a memorial to those who have similar to the Donors’ Plaque. A ical contract for plumbing and East Lake— Mount Carmel roof—it has become a fire haz­ and.non-Catholics, a considerable —Denver) >...... ard, a “ghost school.” died, a monument to the work donation of $5 entitles one to number of converts have been j heating went to the Whelan Heat­ Elbert—Sacred Heart ...... and sacrifice of so many down place a name on this plaque. received into the Church. Street Erie—S,L Scholastica’s Faced with the'problem of the through the years, a mark of Marian Year candlesticks are ing and Engineering Co. with (Lafsfyette) ...... 8.50 dilapidated building, the people preaching has been conducted in Monsignor Kipp to Mark Estes Park—Our I^ady of the honor and respect to the Mother on display and may be obtained Victor for the past three years ' work done by the Bell Plumbing Mountains (Loveland)...... 87.00 of the parish propose to raze it of God in this Marian Year. in Cripple Creek at the office Evergreen—Christ the King to the ground, and' erect in its for one week each summer. : and Heating Co. (Golden) ...... • In an effort to raise the neces­ of the Gold Rush, the showroom To be dedicated at the same Flagler—SL Mary’s ...... 7.10 place a Shrine to Our Lady of of the Pontiac dealer, and at the The church in Victor was com­ Golden Jubilee June 10 Fleming—SL Peter’s ...... 77.00 the Assumption. Such a shrine sary money for this shrine. Fa­ pletely renovated for the golden time as the church will be the ther Foxhoven h a s designed Gilded Cage, next to the Impe­ and was appointed dean of the FORT COLLINS— will undoubtedly become a land- rial Hotel; and in Florissant, at jubilee two years ago, and since I school section of the building (Continued From Page One) Holy F am ily ...... 7.98 and executed Marian Year can­ then an automatic carillon has the Archdiocesan Council of district. He also directed the Sl, Joseph’s ...... 174.00 dlesticks. Handmade out of na­ the ^Colorado Petrified Forest which will be put in use this Sep- Fort Ixigan—St. Patrick’s..... been installed through the gen­ Catholic Women, of which Mrs. redecoration of the church and Fort Lupton—St. William’s tive aspen wood, these candle­ (Singer Ranch). the improvement of the rectory. Donations may be mailed to erosity of an anonymous donor. ; tember with classes for the first Ra^h Moss is president. Affili­ (Platlevllle) ...... 82.95 sticks have elicited the praise A new foundation was placed un­ three grades. This section has four ates to take part include the In charge of the Catholic ceme­ Fort Morgan—St. Helena's ... History-Making and admiration of all who have the Rev. Omer V. Foxhoven, Box tery, Father Kipp made it one Fountain— (Colorado Springs 395, Cripple Creek, Colo., or to der the rectory, largely through classrooms and a large downstairs Archdiocesan Council of Catholic —St. Paul’s) ...... seen them. Not for sale, one the work of the pastor, and a Nurses, Colorado Springs Chap­ of the best in the state. Always Frederick—St. Therese't .. _ 22.001 pair of these candlesticks will be Mrs. 'Vincent Ryan, 317 E. Gold­ beautiful shrine to Our Lady of hall, capable of accommodating ter; the Catholic Daughters of friend of the poor, he pubr Georgetown—Our Lady of given to each person who makes en, Cripple Creek, Colo. The about 300 persons, which will lished a magazine, the Tattler, Lourdes ...... ___ 6.00 Priests' Class to candlesticks will then be mailed the Mountains was erected be­ America, Court St. Mary; the Glenwood Springs—SL a donation of $10 or more to­ tween the rectory and church. Corpus Christ! Guild, the Holy in the winter of 1931-32 and Stepheo'a ...... __ 8».80 ward the., shrine. to the donors. eventually become the school cafe- Golden—St. Joseph’s ...... __ 55.00 Two residences adjoining the , teria as well as a meeting hall. Rosary Sodality, Our Lady of devoted the proceeds to the re­ Grand Lake—SL Anne’s In addition to receiving; a pair Further information may be rectory, both crumbling into ruin, Guadalupe Altar Society, the Sa­ lief of those hit by the de­ (Kremmling) ...... of Marian Year candlesticks for obtained by writing to either of Complete kitchen equipment is al- Observe Jubilee were purchased, and one is now cred Heart Sodality, the St. Mary pression. GREELEY— a donation of $10 (or more!), the above, or by calling Father in process of being torn down, to , ready installed and the basement Our Lady of Peace ------12.70 Parish Council, ACCW; the Paul­ Traveled Many St. Peter’s ...... 134.46 The largest class ever ordained the donor may have his name on Foxhoven at 213, or Mrs, Ryan remove the fire hazard and im­ ine Chapel Altar Society, and the also contains a caretaker’s apart­ Railroad Miles Haxtun—Christ the King to the priesthood at one time in the donors' plaque. This will be at 9W. prove the appearance of the par­ ment. Divine Redeemer Women’s Club. (Hloyoke) ...... a bronze plaque, mounted on Father Foxhoven, who was ish property. During his tenure in Southern Holyoke—St. Patrick’s 80.00 the Archdiocese of Denver is ob­ marble or granite, and placed in Present construction has already True Pioneer Colorado’s mountain mining cen­ Hugo—St. Anthony’s ...... 14.25 placed in charge of the Victor In Cripple Creek, repairs were Idaho'* Springs—St. Paul’s...... 10.00 serving its 10th anniversary June the shrine. and Cripple Creek parishes in made on both the cnurch and the roughed in all necessary details In Rocky Mountains ters, Monsignor Kipp traveled Iliff—Sl Catherino'i ...... 17.00 42.00 3 with a Solemn Mass in the St. 'In Memoriam' Plaque 1947, resides in Victor, where rectory, which is repted out. for future construction of a sec­ A true pioneer of the Church thousands of miles iii taking care Julesburg—St. Anthony’s ..... Joseph Hospital Chapel, Denver. of the missions of the budding Kit Carson—SL Augustine’s.. 15.20 For those .who wish to have the parish numbers only a few Most of the building and repair ond floor on the school section. in the Rocky Mountain area. Kremmling—St. Peter’s ...... Members of the class, all or­ departed friends or loved ones more than Cripple Creek’s 35. work has been done by Father Monsignor Kipp was born Aug. state. It was during the period Keenesburg—Holy Family...... 13.25 The church section is designed Lafayette— SL Ida’a ...... 25.00 dained by Archbishop Urban J. remembered at the Shrine of Despite the small numbers, how­ Foxhoven himself. 22, 1877, in Lincoln, 111., into a often referred to as the “golden LEADVILLE— , Vehr in the Cathedral June 3, for future conversion into six family of seven children. His fa­ age of railroading’’ and Monsi­ Annunciation ^------...... — 47.70 1944, are Fathers John G. Walsh, classrooms when a permanent ther and mother were John and gnor Kipp spent many an hour St, Joseph’s ...... XS.gO riding on the trains crossing and Limon— (Mission of. .Hugo).... . 25.10 chaplain at St. Anthony’s Hos­ church will have been built. Mary (Molitor) Kipp. His father Uttleton—S t.. M irr'i...... 100.00 pital, Denver; Charles Salmon, fought in the Civil War. He aL recrossing the Divide to minister Longmont—St. John tha pastor of St. Peter’s, Crook; Father Haley announces that the to the spiritual needs of the rail­ Baptist’s ...... 72.00 tended elementary school in Louisvillo—Sl Louis' 86.94 Leonard Redelberger, pastor of total cost of the new structure, in­ Piqua, Kans., and made his roaders. LoveUnd—Sl. John’s ...... 61.58 Guardian Angels’ Parish,^Den­ about rclassical and ecclesiastical stud­ Such roads as the Colorado Manitou— (Mission of Sacred cluding furnishings, is Heart— (Colorado Springs) 26.10 ver; Albert E. Puhl, pastor of St. BOULEVARD Mortuary. $350,000, of which the young ies at the Pontifical College Jo- Midland, the Denver South Park Mead— (Mission of Fred­ Anthony’s Parish, Julesburg; parish has an indebtedness of sephinuni, Worthington, 0. arid Pacific, the Denver and Rio erick) ...... Donald A. McMahon, pastor of Grande, and the Rio Grahde Mintum—St. Patrick’s...... «... 18.50 Christ the King Parish, Ever- $280,000. The Archbishop ad­ Ordained June 10, 1904, by Oak Creek—St. Martin’s — ... takes pleasure Bishop J. J. Hartley for the then ■Western were among those con­ Peett—Sacred Heart ...... «... 80.00 grreen. vanced a sum of $20,000 to the Diocese of Denver, Father Kipp tinually patronized by him. Some PlatteTille—SL Nicholas'...... Fathers Robert E. Kekeisen parish from its returns in the came to Colorado in July of that of these railways have long since Red Cliff—Mt. Carmel...... «... 7.50 of the Register staff; Robert F. ' in introducing been abandoned as unwise ven­ Rifle—St. Mary’s ...... campaign for funds for the semi­ year and took his first appoint­ Roggen—Sacred Heart ...... 22.60 Hoffman, pastor of St. Peter’s tures. Others have been consoli­ Sheridan Lake—SL Cletus’«.« 4.00 nary and new parishes. The bal ment—as assistant to the Rt. Steamboat Springs— Holy Parish, Greeley, and dean of the Rev. David O’Dwyer in Glen- dated and now operate under Name ...... Greeley deanery; Theodore A. ance has been raised by parish­ different names. Sterling—St. Anthony of Haas, chaplain at St. Joseph’s wood Springs. Padua's ...... * ioners in two years, with the ad­ The young priest became pas­ Catholic Chaplain Stonebam and Briggsdalo— Hospital, Denver; Omer V. Fox- ditional expenditure involved in tor of Gunnison in July, 1905, For Railroads St. John's ...... hoven, in charge of the Victor Strasburg— (MistioB of and Cripple Creek parishes; and MR. FRANK the purchase of a home for a and remained there until 1919, In his youth’ the priest who Hugo) ...... 9.40 John B. Ebel, of the Register when he assumed the pastorate came to Colorado from Kansas, Stratton—St. Charleo* ...... 69.19 renory and certain modifications Superior—Sl. Benedict's staff. that were involved. of St. Columba’s Parish, Du­ for all practical purposes was (South Boulder) ...... rango. Catholic chaplain for the railroad Victor—St. Victor’s ...... «... 9.00 Wyoming Member O’HALLORAN \ The Cure d’Ars Parish Is par­ lines around Gunnison, Pitkin, Welby—Assumption ...... 28.60 Biiilf Rectory, Westminster—Holy 'Trinity.. 18.00 The Rev. William Delaney of ticularly indebted to the manage­ Montrose, and through the now Wray—SL Andrew’s ...... Superior, Wyo., who was or­ ment of the Tower Theater, a Moved Church almost-forgotten Alpine tunnel. Yuma—St. John’s (Akron).... 28.66 dained in the Denver Cathedral Funeral Protection Plan Counselor Ix>wry Air Base ...... 100.00 movie house at 2245 Kearney The Gunnison appointment en­ In those days, he says, every­ RegU College ...... 81.88 with the class, is taking part in tailed the spiritual care of all thing was railroad and the rail­ St. Anthony’s Hospital . .. 10,10 the observance. and nexcesl member of our staff. Street, where parishioners have the missions of Gunnison County, road was Irish and Catholic. It including Lake City, Crested was common practice for him to Butte, Baldwin, Pitkin, and Sar­ .say Mass in section houses and Lawnmowers Sharpened | gent. Father Kipp built a neW other installations of the then Contracts Are Allotted who will discuss with you Rand A Pow«r Mowers Sharpened rectory in Gunnison and moved narrow-gauge ironways. Adjusted, Oiled. Enirines Overhauled. the church from the river bot­ Looking back from his pin Parts. Pickup A Delivery. tom to the center of the com­ nacle of 50 years, he often says, Kearney Hardware munity. "You know, they say that large For Seminary Building McConaty's corporations are heartleks af­ (Continued From-Page One) lerry Bartechertr Jm Cs!>per In Durango, Father Kipp built fairs. Yet, one large corporation 2270 Kearney FL. 5-0391 a new school, with both grade ' in the former building or the chapel, which were designed by and high school departments, has always seemed to remember J. B. Benedict. Construction will be of reinforced concrete with me. It is the Denver and Rio a brick'facing and trim that will match the present buildings. Funeral Protection Grande Western Railroad which If The large addition will be the biggest construction at the Your Finest every year sends me a system seminary in a quarter of a century, since the magnificent pass. 'This seems to me to be chapel and Tihen Memorial Tower, which still dominates the Plan Blankets pretty thoughtful of a manage­ skyline of South Denver, were completed. Deserve ment which, as you know, has a lot of Mormon money invested in Recent years have seen the erection of a convent for the MR. FRANK O’HALLORAN Finest Care it. Thirf consideration is given sisters who work in the kitchen at the seminary, the comple­ tion of an auditorium-gymnasium building, and expansion of Let Ut me only because of the past years when I took spiritual care -the kitchen facilities. Mr. O’Halloran, a Regis graduate, is well-qualified to serve as Funeral 1. Soft Water W»h of the railroaders of another day Indaed, St. Thoma!’ Seminary hai come a long way since and age.’’ the original building, affectionately known at the Old Red with I Assumed St. Mary's Brick, was opened in 1908 with an enrollment of less than Protection Plan Counselor. He will be pleased to talk with you, without 2. Factory Finith 20. Completion of the new building will enable the seminary I Pastorate in 1933 to accommodate more than 10 times that number in modest obligation, about this low-cost funeral protection plan. His integrity and plus Father Kipp left Durango to comfort. become pastor of St. Mary’s e understanding assures you of complete and competent handling of your Parish, Colorado Springs, Jan The .seminary, which as recently as the early ’30s stood 3. Pliofilm Packag­ alone in the Southeast Denver area, has now been engulfed by ing for Storage 15, 19,53, on the death of Mon Funeral Protection needs. signor Raber. The saraa year he residential expansion on every side. Fortunately, those respon­ and w as appointed a Dioce.san sible for obtaining, the original property procured a 65-acre tract. This entire area, lying between Steele and Monroe Streets 4. With Guarantee Consultor. He was appointed a Domestic in July, 1949 and South Arizona and South Florida Avenues, has been fenced Not to Shrink and was Invested with the robes in providing the necessary privacy demanded by an institution at a of his office Nov. 3, 1949. of this type. McConaty’s Funeral Protection Plan Capping one of the longest Construction of the new buildings has necessitated the 5. Reasonable Price careers as a Colorado parish moving of the present athletic field. Because of the large area priest, Monsignor Kipp paid off of the seminary property this has constituted no problem. •¥■ .4pplicants acceptable through 80 years of age in 10% Ca«h am] Carry a substantial debt at St. Mary’s Elder Firm Has Built Many Churches though it is his contention that amounts of $100 to $1000.00. Mail Order! Accepted or Prompt, Courteoui Delivery Service every parish should have "at Guy M. Ejder, a member of Presentation Parish, heads least a little debt,’’ for it “keeps the Elder Construction Co., which has an imposing record of the people united.’’ construction of Catholic institutions. Among the churches built I Colorado Lace Cleaning Co. The Colorado Springs prelate by his firm are the Christ the King Church-School, St. Berna­ ■¥ Is written by Colorado’s leading Catholic ihortuarj’. GRand 7-1646 4100 FEDERAL BLVD. purchased, in his pastorate, dette’s, Lakewood; Presentation; Assumption, Welby; St. An­ new convent for the nuns on thony’s, Westwood; Our Lady of Grace; and St. Catherine’s, West Bijou Street. Also in Mon Derby. At present the firm is nearing the Completion of the ■K Is underwritten by an Old-line Legal Reserve Stock L signor Kipp’s tenure, a beautiful new All Saints’ Church and is adding two classrooms to th^S t. Anthony’s plant in Westwood for the beginning of a parish grade school has been con Company. (Not a Mutual Company) structed, with the generous aid school. of Mrs, Spencer Penrose through 'The firm has constructed three modern high school build­ Religioas Articles the El Pomar Foundation, and ings in Denver, the new St' Mary’s Academy building, and in the former grade-high- school Annunciation and Our Lady of M t Carmel Parishes. It also building had been completely built the sister's convent at St. Thomas’ Seminary, an addition modernized for use as a high at the Good Shepherd Home, and did extensive conversion work • STATUES • ROSARIES • MEDALS school only. The plant was com on Pancratia Hall at Loretto Heights College. pleted with the erection of t • PICTURES • PRAYER BOOKS gymnasium' behind the church building. » • PENDANTS • BOOKS • PLAQUES The Monsigtior’s 50 years as a priest of God must have been W j o s l T I d w w a l golden ones for him personally", for he has maintained a fabulous I'Cdtnyiuii . . . ( l i j t s - L a m p s ^’ boulevard good humor. Those who know Complete Line pf Krligioui Articici for Church And Home him admire also his simplicity in (Crystal Mnuotiramed hems stressing the important things, Decoraihiii Consuhatiou and his devout priestlinesa. ’TfC ontuaw i The jubilarian has a sister, I*. \VajLj|iier and t o. Mother Collette, who is a former Custoiii Made Spreads and Draperies Phone GR. 7-1626 Mother General of the Sisters of Federal Blvd. at Speer r im iiii GOODS St. Joseph in Wichita, Kans.; an­ !7 I 7 l ii-i :{i.i i‘ii. K V. -j: l(> i;i other sister, Mrs. Emma Boner; V.» I ili ,r I'-ifi-i'j: Mi>. \l;n* Vciii Ci-.' 606 14th St. Between California & Walton TA 5-8331 and a brother, Carl Kipp, of ‘ I':n*-i IV u'll. Nrii'-lrlrlsi Manhattan. Kans. PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, June 3, 1954

Heights Graduates From Archdiocese IF YOU LIKE GOOD CLEANING i. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH Dr. 1 E. C. Bach Patronise These Friendly Firms Plans Summer YOU'LL LOVE ] Joe Buckm aster M otors mtekii St It. viscsst s> rsii'i rsnui Speech Studio Specializing In Ford Mercury Service ; & The Bach Summer Studio, J t e K a l R o d ) 4ls« Gsncrsl Repsirs — Sksllr Css tr Oil i Factory Equipment on Lawnmbwer Sharpening | E. Bayeud end S. Medison FR. 7-8711 | j arl C. MAin 3-6161 fit of speech and ShAron Fitzpatrick Joann Ward Jacqualina Vitrj Yudit Szasx Elaina Talk Shirler M y J Open Sundays Washington Park Mkt. 1 9 A.M. til 2 P.M. BILL HUGHES. Prop. an alumna of Loretto / Hawes Food Store Home Freezer Owners Heights and Webster College, CATHEDRAL PARISH ’1 Booker Bswes — Gvis Hswes Save on Our Processing Webster Groves, Mo. These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage f A Bi-Low Store Service Unit Program Qualify Meats, 598 So. Gilpin SP. 7-6075 \ Groceries ^ There will be a unit program D O Y L E ’S i Fresh & Froien Fruits \ of eight or 10 weeks, with group \ and Vegetables / LEN'S Pharmacy and private instruction on re­ PHARMACY W Louisiana and Clayton % L. C. FEBR. Prop. quests. The studio is especially The Pertirolir Drnsrtil Member St Vinrrnt de Ptal'e Perish designed to instruct children from 17th AVE. AND GRANT Hava Your Doctor Phone 4 to 16 years of age in expres­ KE. 4-5987 FREE DELIVERY ) sp.7-57r, ( Us Your Proscription sion, conversation, nontechnical R o m Saavodra Eileen Reafaa Alico Porter Anne Peyton Catherine Murphy Maxine Mohrbacher ,1 Hours 7 to 7 Week Days / 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 2-3739 speech correction, social man­ At Laalelans and South Clarton ners, voice, diction, and interpre^ tation. Dr. Bach is a graduate of Mar NOB Hill INN quette University, Milwaukee, 479 BAST COLFAX and holds his doctor's degree PKESCKIPTIONS CALLED COCKTAILS from Denver University. He Delicious^ Dinners nO N N IE BItAE taught at Cathedral High School. FOR AND DELIVERED Colfax at Downing ^nvei HOT AND COLD LUNCHES Denver, and now instructs at Yonr BniinrM le Apprericted Herr Loretto Heights and St. Thomas’ KEslone 4-3217 Khoppiii;i$ re n te r Seminary. Mrs. _ Jackson specialized in CirU ani fimtini Cir8i dramatics in college, and taught MAZULLA NffiM ini ftcbMl SmiIIm children in Ft. Lupton in the 1 Cleaners & Tailors field of social graces and speech C & L Office Supply CONOCO PRODUCTS LucilU McCroikey MxrcU McMahon Barbara LAictma Marian Undvay Caorfia Koelbart Preisser's Red & White recitals. Alterations - Re.Styling COLFAX At CtAOSA Labricfttion. Ctr Washiof. Battcrita Anyone interested is invited to CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER OENVEI. CIlOtADO R«charffd. Tirt Vulranizini call DE. 3-9647. i Grocery and Mnrket 304 E. Colfax MA. 3-5063 D. C. Lanslej MAIn 1-9044 BONNIE BRAE FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES AND QUALITY GROCER1E.S Denver Collegian Wins CONOCO SERVICE Free Delivery SPruce 7-4447 1,724 So. University PE. 3-9909 E. Ohio Av». (So Univ and Ohioi Freshman Art Award 1 ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL ~ | 1 Joan Heifer, daughter of Mr.' ' The firms listed here Bonnie Brae Drug Co. and Mrs. Martin Heifer, 2791 1 SHOPPING CENTER | lleyS Cbanberili^SlilsrS Cliinberlle W. Mexico, Denver, and a deserve to be remembered 1953 graduate of S t Joseph’s when you are distributing Have your Doctor phone us High School, enrolled in the tSh r\. ■ your Prescriptions education course in the College dlu£tiL RAINBOW GIFT SHOP your patronage in the dif- of St. Mary, Omaha, received Virfinia Kalar Lucille HiU Beers, Wines, Etc. Judy Hifson Marjorie Haoeon Geraldine Hamilton Corrioe Gilll Smartest Styles in Ci/fj o/ Mt Kinds ferent lines of business. the freshman art award at the Ladies Apparel 763 So. University RA. 2-2874 Greeting Cardi. Hoiiery A Toyi ______^ honors convocation May 19. Joan’s pencil drawing, entered 176i Humboldt TA. 5-1567 1327 E. 18th Ave. in the annual Nebraska Church- Ruth Chamben. Prop. GreU Hueton, Prop. Related College Art Contest sponsored by Nebraska Wesleyan 1 SOUTH GAYLORB 1 University at Lincoln, was awarded second place out of a W. H. WAFER ;| Shopping D istrict | dozen pencil entries. PLUMBING CO. In February Miss Heifer was “Specialixing in Satisfactory DUpoMli. nbhvesticn. ffne, Bc.ten one of the two freshmen selected Haircuts" REMODELING 1807 Humboldt CH. 4-0596 Dir or Nile 1714 by student vote to serve as Humboldt St Mobiloil - Pennzoil - Mobilgas princesses in the annual “Holi­ Berber.. AL A Me MA. 3-8131 EMPIRE MARKET . Lubrication A Washing day for Hearts” prom held at the - Otw 30 In, of Benia tc the CoBBimlti Tune Up — Brake Work Blackstone Hotel. Johnny Meyers . Bob Holm Patricia Cerety Sheila Ei^zeman Kay Campbell Jeaona Bucher Barbara Bocovicb Genevieve Baddinf Open Week Days and Sundays So. Gaylord Service * 1 s.m. to t p.Bi. Sports Prizes Are Awarded WAFER BARRYMORE’S Quality Meats ■ Sea Foods Center and Garage APPLIANCE CO. , RESTAURANT ^ ’1058 S. Gaylord SP. 7-7567 Under New Macaffement To St. Louis', Englewood Only Brand Names "Thick Steaks— Thin Cakes" 1470 E. 18th Are. — KE. 4-6887 1770 Humboldt KE. 4-8411 GAYLORD The firms listed here A fast and alert relay team from St. Louis’ School, Engle-. Get your beet price, (heu call ae. Florle Moore. Prop. deserve to be remembered wood, copped the annual parochial grade school relay trophies CLEANERS at the parochial schools picnic Ascens^n Thursday, May 27, at PICKUP A DEUVERT when you are distributing Eitch’s Gardens. John Polichio, Jack Otto, Garry Powell, and PEYTON’S John Butz paced the Louisians to victory. * We Give Green Stamps your patronage in the dif­ In the baseball throw contest, David Anderson of St. Pat­ FINE LIQUORS LAUND - UR - OWN Beer ■ Wine • Beverages 3 hr. Shirt cerrice (Flniihed) PE. 3-1350 - 1025 So. Gaylord rick’s School came in as a last-minute entry to out-throw all ferent lines of business. oth^ contestants with a 70-yard on-the-line toss. Tony Florez 1314 E. 17th Ave. AL. 5-3025 Free Delivery 1306 E. 17tb Ava. of Sacred Heart School won second place and John Butz of KE. 4.8868 I BELMONT V St. Louis' School, third. Open Sundays 9-12 SO. GAYLORD The 100-yard dash saw John Polichio of St. Louis’ School Harry Peyton, Prop. : PLUMBING CO. nose out Spencer Tolbert of Cathedral and Tommy Lopez of 1 Repairing & Contracting Hi^RDWARE Loyola, second anul third place winners. • NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALfc An exhibition soccer game and two baseball contests 1 Free Estimates Where It Is Convepierit to rounded out the field events under the direction of Julius DORIS . 1 SAM BOXER, Mtcr. 1076 3. Gsjrlord Buy Hardware and Paint Carabello and officials of the Junior Parochial League. HOME DRUG Ce. • Days PE. 3-2070 21 Years Satisfactory Service High school students danced to the music of Lloyd Bowen VARIEPC SHOPPE ; Nights EA. 2-5379 1055 So. Gaylord . SP. 7-2961. and his orchestra at the famobs Elitch trocadero. Ready-to-Wear • Notions - Gifts A Drug Store Complete 1788 Humboldt AL. 8-7701 1775 Humboldt MA. 3-8060 Kathleen Horan Phi Beta Kappa Grace Archutete, Prop. L E I V T D R E G At Denver U. (Formerly Lyons Pharmacy) Graduation Gifts - Picnic Supplies W ill Get Degree ST. JAMES' PARISH Have Your Doctor Phone lit Your Prescriptions Kathleen C. Horan, 1225 St. Paul Street, Denver, is included Please Patronise These Friendly Firms R.4. 2-5664 — Free Delivery among the 893 candidates for de­ 1000 So. Gaylord Green Stamps grees at the 1954 commencement exercises of Marquette Univer­ Mice I A ro ttA Bernadett* Owens, graduate from St. Tower Barber Shop sity in Milwaukee, Wis. OLIVE DRUG lilIS S lOrCiTO Paul, Kans., was crowned Miss Loretto at BILL, RUDY A FRANK ReJfabU and Fast A senior in the Marquette Col­ colorful outdoor ceremonies Saturday, May 29, at Loretto Heights Special Attention to Children lege of Journalism, Miss Horan NO ONE CAN PLEASE EVEIYONE Prescription Service College. Her escort was Neil Sweeney., Miss Owens was chosen 8UT WE TRY ! is to receive the degree of bache­ Gifts - Fountain Service by the student body for this honor, as best exemplifying in her 8 a. d f. 6 dtyi veil lor of science in journalism. She four years at the Heights, the ideals of the college expressed in a. • a., a Free Delirerj — FL. B-7137 has been active in radio writing, 2263 Kternty DE 3-9885 7010 E. Colfax at OlWa ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH and during th e past semester Fides, Mores, and Cnltura (Faith, Morality, and Culture). wrote and produced a weekly chil­ I Patronise Thete Friendly Firms dren’s show for Milwaukee Sta­ Will Receive New Members June 7 tion WCAN. The firms listed here "T OWER ---- The Marquette commencement Junior Police Bands Plan deserve to be remembered exercises will be held Wednes­ when you are distributing day, June 9, with the Rev. Daniel — C MOTHS WOlV’T EAT A. Lord, S.J., noted editor, as the your patronage in the dif­ City Park Concert June 5 Mother's Homemade Plot CLEANED CLOTHES principal speaker. ferent lines of business. Special Menoi on Frfdaya ^ The Denver Junior Police eligible on an individual con­ 7787 Keurner St. Bands, under the director of sideration basis. Boys should ' BROADMOOR CLEANERS Lowell Little, will present a free' appear with a parent or guardian band concert at Denver City at Room 200, Police Building, on Mtnkrrs tf St. FraRelt Bill and Verma Burke 4f Sain farlili Park Band Stand at 8 p.m. June June 7 at 7 p.m. Information tVM the Janet Irene Bouska, 5. can be obtained by calling Nor­ ^ CAADYLAiVD ^ 712 S«. Pearl PE. .3-8 L85 member of St. Ignatius Loy­ The Denver Junior Police will man Erard, executive officer, at « Miniature Masterpieces and Ceramics a ola’s Parish, Denver, wa* hon­ be opened for new members on MA. 3-1192. Doctor Orders..s ored for outstanding scholastic Monday, June 7. Boys from The Denver Junior Police ^ 2206 KEARNEY ST. FR. 7-7273 ^ achievement by being selected for 7 to 10 years of age with or with­ Alameda Drug Store CONOCO PRODUCTS Phi Beta Kappa at Denver Uni­ out musical training are eligible. . V O p'FrrEKSON Pr«p Lubriration • Deiro Batlerie' versity. She will be graduated Boys from T1 to "14 years of age WALT BADGER Says: Have your Cut Rate Drug.s Friday, June 11. with musical experience are and for building good citizens. »* Car Washing 27 Out of 1,025 Blankets Cleaned before Storing and Fountain Sercir* Sundries ^ Yout Business Appreciated W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS Twenty-seven out of 1,025 stu­ the regular police force. yon needn’t worry about motbs. dents were chosen for admission Two Cathedra! ; Alameda Si So. Broadway Alameda & Logan PE. 3-9840 to Phi Beta Kappa. A major in the physical education depart­ ment, Miss Bouska is one of the Associated Cleaners Temptation first from this- department to be Grads Receives honored by the fraternity. In her chaplain, and associate chaplain, BUCHANAN’S D.i?«r;% ‘.'’rrie. 9 c !L four years at D.U., she held the 6736 E. Colfax EA. 2-5462 Christian Bros. Wines Assured by offices of president of the Pem / S Pern, vice president of the Para­ College Degrees Y> (.allon All Pop ilar Been auguration of President Eisen- W# Deliver keets, and was »a member of the Registered Pharmacists women’s student council. She is Two Denver girls received de­ , 9 8 ^ grees from the College of Mt. tival. BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH PE. 3-1777 377 So. Bdwy. Your doctor'! piMcriptlon will an honorary member of Mortar Boartf and Alpha Lambda Delta. S t Joseph on the Ohio, Cin­ Broadway Creamery be correctly diipented ot Pork cinnati, in graduation exercises Patronise These Friendly Firms Miss Bouska is a graduate of May 31. 66 So. Broadway D e l u x e Hill Drug Company . . . 8 reg­ Bishop Conaty’s Memorial High istered phormaclsts to serve School and S t Gregory's Grade Rosemary Mc- SP. 7-2665 Dbrmott, £ ; WALNUT HILL SHOPPING CENTER Cleaners & Dyers you. School, Los Angeles. Her brother, daughter of ‘Ty Jerome A., is a student at St. Mr. and Mrs. \ The firni* Dated hare deserve to We Hare Our Own Plant We proudly acknowledge 100 J 0 h n’s Seminary, Camarillo, Police Protective Association. be romembered when you are die- John T. McDer­ tributlnr your patronafe to ^he 88 So. Penn. RA. 2-2Q83 per cent acceptance by the Calif., under the direction of the mott, 2724 Fed­ ’ different lines of buainece. And 2800 Joeepbine EA. 2-7363 medical proiestion, due to fair Vincentian Fathers. eral Boulevard, Cc-ROSS-inc • pricei, prompt service, and Basketball Star received a bach­ U VARIETY STORES 1 unquestioned accuracy. A member of Viner’s Chevro­ elor of arts de­ 3 convenient locations ' let basketball team the past two gree. Miss Mc- ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH Dermott, a good citizens of Denver. '2214-16 Kearney 2810 Madiion 2932 W. 38th years. Miss Bouska played in the 3-4488 5-4117 GR. 7-3064 For DIsliBetIre Prises tor Bridge N.AAU tournaments in 1953 and graduate of Ca- Rosemary DE. FL. ’ Patronise Theie Friendly Firms Parties oad all other occasions— 1954. She resides with her par­ thedral High' McDermott “For Extra BsTinre. All 1 Sterei Giva Red Stamp*- VISIT OUR O in DIRARTMINT ents, Mr. and Mrs. James G. School, was graduated with a LOYOLA PARISH 9 % “ “ Bouska, at 2640 Claj^on Street, major in business education. Denver. Mr. Bouska is manager, SAVE TIME TRADE AT { Andy's Service Station Elizabetb Tabor Rockr PiDri snil Jof Bijm r THELMA KASSON YOU ALWAYS ! Beauty & of Denver’s Electric Storage and Miss' Elizabeth Tabor, daugh­ BEAUTY SALON 12tli & Clayton FR. 7-9826 Battery Co., a nation-wide con Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc SAVE AT [Barber Shop jeern. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton \ 2876 Colorado Blvd. Tabor, 4840 Clay Street, received J’our Convenient 1 Hait Styling Speciailixing in 'V “ Texaco Products 23rd o,«i DEXTER a bachelor of arts degree. Miss Permnanent anent f PHONK ______Druggist ) Permanent Waving SIMMONS DRUG A pledge ie a debt unpaid—ra- Tabor, an English major, is a j PHONE DExter 8-1188 Wavinga v in g \ J Lubrication T irei 1950 graduate of Cathedral High Prescriptions Liquoi W athing minder from the Seminary Cam- 1 Thelma Kuiton O'Connor, Owner 2868 Colo. Blvd. .FR, 7-2614L EA,.. 2-ita »M E. UU Arsk A ce paign office. SchooL 17th ui4 Race SAst l-IStl Thursday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 BannockSfreet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE FIVE

U. S. Freedom at Stake, Regis Grads Told -s. Night Adoration Sisters of St. Francis Oldest Member Role of Catholic Colleg^ Scheduled June] Will Mark Jubilees To Be Honored Lauded by Noted Authof The future of American liberties is vitally connected At Holy Ghost By Railroaders with the training given at colleges and universities su^ Father William J. Gallagher, In Religion June 3 The Order of 6t. Christopher, as Regis, Dr. Thomas P. Neill, distinguished Catho|tc moderator of the Denver Arjh- composed of Catholic railroad author, told a Regis College commencement audience diocesan Nocturnal Adoration >1 St. Joseph’s Chapel, Mount St. Francis, Colorado men throughout the Archdiocese 31 in Phipps Auditorium, Denver. >1 Society, released the following “Free society will be possible,” statement in connection with the Springs, will be the scene of a festive celebration Thurs­ of Denver, has announced that is based, Catholics can depend on adoration in Holy Ghost Church, day, June 3, at 9 a.m. Jubilarians will commemorate the group’s oldest member, 91- said Dr. Neill, “only as long as the commonsense of the citizens Denver, June 3: . their diamond, golden, and silver anniversaries, re­ year-old John H. Fraher will be there is a pneral holding of the to preserve Catholic rights. The whole world is in chaos. spectively, as members of the Poor Sisters of St. Francis honored at the group’s first an­ Christian idea of man’s intelli­ Three Denverites Graduete4 Nations are seething in turmoil. gence, free will, human respon­ Seraph of the Perpetual Adora nual Communion Sunday, June 'Magna Cum Laude' ^ Men cry out for yeace, and there tion. Archbishop's sibility, and respect for others.” is no peace. Peace is a gift of 13. These intellectual attributes, he Three of the Regis seniors The Rev, Christian Widhalm, Enffagemenis graduated magna cum laisde God which the angels announced O.F.M., Sacred Heart Church, Fraher, who lives in S t Dom- said, are guaranteed future citi­ to men of good will when Jesus zens trained in Catholic colleges (with great honor) are'from Deli­ Eureka, Mo., will be the cele­ ver: John Erger, a Regis High was bom. All during His public brant with the Rev. Kenneth and universities. life His salutation referred to Investiture June 12 School graduate, son of Mr. and Funk, Corpius Christi Church, The distinguished Catholic Mrs. John Erger, 2943 W. 5Ah this peace: “Peace be to you;” Colorado Springs, as deacon; and scholar, professor of history at “My peace I give to you.” Street; John Nazy,- a Cathedral the Rev. F. Duane Theobald, Di­ St. Louis University and presi­ graduate, son of Mr. and Mys. C o n ffiK D filirfifi Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver Above air other tlungs that vine Redeemer Church, Colorado At Littleton Carmel dent of the American Catholic VVIIIUI9 u c j j i c c shown conferring a degree on one of the shine out in the charticter of a John J. Nazy, 719 E. 22nd Street; Springs, as. subdeacon. The ma.s- Pontifical Mass-and investiture Historical Society, compared po­ and John J. Conway, a Holy 65 graduates at the 33rd commencement exercises of Loretto mart are the peace and tran­ ter of ceremonies will be the ceremonies for the Carmelite litical life without Christian con­ quility of his soul. Most men in Family graduate, 4475 Xavier.', Heights College Sunday, May 30. At his left is the Rt. Rev. Mon- Rev. Walter Jaeger, chaplain of Nuns at the Carmel of the'Holy cepts to a basketball gam^ in William J. Kerrigan of Lead- signor William Higgins, pastor of St. Philomena’s Parish, Denver. the modern world of hustle and St. Joseph’s Convent, Mt. St. Spirit, Littleton, on Saturday, which every player made his own speed worry too much about un­ ville, president of the student -f ^ + + + + Francis, Colorado Springs. June 12, at 8 a.m., are among rules, “some using a machine body, won the award for excep­ important trifles. Even those en­ MUSICAL PROGRAM FOR the appointments announced this gun, some a baseball bat, and gaged in good works spend far tional contribution toward the MASS OF THANKSGIVING week by Archbishop Urban J. others demanding the game be advancement of Regis College, a too much time worrying over Proper of the Mass “Viri Gali- Vehr. played with a deflated ball.” choice made by his fellow stn- Father Lord 'Takes Role' exterior things. The wise man laei,” Gregorian; Kyrie and Sanc- The rules of American free­ keeps his tranquility of mind in Others are: dents. * tus, Giselda; Gloria and Agnus Thursday, June 3, Colorado dom, he said, are the Christian John J. Conway of Denver &- spite of all the anxieties of his Dei, Singenberger; Credo IV, tradition, the Christian concept of work. He acts only after prayer Springs, S t Mary’s High School ceived the Carlton J. H. Ha3i«6 In Graduation at Heights Gregorian; Offertory Motet “Ju­ graduation, 7:30 p.m.; man and God. history award; Joe Paul Devttn and consultation with God. He bilate Deo,” Burke. Regis graduates, he said, and of Hale, the A. W. Fifl-- preserves the spirit of recollec­ Sunday, June 6, 3 p.m. Denver Father Daniel Lord, S.J., had written the famous Jesuit Music for Benediction graduates of other Catholic col­ stall award in analytical chenuis- tion and so sanctifies his work “Ave Vivens Hostia,” Sr. M. City Auditorium Arena, joint leges will- flavor American life try; William ■ Garrison of Chi­ famous priest-author now report­ for advice about filling his while occupied with its perform­ gfaduation exercises for the Den­ edly suffering from incurable assignment as commencement Cherubim; “T a n i u m Ergo,” with the wisdom of the Chris­ cago, the biology award; John E. ance. Griesbacher; “Glory to Christ the ver Catholic High Schools; tian tradition, with, a tolerance McBride of Denver, Wall Street lung cancer, had an active part speaker. “Tell the graduates to It is the interior life that ren­ King,” Eberhle; organ, Sr. M. for others, and a cHaritable un­ in the commencement address lead the type of life that would ders all our works meritorious. Monday, June 7, examination Journal economics award; Jo­ Marilyn; choir, convent students. for prospective seminarians at S t derstanding of those who differ seph M. Dyson of Cheyenne, delivered at Loretto Heights •make a newspaperman’s work al­ This is brought about from the Father Widhalm is a brother with them. sanctification of our action by Thomas’ Seminary, Denver, 10 Wyo., Colorado Society of Certi­ College by Jack Foster, editor of most impossible,” Father Lord of Sister M. Helen Frances, on^ a.m.; J. H. Fraher He said, given the preservation fied Public Accountants award; tire Rocky Mountahi News. replied. the spirit of recollection. It is of the jubilarians. A jubilee din­ Thursday, June 10, 11 a.m., of these Christian concepts on and Ralph W. Gosselin of Gree­ . Foster told the seniors and “Good mothers who take care principally by devotion to Our ner for the clergy will be served ink’s Parish at 2930 Quitman which Constitutional government ley, Pattridge award in business. their assembled friends that he Lord In the Blessed Sacrament golden jubilee of Rt. Rev. Wil­ Street, is a retired line-foreman of their children and make at 12 o’clock. liam Kipp, S t Mary’s Church, good home for their husbands do that we are able to gain union The diamond jubilarians are of the Burlington Railroad. He with Jesus and the spirit of rec­ Colorado Springs; • LOWEST PRICES not make good newspaper copy,”- Sister M. Lucilla, St. Joseph’s hired out railroading in 1887 for ollection. Monday, June 14, .dedication the Ohio-Southern and was line- Warehouse Disposal Foster quoted Father Lord as Convent, Mt. St. Francis, Colo­ of Cure d’Ars Church, Denver, -BEDDING PLANTS- telling him. Christ Speaks rado Springs; Sister'M. Adjuta, foreman on the “gang that strung ALL NEW FURNITURE Mass at 10 a.m.; the first wire between Buffalo, Foster told the graduates at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Lincoln, Sunday, June 20, Central City, Finest Selection in Denver Warehouse Disposal In Night Watch Neb.; and Sister M. Alcantara, N.Y., and Chicago.” Lat^r he NO DAMAGED the outdoor ceremonies on the In nocturnal adoration Jesus Church of the Assumption. Con­ Coleus — Border Plants . . . Perennials campus May 30, “What lies St. Francis’ Hospital, Grand Is­ firmation, 4 p.m. repeated this “first” by directing FURNITURE speaks to us. He speaks to our land, Neb. Sister M. Siena, who the first wire-stringing between Rosebushes . . . Geraniums . . . Petunias, Etc. ahead is in your own hands and hearts and gives us His precious Chicago and Kansas City for the Warehouse Disposal hearts." died May 15 at St. Francis’ Hos­ Guaranteed Nursery Stock NO SALVAGE inspirations, and makes known pital, Colorado Springs, would Vigil of Pentecost, old Chicago-Alton line. Evergreens ...... $1.50 up Monsignor Jolin McDevitt, to us His secrets. With the help also have celebrated her 60th Fraher will be guest of honor Warehouse Disposal pastor of St. Laurence O’Toole’s of Jesus there will he no need anniversary. at the Christophers’ Communion Imported Holland Gladioli— Special 2 doz...... $1.50 QUALITY AT DEEP Church, Laramie, Wyo., told the for ceaseless counsel and inces­ The golden jubilarians are June 5, Day of Fast, dinner, which will be held in the Bulbs: Dahlias, Cannas, Lillies CUT PRICES graduates id his baccalaureate sant talk. He will instill into our Sisters M. Emma, M. Stanisla Silver Glade room of the ^ s - sermon May -29 that they should minds the knowledge of the great and Walfrieda, S t Anthony’s Or­ Partial Abstinence mopolitan Hotel immediately fol­ shun “the road to despair of value of silence and recollection. Blue Grass...... Special lb. $1.65 Warehouse Disposal phanage, Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Saturday, June 5, if the lowing Mass in the Holy Ghost doing anything to remedy man’s The Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Sisters M. Symphrosia, Arminia, Church at 5:30 in the afternoon. Merion Blue Mix, 1 lb. Covers 750 sq. ft...... $3.00 , 10 a.m. till 9 p.m. the Blessed Sacrament will in­ Vigil of the Feaft of Pente­ fate; the road of indifference is and M. Bede, St. Joseph’s Con­ Walter Thackrey, president of FERTILIZERS 1517 PLATTE accepting the status quo.” fuse into our minds and hearts vent, M t S t Francis, Colorado cost and also a day of fast and You Don’t Need to Haggle all the knowledge that we need partial abitinence. Meat may the group, says that “this Com­ Soil Booster — Rapid Gro — Loma — Milorganite Illustrating the power of Springs; Sisters M. Eva, and M. munion Sunday is the first al­ S o ilto n e^ Vermiculite — Driconure ■*' EVERYTHING MARKED woman over the forces of evil, if we only co-operate with Him. Paschalina, S t Francis’ Hospital, be taken at the principal meal Why Not Take a Look? only. Those who are bound to lowed in the archdiocese in the Permagreen — Peat Moss he cited the valiant Judith of We hope that all the Catholic Grand Island, Neb.; Sister M. evening.” More than 400 persons the Old Testament, who over­ men of Denver will participate Nicasia, S t Mary’s Hospital, Gal­ fast may have two meatless Free Estimates on Lawns & Landscaping in the nocturnal adoration on the meals in addition to.-their prin­ are expected to attend. Arch­ came the armies of Holofernes; lup, N.Mex.; and M. Jolenta, Our cipal one, but these two meals, bishop Urban J. Vehr will be Open Sundays 9:.30 to 4:30 and St. Joan of Arc, whose eve of the first Friday in the Lady of Gaudalupe School, Pena Holy Ghost Church. together, may not exceed the honored guest at the dinner and SCHWINN vision saved France from for­ Blahca, N.Mex. principal meal. will give the main talk. eign subjection: and finally M att will be celebrated at The silver jubilarians are Sis­ So. Denver Evergreen Nursery midnight. Holy Communion Tickets can be obtained from Mary, .the Mother of God, who ters M. Rosita, St. Joseph’s Hos­ MRS. 0. 8. FOLKNER. PROP. BICYCLES will be distributed every hour. A pledge 1s a debt unpaid—re­ any - of the group’s stewards or overcame even the devils of hell. pital, Omaha, Neb.; M. Raphael- from the Gumm Watch Company No Money Down Confessions will be heard all ita, S t Joseph’s ^Convent, Mt. S t minder from the Seminary Cam­ 1534 S. Broadway DsIWery SP. 7-2350 & SP. 7-7768 Among those honored was a night. . Francis, Coloradb Springs; .M. paign office. in the Union Depot. 11 Tricycles — Repairing cum laude nursing graduate, Parish Schedule Marija Puc of Hoboken, N. J., Elaine, S t Anthony’s Indian Mis­ * * X The hours assigned to mem­ sion School, Zuni, N.Mex.; M. formerly of Ljubljana, Yugo­ bers of the various parishes are Consilia, Mt. Elizabeth Retreat, iiAmericanCyclery:: slavia, who had lived under three as follows: Morrison; M. Helen Frances, St. dictatorships — Nazi, Fascist, 9- 10 o’clock—Holy Ghost, St.Francis’ School, Lumberton,'N.­ CARL HAUSEN. Prop. < • and Communist. Elizabeth’s, All Saints; Mex.; M. Anna Louise, San Di­ JOE ONOFRIO (Stembtr St. Uirr'i Ptrlih. llttletoo) Magna, cum laude honors were 10- 11 o’clock — Cathedral, St.ego Indian ..Mission School, Je- "1901 S. Bdwy. PE. 3-3180;; given Sharon Fitzpatrick, 4250 Joseph’s (C.SS.R.), St. Mary mez, N.Mex.; and M. Bernwarda, Julian Street, and Bernadette Magdalene’s, St. Cajetan’s, St. S t Anthony’s Hospital, Denver. ■ ■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ■Owens of St. Paul, Kans. Gradu­ Bernadette’s, Our Lady of Vic­ A special program commemo­ ated cum laiide were Miss Puc, tory; rating the Marian Year has been Joan Sachs of Rockford, 111., and 11- 12 o’clock—St. Vincent deprepared by the convent college Title Insorance Patricia Scherr of Seibert. Paul’s, St. Dominic’s, Our Lady and high school students. The is the modem method of ob­ Membership in Kappa Gamma of Grace, St. Therese’s, Aurora; jubilee program, given on .the on this Vlfestinghouse Frost-Free* taining protection against any Phi, national scholastic and activ­ 12- 1 o’clock — Annunciation,evening of June 2 in the spacious defect in the Title of your ities society of Catholic women’s St. Francis de Sales’, Mother of auditorium of Nazareth Hall, is REFRIGERATOR real estate. colleges, stent to all five young God; as follows: women named above. 1- 2 o’clock — Blessed Sacra­ MARY IN TABLEAU! . . . . And provides A scholarship for the summer ment, Holy Rosary, St, Joseph’s “Star Spangled Banner,” w a s $ 3 6 9 2 ^ session at Mexico City College in (Polish), Cure d’Ars; “America the Land of Our SECURITY Mexico was awarded Patricia 2- 3 o’clock — St. Philomena’s,Lady,” reading'; “Hail Holy Ward, freshman; and a similar Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Pat­ Queen,” chorus; prologue, “Our NOW ONLY scholarship at Laval University, rick’s, S t Anne’s, Arvada; Holy Lady of Guadalupe;” tableau, Family, Most Precious Blood; “Dios De Salve;” "Immaculate Quebec, to Elia De La Torre, a 3- 4 o’clock — Assumption, Sa­Mary,” chorus; prologue, “Our junior. cred Heart, St. Anthony’s, St. Lady of Lourdes;” tableau, “Lied Two internships in dietetics Louis’, S t Mary’s, Littleton; Mt. Zur Mutter Gottes;” “Ave Maris Property were awarded to Ruth K. Elliott Carmel, Catholic Railroadmen, Stella,” chorus; prologue, “Our 33 at- the Walter Reed Army Hos­ Guardian Angels’. Lady of Czestochowa;” tableau, Owner pital in Washington, D. C., and 4- 5 o’clock—St. Ignatius Loy­“Serdeezna Matko;” “Mother, At to Jean Wagman at the Hines ola’s, St. Catherine’s, St. Jo­ Your Feet Is Kneeling,” chorus; >286 ■I lew os $3.82 • week Veterans’ Hospital in Chicago. seph’s, Golden; prologue, “Our Lady of Fatima;” efter imeU dewn peyment fniurei Marketability First prize for the annual 5- 6 o’clock—St. John's, Pres­tableau, “Our Lady of the Rosary apologetics contest Sponsored by entation, St. James’, St. Rose of of Fatima;” “America the Beau­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr went Lima’s, C^irist the King, Sts. tiful,” chorus; jubilee day, June 100% Automatic Defrosting JhsL JiJ tls , to Maurine Brockish, a sopho­ Peter and Paul’s, St. Patrick’s, 3, Little Boy Lost, motion pic­ NO DiraoSUNO to do in the Freezer more. Second and third prizes Ft. Logan. ture. NO DIFROSTINO to do in the Refrigerator were awarded Joyce Staab and NO MISSY DiritOST WAHR to empty evert ^xuVum Jb^ ^o. Eileen Grace, sophomores. Archbishop Vehr presented the KOA-TV to Show Film e Oient rreexer . . . holds 42 lbs. frozen Sutc Wid« Title Service degrees to the graduates, who foods in safe zero-cold were presented by Father Ed­ 1711 California ward A. Leyden, archdiocesan Highlights of Canonization e Ixdusive Patented Meet Keeper*.. KE. 4-1251 superintendent of schools. keeps 18 lbs. meat bujcher-fiwh (See picture! on page 4) Film highlights of the canonization of St. Pius X on May e lutfer Keeper . . . keeps butter just 29 will be shown in Denver on KOA-TV, channel four, Sunday, right for easy spreading June 6, from 12:30 to 1 p.m. New film of the impressive proces­ e Rel-Out theH . . . brings foods out JOE ONOFRIO sion and canonization ceremony, made available directly from front, in sight, in reach , Home of Quality Pianos the V atic^, will be shown. e llg Vegetable Humldrewer* . . . keeps Excerpts from the famous Italian movie, The Secret Con­ nearly J^-bu. vegetables garden-fresh clave, will be used on the program. On-the-spot coverage of Cable-Stark the ceremony by NBC in Rome will be seen and comments of e Shetves-ln-The-Doer . . , conveniently noted foreign correspondents will be heard. hold eggs, bottles, small cartons Lester Betsy Ross CBS in New York scheduled film reviews of the canoniza­ *Tri4a Mark: U. S. Patent Imo«4205 Thursday, Juna 3, 1954 Event Planned June 11 Ar* yon koopiag yenr Somi- Aid Society Plans Porley at Hitch's nary Campaign plaiiga paiii np7 The last meeting of the season Sara Healy, and Henry L. Weber, Tabernacle Society Tea for the Good Shepherd Aid So­ and Miss Mary L. Hurley. ciety will be held at Elitch’s The sisters, officers, and mem­ Gardens on Tuesday, June 8, be­ bers of the Aid thank all who ginning at 1 o’clock. Members helped make the annual card Will Honor Archbishop BAKERIES arc asked to furnish their own party May 11 at the convent a Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will be the honored guest sandwiches. success. of the Taibernacle Society’s annual tea in the home of ''The Finest Only** Ho*te»*ei Named Mrs. Clyde McCall received the $7 So. Broadway Coffee and sweets will be served I seven-piece bedroom set, and Mrs. B.K. Sweeney, 435 Westwood Drive, Friday, June 11, 753 So. Univortity by the following hostesses: Mmes. Sister Mary Lucella rMeived a from 3 to 5. All the clergy of the archdiocese, as well 1580 Colorado Blvd. Fred Archer, M. J. Clifford, I cake given by Vollmer s Bakeries. as all Catholic women of Denver, are invited to attend 3rd Ava. St Joiaphina ...... O fferin g s of old gold and silver are urgently needed to further the work of the society. These may be brought to the Looking for Something Good I Then visit WEDDING tea, where the old gold and silver donations, collected during our New Store in Belcaro Shopping Center Shown, from left, are Phil Albus, the champion the year, will be on display. Happy Bazaar Men salesman; Mickey O’Donoghue, grand knight; Vestments and handwork, made TIME coin Capri, at the K. of C. charity bazaar is Dr. Georw Mason, 9195 West 10th, Lakewood, by the society, will also be on winner: Dan Yacovetta, general chairman of display. shown above with K. of C. bazaar leaders. It is the Silver Dollar Days bazaar; and Charles Mrs.- John F. Murtaugh, Complete Wedding Breakfasts thought to be the most successful bazaar in the Reilly (navigator, Fourth Degree, and president chairman of the tea, announces history of the Denver Council. of the board of directors). the following committees: Old Holland Bakery and Receptions + + + gold, ellairman, Mrs. William ^ISO tea McFarland; Miss Alice Greed, ‘'Only the Finett in Bakery ProducU'* ' Honor Sorority Receives Mrs. Fred Lawrence, Mrs. Delia Complete Picnic Foods and Lamy, Mrs. Joseph Keogh, Miss Annual K. of C. Anne O’Neil, a n d Miss Helen Service Anywhere Loretto Heights Graduates Connor; You Will Like Our Other Product* . . . 75c and up Per Person Registration, chairman, Miss CAKES, ROLLS, PASTRIES, BREADS The 1954 graduation class of Loretto Heights College gave Carnival lermed Clara Courtney; Mrs. Phil five new members to Kappa Gamma Pi honor sorority. The new Clarke, Miss Margaret Hamilton, Kappas are Sharon Fitzpatrick, Bernadette Owens, Pat Scherr, and Miss Anne Birmingham; Maria Puc, and Joan Sachs. Silver offering, chairman, Mias Mrs. William Kelty, Denver chapter president, awarded Notable Success Anne Birmingham; Mrs. (korge membership certificates to the honor graduates at the senior R. , Mias Eva Walsh, Mrs. Holland Bakery Dan Yacovetta, general chair­ banquet held at the college last week. Fred Guahurst, Miss Barbara YOUR SOUTH DENVER BAKERS Restaurant The annual buffet supper for Denver chapter members will man of the Knights of Columbus Bach, Miss Sue E. Hally, and be held Wednesday evening, June 9, at Chalet Marie, Tiny Silver Dollar Days, reports the Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh; 0 ^ Town. Arrangements for transportation are being made by the receipts for the three nights of Serving, chairman, Mrs, T. A. 4 Stores To Serve You telephone committee. Miss Frances Finnegan is chairman for May 28, May 29, and May 30 Cosgriff; Mrs. Fred Gushurst, 1893 So. Pearl 3936 E. (Exposition 1578 S. Broadway the party. New officers will be honored guests.______were the most succesful for many Mrs. Albert Seep, Mrs, Lite Gal­ SH. 4-2474 years, and might top all previous legos, Mrs. L. P. McMahon, Mrs. 344.V So, Broadway 1062 So. Gaylord years. J. M. Cline, Mrs. Etienne Per- The annual carnival is staged enyi, Mrs. A. E. Murchie, and to bring in funds used for var­ Mrs. W. H. Eader; Most Rosary Making Units ious charities by the Knights of DELICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN . . . SHRIMP Columbus. Notifying pastors, Mias Alice Tjie grand award, the Lincoln Greed and Miss Anne O’Neil; OR FISH AND CHIPS DINNERS Will Meet During Summer Capri, went to Dr. George E. cinctures, Mrs. Albert H. Seep, Mason, of^ 9195 W. 10th, Lake- Sr., and Mrs. George Burt; dues. Miss Ida Callahan and Mrs. Em­ p l A Y F A i R i F Complete Dinners Ready to Serve series were turned in. This group wood; the’ hope chest to John (Ovr Lady’* Rotary Making T. Mauler, of 3795 S. Delaware, met Dwyer! vestments, Mrs. * — One Order Plenty for 3 Club, Denver) has 12 active members. A. E. Murchie; linens, Mrs. A. J. Most of the _ rosary _ making Englewood; the Rotisserie to Dr. I NO CHEMICALS . . . NO PRESERVATIVES Delivered at Your Door, or 2Sc Led if Picked Up The Immaculate Conception J. H. von Detten of 2215 Albion; Bonino; and publicity, Mrs. groups will continue their meet­ group in St. Therese’s Parish, J, M. Cline. ings through the summer months. the Deep Fry to John R. Distel, WELL-MADE. . . NEVER GREASY Aurora, organized in December, of 6907 W. 1st Ave.; the $100 A few of the groups will not meet 1953, has made 554 rosaries since in the summer but will continue that time. At the May meeting cash award on Friday to Judy making rosaries. Miller, 507 S. Emerson; on Sat­ 124 rosaries were turned in. Two urday night to Carl Nielsen, 4094 Aid Society Has I Delicious & Palatable Z/P„.4UiC Two of the newer groups are new members have joined the doing outstanding work. Our S. Broadway; on Sunday night a Now Serving Dinners, 4 to 8 SPruce 7-4469 toup: Mrs. Glenn Jones, aqd Monufactured by H. Schachet & Co., Dunvtr 1010 S. Gaylord Lsidy of Sorrows group in St. fimmy Konepop. The next meet­ like amount went to Mrs. David Communion Day Mary Magdalene’s Parish has W. Carr, 3651 Vine street. ing will be held Friday evening, Mr. Yacovetta and Michael J. made 1,834 rosaries since Jan. 1. June 5, in the home of Mrs. E. A. The fifth annual corporate At the May meeting in the home Rock, 1700 Clinton Street, Aur­ J. O'Donoghue, grand knight, Communion of the Dominican of Mrs. Arthur Sheets, 480 ro- ora. thank all the members of the Sisters and Friends of the Sick Good Things to Eat committee, a n d all the workers A newly organized group. Our Poor Aid Society was recently • Fried Chicken (Home Stvle) $2.50 ea. and various archdiocesan org;ani- held in S t Ignatius Loyola’s • Bar-B-Que Rib. • PICNIC BOX LUNCHES Lady of the Snows in S t Rose of zations who took an active part in ytcMsn n numr Msrao Lima’s Parish, will meet in the Church, Denver. The Rev. Wil­ Hot Ca«*erolr* $1.75, *erve» 4 • Roait Turkey, whole or .Heed making the Silver Dollar Days fred Mallon, S.J., was celebrant MARY AMN£ home of Mrs. John Olivetti, 400 such an outstanding success for VOLLMERS FINE PASTRIES • Wide Variety of Salada S. Decatur Street, Wednesday 1954. of the High Mass. The Very Rev. Wolferman'* and S. S. Pierce Fahey Food* bATlJXS afternoon, June 9. This group has Edward P. Murphy, S.J., speaker Advance Order* A ppreciated nine members and is affiliated at the breakfast, commended the The Beer That All Butter with the Altar and Rosary So­ sisters for the wonderful work D I ...... aw f OOD SHOP & D fLICATESSEN CAKES ciety of that parish. Mrs. Alice Fr. Chas. Kruger being done among the sick poor Made Milwaukee Famous r.r Reichwein is sponsor of the group. of the city. D C IC O rO FL.5-6180-:-FL. 5-5560 WwHia*. When the Resurrection group ■nS ToAddressQueen's At the Aid meeting held in the East 3rd at Josephine In Cherry Creek Shopping Diit. Parti M in All Saints’ Parish, also affil­ convent May 25. the- following MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. iated with the Altar and Rosary RAY and TESS CASSIDY, owncra and oparaton v 601 S. Broadwix—PE. 1-0910 < were unanimously e 1 e c t e d to Open every day including Sunday______R o b e rt M. — Paul V. — M. T. M urray; Society, met May 19 in the home serve as officers lor the coming 1014 S. C.xiord IS Broadway] of Mrs. Dudley Campbell, 48 ro­ Daughters June 6 term: Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, hon­ A PEarl 1-7115 SPruc. 7-7411]'<. saries were turned in. The next orary president; Mrs. J. V, Bef- 65 W. Girard Ensl'w'd 8U. 1-1068] ] meeting will be June 9 with Mrs. The Queen’s Daughters will ger, president; Mrs. C. E. Sward, Frank Duac, 2905 W. Cornell meet on Sunday afternoon, June vice president; Mrs. A. D. McGill, ^ GRAND OPENING Avenue, ks hostess. Mr. and Mrs. 6, at the home of Mra Elizabeth second vice president; Mrs. SPECIAl roi Harry MeSlay, members of the Salmon, '3716 Pierce Street, William M. Mahoney, third vice LIMI7E0 7INE group, have moved to Oceana, Va. SHUnO BROS. Wheatridge. The assistant host­ president; Mrs, R. J. Catlett, OSIT esses will be Hazel Costello, recording secretary; Mrs. E. P. OPEN AIR CAPES Stewart, financial secretary; Mrs. ARD ITOLEI Paramount Social Club Margaret Hamilton, Ellen King, Halt tran Ymt Marie Kreiner, Lumina Miller, R. L. Kurtz,... correyoonding sec- SUPER MARKET ^Almhurst Arbor 014 Fir Cat and Minnie Pavella. The Rev. retary; and Mrs. Rose Gabble, .80 W ill Meet on June 7 Charles Kruger, S.J., will be the treasurer. COMPLETE GROCERY & MEAT DEPTS. SATURDAY, JUNE 5 ’34 speaker. Mrs. A. D. McGill, president laalidlal _ The Catholic Paramount So On May 2 the society held a for the past two ternos, expressed Specialiaing in Claaalai cial Club will hold a business Marian Year pilgrimage to the her thanks to those who assisted MR MOST meeting Monday, June 7, at 8 Cathedral of the Immaculate her while in office. FURS The meeting was closed with Fir Starioa villi p.m. in the USO, 1666 Grant Conception. The Rt. Rev. Mon­ Canplita Street, Denver. signor William M. Higgins gave a tea and social. Far Sarvlaa There will be cards, dancing, the sermon for the occasion. and refresHments after a short On May 15 a picnic was held Daniel’s Fur Shop business meeting. Plans for a pic­ i n Tabor Bid*. AL. S-S114 at Elitch’s Gardens, with Miss nic in June will ho completed at Ida Kirwan as chairman. On this meeting. May 22. under the chairmanship The benefit card party held of Miss Minnie Pavella. the Featuring the Finest May 26 was a success. Home­ group held a luncheon card party FRUITS AND VEGETABLES made cake was served by the in the home of Misses Grace and HlUHIHei’ S refreshment committee, of which Katherine Henehan. ^ FOODS AND FOUNTAIN SERVICE Dinaar’a Lcadinc Catarara and Mrs. Florence Miller is chair­ SPECIAL! I Dallcataaaaa man. A large angel food cake Profasuar Foliar’s I Featuring baked by Mrs. Margaret Mc­ Daughter of Foreman Amazing Diicovary ^ Ice Cold Free Key Rings to Adults ‘‘ a Chicken Pot Piea Donough was given away as a Family tiae, $1.78 special prize. ... the easy-to-use liquid de­ Texas Watermelons 4 Vac lb. Balloons for the Kiddies a Friad Chiekan, $2.80 Anyone interested in the At 'Register' to Wed tergent for sanitary cleanli­ a Roast Turkey by the iltce Catholic Paramount Social Club ness. Headquarters for Baked Ham by tba *liea ' may call Mrs. Nora Stadig at At St. Vincent Church In Beautiful Belcaro a Stuffed Green Peppers, PE. 3-7984. All your Picnic Supplies 2Sc ea. Genevieve Magrinn, the daugh­ Wide Selection Lunch Meats Shopping Center a Home Baked Pie* — etill ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wil­ warm liam Maginn of 1426 S. Race Open Daily & Sundays 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. 715 So. Colorado Boulevard 0 HuniApisn Goulaih Street, will be married before a (Shrimp Craol*. Engliib Bm F 8Uw Nuptial Mass Saturday, June 12, etc.) in St. Vincent de Paul’s Church, I Lenus Aim, Proprietor 311 E. 7th Ave. KE. 4-1986 Denver, to Robert Eugene Rat 1942 W . 48th Avenue Op«n Evvninn, Incloding Sundart, cliff. Miss Maginn's father is the 1 Till 7 P.M.: Closed Mondays foreman of the press room at the Denver Catholic Regieter. A reception will be held in the home of the bride’s parents the afternoon of the wedding. Miss FOR THAT AT Maginn attended Loretto Heights remakkable modem de­ College, Denver. HAPPY A tergent that lifts the soil gently out of all fabrics (even OCCASION Seton Guild nylons and woolens!). And SAFEWAY abSEY rents A large attendance is re­ gives a deep, clean sparkle to quested* at the meeting of the glass and china. Professor LET US ADD Chain • Tiklii • lira Seton Guild to be held June 4 at Foster does your work for THE RIGHT Dithaa * fliatiwara 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Rob­ you—brilliantly I ert Schell, 1533 Oneida Street, TOUCH Take it eas// make it easy Sllvarwara * tllvir Denver. This will be the last Jetm Stxton t C*.,S«(l«ii Sqvar«,Chkas*,ll1. Sarvlaa meeting of the guild until Sep­ WE ARE Z A 2 V \ > A y JY tember. 5 Q FESTIVAL SPECIALISTS $06 your June issue Hillcrest Market STENCIL DESIGNS FOR YOU TO PUNCH REAL SPECIALS I SLICED BRICK ICE CREAM I MAGAZINE r NOW ON SAtE 54 Thi blit pun ICE CREAM MAKE-YOU FRESH FRUIT HAiMS Whole or Shank Half...... 5 4 ^ NUT ROLLS CAKE ROLLS PUNCH ivir. POT ROAST'Lean Tender ...... 34q^ EMiimieai t$ We Make Our Own Punch WONT BELIEVE HOW Hii— Liii than 60e a fal- SLICED BACON 6 5 ^ lb. FRANKS, Skinless 39^^ lb. Its Delicious. Order Today ton — Ideal for rieiptions TOP QUALITY YEARLING BEEF aid ahlldrait' luirtlii. Whole or Half — Cut and Wrapped...... 35<) lb. ^Tride of the West^* GOOD THESE TIME-SAVING Open DaUv, Sunday* & Holiday* 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M> ICE CREAM Headquarter* for For All Occasions DESSERTS TASTE TIL YOU All Your Picnic Need* In a Wide Variety of Flavors Ice Cold Truly a Crowning Achievement J* ri»ria«'* B**t For the Busy Hostess TRY THEM ! Wkol* sr Btir 350 Broadway YOUR FAMILY CIRCLE TELLS YOU HOW WHEATRIDGE FARM DAIRY PE. 4651 W. 44th AVE. and WADSWORTH 8000 W. 44ih Ave. HA. 4-5151, HA. 4-9915 .WW-.-l

Thursday, Juna 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4>4205 PAGE SEVEN Officer Election Held Father Herbsf St. Rose of Lima Rites P h y 1 i s 8 Woertman, daughtar of Mr. By Perpetual Help Guild Wilt Address and Mrs. Carl H. Woertman, (Archdiocesan Council of Catho­ born in St. Joseph’s Hospital 741 S. Umatilla lic Nurses, Denver Chapter) May 21, the dai^hter of Mr. Street, Denver, The annual meeting of the and Mrs. Robert E. Bowman of Luncheon Club and John Prior, Mother of Perpetual Help Guild Arvada. Mrs. Bowman Is a grad­ o f Detroit, was held May 26 in the Mother uate of Ohio Valley General Hos­ The Denver Friday Luncheon of God rectory. Mrs. Sally Mor­ pital, Wheeling, W. Va. Club will hear an address June 4 Mich., were by the Rev. Charles T. Herbst, married re­ rissey was appointed prefect of Mr. and Mrs. Verne L. Rus­ cently in S t the ^ ild , witfl Doris Danahey sell announce the birth of a boy, C.M., a member of the executive and Virginia Glenn as assistant Timothy Lowell, in March. Mrs. board of the Catholic Theater Rose of Lima’s Conference a n d professor of Church, D e n- prefects. Russell is a graduate of Mercy ver, before the Thank Workers Hospital. speech and sermons at St Thomas’ Seminary. Denver. Rev. Barry J. Charlotte Stack, president, Father Herbst, who is in charge Wogan. and Cele Geiger, chairman of of dramatic productions at St. , The best man the ways and means committee, Activities Listed was Frank Al- thahk all members who helped m 0 do Va, J r . to make the nurses’ booth at the Mary Catherine Silver Dollar Days bazaar a suc­ At Mile-Hi USO Frain was ma­ cess. tron of honor. Members who assisted with The Mile-Hi USO, at 1663 Dick and Don sales at the booth and at the Grant Street, announces the fol­ Woertman, hospitals were Jeanette Stark, lowing schedule of activities for brothers of the Helen Pritchard, Eileen Cic, Jo the month of June: bride, were ush­ Ann Gabel, Helen Mahoney, Ml ^ I .1 A CUra'ft I buhop't Guild at a dinner party (iTen in their June 3, party,.8:30 p.m.; June ers. Mary Hertel, Noeline Esponda, 4, coed night; June 5, dance, The bride was I n 6 lel^nin vrOOC DenTer> honor May 19.— (Photo hy Van** Studio) Mary Petrie, Mary Jackovitch, 8:30 p.m.; June 6, picnic, 10 a.ra., dressed in blue are ihown with their “ b if iUlert’* of the Arch* | Florine Gallagher, Esther Mary I I _|_ _j_ and dance, 8:30 p.m.; June 8, taffeta with a lace bodice. She is a graduate of St. Francis de Stevens, Theresa Kieley, Doro­ learn to dance; June 9, club Sales’ High School. ' thy Hannauer, Mary Baker, Doris night, party decorations; June The Bridegroom is an airman second class now on duty with Danahey, Lillian Todd, Lillian 10, special party; June 11, “Guys the U.S. Air Force at Lowry Air Base. Hahn, Pauline McGinley, Vir­ and Dolls” night; June 12, caba­ The wedding breakfast and reception were held in the home 'Big Sisters' Fete St. Clara's Graduates ginia Robinson, Viola Watson, ret club; June 13, Communion of the bride’s parents. Lauretta Dwyer, and Hannah breakfast, 10 a.m., and dance at The newlyweds spent two weeks at Detroit and New York (Archbishop*. Guild, Dcnyer) Sylvia Keller and Catherine and Ruth Jeffries, 1440 Quince, Johnson. 8:30 p.m.; June 15, learn to City and are now residing at 1440 Marion Street, Denver.— (Photo Mall thank the following mem­ joined St. James’ Circle. The broil-quick rotisserie was dance, 8:30 p.m.; June 16, club by Joslin Studios) The (firls who will be gradu­ bers who helped them in the St. Frances Cabrini Circle will won by Dr, H. J. Von Detten, ated June 7 from the eighth night; booth during Silver Dollar Days: meet June 8 in the home of Mafy and the Sunbeam Deep Fryer June 17, whoopee party; June grade at St. Clara’s Orphanage, Virginia Vaughan, Helen Jane Celia. went to Bernie Datel of 1607 W, Denver, were guests of their “big 18, coed night; June 19, dance, Schmidt, Eileen Koester, Mary Mary Beier of St. Thomas First Avenue. 8:30 p.m.; June 20, formal dance sisters” in the Archbishop’s Guild Ruth Hodges, and Anne Utecht. More’s Circle is visiting her SAMPLE at a dinner May 19. Leave for Capital at K. of C.; June 22, learn to John P. Mauler, 3795 S. Dela­ mother, who has been seriously Miss Charlotte Stack and Sis- dance; June 23, club night; June The graduates are Mary Blan, ware, received the hope chest. ill in Topeka, Kans. ter Mary Jerome of Mercy Hos­ 24, special party; June 25, coed SALE Veronica Chayez, Mary Anne The members of Mother of St. Ann’s Circle postponed its pital left May 31 for Washing­ night; June 26, club cabaret; Rev. Charles T. Herbst, C.M. Garner, Rosemary Lane, Pauline God Circle will meet in the home meeting from June 2 to June 6 ton, D.G., where they will at­ June 27, dance, 8:30 p.m.; June Bridal Gowns, one Lucero, Betty Maes, Dorothy of Florence Brown, 2300 E. Flor­ in the home of Ruth Birch. tend the convention of the Na­ 29, learn to dance; June 30, club Thomas’, is a native of S t Louis, Martin, Mary Jean Moran, Eileen ida, June 8. tional Council of Catholic Nurses Mo., and was graduated from the of a kind, short Moran, Inez Palacios, Irene Pate, Kay Sullivan, who is visiting night. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on June 3, 4, and 5. Special events to be re­ (Vincentians' S t Mary’s Semi­ or with train. Joyce Salazar, Jean Ulibarri, and Circle finished a set of purple here from California, will enter­ nary, Perryville, Mo. tain the members of Morning Mr. and Mrs. John Hutihan membered are the Communion ... from 29.95 Katherine Zuniga. vestments. Charlotte White of will leave June 4 for a two- breakfast Sunday, June 13, at Elected to the Theater Confer­ this circle is planning to leave Star Circle June 7 in the home The “big sisters” present were of her mother. Frank and Clella week vacation at the Forbes, N. 10 a.m.,, and the June formal ence’s board at the group’s na­ Louise Dowling, Alice Gather- June 11 for a 10-week trip Dak. dance to be held Sunday, June tional convention at Loretto through Europe. Barry of this circle have moved cole, Josephine Hytrek, Joseph­ into their new home at 485 Utica. Roberta Kay Bowman was 20, at the K. of C. Heights College in June, 1953, Elegant.... ine Ipsen, Agnes Morley, Mary Alice Coyle will entertain St. he has just completed editing the Bernadette’s circle June 9 in her Key of Heaven Circle has com­ is the bride Neiters, Mary Nadorff, Margaret pleted a set of white vestments. Westwood Group Has 430 Members organization’s national publica­ O’Connor, Ceil Scheunemann, home at 4838 Stuart. tion, Catholie Theater. He is who wears this Marian Kelly will be the next Marie Ansberry of Queen of Virginia Vaughan, Pat Ware, Heaven Circle will leave June 11 moderator for the Ambassador of magnificent and Loretta Sullivan, chairman hostess for Mystical Rose Circle. Christ, S t Thomas’ publication. St. Patrick’s Circle will meet for a visit with her parents in St Anthony Credit Union creation of of the group. Wisconsin and then go on to New Father Herbst had directed the Chantilly lace The next general meeting of June 3 in the home of Pat Ken­ nedy. Orleans. Mary Jo McEnery’s Speaking Club of Denver Council arid tulle. the guild will be held Juna 17 Helen Campbell, 1001 Kear- mother is still confined to the 639, Knights of Columbus, in the In Holy Gho.t Hall. ney; Marian Neppl, 1023 Poplar; hospital. Has Assets of $45,000 past year. His talk to the Lunch­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holden of eon Club will be entitled “Four St. Joseph’s Circle have an­ Westwood.— (St. Anthony of Padua’s Parish) — Coffins for Forty Cents.” nounced the birth of a daughter The credit union assets totaled $45,000 at the end of The Luncheon Club meets each May 29. Friday in the K. of C. Home, Our Lady of the Snow Circle May. The credit union now has 430 members. Parish­ 16th Avenue and Grant Street, will meet June 10 in the home ioners who are not as yet taking advantage of joining at noon. All Catholic men arc of Virginia Bradley, 407 Poplar. the credit union are urged to do so as soon as possible. invited. Stella Maris Circle will have A savings account can becan a dinner June 8 at the Capri started in the credit union with W. Dakota Avenue. Restaurant. as little as 25 cents per week, The Altar and Rosary Society Isabelle McNamara, Florence but members be urged to save as will receive Communion in a Choquette, and Winifred Cooper much and as regularly as they group Sunday, June 6, in the 8 returned over the week end from can. o’clock Mass. their Marian Year pilgrimages Dividends are drawn on sav­ The Holy Name Society will Orphanage Aid to Rome. ings, and there is one dollar’s meet Tuesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. Our Lady of the Rockies Circle worth of free life insurance for in the parish hall. All members Society Meets will meet June 8 in the home of every dollar in a credit union are asked to attend the meeting, Dianne McCarty to elect officers. savings account. After a mem­ as well as any other parishioner Elva Loeptin will entertain ber proves he is a successful who would like to join the so­ At the meeting of th^ Queen Our Lady of the Rosary Circle saver, regardless of how small ciety. of Heaven Orphans’ Aid Society June 8. the amount,«he is then eligible The men of the parish are May 25, Mrs. Alma Giroux and Blessed Martin Circle will meet for a loan through the credit continuing work on the grotto Linda Mood were enrolled as June 7 in the home of Marie that is being built in the members. Mrs. V. Tout, presi­ union. dent, presided. Sue Hally, who Dinan. Mr. and Mrsi Cletus Koes­ Loans can- be ma^e for almost churchyard. The work is pro­ ter recently attended the 50th cessing, and a special effort is together with Mmes. Tout and A - any purpose through the credit H. Chiolero attended the annual wedding anniversary of his par­ union at the cost of one Being made to finish the grotto ents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Koes­ as soon as possible. Men may conference of the A'CCW, gave per cent per month on the un­ a report of the proceedings. 515 SixtHiitli Stm t (Ntxf t« PoroiMant) ter in Jefferson City, Mo. Their paid balance. The credit union work each night on the grotto son. Father Charles Koester, said has made more than $30,000 in from 6 until 8 o’clock. Mrs. H. Chiolero, reporting the Anniversary Mass. loans so far this year, has tak­ Harold R^aud, 1120 S. Utica for section 54 of the Needlework IN THE DOMINICAN RITE the celebrant en in nearly $16,000 in savings Street, is ;4cuperating at his Guild, said that 468 garments wears the amice over his head until the accounts, and has received and home from a recent operation at had been contributed to the 1954 DR. JAMES P. drive. She called attention to beginning of Mass and prepares the chalice Elections disbursed more than $60,000 this St. Anthony’s Hospital. Mr. Re- Slated year so far. These figures are al­ naud is chairman of the credit the beautiful display of gar­ GRAY as soon as he reaches the altar. The Psalm, committee of the parish credit ments received for the home, most double those at this same Optometiiit “Judica me Deus,” is not said and the By Saint Thomas' time last year. union. and solicited the continued inter­ Confiteor, shorter than the Roman, con­ The board of directors have Mrs. Ray Body and Mrs. A1 est of the members. VISVAL CARE Bratrsocsky will care for the al­ tains the name of St. Dominic. There is a their eyes to the future in set­ Several members tentatively EYES EXAMINED University Club ting up their own office with reg­ tar during the month of June. joined the group of women who VISVAL TRAINING simultaneous oblation of the Host and ular office hours with a full-time Helen Perez Is Queen plan to make a retreat at El chalice at the Offertory and at Com­ St. Thomas’ University _ Club office clerk. Information may be The May crowning took place Pomar in the late summer. Any­ Optometrist will hold its annual election of obtained by calling at the credit in S t Anthony’s Church Monday, one interested in joining the munion the priest receive the Host from officers for the coming year on 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. S t his left hand. ‘union office, 3356 W. Dakota, May 31. Helen Perez was May women who wish to attend is in­ Wednesday, June 9, at the or WE. 5-7225. queen, and had as her attendant vited to call GL. 5-6740. Phone for Appointment Knights of Columbus, 1575 The credit union automobile Lupe Costello. The flower girls Sue Holly was awarded the TA. 5-8883 Which funeral service assures Catholic Grant Street, Denver, at 8:15 patrons of a perfect understanding of insurance carrier has increased were Isabel Perez, Connie Aten- attendance prize. p.m. the dividend to the policy hold­ cio, Delores Trujillo, and Cecilia The June meeting will be held the ceremonies which surround Catholic The outgoing officers are: ers from 10 per cent to 20 per Espinosa. Luanne Chufchill was one week later than scheduled, obsequies? HORAN’S, OF COURSE. President, Aldo Notarianni; vice cent on all comprehensive, fire, crown-bearer, and Ivan Cordova as the nuns will be on retreat president, Thomas Ford; treas­ theft, and collision insurance assisted the queen with her cape. The date will be June 22. WONDERFUL SAFETY urer, Marilyn Beckord; record­ which will be effective on all The 126 first communicants took ing secretary, Alice Nash; and credit union car insurance pol­ part in the ceremonies, at which corresponding secretary, Peggy icies expiring pn or after July time they were enrolled in the Sf. Vincent's Aid Unit WONDERFUL PRICE Notarianni. 1; 1954. The liability insurance Scapular of Our Lady of Mt HORAN & SON CHAPELS Those nominated for offices dividends remain the same— 10 Carmel and the Miraculous include Thomas Ford and Gerald per cent. All those who do not Medal. Benediction took place Sets Final Games Party Piaccini, president; Frank Zan- already have car insurance following the May crowning. 10,000 Quick Stopping Edges con^la, vice president; Virginia For Thursday, June 10 l.>27 Cleveland Place through the credit union may Winner of the $20 jackpot for KEystone 4-6297 Scioli and Mary Frances Mohan, call at the credit unnion office the month of May—sponsored by corresponding secretary; Mar­ any evening during the week the St. Anthony Credit Union S t Vincent’s Aid Society, An­ garet Cassidy and Florence Abel, from 6 to 9 o’clock was Book *73, Kale and Mary nunciation branch, will have its GENERAL recording secretary; John Farrell The beard of director* of Cline, 2676 S. Irving Street Mr. final games party on Thursday, and Margaret Mary Foy, treas­ the parish credit union will and Mrs. Cline made a deposit to Jiine 10, at 1 p.m. in the home, urer. have a meeting Friday eve­ their savings account during the 42nd and Lowell Boulevard. The SlUNT-SAFETY TIRE Further nominations will be ning, June 4, at 8 o’clock in month. The jackpot for the chairman is Mrs. Harry White. made from the floor at the the credit union office, 3356 month of June is again $20. She will be assisted by the fol­ meeting. lowing hostesses: Mmes. Celia Bank Friday While the ballots are being Harrington, Louis Sullivan, RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. counted, students from the Dean 4 Scholarships Awarded David Dourias, Nellie Quinn, Sallee Accordion School will en­ Clarence C. Harrington, and Wil­ Terms to Suit 1401 W. Colfax KE. 4-5205 tertain. liam Flanagan. Games parties Night 6 to 8 p. m. Members of the club are re­ From St. John's School will be resumed, in the fall. All (lepartmenls and gerviren minded of the picnic on June 13 for the children’s catechism (St. John’s Parish, Denver) Mary and Margaret Quayhagen are available for your convenience classes. It would be appreciated At the commencement exer­ of Denver. They came from the if those who can provide trans­ cises held for the eighth grade Loretto mother-house in Nerinx, S.'iOl SOUTH BROADWAY portation for these children graduates Tuesday evening, June Ky., to attend the funeral of SU, 9-0511 would contact Marilyn Beckord 1, in St. John’s Church, scholar­ their brother, John Quayhagen, ships were awarded to the fol­ who was killed in a traffic acci­ at the meeting. ______lowing: Theresa Malouf, St. dent a few days ago. Mary’s Academy; Michael Eige- Baptized May 30 by the R t BECKER’S man, Mullen High;^arol Taylor Rev, Monsignor John P. Moran MTmilUBUw and Florence Donahue, S t Fran­ were Thomas Charles, son of Mr. SHOE SHOP cis de Sales’ High. and Mrs. Walter Widner, with Member All SsinU Psrish J. Kernan Wackbaugh Don Carney On Friday, June 4, the first Eugene Silva and Thelma Pat- New BooU & Shoes Chairman President Friday, Masses will be offered at tatson as sponsors; and Joan Shoe Repairing 6, 7, and 8 o’clock. There will be Teresa, daughter of Mr. and Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 5442 Se. InstvM — exposition of the Blessed Sacra­ Mrs. James Crittenden, with ment all day on Friday closing James Fox and Mrs. James Cas­ with the evening'aervices at 7:30. sidy as sponsors. Confessions will be heard on 'Thursday from 4 to 6 and from JACK CLOW’S 7 :30 to 9 o’clock. ST. THERESE PARISH— AURORA Members of the Tekakwitha S 2 5 .0 0 Circle are in charge of caring for Patronize These Friendly Firms the altars in June. Your dollars Earn 314% BUDGET WEDDING Visitors in S t John’s Convent are Sister Mary Pauline and Sis­ with Insured Safety at.. Your Choice of Flotters ter Mary Damian, the former QUALITY CLEANING Reasonable Prices * Bride’s Bouquet SILVER STATE SAVINGS] duAD^jCL * Bridesmaid’s Bouquet Attention - Brides to Be REMBRANDT Associated Cleaners * Mothers’ Corsages Nothing will “dress up” the Studio Your savings build fast at Silver Stole- Wsdding Ospt. J odiL ^ d u L f i L W&Jt B*der*r» Prop. * 1 Chancel Bouquet Church more for your wedding current rate 3V4% per annum on the full omount. Fr»« Plckoti A DtlWfrT than one of Wagner’s White Ass merged wjth Open your savings account today at Silver Slot#. Open * Boutonnieres Aisle Cloth Runners, laid down 11203 E. Colfax EM. 6-9490 'STUDIOS • Acceeats opened by Jaee 10th eota dhridends from 6 Days— 8 A,M. to 6 P.M. Special Funeral Spray, $2 the aisle for the Bridal Party I to walk on, from the door to': Iks Jnna 1st. Available Lockers Family Casket Piece, $10 the altar. ’Brown Rsisc* Helsl • ioch accenat keldar lasared ap to $10,000 by Padaral Savings $ Lena Insaronca Corporetiea. 200 lbs. h 300 lbs. Ws tlse Fnmlsh Sldtwtlk Csnspiss • Some Prices Povndtd 1923 • Located la tha kaort of dowatowa Daavar. N O M E D R U G Wt tIM US n i t . • NisS nurSIm it |«* I 0 Some Personnel 10247 E, Colfax Ave. Your Piiendlr Rexsll Dnix Store The Blossom Shop wtir. aUSlBi *s stssssnsk tseoSt. 0 Even Finer Ocellty 11690 Montview at Noma ,221 E. 7th Are. .. CH. 4-5458 Ivailable only through your oven [ BIselt snd Whits . , *nd )-D EM. 6-3521 local florist at reasonable . cost., in dirsel color “W» Do Proctwlni * CarlBf“ EM. 6-5460 - EM. 6-9311 |) Open Sunday* CARL A. WAGNER MPG. CO., INC. | PHONE . . . AComa 2-4144 S il v e r State Savings U34 Wtitog AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TA. 5-5274 ■T"

PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, June 3, 1954 Prep All-Stars Clash in 13th Annual Battle June 5 -f + + +■ + See That Fence Over There Boys . . . Burns, Strohauer Pilot Catholic Team Public All-Stars Boast 8-4 Edge in Diamond Series

By Charles Cobb Five Pitchers George Bruno, Holy Family; the remainder of the Public All- inaugurated in 1942 by Chet Dick Dines, Regis; Fred Vigil, The 13th Annual Paro­ The Catholic All-Stars have a Star 18-man squad; Catchers Nelson, Rocky Mountain News five-ihan pitching staff headed by St. Joseph’s, and Joe Chiarmli, Tom Jenkins, North and John sports editor. chial and Public High School ML Carmel. Aldrich, South; First Basemen All-Star baseball game will Regis Raider Tommy Duggan. Aids Injured Athletes Other hurlers are Ron Marcely Bob Carver copped the Paro­ Pete LaChapelle, East, and Ron be -played Saturday, June 5, and Sonny Casey of the Bull­ chial League hitting champion­ Ratliff, West; Second Basemen The All-League game assets at 8 p.m. in the Denver dogs, Eloy Mares of the Annunci­ ship with a powerful .522, with Clyde Labriola, North, and Levi in the financing of the American Bears’ Stadium. ation Cards, and Ray Rendon of another Blue Jay, Ron Telk, com­ Madrid, South; Third Basemen Legion’s Junior Baseball Pro­ the Cathedral Blue Jays. The ing in second with .450. Priselac Roger Kinney, East, and Don gram and the Denver Post's Aid The Public Stars have won only thing that seems to be of the Cardinals carded a .409 Gentry, South; Shortstops Gene Fund which provides assistance eight out of the past 12 games, wrong with this pitching lineup for third spot. Hartley, North, a n d George to injured high- school athletes- but the Parochial Stars won last is a missing name. Where is Joe Lloyd, East. Outfielders are Mike throughout Colorado. Com­ year’s battle on the brilliant Catalina of the Blue Jays? “Big Pitcher Sonny Casey hurled Roberts, East; Bob Sale, Man­ mander James P. Eakins and seven-hit hurling of Jack Isen- Joe” had the best record of any a 3-U mark, followed by Duggan ual; Bob Blum, West; and Dave Adjutant J. Frank Binder of the hart of Holy Family, who is now league hurler this season, chalk­ with 5-1, Marcely 3-1, and Mares Snyder and Rich Sm'tii, North. Legion are promoting 'the ad­ starring as a rookie with the ing up five wins and no losses. 3-3. The Public Stars have three vance sale of tickets. Adult ad­ Denver Bears. That was the fine pitchers in Stan Williams of Leading Hitter Other players for the Paro­ mission is 50 cents, and box G|itholic League’s first victory East, Gayl Bernhardt of North, Pete LaChapelle was the Pub­ seats, the only reserved seats, chial All-Stars are Warren Miller, and Southpaw Steve Doering of since 1950. Isenhart out-pitched lic school’s batting champ withr a $1.10. Children under 12 years Reynolds Ramirez of West High. Cathedral; John Priselac, Annun­ South. of age, accompanied by an adult, big .423 average, with Blum’s Denver High School Catholic ciation, and Jim Owep, S t Jo­ The following players make up will be admitted free. Tick­ League coaches for the big game .406 placing second. Sale and ets may be secured at the Ley­ wilLbe Bob Burns of St. Joseph’s seph’s, catchers. Infielders are Hartley followed with .381'and den - Chiles - Wickersham Ameri­ on June 5 in Denver Bears’ Stadium. Shown m Bob Carver, Cathedral; Fred ALL-STAR RESULTS .355, respectively. TAnrh Rnk Rlirnc Joseph’s shows an and Wendy S t r o h a u e r of St. Ye«r Catholic Public can Legion PosL 1370 Broad­ woacil DOD Durns ^^ray of Catholic All- the photo, left to right, are Coach Burns. Bob Francis’. Mike WilleJ of North, Boom, St. Francis’: Ronnie Telk, Lefty Steve Doering was top way, or from the Knights of Co­ Carver, Warren Miller, Dick Dines. Joe Chia- 1942 3 4 Stars how far he wants the ball to-travel when Dick Yates of South, and Phil Cathedral; Terry Tierney, Regis, 1943 1 0 hurler with a 2-0 record, fol­ lumbus, 16th and Grant Street. relli, John Priselac, George Bruno, Terry Tier­ Serafini of East will coach the and Gene Schnabel, Cathedral. 1944 0 14 lowed by Bernhardt 5-1, and the Catholic All-Stars face the Public All-Stars ney, and Jim Owen. 1945 3 13 It is an expense-free game. Publics. Patrolling the outfield will be 194« 5 9 Williams 5-3. The stadium, uniforms, and 1947 5 6 The All-Star Baseball Game is equipment are donated — even + + + + + + + + 1948 15 1 1949 2 4 jointly sponsored by the Leyden- the tickets are printed _ without 1950 6 4 Chiles-Wickersham American Le­ cost. This is the biggest clash of St. Patrick's 1951 1 9 gion Post No. 1, and Jack Car- the high school baseball season, 1952 2 7 1953 6 3 berry, sports editor of the Den­ and a large turnout is expected Team Winner of ver Post. The prep classic was for the annual battle. Parochial Crown The St. Patrick Grade School Shamrocks won an easy victory over St. Jo­ seph’s to take the undis­ puted title of city champions for the Junior Parochial Baseball League. Throughout the season the Shamrocks, under the capable guidance of Marcello Montoya, team captain, and hurler Donald Fox went undefeated to take the North Division championship. Members of the team include Donald Fox, Ralph Carlino, Pat Frank, Marcello Montoya, John St. Germain, John Tortorici, Richard Senkins, Bobby Bustos, Eloy Mares, and Ray Rendon. The 13th annual Dennis Valley, Anthony An­ on the mound for the Cath­ Ready to Start olic All-Stars are the five prep league baseball contest is sponsored by the drews, John Anderson, and John pitchers shown above. From left to right they Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham American Legion Ferretti. Post in co-operation with the Denver Post. They were coached by An are Sonny Casey, Ron Marcely, Tom Duggan, drew Polniak, assisted by Ray Bruno and John Sorentino. The team was presented a trophy by of Catholic High School All-Stars. Pictured from the Rev. Regis F. McGuire at a Raider Golfers End successful Season Wendy Strohauer, left to right are Strohauer, Gene Schnabel, Fred banquet held in their honor in The ^Regis High School golf close, and three out of the five one of the few close matches they shown giving some batting pointers to a quartet Boom, Freddie Vigil, and Ron Telk. the DX Cafe. team, captained by Bobby Sullivan matches were not decided until had during the season. and paced by Jinuny Maschinot, the 18th hole. This prompted the The Rev. John T. O’Brien, BASEBALL is F ^ the S.Jt Regis golf coach, has an­ Beginners' Swim has completed a successful 1954 golf coach of South High to con­ nounced plans fdr a golf team Whole Family can season. Only two losses were suf­ AFFORD and ENJOY Program Planned gratulate Hfcgis for givjng his boys this fall, with three schools tenta­ fered, one from South and one tively scheduled as opponents. It is BE READY SEASON RECORD | hoped that in time a league of from Colorado Springs, No. 1 and RefU IV 2—South 3Vt | to see the The 12th annual learn-to RefU 3 ^-Cheyenna Mt, (Colorado * Catholic schools in Denver might swim program sponsored by the 2 teams in the state, respec­ Sprinfs) 0 Refit 5 —North 0 he formed, but this year the only Denver Bears ^ Denver Red Cross and the city tively. The Raider Tee-men ended Refit 3 —Eatl 3 » recreation department will begin R efit IS —Cheytnhe Mt. (Colorado I other Catholic school that en­ Play—Fast, Exciting Western June 14. All classes will be con­ the season with a 3-2-1 record. Sprinft) 9 , - gaged in golf was the Abbey League Baseball When They R efit 9 Vi—Colorado SpHhfa 20 Vi ducted on a two-week basis with The game with South was very School in Qnon City. Return Home a new registration at the begin­ ning of each two-week period. + + + + + + BUY ] Everyone seven years or older can take from two to eight weeks Your Tickets Now of free instruction. Regis High School Golf Team At Classes scheduled are for be. Joe Alpert’s, May Company, ginnersj- intermediates, swim­ Max Cooks, Englewood Men’s Distinctive Craftmanship mers, life saving, and advanced Store, Manning Haberdashery, ON ALL TYPES OF RELIGIOUS VESSELS swimmers. Swimming facilities Industrial Federal — Aurora where classes will be conducted and Lakewood and Bear Sta­ Mail Inquiries Invited are: IMncoln Park, Curtis Park, dium office — Open Daily 9 Globeville, Columbus Park, Mor­ A.M. to 5 P.M. IFe Sell Imported Scandanavian Silverware ey Junior High School, Central Prices Are Very Reasonable and Sportland YMCAs, YWCA, Denver University, Progress Plunge and Crestmoor pools, and Washington and Berkeley Park Gusterman's Only Gibson gives you beaches. an Inch-Thick Filter ^at Registration will be handled at Swedish Silversmith—25 Years Experience cleans the air of dust and ■the individual pools or beaches 5908 E. Colfax EA. 2-1135 Denver by the m ana^r or h e a d life pollen. Enjoy allergy- guard. All swimming lessons will free relief, as well as cool be given free, but some pools cortifort with Gibson. charge a membership fee for use of the swimming facilities. OXONNOR VWVWVVWVWJVUVS/VWSi Congratulate the Graduates FISHERMEN PLUMBING CO. .50 3030 W. 44TH AVE. Fell Soles Your Phone It’s Their Is Our Doorbell ROY SYSTEM, INC. J.UST CALL GE. 3-3861 GL. S-4323 RUBBER VULCANIZING Broadwir Irrinston SP. 7-4165 Big Day.. I Remember Them! MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT GRADUATION CARDS

Garland, Bob Sullivan, and Jim Maschinot; back mail them to graduates, O C ® THE REGIS HIGH SCHOOL golf enclose them with gifts W to m w W jahij, J 5m l (bhivsL-Snn, team which completed a successful 1954 row, Tim Crow, Mike Williams, Bob Metz, Gene season is pictured above. In the front row are Tharp, Jerry Phelan, and Jim Ryan. Absent when ■*■*■* -k it it 5501 E. Colfax—Open till 1:30 a.m. Leo Connell, Dennis Foley, Jack Kintzele, Mike the picture was taken was Jim Fattor. VISIT OUR FATHER’S DAY CARDS abo on display, 5c to SOe Very Special Cards 51 NEW DRIVE-IN and East Side Jr. Parochial Chaenps ★ ★ i t it -k 17th & LOGAN AMERICA'S FINEST CARDS, oil in plain sight Easy to shop W jO lH fL (DhW SL’d n tL Dowiutaira Store 3501 E. Colfax—Open till 2 a.m. Have Your IS4I Calif oral! St. xrm Denvar Phoni KE. 4-0241 BREAKFAST - tUNCHEONS - DINNERS CLOTHES AND AFTER DINNER SNACKS CLEANED Don't Worry-We Can Fix It Al Bennett BURNS TEARS MOTH HOLES Men's Clothing Dept. GIGANTIC Town Club Cleaners and Society Brand ScoUdale Moth hole*, cigarette burn*, and damage in garments, Laundry woolen* and linen*, re*tored to their original perfeettos Brayton by EXPERT WEAVERS. MA. 3-61 Oi * Zipper Repair* # Shortening Knitted Skirt* ^ Weaving and Ho*iery Mending SHOWN ABOVE IS the Loyola Base­ Cawley, Bob Singer, Larry Beirich, John Patsey, “Now owned and operated by Theresa Kolb** THE mnv CO. ball team, East Side 1954 Junior Paro­ Tom Gaffney; and second row, Tom Lopez, Ronnie 10% Discount Montoya, John Shanahan, James Rountree, Bobby 2ND FLOOR chial League champions, coached by Joe Ciancio. d h h k French Art Weavers In the first row, lejft to right, are Eugene Sauer, Kreutzer, John Sutliff, Joe Klinke, and Tommy On Cash and Carry Don Glinski, Rodney Card, Stacey Laux, BUI JaramiUo. 308 Tabor Theatre Bldg. TA., 5-0894 Denver, Colo., Thursday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE NINE Amusements-Dining Given Democratic Meeting Recreation Delegates Director's Six Children in Post to Joseph Dolan Joseph Dolan, Catholic a t­ torney and a member of S t All Saints' Rites Philoraena’s Parish, was elected (All Saints’ Parish, Denver) one of two regional directors at Good Feod— Reotenoble Prices Recent were those of a meeting of Colorado's Young Margaret Mary, daughter of Mr. Democrats- irr Glenwood Springs Something you'll talk about when you get back home! and Mrs. William F. Smith, with May 31. OUK DB LUXE DINNERS ARk INTERNATIUNALLY FAMOUS Joseph and Norma Smith as Mr. Dolan is a graduate of S t ■ sponsors; Kathleen Corrine, John’s University, New York. He daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ served as counsel for the House THE HOLLAND HOUSE committee investigating lobbying GOIOIN coiouaoo ward Sandoyal, with Charles activities, and with the Denver Sandoval and Gabriela Gonzales area Office of Price Stabiliza­ as sponsors; John Charles, son tion. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowl, with Robert and Agnes Harris as Now in private practice in the PALACE HOTEL sponsors; Majestic Building, Denver, Mr. Dolan is active in the Knights of Just Wz blocks from Holy Ghost Church Harry Edward, son of Mr. and Columbus, American Legion, and Immaculately Clean Rooms, Very Reasonably Priced Mrs. Robert Lally, with Michael other Denver and Colorado Civic Permanent and Transient Quigley and Louise Pfar as spon­ sors; Judith Lee, daughter of Mr. activities. He was chairman for 1820 STOUT ST. KE. 4-3009 and Mrs. Joseph Schnell, with the Denver parochial school di­ Pinrior Prioct Bernard Hubbard, S.J. (left, above), vision of the American Legion wlOCier r n e S f the world over as the “glacier priest,” Robeft and Maty Krentzer as professional talent review to be sponsors; Libby Elaine, daughter. Plan Talent Review aged in... Annunciation Parish “I Am an American” contest in Qn TW PfOarOtn expbration and 1953. VII I w I I u y I lu ll gtudy of rivers of ice on the Colorado Na­ of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Romerof Wednesday, June 9, is being planned by members of the Men's with Michael Viarrien and Mary Club, the sponsoring group. Those on the committee are, left to tional Bank's Science in Action TV prograA Thursday, June 10. Lucero as sponsors. Appearing on the television program as guest scientist. Father right, Ambrose Dinges, ticket chairman; Jacke Monckton, general Hubbard will be seen on KOA-TV from 6:30 to 7 p.m., when the The Lady of Snows Circle will director; Frank Priselac, Jr.; and Frank Priselac, Sr., Men’s Club i O \ ) 8EEI< program is aired locally. meet Wednesday, June 9, in the president. A student of glaciers all over the world for more than 30 years. home of Mrs. Theresa Fink, 2750 + + + + + Hooker. .fo T ilE PELICAN? Father Hubbard ranks high among leading geologists of this coun­ For the — Featuring — try and Europe. He has appear^ in Denver in lectures several HNS to Meet Evtninq — Try times. doecinq of Fish and Chips - Barbecue Ribs - Steaks and Chicken The Holy Name Society will Talent Review Scheduled THE Together with Dr. ^ r l S. Herald (right, above), program host PELICAN Carry out orders ready in 10 mi^lutes. for Science in Action,^Father Hubbard will intersperse his dem­ meet Tuesday, June 8, in-the par­ NEST onstrations of how glaciers have changed the earth's surface with ish hall. All men of the parish Music Ey 4958 E. Colfax OPEN Phone are urged to attend. After the RIO TRIO at Elm 11:30 to 8 P.M. EA. 2-1780 film clips of expeditions in Alaska, where much of his study has been By Men at Annunciation accomplished. business meeting refreshments will be served. The program goes off the ajr for the summer following this pro­ (Annunciation Paridi, Denver) tion Grade School building by gram but will return early in September. Cabrini Circle Meeting The . Men’s Club will sponsor Sister Mary Elaine and three FREE DELIVERY TO 5 CHURCH AREAS a professional talent review other sisters. Assisting them will The Mother Cabrini Circle will Wednesday, June 9, at 8 p.m in be a few young women of the CHRIST THE KING - BLESSED SACRAMENT meet Monday, June 7, In the parish. home of Mrs. Low Chouinard, Hagus Hall, E. 37th and Lafay­ CURE D'ARS - ST. JAMES - ST. THERESE'S ette. Tickets are available from A novena to the Sacred Heart Summer Mass Schedule 2010 S. King. The women of any Men’s Club member or at the will begin Thursday evening, this circle would like to have par For DIaner or Laueh— 'DINNERS & SNACKS FROM $-.55 to $1.45 door. Donations for tickets are June 17, and will conclude Fri­ W# lenfo th* (lent Chops, Sleob, (Clip and Sav, This Schedule for Handy BOULDER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, 2328 rishioners save their old broom­ FREE DELIVERY BOUNDARIES Referenca) 14th Street—6:16. 8, 9, 10:30. 75 cents for adults and 50 cents day evening, June 25. Seafoods, Chl**s# Foods, o*d offor BOULDER: St. 'Thomas Aquinas’ sticks, from which they will make o Special Shoppers Lunchee*. DENVER for children. Fete for Seniors EAST TO PEORIA ST., NORTH TO SMITH RD. Chapel, 898 14th Street—7, 9, 11:80. hobby horses. Mrs. Leona Reich- Jack Monckton, general chair­ CATHEDRAL. £. Colfax Avenue end BOULDER (South); Sacred Heart of art at WE. 4-0307 will be glad The seniors of Annunciation SOUTH TO ALAMEDA, WEST TO COLO. BLVD. Logan Street—Sondaya, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, Mary Church—8. 9. man and director of the show, 11 :30, 12:30. (Holy dayi. 6, 7. 8, 9. BRECKENRIDGE; 4th Sunday, 9. to pick them up. will act as master of ceremonies. High School will. be honored 10, 11:30, 12:18. and 6:30 p.m.) BRIGGSDALE: St. Joseph’e—2nd Sun­ Sunday morning, June 6, at the ALL SAINTS' (Maseea at Loretto day, 10: 4th Sunday, 8; 5th Sunday, Mra. Millie Haver is recovering Jimmie Gallagher of the Irish 1640 WILTON CH*rry 4-1000 from her recent operation. Village and onetime showman 9:30 Mass, in which they will Height! College)—6, 8, 10. 11:30. 10. receive Communion in a body. CHICKEN CHICKEN ANNUNCIATION, E. 36th Avenue and BRIGHTON: SL Augustine’s. 112 S. The choir is beginning prac­ and manager of a Denver theat­ Humboldt Street—6:16, 7:30, 8:30, Sixth Avenue—6, 8, 9, 10, 11:80. Various honors will be given by tice for the dedication, and rical agency, will do a panto­ SHRIMP SHRIMP 9:30, 10:46, 12. . BRUSH: St.'Mery’s—7. 10. Monsignor Charles H. Hagus to BLESSED SACRAMENT, Eudora Street BUFFALO CREEK: St. Elizabeth’s— 10. i mime song. Earl Reum will per­ new m e m b e r are needed. those senior students who have Call a ^ |H |S ‘ RTTTTa, and Montvieer Boulevard—7, 8, 9:30, BURLINGTON: St, Catherine’s — 7. They will meet Friday night, form as a magician, and Del_ Gal­ FISH ' _““*\1 FISH 10:46. 12. 8:80. merited them. CHRIST THE KING. E. Eighth Avenue CALHAN: St. Michael’s— 1st, 8rd. 6th June 4, at 7:30 o'clock in the lagher will amuse the audience June 6 is also Communion day •tCOlfAm^SACUSE- and Elm Street—6. 7:30, 9. 10, 11. Sundays, 8:80; 2nd, 4th, 11:30. parish hall. with juggling acts. z o i V E i :a b 12:15, and 6U6 p.m.; holy dayi, eve­ CAMP ST. MALO; Beginning Hay SO. Phil Loffreda will sing a solo for the Guardian Angels’ Sodal­ ning Mass at 6 :16. 10: beginning July 4, 7:30 and 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Hegge are ity for the younger children of MAin 3-7171 EAT ON OUR BEAUTIFUL PATIO, IN YOUR CAR, CURE D’ARS, E. 82nd Avenue at Dahlia CAMP SANTA MARIA: (Nine miles the parents of a boy. comedy song. Nancy Negri and the parish. CHEAPER RATES Street—6. 8. 9:30. 11. above Bailey)—7:80 end 9:80. Joyce Barns will perform a can­ OR IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME, GUARDIAN ANGELS’, 1843 W. 62nd CASCADE: Holy Rotary Chapel—8 JO. The Mary Immaculate Circle can dance. Joyce Barnes will also The eighth graders of An­ 2-WAY RADKj CLEAN NEW CARS Avenue— 7, 9, 10:80. ■ ■ 10. nunciation School will be gradu­ will meet Wednesday, June 9, in do a vocal number. TELEPHONE --- FR. 7-8883 HOLY FAMILY. W. 44th Afenue and CASTLE ROCK: St. Francis’—June 6 the home of Mrs. Pat Brennan. ated Sunday morning, June 6, Utica Street—6:46, 7:30, 9, 10.15. June 20. Aug. 1, Aug. 16, 11; July Katherine and Mary Lell, sis­ SPECIAL 11:16, and 12:16. 4. July 18. Aug. 22. 9. The Altar and Rosary Society ters who are students at An­ in the 8:30 Mass. HOLY GHOST, 19th and California CENTRAL CITY: Assumption—10:30. Paul Denman, chairman of the ANNOUNCEMENT! •K£. 4-7918. Street!—6. 7, 8:16, 9:16, 10:16. CHEYENNE WELLS: Sacred Heart— will receive Communion Sunday, nunciation High, will sing as a 11:15, 12:15. 7 p.m. 7. 8. 9:80. June 6, in the 8. o’clock Mass. duet some German folk s(>ng;s. grand prize committee of the DR. FRED L BEHNEY HOLY ROSARY, 4672 Pearl Street—6. CRAIG: St. Michael’s—8:80, 8. 9:80. The women of the parish are in­ Both girls were born in Minsk, August bazaar, has disclosed that 8. 10. CRIPPLE CREEK: S t Peter’s—9. grand attraction booklets will be OPTOMETRIST MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD, S. Colorado CROOK: St. Peter's— Sunday, 8, 10: vited to participate. White Russia, and came to this Boulevard at liifl—7. 8. 9, 11. holy days, 6, 8. released in the near future. A formerly of JhSL ^DJfL A hoard of directors meeting country three years ago as dis­ meeting of the captains will also MOTHER OF GOD, Speer Boulevard at DEERTRAIL: St. Jossph’a—1st Sun­ of the credit union will be held placed persons. Sheri Hety will Innes-Behney Optical Co. *0, 8, 9:30, 11, 12. Sunday, II JO. Just 30 minutes from Denver WHEATRIDGE: SU. Peter and Paul’s LONGMONT: St. John the Baptiit's— Gary Gifford, Thomas Goggin, New CENTRE Theatre —6:30, 8. 9, 10, 11. 6:30. 8, 9. 10. , Jerry Hasenkamp, Joseph lacino, NOW on the New Turnpike Road LOUISVILLE; St Louis’—Sundayi, 7. Wheatridge Men Roy Jackson, Lanny Lo Sasso, 16th and Cleveland PI. 9; holy days. 6 ;S0, 8. COLORADO SPRINGS Joseph Lewis, Lawrence Marquez, Free Parking — Courthouse Square Phone Hillcrest 2-8654 CORPUS CHRISTI, 2318 N. Cascad LOVELAND: S t John the Evangelist’e PLAYING! 7, 8. 9, 10, n . 12:10. 225 W. Filth Street 7:30, 9. 10:80. Slate Communion James Monsue, Robert Paiko, After 5:30 P.M. DIVINE REDEEMER. 1620 Cach* U MATHESON; St. Agnes’—1st. 3rd. Bth Denis Rose, Gregory Seymour, Poudre—7. 8. 9. 10, 12. Sundays, 11:80; 2nd, 4th, 8:30. John Tegeler, Joseph Vecchio, OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 109 E. MANITOU SPRINGS: Our Lady of Per­ Wheatridge.— (Sts. Peter and Costilla—8, II, and 7 p.m. petual Help Chapel—8 ;30, 10. William Vitale, Leonard Walms- PAULINE CHAPEL. Broadmoor—7. MEAD; Guaidian Angel’s— 8:80; Paul’s Parish)—Receiving Com­ ley, Richard Wasinger; 8:30, 10. 11. MEEKER: Holy Family—1st and Srd munion in the 8 o’clock Maas Sun­ Charles Wells, Larry Wein- C inem aS c o p E SUNDAY DINNERS $ 1 0 0 SACRED HEART. 2026 W. Colorado Sundays, 9; 2nd and Bth Sundays. day, June 6, will be members of garth, Cornell Wamser, Betty An­ 20* Century-Fox “ American and Chinese” " Up Avenue— 6:30, 8. 10, 11:30. 11:30. the Men’s. Club. All men of the presents ST. MARY’S, 22 W. Kiowa Street— 6. MINTURN: S t Patrick’s—9. dersen, Margaret Brown, Donna STAMIIK 7, 8. 9, 11. 12:10. MONUMENT: S t Peter’a—June 27, parish are invited to join them Capra, Carmella Di Petro, Bar­ July 26. 11; Aug. 29, 9. in this corporate Communion. aiFTON Luncheons . 7 5 ^ OTHER CHURCHES ' MORRISON: M t EIlaa)>eth’s retreat— bara Di Pilla, Rosalind Engler. Coins WEBB 6:30. AKRON: St. Joseph’s—Sundays, The Marian Circle will meet Roberta Fattor, Mary Dolores OOROTtfY Packaged Dinners to Take Home 10-30. June, 8; July and August, 8, 9. Thursday, June 3, in the home of Figliolino, Elaine Filkoski, Car­ in Uie McGUIRE ASPEN: St. Mary’s—7 and 9. NEW CASTLE: S t Mary’s—2nd and Mrs. George Cramton, 6390 W. olyn Ann Foster, Donna Marie BASALT: St. Vineent's—10.-SO. 4tb Saturdays. 9. Gerdom, Marilyn Ann Greco, JEAN PARKER: Ave Maria—June 18, Aug. 44th Avenue, at 1 o'clock. Des­ F o u n ta in PETERS New Chino Cafe 8, 11: July n , 9. sert-luncheon'will be served. Donna Lee Chigliano, Judith PEETZ; Sacred Heart Church-7J0. Sacristy workers Saturday, Johnson, Geraldine McCabe, Don­ LOUIS Private Room for Parties [ddy Rogers Playing 9:30. JOURDAN PLATTEVILLE: S t NIehoUf’—9. June 5, will be Mmes. Margaret na Mershon, Angela Pollice, Ann Colfax at Clarkson MA(»IE RAMAH: 10. Malone, Pearl Miller, and Rose Schwarz, Margaret Ann Siebert, AL- 5 .0766 No Liquor CH. 4-9702 2nd Week atUakeside RANGELY: S t Ignatius’—4th Sunday, Murphy. Marlene Spero, Norine Thornton, McNAMARA 9, Marsha Villano, and Lois Was­ It is a second week salute for RED C U FF: M t Carmel— l i t Srd, Bth Sundays. 10:30; 2nd, 4th, 7:30. inger. ' the Eddy Rogers all-star orches­ RIFLE: St. Mary’s— 1st and 3rd Sun- Following the Mass the gradu­ tra at the beaivtiful El Patio Ball daya, 11:36; 2nd and Bth Sundays, 9. St. Joseph's to Have ates will be guests of the PTA at room at Lakeside Amusement ROGGEN : S u rtd Hear* Church—7, 11. breakfast in the cafeteria, with SHERIDAN LAKE; S t Cletua’—2nd Extra Mass on Sunday Park, featuring vocalist Taudie and 4th Sundays, 8 -JO; 1st, Srd, Bth Father Lemieux as guest of hon­ Simon. Sundays, 10:30. or. Breakfast arrangements and The new all-star orchestra ap­ STEAMBOAT SPRINGS: Holy Name— (St. Jo*eph’* RedemptorUt preparations are being made by jm m 7:30. 9. Pari*h, Denver) pears nightly, except Monday, at STERLING: S t Anthony’s—6, 7, 8, the seventh grade room mothers, T g O iS the beautiful El Patio by the 9. 10. In honor of hi* fir*t enni- Mrs. George Si^anson and Mrs. STONEHAH; St. John's— let. 2nd, 6th ver*ary a* pa*tor of St. Jo- Jerry Hasenkamp, assisted by the lake. Sundays, 8; 8rd, 4tb Sundays, 10; t S N D i p O S holy dgys, 8: *eph'* (Redemptori*!) Pari*h, seventh grade students and their In addition. Lakeside, the big the Very Rev. Charim Buckley coMRxr park, features an indoor swim­ STRASBURG; St. Gcrtrude’B-.v2ad Sun­ mothers. rt'itK s day. 11:80; 4th Sunday, 7:30. i* adding an extra Ma** on The following PTA members TEGHNIGOLOR,^^ ming pool, open from 1 p.m. to STRATTON: S t Charles— 7. 10:80. Sunday* effective June 13. attended the CPTL tea: Mmes. 10 p.m. daily; ,20 big rides, in- VICTOR: S t Victor’s—7:80. 10:80. Mm WELDONA; S t Francis’—8:16. The extra will be at 9 a.m. Dwight Shea, George Canny, Phil­ cluaing a roller coaster and and the 8:30 Mai* ha* been NOW! speedboat rides. WRAY: St. Andrew’s—Sundays, "7:80. lip Dispense, Vincent Dwyer, and 9:30; holy days, 7:30. 9. moved back to 8 a.m. The I. Susman. 18th & The park’s gates open at 6 p.m. YUMA: S t John’s—7:80, 9; holy dayi, hour* of Ma**e* effective on 6:80, 9. Ma**e* on fir*t Friday, DENHAM THEATRE California daily, and at 12 noon on Satur­ (Pastors are aakad to report corrac- the date above will be 5:30 June 4, will be at 6, 6:45, and day and Sunday. tiona «r changss,) 7, 8, 8, 10. and 11:30. I 7:30. PAGE TEN O ffice, 9 3 8 Bannock S treet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4-^205 Thursday, June 3, 1954 Country Fair Royalty Vacation Classes Scheduled in Arvada DENVER NEWS Arvada.—(Shrine of St. Anne) Jones, Mrs. Jennie Spano, Mrs. under 12. Mrs. George Seubert is Chosen at St. Dominic's —Catechism vacation classes will Roxy Mapley, Mrs. Philip Ste- the dinner chairman. open Monday morning, June 7, fanich, and Mrs. Joe Murray. Special items to be featured at and will be held daily for a two- Featured the final day of the the various booths include a ; (St. Dominic’* Parith, DenTer) Medals were given to the fol­ Barbara Biamonte, daughter of week period. Children are expec­ bazaar will be the roast beef din-< filled cedar chest, Toni doll with The school children’s contest lowing fifth graders: Edward Ml*, and Mrk Biamonte, crowned ted to be present 'each morning ner, which will -be served in the complete wardrobe, 100 pounds ♦ for the Country Fair has been Connelly, John Feeley, George the statue of Our Lady a4: May for the 7:45 Mass. Catechism in- parish hall from 2 to 7 p.m. Tick­ of sugar, fishing equipment, completed and the winners were Kennedy, Roger Kruse, Daniel queen on the evening of May 23 structioa will follow the Mass un­ ets for the dinner will be $1 for panda, Bobo the clown, and ‘announced by the Rev. J. S. An- Madrid, John Marino, Peter ii> Our Lady of Mt. Carmel til noon. The sisters from Holy adults and 50 cents for children sterling .silver rosaries. . gers, O.P., general chairman. Naughton, Victor Quaraiino, Church, Denver. Attendants were, Family School will conduct the David Rasmussen will be king Paul Rosmiller, Robert Salvato, from left to right, Odette War- classes. and Barbara Bennett will be Daniel Sewald, Rueben Warford, ford, Doris Coon, Michel Ann All children who are students ; queen, on Friday night of the Anthony Archuletta, Joseph Da­ Marsico, Patricia Haley, Rose in the public schools are urged to fair, June 18. Both are from the vies, John Dooley, and Joseph Marie Lauseta, and Dolores Car- attend. Parents are asked to ' seventh grade. A special prize Rollo. betta. Irene Biamonte was make the necessary arrangements You Can't Hide will -be awarded to this grade The coaching staff for St. crown-bearer. — (Photo by Ca- for their children to attend vaca­ The king and queen will be Dominic’s School consists of the rarra Studio) tion school. Families in suburban crowned on that night in a spe­ following men: Edward AbrO' areas are urged to form car pools cial ceremony on the school meit, as the head coach; the as so that there will be transporta­ From Unpaid Bills _ grounds where the fair will be sistant coaches are Edward Con­ tion for all children in their vi­ 1 held. Their court will be made nelly, and Dan Costigan. The cinity. CLEAN THEM UP W ITH A PERSONAL •up of John Wally, John Haws, coaches for the girls are Mmes. HNS Club Installs Jerry Bohn, and Larry Rasmus- Mary Abromeit, William Naugh­ LOAN FROM THE FRIENDLY NORTH! sen. The ladies-in-waiting will ton, Edward Kascak, and Helen The Holy Name Men’s Club be Mary Rita Patrick, Joan Ber- Davies. will meet Thursday, June 10, in • ger, and Joan Hill. Prizes will be the parish halfat 8 p.m. Installa­ Borrow at The North— pay all your bills— repoy ‘ awarded to the king and queen Scholarship Awards tion of the new officers will take , and members of the court. At the graduation exercises place at this meeting. Officers your loon in eosy-to-hondle monthly payments, . The third annual ^St. Dominic June 2, the following scholastic for the coming year are Ed Rode- Reosonoble interest rotes, pleasant bonk credit athletic banquet was held May awards were made: Regis schol­ wald, president; Louis Ramunno, 131 at Jim Caveleri’s new Cot- arship to Lawrence McGraw; Ca­ vice president; W. J. Mulloney, relations. Come in! ’ tonwood, a new banquet hall. thedral scholarship to John Du­ secretary; Leon Jones, corre­ • The dinner was attended by par- cey; Holy Family scholarthip to sponding secretary; Joe Murray, »ents of the boys and girls, the Margaret Mahoney; St. Joseph’s treasurer; and Edwin P. Walsh, * coaches, guest speakers, and scholarship to Janice Kascak; ways and means chairman. HAVE MORNING COFFEE WITH US! , parishioners. Plates were set for and Mt. Carmel scholarship to There will be a meeting of Served without charge from 10 a.m. 'til Noon, every 1 about 175. Anna Mary Lyons. Diplomas the bazaar chairmen and all * .\t the speakers’ table were the were awarded to 42 pupils. the interested parishioners on > Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, courtesy of The North, your friendly neighborhood bank. Very Rev. George Forquer, O.P., All officer* of the variou* Wednesday, June 9, at 8 p.m. , pastor, who welcomed and con- (ocietie* and all booth worker* in the parish hall. Edwin P. • gratulated both parents and chil- are urged to attend a meeting Walsh, general chairman, will ' dren for their splendid co-opera- in the church auditorium at 8 preside. I tion in the field of sports; the o’clock on Wedne*day, June 9, All parishioners are invited to * Rev. J. S. Angers, O.P., who ad­ in preparation for the County attend the square dancing par­ VOMf frhndty Neighborhood Bonic dressed the children and parents Fair. Communion Day Set at St. Patrick's ties held the second and fourth ' on “Why You Come Out for Tuesdays of each month. June 8 ■ Sports;’’ and the coaches and Hrst Communion (St. Patrick’* Parish, Denver) o’clock Mas* will be for the Feely, C.M. Everyone is in­ will be the next evening for danc- . their wives. The guest speakers For Public School Pupils Sunday, June 6, will be Com- graduates of St. Patrick’s vited to attend this Mass. ihg in the parish hall at 8 p.m. 'p R T H D e d v e r B a r k -were Ross Lyons and Sgt. Phil mqnion day for the Altar and grade school. Breakfast for the There will be no 9 o’clock Ed Rodewald is ^instructor and First Communion for children Rosary Society. graduates will take place after Mass this Sunday. Gartland; and the toastmaster, who attend public schools will be caller. , William Naughtop. On Tuesday, June 8, the Altar the Mass. Dickie Capra, fifth grade stu­ Cor on Display W. at Julian St. • Glendale 5-4701 held on Pentecost Sunday. June The 10:30 Solemn Mass is dent at St. Patrick’s School, is The eighth grade boys who re­ 6, in the 7 :30 Mass. These chiL and Rosary Society will meet in Much interest is being shown DRIVt-IN WINDOW OPEN 'Til 6 P.M. • PKEE PAPKINC ceived sweaters and letters are the school. Mrs. Clara Natale, the first Mass of the newly or­ home after undergoing an appen­ dren have received their instruc­ dained priest, Father Thomas dectomy in St. Joseph’s Hospital. in the Ford V8 Customline fully James Bennett, John Ducey, tions from the sisters at the president, would like to have as equipped with overdrive which Timothy Feeley, Ronald Guida classes held each Sunday after many members as possible attend will be the major award at the Edward Heeren, William Mat­ the 9 o’clock Mass. to help make plans for the ba­ Town and Country Fair July 9, ted!, Larry McGraw, George Mi- WILD BILL SEZ— THANK YOU Children to receive their Com­ zaar. Bake Sale Set at Guardian Angels' 10, and 11. This car is now on roslavich, Thomas Patrick, James The main prize for the Altar display. • FOR YOUR WONDERFUL BUSINESS , Plummer, Michael Quinn, Rich­ munion arc Robert Anderson, (Guardian Angels’ Parish, First Friday morning. June 4, Georgia Anderson, Linda Ca- and Rosary booth will be a Denver) Communion will be distributed Edwin P. Walsh, general WE HAVE JUST A FEW PLANTS AT BARGAIN PRICES ard Roatch, Stephen Silva, matching bed ensemble, a silk chairman, has announced the fol­ WATERMELON THIS WEEK George Spenard, and John Wal- lerich, James Calerich, Bonnie Sunday, June 6, the Altar and at 6:45 and Mass will be offered Jean Carroll, William Challis, bed-spread donated by Mrs. at 7:30.. lowing chairmen,.to help with the AT WILD BILL'S LOWyRICES ley. Trophies were awarded to Sadie Martelli, a quilt to match Rosary Society will conduct a Thomas Cline, Barbara Cunning­ Baptized were Lydia Ann bazaar: General chairman of the GROCERY AND MEAT DEPT. the seventh grade boys: James donated by Mrs. Josephine Zam- bake sale in the hall after all women’s booths, Mrs. G. A. Abromeit, Joseph Bretz, Rich­ ham, Janet Depperschmidt, Don­ the Masses. All (he women of Magan, daughter of Matthew and GRADE ‘A’ FRESH DRESSED POULTRY ald Di Croce. Barbara Gonzalez; boni, and two sheets and two Laura Magan, with Edward Kay- Huck; car chairmen, W. J. Mul­ ard Gorman, Nicholas Kelsey, pillow cases donated by Mrs. th'e parish are asked to bring a loney, Joe Murray, and Mrs. LARGE GRADE 'A’ EGGS...... 49c Doa. Joseph Leinz, David Rasmussen, Barbara Halter, Barbara baked article to this sale. 'The sen and Eleanora Kaysen as Hunter, Connie Deeper, Marilyn Ralph Mauro. sponsors; Michael Lloyd, son of Jerry Archer; other booth chair­ CUDAHY RIVAL SLICED BACON ...... 53e lb. and Thomas Schmoeger. Thursday, June 3, there will proceeds will be put to the fur­ men, Ed Rodewald, Harry Glea­ Charms were presented to the Lombardi, Thomas Martin, Fred nishing of the necessary articles Tony and Susan Mazzocco, with REGULAR BRAND CIGARETTES ______$1.77 Carton Marzano, Joel Meyer, Julia Mon­ be a meeting of the PTA. All son, F. Kautzky, Frank Distel, following sixth grade boys: Ber­ for the new church altar and Charles and Angela Carlino as Complete Line Picnic Supplies. Large Selection Luneb Moat*. nard Abromeit, Thomas Butts, toya, Angela Percy, Wayne members are asked to be present sanctuary. sponsors; Joseph Anthony and William Warner, George Wood, James Davies, James Ducey, Platz, John Popovich, Carolyn at this meeting since there will Debra Lee, son and daughter of Jay TrJinor, Mrs. Helen Reed, Robert Ekler, Edward Lyons Ricciardi, Rosalie Trujillo, Rich­ be election of officers for the The Holy Name Society will Vito and Irene Pugliese, with Mrs. Don Schaaf, Mrs. Leon WILD Bill's MARKET « Paul Madrid, Patrick McCune, ard Trujillo, and Gilbert Vigil. coming year. meet on Tuesday evening, Joseph and Eleanora Pugliese as Michael Miroslavich, Casey Eighth graders’ mothers were On Friday there will be a ba­ June 8, at 8 p.m. in the hall. sponsors for both; Albert Fran­ Navy Mothers' Club Moya, Rudolph Mollenberger, Jo­ hostesses at a reception honor zaar meeting at 8 p.m. in the Installation of officers will ces, son of Albert and Eleanora Rocky Mountain Navy seph Patrick, Larry Plummer, ing graduates in the' church audi­ school. take place. Greene, with Robert and Mable Mothers’ Club 462 will meet at 1 Larry Silva, and Dennis War- torium immediately following Thii Sunday there will be a Confessions for first Friday Miller as sponsors; and Catherine p.m. Monday, June 7, in the club­ ford. the- graduation exercises in the change in the regular Mas* will be heard Thursday afternoon Charlene, daughter of Maxwell house at 1772 Grant Street, Den­ FIXTURES. EXTRA GLASS church June 2. Graduates formed schedule. Masses will be at 7, from 4:30 to 5:30 and in the and Jean Lewark, with Norman ver. Commander Lois Wenner- a reception line to greet friends 8:30, 10:30, and 12. The 8:30 evening from 7 to 8. and Mary Lewark as sponsors. strom will preside. i and relatives, after which re TORCHIER BOWLS, freshments were served. Mrs. James Ford, PTA president, was in charge. LAMPS AND SHADES Brinj; Yonr Lamp to be Fitted 'June Bug Jitter' or Repaired In Derby June 5 WASINGER'S ELECTRIC STORE Derby.— (St. Catherine’s Par­ SALES REPAIRS . SERVICE ish)—Parishioners are spreading the welcome mat for the return WIRING MATERIALS appearance of “The June Bug Jitter,’’ to be held in- the Slove­ 31.56 West 38th Ave. GLendale .5-894« nian Hall, 4464 Washington Street, June 5. Modern polka WE GIVE PIONEER STAMPS music will be played by Paul Weingart and his Alpine Boys There will be a special prize Tickets will be available at the door, or may be obtained from FURNACES INSTALLED the parishioners. NEW HOMES — EXISTING HOMES The annual big event of St Catherine’s and of the surround ing communities, “The All Com JtoL Tbufum M . munity Derby Fair,’’ will be held Soon to Hove Face-Lifting This, view of the Holy Fam­ At the extreme left can be seen a portion of the addition 12 Y«on With A.lr Flow Heatiag Ce. Aug. 19 to 22. All parishioners ily Parish plant at W. 44th which increased church' space and classrooms as well. To the and community-minded persons Avenue and Utica Street, Denver, shows the church building (at right of the church are the school building and the convent, connected Professional Heating Contractor are invited to the next meeting left), above which a second story will be erected for classroom to a residence purchased by the parish for additional convent YOUR NORTH SIDE SHEET METAL SHOP use. A new facade will much enhance the appearance of the church June 16 at 8 p.m. in St. Cath space. At the extreme right is a portion of the rectory, •with the Gttttar Work — Exhau*t Fan* — FIno Linar* erine’s reading room. building. school playground in the foreground.— (See page^ 1 story) + • + + + -f- + Ga* Firod Ineineratora 2828 W. 44th Ave. GE. 3-4365 Holy F-amily Parish Group Mfmber St. FrtBdi d« SaIw* Pariah To Note 50th Anniversary HOLY FAMILY PARISH (Holy Family Parish) Patronise These Friendly Firms The 50th anniversary of the Holy Family Parish Altar and Rosary Society will be celebrated at a meeting •3— June 3. Past presidents and living charter members of CORN FED MEATS the group will be specially honored at a party following POULTRY AND nSH 'I the business meeting. O.K. TENNYSON A golden anniversary booklet, containing the bylaws adopted mittee are Mmes. Joseph Ste­ Meat Market for the society in January and a phens, William Flaqders, Herbert listing of charter and other Altar Edmonds, and Joseph Woertman, CLEANERS {4OI6 Tennyaon GR. 7-0443 and Rosary Society members PTA president u n e . . . since the founding of the organi­ Earlier in the day the PTA zation will be distributed at the will be host at a breakfast for Cash & Carry For QnalitY Bakery Goods meeting. the graduates in the high school auditorium. The breakfast will and Save the Difference ' Try Preceding the anniversary follow the High Mass at 8 a.m. party will be the recitation of the The PTA was host to the sen­ 4120 Tennyson Rosary for world peace at 1 p.m. iors in the high school at an WEISS BAKERY the traditional month for in the church, and a brief busi­ awards dinner in the Park Lane GL. 5-5084 4024 Tennvson St. ness meeting conducted by Hotel. Seniors outstanding in so­ Mrs. Nicholas J. Herold, presi­ dality, mission, athletic, speech, dent and Pep Club activities in the Hostesses for the golden anni­ school were honored at the din­ versary entertainment and party ner. are ^lmes. Nicholas J. Herold, Mrs. Joseph Woertman, presi­ ST. MARY MAGDALENE PARISH Joseph Brand, Victor L. Moore, dent, and Mrs. Emmett (irace, Augusta Murray, Ray Norton, vice president, represented the Roy K. Taylor, and John Wiest PTA at the dinner. Awards were As a special feature of the made by Father Forrest Allen, Only Gibson gives you entertainment, Mrs. Ray Norton, pastor. an Inch-Thick Filter that program chairman, will introduce PTA members will repair books a choral group organized 20 cleans the air of dust and on Thursday, June 10, beginning pollen. Enjoy allergy- ASSOCIATED CLEANERS years ago. Modern songs, old at 9:30 a.m. Work on the books Catholic hymns, hit tunes of will continue all day. free relief, as well as cool JU N E ...tlie happy month of marriage. 1506, and the “Baby Sitter’s At the final PTA meeting of comfort with Gibson. BEHER GEANING COSTS NO MORE Suite’’ will be sung by the choral the year, members were re ists. (guested to work as long as pos­ Pergola Appliance Co. Walt Badger Says: We are anxioas Home-making is made easier and more pleasant They include Mmes. William sible on that day. Coffee will be Sales and Service to serve the families of this parish Bergin, Edward Flynn, Henr; served to workers, who tradi­ Gibson Rang** and Heinz, Matthew Kolbel, Josepi tionally bring their own lunches. 2519 Sheridan BE. 3-4953 with the modem conveniences of home appliances. Pughes, and August SchiHer. Mrs. Mmes. Emmet Grace, Timothy Refrigerators George Bucher is accompanist. Cronin, and Frank Davidson are Fsetorr Authorised Servie* w. ssth AVE. p n 7 On June 6, the' spiritual ob­ permanent members of the book AND PECOS ST. ‘ - U J J A . They help with the work and they servance of the society’s golden rental committee. anniversary will take place when Men’s Club members who are ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH members receive Communion in a making calls for the Archbishop’s group in the 9 o’clock Mass. Seminary Campaign have nearly ST. DOMINICS Patronise These Friendly Firms help with the 'newlywed budget.* completed their work. First re­ Reception for Graduates ports were made at a meeting Memberi of the PTA com­ May 27., pleted final plans this week for Campaign workers include W h itta k e r Why Ptiy Corfore? its eighth grade graduation re­ Sydney Vitry, Arnold Schietler, YOUR Our Every Day Price* ception June 3. The reception Cecil Proctor, Edward Flynn, P harm acy Save You Money will be held following the con Ixiuh Jones, Bernard Hoar, Dan­ Prescriptions Carefully Filled ferring of diplomas on 46 gradu iel Carroll, Thomas Digenan, and “ T/ie Friendly Store'’ ClEANERS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO ates in the church beginning at George Taylor. Joseph Woert­ Prescription Specialists JOHN and BEBTHA McBBIDE Lubin's Drug 7:45 p.m. man is the parish campaign chair­ GLmd*!* *-«S0I 17M TEJON ST. GU S-K7J Uth *nd Clar Si. la charge of the reception com­ man. W. 32nd & Parry GL. i-2401 D«OT*r> Colorado Thuriday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4-4205 RAGE ELEVEN 56 in 61. Sacrament Graduation Class Marian Pilgrimage (Bleiied Sacrament Parish, Marj'’s Academy; and Syanne wilh Omer B. Kimplcr and Helen At Mother of God LEEMAN Denyer) Roberts and Kathryn Treckman, Kimpler as sponsors. Cathedral High School. The graduation class of 1954 Alumni Plan Dance 600 Broadway ■will be the largest in the history The names' of the graduates Is Attended by 65 of the Blessed Sacrament School. follow: Fred Albi, David Baker, e s s e d. Sacrament Thomas Batt, Michael Crammer, (Mother of God Parieh, Denver) 51 K ,p...„ 1195 Fifty-six boys and girls \^ill re­ Alumni, a liewly formed club, Sixty-five parishioners attend­ ceive their diplomas after the 8 Edward Gull, Thomas Galligan, will hold their first dance in the Robert Gordon, David Howell, ed the Marian Year pilgrimage o’clock Mass on Sunday, June 6. Blessed Sacrament cafeteria on Sunday afternoon, May 30. The 5 1 r b X . , . . . 1 1 9 5 The large number in this class Charles Johnson, James Kerr, Friday night, June 4, at 8 Frank Landauer, John Lewis, group met at Mother of God affords an interesting compari­ o’clock. The Blue Angels, a high Church at 3:45, visited the Ca­ 5 2 1 7 9 5 son to the total enrollment of 7 William Maltby, John O’Hehir, school band,...... th( will furnish the Robert Pohlman, William Pur- thedral of the Immaculate Con­ pupils in six grades when the music. ception, Our Lady of Lourdes school opened oh Sept. 5, 1922, tell, William Reef, George Reid, 5 0 8 9 5 Paul Routzon, Robert Ruffalo, New officers for the Mothers’ Church, and returned to Mother with three teachers. Sisters Cor­ Auxiliary of Cub Scout Pack 23 of God Church for Benediction. nelius, Aquinas, and Rose Ce­ Lance Ryan, Thomas Stanley, William Thornton, James Topil, were elected on May 26': Mrs. Confessions will be heard 5 0 8 9 5 cily. L. M. Coulter, president; Mrs, Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 Michael Vance, David Vostreis, J. J. Roche, ■vice president; Mrs. The scholarship .students are and Robert Wielatz; and in the evening from 7 :30 to Robert Gordon, Regis High Charles DeBelle, secretary, and 9 in prepaaation for first Friday, 6251 East Colfax Jean Baumhover, Barbara Ba- Mrs. J. T. Goodwin, treasurer. School: Mary Ellen Foster, St, zata, Kathleen Berger, Theresa June 4. Masses on Friday will Chevrolet They were installed by Mrs be at 6:30 and 8. 5 3 2 Dr...... 1 3 9 5 Beyer, Maribelle Crocker, Mar­ A. M. Dahm, president of the Altar Society to Hold garet Coyle, Patricia Cunning­ Mothers’ Auxiliary of the Park- C p Atpreury ham, Niene DeLorenzo, Ann Adams District, and Mrs. A. G. Final Meeting June 10 Sp..^ the Blessed Virgin, kindergarten students; second row, Barbara Mar­ Fisher, outgoing president, and Servini: the Kathryn Treckman. has postponed its meeting from may veremomeb a „ d the Living Rosary shall, Lynda Kuske, Joyce Urbank, Ann Marshall, Mrs. John O’Rourke, outgoing Low Down Payments, with no The children and their par­ June 8 until June 15. It will be took place in Christ the King Church, Denver, on Carol Te Bockhorst, and Judith Holke; and third firet vice president A social hour payments required while sick Happy Tradition of Giving ents will go to the Aviation Club held in the home of Mr. and Mother’s Day, May 9. row, Jane King, Linda Clark, Maureen Monoljan, will follow. All women of the or disabled. for a breakfast The *Rt Rev, Mrs. John F.^ Mueller at 8:15, The queen for the May crowning was Miss Patricia Swigert, Ann Plank, Toni Kunz, Mary Jo parish are invited to attend. Monsignor Harold V. Campbell, Bradley, and Eleanor Cobela, all eighth grade stu­ Linda Ann Larsen, daughter Look over our Fine Selection at which time plans for the sum­ Marilynn McCaddon, eighth grade student at at both locations. Conte - See - Our pastor, will be the guest of mer will be discussed. Christ the King School. Her attendants were, left dents. The sermon for the occasion was given by of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lar­ honor. to right, first row, pages Robert Connor and Wil- Father John Scannell.— (Photo by Van’s Studio) sen, was baptized with Octavia Stock of Gift Items Sacred Heart Novena and Elsa Flores as sponsors and Class night will be held Thurs­ + + + . + + + + + 600 BROADWAY day evening, June 3, at 7 :30 in Misses Anne and Irma Kattau The perpetual Sacred Heart as proxies. KF]. 4-616.5 the gymnasium. The graduation novena will be resumed on Fri­ Weddings and class will be guests of the sev­ day, June 4, at 7:30. Father An­ C fM in Christ the King Parish Gains Mmes. Catherine Puncec, John 6251 E. COLFAX enth grade students. Refresh­ ton Borer’s theme will be “June, Selensky, and John O’Rourke ments will be served and there have volunteered to care for the DU. 8-0987 Father's Day Sacred Heart Month.’’ The de­ altar during June. will be dancing after the cere­ votions open with th^ recitation monies. of the Rosary and rdose with Momentum; 3 Units Include 18 Couples PE. 3-2910 32 Broadway Baptized were Michael Louis, Benediction. j son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Father Borer will go into re­ Baillie, with Harvey Miltenber- (Christ the King Parish, Denver) ficers, the retiring officers, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle treat at Regis College with the the past presidents were honored will have an evening of bridge OPEN FRI. and SAT, NITES ger and Joan Baillie as sponsors; seven other Bethlehem Fathers The Christian Family Move­ in the home of Mrs. Leo Leahy, Recommended Firms and Catherine Marie, daughter ment in this parish now includes guests at an open house for all now stationed in Colorado, from women of the parish. Fathers 910 Dahlia Street Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Dunn, Sunday June 6, untiL Saturday, three active groups, with a total June 7. membership of 18 couples. John W. Scannell and James June 12. Rasby were hosts. The society Banns of marriage have been Confessions will be heard on Each group meets in the home will not meet again until the last announced for the second time for AUTO Thursday, June 3, from 3:30 to of one of its members every two Friday in September. between Richard J. McNeely of BEDDING PLANTS 6 and from 7:30 to 9 in prepara­ weeks. Mrs. Donald Christopher Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and tion for First Friday and First heads group one; Mrs. Peter Al­ Masses on June 4, the first Fri­ Plata of approx. 5 Doz. day, will be said at 6:30 and 8:30. Frances J. Lens of Christ the Saturday devotions. Masses on len, group two; and Mrs. How­ King Parish; Michael Patrick SERVICE the first Friday will be at 6:15, ard Stauffer, group three. Confessions on Thursday after­ $ 2 - 9 8 noon, June 3, will be heard from McGovern of Christ the King 7:15, and 8:15. The new officers of the Altar Parish and Joyce Elaine Rollen First Saturday devotions in and Rosary Society, Mrs. Robert 4 to 5:45 and in the evening from 7:15 to 9 o’clock. hagen of Cathedral Parish; John honor of Our Lady of Fatima Dee, Sr., president; Mrs. C. M. F. Kissel of Cathedral Parish Euser‘s Seed Store will begin with the 8:15 Mass. Jackson, first vice president; Commencing Monday, June 1405 Florence — Aurora — EM. 6-3571 and Susan J. Friedland of Christ Sales & Service The Blessed Sacrament will be Mrs. William Swigert, second 7, and continuing until the the King Parish; and Miles Bene­ R e Repair All Makes exposed for all-day adoration, vice- president: Mrs. John Dunn, opening of icbool in Septem­ dict Braten of Sacred Heart Par­ and prayers of reparation are recording secretary; Mrs. Frank ber, weekday Matiet will be ish, Oakland, Calif., and Jeanne Major Motor Overhaul — Body — Paint — Wheel Alignment recited hourly for the sins of Crannell, corresponding secre­ laid at 6:30 and B o’clock. Marie Ely of Christ the King end Balance — Electrical — Batteries & Tires mankind. tary; Mrs. Joseph Tengler, fi­ Mrs. William Thomson, 666 Parish. SEE OUR LARGE USED CAR DISPLAY BEFORE YOU BUY nancial secretary; Mrs. J. R. Elm Street, will entertain _ St. Baptized were Rosemary Col­ Succeis of the Seminary Cam­ Plank, treasurer; and Mrs. Thom­ Anthony’s Circle at a bridge leen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS-NASH INC. paign will be meainred not by as E. Traylor, historian, were in­ luncheon in her home Monday, Peter L. Tobin, with Richard A. the pledgee made bat by thoie stalled in the meeting May 28. June 7. This will be the last meet­ 2030 So. University — SH. 4-2781 ing until September. Tobin and Mary Alice Barrett paid , After the meeting, the new of­ as her sponsors; John Bayard, ______(Formerly Unlvartitj Park Ganuroi son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Nichols, with Alfred F. Coville and Jo Ann Crowe as sponsors; and Tamera Ann, daughter of MAURO MOTOR SALES Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Charles 4140 Tajon St. GL. 5-0739 Denver, Colorado Jurasin, with John R. Beers and Carole Juric as her sponsors. MOTORCYCLES SPORT CARS Faur Converts NEW & USED The following adults, all recent If you can say,. . ''M y Car has not been converts, were baptized by Fa­ ther James Rasby: Margaret involved in an accident during the Sweeney, with Marjorie Newman p a s t 12 m o n th s ”... yo« destrvt to gel as sponsor; Ethel Laura Ziss, RADIO SERVICE with Yvonne Montreal as spon your automobile insurance for less. sor; 'Vern Charles Ellen, with A Complete Service for Car or Home Radiot If you're insured with Farmers Insurance Kenneth F. Keene as sponsor; and Joan Elizabeth Bendell, with IT* Will Serve You Best Exchange you will receive an Ruth Hume as sponsor. A ccident-Free JAMES MOTOR TO. 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 4-8221 D i s c o u n t on Bodily Injury Denver's 1,670 and Property Damage Liability i War Dead Honored Guaranteed Repair Work i i On Memorial Day, May 31, ON ALL MAKE CARS the re- retary; Emmett Cloughesy, treasurer; Paul 'Vran- Only Skilled Mechanics Work on Your Car < If you are not now insured FARMERS i Leyden - Chiles-Wickersham Post Men's Club Officers " ' Xy ”'. orgapized esic, vice president; and Gerald Cooney, president. No. 1 of the American Lemon Complete Overhaul and Tune-Up t with Farmers — and your safe IlNSUMNCC i CROUP Men’s Club of St. The club will meet on ths first Monday of each honored Denver’s 1,670 war dead Brake Relining — Electric Service driving entitles you to this dis* ___ Of St. leuis' Parish Louis’ Parish, En­ by enshrining their names on a i month. GOOD USED CARS i count-contact your local glewood, are, left to right, Dudley Pitchford, sec- huge bronze plaque at ceremonies Easy Terms — No Red Tape agent and learn how you can 4- -4- + + + + '+ held at the Legion building. i Verne Olson, commander-elect i get this saving. of Automobile Insurance of the post, opened the dedica­ Dave Staub Auto Service i tion ceremonies by leading the 2725 W. 29ili Ave. at Speer GE. 34)505 i Graduation Rites June 6 in Englewood national anthem, and the Rev. BERNARD M. JOY Richard C. Hiester, post chaplain, District Manager Englewood.— (SL Louis’ Par­ monies in the school chapel Sun­ in which some of the men «are gave the invocation. ish)—Forty-five boys and girls day evening, June 6, at 7:45 interested are discussed follow­ James P. Eakins, post com­ -I , ■ . 3312 So. Broadway SU. 1-.S573 _____ will receive diplomas at cere- o’clock. ing each meeting. The formation mander, accepted th e plaque, The graduates are .^nthony of a parish credit union will which was presented by Frank P, Baumann, Richard Boom, Jerry probably be brought up on Mon­ Lynch, Jr., president of the me­ Burton, John Butz, Benedict Cas- day evening. All men in the par­ morial building corporation. ’ The tellaao, Joseph Chiricigno, Vin­ ish are invited to attend. benediction was given by the Rev. cent Cissell, William Easton, Members of the Altar Society Mr. Emil T. Pietz, past post James Goetz, Joseph Hogan, Jack will receive Communion in the 7 chaplain. > Bach Summer Studio Lang, James Leonard, Michael o’clock Mass Sunday, June 6. The The bronze plaque, 45 by 10 Melchior, William Mulnix, Jack Altar Society will meet in the inches, is one of the largest in the Otto, John Polichio, Gary POwell, assembly room of the rectory on country and has inscribed on It VIC HEBERT INC. USED CARS Raymond Prach, Michael Rounds, Monday, June 7, at 1:30 p.m. the names of 250 World War I, 3660 Downing Verne Schroer, Anthony Shafer, This year’s graduation class 1300 World War II, and 120 James Sievers, Rudolph Tretter, will receive Communion in the 8 Korean veterans who lost their Sine. ISIS For Denver’s Paul Yeager; o’clock Mass Sunday, June 6. lives in the service of their Best Buys Patricia Axtell, Margaret Ay- Beginning Monday, Juna 7, country. mami, Sandra Aymami, Mary there will be catcebitm clatiet Included among the names on Visit Our NEW Ellen Braham, Mary Elizabeth in the ichool for Catholic boyt the tablet are two Congressional Used Car Flood, Paula Hanson, Judith and girls attending the public Medal of Honor winners^—Capt. Bill Dreiling Howell, Christine Johnson, Je- schools. The hours for instruc­ Marcellus H. Chiles and' Lt. J. •S3 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN Location niece Junk, Irma Kenefake, tion are from 8:30 to 11 each Hunter Wickersham—two of the 740 S. Bdwy. Joyce Lank, Kathryn Lucerne, morning. men for whom Denver Post No. 1 Radio, Heater $ 4 QQCOO Joyce. McMahill, Michaelene My- Sister Mary Patrick, the sev­ is named. Capt. Marcellus H. Hydromatic...... I Oww let, Janet Nienke, Patricia Olson, enth grade teacher, went as a Chiles is the son of John Home J30 Cars to Pick From Mary Anne Richardson, Lela companion for Sister Ann Ade­ Chiles, former district attorney Snyder, Thea Tillman, Helen laide to Washington, D. C., where of Denver. Lt. J. Hunter 2111 W. Alameda CflPITflL Tucker, and Norma Witte. Sister Ann Adelaide’s nephew, Wickersham is survived by his PE. 3.469S Open Eves Infants baptized this week Father Paul Nevans, O.M.I., was sister, Mrs. Ruth Cooley. were James Michael, son of Mr. ordained. i Leo T. Leyden, a Catholic and and Mrs. William Hollander, with Th« firms lliUd b«r« deierv* to This coming Sunday, June 6, the third man for whom the post b« romtmbtrtd wbtn you oro dit- TELEPHONE TABOR 5-5191 Frank and Marie Duffy as spon­ will be bundle day in the parish is named, was the first Denver tributbif your potronoft to tbo sors by proxy for James and for the St. Vincent de Paul So­ man killed in action in World difftrtnt Unto of butinett. 13th & Broadway * Denver Ruth Hollander: Daniel Kean, ciety’s Salvage Bureau. A tfuck War I. He was the son of Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Man- will be stationed at the church Nellie Leyden, Gold Star Mother nion, with James and Ruth Tom­ door, and articles for the bureau of Post No. 1, who is now 94 lin as sponsors; Ellen Shay, can be placed in the truck. years of age. YQUR CAR daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ erick Blanchard, with Carl and Gwendolyn Portz as sponsors by Deserves the Best proxy for Raymond~and Eileen 00 - Adapted Especially for Children from Ages 4 to 16 White; Deborah Kay, daughter ’499 Down per month of Mr. and Mrs,, Frank Neuge- 'PERRY-CARE' I hauer, -with John and Dorothy BUYS A King as sponsors. Dramatic Expression can prolong the life Reading and Interpre­ M en'i Club Meeting 1954 FORD TUDOR tation The Men’s Club will meet In of your car the school hall next Monday OPEN SUNDAYS Social manners evening, June 7, at 8 o’clock. Out Our Way Complete Automobile Service An FBI representative will ad­ We’re Dealing Your Way Conversation dress the meeting. Movements, Factory Authorized Automatic Transmission Speech Correction Take Advantage of Our Low Overhead — Save t t i t l l Servicing for All Makes of Cars One Out of Two *‘We Give Pioneer Stamps'* Champion Spark Plug Geaning Service Voice and Diction If the present trend of traffic Complete Line of Gets & Oil Products deaths and injuries continues, Group or Private Instruction — one out of every two people living JOHNNIE HARPER MOtORS today either has been or will be PERRY'S "66" For Details—Phone DE. 3-9647 injured in a traffic accident dur­ ing his or her lifetime, or will Arvada's Ford Deoler 1275 SANTA FE CH. 4-9797 die as a result of such an acci­ HArrison 4-44-14 5800 N. Wadsworth '‘Confidence in expression established as a child will prosper through a lifetime’* dent, These figures are from the Comer Santa Fe at 13th Avenue St^te PatroL'* . W e Give S&U Green Stamps I ' ^ 1 -f-—T ' ■- '> -'.y>

PAGE TWELVE O ffic e , 9 3 8 Bonneck S treet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4-4205 Thursday, June 3, 1954

Was Nurse Instructor Funerals Set for Drowned Brothers About Reading dlsjcf.ui<>Acc^ 9tL fia cs. I Double funeral services will be Denver at noon Saturday with After a half hour of reading, the external muscles of the Colletta Bartlett their brother, Hansel, are their held for Fred Apodaca, 42, aind another brother. Hansel, 38, of parents, Mr, and Mrs. Reyes eye have flexed 113,000 times. Yet fast readers tire less L. A. JUSSEL. 82. 1452 Xavier Chicago, HI., and Stephen Kupstis, Des his brother, Andrew Apodaca, 3821 Harrison Street, and Abe Apodaca; and three sisters, Mrs. and absorb more. Eye neglect is very often cause of a Street. Father of DougUa E., Alexander Plaines, Ul. Requiem HigM Mass was Gallegos of 2018 S. Clayton Willie Valdez, Mrs. Ray Orteg^a, H., and Paul J. Jutaal, all of Denver; celebrated June 1 in St. Mary’s Church, Dies Following 40, both of Denver, who drowned Street. They arrived at the lake and Mrs. Dan Casados. person’s inability to read at a normal rate and grasp the alao turvived h j seven grandchildren Littleton. last week end when their fishing and •nine greaUgrandehildrtn. Requiem at T p.m. Saturday with toeir meaning of the material. We can help you greatly. High Mass was celebraietT May 29 in SALVATORE FALLICO boat capsized in fiber glass boat and outboard H(Ny Family Church. Interment Hi. Requiem High Mass was celebrated Lake Seminole, motor. Olivet Boulevard Mortuary. June 2 in St Bernadette's Church, Lengthy Illness FRANK J. PRECHTL," 64, 8048 N. Lakewood, for Salvatore "Jim" FalUco, 10 miles north Hansel, in relating his brothers ^^W IGERT BRO^. Speer Boulevard. Hnaband of Helen S. 94, who died May 29 in the home of Miss Colletta E. Bartlett, to of Sinclair, deaths, said: “Abe and I stayed Prechtl: father of Dorothy Yadon. a daughter. Mrs. Harvey HcGranaban. 1550 California O ptO m C tristS f^Erttone 4-7651 Helen Kautx. France! Wilson, and V lr^ 6860 W. Sixth Avenue, with whom be whom much credit is due for the Wyo. The Ro­ behind to set up camp and get ginia Prechtl. all of Denver; brother or lived. accreditation of tRe St. Anthony sary will be re- dinner ready for them when they Mrs. Rote McCready. Alto turvived by Mr. Fallico, an early day Denver Hospital School of P r.a c t i c a 1 got back. The last we saw of Better Vision Good Service five grandchildren. Requiem High Mast barber, was bom in Italy and came to cited at 7:30 .5 ^ « was celebrated May 29 in St. Dominie's Denver in 1880. He ahaved and cut the Nursing in Denver, died Xues- p.m. Thursday, them they disappeared around a for Every Age Prices Church. Interment M t Olivet. Boule­ bair^f luen notables as Senator Horace day. May 25, in the home of spot of land.” F “ 0 " ^ vard Mortuary. . Tabor and "Soapy" Smith, the June 3, in the GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED confidence man. For many years he Trevino Memo­ Hansel said they got worried ROBERT E. SIMONS, 24. 12400 W operated hit own barber shop on 17th 44tb Avenue.'Son of Mr. and Mra. Fred Street before retiring in 1942.. ria l Chapel, about 8 p.m. when it started * — O £ O L. Simons: brother of Leonard L., Survivora include three other daugh­ . Denver, by the getting dark, but did not get too o> •- V George J., Harold F., William J., Rich­ ters, Mrs. Dominic Piocone and Mrs. Fred ApoiUc Men's Club and alarmed because they thought pi. W C ^ ard P„ Alvin John. Marion S., and Don­ Hughie DeSabato, both of Denver, and o « « J; - Rosary at Mother Cabrini Shrine ald Leo Simona; Mary Catherine Mrs. Thomas Scardino of Loa Angeles; the Altar and Rosary Society of the brothers knew their way « a e « Meintt, Lucille Beard. Ruth Herbrand. VI > « three sons. Henry and James Fallico. Annunciation Parish. Recitation around. O) I Each Sunday in June for IVIarian Year Alice and Betty Ann Simons, and Mar- both of Denver, and Pete Fallico of at 2 - 3 - 4 P.M. voi Horn, l^quiem High Msas was cele­ Vancouver, Wash.; a brother. Frank of the Rosary for friends will be Fred’s body was found in the brated June 2 in St. Mary Magdalene's Fallico of Denver; 11 grandchildren, held Thursday June 3, at 8 p.m. morning around 6:30. Volunteers 01s Q-V *^ O .IS S Sacred Heart Statue i* now completed. Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ and 10 great-grandchildren. Requiem High Mass will be vard Mortuary. Burial was in MU Olivet Cemetery. joined the 'search for Andy’s See It Everyday. LAURA ROSSI (DeGIACOMO). 60. OHnger Mortuary. celebrated Friday, June 4, in body, but it was not recovered It it now a reality after 2 years of waiting. Weiby, Colo. Wife of Nick Rossi; ANNIE P. DOLAN Annunciation Church at 9:30 mother of ‘Xavier, George, and Gloria M r^ Annie P. Dolan, 86, of 1666 Rel- until Monday morning at 11 a.m. Rossi, Helen Di Manna Florence Cian- laire Street, died May 28 in St. Luke’s a.m. Interment will be in Mt The Apodaca brothers were eio; daughter of Nicola Antonio DI Hospital after a short illness. Requiem Olivet Cemetery. owners and operators of the M onum ents Giacomo; sister of Joe. Lawreoce. and High Mass was celebrated June 1 In Stephen James. Mary Paoiucei. Sara Blessed Sacrament Church and burial The body of Fred Apodaca of South Denver Upholstering Co., We have erected many bean phina Di Giacomo, and Angelina James: was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. 3520 Harrison Street was found 1235 S. Broadway. tiful monuments in ML mother-in-law of Jim Di Manna, Joe Bom in Mattoon. 1)1. she was reared Sunday, May 30, in 18 feet of Olivet Cemetery. Ciancio, and Evelyn Rossi; sistdr-in-iaw there and married in Salt Lake City in Andrew Apodaca is -survived of Dan A. Rossi and Sister Mary Bap- 1891 to Frank T. Dolan. Mr. Dolan water near the lake shore. The by his wife, Toni; and three chil­ tista; also survived by nine grandchil .was successively an official of the body of his brother, Andrew dren, Charles, Marie, and An­ A. T. THOMSON rcn. The Rosary is being rdeited Thurs­ Santa Fe, Colorado 4 Southern, and Apodaca, of 3821 Harrison day. June 8, in the Boulevard Mortuary Rock Itlandv railroads before his death drea. Fred Apodaca leaves his . . . ^ 600 Sherman St. TA. 5-8018 Chapel at 8 p.m. Requiem High Mass in Topeka. Kans., in 1921. Mrs. Dolan Street was found the following wife, Bebe; a son, Fred, Jr.; and will be celebrated Friday, June 4. in moved to Denver following his death morning. a daughter, Barbara. a a pousHto Assumption Church at 10 a.m. Boule Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. vard Mortuary. . Marguerite Harvey of Cleveland. 0., The Apodaca brothers left Also surviving, in addition to MARGARET SULLIVAN. 41. 8920 S. and Mrs. Kathryn Nance and Mrs. JERRY BREEI^j Frances Shea, both of Denver. Also sur­ Lincoln Street. Mother of Mary Ann viving are six grandchildren and five Act of Christian Neighborliness and Sheila Sullivan; sister of Gerald great-grandchildren. OHnger Mortuary. Jacques Brothers Florist and Thomas McAuliffe, Camilla Me- FRANK ROSS Auliffe. Mary Laughry. Helen McClos- Requiem High Mass was celebrated Monuments of Distinction 1004 l.'iih Sf. key. Sister Mary Agnes. Ann Chase, for Frank A. Ross, 80, of 8822 Umatilla Precious Blood Parish Since 190S in One Location and Nellie Day. Requiem High Mass Street. May 29 in St. Catherine’s Colletta E. Bartlett was celebrated May 29 in St. Dom­ Church. Burial was- in Mt. Olivet Cem­ 28 E. 6th Ave. AL. 5-2019 MAin 3-2279 inie's Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. her sister, Mrs. Claude Cox, 1516 Day Mortuary. etery. Sets Non-Catholic Tour Bom in Italy June 26. 1878. be came S. Newton Street, Denver. ■ \ SUSAN ELIZABETH NICCOLI, in­ to the United States, when he was 18 fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and settled in Colorado. He married Bom Feb. 29, 1916, in Reli­ (Mott Precious Blood Pariih, sale after all the Masses on See Dr. P. W. FORSTER d . c. J. Niceoii of 6201 Pecos Street. Sister Florinda Marina in Denver in 1898. ance, S. Dak., daughter of the of Alfred J. NiccoH. Maas of the Angels He wai an honorary member of the Denver) Sunday, June 13. HEART, NERVOUS and GLAND DISEASES was celebrated June 1 in Mt. Carmel Boulder Elks Lodge, and a member of late Ralph and Ottilia Bartlett Mases for first Friday will Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. OHnger As an act of Christian EYE • EAR • NOSE • THROAT Court Columbine 84 of the Foresters of of Denver, Miss Bartlett was neighborliness, invitations have be at 6:30 and 8 o’clock. Con­ Mortuary. America. graduated from S t Anthony’s fessions will be heard on HEART DISEASE all typei, Valrular DlseiM (letkace). Short of Bnath, Rbeuinatic Heart LILLIAN ANDERSON, 71, of 1826 Surviving Mr. R on's are hit wife. been issued to persons not of Palpitation. Fibrillation (tbakinc heart). Arrbythmia (unetto beat); Fast or sk)« beatinc Weiton Street. Requiem ffigh Mast was Florinda: a daughter, Mrs. Irene Slack; School of Nursing in September, the Catholic faith to visit the Thursday from 4 to 5:30 and Heart. High or tow Blood Pressure. Poor CimiliUoo. Nm yoir Heart axaMlRed by tba celebrated June 1 in Holy Ghost a son. Anthony M. Ross, all of Denver; 1948,4and did general staff nurs­ new Most Precious Blood from 7:30 to 9. ntwnt lelentlfle diainostli egilpHtot. Let's Hnd the cauee and help you to overeome It Church. Haeketbal and Noonan Mor­ seven grandchildren, and four great­ ing for three months. She at­ now before ft i< too late to do eo. tuary. grandchildren. OHnger Mortuary. Church from 2 to 4 o’clock All work crews for the land­ NERVOUS DISEASES. Bpilepsy, Nenralgla, paralysis. Mental Depresfioo. Asthma. Hay Ferer. FELIX SALMERON. 84. Requiem JOHN E. CULLINAN tended St. Louis University from Sunday afternoon, June 6. scaping are alerted to be on BronrhilU, Sinui. Skin diseases, Kezema, etc. Headache (MigraltMj* — Head .Noises, Deaf> High Mass was celebrated May 29 in Requiem High Mass for John E. January, 1949, to February, hand Saturday, June 5. ntu. Ear Aches. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Inter­ CulHnan. 86. will he celebrated Friday, 1950, and returned to her alma There will be priests avail­ Mary Carmella DeSanti, GLAHD diseases. Prolapsed Organs (Uterui. etc.), Fibroid Tumors, Hot FlaHia, Change ment Mt, Olivet. Trevino Mortuary. June 4. in Hollidaysburg, Pa. Mr. Cul­ able To conduct tours and ex­ of Life. Irrefular Menstruation. Prostata Gland Hnan is the father of r. Robert Cullt mater as a clini(;al instructor in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roc- STOMACH. Liter, Kidney. Bladder, Gal Bladder Dlfeaaas, Stomach k Duodenal Uleen, Dia« GULMARA S. CASTANEDA, 67. of general manager of Mountain the Jiewly ■ organized Practical plain the Symbolisms in the co DeSanti; and Marianne betel (DO Insulin), Anemia, Hiccoughs. 3416 Franklin Street Mother of San­ States Telephone and Telegraph Co. Church. New Treatment for Vertebral Disc Inflamation (No Surfery) tos. Gabriel. Tomas. Patricio, and Also surviving are five sons, the Nurse School until her illness Elizabeth Clark, daughter of RHEUMATISM. Arthritis, Netuitlt, Sciatica. Lumbago. Hip. Leg. Back k Sacroiliac Paint. Francisco Castaneda: Mrs. Frank Gal­ Rev. John F. Cullinan of HolHdays- forced her to retire in July, 1953 The Altar and Rosary So­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Numbnem. Swollen k Painful Hands, legs k Feeu ASK FOR HANDBOOK OF DISEASES legos, and Mrs. Temo Martines; sister burg, the Rev. Richard P. Cullinan of ciety is going to have a bake were baptized. of Francisco ^maniego and Atanacia Honolulu. J. Robert of Denver. Joseph Her self-sacrificing devotion to 1554 California McClintock Bldg. MAin 3-5596 Dias; also survived by 86 grandchil­ B. and Frederick L., both of Hnnting- her work and students was out New parishioners are asked dren and one great-ffrandchild. Re­ don. Pa.; and a daughter. Slater (^r- standing—no hours were too to' stop in the vestibule of the quiem High Mass was celebrated June trude Marie of Cresson. Funeral on June 5 2 in Our Lady of Grace Church, Wat- long or task too difficult when church and sign a census card. tenbsrg. Trevino Mortuary. THEODORE M. FLOYD. SR. Theodore M. Floyd, Sr., 42, died May she was on the hospital wards G beq/f, •J'sUowA- FRIEDA BILLINGER, 72, of 186 S. 27 in Colorado General Hospital. Re­ teaching her students to care for ; For J. L. Quayhagen, Lowell Boulevard. Mother of Herbert quiem High Mass it being celebrated their patients as individual per­ J. BiUinger and Lillian E. Byers: grand­ Thursday. May 8, in St. Joseph's Catechism Classes PRINTING COMPANY mother of Dolores Gust, Jo Ann and Church, Golden, at 8:80 p.m. sonalities, possessing both soul Brother of Two Nuns Norman Covey, and James L., Barbara, Born Nov. 7. 1911, In Denver, Mr. and body. While students were KE. 4-4054 and Kathleen BiUinger, all of Denver. ?1oyd received his education in Denver Requiem High Mass was celebrated on home nursing experience un­ John L. Quayhagen, 24, air­ 1454 Walton (Rear) public schools. He lived in C^lden and Will Start June 7 June 1 in Presentation Church. Inter­ worked as a truck driver for a con der the direction of the Domini­ man second class, Lackland Air ment M t Olivet. struction company. He was a navy vet­ can Sisters of the Sick Poor, it Force Base, San Antonio, Tex., EARL P. WOODFORD, 60, of 8510 eran. son of Mr. and Mra. H. R. Quay­ Harrison Street Father of John E Surviving are his wife, Estelle; his was not unusual to see the fa­ At Saint Therese's fFe Photograph Anything Anywhere Woodford; also survived by three childven. Richard. James. Ruby. John miliar figure of Miss Bartlett hagen, 4435 Grove Street, Den­ grandchildren. Requiem High Mass is Laurel, and Theodore M. Floyd, Jr., all making house calls with her stU' ver, died May 28 in San Antonio being celebrated Thursday, June 8. in of Golden; a brother John R. Floyd Aurora. — (St. Therese’s Par­ and a aister, Mrs. Dorothy Kalin of dent practical purses. as a result of injuries suffered in S t Ignatius Loyola's Church at 9 a.m. an accident. ish) — The summer catechism The Mile-High Photo Co. Interment in Mt. Olivet Denver. Much credit is due to the un­ classes will be from June 7 to JOSEPH P. DOWD., 66. of 2720 tiring efforts of Colletta Bartlett The Rosary will be recited Fri­ KODAK FINISHING Cook Street. The Rosary will be re­ 19 for all children attending cited Thursday, June 8. in the Howard that St. Anthony’s School of day, June 4, in Horan’s Chapel public grade schools. 320-22 Seventeenth KEyitone 4-6114 Denver Mortuary at 8 p.m. Requiem High Mass John O'Connell, Former Practical Nursing was fully ac at 4 p.m. for the nuns. There will be celebrated Friday, June 4, in credited by the National Associ will be a Rosary Friday at 8 p.m. All children are urged to be Loyola Church at 9 a.m. Editor in Salido, Dies ation for Practical Nurse Educa' for friends. Requiem High Mass at church for the 8:30 Mass. FLORENCE B. McCULLOUGH. 66. Classes will convene immediately of 1186 Washington Street. Requiem John M. O’Connell, 77, editor tion, and that all the 34 stU' will be celebrated Saturday, June High Hass waa celebrated June 1 in dents _ who took the ' national 5, in St. Catherine’s Church at after Mass until 11:30. It is Engraved Letterheads of the Salida MaU from 1916 to imperative that all those plan­ the Cathedral. Interment Mt Olivet 1948, died in a hospital Monday licensing examinations adminis­ 9 a.m. , JOSEPH E. HANKEY, 66. of 1474 tered by the state of Utah suc­ ning to make their First Com­ Engraved Business Cards Josephine S treet Requiem High Mass afternoon, May 30, after several Mr. Quayhagen la also survived munion on June 20 attend these was celebrated June 2 in S t Philo- weeks’ illness. Death was at­ cessfully passed them. by twin sisters who are novices mena's Church. classes. Business tributed to arteriosclerosis. Th^arge number of practical in the Sisters of Loretto at the Mrs. Pat Few, chairman of the TERESA MA-pnVI of Blackhawk, Before coming to SalidAi nurse graduates and students mother-house in Ne'rinx, Ky. card party held May 27, thanks Mother of Fred Mattivi, Blaekhawk; who attended the Requiem High They are Sister Mary Pauline Announcements Eligio Mattivi, Glenwood Springs; Hen­ O’Connell, a native of East St. all who helped make the evening rietta Svaidi and Evelyn Recla, Italy; Louis, 111., and a graduate of S t Mass in the Cathedral May 28 and Sister Mary Damian. a success. A final report on the sister of Caroline Zing and Msry Louis University, had worked as gave testimony of their appreci­ The young airman, a native of Groff, Glenwood Springs. Requiem High ticket sales will be made at a Mass was celebrated May 81 in S t a reporter on the Pueblo Chief­ ation and loyalty to their beloved 'Denven was a graduate of later date. Mary's Church of the Assumption, Cen tain, the Ft. Collins Review, the instructor. Blessea Sacrament Grade School Sunday, June 6, all women and tral City. Rocky Mountain Newt and the Miss Bartlett was a member and the Cathedral High School. children of the parish will re­ i s t l e r ^ s ANNA EUZABETH DYBALA, 65. of Denver Times. of St. Anthony Alumnae, the He entered service in September ceive Communion in the 8 o’clock Littleton. Mother of Thomas Dybala ACCN, the American Nurses’ As­ of 1952. of Englewood and William Franeia Dy A Catholic, O’Connell was a Mass. 1636 CHAMPA ST. • MA. 3-5161 ^ bala. Chicago. Di.; Mrs. Jerome Laur respected editor and exerted sociation, and the National Horan Mortuary Is in charge The Holy Nam* Society will inee, Littleton: sister of Mary Moran great influence. APNE. of the funeral arrangements. moot Monday, Onna 7, at 8 Church Nearing Completion o’clock in tha church hall. All men of tha parish ara invited. T h e St. Frances Cabrini Many Gifts of Furnishings Bridge Circle will be guests of Mrs. Mary Murphy on June 8 in her home. Made to Cure d'Ars Parish Mrs. Mildred Sheridan will be hostess to St. Ann’s Sewing (Cure d’ Ar* Parith, Denver) the altar canopy was given by Circle Thursday, June 3. Many gifts have been re­ Mrs. Helen Murray. On May 18, the Queen of ^An­ gels Bridge Circle elected as ceived as the completion of the Men's Club to Meet chairman Mrs. Rose May Casper, church nears. One set of side The Men’s Club will meet in who was their hostess for tke altar candles has been given the new school hall of Cure d’ evening. This was the last meet­ by Mr. and Mrs. James Cornelio Ars on Wednesday evening. ing until September. and one set by Mr. and Mrs. June 9. Henry Gronski will Baptized were Jane Ann, Daniel J. Dreiling; the bap­ show some interesting movies daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John tismal font by Mr, and Mrs. and Ed Barton will arrange for A. Cashel, with Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan; the bap­ refreshments. Since this is the George A. Jennings as sponsors; tistry gates and the baptismal first meeting in the new build­ Roxanne Marie, daughter of Mr. font has reliefs by Mrs. Marie ing and the last meeting of the and Mrs. Clifford L. Cunning­ Rainville and Mr. and Mrs. men for the season, a large ham, with Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Daniluk. crowd is urged to attend. •V. Sweeney as sponsors; Ann The processional cross was All children making their Therese, daughter of Mr. and riven by Mr. and Mrs. James First Communion oi) June 27 Mrs. John A. Healy, with Mr. Cornelio; a holy water font by are to assemble at the Cure and Mrs. Joseph P. Connolly as Mrs. James Currigan; a louver d’ Ars Church on Sunday, June sponsors, and Gaynor W. Stiers for 'one window by SL Paul’s 6, at,8:45 a.m., and on Sundays, and Dorothy K. Nordstrom as Circle; five prie-dieux were do­ June 13 and 20. proxies; and Jacqueline Elise, nated, one oy Mr. and Mrs. S t Jude’s Circle will meet in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Charles Albery, two by Mr. and the home of Mrs. Ray Rebro- Henry Riggle, with Claude M. Mrs. Samuel Marcus, and two vick, 3045 Forest, on Monday Colombier and Mary R. Pryor as by the McDermott family; and evening, June 7. sponsors.


ThU beautifttl chapel is typical McAndrews, holding a child; M.Sgt, Ed Gain, and Morocco Orphans Mile. Marie-Louise Bastanti, honorary president donatioa to the Mother Su^rior ol the Anfa Or­ of the Nouasseur Holy Name Society. niijm i

Thursday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE THIRTEEN RANGE BUT TRU O LiLittU'Known Poets (or Catholics E Mary, Wall of the East By M. I. MURRAY 0»r>4tM. INI. N.CW.a N<*l REGISTORIALS By P aul H. Hallett ubim; it surpasses that of the seraphim, with the THE CHRISTIAN EAST exhibits an abun­ six wings! Truly we can say that God the Fa­ dance of contrasts, a multiplicity of races and ther of Heaven looks to the north, the south, £ 6 ^ u ^ languages, basically different cultures, clashing the east, and the west, but nowhere has He found Mission of the Catholic Boss b a c illu s lines of development. In the religious sphere the anyone who was like to thee.” has been, national schisms, which began permanently just IN THE COPTIC OFFICE of the Mother of Was built as otv namael By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen and trusted confidant. The ments, has a unique apostolate nine centuries ago, have led to a deplorable num­ God, the Arganona Weddase, we read: "Because youth’s own father was long act of exo tica btj WHEN A YOUNG MAN in the plan of God. His very ber of religious confessions.'Yet there is one of thee was one holy, Qtholic, and Apostolic since gone. position of authority lend^ him B i s h o p u ^u c h o n , was received into the Church feature that is common to all Orientals, and it Church established." At the opposite end of the A LITTLE DINNER party a capability for good that is 1 HC PRINCIPAL v«s»J a short time ago, his Catholic was held in celebration of the fo r its has not changed through the centuries. East, we have in Russia a specid feast, called the inestimable. Without “forcing J U D G E ATT boss was his sponsor in Bap­ young man’s Baptism. And the religion down his subordinates’ discoikrer'^ That feature is reverence for Mary, or, bet­ Feast of Pokrov, or of protection. Pius XII, in entire affair was both sug­ STJOAH OTflRC’Sj tism. And it was that occasion, throats,’’ he can show them, 'T 7 M A R is r Sis t e r M a r ie ter, passionate love and veneration for the his encyclical , made ex­ with its circumstances, that gested and paid for by the in his own life, what a real ■miAu. 5 UZANNt. os LVONSi boss. After the saving waters Christian should be' like. Mother of God. She appears in many forms, be­ press mention of the Feast of Pokrov, when he impressed upon this writer ■Hc R V/SCO^/eOY AFTER 3 0 of the sacrament had been CHRIST TOLD the Apostles ginning with the enchanting simplicity of the called upon the Russians to send up their prayers once again the importance of poured over the lad’s brow, YEARS RESEARCH MAY CHECK —and by implication every THE SPRJEAD OF LEPRO SY. Ethiopians to the bold speculation of Byzantine to the aJl-holy Virgin. good example in those who are his Catholic boss extracted Catholic—“You are the salt of theology, and the deep emotion of the Slavic All Orientals have the feeling that the medi- known to be Catholics. from his pocket a beautiful the earth . . . the city seated chain and cruciform medal, ST Pe t e r 's c h a p e l soul. atorship of Mary is something altogether special, As the case turned out, and upon a mountain . . . the light had the' priest bless it, and of the world.’’ BRADvVEa-ON* SEA IN LEBANON, the only Arab country with belonging to a higher order, so that one can the story unfolded, the writer, himself placed it around the ON A LONELY PART a Christian majority, an old Maronite Patriarch safely rely on it. who baptized the youth, learn­ young man’s neck with a If the salt loses its* savor; OP THE ESSEX ed that the young convert’s prayer and a hbpe for his god­ if the city becomes a glitter­ (EHQLAHD) said: "The all-pure 'Virgin Mary is the glory In the apse, of the old Church- of the Holy Catholic boss was like a father son’s spiritual weal. ing Babylon; if the light flick­ COAST Bunn and the Mother of our people. She is the path Wisdom in Kiev there is a gigantic mosaic of to him. It was a natural thing Precisely how much influ­ ers and dies, whence will good Si S I CEOO of the Patriarchs, the cedar of our faith, the the Blessed Virgin, representing her in prayer. for the lad to want as his example come? AFTER lANOlNC ence this exemplary boss has THERE n O O refuge in our turns of fate.” She is known under the name: The Holy Vir­ sponsor in Baptism the one had in attracting the youth to who had been to him both ytA R S AGO Even in atheistic Russia, millions have as gin, the Indestructible Wall. The Church fell the one true faith, only God New Saint's Humor Tb convert counselor and friend, employer knows. But God does know, THE EAST SAXONS their deepest sentiment the conviction of the into ruins at the time of the Tartar invasion, in and will keep an eternal ac­ Blessed Pius X was always IS STILL USED powerful and doving advocacy of the Mother of the 13th century; only the apse with the mosaic Christ Crucified good-humored. During o n e count of the good example to FbA WORSHIP God. In rhetoric reminiscent of St. Ephrem the of the Holy Virgin remained standing. “We, for our part, preach a the credit of this true Catholic audience, f o r example, he crucified Christ—to the Jews employer. noticed a massively built wo­ Syrian, the Ethiopians turn to Mary with the MARY IS INDEED the indestructible Wall man energetically elbowing her hymn of praise: "Thy^sublimity is without peer, indeed a stumbling-block and DESPITE THE CRITICISM of the East, on which, be assured, the forces of to the Gentiles foolishness, way forward in an effort to for it exceeds the dignity of the many-eyed cher­ godless persecution will break. but to those who are called, that meets Catholic practice gain a position in the front both Jews and Greeks, Christ, from every, side, those outside row. The Pontiff watched her the power of God and the the Church, for the most part, for a moment. His eyes wisdom of God. For the fool­ expect Catholics to be “just a twinkled; then he smiled at her little above’’ the ordinary and said: “My daughter, it is THE Figure of a v n y ba b e u e s under. Saints Have Come 'Back in Fashion' ishness of God is wiser than THE ALTAR OF THE OROTTO OF THE NAVYtTY- Christian. Everyone knows the By Rev, J ohn B. E bel men, and the weakness of God certainly true that faith moves s i t e o f o u r LAOVk BIRTHPLACS-IN STAHHi's CHURCH, JERUSALEM. ligion, when the work of the tial mission of St. Pius X in is stronger than men’’ (St. strictness of the moral law mountains.’’ — Mother Cabrini “SAINTS ARE BACK IN Church was Iiampered and be­ our time. proposed and safeguarded by Paul, I Cor. i, 23-25). Meseenger. FASHION,” declares a Life, sieged on every side—in these “The saint met this deadly the Church. And everyone, magazine article on S t Pius seemingly dark days for re­ consequently, seeks a higher evil with the only possible real Pay no attention to race or X which, except on one or two ligion God raised up saints in salvation — Catholic and Bib­ color. There are no inferior caliber of Christianity in a minor points, is splendid. So numbers hitherto unknown, Catholic than in anyone else. lical truth, the truth of faith, people in. the world when they The Forgotten One-the Holy Spirit far in this century, author some of them among -His great­ accepted as ‘reasonable service’ are children of grace through A Catholic boss, whether he Henry A n a t o 1 e Grunwald est. 'While the enemies of the (Rom. xii, 1) toward God and the sacraments. — Bishop Ful­ owns the business or only man­ By Rev. F rancis Syrianey life, and this change is accom­ neglected the Third Person of points out, “Rome has already Church trumpeted its defeat, His_ revelation. By thus co­ ton J. Sheen. ages it or one of its depart­ THE GREAT MODERN plished through the operation the Trinity. We can conceive canonized more saints (65) these heroes of the Cross were ordinating faith and science, of the Holy Spirit It happens an Omnipotent Father, and than throughout the entire working quietly, many of them French theologian, Father faith as the supernatural ex­ first of all when we are bap­ easier yet we appreciate a God 19th century (42). Outside the obscure and unknown, to en­ tension and at times confirma­ The Denver Catholic Register Jean Danielou, tells us that tized, “bom again of water who became human like our­ church, too, the saint has again sure the victory of the King­ tion of science, and science as and the Holy Spirit.’’ selves, but it is difficult to become an interesting figure.’’ dom of Christ. the way to^faith, Pius X re­ President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. the*Holv S d rit'w h en tlfis This presence is increased understand the entirely spir­ It might be added that more “A SAINT’S LIFE,” rightly stored to (phristians unity and Editor...... R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour.D., LittD., LL.D. js fiS hed Christ wHl be itual operations of the Holy saints will be raised to the al­ asserts the Life article, “does Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. «.finished Uirist wm be and strengthened through the peace of soul, which are the ail and in all. reception of the other sacra­ Spirit. tar in ceremonies June 12, not end with his.death. He lives inviolable premises 'of life.” City Editor...... — ...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., LittD. ments, particularly in Con­ If we could only realize that bringing the total for a little on in the meaning which each Associate Editors—Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., LittD.; Linus It is strange that such an more than a half-century to 71. succeeding age assigns to his THE CONDEMNATION of expression be used when, for firmation and , in incorporation with Christ is to Modernism was derided. in Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A., LittD.; Paul Hallett, which men are given an in­ possess in oneself the Spirit But what is even more re­ memory . . . There is an in­ Litt. D.; Jack Heher, B.A., LittD.; Frank Morriss, B.S., LL.B., most of us, the Holy Spirit markable about the large num­ dispensable role for all saints many quarters, and still is to­ is the forgotten Person of the creasing participation in t h e of Christ, the Spirit of light day. But the world is coming Litt.M.; William Warner, B.S., Litt.M.; Art Editor, Leo Can- priesthood of Christ and love, with all those gifts ber of saints canonized so far in all ages. Their task is to avan, M.F.A. Trinity. It is stranger yet that in this century is that so many renew the faith. Tn their soli­ m]»re and more to see that St. He should be the forgotten Because there can be only so capable of regenerating our Pius X by this bold stroke nature, how much easier it of them lived and labored in tude,’ wrote Dostoevski, ‘they Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. one because, in a special man­ a logical distinction (one of the dark days of the 19th and keep the image of Christ fair under the guidance of the Thu Paper Printed Entirely by Union Labor ner, the Holy Spirit takes pos­ reason and not of reality) in would be to work toward the Holy Spirit preserved the life of virtue. early 20th century when the and undefiled , . . And when session of us through sanctify­ the operations of God outside death of the Church was loudly the time comes they will show faith for modern times. The Published Weekly by ing grace and makes our mor­ Himself, the separation of ac­ AS WE APPROACH the proclaimed on all sides. As it to the tottering creeds of tenets of Modernism, “rooted tal composition His dwelling tivities that we have outlined great Feast of Pentecost on with Mark Twain’s retort con­ the world’.” in a purely human soil, would . THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) place. which the Holy Spirit took lure many into atheism,” as 938 Bannock Street, 1 for the Holy Trinity is to ac­ cerning his own premature In the same vein, Pius God the Father is usually commodate the necessities of possession of the Church, it obituary, the reported demise XII in his-address at the can­ Pius XII notes. And the ra­ Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 P.O. Box 1620 regarded as the Creator, the our own finite intellects. Ac­ is well to rekindle an appre­ of the Church now is recog­ onization of St. Pius X called tionalistic religion of science, author of life and the source tually it is the One God who ciation of the Holy Spirit who nized even by its enemies as him “the saint raised up by by its very limitations which Subscription: of everything in existence. operates outside Himself in all can work similar tremendous “highly exaggerated.’’ Providence for our times.” In barred the way to absolute God the Son is properly con­ things. changes in the individual IN THE VERY DAYS when his condemnation of the errors truth and good, left to man, $1.50 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. Christian. Then our prayer to “deprived of God and con- $2.00 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. sidered our Redeemer for He IT HELPS US, however, to “freethinkers” derided all creed of Modernism, “which sepa­ became a man like unto our­ understand the Trinity a little the Holy Ghost to fill our and dogma, when scientists rates faith and science in their fronted with the invincible ob­ Canada, $2.75 a year per subscription. selves____ that_____ He might______redeem better if we make such a sep­ hearts with sanctifying grace promised mankind a heaven on source and in their object,” and scurity in which he found all Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.50 a year, us from our sins.°The Holy aration of activities. In reality, and to enkindle in them the earth, when materialistic phi­ produces the bitter delusion of being clothed, only the atti­ ------—------Spirit can best be considered when through Baptism we be­ fire of divine love which is losophers heralded the appar­ “a faith not founded upon the tude of anguish or arrogance.” ^ ^ 4 2 Thursday, June 3, 1954 the Sanctifier, the one who come incorporated with Christ, charity would be something ently indefinite progress of a revelation of God, but rooted "If today there are many," enlightens our minds and there are two operations that real and vivid for us. world guided by “reason” and in a purely human soil,” Pius continued Pius XII, "who, im­ strengthens our wills to do the work as one: We are incor­ No longer forgotten, per­ freed of the shackles of re­ XII sees the specific providen- pelled as it were by the empti­ OFFICIAL! ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER things and become the person porated with Christ because haps the better word would ness and affliction of their The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. we must be for salvation. the Holy Ghost takes posses­ be ignored, would be the Holy abandonment, have turned to We confirm it as the official publication of the archdiocese. SANCTIFYING GRACE is sion of us, and the Holy Ghost Spirit who dwells in us so this truth and have realized it defined as a participation in takes possession of us because intimately and is capable of The Subtlety in the firm possession of the Whatever appears in its columns over the signature of the Or­ Church, they owe a debt of dinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared the divine life. When we re­ we a r e incorporated with helpii^ our minds and hearts official. ceive it we are changed, we Christ. grow in the knowledge and gratitude for this to the fore­ are raised into the supernatural It is sad that we Have so love of God. sight and achievements of Pins We hope The Register will be read in every home of the Of Father Brown X. In fact both believers, who archdiocese. enjoy the full light of truth, We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste- By F rank Morriss potential ally with either the angels or the devils. and those who sincerely seek in the children of the archdiocese for the reading of The WE ARE GLAD the new truth, are obligated to him for Register. Father Brown movie, starring NOW IT TAKES a subtle protecting truth from error. « URBAN J. VEHR, Alec Guinness, was made in actor and a subtle director to For others his firm attitude in, Jan, 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver Britain and not in Hollywood. bring those things out in a regard to error may still re­ Hollywood tried once, in the motion lecture. We suspect main a stone of scandaL In 1930’s, with the late Walter Guinness is just such an actor, Schedule of Forty Hours' Devotion reality it is the ultimate serv* Connolly as the round little and we are sure Britain could ice of charity rendered by a ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER clerical detective. That film provide such a director. saint, as head of the Church, Week of June 6, Pentecoat Sunday failed, and it is probably just as Why, then, w a s Sherlock to all humanity.” Gilcreat, Sacred Heart Church (13 Houri’) well, or there-would have been Holmes such a Hollywood suc­ cess? Elementary, dear read­ SURELY THE WORLD TO­ Haxtun, Christ the Kin( Church (13 Hours’) a series of Father Brown pic­ DAY owes St. Pius X a great Hugo, St. Anthony’s Church tures. And all Hollywood series ers, as the great man might debt for preserving the truths Idaho Springs, St. Paul’s Church (13 Hours') g;row progressively worse, until say. Holmes is not subtle in the they suffer a fatal attack of least. He would be the first to of Christianity. For the world acknowledge that fact. He kept today is seeing more and more boxoffice indifference. that its ills have resulted from But the reason the film failed badgen'ng poor Dr. Watson -CATHOLIC RADIO and TV LOG about that point. “It is obvi­ its neglect of the teachings of was not Walter Connolly’s ac^ Christ. KOA, Denver KFSC, Denver ing or the lack of good movie ous," he was wont to say; or, (Soon to to on air.) “the facts are all right there St. Pius X warned of the ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, material in G. K. Chesterton’s consequences that the world SACRED HEART PROGRAM- great books. The reason was for anyone to see.” 10:45 p.m. that Hollywood failed to-grasp Holmes is the scientific de­ must suffer, because, he said: —Monday through Friday, tective. He puts clues together “God has been driven out of CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, 8:45 a.m.; Saturdays, 7:15; one simple - quality in the Fa­ public life . . . He has been ther Brown stories. and the whole plot falls to­ 12 noon. in Spanish,' Saturdays, 6:15 gether like a puzzle, just as a driven out of science, now that a.m. It could not portray Father scientist applies a catalytic doubt has been raised to a sys­ i Brown’s subtleness. KIM N, Denver FAMILY ROSARY PROGRAM ageiit tem; He has been driven out of THAT IS ONE THING Alec That is why Holmes is in­ art, degraded to an exagger­ AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday, —Sundays, 6:30-7 p.m. Guinness can do to perfection, ferior to Father Brown. Fa­ ated realism; He has been driven out of law, which has 12:30 and 11:30 p.m. KBOL, Boulder in the new version about to be ther Brown knew one truth premiered in London. The Holmes never learned. That is, assumed tbe morality of the ROSARY FOR PEACE—Sun- SACRED HEART PROGRAM British are past masters at por­ nothing dealing with man’s soul flesh; He has been driven from Every weekday at 7 a.m. traying the faint half-colors education by the abolition of day, 10:45 p.m, is elementary. treatment of Open a Savings Account at that must underlie all literary man’s soul can be scientific. relig;ious training; He has been KFKA, Greeley efforts. They have a touch deli­ driven out of the family which,, SACRED HEART PROGRAM FATHER BROWN KNEW AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday, cate enough to portray Father that men have free wills that is no longer considered sacred*' —Sunday, 11 p.m. 12:30 p.m. American National Bank Brown, who was a spiritual can shatter in an instant the in its origin . . . We must ■ sleuth. fight the capital crime of our} golden thread of grace that day, which is the substitution; Indeed, it is for the same rea­ links us to the Creator. of man for God ...” son that virtually no first-class Holmes resorted to dope. ^ a ll 3 ! mystery stories are written Father Brown, I am sure, re­ The world began to reap the • in America. Crime portrayed sorted to prayer. consequences of its abandon­ Hear without subtlety is merely bor­ It all adds up to the point ment of God before the death ing. It is crude, horrifying, that Father Brown was subtle of the Pontiff-saint in .1914, O Bank Convenience brutal, even at times laughable. enough (and priest enough) to hastened by grief over the out­ But not readable. understand the true meaning break of 'World War I. It has A S K and LEARN The enlarged and beautified American National now offers A Briton like Chesterton, of evil. continued to suffer through a however, looked at crime and We do not expect Alec Guin­ succession of wars and politi­ its customers time-, money- and effort-saving saw all the hidden spiritual les­ ness to disappoint us. We are cal catastrophes, . and now conveniences—such as free next-door parking...prepaid sons of man’s fall, his never- sure the new Father Brown threats of even greater wars KOA ending battle with powers and Vill carry a Breviary, one small and engulfment by atheistic postage on deposits by mail...two outer-lobby depositories... principalities — saw man as a item Hollywood overlooked. Communism. IF THE WORLD has the and banking until 6 p.m. on Mondays. unshakable teachings of Christ 10:45 to which it can turn for re­ EVERY SUNDAY EVENING G/Ve Mary Her Due newed strength and wisdom to­ day, it can, under God„ thank 0 Bank Credit By Ray Whitehead IN T H E GREAT MA- St. Pius X for his heroic and Questions on religion submitted by the radio THERE IS A DANGER JORITY of cases concerning unswerving work of preserving Mary, the Church has found the truths of faith in the face audience answered on the archdiocesan broad­ When you open your Savings Account at American National that criticism of apparent ex­ it necessary not to denounce cast. '' cesses in Marian devotion may of monstrous attacks. you help to establish your credit standing in tbe community, excessive devotion, but rather That has been the mission of Booklet on Catholic Church available free of coagulate into neglect to pay to defend the Virgin Mother’s thus giving you more security and stability. Mary the honor God wishes her St. Pius X in a world of fal­ cott to all inquirers. prerogatives. Perhaps th e tering faith—to hold up be­ to have. Excess in either direc­ former proved far less a prob­ WRITE TO tion is blameworthy. fore groping mankind the mag- lem. History seems so to indi­ n i f i c e n t and unadulterated ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA A few persons appear to cate. truth and faith of Jesus Christ. Denver 2, Colorado . 0 Bank Completeness have been imprudent in cer- ' Imitation of the ardent de­ “Perhaps,” as Life magazine t a i n suggestions, whereas votion to Mary in the lives of avers, “that is the mission of With your Savings Account at American National you get tbe Marian theologianssolo themselves many saints is constantly urged hesitate to make assertions on Giuseppe Sarto in a time of MAin 3-5314 complete financial service possible only with a great upon us by Holy Mother tottering creeds. Perhaps his the same question. Church. In her solicitude to life means that saints are more ^ modem bank. Every banking facility is here for your use. It seems, however, that the emulate her divine Spouse’s pertinent than ever. Perhaps more imminent danger is love for His mother, the Church it means that they must for­ neglect of Marian devotion. has called for a great mani­ ever struggle to undo other F. J. KIRCHHOF Our Blessed Mother was given festation of love in the Marian men’s deeds, forever fight to an exalted position in the Year and swung wide the door overcome other men’s indiffer­ divine plan. Anyone who slights to a vast treasure of indul­ ence, forever wad other men XheAmERICM ^jAnOmL^ANK the sinless Mother of God must gences. out of the drab mediocrity of Ginstruction Co. stand fearfully speechless be­ One who criticizes what he evil.” OF DENVER 17th AND LAWRENCE fore the Creator’s esteem for considers excesses in Marian To which we add, not per­ her. devotion should at the same haps, but certainly. BUILDERS FREE PARKIN G Next door to the Bank God says, as it were: “I time be careful lest he lean Every Catholic, every non- chose her for My mother. Can toward the other extreme. Catholic Christian who values We Appreciate Your Patronage ^ Open till 6 p.m. you say that you love Me as BY HEEDING the Church’s his faith in the midst of a tot­ © ievery Monday much as you should, if you «ardent plea for ^n increase of tering world, must thank God fail to honor her to the extent love for Mary, one avoids that for St. Pius X, one of Christ’s 700 Lawrence St.* Denver, Colo. MEMBEXi KOEXAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE COKP9 IIATION I desire of men?” danger. greatest champions of all time. THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thuridoy, June 3, 1954 PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street


To ploce ads PHONE KE. 4-4205( EXT. 16 — Before 5 p.m. Tuesday

Homes for Soie- 1 Homes for Sole- 1 Homes for Sale- 1 Boby Furniture 43o Autos (Used) for Sole----- 83

2325 MONACO BLVD. NEW and USED Homes With Income BABY FURNITURE Real Estate Beautiful home, 4 bedrooms ADMIRAL AUTO $500 down, $76 per mo., in­ (1=21x21), 3 baths, 3 land­ Toys and Wheel Goods The following real estate firms cludes ins., tax, and interest. Buy, Sell or Trade SALES are advertising in this section 3201 S. Emerson. Appt only scaped lots, lar^e 2-car gar. of the Register. Blessed Sacrament Church Kiddie Korner Only Clean Cars lit Ave. at Penn. PE. 3-5757 1952 Chev, 2 Door Styline If the listings do not cover 2832 So. Acoma and School. what you want telephone these Deluxe,- R&H immaculate. concerns and tell them what This home with income is of­ Howard J. Palmatier Electrical Appliances----- 45 $1195. you have in mind. fered at a bargain. Small dn. pymt, gorfd terms., appt. only. Realtor KE. 4-4300 16 ciL ft. Sub. Zero Upright deep freexe. Mercury Station Wagon. 1963. Cash or terniR. FL. 5-6701. R&H. $545 Byroii "Andy" Anderson Dogs, Cots, Pets 54 328 Bdwy. SH.4-1745 Cafe with 5-rm. mod. home. 1087 S. Broadway » ceived awards in baseball, football, and basket­ Will sell or lease. Appt. only. ST. JAMES PARISH BEAUTIFUL COLLIE PUPS The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Doug Barnes 197 Federal Blvd. AKC Reg. 8800 Tejon GR. 7-8878 PE. 3-3920 Sports, , Awards William M. Higgins, pastor ball. The fathers played the sons in a softball 5 rms., 2-car. gar. W-to-w. game with the dads the victors. Bill Apgar, 1214 Logan CH. 4-4316 One Parakeet and Cage $6.00. Call eve­ Stephen A. Ward of St. Philomena’s Parish, Denver, presents sports carpeting, drapes, storm win­ ning!. SH, 4-1810. 486 Downing. coach, thanked all who helped him through his John F. Bruno See UM for Engleuood dows. 3 lots. Near E. Colfax. iwards to Charles Eby and Tom Burke at the SUTTON’S BIRD HOUSE past two years of coaching.—(Photo by Van’s 6107 E. 22nd DE. 3-4266 Easy terms. Convalescent Homes 8 7 annual presentation of athletic letters May 29 Studio) building tiles. in Congress Park. Approximately 40 students re- DE. 3-4134 KE. 4-0376 Parakeets, young for pets and Buck Realty, Inc. talkers. Normals and rares. MRS. GIDEON'S REST HOME + + + + + 1063 Bdwy. KE. 4-5275Suburban and Mts. Rlty. Raised and banded in our own 2741 Fed. Blvd. GL. 6-9910 4566 S. Bdwy. SU 9-0433 Personals aviary. Cages, play pens, sup­ Holt Realty plies. Open daily ’til 6 p.m. FORT LOGAN REST HOME 43 to Be Graduated at St. Philomena's 8799 W. Colfax BE. 3-5644 Six-piM« danc. combo to play for wed' VACANCY FOR MEN OR WOMEN ding rcceptioni and partiea. CALL Closed 'Wednesdays. SU. 1-3217 (JSt. Philomena’. Pariih, Denver) iown lunch. The room mothers for Wheatley, secretary. Hunt for Real Estate EDDY LUCAS. AT. 8-8449. 2737 Madison FR. 7-3790 . ■^or'"-^'’ree students will re­ the respective grades will con­ Jim Carroll is the new chair 6767 E. Colfax FR. 7-6767 St, James Parish Men, >caip treatmenta, tinta, faciali. duct the races. man of the athletic committee Attractive 2-bdrm. brick bung, miisige, etc. Licenied male operator. Stores, Offices and Bus. Raitmora Nursing Horn# ceive diplomas this Sunday eve­ Evening appointment.. Private. Call Englewood ning, June 6, at 7:.30 in St. Philo-] The annual eighth CTade grad­ for the coming year. Blake-Vif­ Hunter & Presbo, Inc. in Montclair. Full basement Mr. Al. SU. 1-8172. Prop, for Rent------59 mena's Church, the largest uation dinner was held May 27 in quain, retiring chairman, intro 8290 W. Colfax BE. 3-5382 and gar. Priced under $12,000, A re.l home for pensionera. the school library. Special guests duced the new coach, Ray Fonts, Education & Instruction— 7 STORE BUILD1NG-12X30 Welcome All. graduation class in recent years. Ivey Realty A real buy. 1421 Roslyn. $30 MONTH. EM. 6-8802. Wanted: Bed ind Ambulatorr Fa. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor William included Monsignor Higgins, Fa­ who is replacing Bill Apgar. Mr. Jack Wehner tienta You will like our home ityle thers O’Malley and O’Grady, and Apgar is taking over the duties 4195 S. Bdwy. SU. 1-5551 Autos, Wanted 78 meals and 24 hri. nursing care. . xiiggins, pastor, will award as nead coach at Central Cath­ RA 2-3314 DE 3-1511 PBX SWITCHBOARD e diplomas, assisted by the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Switzer, who PluB receptionist tratnlog. Business SU. 9-0615 S were special guests. Monsignor olic High at Oklahoma City. Howard Polmotier James F. O’Grady, S.S.C., and U.S. Nat. Bk. Bldg. KE.4-4300 demands trained personnel. All agea. Jeep Wanted Cheap the Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley, Higgins delivered an address. Baptize'd were Thomas Wil­ Free placement for those who qilallfy. liam Yost, son of Mr. and Mrs. LUXURY HOME 4-whe«l drive, about a model 47 to 60. a,ssistants. Sister Mary Godfrey, After dinner the evening was Suburban & Mtn. Realty Switchboard School Ph. DE. 8-4635. Television and Rodio- 89 spent dancing in the school li­ Vernon S. Yost, with William A. Ov«r 2,200 »q. ft. of n«w and dlffeiv principal, will present the can­ 4566 S. Bdwy. SU. 9-0433 ent datiffninfir, with extras that make Tnining to 6 Week. Huge supply of used car radios, i l and didates for the awards. brary. and Margaret M. Rutkofsky as familj living a real pleasure. Large Diy or Evening Auto Repair, Painting----- 82 The committee in charge in­ godparents; Rosemary Gerardine 2-car garage. Breath-taking view of 1450 Logan St. KE. 4-4762 up, Denver TV Lab, 9707 W. Colfax. The graduation Mass for' the Jock Wehner the Rockies. Close in. Trade or terms. eighth grade will be offered Sun­ cluded Mmes. Louis Bennett, Martin, daughter of Mr. and 4522 E. Colfax DE. 3-1511 Make offer. Real Estate Loons- -100 William Burnett, Owen Van Mrs. Edward P. Martin, with WANTED—Piano pupils. Mn. Ear] Gary, day morning, Jurre 6, at 8:15. JESS FOWLER, Builder wife of Sheridan Union High School Ralph & Don's Meter, and David Eby. The com Harold F. Tracy and Mary M. SU. 1-4607 Director. Experienced, efficient. 8948 I represent private clienta with money The class will occupy pews in .4ufomotice Service the front of the church. mittee was assisted by Mmes. Martin as godparents and Mrs S. Lincoln. SU. 1-8811. to loan on Denver and suburban hornet. Haldene Holt, Daniel Hoskins, Harold Tracy as proxy; Gay St. James’ Parish 1601 Carr BE 3-5302 Quick Bervica. Mr. Kimsey. 308 S. PearU A reception for the graduates 2% ACRES UNFINISHED BLOCK Business Service- 7 0 PE. 3-4638. and their parents will follow in Joseph Loffreda, Corber Grant, Marie Gangle, daughter of Mr, 1S53 Pontiac. Enslish Brick, 2 lit. BUNGALOW. 2060 8. DAYTON. Dan Osborn, Humbert Bottone, and Mrs. Charles H. Gangle bdrms., dining rm.. catinK space in SU. Get your car ready the school . library. The eighth kitchen, t.t, bsmt. with bath. 2-car I am ready to help you write or figure grade room’mothers will be host­ John Raymond, Blake Vifquain, with Donald S. Glinski and Mrs, ear., near achooia. shopping:. S16.600. for summer. out resulU, getting copy for your ads in and Ray Struck. Sophie Zagar as godparents; iheae claasifled columns. Miss Baker, esses for the evening. Cookies and ELMSDALE HEIGHTS KE. 4-4205, Ext 16. punch will be served and enter­ The PTA honored the follow­ Lynn Philip Martin, son of Mr. HUNT FOR REAL ESTATE Open daily 10:30 • 5:30 J. B. Barry 6787 E. Colfax - Rraltor • FR. 7-6787 tainment by dancing will be part ing mothers of eighth grade and Mrs. Lynn Martin, with Al­ Now Under Construction of the program. graduates of 1954 by presenting bert Hagmann and Barbara Ala- Open Eves. Mon. thru Fri. • 2-844 bdrms. with bssemcots. Business Service Graduates are Kathleen Bel these women with medals of S t mazar as godparents; and Karen Curs d'Ars Parish, 8Sth A Dshlis to lamy, Patty Bennett, Corinne C Philomena: Mmes. Yolanda Ar­ Catherine Brown, daughter of Christ the King^ Parish Elm. MA. 3-6439 SERVICE gueta, Josephine Bennett, An­ Mr. and Mrs, Harold W. Brown, Quality Built by Fisher de Baca, Mary Dietscher, Norma 737 Glencoe—Lg. living rm. $12,750 to $15,750 Jean Dougan, Sally Eldridgre, gela Bottene, Tillie Buch, Re­ with Raymond Appleton and with fireplace, 2 bdrms. with gina C. de Baca, Dorothy Diet- Carol Ann Huffman as godpar Convenient shoppinf, trans. Georgia Grier, Toni Sue Holt, extra in finished bsmt Also 25% down Nancy Layden, Margaret Nelan, scher, Irene Gougan, Ana Hirsch, ents. large den., f.d. garage. Lovely Practical Nurses DIRECTORY Ruth Norfleet, Sharon Raymond, Ruth Holt, Mary Loffreda, Jo­ Girl Scout Troop 358 under the grounds. $l8,500; $6,500 dn. Art urgently needed. Register now for sephine MacHendrie, Stella Moll­ leadership of Mrs. J. P. Wasin- John F. Bruno day or night claues. Phone KE. 4-1271 Mary Settle, Rose Rita Sliemers, Byron 'Andy' Anderson or write Nursing, 1177 FranU No free Donna Struck, Helen Van Meter, ison, Thelma Osborn, Margaret ger, Mrs. E. B. Conway, and Realtor labor required. Ashpits & Hauling Linen Service Ostberg, Frances Rollens, Mar­ Mrs. Alex Keller are going to Realtor DE. 3-4266 Alexander Argueta, Joseph Be­ SH. 4-1745 CH. 4-2027 Ciassica. Boogy, popular, with chorda. JOE'S ASH AND TRASH HAULING WE HAVE MOVED gan, Paul Bottone, Larry BeDan, garet Shipp, Clara Sliemers, Dor- Twisted Pine June 6 for a two- DE. 3-6225 Eves. Mrs. Fred Gustafson. RA. 2-9082. AL. 6-jtf60 REAS. DU. 8-2987 TO OUR NEW BUILDING othey Somers, and Helen Stuart day camping trip. MOUNTAIN TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. Jim Burnett, George Bush, Rich­ 22nd Kearney Attica, bamts., garagn clwnwl for B. W Backlus. Manager ard Cabrey, Charles Eby, Ed­ At the May meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Neil Horan and HOME AND INCOME Children's Nurseries- n salvage. Disable Vet. GL. 6-1755._____ Men’s Club, the new officers for daughter. Nan Marie, will leave 3010 8. Grant RA. $-7047 ward Eldredge, Val Grant, Don­ Lovely home. 5 full Ige. rms., Licensed home for mental deficient chil­ “Call Dale, GR. 7-4966” ald Hirsch, Daniel Hoskins, Jo­ the coming year were installed for Milwaukee to attend the f.f. bsmt. with apt. rented for dren. Crib cases. SU. 9-1118. Moving— Hauling Bill Burnett, president; Hank graduation of their daughter For a better job at lowar rilea. seph Loffreda, W’ill MacHendrie $75. Wonderful value. ST. BERNADETTE PARISH Situations Wanted Female 14 A«h, trash, «od, limb*—haul anything. BAST 17th AVE. EXPRESS, moving Norbert Mann, John Mollison Carroll, vice president; Bill Kathleen, from Marquette Uni­ Buck Realty, Inc. and crating, rcaaonabic. KE. 4-2626. Curry, treasurer; and Harold versity on June 9. Near church, school snd trans. This JOE'S ASH AND TRASH HAUUNG Dale Osborn, Richard Ostberg Jorgenson 'fine home has two 14 ft. bdrmt. and R.N. wants bed patient, man or woman, AU 6-0860 REAS. DU. 8-2987 TOPS IN MOVING AND EXPRESS James Rhoades, Richard Rupp 2 tmaller bdrms., Lc. livinx rm. to care for in private Imme. SP. 7-3607. DAY AND NIGHT. MARCUM'S EX- KE. 4-5275 EM. 6-8398 with fireplace, extra toilet, separata Brick PRESS. TA. 5-6760. William Ryan, WilHam Shipp utiL rm., dandy kitchen, att. xar. Jerry Somers, Michael Stuart All on larse lot with irrisation well CLERICAL. STENOGRAPHER. TYP­ Expert brick, block laying. No job too Charles Switzer, Larry Vifquain Welby Youth Will Enroll and pump. 'Too much horns for seller.' ING, DONE ;N my h o m e. SU. 1-2632. •maU. BE. 8-6046. Pointing & Decorating Asking 617,960. and Butch West, .Mature Woman wants to do baby sitting. LICENSED CONTRACTOR 8PECUUZ- Painting, papering. Interior, axtarlor. Banns of marriage were an­ HUNTER & PRESBA, INC. Your home evenings. References and ING IN TUCK POINTmO AND BRICK Rcaaonabic. Veteran. PE. 8-7009. REPAIRS. BE. 8-6218. nounced for the first time be­ In Seminary of Servites 8920 W f Colfax BE. 1-6381 experience. SP. 7-8417. Papering, painting, axterlor and interior. tween Jack Eldon Searle of St Evenings. BE. 3-2727 or BE. 32738 Tuck pointing. Ash pita. Brick repair*. Roofs, terms. AC. 2-6642—CH. 4-6740. APPROVED BABY SITTERS SERVICE Licensed. F. J. GallaghcT. TA. 6-4787. Philomena’s and Miss Lois Marie Welby.— (Assumption Parish) weeks. has capable, dependable baby sitters, —Ted Hoffman, 1954 Assump­ Last year the parish had to pay PAINTING * PAPERHANGING Krause of St. Elizabeth’s; for the prae. nurses. FR. 7-1476. Building Material FREE ESTIMATES BE. 1-3871 first time between William Hat tion graduate, will enroll in the $1,711.31 in interest on the ton of St. Philomena’s and Miss Servite High School Seminary, church debt, and the year before $650 Down! ! Situations Wanted, Mole 15 USED BUILDING MATERIALS, pipe Pilnter wants work. Will do your paint­ Catherine McCarthy of • Cathe Elgin, to begin studies that will no less than $2,101.15. The vari­ windows and doors |6. TA. 6-6011. ing reaa. Will paint your roof, bouse eventually lead to the priesthood. ous payments come at different Large home and income, St. Lswn mowing, odd job*. R««m*ble. cleaniug, window wsihing. Will alean dral. Mary’s Parish, Littleton 1 blk. PL. 6-1738. Carpentry 8: Contracting ssh pit—anything. MA. 3-8487. Confe.tiont for firtt Friday The name of Richard Rossi was times of the year, and one has to omitted inadvertently in last be paid very soon, amounting to Sold for business. Consider New homes, garages, additions, complete WALLPAPER Ranging, Painting, will be heard Thuriday from good mortgage as part paymt, Minor Rcp.irs—hauling snd painting— remodeling, patch plastering. Licensed Remodeling. Call KE. 4-6793. 3:30 to 6 and 7:30 to 9. Maisei week’s list of perfect attendance $422. The Altar and Rosary Vary rtatonabl*. FR. 7-1SS2. contractor. FHA Terms. De Leon A Sons. on firit Friday, June 4, will be pupils. Society is sponsoring a games DOUG. BARNES 1928 9th S t AC.'^2-2070. Paperbanging and painting. Anton Berw at 6:30, 7:30, and 8:15 (chil­ WYRA Meeting party June 12 at 8 p.m. in the Realtor CH. 4-4316 Help Wanted Female 17 Kitchen cabinets built to measurement. inger, 163 Madison. EA. 2-2286, dren’s M ats). Communion will Welby Gymnasium, to help meet Remodeling, first clast carpenter work. The WYRA will meet every Mention Chas. Ranke. PE. 8-6241. Komte paint—paperhanging and painU be distributed at 6 o’clock and this latest interest payment. Sew our Bedi-cut Handy-bsnky aprons ing. 865 Santa Fa. KE. 4-4639. second Wednesday of the month There will be 15 games. Admis­ ST. LOUIS PARISH at borne. Easy, profitable A A B Enter­ before each Mats. First Satur­ THE Dressmaking Painting, Int. and Ext. Fra* eatlmate*. day devotions will be said in the rectory or gym, depending sion is 50 cents per person. Tick­ 2880 S. Lincoln, Older, 2-story prises. 2616 N. Albert Pike. Ft. Smith. upon the number of people pres­ Ark. NEVA'S DRESSMAKING Work guar. Any ait* job. RA. 2-2770. after the Mattes and during ets can be obtained from any REGISTER home, 4 bedrooms, nice yard. ent. society member, or at the rec­ Clothaa made to order. Also alterations the evening Holy Hour on Sat­ Good terms. $8,950. Help Wonted, Mole- 18 and school. First class work and instruc­ Point & Wallpaper urday. The summer dancing program tory. when IVEY REALTY tion. Evening appointments and elastaa. Prayers for the seriously ill will start Thursday, June 3, in The first Friday of the month, AC. 2-2965. Komsc Dsint—wsllptper. 26c roll and up. Realtor Men winted now for foreign cons, em­ 866 SanU Fe. KE. 4-4629. were asked for James H. Myers the Welby gym. Registration will June 4, there will be distribution ALTER., dressmaking . LADIES take place at 8 a.m. Tuition will patronizing 4195 S. Bdwy. • SU. 1-5551 ployment on A^er. bases In Europe. TAILORING A SPECIAL'TY. C08- Paving and W. S. Byrne; and for the of Communion at 6, and Mass at Americs. T a r North, and other yUMES MADE. KE. 4-2796.______deceased, Theodore M. Floyd and be $1 per pupil for the 12 weeks 7 :30 a.m. Confessions will be Offica opan avanings to 8 p.m. countriea. Truck drivers. 33.66 hr., clerks of instruction in tap, ballet, advertisers 18.00 hr., Carpenters $8>70 hr.. Laborers J. S. Riedmann. heard at 5:45 and 7:15, and Sa­ 38.00 hr. Many other trades wanted with Draperies ASPHALT PAVING Books are being checked by the acrobatic, square, and ballroom cred Heart devotions will follow St. Bernadette Parish wage rata accordingly. Up to 70 hr. PARKING LOTS DRIVEWAYS book rental committee on Thurs­ dancing. All children of grade the High Mass. week with time and one half for all EVELYN’S SLIP COVER and TOURIST COURTS school age or who will start New 5-rm. brick, 2 large bed- over 40 hn. Trans, pd. 8 to 24 mo. con­ DRAPERY SHOP GARAGE AND WAREHOUSE day, June 3, from 9 to 10 a.m Church cleaners for June are tract Also lobs with ship. oil. mining, school in September are eligible, •Antoinette Rossi, Rose Rende, rms., dinet, tile bath, garage. FLOORS FREE ESTIMATES The PTA and the Altar and Register Want Ads 1 blk from Church and schooL aviation firms snd cons, jobs in U.S.A. Let us help you with your Rosary Society will receive Com regardless of race, color, or Florence Ciancio, Anna Tomeo, with wage rate in 71 of the larger cities. decorating problems, custom WESTERN PAVING creed, living in the community. $14,500, $2,000 down. Full inf. of all firms hiring, jobs open, mpnion Sunday, June 6, in the Vifigenza Fiore and Mary Rossi. wage rata, aample contract medical made draperies and slip cov­ CONSTRUCTION CO. 8«15 Mass. 'They will receive Plans for a swimming program Carol Puhl, the little polio pa­ Call KE. 4-420.1, Ext. 16 Holt Realty exam., application form etc., air mailed ers. Complete installation. 6106 Washington MA. I.33U Communion privately because of are also in the making, and will tient, still in Children’s Hospital, to you for only 32.00. Foreign Cons. be announced in about two is doing very well. 8799 W. Colfax BE. 3-5644 Bulletin, P.O. Box 898, Dept 16, Dallas, MRS. HARRY SHERMAN the graduation exercises, Texas. 1501 S. Pearl' RA. 2-3636 Plumbing & Heating h'eld Day 'Field Day for the students of Opportunity for man with small capital Draperies, bedspreads, custom made. Plumber, doea own work, new, repair to learn cleaning business. TA. 6-2711. 6828 E. 14th DU. 8-1606 and remodeL Anywhere in Englewood or thie school will be held on Thurs­ Littleton area. WE. 6-7109. day, June 3, beginning at 10 a.m REGISTER WANT AD ORDER BLANK Kelp Wanted Mole & Female Druggiits The first grade and the kinder ------18o YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Quilters garten classes will have a joint will b< fliled correctly at Place Your Ad Before WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Algfka Quilt Shop. Machine qulltinSe picnic at City Park, under the 2482 E. 8rd Ave. DU* 8-2662. supervision of the sisters and STENO’S - TYPISTS Ph. SP. 7-9786 1096 South Gaylord S t the chaperojjs. Parents are asked BOOKKEEPERS ALADDIN DRUG CO. Radio & TV Service toj pick up their children at the 2032 E. Colfax Ay*. FR. 7-7988 park at 2 p.m. All other children Over 100,000 Catholic Readers All types of office kelp. Jast Floor Coverings Expert TV and Radio Repair Servlea. participating in the field day ac call at Selactiye Employment Reaa. prices. .Work guar, on all make*. Bureau Ebepert upholstery and carpet cleaning Cali any time. 2660 So. Bdway. PE. 8-7841 tivitics are asked to bring their Fill out and Mail this convenient Order Form NOW! in your home or our shop. Carpet re­ or WE. 6-4517. 1441 WeltoD St. pairing and laying. Lloyd Elliott $45 Top Winner If you want a good office Job Wadsworth. BE. 3-5869. Rubbish Removol WRITE ONE WORD IN EACH SPACE - FIVE AVERAGE WORDS EQUAL ONE LINE | immediately or call AC 2-0721. In Talent Show Floor Sanding T. H. KEYS—For aervice anywhere la for preliminary job inf. city limita of Denver. £A. 2-8558. Karl Camsa — Ladies’ Dept FRANK’S FLOOR SERVICE Bob Kennedy — Men’s Dept LAY, SAND AND FINISH WORK GUARANTEED RA. $-8149 Sewer Service 1 2 3 4 5 Salesmen— Saleswomen— 19 Furn. Rep. & Upholstering 360 to $75 weekly, part time. 3150 full Fumitur* repaired, raflnlahod, uphol- You plug 'em, •terad. SU. 1-8060. 4601 S. Delaware. 6 time. No axperienee neoaasarye Kitchen We clean ’em 7 8 9 10 C raft 2812 & Colfax. Generator Repairing Room and Boord- 23 Work Guaranteed Rebuilt and Rapalred. Pricat Raatonabla. RA. 2-1223 n ROOM AND BOARD FOR 'TWO KELLY’S GENERATOR EXCHANGE 12 13 14 15 ADULTS. 1466 QUINCE. DE. 8-0990. W. 26th Ave. at Decatur GE. 3-0246 Open Nights and Sunday. _____ Mile High Sewsr Servict 1004 PENN. Vac. for man aod woumb. Cloa* 1b. Laundry priv, Luncha* pekd. Gutter* 16 17 18 19 20 11 bus. $14 up. MA. 8-2662. Tool Renfoi* Lovely home for working mother, child AMERICAN ROOFING SHEET METAL car*. Cloae in. RA. 2-2617. CONTRACTING COMPANY Gutters repaired ft replaced. Guaranteed. Sanders, Paint Sprays, Elec­ BUSINESS GIRLS HOME Thoroughly Experienced, Dtpendeble. 21 . 22 23 ‘ 24 25 Beautiful Rma. $16 up. Cloa* In. Phone for Free Intimate CH. 4-8466 tric Saws, Electric Drills, 906 Grant CH. 4-6867 House Point* Wall Paper Steamer, Trail­ RAT"E: 1 to 3 insertions—-25c a line — 4 or m<>re insertions — 20c a line Apartment* Unfurnished 26 ers, Etc. 8 Sunny Rooma, private bath, elaao. two ADAMS RENTS Six* 1 Week block# from Loyola Church. 2228 E. 2Ui 2 Waekt 3 Weak* 4 Waeki Size 1 Week 2 W eek. 3 Week* 4 Week* Ave. No children. Acme Quality Paints 8319 £. 1st Ave. at Adams 2 line* .50 EA. 2-0087 EA. 2-7418 I.VTERIOR A EXTERIOR EA. 2-4901 1.00 l.SO 1.60 4 life* 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.20 FINISHES 3 line* .75 1.50 Apartment* FurnisSied — 27 SUPER KEHTONE t . 2.25 2.40 5 line* ^ .1.25 2.50 3.75 4.00 KEMGLO Tree Service 2-ROOM FURN. APT. $25 MO. ADULTS. Auto Equipment Paint Dir. 3102 GILPIN. EM. 6-8802. PRUNING. SPRAYING. CABLING Sharon Jarger, 9, daugh- 1400 Larlpier KE. 4-6261 AND CAVITY WORK, ETC. • ter of Mr, and Mrs. F. C. YOUR NAME STREET & NO. CI'TY, ZONE, STATE 4646 FRANKLIN ST. Carafnl aelaetlv* pruning for ia- 2-rra. apt. ChUdran wale. TA. 6-9888 provad tppatranct of yoar traa* alU Jarger of 3343 Larimer Street, Londscoping to I cum poatibla storm daaiat*. Denver, was top winner in a Your phone No. Swecney'i Apt*. S and 3 room apt*. recent Popularity and Talent Very cIm p . Chlldran allowed. SCHULHOFF TREE 14BI6 B. Colfax At*. EM. 6-6894 Lawns "j Show. Sharon, who was named CLIP AI¥D MAIL TO SERVICE “Cinderella,” was presented a 3 RM. PARTLY FURN. APT. EM­ THE DEIWER CATHOLIC REGISTER PLOYED COUPLE, NO PETS OR ROTO-TILLING, gerdent or lawn#. rca< trophy at East Denver High DRINKERS. UTILITIES PAID. $60. sonable. work g u a ran ty . BK. 3-4897 A L . .> .5 .5 4 8 HA. 4-6112 School. In the talent part of the P.O. ^ox 1620 Denver 1, Colo. ■:46 W. 12th AC. 2-2672 'fwo EX-Gl itudeoU, mow lawn#, trim show, she took top honors for her trees, hedge#. James Mycr«. BK. 3-469" Upholstery Misc. for Sole- 34 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. song and tap dance routine. She OR TELEPHOIVE YOLR ORDER — KE. 4-4205 NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY attends Sacred Heart SchooL Vacuum Cleaner, electric tewing ma- Rototilling for lawn# and weeding#. Also Wholcsal* prioet, fra* att. Term! If aklnfc Lika saw, AL. 6-040L UwB mowing. SU*1^88$b datirtd. iS6 So. Broadway. PE. S-U ti. Thursday, June 3, 1954 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitono 4-4205 PAGE FIFTEEN

Paulist Father Robt. Scott to Preach Monsignor Higgins Speoker Graduation Held at St. Vincent's Evergreen Parish Plans Groduotes Plan (St. Vincent de Peul't Parith, Kathleen Russell, Cathedral High work to attend, and it is hoped Communion Day St. Mary Magdalene's Denver) School; Hugo Weber, S t Francis there will be a large attendance de Sales’; Frank Perez, Mullen to hear this outstanding speaker. The graduation exercises for High School. 1st Mission June 6 to 13 the S t Vincent de Paul Grade This will be the last meeting At Saint Francis' Holds Graduation Rite School were held on Wednesday There will be no school until September. Evergreen.—-(Church of Christ the King)—The first Thursday, June 3. On Friday, (St. Franci* de Sales’ Pariih, (St. Mary Magdalene'*, Denver) evening, June 2, a t '7:30 o’clock HNS Meet June 9 parish mission to be held in this parish, beginning Sun- Denver) in the parish hall. Forty-seven June 4, the children will attend Graduation exercises for the first eighth grade class the first Friday Mass at 7:30 The Holy Name Society will ay, June 6, for one week, will be preached by the Rev. The high school graduates will graduates received their diplo­ meet Wednesday, June 9, at 8 attend the 8 o’clock Mass Sun­ were held June 1 in S t Mary Magdalene’s Church, Den­ mas, which were presented by the a.m., and will receive their report Robert Scott of the Paulists, who is stationed at Old St. cards immediately after Mass. p.m. An interesting program has day, June 6, in cap and gown and ver. The speaker for the evening was the Rt. Rev. Mon­ Rev. Arthur Dresen. The speaker been planned, called “Sports­ Gary’s Church in San Francisco. receive Communion in a body. signor William Higgins of St. Philomena’s Parish. was the Rev. James Townes, Altar-Rosary Meet Since this is the most oppor­ Commencement exercises will man’s Night,” featuring a movie + + + ’ ‘ Diplomas were presented to the graduates by the C.M., of S t Thomas’ Seminary. .The Altar and Rosary Society entitled Fish and Relax, furn tune time to merit exceptional take place in the auditorium graces, all parishioners are pastor. Monsignor James Flana ' Jerry Brin was master of cere­ will have an evening meeting at ished by the Wright & McGill arena that afternoon. One hundred thirty-one re­ strpngly urged to attend and also E v e rg re e n FaAher Simeon Finnegan, gan. Scholarship awards were re­ monies. Marilyn Clark extended 8 p.m. on Monday, June 7. Mrs. Company. And another movie ceived Confirmation admini*- requested to encourage any O.S.B., of tbii parith will ceived by Colleen Vechazone for a welcome to relatives and John Fiore will be the guest will be shown on Notre Dame, tered by Bishop Charles fallen-away Catholics or any in­ Mission Master celebrate hit Firtt Solemn Cathedral and Rosemary Scheu- friends, and Stanley Fulcher ex­ speaker. Mrs. Fiore is chairman through the courtesy of Judge Quinn, C.M., on Monday, terested non-Catholics o f' the Matt at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, ering for Holy Family High pressed the gratitude of the class of the Speakers’ Comm.ittee of Albert T. Frantz, who is presi­ School. St. Mary Magdalene’s May 24. for a truly Catholic education. dent of the Notre Dame Alumni Evergreen district to join in this ‘ v June 6. The tterting time of the Colorado Council for week of spiritual activity. ; the 10 o’clock Matt hat been School first opened in Septem­ On First Friday, June 4, Com­ Scholarships were presented to UNESCO. She will show a pic­ group. All Catholic men of the munion will be given at 6:15, parish are cordially invited to The mission schedule is as foI-|I moved forward 15 minutet to ber, 1950. the following students; Joy Ger- ture and talk on the United lows: Sunday Masses - 8, 10, and I allow time for the extra cere- The graduates are Jane Loehr, 6:30, and in the 7 o’clock Mass. ity, S t Mary’s Academy; Beverly Nations. This night meeting is attend this meeting. Sunday, June 6, members of The Holy Name Society will 11; weekly Masses - 6, and 8:30; moniet in the Firtt Solemn Cathleen Carey, Patricia Holon- Hepp, S t Joseph’s High School; an oppdrtunity for women who evening services, Sunday, June M att. bek, Diana Wood, Rosemary the Altar and Rosary Society will receive Communion in a body in receive Communion. the 8 o’clock Mass on Sunday, through Saturday," June 12, June 6, the first Sunday of the Scheuering, Janice Kizzor, Col­ June 13. At the May Cpmmuion 7 >45 p.m. (evening services will month, will be the women’s Com­ leen Vechzone, Virginia Peek, THE ONLY COAST TO COAST CARRIER! there were 60 members present, consist of special prayers, a mis­ munion day. All the women of Sheila Schmitt, Judith Romberg, and 35 Boy and Cub Scouts in sion sermon, and public question I the parish are invited to receive Mary Riedel, Toni Rountree, uniform. box); Confessions each night fol-l Communion individually, with Joan Rountree, Margaret Har­ THE lowing the evening services. their.family ^oups, or with their ris, Mary Lee Inigue, Judith The religiout vacation ichool Special mission services fori parish organizations. Vendena, Daniel Hershberger, **Pioneer* for public .chool children the children will be given fol- ^ Grade School Graduation Rodney Nusse, Clayton Speas, of (tart* on Monday morning, lowing the Mass Saturday, June ^ Samuel Speas, Michael Miles, June 14, with half-day le i- Grade school graduation exer­ transcontinental 12. A light breakfast will be cises will be held Friday morn­ Mark Kimmel, Ronald Altman, aion. for two week.. served to any child who wishes Dennis Wickenhauser, Thomas freight ing, June 4, in conjunction with The Pinochle Club will hold a to receive Communion in the; the 8:30 Mass, at which the Schrader, Bernard Seward, and transportation )ot-luck supper on “Ladies’ Mass. grade school children will re­ Terrence Hagerman. ^ight,” Thursday, June 10, at The mission will close Sunday; ceive Holy Communion as prep­ On Thursday, June 10, the 15 p.m. Reservations may be afternoon, June 13, at 4 o'clock.! aration for their summer vaca­ Altar and Rosary Society will DENVER-CHICAGO TRUCKING CO., INC. made by calling Mrs. Edward Closing Benediction will be given j tion. hold its last meeting until fall. 2501 Blake Denver KE. 4-7261 Hegge, PE. 3-8539, or Mrs by R t Rev. Monsignor Gregory; On June 4, the first Friday of The hostesses for the luncheon Charles Rausch, PE. 3-4594. Smith. I the month, Masses will be at 6, will be Mrs. Samz, Mrs. Stevens, The Tepees Ballroom was' 7, 7:45, and 8:30. Confessions and Mrs. Scheetz. ARE YOU LOOKING crowded with parishioners and will be heard at the usual hours The sewing circle will meet on their friends May 29 for the first The Rev. Robert Scott, on Thursday afternoon and eve­ Tuesday, June 8, at 1 o’clock in FOR A PRINTER? social activity of the summer C.S.P. (above), from St. ning. the parish hall. Robert Norton season. Johnny^Ellis presented fascinating performance of Mary’s Church, San Ffancisco, Look no further! Stop in magical artistry, and Joe Mat­ CaliL, Western headquarters of and discuss your printing olorado )3prings thews was the toast of the eve- the Paulist Fathers, will give a Serve Sunday Breakfast needs with us. We feature s 1Named to Head one-week mission in Christ the the finest craftsmen and c ning, singing Adele’s “Laughing F Song” from Die FUdermaus. King Parish, Evergreen, begin­ equipment The Rev. Donald A. McMahon ning Sunday, June 6. The mission J. D. CROUCH was toastmaster at the Ever- will close with the celebration of At Presentation Parish (. of C. Council Forty Hours’ June 11-13. The — CALL US TODAY — C. D. O’BRIEN jfreen High School Athletic M AY REALTY Robert L. Norton was elected Forty Hours’ will close with (Preientation Parith, Denvar) eral new ideas for everyone’s grand knight of Denver Council Banquet May 27. Father Mc­ DRYER & ASTLER Mahon will give an invocation at solemn services on Sunday after­ The Altar and Rosary Society enjoyment. 539, Knights of Columbus, at a noon, July 13, at 4 o’clock. reminds all parishionioners of PRINTING COMPANY meeting June 1. He succeeds the Everjirreen grade school grad­ Among th e latter is the REALTOR uation on Friday, June 4. Father.Scott, a native of New the breakfasts, held before and “Creeps’ Leep,” a dance designed 193ft Ltwrmc* KE. 4-6348 Mickey O’Donoghue as head of Jersey, is a brother of Mrs. Don­ after all the Sunday4Iasses. Last especially by and for the teen­ 94Y DKYE8 — GE08GE ASTLE8 the original Denver Knights of Strasburg Parish Holds ald McMahon of Corpus Christi week they netted $47. A larger agers and young adults in the INSURANCE ■ LOANS Columbus Council, which marked Parish, Colorado Springs. He has crowd is expected this Sunday parish. The dance is scheduled its golden jubilee in 1982. Its First May Crowning been giving retreats at the El and the committe will elan for.jfor three of the four festival QUALITY APPAREL Ute Theater Bldg. ()ther officers elected for one Strasburg. — (St. Gertrude’s Pomar Retreat House during additional customers. The foodPnights in the parish hall. The year terms are: Deputy grand Parish)—The first May crown­ May. For the past year he has supply was depleted after the 12 music two of the nights will be IM COLOIIADO 8PH1NGS Colorado Springs, Colo. knight, Robert J. Woods; chan ing ever held in Strasburg took been stationed at famous Old o’clock Mass last Sunday. the “craziest” in popular dance I SINCE ll7i cellor, Marshall Reddish; re place May 30 St. Mary’s in San Francisco and Father Leo Blach was pre­ records and the final night will Kiowa and Tejon Street. MAIN 1898 corder, Frank Cuba; treasurer New rubber pads have been giving retreats and missions sented with a spiritual bouquet see a popular Denver dance band James F. McConaty; warden, ordered for the kneelers in the mostly in the Monterey-Fresno for the anniversary of his ordi­ doing the honors. Steve Kopecky: advocate, Rich church by St. Gertrude’s Society Diocese. nation on May 29, and Father M. Another “newcomer” to . the Put your dollar$ to ard Casey; inside guard, James Blenkush will receive the same on festival family is the "delicious Haley; outside guards, Richard June 11, for his anniversary, breakfast served after all the work where they will THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON Connelly and Lou Montoya Graduation Rites Are Set from the Altar and Rosary Masses on Sunday. a .l. ttMV—lift E. rikM PuU-MAI. Iftft Optometrist trustee, M. O’Donoghue. Society. Under the guidance of Mrs. ■ work the hardest... Nwtk Itm —832 Til..—MAI. 189 Election of officers for the Mrs. Schnur is again request­ Lawrence Keenan, Mrs. Gilbert 13S North TeJoD S t Fourth Degree Assembly 539 of June 6 at Loyola School ing white elephants for the white Lindeman and Miss Rose Beat, earning a high rate of Professional Pharmacy elephant booth for the Guild PHONB MAIN KM the knights will be held June 22 (Loyola Pariali, Denver) ual races; First grade, girls, the breakfasts give parishioners 4% interest. 601 No. Tajon MAin 1088 COLORADO 8PRI.VG8. COLO. The council will hold an initia­ Festival. Anyone wishing to do­ a chance to see the many won­ Graduation exercises for the Karen House, Katherine Zeiler, nate m^y deliver them to the tion into the first three degrees members of the eighth grade and Marguerite Vasquez; and derful prizes offered at this feiJ-la ttpHel and uirpltt of the Knights of Columbus vestibule of the church. class of Loyola School will be boys, David Wesollowski, Chris year’s festival. •r»r 4250.000.00 J Gel Baur’s (of Denver) Pete Beroni June 6 beginning at 10 a.m. in White, and Isaac Lee; Mrs. Pauline Frank is enjoy­ Adolph Meis, grand chairman held following the 8:30 o’clock ing the company of her sister, Candy and Ice Cream at Furniture Shop the council home, 16th Avenue Mass on Sunday, June 6. The Second grade, girls, Cheryl for the festival, plans to do some and Grant Street, Denver. Morris, Patty Gaffney, and Sister Mary DelRay, daughter of light remodeling of the booths UPHOLSTERING. Rev. Edward P. Murphy, S.J., Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ekler. Sister REPUBLIC! Johnson-Eriglish SE-UPHOLSTERING AND will confer the diplomas and ad­ Nancy Bierich; and boys, Glen this week end. If anyone can REPAIRING Roundtree, Eric Ehnstrom, and Mary DelRay will return to Des supply a paint sprayer, it will - LOAN CO. I dress the graduates. Marguerite Moines, la., Saturday, June 5. Blip CbTir. .nd Drtp.rlts Meeting Is Called Vasquez and Howard Sutliff of Stephen Moore; third grade, be appreciated, but most of all 1634 Glanorm • Denver, Colo, e Drug Co. Mwl. to Order girl^ Sylvia Bennett, Beverly Teen-agers are reminded of personal help is neeited. Inter the first grade will carry ‘the the “Creeps’" Leep” on June 25, ftfoblUhte I92S lENTHERIC Toaetriea Fnmltnro Made to Order By Youth Friends diplomas. Owens, and Elizabeth Tafoya; ested men may contact Mr. Meis TeJon at Bijoc 8C Phont 1401 24-22.80. Wahutch A rt. UAin S2S9. and boys, Chenia Abegg, Ed 26, and 27. at AC 2-4373. The Youth Friends’ Organiza The members of the class are Our Lady of Fatima Circle Patricia Allais, Judy Bissell, Marquez, and Frank Smole; Some of the booths can still The Heyse Sheet tion will meet at 7:30 tonight fourth grade, girls, Ann Hudson, will meet in the home of Mrs. use workers, and everyone who ME. I-S349 HE. 4-8161 Thursday, June 3, in Sacred Susan Chase, Sheila Doherty, Edith Anthony, 661 S. Green LARRT JERRY Metal and Roofing Gerald Gonzales, Joseph Klinke, Donna Armstrong, and Bett can spare even a little time is WHY i Heart Parish Hall, Denver, the Ann Saya; and boys, Robert Al Court, Thursday, June 10, at needed. INCORPORATED Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., modera Robert Kreutzer, Stacey Laux, 12:30 p.m. Madden Plumbing Co. Winifred Lohr, Thomas Lopez, lais, Jim Laux, and Leroy Zieg­ Baptized were Joan and Roger, DENVER'S fAVORITl LAUNDRY HEATING ROOFING tor, announced. ler; fifth grade, girls, Patty Na- Altar and Rosary Society children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PLUMBING CONTRACTORS SHEET METAL The session will be the first Robert Marquez, Carolyn Maur­ members will receive Communion PLUMBING REPAIR.S jeria, Virginia Bell, and Eliza­ Woskowicz, with Tom Sanchez Tb* rcaftoo Id e s l S S GAS WATER BEATERS H I BO. NEVADA general meeting since the estab­ er, Robert Mehring; in a group in the 6 o’clock Mass Pbonoi UAIb SS3 Ronald Montoya, Ronald beth Differt; and boys, Vernon and Dolores Sanchez as sponsors —— atrve* noora familte* io S S 5 Mm. i me 2-0042 821 W Clir.4. An. lishment of the Westwood branch Owens, Francis Knoll, and Rod­ this Sunday, June 6. for Joan, and Walter Ibold and S S Denver ifaao * 0 7 other S55 EiL 18K ^ of the organization two weeks Moore, Mavoureen O’Brien, Don­ Mrs. Ethel Newcomb has an­ ald Prochazka, James Roundtree, ney Card; Agnes Mikulich as sponsors for — ? buodry it becauac Ideal S S ! ago. Officers of the new unit are nounced that proceeds from a Roger; Claudine Mary, daughter :s : cnatomer* get jaat the SS5 Joseph Carreon, president; D. C Eugene Sauer, John Shanahan, Sixth grade, girls, Patricia pair of embroidered pillowcases SPEAWS Ralph St. Louis, John Sutliff, Baker, Kay Cawley, and Emma of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Roberts, —— kind of Ituodry aerrice S 3 Lopez, vice president; Robert and sheets will be used for the with Robert and Priscilla Walters 3 3 ; they wane Martinez, organizer; and Ramon Janice Vasquez, Leon Willough­ Bennett; and boys, Alfred Razal ham dinner. Donations of cash —— Why don’t yon, too, r—^ Variety Store by, and Nancy Zevallos. Donald Carbone, and Raymonc as sponsors: Helena Therese, GtS-L Gonzalez, secretary. and butter are also requested. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. S 3 enjoy I d e s t Lenndry 533 Following the graduation the Schell; seventh grade, girls, Ja­ 2200 E. Plfttu Avs. Colo. Son Working primarily to rehabili Guild Festival Soister, with James Lombardi i33 Seivkt? Prompt Service »— Oflou'r, S . Notions • To7i > Hardwaro • Sehooi tate youths who have been ar members oi the class and Father net Hudson, Mary Agnes Saya, — —careful handling—end gS3 Murphy will be the guests of the and Lourdes Valdez; and boys, As the date for the annual and Alice M. Curley as sponsors; 8appii«a • Kltchtnwara • Glaaawaro rested once or twice for law­ Parish Guild Festival aproaches, Kenneth Matthew, son of Mr. 33: trnly auperior work, nt •— > Coamatlca breaking, the YFO also sponsors PTA at breakfast in the Park Eugene Ziegler, Bill Sullivan r~~ atandard pricea. ~:s Lane Hotel. Arrangements for and Larry Bierich; and eighth the various committees are hard and Mrs. Maurice McCance, with recreational programs for teen- at work making preparations for Paul and Irene Martinez as spon­ ftfeaae M ia 4 tH . agrers. The YFO, founded early the breakfast have been made by grade, girls, Winifred Lohr Ja­ the room mothers, Mrs. Howard nice Vasquez, and Patty Allais the “best festival yet.” All the sors; Douglas Leslie John, son of this year, is headed by Paco San popular "old timers” in booths Mr. and Mrs. Donald Faulkner, BUCK SPORTING chez. Sutliff and Mrs. AI-Vasquez and boys, John Shanahan, Tom Aley Drug Co. Joseph Klinke was awarded a Lopez, and Ronnie Montoya, and games plan a return engage­ with John Zidan and Mercedes NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT scholarship to Regis High School Other novelty races included ment this year along with, sev- Morrissette as sponsors, and GOODS CO. PRESCRIPTION ESTATE OF KATHERINE MILLER. DRUGGISTS and Carolyn Maurer wa.s given the fourth grade three-legged Lynn Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. “ETerjrlhlng for Erer. Sport** DECEASED. No. 85078 Richard B. Baker, with Lyle Phone Main 930 Notico ii horoby xiven that on tho the Cathedral High School schol­ race, won by Anne Hudson Phon. Main 2S« 832 So. Tejon S t loth day qf Jun^, 1954, I will pr^ent .Adams and Barbara Mayberry as 19 NO. TEJON ST. arship. The Benedictine Abbey in and Betty Ann Saya; Jim COLORADO SPRINGS to the County Court of the City and Canon City and S t Joseph’s Laux and Leroy Ziegler; jump Reservations, sponsors. County of ^n v er, Colorado, my ac- counU for final aettlement of the ad­ High School in Denver also of rope race for third grade ministration of said estate when and fered scholarships. girls, won by Beverly Owens, J. B. SHEARER C J. SHEARER ^ ZECHA & ADAMS where all persons In Interest mav ap­ * On Thursday, June 3, prizes Janet Landis, and Sylvia Ben ^ Conoco Service Sution pear and object to them if they so desire. Deadline for MARILYN WEISS. will be given to those who have nett; third grade boys’ sack race, J. J. CELLA INSURANCE ^ Eiecntrix. been faithful in attendance at won by Ed Marquez, Chenia ► THOMAS L. FORD, Attorney 1700 East 5th Avenoe choir during the year. Those with Abegg, and D. Vasquez; and the IEWERHjuidwl... ► Marie A. Celle First Publication May 6. 1954 perfect attendance are Mavou­ seventh grade girls' shoe-kicking lour June IP Jack J. Celle Iftsst PuhlicUion June 3. 1954 ► reen O’Brien, Janice Vasquez, contest, won by Mary Agnes Those planning to take the Colorado Spring., Colo. ► NOTICE TO CREDITORS Marilyn Hackmeister, Marilyn Saya, (iynthia Mares, and Susan Mexican tour sponsored by 'insurance of All Kinds" ESTATE OF WILLIAM B. HAPPEN. Beasley, Cynthia Mares, Marietta Quinn. 'The bicycle race was won f Nend. A... .1 Cach. I. Pondr. DMsased. No. P-57J ^ Father John Ordinas, C.R., Notice U hereby xisen that on the Morratto, Judy Vaughan; by Donald Prochazka. are urged to write or tele- 27th day of April. 1954,' leters of ad­ Eddy Lou Rolls, Mary Agnes Booth chairmen for the an­ p^hone him before June 10. 43 Years of Dependable Service in the Field where ministration were Issued to the under­ Saya, Lourdes Valdez, Marie nuel gigantic bazaar June 17- signed as Administrator of the above This arrangement is necessary Dependability it Essential named estate and all persons havinfr Driscill, Leona Weingardt, Con­ 20, hare been announced by in order that plans may be FORT COLLINS claims against said estate are required nie Lambrecht, Eleanor Rubner, Robert Biaaell, chairman. Co- made for the departure of the to file them for allowance in the Count^ Bonnie Jenson, Patricia Baker, chairmen are Ted Sperot and Court of the City and County of Denver, pilgrimage in time. Father Or- 1120 Security Bldg i7th 45 caiir. Phone, KE. 4-2633 Colorado, within six months from said Michelle Cousins, Bevery House, Jack Biaaell. Mra. John Mad­ dinM’ address is 1156 Ninth date or aaid claims will be fordver barred. Mary Louise Januks, Kathy Ito, den i* aecretary. Street, Denver; his telephone, ANDREW WY90WATCKY. Barbara Dunivant, and Carolyn Administrator In charge of the deluxe Cham­ TA. 5-8059. DREILING MOTORS First Publication May 6, 1954 Maurer. pion Studebaker to be given Because of the drop in the Last Publictaion June 8. 1954 The three children who of­ away June 20 are members of Mexican peso, the pilgrimage fered the most participation in Buick and C M C Trucks LEGAL NOTICE the Holy Name Society under the rates, which cover everything IN THE COUNTY COURT the afghan sales were Donna direction of Ted Speros. Mrs. Ta­ except tips, have been re­ 230 South College Ave. In tnd for the City end County of Marquez, Fred Kullman, and BREWED WI1H PURE Phone 2300 Denver tnd Stale of Colortdo foya and Mrs. Valdez will be in duced, as follows: No. 87SSS Vernon Owens. charge of the, PTA booth; Miss Pullman lower, which had CITATION TO ATTEND PROBATE The field day activities on May Eleen Campbell, rugs and afg­ been announced as $367, is OF WILL 27 resulted in tne following be­ han; Mrs. Marjorie Power, fi.sh now $351; pullman upper, for­ IN THE MATTER OF *rHE ESTATE ing awarded ribbons for individ- ROCKY MOUNTAIN The firms listed here OF FLORENCE BELLE RICHARDS, jond; Quent Koneeny, candy merly $361, now $345; coach, ako knovn at FLORENCE BELL LEGAL NOTICE 300th; and Mrs. Epperson, re­ formerly $290, now $280. deserve to be remembered RICHARDS. Deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT freshments. Although two parties will THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF In and for ths City and County of when you are distributing COLORADO. TO: NAME. Unknown Dsnver tnd State of Colorado Leon Bennett, noted Denver comprise the 1964 tour, they your patronage in the dif­ Heira; RESIDENCE. Unknown: RELA­ No. 985S7 hat stylist, will operate the will go in the same group to SPRING WATER 'hlorthern Colorado’s Leading TIONSHIP, Unknown: Lmtae, Davlaee NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT women’s hat booth. He will be Mexico City and remain there or Heir at Law, Unknown. AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Department Store” ferent lines of business. JOHN J. MORRISSEY, Eecj.. 405 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE assisted by several women of the and take tours to surrounding Symea Bldg., Denver. Colorado, Guardian OF VOLA B. GOODLOE. Deceased. Altar Sodality and PTA under spots of interest for three ad Litam. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd the direction of Mrs. Nell Moore. days, from July 6 to July 8. You tnd each of you art hereby noti­ day of June, 1954, I will preaent W fied that an inelniment purporting to tha County Court of the City and County Hats that are donated or brought .Afterwards tne two parties Phone 372 be the last will tnd testament of the of Denver, Colorado, my accounts for to the booth will be reshaped, will separate, the one going to SHINN PHARMACY decedent above named will be presented final settlement of the administration of redesigned, and restyled “while Acapulco, via Cuernevaca and for probate before the County Court of aaid estate, when and where all peraons ■‘Your Parish Drug Store” the City and County of Denver, State of In interest may appear and object to you wait.” Taxco, and the- other to Guad­ Colorado, at the City and County Build­ alajara and neighboring points Balmer & Collins Phones 92-93 them, if they so desire. Special games for adults will ing in aaid City and County of Denver, Notice is also hereby given that there be available in the basement of of interest. Both will leave Mortuary Northern Hotel Bldg. on Monday, tha 21at day of Junt, 1954, has been filed in said eatate a patitkm at 10 o'clock A.M., or on a date eubee- asking for a Judicial ascertainment and the new school. 'They will be con­ Mexico City the same day, Lyle B. Cellini Tyler Heyt The Store with a Smile quent thereto to which said hearing determination of the heirs of such de­ ducted by Jack Bissell, Mart July 14. regularly may ba continued, when and ceased, and setting forth that the nami where you may appear if you to attire. addreasea and relationship of all persons, Landis, Bob O'Haire, and Ed WITNESS my aignature and teal of who arc or claim to be heira of said de- Berens. Extra facilities will be laid Court this 12th day of May, 1064. cuaed, so f t t as known to the peti­ provided for all adults who wish 4,500 Attend Mass LEONARD APPEL. tioner, arenas follows, to-wit; Clerk of the County Court Amy Ingram. Kreromling. Colorado, to enjoy these popular games. Laundry and Dry Cleaning By MARTIN J. FINNERTY. SR. Sister; Charles M. Harmon. Kanarado. The ham and bacon booth will Held at Mt. Olive Deputy Clerk. Kansas. Brother. Jesse Harmon, Kan- be directed by Emil Frei and An estimated 4,500 persons at­ Fort Collini First Publication May 20, 1964. arsdo, Kansas, Brother: and Cecil L. ACE GILLETT Last Publication June 17, 1954. Goodloe, 172 South Broadway, Denver, William Jacovette. All kinds of tended the Solemn Pontifical LEGAL NOTICE Colorado, Husband. popular brand hams (full size) Mass offered in Mt. Olivet Ceme­ 125 Eeat Mountein Phone 225 Accordingly, notice la also hereby and bacon will be given away at tery on Memorial Day by Arch­ NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT given that upon the date aforesaid, or ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. ST. the day to which tha bearing may be regular intervals. bishop Urban J. Vehr. The Holy CAFE PETERS. DcoeiMd. No. 88470. continued, the Court Will proceed to Members of the Altar Sodality Sacrihee was offered in the Notio* U hereby given that on the receive and hear proofs concerning , the will provide opportunities to se Gallagher Memorial Sanctuary. 29th day of June, 1954, 4 will present heirs of such decMsed, and, upon the BLYTHE - HOLLOWELL and to the County Court of the City and proofs submitted, will enter a decree in cure fresh, homemade pastry and • Assisting His Excellency in the County of Denver, Colorado, my account* said estate determining who are the cakes on Saturday evening, June Mass were the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ Mortuary for FINAL SETTLEMENT of the ad­ heira of such deceased pew n. at which 19, for Sunday morning’s break­ gnor Gregory Smith, assistant ministration of said eatate when and hearing all persona claiming to be heirs AMERICA'S FINE LIGHT BEER Telephone 390 COFFEE SHOP where all persons in interest msy appea: at law of such deceased may appear and fast, They operate the cake booth priest; the. Rev. Forrest Allen, ind object to them if they so desire. present their proofs. one night only. Mrs. Arno will and the Rev. John Doherty, dea­ ANDREW WYSOWATCKY ANDREW WYSOWATCKY. be in charge. Women of the par­ cons of honor; the Rev. Bernard Corner Olive and Moron Administrator CTA, DBN. Administrator. tooirx cooat coaraav. aoioia, coiottoo. a aa First publication May 20, 1954. First Publication May 13, 1964. ish will bake and donate the del- Kelly, deacon; and the Rer. An- Last Fublioation Junt 11, 195ft. Last Publication Jana It, 1964. icaciei. idrew Warwick, lubdeacon. PAGE SIXTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday,, June 3, 1954 9 •

I I First Friday Schedule at St. James' I Homemaker’s I (St. James’ Parish, Denver) are required to have a bap­ ing the month of May were Mmes. I The Masses on the first Fri­ tismal certificate with them. W. Hancock, L. Griffin, J, Hug­ D ep artm en t day, June 4, will be at 6, 7, and Robt. Sailers to Note gins, B. Gretter, M. Grover, F. ■ 8 o’clock. Confessions will be Silver Jubilee June 5 Gold, and A. Rogel. ■ Palronit0 Thete RMiablt and Friendly Firm* heard on 'Thursday from 4 to 6 The PTA will serve breakfast I and from 7:30 until 9. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sailer of to school children on first Fri­ HI l « Mass on the first Friday will this parish will celebrate their day, June 5. Mrs. Y. Trainor be offered for the members of silver wedding anniversary on thanks the following members of the Altar and Rosary Society; Saturday, June 5. Mass will be her committee who have strved Electrical Contracting & Repairing Mass on the first Saturday offered' for them in the morning the Friday breakfasts during the will be offered for members of at 7:30. The Sailers will be at 1953-54 school year: Mmes. M. the PTA. home to their friends on Sunday Grover, J. Sticksel, L. Griffin, B. The annual dinner-dance spon­ afternoon between 3 and 5 o’clock. Baumgartner, F. Brown, G. Ko- BARL J.STROHMINGER sored by the PTA for the gradu­ PTA substitutes for volunteer lis, J. Dendinger, A. Artzer, J. ates of St. James’ School was workers in the lunchroom dur- I Constantine, and J. Smith. _ Eloctric Compaay held May 25 in the Walsh Me­ Ue«n»cd and Bonded morial Hall. Member Natiooftl Electrical Contractors Ass'n. Ninety-eight teen-agers, all alumni of St. James’ School, at-j 1178 Stout St. AC. 2-5733 tended the formal dance May 26. The following'scholarships and In the picture above are around the major award of the 31st annual awards were made in the gradu­ Bazaar Award the members of the Domin- bazaar. The occasion was the May crowning ation exercises Wednesday eve­ THE BEST CN LUGGAGE icanettes, the teen-age helpers of the Dominican ceremony held at the grotto of the sisters each ning, May 26: Four-year scholar­ All Kindi ENGLEWOOD Sisters of the Sick Poor, Denver, gathered year, ship to St. Mary’s Academy, HEATING COMPANY + + + + + + ' Betty Heckman; four-year schol­ arship to St. Francis de Sales’ Berrina Entir. Bntleweod and D»n.er Ana High, Mary Ellen Kukar; four-' year scholarships to Cathedral NK Authorized Lennox Dealer Dominican Sisters of Sick Poor Bazaar GCO Furnacea High School, Raymond Stringer KE. 4-3079 and Mary Frances Blackford; Y oar Phone I§ Our Door Bell and Air Conditioning four-year scholarship to St. Jo­ Only Support for Their Works of Charity seph’s High, Patricia A. Brennan; Complete Line Bacon & Schramm MAKES f u r n a c e s ] Year’s scholarship to Regis JUST CALL INSTALLED. SERVICED High, John Farrell; one-half FIXTURES A Composition Roofing By W alter T. S u lliv a n race. Nor does the comprehen­ they do unerringly — whether AND REPAIRED year scholarships to Regis High, APPLIANCES Tile Roofing Whatever differences of sive charity of the Dominican those who come to them are given by the Men’s Club, to Tom GE. 3-3861 Sisters of the Sick Poor, which really in need of care; whether Roof Repairing • Heating opinion there may be as to the Constantine and Peter Craven; ■k WASHING MACHINES problems of the poor, there can embraces the entire human fam­ there are sisters available to send one-year scholarship to Cathedral & DRYERS GL. 5-4323 4020 Brighton Blvd, • Air Conditioning be none as to the necessity of ily. as messengers of mercy; and High, given by the PTA, to Col­ -K RANGES; GAS & CH, 4-6563 • Sheet Metal Work caring for the sick poor, es­ The sisters have no need for whether they can supply the food leen O’Leary. pecially those who are utterly the elaborate questionnaire of and medicine for proper treat­ ELECTRIC Ph. SP. 7-0055 or SU. 1-4494 The following children received FOR COMPl-ETE destitute. the modern social worker. They ment. -K GARBAGE FREE CHECKUP awards for perfect attendance: PLUMBING SERVICE Need knows no creed, color, or wish only to ascertain—and this The sisters’ simplicity of ac­ DISPOSALS T O M DWYER AND ESTIMATE Grade one, Ronald Hinton; grade 3030 W. 4-ith .\ve. 1065 W. Hampden tion i4 the basis of their suc­ two, Roberta Blackford, Ronald ■K WATER HEATERS Elactrical Contracting Prank WaUra. Prop. On Sunday, June 6 cess. They dispense with all Erickson, Joyce Gerken, Thomas WE GIVE Free Etiimalet formality. Christ handed out Taleck, Frances Onorato, and -K DISHWASHERS PIONEER STAMPS no questionnaires to the ' 10 Jacqueline Utecht; grade three, All El«tiic.l Job. Lic.nji«d The firms listed here deserve to lepers He cured. Robert Brockman, Joan Borg- MR CONDITIONERS & ROOM COOLERS and Bonded be remembered when you are dis­ Littleton Parish School This practical aspect of the 2042 Eadora EA. 2-1912 tributing your patronage to the mann, Janice Bro'wn, Dorothy Sales find Service different lines of business. sisters’ work is scarcely an index Hinton, and Cecelia Huggins; to their true character. In their grade four, Robert Hinton, Ste­ To Graduate First Class work with the lowly, afid the un­ phen Learned, Gail Manasil, Carol happy, they have their mind on Taleck, and Douglas Allison; RUG God. His approval is the firtit grade five, Donald Zielinski, Littleton. — (St. Mary’s Par- vanced medicine and surgery consideration in their lives. training at the Glockner-Penrose Sharon Collins, Mary Jo Hig­ DRAPERS ish) — In the 9 o’clock Mass on The sisters have a keen sense gins, and Mary Jeanne Straw; Hospital in Colorado Springs, of humor blended sweetly with CLEANING Sunday, June 6, St. Mary’s and will take her state board grade six, Chris Barcelona, Ed­ humility. They have “one-track die Blackford, Robert Lauvetz, UraOlSTERY FREE MOTH PROOFING School wili have graduation ex­ examination in October mindsi” seeking only to serve, ercises for its first class of 15 Fred Venette, Kathleen Ander­ 926 W. 6th Ave. .411 Work Guaranteed Terry D. Porter, son of Mrs. to carry on their mission of son, and Sharon Cullerton; and Sprinkler System eighth grade students. Olive N. Pdrter, received his mercy. grade seven, Robert Swiler. 3-4.307 Very Keasonable Prices MA. They are Manuel Acosta, Ron­ bachelor of arts degree at the The Dominican Sisters accept Awards for the highest aver­ Usinz the.Famous RAIN JET Rotsnr Pop Up Sprinkler Head comntencement exercises held at no remuneration for their Upholstering, Repoiring ald Bartusiak, Richard Cervi, St. Ambrose College in Daven­ age in religion for the year go ONLY TWO iprinkleri for the average front lawn. Famous Rug & Nolan Clark, Rita Fischbach, services. They seek no funds to thfe following: Grade eight, Custom Built Furniture port, la., on May 30. Mrs. Porter from the Community Chest or Now, you can have the finest sprinkler system at the lowest possible cost Furniture Cleaning Co. Janice Gibbons, Jean Hayhurst, attended the graduation of her the Catholic Charities. But they Colleen O’Leary; grade seven, All work guarantaed. Terms Lawrence Higgins, James Hoff­ Maureen Cudmore; grade six, ONLY RAIN JET OFFERS ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES. TA. 5-6569 1532 Market son, who is returning to Little­ do not consider their position if desired. Evening calls. man, Gretchen Hrdlicka, Thomas ton with her for the summer precarious, even financially. Marcia Murphy; grade five, no brown spoU on your lawn. . . . MAXIMUM Hrdiicka, Thomas Kauffman, Catherine Gold; grade four, Jay COVERAGE 34 ft. diameter per head . . . MINIMUM wear and mainte­ months. During his senior year They match their charity with Smith and Stephen Learned; nance, pressure lubricated . . . EVEN DISTRIBUTION from head to 2 Margaret Kinkel, Sharon Mor­ Mr. Porter served as president their trust, utilizing with marvel­ edge- . . . DEEP PENETRATION prevents soil eroeion . . . low angle rissey, and Juanita Prado. Kristi of his class. ous economy the grifts of bene­ grade three, George Cross and of discharge keeps water off walla and windows . . . SAVES WATER, Kauffman and Daniel Cordova factors and the proceeds of the Cecilia Hugg;ins; grade two, Ger­ no mUt, blow away or run off . • , For Prompt CERTIFIED CHEMICAL will be diploma-bearers. Baptized recently 'were Joan ald Schmitz and Michael Con- Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, annual bazaar held for them on Save Pipe and Labor, TWO READS, instead of TEN will use lees pipe Breakfast 'will be served in the the Loyola Parish grounds, 23rd well; and grade one, James LAUNDRY & PRODUCTS, INC. Michael J. Mischo, Jr., with her Thorpe and Patrick Gartland. and fittints and la quicker and easier to Install. school cafeteria immediately paternal grandparents, Mr. and and York Street. BuUtling .Maintenance after the Mass to the graduates Mrs. Michael J. Mischo, Sr., as This year the friends of the Highest scholastic averages in DRir CLEANING and their parents. A short com­ sponsors; and Jennifer Ann, sisters will conduct the bazaar each grade are: Ellen Kukar, Supplies mencement program will be given daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter July 15-16-17-18 and as a major grade eight; Carole Smith, grade Service . . . Call: at the breakfast. seven; Katherine Wolf, grade six; Brushei . Toilet Tittne* Vaughn, with Mr. and Mrs. attraction a new 1954 Cadillac Miss Patricia A. Gerety, James A. Ingvalson as sponsors. 4-door sedan deluxe, equipped, Sandra McQuade, grade five; Com pleteM, Paper Ton-eli' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An­ will be awarded. Judith Tarbell a n d Richard c' TA. 5-6370 Complete Janitor Needi thony J. Gerety, received her Evening Meeting An important meeting is Franklin, grade four; Cecilia 6 The Altar and Rosary Society planned for Monday evening Huggins and Kathleen Soran, READY TO INSTALL 1180 Kalamath Street bachelor of science degree in 1 CASCADE nursing at the commencement ex­ will meet in the school hall at 8 June 7, at 8 o’clock in the hall grade three; Janet Soran and bi Phones TAbor ,v0103 ercises held at Loretto Heights o’clock on Thursday evening, at the rear of the convent, 250 Frank Gold, grade two; and Laundry & Dry Cleaners June 3. The fact that the meeting Peter Di Leo and Therese Tilley, at TAbor 5-OlO t College May 30. Miss Gerety will C«ylord. All are urgently re­ in now have three months of ad- will be held in the evening is quested to attend who desire grade one. ONLY $34'^^ stressed, as it is hoped that this to lend help at the bazaar. Regiftration for th« next new hour will enable more of the Thus far attendance at the term of ichool will be-held on 0 Altar Society to Meet parish women to be present. This F^onday, June 7, in the lehool monthly meetings has not See your local Landscape or Lawn Man, . . . or call F will be the first time that the been encouraging and a great between 9 and 11 a. m. Thoie Vi At Cathedral on June 4 Altar and Rosary Society has regittering for the firit time T need for workers exists. NORD SPRIIVKLER SYSTEM CO. S held an evening meeting. im i (Cathedral Pariih, Denver) June 4, the first Friday of 1S09 Dahlia 8t. DExUr S'5021 Denror The Altar and Rotary So­ the month, Masses will be of­ Rosary Choir to Give Comedy ciety will meet Friday, June fered at 7 and 7:45 o’clock. June di 4, in St. Paul’s reading room 5, the first Saturday of the (Holy Rotary Parith, Denver) auditorium. The play is being ti FOR DRIVEW AYS-PARKING LOTS ‘ ' presented under the direction of jPlAY A R EA S-R O A D S & STREETS “ in the Cathedral at 2 o’clock. month, devotions in honor of Our The parish choir will present f« The Altar and Rotary So­ Lady of Fatima will be held at a comedy in three acts. Watch John Pavlakovich. tl [ Free Estimates ciety will receive Communion the 7 o’clock Mass. Confes­ Out for Spooks, on Saturday, The following will receive mu­ & S t t & U m F this Sunday, June 6, in a sions will be heard before the and Sunday, June 12 and 13, sic pins at a recital griven on ii group iti the 8 o’clock M att. Masses on both days. .starting at 8 p.m. in the school Thursday evening, June 3, in THE BRANNAN SAND AND GRAVEL CO. the school auditorium: Mary Ann PAINTING & F Wieser, Vivian Green wait, Jo­ S KE. 4-1231 - ■ V anne Kalcevic, Judy Padboy, and DECORATING P Sandra Trupp. This recital 'will start 8 p.m. and everyone is in­ JOHIVS-MAIWILLE FLOORINGS vited. 0 Mrs. Louis Pozelnik, president C Asphalt Tile of the PTA, thanks the following RtSIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL women who helped in the prepa­ b A long lived, low priced flooring for Schools, SERVING COMPLETE S Hospitals, Churches, Residences. ration and serving of the gradua­ J. tion breakfast May 30: Mmes. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA tl Terraflex Leo Burgraff, Leo Chopyak, 11 Frank Uortnik, Anton Padboy, One of the toughest, longest wearing floor George Pavlakovich, Louis Pozel­ F coverings ever developed; grease proof. Acid C nik, Joseph Rensel, and Charles • RESTAURANTS • OFFICES F proof; unaffected by alkalis. Brilliant colors R. Smith. S Free Estimates Descriptive Literature Free m Wall •HOTELS •APARTMEI^TS to Building & Maintenance Co. CARPETS Wall F 1863 WAZEE ST., DENVER KE. 4-2371 • SHOWROOMS • STORES P ROOM SIZE D I I ^ C and SMALLER I x w w d O' a fridt eelectioa of pattern! No Job Too Small or Too Large » and colon to ebooM from S for cTcry room Service and Workmanship That Satisfies G . _ " f-V * Furniture In tho houia J 0p«o ffedDMdty Erenlnn Till 9 t'cloek FIREPLACE struction Company as work is b e^n on the $200,- St. Rose of Lima's 000 expansion of the parish plant, which will include an 11-room convent a n d the erection E.M.W. ANDERSON BROS. ! FIXTURES Expansion Progrom ? rc » ,» T of the grade school building. Funds for the build­ where ca«h talk* ing fund are being raised through the fourth 6A$ AND ELECTRIC LCDS ver, is being checked by the Rev. Barry J. Wogan, 2141 So. Broadway PAINTING & DECORATING CO. annual parish bazaar on June 17, 18, and 19.— SPruce 7-5391 Curtain and flex Screens, Gritei, pastor, and the foreman of the Tollefson Con- (Photo by Turilli) Andirons and Fire Sets, In all (Iniahtx, 1042 SANTA FE DR. CHerry 4-6581 Tile and Marble for All Uses + + + + + HEATILATOR FIREPLACES DENVER MARBLE & TILE CO . Enjoy and Use Yotir Back Yard to the Maximum St. Rose's Plans Annual IPs a Delight to Eat Outdoors 1330 Stout EsL 1891 Phone MA. 3-1484 or KE. 4-5580 tl V « Bazaar on June 17,18,19 n V (St. Roie of Lima’a Pariih, kaitis, who will be assisted by Denver) the follo'wing: Margaret Tripler, o; H of W ator The S t Rose- of Lima annual Virginia Foote, Marie Crutchley, a parish bazaar will be held June Frances Miller, Helen King, and O' 17, 18, and 19 on the parish hall Mrs. Miezynski. Tickets for the B at its Best grounds at 1310 W. Nevada dinner are $1 for adults and 50 C Place. cents for children. ^ t h ir The grand prize of the bazaar Bazaar Meeting June 7 tl is the 10-day all-expense-paid o: trip to Hawaii, by air for two A general bazaar meeting will persons. S t Philomena’s Circle be held in conjunction with the B is in charge of the grand prize meeting of the Holy Name So­ J K e q s t o n e this year and anyone wishing in­ ciety Monday evening, June 7, «i formation on the trip to Hawaii at 8 o’clock in the parish hall. All BlM mitna is requested to contact Mrs. parjshioners are urged , to attend build tbm ttbln SPECIAL a bto m a o c gas w ater heater to yow ipedflrt- P Betty Scanlon, 712 S. Raritan this meeting. Uoni It roft com* 30-inch by 72-inch Top |o: Street, phone WE. 5-1560. Election of officeri will be jinbli to ft». Redwood Picnic Table P A roast beef dinner will be held, at the meeting of the Sects Up to 8 People tl prepared and served by the Altar and Rotary Society P women of the Altar and Rosary Thursday, June 10, at 7:4$ FINISHED IN BEAUTIFUL NATURAL FINISH n Specializing in Quality Plumbing and Society on Saturday, June 19, p.m. in the parish hall. d Heating Repairs from 5-8 p.m. in the parish hall. St. Jude’s Circle met in the Delivered to your home, fi In char^ of the dinner ticket home of Mrs. Stella Johnson anywhere in Denver area. b distribution are Mrs. Emma Tre- Monday, May 24, at which time With benches attached...... • P SLAHERY & COMPANY loar pnd Mrs. Anthony Pecu- bazaar plans were discussed. A f: guest at the meeting was Mrs. Same table with aeparate benches. a PLUMBING and HEATING J. A. JOHNSON & SON Pat McCluggage. The circle will Delivered anywhere in tl sponsor a doll booth, a cake walk, Denver area ...... A Established 35 Years CONTRACTORS and a grab bag. I’se Our Easy Payment Plan tl JOHN J. CONNOR. PrMidrnt • Gutters • Sheet Metal i] ROBERT F. CONNOR. Viet Pivtident This Sunday, June 6, the Altar • Gas Furnaces and Rosary Society and the ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE 1726 MARKET STREET • Gas Conversion Burners women of the parish will receive PHONE MAIN 3-7127 or 3-7128 Communion together in the 8 350 So. Colorado Bird. FL. 5-3591 M PsaaijlvaiiU RA 2-6657 o’clock Masa. > >IIt n **************************