Linenberger Genealogy
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THE LINENBERGER GENEALOGY By Mrs. Amy Toepfer And Agnes C. Dreiling The authors wish to dedicate this book to their friends who have given their wholehearted co operation in the collection of this historical material. Especial acknowledgment is due to Father Herbert Linenberger for reading the manuscript and making suggestions of value, and also to Bernard J. Brun gardt, whose advice has been of assistance in the preparation of this book. Copyright 1955 Mrs. Amy Toepfer and Agnes G. Dreiling Printed by The Messenger Press Carthagena, Ohio PREFACE the Linenbergers, like all other Germans who settled in the Volga region, were poor and, to help make a living, established TO THE a Kavak (tavern). They also raised sheep and swine. LINENBERGER GENEALOGY The :Linenbergers had only one child, Hanjoerg. At the age of nine years, while herding sheep and swine, Han The purpose in establishing a record of the Linenber joerg was taken prisoner during one of the raids by the ger family is to revive the history of their forebears who Kirghiz from the East. After living with them for eleven migrated from Germany to Russia and thence to America. years, he escaped and returned to the home of his parents This compilation of historical material includes: Dates at Marienthal. of births, marriages, and deaths of the older members to Hanjoerg married Margaret Fisher. At the time of gether with a genealogical record of all generations from his marriage, he was about thirty years old. Five children 1765 to the present time. In addition, some mention is made were born to Hanjoerg and Margaret - two sons and three of their spiritual, financial, and educational advancements. daughters. Only descendants of the two sons came to America. This compilation has been carried on for nearly four The authors were unable to secure a record of the three years, during which time the authors have expended every daughters. effort to collect data and material to make an accurate record Hanjoerg's oldest son, Melchior, married twice. His possible. first marriage was to Katharine Kuhn. To them three chil In the pursuance of this research, a great deal of time, dren were born, one son, Johannes, and two daughters, work, and money was spent in order to gather the required Katharine (Kattel) and Maria Eva. There is a record of the information. To contact the numerous families, there was marriages of these three children, but only descendants of a constant stream of correspondence and telephones calls. Johannes came to America. One daughter of Johannes Linen Also, in connection with this work, there were frequent trips berger and Maria Younger, Anna, came to America and mar to libraries, rectories, and cemeteries. Extensive research re ried John Knoll. garding the family line was being done in Germany; while Melchior married a second time - this time to Kath also work was being done in exchange information with the arine Margaret Klipphahn Schreiner von Riedel Salzman. It genealogical library at Salt Lake City, Utah. was her fourth marriage. To Melchior and Katharine Mar It is the sincere wish of the authors that this book, garet, six children were born. Five of these and their families which has been written in memory of the persistent strug came to America. Katharine (a daughter) married Nickolas gles and hardships of our ancestors, will find a place in every Schamne and remained in Russia. However, Katharine's son, family home of the Linenberger descendants; and that they Gottfried, came to America with his family. will regard it with esteem to their predecessors. Katharine Margaret, before her union with Melchior The purpose of the Linenberger Genealogy is to es Linenberger, had married and had lost, through death, three tablish a record for posterity. To the author's knowledge, husbands. The first of these was Peter Schreiner. She had there was only one Linenberger family which migrated from only one son by him. His name was Joseph. Joseph was Germany to Russia during the period 1766-68. It was the married three times. There is a record of the marriages, but family of Joseph Linenberger, which located in Marienthal, only Andreas, the son of Joseph .Schreiner and Maria Schnell on the east side of the Volga River. (his second marriage), came to America. The other descend Joseph was a carpenter and contractor by trade. But ants remained in Russia. Page Three Katharine Margaret Klipphahn Schreiner then married with their relatives in Russia for many years, but, unfor Mathaeus von Riedel. It was the second marriage for both. tunately, the connection was broken and the tracing of the They had one son, Johannes. Two of Johannes Riedel and family line in Russia was made impossible on account of the Anna Richmeier's children and their families, and descendants Red Russian revolution after World War I, the destruction of two others, came to America. of churches and records, the repatriation of the Germans from Katharine Margaret Klipphahn Schreiner von Riedel the Volga region to Asiatic Russia during the siege of Stalin next married Johannes Salzman. One child lived to marry grad in World War II, and the Iron Curtain since the war. Johannes Goetz. Three children of Johannes Goetz and Mar The authors were fortunate in being able to get most garet Salzman and descendants of a fourth one came to of the dates and the history from the time of the migration America. to Russia up to and including the migration to America. It John Michael Linenberger, second son of Hanjoerg, was more difficult to obtain dates for later generations, and also married and had three sons. There is no record of daugh for that reason space has been provided in this book where ters by this marriage, but Peter, a son of John Michael, mar each family may keep its own record. ried .Margaret Legleiter and came to America with their son, It is the sincere hope of the authors that family pride John Michael. Later another son, Alex, was born in America. will prompt each Linenberger descendant to expand this gene The first Linenbergers who came to America were the alogy, and to keep a complete record of succeeding genera fourth and fifth generation descendants of the Joseph Linen tions. And, who knows, but some future Linenberger will berger who came from Germany. Now there are over 3,500 see fit to establish Linenberger archives to house the com~ Linenberger descendants in America, some going into the plete family tree and other records of this tribe of stalwarts eighth and ninth generations. whose past reflects sacrifice, ability and stamina worthy of The Linenbergers in America had correspondence emulation by anyone who bears this honored family name. Page Four 'Fro~ Herzo~ to Kosokenstact, Soratov, Tw.bof, Ore1, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Berlin, lortt D~nnenburg, Brer-1en, .America. ,, .hgHuj• "1•"• / Nr1rSu,1.,,,,1,. o © ~ofga-Jlofonien. © o f,,) (kr•Slr,:1116/ i·· ,,,.,_,. sk .J ~ ............ ---- frklin11 art ~~n. @ ... ,... 0 llllrrl,..,tlrftt. II l ■tltt, llmlifJltltlkftr. ® 111,,11 .... tllfff, • 111 ..1. llmlllfltltNrlff, a ...u.. tlrfft, .0. •-llrltnMII. 0 nffi;lttlrltr. .1 anteitlltr. p ,........... C> ttfr■ ...■ ktlt- t,,., .. ~ .. QINt,n~nh••1 .., _, ...... .,,.,,. ftf,■ ....,.. ,,, -- ~•ft• . .... ~•rr■1r■ m•.,..,.. ~ - •rr■1r■ '" llr1ltfr. -1- --!!!!!!!!!==""',I ~ ) ? J,. \II (\ -$ Mapslab lin,opo .p11p111 . ±•• - -::±t•• . ====1..w.... CATHERINE II'S INVITATION hardships. However, in due time, they learned to combat their difficulties and began to prosper. In the year 1762, when Catherine II came to the throne In all about 104 colonies were founded on the Volga of Russia, the territory along the lower Volga River was still River. The district west of the river was known as the hilly a nomad's land, over-run by such uncivilized tribes as the side (Bergseite), and east of the river was the meadow side Bashkirs, Kirghiz, and Tartars. (Wiesenseite). The few Russian settlers, who had moved to the Volga, The names of the towns in Russia where some of the were unsuccessful in their attempts to drive out the ruffians. Linenbergers resided are as follows: Marienthal (Tonkos As a result, they either joined the rebels or returned to their churowka), where they first settled. Herzog (Susly), Graf former homes. (Krutogorowka), and Louis (Otrogowka). To solve the problem of removing the hordes from the vast territory, Catherine II conceived the idea of inviting THE BRITISH COLONY other nationalities to settle there. In this way she also hoped A few years prior to the arrival of the German-Russian to introduce western culture to her Russian subjects. immigrants in Ellis County, Kansas, a colony, located south of In order to fulfill her plans, she issued an invitation to the railroad tracks of the present site of Victoria, was found outsiders to come to Russia. However, due to various reasons ed by George Grant, a wealthy Scott, and named Victoria in the first invitation met without response. Therefore, she is honor of the queen of England. sued a second invitation on July 22, 1763. The settlement of the colony was made up of English Among other things the so-called "Manifest" guaran- gentry, who intended to work and study farm methods, and teed the following rights and privileges: thus bec.ome established and form great estates of their own. Free exercise of religion. But few, if any of this group were suited to the hardships The right to build churches. of the plains. With regular remittances coming from England, Freedom from taxes for a period of thirty years. they saw no need to worry. They built elaborate homes and Exemption from military duty for a hundred years. furnished them with fine furniture, china and silver. They Freedom of settlement in any part of Russia.