Rick Riordan | 512 pages | 06 Oct 2015 | Disney-Hyperion | 9781423160915 | English | United States The Sword of Summer Summary | SuperSummary

Magnus Chase, a homeless teenager, has just learned an impossible secret: he is the son of a Norse god. Now he must search for a weapon that will save the world or herald its doom. Disney Publishing participates in affiliate commission programs, including with Amazon, which means that we may earn advertising fees from purchases you make from the links on this page. Sixteen-year-old Magnus Chase has lived on the streets of Boston ever since his mother was killed by wolves two years earlier. He has survived with the help of two other homeless guys, Hearth and Blitz. In all that time, no one has come looking for him—until now. His estranged relatives, Uncle Frederick and cousin Annabeth Chase, are handing out flyers with his picture on it. To find answers, he breaks into the one place his mother always warned him to steer clear of: the Chase family mansion owned by his Uncle Randolph. If he wants to live, he must come with Randolph to the Longfellow Bridge. Things get weirder on the drive: Randolph explains that the Norse gods are real, and that Magnus is the son of Frey, the Norse god of summer. If Magnus wants to survive, he must recover an ancient sword that was lost at sea Book One: The Sword of Summer thousand years ago. So all in all—just a typical conversation with a long-lost crazy relative. Standing on the bridge, Magnus can feel the sword buried deep in the water below. He summons it and it flies to his hand. An explosion rocks the bridge. A fiery giant named Surt walks out of the fire and demands the sword. When Magnus refuses, Surt moves in to kill him. Still clutching the sword, he falls off the Longfellow Bridge into the Charles River, taking the sword and Surt with him. And then he dies. Moments before he dies, Magnus is swept up by a strange girl on a flying horse. While Magnus tries to wrap his brain around the fact that he is dead, the strange flying girl appears. Come Ragnarok, the Day of Doom, Magnus and the other warriors will battle with the gods against the giants. The gods are destined to lose—nothing can stop that because, well, fate—but they can delay when Ragnarok occurs by preventing certain events from taking place. One such event is the freeing of Fenris Wolf, a bloodthirsty beast imprisoned by magic ropes on a mystical island, by the fire giant Surt. Surt needs the sword Magnus just found and immediately lost because it is the only blade that can cut Book One: The Sword of Summer those ropes. Luckily, he has help: his buddies Hearthstone, a deaf elf learning the magical power of runes, and Blitzen, a brave and loyal dwarf Book One: The Sword of Summer a snazzy sense of fashion. They set off for Midgard, realm of the humans, to begin the search. In the process they discover that an evil being worse than Surt is gaining strength and manipulating others to do his bidding. More about The Book One: The Sword of Summer of Summer Sixteen-year-old Magnus Chase has lived on the streets of Boston ever since his mother was killed by wolves Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard years earlier. Sort of. Books in the series. Read Riordan Home Books Quizzes. Catch every announcement and quiz! All Rights Reserved. The Sword of Summer –

Item is on backorder and will ship when available. Your order will ship on or around the release date. One day, he? Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Book One: The Sword of Summer, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Rick Riordan www. His Greek myth collection, ? His previous novels Book One: The Sword of Summer adults include the hugely popular Tres Navarre series, winner of the top three awards in the mystery genre. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts with his wife and two sons. You are about to leave our Partner site. Please complete your order now! Sign In. Having trouble signing in? Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. Out Of Stock Share. Save to Wishlist. Thank you! We will contact you when the item is available. This item does not qualify for OUR member pricing. Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother? Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die. Contributors: Rick Riordan www. Hardcover Book What can we help you find? Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Wikipedia

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard is a trilogy [4] of fantasy novels written by American author Rick Riordan with the subject of Norse mythology and published by Disney - Hyperion. The first book, The Sword of Summerwas released on October 6, The main protagonist, Magnus Chaseson of the Vanir god of fertility FreyMagnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard the novel in first person. He is a Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard of Annabeth Chasea main character of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus series, who links the two series together. The Sword of Summer is the first book in the series, released on October 6,as a hardcoverebookand audiobook. On the same day, he is confronted by a fire giant named Surtwho wishes to claim a sword called "Sumarbrander" the "Sword of Summer", or "Jack". In the fight, Magnus is Book One: The Sword of Summer and carried to a modernized interpretation of the Norse afterlife by a Valkyrie named Samirah al-Abbas Sam. With the help of Sam, a dwarf named Blitzand an elf named Hearth ; Magnus foils the giant's plans to free the Fenris Wolf and hasten the end of the world. The novel has been well-received since its publication, but was not a "big front-runner" among other bestselling books in The Sword of Summer was later published in several foreign-language editions, as well as UK edition with the same title published by Puffin Books. While the U. He embarks on a quest with Samirah, Hearthstone, Blitzen, and Alex Fierro, a genderfluid child of Loki to retrieve it. However, Loki reveals that the giant Thrym has the hammer, and forces the group to retrieve the Skofnung Sword, the only sword which can free him. He arranges a marriage between Samirah and the giant so as to obtain the hammer Book One: The Sword of Summer the sword as wedding presents. However, they fail to do Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and Loki is freed. The group is honored for recovering Mjolnir, but are given another mission to recapture Loki and to stop him from bringing about Ragnarok. The novel was awarded the Stonewall Book Award for children's literature. They are greeted by the gods when they arrive in Vigridr, after sailing the currents Naglfar, the ship of the dead would have sailed. Magnus and Alex take Randolf's old mansion, and make it "The Chase Space", a home for homeless children. Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds is a supplementary work for the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series, consisting of background information on the gods, monsters, dwarves, and elves that are featured in the main series. The introduction is written by Helgithe hotel manager. He welcomes new residents and thanks them for their sacrifice. He then explains that the book is meant to answer any questions they may have about the experiences of their new existence, and asks that they consult the book before bothering him. He explains the universe from the Norse perspective: nine worlds held in the branches of Yggdrasil the World Tree. Vanaheim is the home of the Vanirand the ream of Folkvangerthe peaceful Norse afterlife. Midgard is Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Norse name for Earth, home of the humans, and is connected to Asgard by the Bifrost. Alfheimruled by Freyis inhabited Book One: The Sword of Summer light elves. There is no night in this world. Jotunheim is inhabited by the jotunor giants. It is covered in mountains, snow, and ice. Nidavellir is home to the dwarves, and is very gloomy, chilly, and dark because it is entirely underground. Muspellheim houses the fire giants and demons, and resembles the sun. Niflheim is inhabited by the frost Book One: The Sword of Summer, and is cold and foggy. Finally, Helheim is the realm of Hel and the dishonorable dead. Hunding also describes the Ginnungagapthe void between the worlds, and the Norse creation story. Hunding lists the homeworld of each one, as well as their physical description, family members, and what they are best known for. A few of the better-known gods also get a few extra facts thrown in. Snorri Sturluson manages to get interviews Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard a few of the gods, while others get short stories. Frey gets to have a rap battle with Jack the swordand Frigg answers questions in a weekly advice column. The extra material includes a threat from Surt, a poem by Gerd, a message from the Alfheim news team, diary entries, and a few short stories. Ratatosk manages to fit in some insults, Sleipnir tells the story of how Loki gave birth to his dad, and Marvin includes some tasty recipes for goat meat, while Njord provides some lullabies written by Frey that are useful in keeping Jormungand asleep. Helgi closes the book, urging the readers to consider all the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard that their afterlife affords them. He again strongly discourages them from asking him any questions. A pronunciation guide and glossary are also included. When Thor is threatened by an assassination attempt, the god Mimir calls on Blitzen to save his life. Blitzen succeeds in stopping Alviss, the guilty dwarf, but when a group of other dwarves mistake his actions for unprovoked assault, he is forced Book One: The Sword of Summer run. He only escapes by falling off of a cliff and into a river. While talking to T. When he travels to Alfheim to help her, he finds that she is being threatened by a troll, which he defeats. Odin, attempting to keep Ragnarok from being triggered, sends her to Jotunheim to inspect an egg. If this egg were to hatch, Ragnarok would start. Samirah manages to use Thor to distract the giant who guards the egg, giving her enough time to determine that the egg was not hatching, and to take a picture of it for Odin. She charges him with the task of finding her hound Garmtelling him that if he succeeds, he may save the soul of his dead mother. Fortunately, he is able to find and subdue Garm. When Mallory finds herself trapped in Niflheim, she discovers that the only way out is a tree that is being guarded by a dragon. By teaching the dragon some insults, she is able to gain access to the tree, and climbs out of Niflheim. Halfborn is making a gift for Mallory, but he needs dragon scales to finish it. To procure them, he travels to Vanaheim, where he finds three peaceful dragons. Hearing word that Surt is attempting to recruit people to join his movement against the gods of Asgard, Alex travels to Muspellheim to stop him. Alex is able to keep the defectors from joining him, and is finally joined by the rest of the gang. All nine stories are connected by Thorwho decided to take a jog through the nine worlds. Each perspective character encounters him in one way or another, sometimes saving him, and sometimes cleaning up his messes. The book ends with him lamenting the fact that he forgot to turn on his fitness tracker before starting his run. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard' s sensibility is right in line with the Percy Jackson novels, and the audience will be just as large. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: The Sword of Summer. Main article: The Hammer of Thor. Main article: The Ship of the Dead. Retrieved Rick Riordan. Retrieved November 2, Karen Rought. The Sword of Summer. Los Angeles : Disney - Hyperion. Children's Books: Industry News. Publishers Weekly. Retrieved September 13, WLKY News. Kirkus Reviews. Sunday Book Review. The New York Times. Retrieved August 25, Goodreads Editions Viewer. Retrieved August 17, ALA News. American Library Association. January 23, Retrieved May 28, Disney Hyperion. Retrieved November 9, Read Riordan. Works by Rick Riordan. 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