Aloba (Ali Akbar Shahpurzaman) Mandali Hall, Meherazad, India November 22, 1975 27.47

ALOBA: Jai Baba to you all. Dear western Baba lovers from USA and other parts of the world.


ALOBA: Jai Baba. Here is Meherazad. And today is Sunday, 23rd November, 1975. We are very happy and very thankful to Baba that through His love and compassion, Baba made it possible for us to sit here, before Avatar chair. Avatar , who is God, the Almighty God in human form. Although we cannot see His physical form, but that is not very important. Because Baba is all pervading. Everywhere. In any part of the world. In any house, any heart. You see there He resides, there He stays. He listens to us. He helps us, He feeds us, He looks after our comfort and He save us from the accidents. Daily accidents, daily happenings, daily mishaps. He is God. He is much more compassionate than our father and mother, and He’s the truest friend. We salute to Him. To His divinity, to His Avatarhood. Avatar Meher Baba, Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!

My name is Aloba. My original name is Ali Akbar Shahpurzaman. Shahpurzaman is surname. Ali Akbar is the name given to me by my parents. I born in Iran, year in 1916, 12 July. I came to India 1923. My uncle brought me to India 1923 and I joined Meher ashram 1927, when Meher Baba opened the school Meher Ashram of . I was in Meher Ashram for about a year. I liked the Meher Ashram, the stay, in such a way that I can’t describe it. That how much I loved to stay at Meher Ashram. To open and manage Meher Ashram like things, it is not impossible thing. Anyone with some millions of dollars or that equivalent to that any amount of that money. Anyone can do it. But the thing is that, Meher Ashram was a unique thing in the world. Because Meher Baba was behind this institute. Because Meher Baba is God, the Avatar of the age.

All the students of the Meher Ashram, all the boys of the Meher Ashram of different nationality, different caste, creed. Different religions, they were brought there. They were so happy. And each one was just like a brother to the other one. We had uniform dress. And supervised by Baba, every minute thing. We were so happy. We had time for pray, for food, for spiritual classes. Everything managed and arranged by Baba’s, Meher Baba’s direct supervision. And the discipline of the school, of Meher Ashram was also unique. We were not only studying the spiritual side of it.

Page 1 of 6 Spiritual side was the main projection. Also, Baba did not neglect the worldly side of education. The boys of Meher Ashram in just one year they did the work of 3 years, at least 3 years or more than 3 years. See, I say of my case. When I was brought to Meher Ashram, I was in Bombay Persian school. It was three months passed that I was admitted in Persian school and I was studying the alphabet. [Aloba repeats the alphabet in Persian] To the end.

I was in the frst primary class, that my uncle took me to Meher Ashram school. And how the people came to know of it, because it was advertised in a Persian paper called [foreign] and printed in Calcutta. And that paper from Calcutta would come to Bombay, go to the Persian Gulf side from Iran, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and the Pakistan of nowadays which was a part of India in those days. People all over the region of the part of this world, they came to know about the opening of Meher Ashram.

And the people started, parents started bringing their children to this school. Now the admittance of this school was not so easy. When the parents would bring their boys, sons to the school, for one week the boys were put to test. Whether this boy is ft to be admitted into Meher Ashram or not. There were observers. The authorities of the school. I mean Mandali, ardent disciples of Baba would watch with all sincerity and they would report to Baba correctly of what they have seen from this boy. Suppose a boy would come in the Meher Ashram with bad habits. Suppose fghting with each other or stealing other’s things or always continuously use abuse, bad language, bad words so, this type of boys would not be admitted to the Meher Ashram and Meher Ashram would not accept it. Just they would inform the parents that please come and take your son away. He is unft for Meher Ashram.

But they would try to mend the boy’s behavior in the seven days. If after the seven days, if the ways of the boys, if the behavior of the boy was not mended. Means not corrected then they will inform the guardian, father, relative to come and take this boy from the school. But after seven days when they found this boy is now ft to be admitted in Meher Ashram, they would take his name, register in the registration of the school of the Meher Ashram and the boy would be there. So, when I and my uncle’s son, we both were brought to the Meher Ashram. We were admitted and that was the end.

But how it was that I was taken out from the Meher Ashram? A rumor spread in Bombay that Meher Baba has started this school for conversion. To convert the boy of one religion to the other. Mainly they thought that Meher Baba wants to convert the Muslim boys into Zoroastrian religion. Which was absolutely false, baseless, a rubbish thing, all lies. They did not know who is Meher Baba. They did now know who is the Prophet Muhammad. And they did not know at the same time about God. So, the true worshipper of Muhammad is the true worshipper of Meher Baba. He would take the Christ, Jesus Christ as the true prophet, true messenger of God and truly worship Him. It’s the same amount that he automatically worships Meher

Page 2 of 6 Baba. Automatically takes Meher Baba as God. Because we did not take Muhammad as the true Prophet of God, I mean they did not obey Him perfectly. So, they also, they could not recognize Meher Baba. They could not accept Meher Baba as God in human form. This was the only point.

So, what happened? Parents came and took away their boys that they did not want any longer to stay of the boy in Meher Ashram. When they were asked, “What is the reason of it?” They said, “We fear that boys are converted from Islam to Zoroastrianism.” So, this was the point and they took away the boys. All right, now Baba did not mind absolutely of the boys taking away. Because the moment the boy stepped into Meher Ashram, so Baba sown the seed of love into their heart.

Meaning object, on view of Meher was creating the establishment of Meher Ashram so that the boy of all nationality, caste and creed should come to Him. In the name of staying there with Baba for education and also their lodging and food. But really what Baba wanted to have these boys, to get these boys near Him. To sow the seed of love. Divine love, God’s love in their heart. Which Baba did so successfully and so perfectly. And when the time came that Baba did his work completely 100% well, the parents came and took their boys away from the Meher Ashram and this Meher Ashram was closed. Because Baba being Avatar of this age, yuga Avatar, He had plenty of work to do. He could not focus His mind on one point of Meher Ashram. As we know, that Baba is stayed in Bombay, Manzil-e- Meem, 10 months. Then about 2 years in Meher Ashram time. After that Meher Ashram, Ashram, visits abroad, visits in India, contacting people and all these. These are all drop by drop of His accumulated Avataric work.

Now to me, I am the only one amongst the Mandali that always I sitting like this. Always continuously my heart says that Meher Baba will reappear. As we say manifestation. He will manifest Himself to the world. And break His silence audibly.

When Baba will break His silence, the whole world, the whole creation will come to know of it. Now the points arise, that when? What time? Which day? Which month of which year Baba will break His silence? Baba said, “I will break my silence when the East and the West are faying in the fre of war.” This destructive war which is the third and the last, will come to the world defnitely. No way out. It will come to world and three-fourth of the world destruction is there. This is not the thing that I say. I am not a predictor. But what Baba says. Baba being God, I have full belief in Him of His Godhood. Therefore, my heart continuously says that the time has come. The time has come. It has come at door step and soon the world will engulf in war. In the frame of war. Only then humanity of large, means the whole population of the world. All countries, every nation will focus their heart, their mind, to God. When they see their Beloved is all destroying before their eyes.

Page 3 of 6 Now what is the beloved? There are two types of beloved. One the real Beloved who is Baba, who is God, who is Christ, who is Muhammad. All the Avatars, past Avatars, and the future Avatars is but only one Divine Beloved, God takes human form on earth. And Avatar always come in Asia. Not in other parts of the world. Now the other beloved is what we love of this world. Everything belongs to this world and we love it, that is the false beloved. That is the not-lasting beloved. That is the intimate beloved. If someone loves the money, the big amounts of money, he is the money worshipper. Because he always think of the money, he cannot think of God. All right, the other man has a nice building. Always he is boasting, that I have such nice building. So much it costs. My building this, that. That is also another beloved. Now this beloved, this false beloved comes in between the real Beloved. Which is Baba. Any object in this world. Take it as motor car, take it as cycle, motor cycle, man, beautiful children, wife, daughter everything. These are all beloved. But they all belong to this world. At the same time Baba does not tell us to hate them. Not love them. Baba says, “Be in this world, but don’t be of this world.” Be in this world or let the world become a slave of you. You don’t become the slave of the world. We should become slave of God, the only real Beloved Meher Baba. The other beloved are false, not lasting, and by loving these beloved we go step by step further from the real Divine Beloved. True Beloved.

Now why I said and why I have that such strong unshakable conviction that Meher Baba is God and He’s going to manifest in this world and He will break His silence in the midst of war and destruction. Because in 1944 in one of Baba’s messages, I have that copy of it. Baba says, “I will retire in the crypt on the stone of Meherabad.” On the hill of Meherabad, in tomb, in the crypt. So, for spiritual relaxation. See Baba says, “I will retire for spiritual relaxation.” So, this means perfectly that Baba has not gone there to not come out. Spiritual relaxation — this means Baba defnitely will come out. And when Baba will come out, exactly when the whole world wants you. Then the whole world turn their faces towards God for salvation. For taking them away from the tides of destruction and all this which come to the world. And Baba will break His silence and the breaking of His silence is the sign of His manifestation.

The moment Baba breaks His silence, immediately He will manifest Himself to the world. By breaking of Baba’s silence, He will say, He will speak out one word to the world. That is the key word. See there are key words. We have thousands upon thousands switches in the house or in the factory or in [inaudible] or in anywhere you think or imagine. But all of them connected to one key switch. When you shut the key switch, all the switch will be off. In this way Baba’s word is the key word. Is the Divine word. It will penetrate right to the heart of all man and make generate. This is the meaning of Baba’s awakening. Baba said, “I Am Awakener, I have come to awake humanity.” And Baba will come again, will manifest and will give the word to the world when the humanity everywhere, they become humble. We are not now humble. We are now headstrong. We say, “Why I should go about after

Page 4 of 6 Meher Baba? Why I should take His name? Why I should go to His center? Why I should read His books? Why we are arrogant?”

Because of the power of the wealth. Of the power, money, the things of this world. Estate, farm, buildings, money, big amount of money in bank or in bag. Nice cars, nice garages. These things have taken us from loving Baba. But Baba, the compassionate father, when the time comes, He will show Himself to the world and He will come and sit on a state in all hearts. Then the whole world start to love Him as He really ought to be loved. Because He is the Divine Beloved. Worthy of worship.

Another of Baba’s message: Baba says, “The tree of my Divine manifestation will be planted at Mashhad, Iran. When it will grow and spread and ultimately covering the whole world.” Now what is the meaning behind this? The type of a tree is planted in one point, but its branches goes far away from all sides. So, I think Baba will break His silence somewhere in the middle of Asia. Because Avatar have taken place in Asia. Christ was in Asia, Muhammad was in Asia, Ram, Buddha, Krishna and Zoroaster, all of them were in Asia. And the place which Baba said is in Iran. This is the central place that from any angle you see, thousand miles goes from every side. Two, three thousand miles if you go North, it comes to the Russian land. If you go 2-3 thousand the other side it passes to Afghanistan and China and goes that way. If you come down thousands of miles after crossing Pakistan, it will come to India. And the big continent of India. On the other side, it passes through the Iraq and Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Africa, see.

So, this big chunk of the world which is Asia and also Africa, what part of it now by Suez Canal it is divided. And Baba will do His work successfully. The moment Baba breaks His silence, it makes no difference whether He —— where we are. We hear audibly Baba’s voice, the Divine voice, God’s voice as if He is just near us. He may be anywhere He wants. He is. And for this I think these two things, the creation or invention of radio and television, these two things are just balancing Baba’s break of silence and manifestation.

Radio brings through the broadcasting station words to us. Whether it is thousand miles away, America, Europe, anywhere. We can listen it here. All right, so now television, we can see the picture which they showed into the television station. We can see it in our home. All right, now these things work through the electrical device, electric machine, wiring and antenna. These things are, these sort of things. But Baba, when He breaks His silence, without the any aid of wire, of electricity, of any other man-made machine, He will just break His silence and everyone will be able to hear it. And this is the miracle that taught us the technology of the radio. And when Baba manifests Himself, they feel, the people of the world feel that this is the most great miracle because without the aid of television they can see Baba. So, Baba will make Himself appear. As we say manifest Himself at the time, at one

Page 5 of 6 time in thousand places in the world. I remember now one thing. That one-day Baba in Guruprasad.

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