
Derivation of the Local Lorentz Gauge Transformation of a Dirac in Quantum Einstein-Cartan Theory Rainer Kühne

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Rainer Kühne. Derivation of the Local Lorentz Gauge Transformation of a Field in Quantum Einstein-Cartan Theory. 2018. ￿hal-01936246￿

HAL Id: hal-01936246 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01936246 Preprint submitted on 27 Nov 2018

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Rainer W. Kühne Tuckermannstr. 35, 38118 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: [email protected] July 2, 2018

Abstract Hehl et al. [6] (Einstein-Cartan theory), Mes- siah [7] (non-relativistic quantum ), I examine the groups which underly classical Bjorken and Drell [8] (relativistic quantum me- mechanics, non-relativistic , chanics), Bjorken and Drell [9] (quantum elec- , relativistic quantum mechan- trodynamics), Taylor [10] (quantum flavourdy- ics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum flavour- namics), Politzer [11] and Marciano and Pagels dynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and gen- [12] (quantum chromodynamics), and Kühne eral relativity. This examination includes the [13] (quantum electromagnetodynamics). rotations SO(2) and SO(3), the Pauli algebra, the Lorentz transformations, the Dirac algebra, and the U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) gauge trans- 2 formations. I argue that must be generalized to Einstein-Cartan theory, so that The space of classical mechanics is described Dirac can be described within the frame- by the three-dimensional Euclidian space. The work of theory. product of the three-vectors ai and bi is given by a · b = δ a b (2) Keywords ij i j Einstein-Cartan theory, quantum , where - , Lorentz transfor- δij = diag (1, 1, 1) (3) mations, gauge invariance, quantum field denotes the Kronecker symbol. The vector prod- theories uct is given by

1 Introduction (a × b)k = εijkaibj (4) where εijk denotes the totally anti-symmetric I will present my argumentation in a didactic Levi-Civita symbol. The square of the infinites- way. So I will start at a very elementary level. imal is given by If not denoted otherwise then Latin indices run 2 from 1 to 3, Greek indices run from 0 to 3. I will ds = δijdxidxj (5) use the Einstein summation convention, where it is summed over all indices which appear twice. where dxi denotes the infinitesimal coordinate Moreover I will use the natural units difference of the two space-points xi and yi

¯h = c = ε0 = 1 (1) dxi = lim (yi − xi) (6) yi→xi where ¯h = h/2π denotes the reduced Planck con- A R around the rotation angle ϕ in the stant, c the speed of , and ε0 the electric field constant. Inner indices of matrices will be two-dimensional subspace is described by the or- dropped. thogonal rotation SO(2) Readers who would like to learn more about R = exp(−iϕD) the theories which will be mentioned in this  cos ϕ − sin ϕ  paper are recommended to the comprehensive = ∈ SO(2) (7) works of Goldstein [1] (classical mechanics), sin ϕ cos ϕ Jackson [2] (classical electrodynamics), Kilmis- where, because of the Euler equation ter [3] (special relativity), Weinberg [4] and Mis- ner, Thorne and Wheeler [5] (general relativity), e−iϕ = cos ϕ − i sin ϕ (8)

1 the generator of the rotation is SU(2) is covered by the group SO(3). Note also that the eq. (11) and eq. (19) dif-  0 −i  D = (9) fer by a factor of two. The anti- is i 0

{σi, σj} = 2δij (20) A rotation R around the rotation angle ϕi in the three-dimensional space is described by the The multiplication of two three-vectors ai and rotation group SO(3) bi is given by

R = exp(−iϕiDi) ∈ SO(3) (10) (σ · a)(σ · b) = (σi · ai)(σj · bj) where the generators Di of the rotation satisfy = (δij + iεijkσk)aibj the commutator relation = a · b + iσ · (a × b) (21)

[Di,Dj] = iεijkDk (11) According to non-relativistic quantum mechan- ics both and isospin are under A representation of the generators of the SO(3) global transformations of the group SU(2). If group is Ψ denotes a two-component Pauli-spinor, ϕi the  0 0 0  three-component rotation angle vector, σi the Pauli matrices, and x a space- point, then D1 =  0 0 −i  (12) 0 i 0 Ψ0(x) = exp(−iϕiσi/2)Ψ(x) (22)  0 0 i 

D2 =  0 0 0  (13) If Ψ denotes a two-component iso-spinor, ϕi the −i 0 0 three-component phase vector, and τi the Pauli  0 −i 0  matrices, then D3 =  i 0 0  (14) 0 0 0 Ψ0(x) = exp(−iϕiτi/2)Ψ(x) (23)

Note that the number of generators of the or- thogonal groups is given by 4 Special Relativity

dim SO(n) = n(n − 1)/2 (15) The special is invariant un- der the semi-simple Poincare group. The pa- and that the generators of SO(n) are Hermitean. rameters of its translational part are time and three-. The parameters of its rotational part are the rotation angle three-vector and the 3 Non-Relativistic Quantum three-component Lorentz boost. Mechanics The scalar product of the two four-vectors aµ and bµ is given by Classical is continuous. In µ ν quantum physics orbital angular momentum is a · b = gµν a b (24) quantized in units of ¯h and intrinsic spin is quan- tized in units of ¯h/2. Intrinsic spin is described where gµν denotes the . It is by the unitary group SU(2). Its generators are gµν = g (25) the three Pauli matrices σi. An often used rep- µν µ µ µ resentation of the Pauli matrices is g ν = gν = δν = diag (1, 1, 1, 1) (26)   0 1 In Minkowski coordinates the metric tensor is σ1 = (16) 1 0 represented by  0 −i  σ2 = (17) i 0 gµν = diag (1, −1, −1, −1) (27)  1 0  σ3 = (18) The square of the infinitesimal line element is 0 −1 given by 2 µ ν The commutator of the group SU(2) is given by ds = gµν dx dx (28) where dxµ denotes the infinitesimal coordinate [σ , σ ] = 2iε σ (19) i j ijk k difference of the two space-time points xµ and µ The groups SU(2) and SO(3) are local isomor- y dxµ = lim (yµ − xµ) (29) phic for angles 0 ≤ ϕ < 2π where the group yµ→xµ

2 A rotation around the z-axis by the rotation an- 5 Relativistic Quantum Me- gle ϕ is given by chanics  1 0 0 0  µ  0 cos ϕ − sin ϕ 0  The group which underlies the kinematics of a ν =   (30)  0 sin ϕ cos ϕ 0  relativistic quantum mechanics and relativistic 0 0 0 1 quantum field theory is the Poincare group. Isospin is invariant under global transformations A Lorentz boost along the x-axis by the speed v of the group SU(2). The generators are the is given by three Pauli matrices τ . The three Pauli matri-   i γ −βγ 0 0 ces σi of spin are generalized by the four Dirac µ  −βγ γ 0 0  matrices γµ. An often used representation of the a ν =   (31)  0 0 1 0  Dirac matrices is 0 0 0 1  1 0  γ = (43) where 0 0 −1 β = v/c (32)  0 σ  γ = i (44) i −σ 0 γ = 1/p1 − v2/c2 (33) i µ It is In general, a Lorentz transformation a ν of a four-position xµ is given by 0 γ = γ0 (45) µ µ ν i x0 = a ν x (34) γ = −γi (46) The Lorentz transformation of a four-derivative The commutator is µ ∂µ = ∂/∂x is given by ν [γµ, γν ] = −2iσµν (47) ∂0µ = aµ ∂ν (35) which is the definition of the generalized Dirac Finally, a Lorentz transformation around the pa- matrices σµν . The anti-commutator gives rameter ωαβ is given by  µ {γµ, γν } = 2gµν (48) µ 1 αβ a ν = exp ωαβI ∈ O(1, 3) (36) 2 ν By using the representation eqs. (43) and (44) where a representation of the six generators of of the Dirac matrices and the representation the SO(1, 3) is eqs. (16), (17) and (18) of the Pauli matrices, the anti-commutator gives the representation eq.   0 −1 0 0 (27) of the metric tensor in Minkowski coordi- 1 0 0 0 I10 =   (37) nates. Moreover it is  0 0 0 0    5 0 0 0 0 γ = γ5 = −iγ0γ1γ2γ3 (49)   0 0 −1 0 The multiplication of two four-vectors aµ and bµ 0 0 0 0 I20 =   (38) is given by  1 0 0 0    µ ν 0 0 0 0 (γ · a)(γ · b) = (γµa )(γν b ) µ ν  0 0 0 −1  = (gµν − iσµν )a b (50) 30  0 0 0 0  The Lorentz transformation of a four-component I =   (39)  0 0 0 0  spin 1/2 Dirac spinor field Ψ(x) is given by 1 0 0 0  i 1 µν   0 0 0 0  Ψ0(x0) = exp − σ ω Iαβ Ψ(x) 4 µν 2 αβ 0 0 0 −1 I13 =   (40) (51)  0 0 0 0    which is a generalization of eq. (36) which con- 0 1 0 0 siders both the Lorentz transformation of the   0 0 0 0 elementary particle and its intrinsic spin. 23  0 0 0 0  I =   (41)  0 0 0 −1  0 0 1 0 6 Relativistic Quantum  0 0 0 0  Field Theory 12  0 0 −1 0  I =   (42)  0 1 0 0  Quantum electrodynamics is invariant under lo- 0 0 0 0 cal transformations of the gauge group U(1).

3 If Ψ describes a four-component Dirac spinor, A representation of the Gell-Mann matrices is x a space-time point, e the elementary electric  0 1 0  charge, ϕ the gauge phase, Dµ the covariant λ1 = 1 0 0 (61) derivative, ∂µ the partial four-derivative, and   Aµ the electromagnetic four-potential, then the 0 0 0 gauge transformation is  0 −i 0  λ2 =  i 0 0  (62) 0 0 0  1 0 0  Ψ0(x) = exp(−ieϕ(x))Ψ(x) (52) λ3 =  0 −1 0  (63) iDµ = i∂µ − eAµ(x) (53) 0 0 0 A0µ(x) = Aµ(x) − ∂µϕ(x) (54)  0 0 1  λ4 =  0 0 0  (64) 1 0 0   Note that U(1) and SO(2) are isomorphic. 0 0 −i λ5 =  0 0 0  (65) i 0 0 Quantum flavourdynamics is invariant un-   der local transformations of the gauge group 0 0 0 SU(2) × U(1). If Ψ denotes an eight-component λ6 =  0 0 1  (66) iso-spinor Dirac spinor, x a space-time point, 0 1 0 g the weak coupling constant, ϕi the three-  0 0 0  component gauge phase isovector, τ the Pauli i λ7 = 0 0 −i (67) i   matrices, and Wµ the weak isovector four- 0 i 0 potentials, then the gauge transformations of the  1 0 0  SU(2) part are 1 λ8 = √  0 1 0  (68) 3 0 0 −2 The commutator of the Gell-Mann matrices is Ψ0(x) = exp(−igϕi(x)τi/2)Ψ(x) (55) g [λ , λ ] = 2if λ (69) iD = i∂ − W i (x)τ (56) i j ijk k µ µ 2 µ i µ µ µ and the anti-commutator is W 0i (x) = Wi (x) − ∂ ϕi(x) µ 4 −gεijkϕj(x)Wk (x) (57) {λ , λ } = δ + 2d λ (70) i j 3 ij ijk k Note that the number of the generators of the unitary groups is given by

Quantum chromodynamics is invariant un- dim SU(n) = n2 − 1 (71) der local transformations of the gauge group SU(3). If Ψ denotes a twelve-component colour- and that the generators of the SU(n) groups are vector Dirac spinor, x a space-time point, g Hermitean. the strong coupling constant, ϕ the eight- According to relativistic quantum mechan- i ics and relativistic quantum field theory, the component gauge phase vector, λi the eight Gell- µν i energy-momentum tensor Σ of a Dirac spinor Mann matrices, and Gµ the eight gluon four- potentials, then the gauge transformations are Ψ is asymmetric 1 Σµν (x) = − DµΨ(¯ x) γν Ψ(x) 2 1 + Ψ(¯ x)γν DµΨ(x) (72) Ψ0(x) = exp(−igϕi(x)λi/2)Ψ(x) (58) 2 g iD = i∂ − Gi (x)λ (59) µ µ 2 µ i where the covariant derivative Dµ is given by µ µ µ the equations (53), (56) and (59). G0i (x) = Gi (x) − ∂ ϕi(x) µ −gfijkϕj(x)Gk (x) (60) 7 General Relativity

The general theory of relativity is invariant un- where the indices i, j, k run from 1 to 8. der arbitrary curvilinear transformations. It

4 is invariant under local transformations of the Since the affine connection (Christoffel sym- Lorentz group SO(1, 3). The Lorentz boosts de- bol) is symmetric it follows that the energy- pend on the four-position xµ. Note that the momentum tensor of general relativity is sym- Poincare group which underlies special relativity metric. This is in contrast to the asymmet- has ten generators, whereas the Lorentz group ric energy-momentum tensor of a Dirac spinor which underlies general relativity has only six of relativistic quantum mechanics. This means generators. Therefore general relativity is not a that a Dirac spinor cannot be described by the generalization of special relativity. geometry that underlies general relativity. The scalar product of the four-vectors aµ and bµ is given by 8 Einstein-Cartan Theory µ ν a · b = gµν (x)a b (73) Einstein-Cartan theory is a generalization of where the metric tensor gµν depends on the general relativity, because within the framework space-time point x. The square of the infinites- of this theory the anti-symmetric part of the imal line element is affine connection which is named Cartan’s tor- sion tensor 2 µ ν ds = gµν (x)dx dx (74) 1 T α (x) = Γα (x) − Γα (x) (83) The local Lorentz transformation is µν 2 µν νµ  µ µ 1 αβ is nonzero. In contrast to the Christoffel symbol a ν (x) = exp ωαβ(x)I (75) 2 ν the torsion tensor transforms as a tensor under arbitrary curvilinear transformations. Cartan’s which is a generalization of eq. (36). torsion tensor is related to the spin tensor by When a four-vector Cα is parallely displaced from the four-position xµ to the four-position T αµν (x) = κτ αµν (x) (84) xµ + dxµ, then it changes according to the pre- scription where κ = −8πG denotes the Einstein field con- stant known from general relativity. α α ν µ dC = −Γµν (x)C dx (76) The Dirac spinor can be described by the ge- ometry that underlies Einstein-Cartan theory, This is the definition of the four-position- α because this theory describes an asymmetric dependent affine connection Γµν . According to affine connection and therefore an asymmetric general relativity it has only a symmetric part energy-momentum tensor. 1 Einstein-Cartan theory is invariant under lo- {}α (x) = Γα (x) + Γα (x) (77) µν 2 µν νµ cal transformations of the Poincare group. So Einstein-Cartan theory is a generalization of which is named Christoffel symbol. The Rie- special relativity. mann curvature tensor is given by In quantum Einstein-Cartan theory the local Lorentz gauge transformation of a Dirac spinor Rλ (x) = ∂ Γλ (x) − ∂ Γλ (x) µνκ κ µν ν µκ field Ψ is given by α λ α λ +Γµν (x)Γκα(x) − Γµκ(x)Γνα(x)  i 1 µν  (78) Ψ0(x0) = exp − σ ω (x)Iαβ Ψ(x) 4 µν 2 αβ By contraction one gets the Ricci tensor (85) This equation is a combination of eqs. (51) and λ Rµν (x) = R µλν (x) (79) (75). and the Ricci scalar

µ 9 Conclusion R(x) = Rµ(x) (80) I argued that the general theory of relativity The Einstein field equations are must be generalized by the Einstein-Cartan the- 1 ory, because the asymmetric energy-momentum R (x) − g (x)R(x) = κΣ (x) (81) µν 2 µν µν tensor of relativistic quantum mechanics re- quires the existence of an asymmetric affine con- where nection and therefore the existence of a nonzero κ = −8πG (82) torsion tensor. Moreover I pointed out that spin denotes the Einstein field constant and Σµν the is the source of a gauge field which is associ- energy-momentum tensor. ated with Cartan’s torsion. This is analogous to

5 the situation of isospin which is a pure quantum number in quantum mechanics, but the source of the weak gauge field in quantum flavourdy- namics.


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