UG01 - Southwestern Highland Irish Potato Sorghum Vegetable Zone Sudan UG02 - Southwestern Midland Banana Robusta Coffee Cattle Zone ± UG39 UG03 - Southwestern Rift Valley Tobacco Bean Millet Zone UG04 - Kazinga Channel Cassava Maize Fruit Vegetable Cotton Zone UG05 - Rwenzori Mt.Elgon West Nile Arabica Coffee Banana Zone UG15 UG16 UG22 UG06 - Rwenzori Midland Banana Fruit Vegetable Dairy Zone UG10 UG07 - Western Rift Valley Cocoa Coffee Cassava Zone UG20 UG08 - Rwenzori Lowland Maize Vegetable Banana Zone UG16 UG24 UG09 - Rwenzori Midland Tea and Dairy Zone UG10 - Albertine West Nile Lowland Cattle Zone " UG21 UG11 - Kafu Muzizi Maize Upland Rice Cassava Zone UG17 UG12 - Albertine Escarpment Cotton Cassava Zone " Gulu UG25 UG13 - Bwijanga Pakanyi SugarcaNE Maize Cassava Zone UG19 UG14 - Karuma Masindi Oyam Tobacco Maize Cassava Zone UG05 UG14 " Moroto UG15 - West Nile Tobacco Cassava Sorghum Zone UG39 UG23 UG16 - North Kitgum Gulu Amuru West Nile Simsim Sorghum Livestock Zone UG17 - Amuru Gulu Rice Groundnut Sorghum Livestock Zone Democratic UG39 Republic of UG26 UG18 - Mid North Simsim Maize Cassava Zone the Congo UG19 - Southwest Gulu Beans Groundnuts Shoat Cassava UG14 UG18 UG20 - Palabek Tobacco Simsim Sorghum and Cattle Zone UG12 UG21 - South Kitgum Pader Abim Simsim Groundnuts Sorghum Cattle Zone UG22 - Northeast Sorghum Simsim Maize Livestock Zone UG37 UG13 UG26 UG23 - Karamoja Livestock Sorghum Bulrush Millet Zone UG24 - Northeastern Karamoja Pastoral Zone UG28 UG25 - Central and Southern Karamoja Pastoral Zone UG11 UG38 UG37 UG26 - Eastern Lowland Maize Beans Rice Zone UG27 UG39 " Mbale UG27 - Eastern Central Lowland Cassava Sorghum and Groundnut Zone UG10 UG05 Kenya UG28 - Mt Elgon Highland Irish Potato Cereal Zone UG32 UG05 Fort UG09 UG34 UG29 - Southeastern Lowland Cassava Cereal Zone Portal UG30 " UG30 - Eastern Lowland Rice Root Crop Zone UG07 UG06 " Bombo UG29 UG31 - Southeastern Lowland Cassava Maize Sweet Potato Zone

" UG31 Jinja UG32 - Southeastern Maize Beans Robusta Coffee Zone UG39 UG08 [! UG33 UG33 - East Central Plantation Outgrower Zone UG35 UG34 - Kayunga Masaka Pineapple Banana Robusta Coffee & Cassava Zone UG37 UG35 - Midwest Cen. & L Victoria Crescent Rob. Coffee Banana Maize & Cattle UG04 UG38 UG39 UG39 UG36 - Kalangala Fishing Oil Palm Cassava Zone UG37 - Lakeshore and Riverbank Fishing Zone UG38 - Central and Southern Cattle Cassava Maize Zone UG02 " UG36 UG39 Masaka UG39 - National Park UG34 UG40 - Urban " UG03 International Boundaries Regions [! Capital UG01 United Republic of " Cities Rwanda Tanzania 030 60 120 180 240 Kilometers Lakes