Minutes of Meeting 30th July DRAFT

CRONDALL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING Held on Monday 30th July 2018 in Crondall Church Rooms

PRESENT: Cllr C Dorn – Chairman Cllrs D Argent, C Bryant, T Evans, C Hebbron, N Lambert, S O’Connor, M Seary APOLOGIES: Cllrs S Gorys, J Kennett - Council Cllr J Glen – County Council IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr K Crookes – Hart District Council Mrs M Harris - Parish Clerk There were no members of the public in attendance The meeting commenced at 7.31pm and ended at 9.35pm

53/19 Declarations of Interest Cllr Dorn declared a non-pecuniary interest in the planning application for Field Cottage. Cllr Bryant declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application for Travers Farm. Councillor Hebbron declared a pecuniary interest in the planning application for 4-5 Church Hill Terrace. 54/19 Minutes of 25th June 2018 meeting The Minutes were proposed for acceptance as an accurate record by Cllr Dorn seconded by Cllr Seary and AGREED unanimously. The Chairman signed the Minutes. Matters arising from the 25th June 2018 meeting not covered by the agenda 55/19, 34/19 Hampshire County Council’s proposed changes to school transport. The Clerk reported that no further information had been received, she would chase the matter. 56/19, 38/19 Letter to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the Broden Stables Appeal. The letter had been sent as agreed but was originally rejected as having been ‘out of time’; however following a protest and an explanation from the Clerk on its relevance, it was agreed for inclusion as part of CPCs response to the appeal. 57/19, 47/19 Dates and Undertakers. The Clerk reported an e-mail conversation with Reverend Tara in which they were in agreement regarding the behaviours of some undertakers. It was agreed to remain robust in relation to their bullying tactics in regard to seeking specific dates and times for burials and interments. Cllr Lambert noted that Monday and Tuesday afternoons were usually available for wakes in the Village Hall. 58/19, 51/19 Crondall Litter Pick. The litter pick had been successful with about 20 participants collecting a wide range of rubbish from around the village. Regrettably it had then been difficult to get Hart DC to arrange the promised litter collection. Cllr Crookes agreed to raise this with Hart.

59/19 Announcements from the Chairman, Clerk, and Members questions received in advance. Following the announcement of his untimely death the Chairman recorded Council’s condolences to the family and colleagues of Steven Lugg the CEO of HALC. Steven had been a great supporter of Parish Councils and would be much missed. There were no Members questions.

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60/19 District Councillor’s Report Cllr Crookes reported that the Audit Committee had today signed off Hart’s accounts which were un- qualified. He further advised that the controversial Deer Park planning application at had today been refused at Hart. The Local Plan was now with the Inspector for examination with public hearings scheduled for late November and early December. The uncertainty as to which version of the NPPF that would be deemed relevant for the Plan had been lifted, with confirmation that due to its timing Hart’s Plan would be considered using the ‘old’ methodology. In response to questions Cllr Crookes advised that the ‘new’ methodology would be used for Plans submitted at a later date. The process had proven difficult to judge and Daryl would now be writing to all Parishes to explain what the implications for their Neighbourhood Plans would be. Cllr Lambert raised a number of concerns regarding waste and recycling in Hart. Cllr Crookes responded that he had limited knowledge of the destination of all recyclables but could confirm that everything collected from ‘black bins’ went to the incinerator at Chineham. He committed to undertaking some more research regarding plastics and glass and would respond back to the Clerk on this. Members noted that Hart’s achievements in this area were well behind neighbouring districts. Cllr Crookes advised that following due process a new waste contractor would be taking over from the existing contractor in October.

61/19 Planning Applications Applications were considered in line with the previously circulated Planning Report. 18/01520/HOU 4 & 5 Church Hill Proposed single storey rear extensions to 4 and 5 Terrace Church Church Hill Terrace Street, Crondall GU10 5QH Cllr Seary advised that this was a joint application to extend the rear ground floor of two properties to incorporate existing rear brick built sheds. Cllr Lambert asked about ‘materials’ and Cllr Hebbron (the applicant) responded that they would be ‘sympathetic i.e. principally brick, wood and glass. Cllr Argent proposed NO OBJECTION subject to: • Materials as advised by the Conservation officer This was seconded by Cllr Evans and AGREED (In Favour 6: 1 Abstention), Cllr Hebbron left the room and did not vote.

18/01177/FUL Land At Travers Farm Well Conversion of the existing 3 agricultural barns Road Crondall GU10 5HJ to form 3 detached dwellings ( 1x 4 bed and 2 x 3 beds) with associated alterations to vehicular access, provision of car parking, refuse storage and landscaping (following the removal of the existing 8 No. silos). A previous application on this site had been objected to by the Parish Council. The proposal now presented is for three properties on the footprint of the three existing barns, with additional fenestration and reworked cladding. Cllr Lambert felt that precedent had already been set in the village for this type of barn conversion, however Cllr O’Connor, although sympathetic, felt that to breach RUR2 would be unacceptable. Cllr Seary recommended OBJECTION stating  The development is contrary to RUR2 being outside the settlement boundary  The design is inappropriate for the site, smaller houses are what are needed in the Parish.  The site is not sustainable  The site will not generate any Section 106 contributions towards local infrastructure etc.

This was seconded by Cllr O’Connor and AGREED (In Favour 5:2 Against, 1 Abstention).

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Rose Court, Construction Retention of poly-tunnel. 18/01406/FUL Industry Safety Training Centre Rye Common Lane Crondall GU10 5DD Cllr Seary proposed NO OBJECTION, this was seconded by Cllr Argent and AGREED unanimously.

18/01114/FUL Rye Common Lane Proposed energy storage facility to provide (General) Crondall energy balancing services to the National Grid Cllr Seary described the application as a massive stack of batteries 6m high surrounded by a 2.4m metal fence. This would be visible from the canal. Concerns were expressed regarding possible noise levels and other matters. Two objections had been received from near neighbours. Following discussion Cllr Seary proposed OBJECTION on the basis of a wide range of concerns which he proposed be pulled together into a final document for submission to Hart DC. This was seconded by Cllr Argent and AGREED (In Favour 7:1 Against). Council resolved to consult and to send a formal letter to Hart DC detailing their objections, (this is attached as Appendix 1).

18/01381/HOU Hook Cottage Well Road Replace existing wooden fence and front Crondall GU10 5PW wooden gate. it one conservation roof-light to garage roof. The quality of the information supplied was poor and failed to show the correct ‘before and after’ fence pictures. There was a general lack of information about what was proposed. Cllr Argent proposed OBJECTION stating a range of concerns. This was seconded by Cllr Dorn and AGREED unanimously. Council resolved to agree a detailed list of objections for consideration by Council prior to submission to Hart DC (these are attached as Appendix 2).

18/01187/HOU| 7 Green Springs Crondall Insert window in side elevation first floor. GU10 5RB Insert French doors and flush Juliette balcony to rear elevation first floor. Cllr Seary advised that further to a previous application for a Certificate of Lawful Development to which Council had stated NO OBJECTION, this had now come back as a full planning application. Cllr Seary proposed NO OBJECTION this was seconded by Cllr Hebbron and AGREED (In Favour 7:1 Against).

18/01649/HOU Field Cottage Pankridge Proposed detached triple garage GU10 5QZ Following some discussion about the height of the proposed garage Cllr Seary proposed NO OBJECTION commenting

• Building only to be used for vehicular use.

This was seconded by Cllr Argent and AGREED (in Favour 6:1 Against, 1 Abstention).

Cllr Seary brought Council’s attention to two applications for Lawful Development for which Council are not statutory consultees. 18/01439/LDC Farncombe House, Itchel Application for certificate of lawfulness for a Lane Crondall GU10 5PR proposed development for outbuilding to be used for incidental domestic purposes.

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Cllr Seary proposed NO COMMENT, this was seconded by Cllr Dorn and AGREED (in Favour 6:2 Against).

18/01505/LDC 30 Green Springs Crondall Application for a Lawful Development Farnham GU10 5RE Certificate for a Proposed first floor gable extension over existing ground floor with rear extension to existing dormer. Previous Application considered in May 2018 now withdrawn – CPC said NO OBJECTION

Cllr Seary proposed NO COMMENT, this was seconded by Cllr O’Connor and AGREED unanimously.

Pre-application Council had been requested by the applicant (who had been unable to attend the meeting) to comment on a Pre-application for two in-fill houses on St Cross Road. Few councillors made comments. One stated that they felt this was a ‘crowded site’ and what was proposed was ‘shoe- horned in’; another that there were serious difficulties, they would prefer to see two houses developed between the properties as ‘semis stepped back from the building line’; another stated that this was an excellent opportunity to support the development of smaller homes which were much needed in the Parish. Overall Council had no objection in principle and looked forward to receiving a full application in due course.

62/19 Neighbourhood Plan Update An Update Report had been circulated in advance. Cllr O’Connor reported a successful grant application with additional funding for the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRA) to be paid direct to the agents. In addition the grant entitles CPC to a ‘professional health check’ on all NP documents. Work on the SEA and HRA has already started and the ‘health check’ will continue in parallel with this. Any required iterations from the Regulation 14 process will be added later. The SEA will consider all the sites not only those ‘down selected’. Ten weeks is required for the assessments including five weeks required for the statutory consultees. The SEA and HRA agents will ‘compare notes’ to ensure consistency. The effect on the overall timings is that the PSP is now likely to be issued for consultation in October 2018. Cllr O’Connor apologised and clarified a typo in his report stating that AECOM had actually been appointed on 14/07/18. Council Crookes advised that all ‘current’ NPs should be compliant with the current NPPF, only those submitted after January 2019 being required to be complaint with the new NPPF policies. Cllr O’Connor advised that he intended the Crondall NP to be complainant with both. Following discussion it was agreed that it was likely that an additional CPC meeting might be needed in late October to review the NP prior to its issue for consultation. Cllr Lambert asked what would happen if the Local Plan Inspector said that Crondall would not be required to take any housing, would the NP be ‘in limbo’? Cllr O’Connor responded ‘no’. The Update Report was NOTED.

Cllr K Crookes left the meeting at 9.13pm

63/19 Payments and Purchases to be made. Fifteen items totalling £2,183.00 were proposed for authorisation and payment by Cllr Argent, seconded by Cllr Seary and AGREED unanimously.

64/19 Purchase Authorisation Requests The Clerk requested £100 to spend on dog poo bags for the dispensers, this was AGREED.

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65/19 Income and Expenditure report for June and Balance Sheet at 30/06/18 There were no questions and the Report was NOTED

66/19 Bank Reconciliation The Clerk confirmed that she had undertaken an independent examination of the Bank Reconciliation for June 2018. No questions were raised. Council NOTED the Clerk’s report.

PARISH COUNCIL REPORTS 67/19 Estates Report. The Clerk’s Estates Report was taken as read. The Noticeboards were expected for delivery in August. Consultation on the location for the Noticeboard in Mill Lane had yet to be undertaken. Council NOTED the report.

68/19 Memorial Applications and Burials. The Clerk’s previously circulated report was taken as read. Council NOTED the report.

69/19 Footpaths Cllr O’Connor advised that the sign next to Clifton Barns was ‘down’. Cllr Hebbron advised that this had been reported.

70/19 Traffic and Highways Cllr Lambert advised on the ever-increasing white outlines, and in some cases yellow and blue ones appearing on the Parish roads and pavements, their purpose is unknown. Some of the potholes between the Surrey boundary and Clare Park have been filled, hopefully the resurfacing will be completed soon. The work at Glebe Road to the rear of the school has been delayed by a resident who has applied for parking. The water repairs by the football field worked well at reducing through traffic, hopefully enabling more people to see Doras Green Lane as a suitable by-pass. Gas Works to a private property will require 3-way traffic lights controlling Well Road, The Borough and Church St from 30th July to 3rd August.

71/19 FACC update Air traffic movements in the period January to May were up 17%, due to uncertainties at Northholt, the increased reluctance of airports to accommodate business aircraft and the excellent and unique services provided at Farnborough. In June movements were up again at 19% compared with 2017, 188 movements in one day being the best on record. The airfield remains number one business airport in Europe and 12th in the world. Gulfstream will be building its maintenance, repair and overhaul facility on the airfield, to be operational in 2020. states that it has achieved Carbon Neutral status through the Airport Carbon Accreditation and claims to be the first business airport in the world to achieve this. Under GDPR complainant’s details can no longer be shared or published. Esso are being asked to justify why it is not proposing a spur to the new Heathrow Fuel Line into Farnborough in order to reduce tanker movements on local roads. TAG has received approval for the Airspace Change application. This long process started with the Quiet Flying Programme and then the 50,000 ATM planning approval which required TAG to promote and support Airspace Change. The proposal is to create a new operating environment with standard instrument departures (SIDs) and standard terminal arrival routes (STARs) with some elements of controlled airspace. The CAA has approved a slightly modified version of the application, which effects areas away from the immediate surrounds of the airport. TAG will now study the decision document and look at an implementation plan. The CAA report and the minutes of the June meeting can be found at www.facc.org.uk

72/19 Correspondence Correspondence received during the month had been circulated to Councillors by e-mail.

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73/19 Other Business Apologies for the August meeting of CPC – These were received from the Clerk and Councillors Argent, Evans and Seary. Cllr Lambert agreed to assist by updating and presenting the Planning Report which Cllr Seary would start to prepare. Steven Lugg – Cllr Argent proposed a donation in his memory, this would be addressed when more details were available. Evening of Parish Council meetings – Cllr Argent wondered whether consideration should be given to moving the meeting to a different night from that for bell-ringing practise! Village Hall update – Cllr Lambert advised that there was an approved application for a side extension for storage, small office and extension of the kitchen. The hall intends to work with its customers and builder to ensure that they can remain open without too much disruption. Discussions currently in progress include: Agreeing a start date, which is likely to be at the end of August. Planning conditions approval for details and samples of all external surfaces etc. A construction method statement. Fencing off the path to Old Gym will be necessary. The only alternative route is via the Village Hall car park and Hook Meadow, to join up with the paved path by the Pavilion and on to the Old Gym. The Village Hall hope that they will have Council’s support for these arrangements.

74/19 In Committee (Confidential Minute) Council discussed a Staffing matter and agreed on a future course of action.

Signed as a true record …………….………………………….. dated 20/08/2018

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