July 2000 Chelan County PUD RELICENSING UPDATE In this issue: project Study updates ...... Page 1 Rocky Reach project Study updates ...... Page 2 Kayak photos A look at the gorge ...... Page 3 Get to know the PUD relicensing team Lake Chelan Rocky Reach Steve Hays, natural sciences consultant ...... Page 4 Hydroelectric Project Hydroelectric Project License expires 2004 License expires 2006

LAKE CHELAN HYDRO PROJECT Kayakers make it through Chelan Gorge at three flows The flow of water in the gorge was controlled by opening Tracy Clapp of Sultan, Wash., a single gate at the Lake Chelan Dam upstream. Flows were finds his kayak 273 cubic feet per second the first day, 391 cfs the second pointing skyward day and 475 cfs the third day. Flows during spring runoff as he fights his way are more typically in the 1,000 to 2,000 cfs range, but they through whitewater can get above 12,000 cfs. in the gorge. Kayakers said they thought the middle flow was closest to what most visiting kayakers would like to see. But they also said the higher flow offered some extra challenges that visiting boaters would find enjoyable. More kayak The PUD must now wait for the final report from the photos, Page 3 kayaking study team evaluating the test. Then it will discuss the issue with other parties in the relicensing process to Six highly experienced kayakers made three successful determine whether kayaking will become part of the terms trips through the Gorge July 8-10, demon- and conditions for a new license. strating that the gorge might be suitable for future Fish management plans in the works whitewater recreation. It’s believed to be the first time Art Viola of the Department of Fish and anyone has been through the steep, rocky channel in a Wildlife (WDFW) presented the first draft of a fish kayak. management plan for Lake Chelan at a June 28 meeting of Study leader Bo Shelby, one of the six kayakers who the full relicensing team. The plan is expected to change paddled through the 4.1-mile gorge each of the three days at after other agencies review it. different water flows, said the gorge was a beautiful spot the Because the lake is so clean, it cannot be expected to kayakers enjoyed thoroughly. support high densities of fish. But the proposed plan would Video crews hired by the PUD documented all the runs emphasize these points: from several vantage points. Another photographer hired by • Rebuild the cutthroat trout population the PUD also took numerous still pictures. PUD operators • Gradually discontinue planting rainbow trout and and officials observed the runs, but the public was not replace them with cutthroat allowed. • Continue to strive for a balanced kokanee population so No one was injured during the test runs, other than they don’t become too numerous and have their growth minor scrapes and bruises. Kayakers did portage around stunted several of the steeper drops in the gorge rather than running • Reduce the catch limit on chinook until their numbers places where water dropped 20 feet or where the river ran can rebuild through a tight boulder field that resembled a sieve. (continued on Page 2) ROCKY REACH HYDRO PROJECT Recreation and economics studies lead field work A full summer of field work is leading to more informa- been awarded to BioAnalysts of Boise, Idaho. The challenge is tion about fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, water quality, to develop trapping methods at Rocky Reach and Rock Island erosion and economic impacts related to the Rocky Reach Dams that will not interfere with passage of other ESA-listed Hydroelectric Project. species. The scope of the study has expanded to include Economics study well along Chelan, Grant, and Douglas PUD project areas. Consultants Reed Hansen and Michael McHugh have Cultural consultation process approved interviewed many individuals about economic impacts A letter was received from FERC authorizing Chelan PUD associated with the Rocky Reach project. They expect to to consult formally with the Colville Confederated Tribes and present a preliminary report in August that will help members the Yakama Nation regarding relicensing. A study has been of the Social Sciences Working Group understand the initiated to identify properties of traditional or religious potential impacts of project operations. significance to the Yakama Nation and Colville Confederated Surveys look at recreation use Tribes. Hundreds of surveys have been filled out this summer by Erosion sites noted around reservoir visitors to the Entiat City Park and at campgrounds up the A total of 48 erosion sites were mapped and photographed Entiat Valley. The surveys are trying to determine which areas by the working group in three days of field work. The are most heavily used and whether there is any spillover at working group will next Forest Service campgrounds from recreation activity on the What’s new work on completing a Rocky Reach reservoir. on the Web? draft report of the Results will be available this fall. inventory and will later Chelan County PUD has Bull trout study still a challenge added extensive back- look at methods of erosion Chelan PUD has recently approved a work plan for bull ground information to its repair and prevention. trout trapping to determine how the fish move through the Rocky Reach Relicensing Water quality getting Web site related to the pro- reservoir. The trapping and telemetry portion of the study has posed Habitat Conservation a closer look Plan. Data gathered the last LAKE CHELAN HYDRO PROJECT (cont.) The new information is four years at Chelan available under the “existing County PUD dams is • Do nothing different with smallmouth bass license” link on the being analyzed by • Attempt to reintroduce bull trout into lake tributaries, Rocky Reach Web site consultants at Parametrix especially the Stehekin River (www.chelanpud.org/ to try to determine the relicense). It includes in- Other fish management plans are also being prepared by terim protection plans, the impacts of spill and other agencies, and all will be considered as the full relicensing HCP document itself and turbine operation on total team attempts to combine them into a unified strategy. background studies. dissolved gas (TDG) in the Report looks at flows in Chelan Gorge The HCP is an attempt by . They are Members of the Natural Sciences Working Group are the PUD to have no net im- also looking at new and pact on migrating salmon existing data to evaluate beginning to look at what flows make sense for the Chelan and steelhead by combin- Gorge, now that they have a study report which evaluates ing new bypass technology, water temperatures. instream flows, limiting factors and barriers in the gorge. habitat improvements and The state Department Water temperatures in the gorge suggest that the use of limited hatchery production. of Ecology has standards sections 1 and 4 by juvenile and adult trout may be limited. In addition to the Web site for TDG and temperature. The fact that Lake Chelan is so clean is also a limiting factor information, a new subcom- By analyzing existing data, mittee of the Natural Sci- the PUD can determine on fish populations in the gorge because there is little feed. ences Working Group has Members of the working group on natural sciences may been created to respond to what other information explore methods of rerouting the river channel through questions on anadromous may be necessary to Section 4 to focus the water in a more concentrated flow to fish. address gas and tempera- benefit fish. ture issues for the future. Going. . . Rick Williams of Black Diamond, Wash., is elated at making it Steve Hair of KPQ Radio in through a tough section. Wenatchee interviews PUD Commissioner Jim Wall.

Going. . .

Gone! Study leader Bo Shelby of Corvallis, Ore., paddles up to John Gangemi and Rick Williams in quiet water at the end of the day.

Kayakers stand at water’s edge deciding if they want to run the section titled “entrance exam.” Not everyone did.

Forrest Hubler of Hood River, Ore., squeezes through an opening in the rocks. Tracy Clapp of Sultan, Wash., all but disappears (PUD photos by as he heads through a Steve Kaminoff) foamy section of the gorge. Relicensing Update BULK RATE Chelan County PUD U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 1231 327 North Wenatchee Avenue PAID Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231 Wenatchee, WA To be added to the mailing list contact Permit No. 300 Rosana Sokolowski, Relicensing Coordinator

at the address above.

salmon passage, bypass development, predator control and control predator development, bypass passage, salmon

toll-free in Washington: (888) 663-8121. (888) Washington: in toll-free

For the next 18 years he worked on adult and juvenile and adult on worked he years 18 next the For

Ave., Wenatchee, WA, 98801. Or e-mail [email protected] or call or [email protected] e-mail Or 98801. WA, Wenatchee, Ave.,

eventually became a full-fledged PUD employee in 1977. in employee PUD full-fledged a became eventually

directed to Steve Lachowicz, Chelan County PUD, 327 N. Wenatchee N. 327 PUD, County Chelan Lachowicz, Steve to directed

research. After time away to serve in the Peace Corps, he Corps, Peace the in serve to away time After research. Comments and questions on relicensing or on this newsletter can be can newsletter this on or relicensing on questions and Comments

work in 1974 as a temporary biologist on dissolved gas dissolved on biologist temporary a as 1974 in work QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? OR QUESTIONS

Hays is a veteran of the Chelan County PUD, beginning PUD, County Chelan the of veteran a is Hays

their positions as well. as positions their

enjoys hiking and fishing. and hiking enjoys existing members of the relicensing core team remain in remain team core relicensing the of members existing

Hays has coached youth soccer for 12 years and also and years 12 for soccer youth coached has Hays the rest of the relicensing team was moved in May. All the All May. in moved was team relicensing the of rest the

and 16. and His office will be in the Hawley Street building where building Street Hawley the in be will office His

Corps in El Salvador. They have three children, ages 11, 12 11, ages children, three have They Salvador. El in Corps developed.

Hays met his wife, Maricruz, while he served in the Peace the in served he while Maricruz, wife, his met Hays as the terms and conditions for a new license application are application license new a for conditions and terms the as

County, where he has lived most of his life. his of most lived has he where County, the stakeholder agencies involved with natural science issues science natural with involved agencies stakeholder the

such long-term significance for the PUD and Chelan and PUD the for significance long-term such hydroelectric projects. He will also interact with many of many with interact also will He projects. hydroelectric

Hays is pleased to be focusing on a project that will have will that project a on focusing be to pleased is Hays relicensing for both the Lake Chelan and the Rocky Reach Rocky the and Chelan Lake the both for relicensing

complex than we dealt with in the HCP.” the in with dealt we than complex perspective on the various natural science issues involved in involved issues science natural various the on perspective

stakeholder objectives in the relicensing arena is even more even is arena relicensing the in objectives stakeholder He will work primarily as a technical consultant, offering consultant, technical a as primarily work will He

tion Plan will be valuable. However, the diversity of diversity the However, valuable. be will Plan tion PUD core relicensing team. relicensing core PUD

“Experience with the negotiation of the Habitat Conserva- Habitat the of negotiation the with “Experience the newest member of the Chelan County Chelan the of member newest the

wrestle with the complex fish and wildlife issues,” said Hays. said issues,” wildlife and fish complex the with wrestle wildlife and natural sciences, Steve Hays is Hays Steve sciences, natural and wildlife

“I look forward to helping the relicensing team as we as team relicensing the helping to forward look “I Bringing his vast background on fisheries, on background vast his Bringing

director of Fish and Wildlife from 1998-2000. from Wildlife and Fish of director

Technical consultant Technical

now in its final stages of environmental review. He served as served He review. environmental of stages final its in now

Steve Hays, Steve

the proposed Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) which is which (HCP) Plan Conservation Habitat proposed the GET TO KNOW THE RELICENSING TEAM RELICENSING THE KNOW TO GET