Sooner Catholic Soonercatholic.Org July 9, 2017 Archokc.Org Go Make Disciples Kelly Edwards Ordained to the Priesthood Archbishop Paul S

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Sooner Catholic Soonercatholic.Org July 9, 2017 Archokc.Org Go Make Disciples Kelly Edwards Ordained to the Priesthood Archbishop Paul S Sooner Catholic July 9, 2017 Go Make Disciples Kelly Edwards ordained to the priesthood Archbishop Paul S. Coakley ordained Kelly Lynn Edwards to the priesthood on June 24 at The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Oklahoma City. Archbishop Coakley was joined by Arch- bishop Emeritus Eusebius Beltran, dozens of brother priests, deacons, seminarians and Father Edwards’s family and friends. On June 25, Photos Steve Sisney/Sooner Catholic. Father Kelly cel- ebrated his first Mass - the Mass of Thanksgiving - at St. Monica in Edmond, his home parish. See more photos on page 8. Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus celebrating 100 years n July 16, the Carmelite was elected the general superior of Sisters of Saint Therese of the congregation and was re-elect- Othe Infant Jesus will cele- ed by her sisters again and again brate the 100th anniversary of their for the rest of her life. In 1937, community with an open house. the community was aggregated to The seed that would grow into the the OCD Carmelites. Father Soler community was planted in Bentley, remained the spiritual guide of the Okla., on July 16, 1917. Carmelite community until his death in 1953. Father Edward Soler recruited two Villa Teresa became the mother- young women from the east coast to house of the community in 1933. help teach Choctaw Indian chil- Upon moving in, the sisters imme- diately established the first all-day kindergarten in Oklahoma City. Each following year added another elementary grade to the growing school. Before and after school care was provided for students. Every room in the convent was part of the mission. The third floor dormito- ry was outgrown and neighboring properties were purchased one by Photo Diane Clay /Sooner Catholic archives. one to meet the needs. A vacant lot on the block allowed dren in Atoka County in southeast- the process. In 1926, he approved Mother Agnes to build a grade ern Oklahoma. the sisters’ move to Oklahoma City school, which opened in 1951, Within a few years, the group at the invitation of the Carmelite shortly before her death that year. of women called “Companions of Fathers to establish their mother- Her sisters did their best to carry the Little Flower” had grown, and house and work in the new parish on the work she envisioned. Villa their work branched out to local of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Teresa School was in operation un- and more distant parishes. Under Saint Therese, now better known as til 2012. The convent chapel was an the supervision of Bishop Theoph- Little Flower in Oklahoma City. integral part of the school campus ile Meerschaert, the community In 1928, Bishop Kelley presid- throughout those 79 years. Villa embraced a contemplative/active ed at the canonical erection of the Teresa Tulsa Kindergarten operated lifestyle as Third Order Carmelites. community and received the vows from 1960 to 1988 and Villa Teresa Bishop Meerschaert’s successor, of the sisters to be recognized in Moore from 1988 to 2011. Bishop Francis Kelley, saw the need the Church as “Carmelite Sisters of for canonical recognition of the Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus.” sisters in the Church and initiated Mother Agnes Teresa Cavanaugh continued on page 7 2 July 9, 2017 Sooner Catholic Sooner Catholic July 9, 2017 3 Put Out Into the Deep Luke 5:4 Find more news Catholic Charities executive director Catholic Charities on the website names senior NFP says ‘yes’ to God’s plan for named to national board development director Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announced that more than 13,000 Oklahomans Patrick Raglow, executive director of Catholic Char- through 16 social service pro- Catholic Charities of the married love By Sooner Catholic Staff ities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, has been grams. Raglow guided Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City announced Jessi Riesenberg approved as a member of the CCUSA national board Charities’ disaster response to tor- Let’s face it; couples who embrace the practice planning because for Additional coverage of Church of trustees. will serve as the new senior nados that ravaged central Okla- of natural family planning (NFP) are counter-cul- many couples it helps and archdiocesan news and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma director of development and homa in May 2013, and under his tural. They are swimming against the tide. They them recognize the events, only on www.sooner- City is a member of CCUSA, which provides training outreach. bear witness to a value that has lost its luster in optimum time for con- and program resources to local agencies across the leadership, the agency embarked Riesenberg will help lead our society: the beauty and goodness of fertility. ceiving a child. They country. on a $10.5 million capital cam- Patrick Raglow fundraising efforts for the not- a NFP couples recognize that fertility is neither a know when they will Communication workshop “I am honored to be named as one of four new paign to construct a new services for-profit. Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Participants will explore the nuisance nor a curse, but a great blessing. It is be most receptive to members of the board,” Raglow said. “I look forward building in Oklahoma City. “I am confident that Jessi origins of communication, rec- has the background, skills, not a disease to be treated and suppressed with God’s creative power to serving on the board of Catholic Charities USA. Prior to this position, he served as the vice pres- ognize the value of improving leadership and vision to bring chemicals, but a gift to be received with respect working through them and the gift of their fertility We have much to address locally, but I believe the ident for administration for Catholic Charities of these skills, and discern the insight and contacts I will gain through participation the most out of our team,” and reverence. to create new life. Southern Nevada after retiring from the U.S. Air nature of conflict in various at the national level will ultimately benefit my role in Executive Director Patrick Contrary to both medical evidence and common Because it involves the cooperation of both the Force as a colonel in 2009. settings. The workshop is 9 our archdiocese. I also look forward to sharing our Raglow said. Established in Oklahoma in 1912, Catholic Chari- sense, our federal government treats fertility as husband and wife, NFP enriches marriages by a.m. – 3 p.m. July 29, at the local insights and best practices with the national a disease. The U.S. Department of Health and fostering communication, mutual respect and Catholic Pastoral Center, 7501 network.” ties serves all, regardless of race, religion or national Human Services mandates that all government self-mastery. Husbands and wives must talk Northwest Expressway. Lunch Raglow has served as executive director of Catho- origin through its mission to provide help and hope approved contraceptives (including abortion-in- about their readiness for pregnancy and decide provided. Call the Office of lic Charities since 2013. Catholic Charities is a $6.9 through the Catholic tradition of service. To learn ducing drugs) be included among the “preventive together if this is the time for sexual intimacy. Family Life, (405) 721-8944 for million not-for-profit agency that last year served more about Catholic Charities, visit services” in all health insurance plans. This policy This conversation and shared responsibility for more information or to register. decision betrays a profound bias against life and their actions fosters respect for one another’s Space is limited. fertility. It is a sad irony that the widespread emotional and physical needs and encourages aRachel’s Vineyard Retreat availability of chemical contraceptives coincides true tenderness in responding to one another Catholic Charities, Sunbeam Family Services host Aug.25-27. Rachel’s Vineyard with a rising demand for infertility treatments during fertile times. Retreat is an opportunity for among couples who are unable to conceive. Natural family planning is not contraceptive. any person dealing with the Christmas in July Each year, the Catholic Church in the United When used prayerfully and responsibly by cou- emotional and spiritual pain of States observes Natural Family Planning Aware- ples it helps them remain open and faithful to abortion. The free retreat offers A Christmas in July donation drive will be when people are thinking about Christmas ness Week. The 2017 theme is “It’s Time! Say ‘Yes’ God’s plan for marriage as both love-giving and a profound opportunity to ex- held July 10-15 to collect items for “A Very donations, but we want to get a jumpstart on to God’s Plan for Married Love.” This year’s ob- life-giving (unitive and procreative). Unlike all perience God’s love, forgiveness Giving Christmas,” a Christmas store for local stocking the shelves with donations so we can servance is from July 23-29, corresponding with forms of contraception, NFP does nothing to and compassion. Call (405) families in need held in December by Catholic provide gifts to our clients most in need.” the anniversary of the papal encyclical “Humanae suppress fertility. Instead, couples adjust their 709-2708 or e-mail Aromero@ Charities and Sunbeam Family Services. Volunteer opportunities for individuals, fam- Vitae” (July 25, 1968), which lays out our Cath- behavior according to their prayerfully discerned Pre-registra- Drop-off locations will be at Catholic Char- ilies and groups are available and will include olic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love family planning intentions. tion required. Participation is ities, 1232 N.
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