[DERBY.] 4 POST OFFICE The number of paid Sunday school teachers is:- The number of literary, mechanic$' and mutual in- Church ofEngland, 179 (men 105, women 75); Unitarian, struction societies returned, was 23, with about 20,000 16; Wesleyan, 9; Primitive Methodist, 7. volumes. The largest libraries are those of the Derby The number of Evening schools for adults in Derby- Town Library, 6,000 volumes, and of the Derby Me shire was, in 1851, 34; the number of scholars, 830 chanics' Institution, 4,500 volumes. The total number (men 625, women 205), and of teachers, 73 (men 56, of members is about 1,800. At Derby are a philosophkal women 17). Of the scholars, 324, were :-factory hanrts, society, museum and arboretum. There is no return of 168; artizans, 50; lead miners, 165; agricultural la- agricultural, horticultural, or musical 11ocieties, of which bourers, and 35 domestic servants. : there are several. There is no college or medical school. -----------·--~---.-- -- ~------------ l.v.LAGXSTR.A.TES OF THE COUN'TV. LORD LIEUTENANT: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, CHATSWORTH, BAKEWELL. Sir Oswald Mosley, hart. Rolleston hall, Burton-on-Trent John Sherwin Sherwin, esq. Brameote house, Derby Sir Henry Fitzherbert, bart. Tissington, Ashbourne Francis Wright, esq. 01:-maston Manor, Derby Thomas Kirkptttrick Hall, esq. Holly Bush, Lichfield Thomas Nixon, esq Sir MatthPw Blakiston, hart. Sandybrook hall, Ashborne Robert John Peel, esq. Burton Extra, Burton-on-Trent Etiward Sacheverel Chandos Pole, e~q. Radborne, Derby John Bott, esq. Coton hall, Burton-on-Trent John Bell Crompton, esq. Duffield ball, Derhy Henry Bowdon, esq. Soutbgate house, Chesterfield Robert Arkwri~ht, e8q.
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