The Argosy – Bmds ‐ 1894
The Argosy – BMDs ‐ 1894 SATURDAY JANUARY 6 1894 P 4 COL Births BENJAMIN ‐ On Thursday morning, December 28th, the wife of W.A. Benjamin, 41, Hadfield St., Georgetown, of a Daughter. Married ANSON‐GISBORNE ‐ Dec.12th, at St Edmund's Church, Allestree, by the Rev. Anchtel Anson, Rector of Longford, Derbyshire and Rural Dean, uncle of the bridegroom, and the Rev. Austin West, Vicar of Allestree, Edward Roseberry Anson, of the Civil Service, British Guiana, second son of Edward Hamilton Anson, of H.M. Household, and late of the Bengal Civil Service, to Mary Gertrude, eldest daughter of William Gisborne, of Allestree Hall, Derbyshire, and of Lingen, Herefordshire. Died GRIFFITH ‐ On December 17th, 1893, at Picorner, St Lucy's Parish, Barbados, Mrs. Rebecca Griffith, wife of Prince Griffith, and mother of Ernest Griffith, butler, Tower Hotel, Georgetown. Aged 61 years ‐ Deeply regretted. Barbados papers please copy. SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1894 P 4 COL 1 Died PINKERTON ‐ At her residence, 300,Thomas St., last night, 12th Jan., Jane born McDonald, relict of the late J.W. Pinkerton. Aged 48 years. Funeral at 4pm, this afternoon (Saturday). Friends are requested to attend. SATURDAY JANUARY 20 1894 P 4 COL 1 Births ABBOTT ‐ At her residence, Northbrook Tower, Kingston, on the 16th inst., the wife of A.M. Abbott, of a Daughter. WOLSELEY ‐ At Lusignan, on the 10th inst., the wife of the Hon. W.H. Wolseley, of a Son. (Prematurely) Died FLANAGAN ‐ On the 19th December, at Woolwich, Lt.Col. John Bickerson Flanagan, late 76th and 81st Regs, in his 82nd year.
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