Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Research Document 2018/036 Quebec Region Preliminary results from the groundfish and shrimp multidisciplinary survey in August 2017 in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence Hugo Bourdages, Claude Brassard, Mathieu Desgagnés, Peter Galbraith, Johanne Gauthier, Claude Nozères, Caroline Senay, Pierre-Marc Scallon-Chouinard and Andrew Smith Fisheries and Oceans Canada Maurice Lamontagne Institute 850 Route de la Mer Mont-Joli, Quebec G5H 3Z4 August 2018 Foreword This series documents the scientific basis for the evaluation of aquatic resources and ecosystems in Canada. As such, it addresses the issues of the day in the time frames required and the documents it contains are not intended as definitive statements on the subjects addressed but rather as progress reports on ongoing investigations. Published by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat 200 Kent Street Ottawa ON K1A 0E6
[email protected] © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2018 ISSN 1919-5044 Correct citation for this publication: Bourdages, H., Brassard, C., Desgagnés, M., Galbraith, P., Gauthier, J., Nozères, C., Senay, C., Scallon-Chouinard, P.-M. and Smith, A. 2018. Preliminary results from the groundfish and shrimp multidisciplinary survey in August 2017 in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2018/036. iv + 90 p. Aussi disponible en français : Bourdages, H., Brassard, C., Desgagnés, M., Galbraith, P., Gauthier, J., Nozères, C., Senay, C., Scallon-Chouinard, P.-M. et Smith, A. 2018. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2017 dans l’estuaire et le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent.