Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger in the Context of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists
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Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2011; 3 : 65–74 Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger in the context of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists Małgorzata Talarczyk Summary Aim. The article describes the Family Constellation Method in the context of the Code of Ethics for Psy- chotherapists of the Polish Psychiatric Association. The aim of the article is to try to answer the question whether the method fulfils ethical criteria psychotherapists need to comply with. Methods. The Family Constellation Method of Hellinger raises controversies in the Polish body of psy- chologists and psychotherapists. The controversies concern the plausibility of using the method, its con- sequences for the patients as well as answering the question if the Hellinger’s family constellations are psychotherapy. Other controversial issues are teaching the method as well as using it in professional ed- ucational and therapeutic institutions. Results. The analysis of the Family Constellation Method by Bert Hellinger in the context of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists indicates that this method does not fulfil many rules of the Code. Conclusions. The Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger does not fulfil vital rules of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists such as the process, contract, diagnosis, supervision, confidentiality, alterna- tiveness. It also does not fulfil the basic criterion of psychotherapy, which is the process, thus it is difficult to treat this method as psychotherapy. Consequently, it is valid to question using the method by psycho- therapists and offering it in professional therapeutic institutions. family constellations / Bert Hellinger / The Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists INTRODUCTION theoretic approaches and even working in the same organisational structures. Some psychol- What can be observed in therapeutic practice is ogists promote and use the Hellinger’s method the increasing number of people looking for the while the other part of them explicitly criticises Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger. Hellinger’s constellations [1, 2]. At the same time, the patients who seek help af- ter having participated in constellations report to mental health centres and private practice offices PSYCHOTHERAPY – SELECTED DEFINITIONS [1]. It turns out that the Hellinger’s method rais- es controversies among psychologists and ther- Sample definitions of psychotherapy [3] apists working within the framework of similar In Norcross’ definition – “psychotherapy is the informed and intentional application of clinical Małgorzata Talarczyk: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, “System” – Specialised Psycho- methods and interpersonal stances derived from logical Practice in Poznań, Poland. Correspondence address: Małgorzata established psychological principles for the pur- Talarczyk, The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic, Poznań University pose of assisting people to modify their behav- of Medical Sciences, 27/33 Szpitalna Str., 60–572 Poznań, Poland. iors, cognitions, emotions and/or other personal E-mail: [email protected] characteristics in directions that the participants This article has not been aided by any grant deem desirable” [3]. 66 Małorzata Talarczyk According to Urban and Ford – “psychother- According to Czabała and Brykyczyńska [5] apy is still a well-thought-of, and in that mat- – “psychotherapy fulfills theoretical require- ter, planned form of intervention into behavio- ments in order to be considered scientific. The ral circumstances of a particular person for the problem is the fact that the results of empirical purpose of correcting or modifying the attitude studies do not unambiguously prove the valid- presented by them towards a specific type of dif- ity of theoretical statements of many theories. ficulties” [3]. During the last years more empirical facts have The definition of psychotherapy by professor appeared which suggest that changes taking Aleksandrowicz states: “Psychotherapy is such place in the course of psychotherapy are con- a form of psycho-social interactions which aims nected with the variables of the process of psy- to correct disorders of experiencing and behav- chotherapy” (The summary of the presentation ing, is supposed to remove symptoms and caus- made at the conference entitled “Podstawy nau- es of an illness including personality traits that kowe psychoterapii” [Scientific bases of psycho- cause disorders of experiencing. These interac- therapy]). In the summary of the lecture given tions, influencing a functional state of organs as during the aforementioned conference that took well as experiencing and behaving through the place in Warsaw in June 2010 J.W. Aleksandrow- change of mental processes of the patient, are ex- icz writes among others: „what is called psycho- erted within the framework of interpersonal re- therapy is helping healthy people with decreas- lationship between two people or in a group in ing their dissatisfaction with their own function- which a psychotherapist simultaneously treats ing, gaining knowledge about themselves, capa- several persons” [4]. bility in interpersonal relationships etc. as well Professor Czabała [3] points out differences in as treating health disorders, especially function- understanding these definitions of psychother- al disorders. In the first of these versions, psy- apy. In the first definition “assisting” people in chotherapy is inscribed in the field of social sci- changes, which are deemed desirable, is empha- ences while in the second one it is a part of med- sised while the second one is based on helping icine (…). Much indicates that putting the disci- with the modification of attitudes that hamper pline of psychotherapy within the framework of solving difficult situations. In the third defini- science requires among others clear distinction tion the attention is paid to the change of men- of psychosocial interactions that act as help from tal processes, which the therapist considers nec- treating health disorders [6]. essary to correct disorders of a functional state According to the author of the article the pro- of organs, disorders of experiencing and behav- posed distinction between psycho-social actions ing. which act as help and treating health disorders Czabała emphasises that the problem of change [6] can not only be conducive to distinguish ther- is the most important element of psychotherapy. apeutic approaches classified as psychotherapy “Psychotherapy, as a method of treatment, aims as a method of treatment but can also be help- to bring about changes that will allow remov- ful in taking an attitude towards the Hellinger’s ing or decreasing the intensification of symp- method. toms” [3]. In the introduction to the book enti- In the context of the presented definitions, tled Czynniki leczące w psychoterapii [Curing fac- a question is raised whether the family constel- tors in Psychotherapy] he shares his own reflec- lation method of Bert Hellinger fulfils the crite- tion stating that “psychotherapy is a method ria of psychotherapy. of treating mental disorders the application of which requires knowledge referring to the re- sults of scientific studies and abilities that can FAMILY CONSTELATION METHOD be acquired as a result of learning. Psychother- OF BERT HELLINGER apy is an art only in a sense that every psycho- therapist proportions the acquired knowledge In the note about the author of the book enti- and abilities to his or her own potential of using tled Porządki pomagania, czyli jak, kiedy I komu sku- them and needs that stem from individual prob- tecznie pomagać [Orders of helping, i.e. how, when lems of the patient” [3]. and who to help effectively] [7] we can read: „Bert Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2011; 3 : 65–74 Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger in the context of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists 67 Hellinger, one of the most outstanding modern demands of the helper, the kind of demands a psychologists, spent 25 years in a convent, in- child makes of his or her parents. It is also allow- cluding 16 years as a missionary to the Zulu. He ing the helper to treat the client as a child: in that studied philosophy, theology and pedagogy, way he or she deprives the client of the possibil- gained extensive psychological education […] ity to take responsibility and the consequences, He discovered entanglements of an individual which he or she can, or even need to take him- into present and past vicissitudes of family life. self or herself” [7]. He developed an original method of ordering While describing the “fourth order of helping” entangled and broken bonds – family constel- Hellinger writes: “classical psychotherapy treats lations” [7]. the client as a separate individual. When tak- The introduction to the book includes Hell- ing such an approach persons who help are eas- inger’s reflections on helping which he formu- ily in danger of child-parent transference […] It lated as “five orders”. In his opinion “helping means that the helper should treat the problem is an art. And, as every art, it requires certain systemically not personally. The point is that skills. They can be learnt. It is also an ability to the helper does not get into a personal relation- show empathy to a person seeking help. Empa- ship with the client. This is the fourth order of thising enables to learn the situation of the oth- helping” [7]. Thus, in the fourth order of help- er person and notice both the limitations