Software Development Process Models

From classical notions to more agile approaches

Torsten Hahmann [email protected], BA8134 “Code & Fix” or “Cowboy Coding”

1) Write program 2) Test and fix program

Problems: • program users not satisfied with program: definition phase (requirements & analysis) • fixing programs requires extensive program redesign: design phase • ill-prepared tests: test phase

+ implementation phase

29/09/06 Models of Development 2 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering What defines a development process?

• Who does what at what time? • tasks • starting condition • documents (artefacts) received • output from previous stage • end conditions: finish criteria • final documents produced • input for next stage • order of tasks • who is involved • qualification • responsibility

29/09/06 Models of 3 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Development process models

• Static process models • Waterfall model • V-Model

• Incremental process model

• Modern approaches • Iterative/Incremental process model • eXtreme Programming • Prototypic development • Test-driven development

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 4 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Waterfall model

Software specification Design document

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 5 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Software specification I

• 1. Goal • MUST • MAY • MUST NOT Software requirements

• 2. Use of the product Analysis • Purpose • Target Group • Environment

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 6 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Example: Use Case diagram

ehotel hotel reservation system


<> book Pegasus

Customer book book by book by online phone fax/email

settle up

ehotel clerk


cancel cancel by cancel by cancel online phone fax/email at Hotel Hotel (ehotel) (ehotel) (ehotel) clerk

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 7 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Software specification II

• 3. Functionality • Can do a time estimate per „feature“ • Can track progress Software • 4. Data (persistent) requirements

• 5. Performance Analysis • 6. User Interface • 7. Non-functional requirements & qualities

Not too much details: -No implementation details (algorithms, data structure) -No technical solution (database, language, infrastructure)

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 8 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering V-model

Use-case scenarios Acceptance Requirements test Validation

Test cases System Analysis test

Test cases Integration Design test Verification

Coding Test Module (Modules) cases test

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 9 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Classical process models in a nutshell

• problems of classical process models: • successive steps • document-driven • limited customers/users involvement • changing requirements in real world

• pros: • customer gets a defined process (feasibility study) at the beginning of a project • can be good for large project-based developments • cons: • hard to think of all requirements at the beginning • documentation seems more important than program

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 10 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Scope

• Project-based: contract between customer and contractor • clearly-defined overall goal • requirements: system functionality • non-functional requirements & qualities • e.g. large-scale software, e.g. logistics, industry, etc.

• Commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) product • constantly improving/changing releases • e.g. end-customer software (office, etc.)

• Open-goal projects • e.g. academic research, prototypes, demos

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 11 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Incremental process model

Initial definition

complete software changes specification

X=0 Design Define extended modefied model version X functionality X=X+1

changes partial architecture changes

Code & test new ideas & wishes version X

Product version X

Use version X

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 12 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Agile development processes

• Practices for every-day development required • focus on small and medium-sized software projects (small teams) • progressing, not spending too much time on design and specifications that might be useless

• Agility • adaptable instead of predictable • “light-weight methodology” • minimizing risk by short-term focus (1-8 weeks) • being able to release a product after each cycle

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 13 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering „Agile Manifesto“

• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools • close, daily cooperation (possibly face-to-face) • self-organizing teams • trust in motivated individuals • Working software over comprehensive documentation • Working software is the principle measure of progress • Simplicity • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation • Responding to change over following a plan


29/09/06 Models of Software Development 14 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Development process models

• Static process models • Waterfall model • V-Model

• Incremental process models

• Modern approaches (Agile) • eXtreme Programming • Prototypic development • Test-driven development

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 15 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering eXtreme Programming (XP)

• Communication • questions instead of assumptions • „coach“ helps to overcome communication issues • Simplicity • try not to think of every eventuality in future • just implement what is really necessary • refactoring after iterations • Feedback • everybody gives and receives feedback • everybody is a little bit happier ☺ • Courage • try and compare alternative designs • no problem to throw away code

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 16 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Planning in XP

• Plan by priorities (feature, defect tracking)

• Plan for the next iteration

• Take responsibility, do not delegate it

• Use techniques like “story cards”

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 17 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Methods of XP

• Pair programming • Best form of communication • Coding and Thinking • „Two pairs of eyes see more“ • Testing • No feature without test • Independent, automated tests • Extensive refactoring after each iteration • Strict coding conventions

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 18 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Software Prototypes

• Software prototype different from „Product prototype“

• Help to elicit requirements • Paper prototypes (GUI) • Fake GUI • Basis for discussion • Experimental: can try & show alternatives • Practical experience & feasibility

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 19 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Categories of prototypes

• Demonstration • for project acquisition

• Explorative prototype • for analysis

• Experimental prototype • evaluate design alternatives • show technical feasibility

• Pilote system (evolutionary) • e.g. selected customer

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 20 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Horizontal vs. vertical prototype

vertical prototype

horizontal prototype

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 21 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Explorative Prototyping

• Paper • Usability Engineering • try to find a good user interface design with prospective users • use: paper, post-it notes, colors • one developer: „plays“ software • one developer: takes notes

• Software • fake GUI (Visual Basic, C#) • discuss it with customers • what do they expect will happen • what do they miss

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 22 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Test-driven development (TDD)

• Principle 1: Test-First-Development (TFD) • For each feature: • write test first (including automation) • code afterwards • Principle 2: Refactoring • try to remove duplicate code • essential for keeping code simple • improve code quality • make it maintainable

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 23 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Test-driven development

If it's worth building, it's worth testing. If it's not worth testing, why are you wasting your time working on it?

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 24 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Test-driven development (TDD)

• Advantages of TFD • immediate checking gives more confidence • can write several tests at the beginning of each release cycle • give a good overview of remaining effort • forces developers to write tests

• But requires: Refactoring • otherwise software becomes unmaintainable

TDD = TFD + Refactoring

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 25 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering When using agile methods?

• Previously just „Code & Fix“ • A little bit more order, planning • Easier step than introduction of classical model • Small- & Medium-sized teams • About a dozen developers • Approaches • Volatile requirements • Motivated developers • Customers wish to be integrated

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 26 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering Classical vs. agile processes

• Classical processes (anticipating) • Disciplined, detailed plan • Emphasis on long-term planning Focus: process Plan-driven

• Agile processes (adaptive) • Compromise between no and too much process • Short-term focus • Less documentation, code is documentation Focus: humans Agile

29/09/06 Models of Software Development 27 Torsten Hahmann CSC444H, Fall 2006 – Software Engineering