The Role of Military Education in Harmonizing Civil-Military Relations (The Bulgarian Case)
THE ROLE OF MILITARY EDUCATION IN HARMONIZING CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS (THE BULGARIAN CASE) FINAL REPORT Todor D. Tagarev Presented in fulfillment of the Fellowship Agreement NATO Democratic Institutions Fellowship Programme Sofia, Bulgaria June 10, 1997 Tagarev, T.D. The Role of Military Education in Harmonizing Civil- Military Relations (the Bulgarian Case). NATO Democratic Institutions Individual Fellowship Project, Final Report, June 1997. - 50 pp. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by an individual grant from the NATO Democratic Institutions Fellowships Programme. The author received helpful suggestions from Col. (Ret.) J.A. Warden, USAF, Dr. Karl Magyar and Dr. Abigail Gray, US Air Command and Staff College, Lt.Col. Jan Kinner, USAF, Dr. Plamen Pantev, Director of the Institute for Security and International Studies, Bulgaria, and Col. Valeri Ratchev, Center for National Security Studies, Bulgarian Ministry of Defense. The author is especially grateful to Col. (Ret.) Russi Russev, Bulgarian Ministry of Defense, and Lt.Col. Georgi Tzvetkov, General Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, for their assistance in providing all necessary documentation and invitations for participation in all major events, related to the reform of the Bulgarian system of military education, as well as to Dr. Detlef Herold who provided a copy of the NATO Defense College Monograph Series, No. 3 on “Democratic and Civil Control Over Military Forces - Case Studies and Perspectives.” Ms Petya Ivanova’s technical assistance, especially in preparing computer charts and tables, saved valuable time and allowed the author to accomplish the project on schedule. The selfless support of all these people made the study possible. However, the author alone is responsible for the concepts, opinions, omissions, and mistakes in this report.
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