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Impaginato ING.Qxp Slow itineraries through a unique land. Eigth routes full A of suggestive sights. Valle Pesarina But not only… Sauris I A R N A Eight itineraries to find yourselves immersed in a C Forni di Sopra unique land, full of rivers and streams, flavours Enemon N I C H E and perfumes that reveal centuries old traditions, I C A R A L P P R E handicrafts that come to life through ancient skills, treasures of art that reveal ancient histories; all Lago Lago di Vaiont di Ca Selva enriched by majestic mystery. Friuli Venezia Giulia is Pinzan Val Montanaia Poffabro al Tagl a place to discover, through its language, nature, Andreis seaside, hills and mountains. The reasons to Valcellina Maniago discover this region on the border, at the centre of Spilimberg the new Europe, are endless. We offer some Cellina suggestions to enter in this magical land. With an Polcenigo extra: Follow the eight itineraries and you will Meduna receive as a gift some of the wonderful wines from Sacile PORDENONE Friuli Venezia Giulia! 2 L P I C A R N I C H E Valcalda Malborghetto Sutrio Pontebba Tarvisio VAL CANALE Cave del Predil Villa Dogna Santina Sella Nevea Tolmezzo Moggio Udinese me Fella nzo Taglia nto Val Resia E Venzone Bordano Gemona del Friuli Tarcento no Attimis iamento Forgaria Ramandolo Ragogna Nimis San Daniele Rive D’Arcano Faedis Valli del Natisone o go t Cividale del Friuli n Castelli e m Fagagna a i l Spessa di Cividale g a T UDINE San Floriano Natisone del Collio Oslavia Codroipo Cormòns Villa Manin Cormor GORIZIA Palmanova Gradisca d’Isonzo Marano Villaggio del Pescatore Lagunare Aquileia Duino Golfo Isonzo di Panzano Miramare n La Mara o gu di na di una Grado Lag Villa Opicina Lignano TRIESTE Sabbiadoro Grado Baia di Muggia Val Rosandra Mùggia 3 Follow the routes and win the delicious wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia Follow these suggestive itineraries through sea, mountains and hills. You will not only find perfumes, flavours, colours and unforgettable landscapes. In this area some of the best wines in the world are produced: discover how to win them! Enter the Infopoints listed at the side and have the box corresponding to each Infopoint stamped (it is not necessary to follow the order). At the 10th stamp you will receive a crate of 6 bottles of famous Friuli Venezia Giulia white. 4 ARTA TERME Via Umberto I, 15 33022 Arta Terme Tel. +39.0433.929290 Fax +39.0433.92104 1 GORIZIA Corso Italia, 9 34170 Gorizia Tel. +39.0481.535764 Fax +39.0481.539294 UDINE Piazza 1° Maggio, 7 PORDENONE 33100 Udine Via Damiani, 2c Tel. +39.0432.295972 2 33170 Pordenone Fax +39.0432.504743 Tel. +39.0434.520381 Fax +39.0434.241608 GRADO 7 Viale Dante, 72 TARVISIO 34073 Grado Via Roma, 14 Tel. +39.0431.877111 33018 Tarvisio Fax +39.0431.83509 3 Tel. +39.0428.2135 / 2865 Fax +39.0428.2972 LIGNANO Via Latisana, 42 8 TRIESTE 33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro Piazza Unità d’Italia, 4b Tel. +39.0431.71821 34121 Trieste Fax +39.0431.70449 Tel. +39.040.3478312 4 Fax +39.040.3478320 AQUILEIA Via Iulia Augusta AEROPORTO DI RONCHI Parcheggio / Bus terminal DEI LEGIONARI 33051 Aquileia (UD) 9 Via Aquileia, 46 Tel. +39.0431.919491 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari Fax +39.0431.919491 Tel. +39.0481.476079 Fax +39.0481.776729 5 10 6 5 Lands of Water From Pordenone to Spilimbergo Faber water is the main feature of this itinerary. Everything here deserves a stop: springs, lakes and streams, river ravines, dams and old irrigation ditches have marked man and land’s destinies. Piazza San Marco 1 Pordenone Renaissance Palaces 2 Sacile on the Livenza The Springs Polcenigo of Gorgazzo 3 Barcis Lake 4 Valcellina Val Cimoliana 5 Val Cimoliana The River ravine 6 Andreis of Molassa The city of cutlery works 7 Maniago The towns 8 Poffabro and the val Colvera The mosaic capital 9 Spilimbergo The bridge over 10 Pinzano al Tagliamento the majestic river 6 3) Polcenigo 9) Spilimbergo Set in the Pre-Alps as a stone jewel. Visit the mosaic school of Friuli, The village is immersed in peace that since 1922 has been creating and hosts the Museo dell’Arte beauty in every corner of the world. Culinaria (Museum of Culinary Art). Take a walk in Piazza del Duomo, an Take via Gorgazzo, leading to the oasis of beauty and quietness, with homonymous springs, these waters the imposing Cathedral and the come from a deep underwater cave. picturesque castle and the Palazzo Dipinto (Painted Palace). 1) Pordenone 6) Andreis Have a coffee in the gorgeous The town is distinguished by beau- Piazza San Marco with its fountain tiful rural architecture with wooden on the background. A few steps fur- balconies. On the road that leads ther away, the gothic profile of the here from Barcis, stop and admire town hall with its astrological clock, the striking ravine of the Molassa overlooks a street of porticoes with river, in the natural reserve of the beautiful palaces painted with fre- gorge of Cellina. scoes. 7) Maniago The Museo dell’Arte Fabbrile e delle Coltellerie (Museum of Iron and Cutlery Works), in via Vittorio Emanuele, tells the story of the arti- san spirit of the village, that besi- des its shops, surprises us with a beautiful main square. 4) Valcellina 10) Pinzano Barcis lake is an emerald green basin, artificially created in 1954, al Tagliamento After having admired the 16th cen- blocking the waters of the Cellina tury frescoes by Pordenone in the river for the production of hydro- Church of San Martino, going electric energy. Here, there are towards Ragogna you will arrive at many water sports facilities and a bridge that offers a beautiful view along its banks, there is a lovely over the river Tagliamento. path one can follow with pic-nic areas. 2) Sacile The heart of the town is piazza del Popolo, surrounded by the Palazzo Comunale and other Renaissance buildings with double access. Never judge by appearances: look for the main entrances on the river Livenza, the beautiful portals that were used as landing-stages. 5) Val Cimoliana 8) Poffabro and After 17 km on the SS251 from the val Colvera Barcis, we arrive in this mountain Frisanco and Poffabro - considered village, entrance gate of the Val as the most beautiful towns in Italy Cimoliana, from which it is possible - surprise us with their spontane- to reach the famous steeple in rock: ous architecture, including: high Bell tower of Val Montanara, con- pillars and stone arches, stairs and quered for the first time in 1902. balconies in wood of rare beauty. 7 Not only San Daniele From Fagagna to Bordano Follow the flavours. You will not only find the unmistakable taste of San Daniele ham, that is made here, in the hills of Friuli, but also soft mountains on which are elegant castles. Sweet storks, butterflies of every colour and majestic griffins. Where the 1 Fagagna storks fly Between towers 2 The castles and soft hills Discovering a hanging town 3 Arcano shores A Pilgrim passed San Daniele del Friuli through here… 4 An intense dialogue between 5 Ragogna a mountain, a lake and a river A lake for the griffins 6 Forgaria nel Friuli The town of butterflies 7 Bordano 8 3) Arcano shores 7) Bordano On the panoramic road that con- With over 400 species of butterflies nects Fagagna to San Daniele, two from all over the world, kept in the obelisks suggest a deviation large garden green houses, you can towards the left: these are the find the Casa delle Farfalle (House entrance gates of Arcano Superiore, of Butterflies), an eco-museum that a magic town suspended in time, will surprise you. In town, there are protected by a mediaeval castle full also murals made with butterflies. of legends and surrounded by a dou- ble defensive wall. Here, biological wine and oil are also produced. 4) San Daniele del Friuli It is not only home to the unique ham, produced with centuries old experience, pork thighs carefully selected and a perfect climate. It is also famous for its trout, often smoked, that lives in the waters of the river Tagliamento. Here, Humanism left important traces, like one of the most ancient libra- ries in Italy, the Guarnerina, conser- ving precious mediaeval codices 1) Fagagna and the church of Sant’Antonio Greeted by the flight of storks at Abate, with the most beautiful the Oasi dei Quadris, discover renaissance frescoes of Friuli, pain- enchanting views from the hills ted by Pellegrino (Pilgrim) da San overlooking the castle. Try the Daniele. Fagagna cheese and visit the deli- ghtful Museo della Vita Contadina (Museum of Rural Life). 5) Ragogna Coming from San Daniele, discover Ragogna lake, last example of a lake basin of Morainic origins here in Friuli: a real oasis of peace, with cane thic- kets and water birds. Not far is the suggestive Jewish cemetery, reachable through country roads. Heading north, go up on mount Ragogna, from here the view of the Tagliamento is breathtaking. Descending from the opposite side, see the 15th century castle of San Pietro, built in a secluded and myste- rious location. At Villuzza, the enchanting bends of the river are an alterna- tive to the traditional beach.
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