INSIGHTS December 2017 Signals of Change: New Directions for SEC Enforcement

Supreme Court recently restricted the SEC’s power to recover disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, while lower courts continue to hear challenges to the SEC’s use of an administrative forum for enforcement proceedings. Meanwhile, the Financial CHOICE Act — which effectively repeals many elements of the Dodd-Frank Reform and Consumer Protection Act — was passed by the House of Representatives in June and is currently before the Senate Banking Committee. In addition to its proposed changes to the regulation of financial institutions, the CHOICE Act would affect SEC enforcement practices. The newly appointed US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) leadership and changes within Congress and the courts PRIORITIES ANNOUNCED BY signal that enforcement challenges for public companies THE NEW SEC LEADERSHIP may be around the corner. As SEC enforcement is anticipated At his confirmation hearing in March, to increasingly target individual directors and officers and then-nominee Clayton advocated for a shift in enforcement to focus on individuals cybercrime, organizations may need to review their insurance responsible for violations rather than programs to ensure potential risks that can ultimately affect targeting the corporations that employ their bottom lines are managed and mitigated. them. Outgoing SEC Chair held similar views; however, the SEC under her leadership also sought and recovered a On May 2, 2017, Walter J. Clayton was the two vacancies. Both nominees were record level of penalties from corporations. confirmed by the US Senate as SEC recommended by the Senate Banking Critics have argued that this enforcement Chairman. Clayton, an independent, Committee on November 1and would join approach unduly punishes investors.1 joined Democrat Kara Stein and Republican the Commission after receiving the approval Michael Piwowar on the commission; two of the full Senate. Chairman Clayton’s emphasis on pursuing SEC vacancies remain unfilled. In August responsible individuals rather than and September, President The future direction of the SEC also may corporate violators aligns with the Choice nominated Republican be impacted by developments in the Act.2 That bill would require the SEC staff and Democrat Robert L. Jackson Jr. to fill legislative and judicial branches. The US to present the agency with an economic

1Dave Michaels & Liz Hoffman, SEC Pick Jay Clayton Is a 180 From Chairman Mary Jo White, Wall Street Journal, jay-clayton-securities-and-exchange-commission-chairman-1483545999 (Jan. 4, 2017) (“Chairman Mary Jo White . . . presided over the SEC in a period when the agency collect- ed record amounts of penalties and disgorged profits from wrongdoers. . . . Many Republicans liked Ms. White personally but thought her agency’s fines punished shareholders.”).

2For further analysis of the Financial Choice Act’s impact on SEC enforcement practices, see Jason M. Halper, Jodi L. Avergun, Joseph V. Moreno, Lex Urban, Kendra Clayton Whar- ton & Aaron Buchman, Financial CHOICE Act Would Complicate the Choices in Bringing and Defending Against SEC Cases (June 12, 2017)available at resources/clients-friends-memos/financial-choice-act-would-complicate-the-choices-in-bringing-and-defending-against-sec-cases.

1 INSIGHTS December 2017 analysis before approving any case seeking civil monetary penalties from a corporation. FIGURE Cybersecurity Practices and Preparedness As part of this analysis, staff would be SOURCE: US SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION required to identify whether the issuer 1 received an economic benefit from the alleged violation and determine whether Funds and Advisers the shareholders would be harmed by the Broker-Dealers penalty sought. While the SEC would not be bound to forgo penalties that could be passed on to shareholders, the bill’s analysis 57% requirement aligns with Chairman Clayton’s stated view that penalties should be borne by those who commit violations and gain from any wrongdoing.3

In June, the SEC’s co-directors of the Division 26% of Enforcement, Stephanie Avakian and 10% 5% 5% 4% Steven Peikin, announced that one of their 4% top priorities will be policing cybersecurity. 0% Co-director Peikin said computer crime is No periodic No penetration System updates Critical security risk assessments testing on not regularly patches not the greatest threat to US financial markets, critical systems scheduled actually installed while Avakian predicted that cyber threats will continue to emerge. Chairman Clayton echoed this sentiment in a July speech, or report data breaches in a timely manner. 75 registered firms (see FIGURE 1)5. The saying that cybersecurity coordination Although the SEC has not yet brought an survey reveals cybersecurity vulnerability among financial regulators is critical.4 enforcement action for securities fraud among regulated participants. Even if none against an issuer for concealing material of these cybersecurity shortcomings violates In September, the SEC announced that the information related to a data breach, Regulation S-P, the inconsistent adoption Enforcement Division has formally created Avakian said in April that this type of action of these best practices may be partly a cyber unit, focused on computer-related is “absolutely” plausible. This view was responsible for Peiken and Avakian’s focus market manipulation, hacking to obtain echoed by Chairman Clayton in recent on such issues. inside information, and intrusions into testimony before Congress. accounts and trading platforms. Co-director Avakian said in a statement that the cyber In light of the statements made by NEWFOUND NEED FOR unit — which will be headed by former Clayton, Peiken, and Avakian, SEC SPEED IN INVESTIGATIONS co-leader of the market abuse unit Robert Regulation S-P may be more heavily In June, in Kokesh v. SEC, the US Supreme A. Cohen — will help the agency to better enforced. Regulation S-P requires Court unanimously ruled that the detect and investigate cyber threats. broker-dealers, investment advisers, and disgorgement of improper gains from investment companies to adopt policies securities law violations amounts to a The Enforcement Division’s focus on and procedures to safeguard the security penalty. Therefore, according to the cybersecurity will likely go beyond pursuing and confidentiality of customer data and Supreme Court, disgorgement cases are insider trading and market manipulation by protect against unauthorized access. In subject to the same five-year statute of hackers. The SEC may also target failures May, the SEC issued an alert highlighting limitations as all other civil penalties under to implement adequate security measures security defects uncovered by a survey of federal law. This could immediately shake up

3“Corporate employees tempted to cut legal corners or engage in malfeasance will think twice if they know they are likely to pay a price for their wrongdoing. If it is far more likely that the costs will instead be imposed on the company or its shareholders, that deterrent effect is undermined.” House Committee on Financial Services, The Financial Choice Act Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs, at 116, of_2017_comprehensive_summary_final.pdf (April 24, 2017).

4Jay Clayton, Remarks at the Economic Club of New York, (July 12, 2017).

5Office of Compliance Inspections & Examinations, Cybersecurity: Ransomware Alert, (May 17, 2017).

2 INSIGHTS December 2017 the SEC’s enforcement strategy by putting after-the-fact interpretations of the federal A circuit split has emerged on this issue, beyond reach early gains from ongoing securities law; this is because the SEC would which could come before the Supreme Court violations. Prior to the ruling, Former SEC be limited to pursuing enforcement of legal in its October 2017 term. Notwithstanding Chairwoman Mary Jo White anticipated that theories it has announced through formal these challenges, the SEC has been using imposing the five-year statute of limitations guidance before any alleged misconduct its ALJs, as opposed to proceeding in federal would cost the SEC leverage in settlement takes place.10 court, at a very high rate. During the first negotiations and increase the need for half of fiscal 2017, the SEC brought new quicker investigations to avoid being enforcement actions at the same pace seen precluded from pursuing older violations.6 DEEPER THREATS TO in recent years, but chose to use ALJs for SEC AUTHORITY 91% of enforcement actions and brought The focus on speedy investigations and only 9% in federal court.12 The SEC’s administrative enforcement decisive action dovetails with provisions of practices also face a constitutional the Choice Act that are designed to foster Even if the method of appointing ALJs challenge. Since Dodd-Frank expanded faster resolution of SEC investigations. If survives the current constitutional the types of relief the SEC could pursue adopted, the bill would require the SEC to challenge, the SEC may be subject to other in an administrative forum, many implement time limits on investigations7 reforms to its in-house administrative respondents have argued that the method and formally close investigations if no proceedings. Under the Choice Act, a of appointing administrative law enforcement action is to be taken.8 respondent facing an SEC proceeding before judges (ALJs) is unconstitutional. These an ALJ would have the option to remove the respondents contend that under the US case to federal court or continue before an Constitution’s Appointments Clause, ALJs NEED FOR ALJ with a higher “clear and convincing” should be considered “inferior officers” (for EXPRESS AUTHORITY burden of proof on the SEC.13 ALJs would example, persons authorized to exercise also be stripped of authority to issue orders Both the Kokesh decision and the pending “significant authority” under the law) who barring respondents from participation in Choice Act include an increased emphasis must be appointed by the President, or if regulated entities or serving as directors or on disclosing the basis for SEC enforcement. statute provides, by a court or a department officers of public companies.14 Instead, the In particular, the Choice Act would require head.11 Currently, the SEC’s ALJs are SEC would need to proceed in federal court the SEC to announce all its legal theories as employees of the Commission, so if their to obtain a bar order.15 a matter of regulation, rather than introduce responsibilities qualify them as “inferior them through enforcement actions.9 officers,” they likely were appointed in an If enacted, the bill would in effect bar unconstitutional manner.

6Mary Jo White & Andrew Ceresney, Inside Insight on Coming Change at the SEC (May 31, 2017 1:30 PM), 80620A05.

7H.R. 10, 115th Cong. (2017), § 826.

8 Id. § 817.

9 House Committee on Financial Services, The Financial Choice Act Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs, at 118, https://financialservices. (April 24, 2017).

10 H.R. 10, 115th Cong. (2017), § 819.

11 U.S. Const. Art. II, Sec. 2, Cl. 2.

12 Stephen Choi, Sara E. Gilley, Heather Lazur, David F. Marcus & Anat Carmy-Wiechman, Cornerstone Research/NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business Report, SEC Enforcement Activity: Public Companies and Subsidiaries—Midyear FY 2017 Update, at 2, 2017-Update (May 9, 2017).

13 H.R. 10, 115th Cong. (2017), § 823.

14 Id., § 825.

15 15 USC § 78u(d)(2).

3 INSIGHTS December 2017

D&O INSURANCE 3. Investigations coverage: How early in • Dedicated limit for individuals (not the the process are individuals covered? company): Does your program include The evolving risk landscape under the For example, will individuals be covered broad Side-A difference-in-condition Trump administration underscores the if the company chooses to conduct an (DIC) coverage? importance of directors and officers (D&O) internal investigation which results in self- liability insurance. Although time will tell reporting to the SEC? Will individuals be Many organizations will be closely watching how the SEC’s changing authority and covered before a lawsuit is filed or before the SEC’s approach to cybersecurity. The enforcement powers may affect companies, there are allegations of wrongful acts? Is extent of the impact that cybersecurity D&O insurance remains a powerful risk there any entity coverage? issues will have on D&O liability remains transfer tool and potentially the last line to be seen. However, enforcement of financial protection for directors and 4. Rescission: When can the insurer rescind actions coupled with increased disclosure officers. With the anticipated regulatory the policy (if at all)? requirements will likely increase that type focus potentially shifting away from of potential exposure. With the uncertainty corporations to individuals, companies 5. Program structure regarding: around the change in regulatory policies, it should stress-test their D&O insurance is critical to work with your insurance adviser program, focusing on: • Insurers: Do the insurers on your to understand how the new administration’s program have deep claims experience? policies could impact your company and its 1. Conduct exclusions: When can they be directors and officers and what coverage triggered by an insurer? • Limits of liability: What analytical tools enhancements are available to address are used to assess the appropriateness these exposures. 2. Severability: Does the behavior or of your total limits and should different knowledge of one person impact others? limits be secured?

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