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t h e w e a t h i s Forecast by O. 8. Weather Bureau. NET PRKBB BUN Hartford. \ AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION for the Month of Mnrch, 1980' Rn.i|i tonight and probably early Tuesday niondng; colder Tuesday and Tuesday night. ' 5,511 inn. IStat ira ry -—C om p . Members of the Audit Bnresii of Circnlattons FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 172. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SEA ENVOYS PACK UP LINDYS SHATTER COAST TO COAST RECORD STIMSONIN FOR RETURN HOME PACT Last Plenary Session to Bej FOUR RESCUED Members of Associated AM -A. Hoover Sends Message Held Tomorrow— Treaty AS CAR SINKS IN Press Listeu to Secretary Completed and Awaits To Editors O f A . P. Of State Make Speech THEHOCKANUH Over Radio, Receive Sipatures. New York, April 21 —(AP) —A “Their achievement marks an- The following greeting from Presi­ other great step in the maintenance of peace. Only the utmost courage London, April 21 — (AP) An­ dent Hoover was read at the lunch­ Greetiug from Presideut Prompt Arrival of Two eon by Frank B. Noyes, president of and tenacity of the eminent men nouncement was made at St. James the Associated Press: comprising all the delegations at Palace this noon that the last plen­ “Frank B. Noyes, London could have brought to so dif­ Hoover aud Hear Address ary session of the five power naval Strong Men With Axe “I would appreciate it greatly if ficult a problem a solution fruitful of so many blessings. conference would be held at 10:30 you would extend my. greetings to the annual meeting of the Associat­ The Associated Press and other Of Geueral Mauager Kent a m. tomorrow. The treaty, drawn Saves Worcester Family ed Press. It is a great institution press represtentatives have contri­ up here, a three power limitation which daily renders intellectual ser­ buted materially, for-such negotia­ Cooper. ^ pact, with some five power sections, vice to the American people ■with tion in these times is not alone the wdll be signed at that time. In Oakland Accident. that fine impartiality and reliability work 'Of the delegation, it must be On the strength of the aimounce- that have given it high distinction. responsive to national instinct and ment the American delegation here national aspiration. Peace is fnuda- New York, April 21.—Members A Worcester man. Mason Mar- “It is a marvelous advancement concluded their saUing arrange­ of science that enables you to listen mentally a state of mind and a re­ of the Associated Press assembled ments for the trio back home aboard gois, his wife and two young sons to an address from London by Sec­ solve of •will of the whole people. here today for their annual meeting the Leviathan, which will be held at are recovering at Manchester Me­ retary Stimson. The work of Sec­ Therefore the fidelity of the press and luncheon and heard, by^ means Southampton until Wednesday represratatives in reporting the morial hospital from the effect of retary Stimson and his colleagues at of one of radio’s latest advances. morning for them. the conference has been caref^ly course of the conference has played Now Packing Up being trapped in a submerged auto­ a large part in its success by giving Secretary of State Stimson, in the and fully transmitted over the wires British capital describe the London Most of the delegation were m mobile in the Hockanum river at 1 of the Associated Press day by day all of our people an instant and their quarters, superintending pack­ the Oakland bridge last evening. comprehensive knowledge of the naval agreement. for the past four months and there­ For years the Associated Press ing after the three months in ^ n - They were rescued from their fright­ by the American people have gained facts, and thus enabling the nation don, while Col. Stimson bade fare­ itself to share in these negotiations. annual meetings were hfeld in the ful predicament by John Kasilaus- an appreciation o f the' problems old Waldorf-Astoria hotel, torn well to his country home at Stan- kas of 279 Tolland Turnpike, who, which the conference has under- “I -wish to compliment the Associ­ more and said goodbye to his house­ ated Press on the service it has down within the last year. This standing breast deep in the river, taken to solve and the difficulties year’s meeting was held at the Ho-- hold staff there. ■wielded an axe •with telling effect they have met and the success' that rendered. Premier MacDonald returned to “Herbert Hoover”. tel Commodore, and there today the on the top of the car and through has resulted. London today. members heard at their luncheon The American delegation will oe the opening he had made dragged Secretary Stimson’s address, greet­ the four soaked and suffocating oc­ the first to sign the historic docu­ ings from President Hoover, e.'vi- ment, Colonel Stimson at its head, cupants in to the air. veyed through Frank B. Noyes, leading off. The .powers wiU sign The Margois family, in a big president, and the address of the Packard sedan, was traveling east according to their English alp^he- UNFAVORABLE REPORT general manager, Kent Cooper. Mr. on Deming street. Margois, who tlc order. America, France, Great Noyes was toastma^er. was driving, failed to make the turn Britain, Italy, and Japan. Fol^w- “The past 14 weeks have given ing Colonel Stimson will be Ambas- near the west end of the bridge, and me more confidence in my belief .--ador bawes, Secretary Adams, his car shot across the lot and into This strikin? layout shows Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh and their specially designed plane in ON PARKER NOMINATION that the peaceful methods of diplo­ the river. It remained erect but Senator Robinson, Senator which tL vbrokf the record from Los Angeles to New York, via Wichita, to test the possibdities of air c^ - macy can eventually take the place was under water nearly to the tops rents at Ifigh altitudes for fast commercial passenger flights. The upper picture shows theJjndberghs fly- and Ambassador Gibson and Mor- » < of war than anything I have •wit­ of the windows. All the windows in? high oi^r Los Angeles in their speedy low--winged monoplane, designed for long trips. At ^ e left is a nessed since the last 'tar drew to The treaty drafting committee were closed and the occupants, un­ c?fseufof LindJ and Anne in the cockpit, and at the right you^see them in flying togs, equipped for cold Oppositiou Led by Six Re- s u m ADDRESS a close,” Secretary Stimson said. took a final survey of the treaty this able to open them, were up to their weather of the high altitudes. . . He described the treaty as a prac­ forenoon and pronounced their work necks in water, •with only what air tical application of the peaceful done. Ambassador Morrow, the was contained in the space between publicaus ou Committee; i declarations of the Kellogg anti­ American member of the committee, the river’s level and the top of the TO A . P. EDITORS war pact. There were two problems, announced after the meeting that car.. he said—the problem of the rela­ everything was set for the signing Girl Only Witness UNDYSBREAK Report to Be Placed Be­ tions between the navies of the Eva Smith, 15, with whose par­ PRESIDENT VETOES A B H l tomorrow. His announcement set United States, Great Britmn and at rest slrrmg tears that some hitch ents Kasllauskas boards, was the J a j^ , and the problem of the re­ only witness of thfe disaster. The Secretary of State in Radio would develop fore Seuate at Ouce. lations between the navies of Prime Minister' MacDonald will house is -close by the scene of the Great Britain, France and Italy. broadcast a talk on the naval con­ accident. Eva heard the shrieking FOR Speech Makes a Report on “ These are quite distinct prob­ ference Tuesday evening at 8:40 of brakes and ran to the window in Washington, April 21—(A P I- lems,” Secretary Stimson said. p. m. The address, which wiU ^ast time to see the car plunge into the Led by six Republicans,- the Senate “The first of these has been solved. twenty minutes, will be transmitted river. She called her father and judiciary committee tbd^y voted an the Naval Conference. In the, second, members of the from -j; British stations. Kasllauskas. Returns Without unfa'vorable report to the Senate on American delegation have been pri­ Kasllauskas, a big m ^ who has President Hoover’s nomination of vileged to sit as friendly observers, seen service in the United States Judge John J. Parker, of North Measure to Coin 50 Cent With Oue Stop iu Kausas New York, April 21.— (AP)—The watching the development and clari­ army, was first to reach the sunken ACTS OF VIOLENCE Carolina, to be an associate justice fication of these underlying ques­ ECLIPSE OF SUN car. He jumped into the river and of the Supreme Court. text of Secretary Stimson’s radio tions. Sitting on the sidelines, it has tore at the top with his hands des­ Pieces to Commemorate They Make Trip iu 14 Chairman Norris, *of the commit­ address to the annual luncheon of been quite evident that the result of perately but futilely. In,a mo­ tee, who was one of the opponents the Associated Press follows: the conference has been to clarify ment, however, Mr. Smith arrived to Parker, announced that the un­ issues and make their solution in Mr. Noyes and Gentlemen of the ON NEXT MONDAY with an axe. Swinging this tool, Gadsen Purchase. Says They Are But Isolated Hours, 23 Miuutes; Aver­ favorable report would be laid im­ the future more possible.” Kausilauskas smashed a hole in the mediately before the Senate and Associated Press: Throughout the morning and aft­ top which he soon had enlarged suf­ When I had the pleasure of meet­ ernoon the annual meeting of the ficiently to permit the passage of a Washington, April 21.— (A P )— Cases; Says Nou-Violeuce age 172 Miles au Hour. ing the directors of the Associated Associated Press was in progress. human body. Then he climbed up Press last January at the dinner But in This Section It Will Be In his first formal veto. President There was to be an election of five on the top and reached ins^e. The Campaigu Must Go Ou. given by Mr. Ochs I warned you new directors, the number whose first person he got hold of was Mar­ Hoover today returned to the House j' New York, April 21.—(AP) — that the London conference would terms expired this year. Ten can­ But Half— Around 3:30 gois, whom he dragged out and the bill for coinage , of a Gadsden i “We” have another record, a cross­ be a prosaic performance. I proph­ didates were submitted by the passed along to Smith, who was esied that what it lacked in drama nominating committee. Purchase anniversary half-dollar | Bombay, India, April 21.— (AP) country flight faster than anybody it would make up in length. I think The five, whose terms in office today with word that the monetary —Last week’s disorders at Chitta­ In Afternoon. (Continaed on Page Three.) system of the country was not to else. you will agree -with me that my expire this year, and who were nom­ gong were deplored by Mahatma Taking off from Glendale, Cali­ prophecy has been fulfilled. be used for such purposes Gandhi, Indian Nationalist leader, inated for re-election are: W. H. fornia, just at daybreak. Col. and Noting that in the past ten years in an interview here last night. At Yet because it has involved tedi­ Cowles, Spokane Spokesman-Re- Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, yester­ Cambridge, Mass., April 21.— 15 such coins were issued, Mr. Hoo­ the same time he said that the civil ous ' and necessarily private nego­ ■view; Frank P. MacLennan, Topciia CAP)— If the valleys of the moon QKUSIPBINCESS ver said elements of confusion and disobedience campaign for India’s day brought their brilliant new scar­ tiation it would be a great error to State Journal; E. Lansing Ray, St. do not interfere, American as­ lack of uniformity had resulted independence must continue. let plane and black monoplane to n jump to the conclusion that it does Louis' Globe Democrat; Robert R. tronomers next Monday will photo­ with a consequent increase in the “ The Chittagong news makes sad three point landing on Roosevelt not contain dramatic promise for j McCormick, Chicago Tribune; ard graph an eclipse of the sun that RDIES FOR A S P a i danger of counterfeiting. reading,” sSid the Mahatma. “It Field 48 minutes before the day was the future. As a matter of fact, the ! Frederick I. Thompson, Mobile flashes over their cameras for bare­ The text of his message, which shows there is a large or small body done. past fourteen weeks have given me Register. ly more than a second. was read to the House, follows: of men in Bengal who do not be­ 172 Miles an Hour. more confidence in my belief that The five additional candidate* It is one of the briefest eclipses “Herewith is returned, without lieve in non-violence, whether as a The approximate distance flown the peaceful methods of diplomacy were: C. C. Hamlin, Colorado on record and so small—a round approval, H. R. 2029, ‘An act to policy or a creed. That there was was 2,500 miles, the flying time 14 taken up in regular order at tne can eventually take the place of Springs Telegraph; Walter M. Har­ shadow, half a mile wide— that the But It Was All in Fun at authorize the coinage of silver 50 such a people in India I knew, but hours, 23 minutes, 27 seconds, the next executive session rison, Oklahoma City Times; George president of the American astro­ cent pieces in commemoration of .1 had hoped they would give non­ a verage^ eed 172 miles an hour. The Roll CaU (Continued on Page 2.) B. Longan, Kansas City Star; John nomical society. Dr. Ernest W. Fourth Birthday Party of the 75th anniversary of the Gads­ violence a chance.. If Chittagong is A stop was made at Wichita, The roll call in the judiciary com­ L. Stewart, Washington, Pa., Ob­ Brown of Yale, warns that mile den Purchase.’ an indication and not an isolated Kas., of 22 minutes and five seconds mittee on Parker follows: server; and E. G. Leipheimer, Butte deep valleys on the edge of the « Purpose Of Bill act, as I believe the Calcutta and for fuel, but'not food. Lunch pre­ For—Republicans: Gillett, Massa­ “This bill provides that in com- Montana Standard. Mr. Leipheimer moon may spoil it somewhat. As Little Elizabeth. ^ Karachi acts to have been, it 'will pared at Los Angeles was eaten m chusetts; Waterman, Colorado, ELECT EUGENE ROY j withdrew. s the moon will only barely cover the be a serious affair, but however Hastings, Delaware and Herbert, sun's face a mile valley may serve (Continued on Page Two.) the air. Kent Cooper’s Speech. serious the situation becomes, there Although the Colonel disclaimed Rhode Island. Democrats—Over­ as a nick through which sunlight I Kent Cooper, general manager of can be no suspension of the fight, any new record, the time of flight man, North Carolina and Stephens, the Associated Press, after outlining will pour. Windsor, Eng., April 21.— (AP) — ! HAITI’ S PRESIDENT there can be no returning of our w,as 3 hours, 15 minutes and 29 sec­ Mississippi. many of the complexitie* of the Although the moon’s valleys are A tiny golden-haired girl usurped 1 Against — Republicans; Norns, the British throne without opposi­ footsteps. onds faster than it had been flown work of the Associated Press, said: a new hazard, o'wing to the pecu- Move Expected Nebraska; Borah, Idaho; Deneen, uliarities of this eclipse, astrono- tion this morning and for a brief ] BUILDING FIGURES before. Captain Frank Hawks last “Then, and not the easiest of all, is •'‘I observe that the viceroy an­ June 29, flew from Glendale t-o Illinois: Robinson, Indiana; Blaine, the relationship to the public. You mers accustomed to taking chances | spell ruled her native land with i Illinois, and Steiwer, Oregon. are preparing at several places for j charming grace which brought de­ swered the Chittagong disturbances Roosevelt Field in 17 hours, 38 min­ Former Head of Clearing all know that many readers of your by the exercise of his extraordinary Democrats — Ashurst, Arizona; newspapers are con-vinced that they photographs afoot and in airplanes, lighted plaudits from her subjects. UP TO ESTIMATES utes and 56 seconds, non-stop. The Walsh, Montana: Caraway, Kansas, The largest party will be from the ! This day belonged to Princess powers. That was only to be ex­ fact that he and Mrs. Lindbergh could edit your new^iapers better pected. As long as the British peo­ and Dill, Washington. , House is Widely Known in than you. Well, all o f this class in Lick observatory. University of Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke and made made a stop, the colonel point­ Previous Vote California under direction of J. H. Duchess of York and beloved grand­ ple are etermined to impose their ed out, technically made their flight every community combined feel in- daughter of King George and Queen rule upon an unwilling people, so By a vote of 10 to 4, the com­ di-vidually and collectively that they Moore. Sec. Lament Reports Con­ not one to compare •with that of mittee previously rejected a motion Financial Circles in U. S. Others in Field. Mary, for it was the fourth anni­ long must their rule be in reality Captain Hawks. Captain Hawks could manage the Associated Press to invite Judge Parker here to sub­ better than I can. Some do not hesi­ Mount Wilson observatory •will versary of her birth.' without law. We in India easily himself however, and probably delure ourselves with the belief that mit himself to examination on the tate to write me about it. ’The oth­ have a party in the field, Dr. Heber Bright and early little “Lilybet” struction Contracts Will everyone else except the. colonel ac­ protests made against him^ by port Au Prince, Haiti, April 21 as she call^ herself with delighted we have duly constituted legisla­ ers write letters to the newspapers. D. Curtis of the Allegheny observa­ cepted the flight as a new record. organized labor and by the negroes. (a P)—Eugene Roy was unanimous- tory. University of Pittsburgh, plans laughter seized the scepter beneath tures: presently there will be none Some say it in the magazines. The left •with any such delusions. The Stop in Kansas. Senator Watson, of Indiana, the jy elected president of Haiti by the only conffprt t can find is that each to observe in Nevada and Mrs. Isa­ which the greyhaired King Emporer, Reach 7 Billions for Year. The Lindbergh’s left Glendale at Republican leader, had urged that T council'of State today. bel Lewis, astronomer of the Naval his Queen and all the royal family ci-vil registers must > therefore fight has a selfish complex. In reality, an unequal struggle against the 8:26:20 a. m. eastern standard time Parker be in-vited. i president elect Roy is to assume what they want is to have the As­ observatory, Washington, plans to bowed, in pleased submission. and landed at Wichita at 3:20:30 p photograph at Honey Lake, Califor­ Birthday Party. Washington, April 21.— (A P.)— violence of the government and the Those voting to Invite Parker ^ext month when the term of sociated Press exclude everything There w'as a wonderful birthday Secretary Lament said today that violence of those among us who m., took off at 3:42:35 and landed at here were: Deneen, Herbert, Over- president Borno will expire. He except that which is compatible with nia. >. Roosevelt Field at 11:11:52. The man and Stephens. Against—Nor- jjoid office until r e ^ a r elec- their own mental composure Or The path of totality extends from party in old Windsor Castle— such a awarding of 5303,000,000 • in public have no faith In non--violence. The Saty-Agrahis (Civil Disobedience total elapsed time was 14 hours, 45 ris, Borah, Gillett, Robinson, Blaine, j can be held for the presidency. which furthers their own selfish San Francisco to the Montana state party as the fairy bboks record for construction contracts during the line. Thereafter the center of the children to read all over the world. Volunteers) if true to their creed, minutes and 32 seconds. A schedule Steiwer, Hastings, Ashurst, Walsh |^r. Roy’s election was in accord- interests. eclipse ■will be annular, a rim of the There were presents galore including first quarter of 1930 in 37 states in- must either come out victorious, or of breakfast in California luncheon and Dill. ance with recommendations of the Free From Bias. sun showing on all sides of the a mysterious package from Uncle | dicated that his estimate of 57,000,- be groimd to atoms between two Senator Steiwer announced that Hoover commission which suggest­ “Men consumed with the passion moon, and the spectacle will cross Da'vid—the Prince of Wales—sent millstones.” ((Tontinned on Page Three.) he had voted against a favorable ed him. after -virtually all of the of partisanship can never believe 000,000 for the year would be ful report on Judge Parker upon the political elemepts in Haiti has ap­ that an institution which deals so in­ Montana into Canada. from the heart of the himting field filled. Center of Eclipse. where his Royal Highness has been eondition that he preserved the proved him as a non-partisan can­ timately with human conflicts can The center of the eclipse is due on a holiday. A new five year record for the right to vote on' the floor otherwise didate. remain free from intentional bias. shortly before noon standard time Then there was a well-filled zoo first three months is set by the if new evidence were presented. That’s Why the Associated Press is at Berkeley, Calif., about 12:30 at from Queen Mary for “ Lilybet” Is awards this year. Wedding Presents Galore Senator Overman, who is leading Eugene Roy is former president alternately/ and with equal force, Denver, where it ■will be a three fond of animals and there was a The commerce secretary said he the contest in behalf of Judge of the government Clearing House ^ charged by partisans with being quarters shadow, about 2 p. m. cen­ shiny tricycle from her father and expects a steady speeding up dur­ Parker, annoimced after the session and is widely known in financial cir- Oberm, Conservative, Wet, Dry, tral time, in Chicago and about 3:30 mother because princesses ride tri­ ing the remaining three periods to that he would not give up. cles. He has never held political of- Catholic, Protestant, Republican, p. m., at New York and Boston. For cycles just the same as little folk carry the year’s actmties in public For Mussolini*s Daughter Friends of the nominee who have fice before and his selection as tem­ Democratic, Pro-Labor, Capitalistic, these three cities it will be about a of ordinary walks of life. works and public utilities construc­ been at the Capitol,in^his behalf, porary president met wide approval. etc. half eclipse. Marvelous Cake. tion to the total he forecast several immediately sought to commu­ The Council of State wa^ to have “As a matter of fact, it ts none of In the area of totality, it is said Then too there was a marvelous months ago. Rome, April 21.— (AP)—A vent-A •’ Other presents.include an au t^ o nicate with Parker to learn his acted on.his election a week ago but those things. Nor has it-the Slight­ at Harvard observatory, the usual cake made by the royal chef. It bore His Estimate > able fortune in vvedding presents jts bile, a huge black pearl from a Ru.i- wishes. It was their determination, its meeting, was suddenly postponed est concern as respects any .of them spectacles of Baily's beads, shadow Elizabeth’s name in icing, had four This $7,000^00,000 program was pouring into Sighoiina Eddo Mus­ slan prinepssj an almost priceless iinip.cH instructed otfierwlse to carry by President Bomo apd thepe were except that it seeks the news of each bands and corona may be expected. cEmdles on it and more than that estimated on a basis of reports of solini, who will be marrieid Thursday necklace from a group of friends In on thd fight on the floor of the Sen­ rumors- of a possible hitch due to of them. There may be members of No great darkness is forecast be­ had something wonderful concealed the government, state governors, to Galeazzo Ciano, son of the minis­ Milan, a silver service for forty- ate for Parker. opposition within the council to his the boMd. of directors Who, as cause of the small area of complete within, but only the princess knows and officials of public utilities cor­ ter of communications. | eight persons, eighty old silver selection. publishers, have leaifings toward shadow. It is said a newspaper what that was. porations. It would carry the year Although it was understood II plates, and a number of pieces of COWS BURNED TO DEATH. President Bomo last .-week made some one of these ‘ causes.. En­ far ahead of last year. . Hampden, April 21.— (AP) —A trusted fully -with the management probably can be read during to­ But, perhaps, best of all was the Dqce forbade the cities, communes antique furniture. changes In the personnel of the While the 5303,000,000 would set large bam and a group of smaller of the news report as I am, it tality. , disclosure of a great secret In the and provinces to make official pres­ The bride-to-be however intends council and it was stated that this a new first quarter record, the sec­ buildings in Mount Carmel owned by never occurred to'm e to xoake note ^’oyal stables that lUng George had ents this prohibition did not extend to begin hpuskeeping on a small was done in order to make certain retary said this figure undoubtedly Burton Joyce were destroyed today of their, partisan interests. I do TREASURY BALANCE bidden one of the smallest Shetland to individuals. His personal present scale. She and her fiance have pu,r Mr. Roy’s election and fulfillment of ponies he could find, that filled the would be further swelled by reports ______by a fire In .which cq'ws, a bull and the program outlined by the Hoover know that they would not try to Washington, April 21.— (A P )— ta his daughter is a valuaWe bed chafed an apartment near the Via Treasury receipts for April 18 were princess’s cup to overflowing. She from the other 11 states and from Commissicoi and accepted by the o^- spread of old Venetian lace which Smaria, and tte question has arisen three horses pejis^d. The damage 55.933,312.87; expenditures 517,- awards upon which reports were where to put all the presents. was estimated at about 510,000. po^tion in Haiti: (Continued on Page T » o .)J ^ 619,353.30; balance 5240,352,790.87. (Contmued on Page Three.) not received. required many years to make.


Chrysler ...... 4 0 % I and Japan, are necessa^Uy less com­ Col Gas and E l ...... 84% CO U iaO R MAKES plex than the naval relations of the jFOSTER SENTENCED Cbl G raph...... 30% SOCIALISM FAVORED'b r m w e d s o n d a t e Coml S o lv ...... 35% great powers of Europe. The latter OBITUARY Local Stocks are complicated by many conditions Comwlth and S ou ...... 19 GOOD ON SHORTAGE from which the former are entirely IN NEW YORK COURT Consol G a s ...... 1 33 % free. Ihirthernqore America’s isol­ (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Contin' C a n ...... 07% BY INDEPENDENTS ®’' ated and advantageous position and Central Bow, Hartford. Conn. Com P r o d ...... 109% New London, AprU 21.— (AP)— Blatter-Ingraham Nuptials the national security which this Curtiss W rig h t...... 13% Henry E. Marquardt, former tax Fall on 32nd Anniversary of position affords imposes upon us the DEATHS 1 P. M. Stocks. Du Pont De N em ...... 140 collector of the Borough of Groton, duty to ^ d in the limitation of 11 Red Leader and Companions Bank Stocks. Eastman K o d a k ...... 243% chsxged with embezzlement of bor­ Parents’ Marriage. armamenra and to refrain from Bid Asked Elec Pow and L t ...... 99% ough funds not exceeding $16,000 [faction of British Labor Par- Mrs. Nora Brennan. criticizing others less fortunately Bankers Trust Co .... 325 Erie ...... 55^ today made restitution to the bor­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingraham’s placed. Mrs. Nora Brennan, of 183 Hack­ Found Guilty of Unlavrful Fox Film A ...... 54% ough to the amount of $13,045.25. home at 91 Foster street was the matack street, widow of John J. City Bank and Trust . 375 ' ty Reaffirm Their Policy The Second Problem Cap Nat B&T ...... 360 Gen E l e c ...... 91 The reimbursement 'was made by scene of a double celebration Satur­ In the second of these problems— Brennan, died at her home last Gen F ood s...... 55 checks given to (George R. Hemp­ day afternoon at four o’clock. April night foUo'wing an illness of several Assembly; Foster Protests Conn. R iv e r ...... 425 the problem of the relations of the Htfd Conn. Trust .... 140 150 Gen M otors...... 51% stead, warden of the .borough. Fol­ At Conference. 19 marked the thirty-second anni­ navies of Great Britain, France and weeks of pneumonia. She leaves Gold Dust ...... 46% lowing this Marquardt was present­ versary of their marriage. It was two daughters. Miss Catherine F. First Nat Htfd ...... 225 Italy—valuable discussions have Land Mtg and Title .. — 40 Grigsby Grunow...... '• 24% ed in Groton town court where the also chosen by thpir third daughter. been had and the imderlying ques­ Breiman and Mrs. Henry G. Leister, New York, April 240 Int Harv ...... H l% case against him was continued a Miss Mabel L. Ingraham as the and four grandchildren all of Man­ Mutual B & T ...... — Birminfham, Eng., April 21.— tions upon which a final solution William Z. Foster, Robert Minor,] the government, particularly in re victed of unlawful assembly, was xAetna Casualty...... 157 162 ‘Nat Pow and L t ...... 54 The prosecutor declared that the ex­ georgette, with black hat and arm tions of these three nations of gard to its unemployment policy, given a thirty-day sentence. The xAetna L ife ...... 100 102 Nev C o p ...... 22% act amount of the shortage still bouquet of pink roses. Europe to each other. but the conference defeated a mo­ sentences were imposed by Justices xAetna Fire, 510 par . 73 75 N Y C e n t...... 180% charged is expected to be known The reception for the bridal party Into these political questions it FUNERALS tion which would have censured the Max Salomon, James J. Mclnemqy xAutomobile ...... 47^/4 49> NYNHH...... 118% this week, and that it is presumed and the parents of the bride follow­ has not been America’s business to and Daniel F. Murphy of the Court Conn. G eneral...... 142 146 Nor Amer ...... 127% Marquardt will make complete res­ government. ed, with members of both families enter. But sitting on the sidelines xHtfd Fire, 510 par .. 85 87 Pack Mot ...... 21% titution before the case is present­ From sever^ delegates came sug­ and close friends in attendance. it has been quite evident that the Mrs. Cecilia Palmer. j of Special Sessions. gestions that the outcome would be Funeral services for Mrs. Cecelia Lester Just a Tool Htfd Stm BoU, 510 par 73 76 Pan Am Pet B ...... 56% ed next Monday morning. The The I-»graha.\Q home was decorated result of the conference has been to Par Fam Lasky ...... 73% prosecutor had no statement to a Left-Wing Party distinct from the clarify issues and make their solu­ Murphey Palmer were held th is; Lester was given the light sen- National Fire ...... 85 87 in orchid and yellow. The gifts to Penn R R • ...... make on probable action in the ewe official Labor Party, one delegate tion in the future more possible. In afternoon at Watkins Brothers, 11 j tence, the justices said, because he xPhoenix F ire ...... 90 92 Itoth couples were numerous and 'Travelers ...... 1565 1580 if complete restoration of funds £s .mrged that in readiness the I. L. P- this way a long step forward has Oak street, and were largely at-1 was merely an instrument in the beautiful. Mrs. Blatter presented Public Utility Stocks. S d Corp ...... 63% made before next Monday. ‘should prepare by getting into con­ been made towards ultimate limita­ tended. There was a profusion of j hands of the others, whom the court to her bridesmaid a gold piece, and xConn. Elec S v e ...... 87 90 Rad K e ith ...... 42% Because of the payment today, tact with the workers in shop and tion by those nations which have floral tributes from relatives and j described as the "prime movers.” the best man was similarly remem­ xConn. Power ...... 89 91 Readme ...... bonds under which Marquardt has not yet agreed on a complete limi­ friends. I Despite police precautions of factory. ^ bered by Mr. Blatter. The young Rev. Alfred Clark of St. Mary’s posting a guard around the build Hartford Elec Lgt ... 90 92 Rem R a n d ...... 43,4 been at liberty were reduced from Alternative Headership. tation of their navies. This came couple will occupy their newly fur­ Greenwich W&G, pfd. 89 — Rep Ir and Steel, n e w ...... 78% $16,000 to $5,000. Marquardt’s “I hope,” said this delegate, "the not only by clarifying the results of Episcopal church conducted the ing a large crowd slipped into the nished suite in the Centenmal services. The bearers were all courtroom but there was no demon­ Hartford G as ...... 70 75 Sears Roe ...... •srife signed the new bond. l. L. P. will have the courage to their discussion but by the patience apartments on Chestnut street: nephews of Mrs. Palmer, John Sex­ stration. Police quickly quelled an do, p f d ...... 45 give alternative leadership.” He Frank Ingraham and Miss Iva and good temper in which those dis­ attempted cheer from the specta­ S N E T C o ...... 185 189 ; charged J. H. Thomas, lord privy cussions were carried out. This ton of Meriden, Frederick and Wetherell, one of the eight children Charles Sexton of New Haven; Wil­ tors as the five prisoners were led Manufacturing Stocks. Skelly Oil ...... 38% seal, 'With halving done more for of the late Mr- a-rid Mrs. Arthur has been a good augury for the Am Hardware ...... 59% 61% Sou P a c ...... 124% prospects of their final success. liam Rice and Edivin Wilson 'o f into the room. capitalism in ten months than the Wetherell, who lived in what is Suspending court routine, the Amer Hosiery ...... 30 Sou Rwy ...... 115% They are separating now full of de­ Hartford and Horace Murphey of Tories had done in five years. known as the Colonial Gardens sec­ men immediately were taken before American Silver...... 20 Stand Brands...... 26% STATE termination to grapple with these this town. Burial was in Cedar Hill One motion before the conference tion, were married 32 years ago by the bar where Foster and Minor de­ Arrow H&H, com .... 39 41 St Gas and E l ...... 126% problems as they now stand reveal­ cemetery, Hartford. urged the I. L. P. group in Parlia­ the late Rev. C. H. Barber, pastor manded to be heard. Automatic Refrig .... 4 S O C a l...... 71 ed and to finally solve them. TODAY AND TUESDAY ment should continue to press the i. at the time of Second Congregation­ Foster leaped to his feet after be­ Bigelow Sanford, com 72% 74% SONJ...... ^3% In summary, the message which I L. P. conception of a policy to solve al church. All of the Wetherell ing forced into a chair by court do, p f d ...... 100 should like to make clear to you all unemployment, "inside the Parlia­ sisters and brothers are still living. PRESIDENT VETOES BILL attendants and the judges listened Billings and Spencer . 4 Studebaker ...... 40 A THE WHOLE WORLD today is that the success of the mentary Labor Party.” Left Wing Bristol Brass...... 25 Tex C o r p ...... ^ London naval conference is neces­ patiently while he protested LISTENS AND THRILLS members of Parliament objected tj do, p W ...... 08 Tim Roll Bear ...... 85% sarily related to the success of the against the procedure in his arrest, the motion on the ground it would FOR ANNIVERSARY COINS Collins Co...... 103 Transcon Oil ...... 21,+ to STIMSON ADDRESS Kellogg pact. ‘ The good resolu­ trial and conviction. His attorney shackle their freedom. They were finally made him be seated. Case, Lockwood and B . 525 Union Carb ...... 101% tions of that pact cannot ’ stand Colt’s Firearms...... 27 Unit Aircraft ...... 48% prepared to work within the mam alone. They must be followed by (Continued from Page One.) “ The breaking up of the parade, TO A. P. EDITORS holding us without bail, trumping Eagle Lock ...... 35 Unit Gas and Imp ...... 47 Labor Party if (bey could, but they national effort, prompt, constant, U S Ind A lc o h ...... 90% objected to limitation. memoration of the 75th anniversary up of these charges, the denial of Fafnir Bearings ...... 80 unremitting efforfto make them Fuller Brush, Class A . — U S Pipe and F dry ...... 35% Heads Minority. of the acquisition by the United our right to a jury trial, carrying (Continued from Page 1) good and no line of effort offers a Hart & Cooley ...... 135 U S R u bber...... 33 P. J. Dollan, a Glasgow magis­ States of the territory known as the us before judges with minds made better earnest of its success than Hartmann Tob, com .. — U S S te e l...... 195 trate, who was imprisoned once for Gadsden Purchase, there shall be upf is an excellent example of war than anything I have witnessed the line of naval disarmament. In do, 1st pfd ...... — Util Pow and Lt A ...... 43% opposing conscription, again led the coined in the mints of the United capitalistic justice, used for the since the last war drew to a close. selecting that line President Hoover Inter Silver...... 106 War R e t ...... 73 conference minority, and asked how States 50 cent pieces to the number suppression of the workers rights,” This confidence is based on the fact laid his finger upon the best method do, pfd ...... 110 Westing A i r ...... 45% the I.'L. P. group had any chance of of 10,000, to be of a design fixed Foster said. that limitation of arms gives us an of insuring that our solemn promise xLanders, Frary & Clk 69% Westing El md M fg ...... 200 getting its policies adopted unless affirmative plan for promoting good of two years ago should bo fulfilled. by the director of the mint and ap­ Mann & Bow, Class A 13 proved by the Secretary of the it were through the main Labor relations. Merely negative opposi­ Two Roads to Travel. do. Class B — ...... 7 Party. He ironically described the tion to war is not sufficient. Pro­ There are but two possible roads Treasury. The coins are to be legal h o s p it a l xNew Brit Mch. com . 25 CURB QUOTATIONS tender and are to be issued by only LAST BRIDGE Left-Wingers as "divinely chosen gress in civilization comes only to travel. One is the road of North' & Judd ...... 20 persons ^ho thought they coul.l from the affirmative cultivation of competitive armament and this, upon the request of the Gadsden Niles Bern Pond ...... 39 bring about a complete change in habits of good will. whether accompanied or imaccom- Purchase coin committee, in such P A R H ON WEDNESDAY (By Associated Press.) IPeck Stow and Wilcox 8 , Amer Cit Pow and Lt (B) ... 25% ; "society without the help of ordi- Lost Conference panied by good intentions, will lead numbers and at such times as they ______{Russell Mfg Co X ----- 85 • nary human beings— "a new kind of Nearly two years ago the nations to war. The other is the way of shall request. Am Super P o w e r...... 35% IxScovill ...... 63 Automat Reg Mch. pfd ...... 7% : Plymouth Brethren of the working of the world met together at Paris limitation with its constant effort to "The matter is not perhaps one Afternoon Affair at Communi-j Smyt^ Mfg Co ..... — Central States E lec ...... 37% i class movement: self-chosen peop e and signed a document containing a forestall •war by creating such con­ of large importance in itself, were Cities Service...... 42 I for carrying out Socialism in our good resolution of epoch-making fidence and friendliness between na­ it not for the fact of the great ty Club Open to All Women . . .!! 27 importance. That was the so-called tions as will prevent the seeds of number of other similar proposals 145 Crocker Wheeler...... 34 time.” Card Players. Standard Screw ...... 135 Elec Bond and S h a re...... 117% The resolutions of policy adopted Kellogg-Briand pact in which the war from growing. V7e have now by the aggregate of which the do, pfd. guar “ A” . . 100 principles of sound coinage are be­ Elec Shareholders ...... 29% by the conference, view with the nations renounced war as an in­ before us not only a definite objec­ Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, xStanley W orks ...... 41 43 strument of national policy and tive but a concrete method of going ing jeopardized. Moreover, the Ford of E n glan d...... 19% sharpest antagonism, expenditure of the final bridge party in the series Taylor. & Fenn ...... 115 Italian Superpower ...... 15% •with public money for further rationaliza- agreed in future to solve their con- at it. There is somthing to work multiplicity of these demands have given for the benefit of the Memorial Torrington ...... 59 troversies only■ ■by pacific means. on, to get our teeth into. The largely destroyed their interest and Ital Superpow rights ...... 7% Ltion of industry, without public con- Hospital Linen Fund, will take place Underwood Mfg Co ... Ill Niag and Hudson P o w e r...... , 23% CHARLES BICKFORD That instrument proposed a nev/ hard work and constant vigilance value for the purposes intended. at the Manchester Community club­ j'trol of such industry. They re-state Union Mfg Co ...... 21 Niag Hudson Warrants...... 5% [■with emphasis the Socialist view era. It laid down a new interna­ which will translate good intentions "During the past ten years 15 house, and all women players inter? U S Envelope, com .. 215 GEORGE F. MARION such special edins have been issued, Pennroad ...... 14 % j there could be no solution of the tional policy and it had behind it a into practical realities can be ac- ested will be welcome. Progressive do, pfd ...... 112 MARIE DRESSLER general and overwhelming pc^ular com pli^ed and are being accom­ an average of one each eight bridge will .be played, with prizes S O Ind ...... 57% i unemployment problem and of gen­ Veeder Root ...... 43 United G a s ...... 40% support. But such a proposal can­ plished by naval limitation. This, months, an aggregate of over 13,- and refreshments at a nominal Whitlock Coil R pe . . — eral poverty under the capitalist Unit Lgt and Pow A ...... 53% m not be made and then left alone to to me, is the significance and en­ 000,000 such coins having been au­ X—Ex-dividend. .system, and urge the National Ad- charge. Util ?ow and L t ...... 25 chance. New eras do not come out couragement ef the conference we thorized. 'There are now pending be­ Several weeks ago the groups of XX—Ex-rights. ^ministrative Council of the I. L. P. Vacuum Oil ...... 92 ■ to give expression to the conception of old conditions merely by a new have just been through. fore Congress five other bills for women who sew regularly for the of the Socialist movement as a qdict or a good resolution. In order such coinage, and before the Treas­ hospital decided to conduct a series struggle of workers to free them­ to reach a condition wheh no nation ury Department several o!her re­ of small card parties for the benefit WEEK END ARRESTS selves from exploitation, and to gain will resort to war as an instrument quests for support to proposals of of the linen fund instead of having economic freedom. of national policy there must be, the same character. a large public affair. The plan has SEES THE GUIDANCE Our Monetary System N.Y. Stocks The conference also reminded the established a larger measure of w'orked out well. More than 25 "The monetary system of the Hartford, April 21.— (AP)—State government that work or adequate confidence than now exists in the i local women have entertained at police from the Hartford barracks maintenance was still the "paper ability of the different nations of country is created and exists for their homes for this object, and a OF YOUTH A BIG JOB certain well-defined and essential Adams Exp ...... 35 out in full force on the highways For the first time you hear the policy” of the Labor Party. The I. the world to maintain their pacific I few have grouped together for during the week-end, made several intentions under all the temptations purposes. Soimd practice demands larger parties at the clubhouses in AUeg C o r p ...... 31% thrilling voice of the fiaming L. P. proposed: Am C a n ...... 154 Unemployment allowances for and circumstances which are ^ure that it should not be diverted to various sections of the to'wn'. beauty of the screen m an adap­ Worthy Activity to IVJake a other uses, if we are best to serve Amer and For P o w ...... 97% James M. NeU 'of George street. tion of Eugene O’Neill’s famous ‘'families. to confront them. History shows us Mrs. E. A. Lettney, who was ap­ New Haven was arrested on the only too clearly what will happen Try at. However, Shelton the needs -of trade and commerce, pointed treasurer of thfe fund, in be­ Am In te m a t...... 52% stage play! Increased unemployment allow­ Am Pow and L t ...... 114% Berlin Turnpike, in Newington, ances for individuals. ^ if we leave the old conditions un­ satisfy the convenience of the peo­ half of the auxiliary, desires to Tells Kiwanians. ple and protect the integrity of our Am Rad Stand San ...... 36% charged with driving while drunk, See it at leant once! Establishment of a minimum liv- changed. Affirmative construtive acknowledge with thanks the gen­ and in the car he was operating coins. Experience has demonstrated erosity of all who have in any way Am Roll MUl ...... 93% ;5ng wage, steps must be taken to carry out The Body Builders won out in the was Charles M. Simply of Durham, that the necessities and convenience contributed to this worthy object. Am Smelt .'...... 71% ? Reduction of working hours, and our good resolution and to begin attendance contest of the Kiwanis N. C., who was arrested for Also of the people can best be served She is hoping that many others •will Am Tel and T e l ...... 256 Complete reorganization of indus- the evolution in mutual confidence Club at today’s Ivmcheon meeting drunkenness. Reckless driving and the integrity of our coins can avail themselves of the opportunity Am Tob B ...... 241 \,try along Socialist lines of public and good-will upon which the suc­ charges were lodged against two BEN POLLOCK at the Hotel Sheridan with 25 mem­ only be protected from counterfeit­ to help increase the fund by attend­ Am Wat W k s ...... 119 i ownership and public control of cess of our resolution depends. bers present, whereas the Paper- drivers passing through Marlboro, And His Park Central Band Otherwise the failure of our good ing by limiting the number of de­ ing the card party Wednesday af­ Anaconda ...... 66% .banking credit. hangers had one less, 24. A great Atl Ref ...... 45% Herman Sherman of New London, The Left-Wingers in Parliament, resolutions may produce a condi- signs with which in the course of ternoon. Others from Group 2 of JOHNNY MURRAY part of the meeting was spent in time the public can become thor­ the Hospital Auxiliary who will as­ Baldwin L o c o ...... 33 and James J. Nicol, They were ar­ under the leadership of James Max- tion worse than if they had never rested yesterday afternoon. In VIVIENNEl OAKLAND rehearsing the Kiwanis songs for oughly familiar. Indeed, the Con­ sist at the coming bridge are Mrs. B and O ...... 116% ion of Glasgow, number about 30. been made. Southington three drivers from the minstrel show and William Hal- gress itself has recognized the E. A. Lydall, Mrs. LeVerne Holmes, Bendix A'viat ...... 53% In the Comedy Skit :$loughly two-thirds of the main La- Last spring President Hoover sted gave a synopsis of what the Waterbury were arrested for reck­ •bor Party members hold member- soundness of this principle by pro- Mrs. Paul Ferris, Mrs. W. M. Brow­ Bith S te e l...... 103% "SATIRES” wisely decided that one of the most show will be like in finished form. Can P a c ...... 209% less driving, Napoleon Vallamcouit, 'tehip cards in the I. L. P. But the important of such constructive •viding that 'no change in the design nell and Mrs. Laura Paisley. The attendance prize donated by Case Thresh ...... 324 Wendell F. Burbank and James J. SOUND NEWS i^ e a t majority of them decline to steps was a move toward naval or die of any coin shall be made Lewis Sipe, was won by Fred Blish, oftener than once in 25 years from In 1830 the settled frontier of Cerro De P a s c o ...... 57% Carroll, and Fred H. . Jones of New SoUow Maxton into the opposition limitation. Sr. Haven ^Vas charged with •violating '•lobbies against the Labor govern­ and including the year of the first the United States was only half Chic Mil StP and P p f ...... 38% He realized that if the nations The speaker this noon w£is Dr. Chic and J^orw est...... 84% rules of the road. ment. meant the Kellogg pact literally adoption of the design, model, die, way across the continent. Elbert Shelton, who spoke on voca­ or hub from the same coin.’ ^ The action of the Maxton group in they must now allow conditions to tion guidance, saying that to be a .opposing the government on certain arise that will jeopardize their A Misuse of System good guide of youth one would have "The growing practice of issuing ^ otes is endorseed by the I. L. P. promise. The first method to that to be a genius. The fact that Ki­ 'fconference, but the general expecta- commemorative coins, incidentally end is an agreement on limitation of wanis is a representative body of ;.tion is that the Maxton group -will to be sold at a profit and provide TONIGHT armaments. That is a clear and vocations of all kinds makes voca­ TONIGHT rprobably he reduced instead of in- fimds for projects or celebrations, positive test of a national intention tional guidance a good proposition, jereased by the conference decision. to maintain pacific relations under appears to me to run counter to this he said. The club should contri­ principle and by their multiplicity all circumstances. Such an agree­ bute to the public smything that can f i f t h ANNUAL { ment by its very nature precludes have become a misuse for our coin­ FIFTH ANNUAL be used to advantage and co-operate age system. These coins do not CONCERT m . STIMSON DESCRIBES the idea of war as an instrument of with the local organizations and national policy, for no nation is serve for circulating mediums which likely to agree that its neighbors schools in setting up guidance. is the real function of coins, they The local Kiwanis club plans this introduce an element of confusion BEETHOVEN C' "'LUB 1NAVAL PACT TO EDITORS shall have a navy large enough for GUEST SOLOIST such a purpose. One of the surest year to have local guidance as set and lack of uniformity. The danger up in schools and make a survey of of counterfeit coins being success­ (Continued from Page 1.) tests, therefore, of the effectiveness DIRECTOR of the Kellogg-Briand pact is the what can be done. Dr. Shelton fully passed is unquestionably in­ progress which is being made in the said the best forms of guidance creased by a multiplicity of designs, •Impose their partisan views upon my were trade schools and big broth­ with which the public cannot be­ administration of the news report. limitation of armament. Limitation of armament is a parometer or ers movement. come thoroughly familiar. Further­ Nor have they; nor could they. The speaker said that yoxmg peo­ more, the very premiums at which "Moreover, as intimate as I am gage of the development of confi­ dence between nations which will ple should be guided 'into business these coins are sold stimulate coun­ with the staff of the Associated that is going ahead and advised terfeiting of them. Press, no members of that staff has enable them to deal with each other wholly upon an amicable basis. It teaching them absolute honesty and "There are a great many histori­ ever, by word of action, had from impress on them to work with and cal events which it is not only high­ me an indication of any partisan is for this reason that my experience in the naval conference has given get along with other people. He ly proper but desirable to commem­ view of my own—if I have any.” said he did not believe an organiza­ orate in a suitable way, but the me so much encouragement. This ACCOMPANISTS encouragement is not based solely tion should be set up but tha;: any longer use of our coins for this pur­ on an appraisal of just how much activities should supplement those pose is unsiutable and unwise. This ABOUT TOWN has been accomplished in the par­ vho have the matter now in hand. would seem to be clear from the ticular treaty which we are signing very number of events to be com­ L. Burdette Hawley but also upon the demonstration memorated, and past experience in­ Manchester Lodge of Moose, No. which this treaty affords that the dicates how difficult it is to draw 1477, has already set the date for process of limitation can be carried NEW HAVEN OBSERVES the line and how such a practice, its third annual carnival, as August further in the future. once it is recognized, tends con­ Eva M. Johnson 11 to 16 inclusive. It yrill be held Two Problems stantly to grow. If this bill is to be­ on the Home club grounds, Brain- The work of the London confer­ ‘ TOWDERHOUSE DAY” come law, it is not apparent on ard Place. Plans are already well ence has really comprised two quite what grounds similar measures, no under way. The regular meeting separate naval problems— the pro­ matter how numerous, may be re­ will be held at the clubhouse tonight blem of the relations between the New Haven, April 21.— (A P )—A jected. Yet their enactment in such at 8 o’clock. The business will in­ navies of the United States, Great bit of revolutionary war history numbers must bring further confu­ clude the installation of the new of­ Britain jind Japan on the one hand, was reenacted on tke Central Green sion to our monetary system. The ficers. and the problem of the relations’ be­ this afternoon, .when the Second | government would be glad to assist tween the na-vies of Great Britain, Company, Governor’s Foot Guard such celebrations in the creation of Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh­ France and Italy on the other. made the annual demand for the appropriate medals wlilch do not ters of the American Revolution, These are quite distinct problems. key to the powder house. The key have coinage functions. HELGE E. PEARSON m m e . m a r i a K U R B N K O conduct a food sale on Satur- The first of these has been solved. was 5delded with good grace by "(Signed) Bittalsn Coloratura Soprano ^ y afternoon of this 'week at the This is a great achievement in it­ Mayor Thomas A. Tully who took "HERBERT HOOVER:’’ W. Hale company’s store. Sell­ self and fruitful of great benefit to the part of that selectman of the ing I will begin at 2 o’clock and the the general conditions of the world town who on April. 24, 1775, yielded NASHA’S POPULATION WajrS and Means committee, of for the future. But it is a far to the demand of Captain Benedict High School Hall, Tonight, Aptil 21 Wl^ch>Mlss Alice Dexter is ebair- simpleh problem than the other Arnold hacked up by his little Nashua, N. H., April 21— (A P )— 8 too O’CLOCK be In charge. Baked becaiise the naval relations of three group of the town militia which was This city today won the distinction TICKETS $1.00 ‘^^BS.aad home made breads, cakes, countries, separated by such great ready for a march to Cambridge, of being the first city in New Eng­ TICKETS $1.00 j|plM:and other foods will be offered oceans and wide distances as separ­ Mass. The observances here are not land to make complete census re­ ate Great Britain, fte United States always on that date. turns. M H i I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 21,1930. DELAYED FOUR HOURS COURT OF HONOR public; sisted that she did not understand QUINNIPIAC TRAIL HAS English despite efforts by Judge ABOUT TOWN EIGHT BOYS APPLY UNDYSBREAK TWO UNLICENSED Johnson to induce her to tell the BY m s SAMARITAN JOB ITS FORMAL OPENING The local Boy Scout Court of story without the aid of an inter­ The enumeration of District 153 preter. Mrs. Silkowski appeared to I Honor baa invited the public to at­ in the town of Manchester has been FOR C.M .T.C. WORK CROS&NATION tend the regular meeting on Friday, understand all that was said in Eng­ completed. The boundries of that DRIVERS IN CRASH lish by the other witnesses. Man in a Hurry Encounters at 7:30 p. m., in the East Side Rec-. district are that part of Manchester i At a field meeting held Saturday reation Auditorium. Thia meeting Officer David Galligan made the in Bethany Gap, Arnold G. Dana ac- Accident He SayS, and Is bounded by Center street, Mmn promiaea to be the outatandihg one- arrest and said he found the man street, Hartford Road and Pine the PLANE RECORD Long Held as Suspect. dead drunk. Judge Johnson sent Quinnipiac Trail, which is the of the year for a number of reaaona. street. It is requested that any person Seven Manchester Young I Quinnipiac Trail, which is the first The number of Scouta receiving One, Drunk in Stolen Car, Silkowski to jail for ten days and i completed portion of the trail sys- Minott Wallace, 52, of West Hart­ suspended sentence on the breach of residing in that territory who has (Ckmtinued from Page 1) meritoiioua awards ia greater thaa not been enumerated will communi­ Aclr fnr NPWDOri.^tem of the Connecticut Forest and ford, was struck by an automobile ever before. Over one hundred peace count. cate at once with the office of the Men n o n lUl ■ F ^jpark Association. Prof. Everett O. Heads Long list of Police Farmer Drove Drunk Waters, chairman of the New Haven enroute, dinner a little later in New as he was walking along the turn­ awards are to be made. There will' supervisor, 225 Trumbull street. be the presentation of the highest 1 section, made the presentation York. pike at Dobsonville yesterday after­ H T S T t a l i h o n e number 2-^86: One for Vermont Detail. award yet made to a Manchester ! farmer, was fined $100 and costs for either by mail or phone, giving their, j j speech. All sections of the State Colonel Lindbergh who made the noon and one result of the accident Court Cases Today. I drunken driving. He was arrested flight to test the possibility of com­ Scout. name and address. I were represented. was the determination of W. H. Pope Followers of the local Scout ac- by Officer Raymond Griffin on Before and after lunch tramping mercial routes at high altitudes be­ of Medford, Mass., not to play good Thursday afternoon ‘of last week on Eight Manchester parties were taken over samples of ti-vities have ijoted the keen rivalry A cottage prayer “ meting will be | M. T. -eToute.' lieves that such flights will follow Samaritan hereafter without some for honor awards among local Fines and costs amounting to Main street north of the center. The About ten miles of the along the trail he blazed over the guarantee from somebody that he policeman was not in vmiform at troops. It is not unlikely mat this more than $500 were handed down ^v\or>i/°n?°the^ome^of°Mafo^rand! C. training, specifying Quinnipiac Trail west and north country. wan’t be put in the coop for it. meeting will result in an upset fn the time but had his badge with Atkinson of 27 Winter street i Rhode Island and Vermont.Theodore j Carmel, have been com- Wallace,. his wife and two sons, by Judge Raymond A. Johnson in him. Berger, who was on his way To Make Others. the present standing of the .teoops.' disposing of twelve cases in Man- I “This is only one flight,’’ he said, one 16 and the other 9, had been vis­ home to attend a birthday party in ^ I Ethan Allen in Vermont and Everett, jjgjjf- paint. The senes of iting friends in Vernon and were Chester police court this morning. | own honor, after beipg accosted ” —’ cliffs on York Mountain, Mad Man’s “and I hope to make others. 1 can Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller of North | Smith, ^ th er . . jj. say nothing at this time on the re- walking along the road planning to WOULD ELIMINATE TBOLLEY?. Fifteen charges were broughtorouguL by |i py Qnmn,Griffin, ]umpeujumped intomtu his car and ^ formerly of Man-iTnpp, Clarence Bergquist, j i ., Hill and Mt. Sanford, give a succes- I take a trolley car for home, when he | ------. Prosecuting Attorney Charles R. | tj-igd to escape, being overtaken at | ^ Easter with their! Maurice McKeever and Edward Mc- sion of wide offlooks. The actual !. suit of only one experiment. How­ Hathaway and he obtained twelve I Bissell’s Switch on the road to Oak- ^Je^er spent Easter witn inei ^ ^ to ever, I believe transport flying m was struck, knocked down and some- j Hartford, April 21.— (AP)—Seekr trail construction has beep done by what injured. It took toe state y^th all trolley servr Sm^ctions. Seven of the twelve U nd. He was defended by Attor- j relatives here. ____ Newport, R. L. for the the Yale Outing Club, the Boy the future will go to higher levels, j first the airmail and later passen­ police some time to fi^ re out j Middletown, and toe through men arrested live in Manchester^ i shea. Dr. LeVeme Holmes tes- | Bidwell was home from 1 one month’s summer training period. Scouts, and other volunteer work- whose car it was that hit him and, gg^gg between Hartford and to*t Liquor was responsible for five o i ! ^ified that Berger was not m a f i t , collese for the Easter week- j Most of these local boys nave a - ^ At wateroury,Waterbury, watertown Watertown anaand ger planes.” they may, not be quite sure yet. I city, toe Connecticut Company iis the cases. condition to drive a car although n ot. ^ Russell Remig and Elliott ready taken advantage of the Citi-. section chairmen with He said he flew at from 10,000 to John Lee of 27 Lockwood avenue, I A most unusual situation was as drunk as many drivers who have end Russia ^R^mig^^ Rensselaer | zens Military Training Camps in v a -, volunteer crews are working 15,000 feet altitude most of the way, Hartford, was toe driver of one car j scheduled to appear before toe Pub­ that six of the charges brought by come before him for examination, j = institute to spend East- rious parts of New England au i on other portions of the state trail except for the last stretch into New that figpired in the affair. Pope lic Utilities Commisrion tomorrow the prosecutor resulting5 ------from one Gotleib Paris, 63, of Hamlin street, y narents thorized under the National Defence j gygtem. The northern terminus of York. was driving the other. The latter, morning at 10:30 o’clock. automobUe accident. The driver 1 ^nd his son, Raymond, testified in I er wim tneir p a ^ . These camps have been ; Quinnipiac Trail will be South' The colonel gave to Mrs. Lind­ who is vice-president of toe Interna­ ’The company plans to replace toe of each car faced two and the po- i Berger’s behalf but the court im- j clarence H. Wick- organized for the i ington Mountain, where the Tunxis bergh most of the credit for the ac­ tional Association of Structural j discontinued trolley lines with buses. liceman on the way to investigate posed the usual fine. _ i pines, Manchester, have ing of youth and for later gradua- | continue north to the tual technical details of the flight. Iron Workers, was accompanied b y ' the accident plucked another viola- Louis Picaut of Hrunken returned from'^a trip of several tion to Reserve Officers Training | Massachusetts line, and the Matta- She did the navigating, he said, kept his son, a navy engineer who has tor of the law. It all came about | Rued $100 and <=°sts J o r j i r u ^ Pacific coast, the Corps camps throughout the coun-1 lyck Trail run northwest to Lake the charts and occasionally handled just enlisted for his fourth period of as a result of Thomas Murphy, 36 ; driving. He was j.gj! 1 Hawaiian Islands and Mexico. try. A selection of the best boys is j Mohawk. Feeder trails vrill be pro- the controls. The plane is equipped i service. The elder■ ■ “Pope was on his years old Dobsonville man, drinking ! Rudolph Wirtal a. M M®i I __ made by application from the ages ; every few miles, so that with dual, controls. way to an important conference of | too much liquor Saturday night : len of 43 Bliss street,^ 3S Mary oinpms ui BrocktonxaiuuivLuii, i of fo 24 and a pre^rence give ij.g^jjjpgj.g may select r^nd trip Both toe colonel and his lady were his association at Washington and; in Rockville. 1 William F. and WiUiam H. Johnson formerlv of Chestnut Lodge | to each successful candidate in the of varying length. OvernightLUl LUC smiling on arrival as they faced a j the son was hurrjring to catch his | Girl is Injured. ; of Manchester were all ^ned $10 and Maand Cheney Brothers accounting | particular branch of military de-1 shelters are among the -plans for the fntnrp The Connecticut 'Forest battery of cameras and a crowd of ship at Philadel^ia. Murphy became so intoxicated costs for speeding. The case of department, motored down to spend sired, I i i Julius Finkbein of Walnut street, j i ind Park Assodation 1.500 and 2,000 persons which had According to Pope’s stoij be saw i that he insists he was not respon­ li- Easter -with friends here. She was Firm But Not Harsh. land______t^arK ______Association expects_^___ to,— , ------^ gjjgg^j pf wMph later i arrested on a charge of seUmg j The activities of those attending; fjjg gfafg jn the lead in the de- | waited since early afternoon for sible for what he did and doesn’t her sister. Miss proved to be Lee’s, swerve to the left remember that he stole an automo­ n S T r had his case continued until j accompanied by i the first year at any of the camps 1 yelopment of this increasingly popu- their arrival. ?omo’rrow morning. Attorney Wil- | Anne Stnpms...... _____in ^ , ______i..__ rrv.« side of the road, and a moment af-l bile in front of the garage owned by is confined mostly to drills in the j jg^j. form of outdoor recreation, The colonel’s face was dirty and liam S. Hyde will represent him. The ; appeared drawn, but Mrs. Lindbergh terward he saw Wallace lying beside | The Louis P. Fitzgerald, a Manchester morning and sports of all kinds and the road, -with one of his boys beside j -man, in Rockville. He went for a arrest was made Saturday night by The dis­ looked as fresh as though she had Coffee Officers WirtaUa and McGlinn. him. He stopped his car, took Wal- i ride and everything went all right o n L f e r d a /a T d celebrated"^ th e '”-cipline ”' - of the various -campr, irre­ just stepped out of their home for a iace and the boy into it, and started j spective of toe military branch, is in ENGLISH PRINCESS Shoppe until the car he was driving figured ! event by a birthday party for seven stroll down Park avenue. for Manchester. By this time Lee, In a collision with one operated by no way harsh but of necessity As the photographers signified whose car had climbed part way up now ' boys and seven of his girl play­ stringent enough to encoura.ge or­ j Ernest Chapdelaine, 19, of 681 Hart­ mates. Arthur was rememiiercd thei were through, with him, the the bank, had gotten control of it. features FOUR RESCUED derliness, cleanliness and obedience RULES FOR A SPELL ford Road, at the intersection of ■with many gifts. colonel clambered out of the fore­ He picked up Mrs. 'Wallace and the Oakland street and Tolland Turn­ to recognized authority. Boys at ward cockpit and aided mechanics other boy. Lee says he knows noth­ camp are also encouraged to foster; pike. Miss Hilda Peterson, 16 Center church Women’s Federa- (Continued from Page 1.) in wheeling the plane into a hangar ing about striking anybody. years old, of Hackmatack street, AS CAR SINKS IN personal dependability and initia-: where room had been made for it. Pope and his son as well as Lee Combination riding in the car with Chapde­ o ^ V S e s S ^ y S^thS“ S^^^^ tive. More anaand more boysDoys uiof theLUC ;| gp delighted ^l^gn her Their car was driven up under one were detained here from about 4:30 laine suffered a slight scalp wound Mrs. Ray PiUsbury, 101 Chestnut j High ^Schojil^j^umor^a^ adjourned__J______for „a time___ to the of toe wings. till half past 8 before they were per­ have taken advantage of the C. M. ^ pgg^jg grounds that she waved - ex-! and was treated at the Manchester street. The program -will ’oe fur Eemainds In Plane mitted to proceed. Both motorists Breakfasts /-»V i t >"|J n • T. X . Camps each summer.------— - - citedly toW thousands ...... of people who Memorial hospital. THEHOCKANUM Dished by the following children: j Mrs. Lindbergh remained in the are to appear in Rockville police ERVED from 6 :3 0 to After the accident, Murphy got Mary Alice Andrews, Priscilla Pilis- The season for New En^andEngland . collected collected outside. outside. So great was court later. opens this year July 5 and extends to ' crush that the authorities were plane, her head ducked down to 9:30. An added service out of the stolen car and started bury, Lois Shelton, Helen Viertel avoid the stare of the curious crowd Wallace, who was suffering from walking back toward Dobsonville. (Continued from Page l.) August 3 at Fort McKinley, Maine; ; fpj-ced to close the gates against the S that enables you to enjoy and Mary Hitt. The hostess will be which attempted to push its way a slight concussion and bruises, was He was overtaken on the Talcott- Fort Adams, Newport, R. L; Fort jjpgg crowd which had gathered to delicious Coffee Shoppe food standing in water almost up to his ] assisted by Mrs. Samuel Bohn and Into the hangar, until all but a sent home by the hospital authorities ville flats by Sergeant John Crock­ Ethan Allen, Vt., and Camp Devens, ■wish the princess happy returns of at every meal. We have in­ Smith managed to get Mar- j Mrs. George Smith, handful were cleared out. and told to stay in bed a day or two. ett who had been notified - of the neck. Mass. the day. The crowd cheered the He says he will sue somebody if he cluded all the most popular gois* ashore and was back again m ' Information and applications may The colonel then assisted her accident by young Chapdelaine. The general social committee of princess vrildly and she smiled and can find out who to sue. breakfast foods among which After an investigation it was dis­ a moment in time to help Mrs. Mar- be secured from Captain James H. waver back at them. out and into the seat of their car are cereals, fruits, strictly eois ashore after Kasilauskas he the Highland Park Cominunitv club McVeigh at IVatkins Brothers store where she waited imtil he gave a 1 covered that Murphy had stolen the announces a series of six setback fresh eggs (any style) muf­ car amd did not even have a license; Luled her out. Then the two boys, or any of the officers of Dilworth- short interview. | fins, toast, doughnuts and Samuel, 15, and John, 9, '-were parties, toe first to be held tomor- Cornell Post American Legion. STRUCK BY TROLLEY. As they drove out of the hangar i HORSE RACE also that Chapdelaine’s brakes were row evening at 8 o*clock at the Danish pastry—all at our rescued in turn. after the interview, ostensibly | usual moderate prices. useleM and that he, too, was oper­ clubhouse. Six prizes will be Long Champs, France, April 21.— ating without a license. His moth­ Victims CoUapsc New Haven, April 21.— (AP) — bound for a New York hotel where The half drowned, wholly chilled awarded and refreshments served. NEARBY BROOKS GIVE Michael Condon, 65, received a pos­ they had reservations, one of the (AP.)—Baron De Rotchschild’s Ve- THE ' er owned the car. Ernest Roy, and almost suffocated -victims all loucreme won the Prix Greffulhe, north end garage man, testified that sible fractured skull, a fractured state troopers guarding the plane COFFEE SHOPPE collapsed. The rescuers and a pas­ Members of the Manchester Girl wrist and face lacerations todsy said Mrs. Lindbergh, apparently first of the season’s classics for the brakes on the Chapdelaine ma­ the Scout Council will give a card party three year olds today. The race was Next to Hale’s chine were invalid. Both machines serby or two rolled t'nem on UP SOME GOOD FISH when struck by a trolley car. His more tired than she appeared, burst bank while telephone messages were j ^his evening at the Green school ha.l condition was not believed to be into tears and the colonel leaned worth 180,000 francs (about $1,200) were damaged but Miss Peterson sent for the police and an ambul- fp^ the promotion of Girl bcouc j serious. over to comfort her. » to toe winner. was the only person injured. ‘ ance The Margois family were ^grk in toe cojnmunity. ' Is Heavily Fined. j Not all the fishermen with seven hurried to the hospital where it was league boots are the successful Murphy was represented in court found that with the exception of the Nutmeg Forest, No. 116, Tall Ce­ by Attorney William J. Shea, who dars of Lebanon will meet this eve­ ones. Art McCann, Prudential In- father they had escaped wounds suraxice agent, is on the job every entered a plea of guilty on both but were all in a bad way from the ning for its regular meeting at the counts. Mr. Shea brought out that eects of shock and submersion. Masonic Temple at 7:30. day, yet gets his share of trout. Murphy lives alone with his aged Margois was slightly himt about the Art figured that with all the fish­ ermen taking the long jaunts to the mother whose sight is impaired and head. It w as. said at the hospital The Tuesday afternoon card par­ I that he is her sole support. He today that they would probably be ties at the West Side Rec will be state leased stree*ns, that there said that Murphy was a hard work- ^ ^ay or two! might be a few small ones around rmlv trouble was oc- au rignt m y ___ continued until further notice. ing man whose only trouble was oc Meantime Kasilauskas and Smith town. Consequently he arose wito casionally getting drunk. He was the robins and dropped his hook in went home, changed their clothes The first annual dance of John a few local brooks that looked like in the na-vy during the World War. and were back at the scene in a few Mather Chapter, Order of DeMola.y, He had never o'wned an automobile good trout water. Just a week has Automatic Washer to be held at the Masonic Temple, minutes. passed sinca toe law went off and nor had a license to operate one. Kasilauskas and Smith were vot­ Wednesday evening, will be a semi- Art says he has caught 40 good Attorney Shea said that any penal­ ed by the big crowd that the ac­ formal affair. Invitations number ty imposed would affect the mother sized fish for his time and trouble. cident attracted, to have been 400. The affair ■will be toe largest According to the local insurance more than the guilty son. Mrs. rescuers of the heroic type, for the ever given by the local Chapter and agent there are several good brooks For A Limited Murphy was in court accompanied Margois family would probably the general committee in charge, Our around towm that can furnish a by a married daughter. never have gotten out of their trap James McCaw, chairman; James Judge Johnson said that it was good day’s sport if conditions are alive if they had not received the Wilson, Wesley Warnock, and right. Warden Walter E. Luettgens one of those cases where the public promptest and most efficient kind Arthur Da'vis, are plarming numer­ also gives out the dope about sever­ had little sympathy with the ac­ of assistance. ous attrq,ctions, among them Leo cused. His only regret was that Rdy and his Spanish Cavaliers of al trout weighing a pound being Time Only toe burden of whatever sentence he Springfield, the orchestra that made caught in natoral brooks within a irnposed would fall on the mother. LAUGHTER SURE TO RULE such a hit at the Tall Cedars Apnl few miles of the tovra clerk’s office, He said that under normal condi- Fool frolic. The decorations of the and backs it up with a page from ,tions a jail sentence was justifiable. Temple banquet ball ■will be in toe his little book. Not all toe real fish He imposed a fine of $50 and costs i AT CHAMBER BANQUET Spanish mode to harmonize ■with are in the state leased streams, say those who know, and the best of it for theft, $100 and costs with a sus- j the costumes of the orchestra. Only Down pended jail sentence of 10 days for | is they are real trout. $4.95 drunk driving and $10 and costs for j Entertainment that is bound to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scott of 87 $6.30 A MONTH $99.50 BUDGET dri-ving 'Without a license. This draw gales of laughter from the Garden street were honored Satur­ made a total of more than $2^. audience will be offered at the 29th day evening by toe ■visit of a party HEBRON ,u $25 for Brakes. annual banquet of the Manchester of their relatives and friends in rec­ in Chapdelaine's case, a fine of Chamber of Commerce, to be held ognition of toe thirty-fifth anni­ $25 and costs was imposed for driv­ The union Good Friday service at at the Masonic Temple. Wednesday versary of their marriage. A pleas­ St. Peter’s Episcopal church was ing ■mthout a license. Louis Chap­ evening, April 30, in the persons of ant evening was spent with games, delaine, brother of the defendant, well attended by parishioners of the Vernon Stone and Electra Platt, one music and dancing. A buffet lunch different churches of the town from $95.00 said he had taken part of the brake of the headline acts from Clements was served. During the evening, Hebron Center, Gilead, Amston and lining off toe car and that his Entertainment Bureau, Hartford. Charles Garrow in behalf of the brother took the car without being outlying districts. Rev. John W. These artists are said to be gathering presented to Mrs. Scott a Deeter assisted in the rendering of ALSO 40 PACKAGES aware of it. genuine mirth provokers and their pocketbook containing a gold piece, toe service and Allan L. Carr, read­ Arthur S. Ferrill, 19, of 5 Hawley jokes, stories and novelties provide and a bill-fold with gold piece to street, was the person arrested by er in charge, delivered an eloquent ------OF- joy long to be remembered. Mr. Mr. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Scott came sermon on toe subject, “The Way J Sergeant Crockett on his way to in­ stone is a versatile artist and plays here from Newry, Ireland, a few vestigate the Oakland accident. The to the Cross.” Members of both the violin, banjo, saxaphone, piano j years ago church choirs assisted in the music. officer testified that young Ferrill accordian, mandolin, guitar, cello, ^ ------was dri'ving 48 miles an hour and Rev. T. D. Martin sang a solo, and saw, radio fiddle (it talks,) rubber | Knights of Pythias lodges in this Miss C. E. Kellogg presided at the would not let him pass. Probation 'balloon, tire pump, auto tire tube, i jurisdiction vrill bold a district meet- Officer Edward C. Elliott, Jr., rep­ organ. rifle, funnel, and trick cigar box. j Orange hall Wednesday eve- Miss Helen Gilbert is spending resented Ferrill and enter a plea of And what is more, he is also the gjug gt 8 o’clock. In the district are guilty. The minimum fine of SIO her ten days’ Easter vacation at toe Rinso originator of all the mechanical ef- i lodges in Rock'ville, Stafford, home of her mother, Mrs. Anne C. and costs was imposed. and “stunt’ and fects, radio fiddle and “stunt” in- Tirompson-vllle, East Hartford Gilbert. 10 ChUdren, $25 Car, struments he uses. those here. An elaborate program The arrest of Paul Sklodosky, 42, Miss Marjory Martin, of the Dal­ Another laugh getter will be Dr. of speeches and musical numbers is ton, Mass, public library, spent toe of 101 Brooklyn street, Rock-ville, Gideon B. Searles of Torrington in course of preparation. The mas­ week-end at the home of her par­ FREE charged ■with operating an automo- who will ^eak on “ How to live to ter of ceremonies will be Past Chan­ ents, Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Martin. mile without proper brakes, brought be 100 years of age.” Despite the cellor Philip Merriman of Elm Lodge The Misses Pendleton and Mrs. out the fact that he is the father of seriousness of his subject he is ex­ No. 63 of East Hartford. Anne C. Gilbert entertained toe WITH EACH PURCHASE ten children and hasn't been wojk- tremely humorous and illustrates Women’s Bridge club at their home ing for toe past year. None of toe his lecture with a skeleton composed Campbell Coimcil, K. of C., 'wUl Wednesday evening. There were Sa%soaks dothesuiyisr children are old enough to work. He of a banana stalk and a hum ^ skull meet in its rooms this evening. three tables. Mrs. Walter Wright, a OF THIS said that he bought the car, a 1923 wuth which he discusses the import­ g;uest for the evening, had the high­ Essex coach, about a month ago for ant parts^______of the anatomy. - . Miss Arma DeGutis of Albany, N. est score, with Mrs. Anne C. Gil­ $25 and that he carried no insur­ The entertainment committee con- | jg spending a week ■with Mr. and bert a close second. ance. It was not brought out how sists of Robert J. Smith, William B. Mrs. William Haggerty of Liberty William Woodward of Greyville the family obtained enough money Halsted, George H. Waddell, and street. has returned from the Brewster’s to meet living expenses. The court Robert Gordon. Neck sanitarium where he has been commented upon the fact that Mrs. Lucius Foster, regent of Or- under treatment for the past year (• Sklodosky wais nevertheless able to ford Parish, D. A. R., Miss Emma or more. buy gasoline and toe prosecuting at­ 1929 HOSPITAL BABIES Hutchinson, Miss Ida Holbrook, and The three-year-old daughter of torney saw this as one of the so- others who have been attending the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Rathbun, DUO-DisC called Iiysteries that are responsi­ Continental Congress in Washipg- Charlotte Norma, sufffcred a pain­ TUNE IN ON STATION ble for nine-tenths of the non-sup­ GUESTS AT RECEPTION ton, are expected home today. Mrs. ful injury when the door of the au­ WBZ AND WJZ port cases. W. B. Lull of Himtington street who tomobile in which she was driving Seventh Appearance. is visiting relatives will remain in ■with her father,, accidentally slam­ EVERY SUNDAY FROM The case of August Silkowski of Manchester Memorial hospital med, crushing her thumb. She was 110 Broad street, consumed most of plans to celebrate May 12, which is Washington for another week. 4:30 TO 5:00 P. M. WASHER taken to the Willimantic hospital the hour and fifteen minutes which National Hospital Day, by giving a where toe injury wais treated. court ^as in session. He was reception at 3 o’clock in toe after­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Beam of 20 Phelps Road who have been at charged with intoxication and noon, for all babies born in the hos­ SOUTHERN EDITORS MEET. breach of the peace. It was his pital since January 1, 1929, and their West Palm Beach, Florida, for some time, are motoring home by easy seventh appearance in court. Un­ mothers and fathers. Refreshments Chattanooga, Tenn., April 21. — like most ^ v es in similar cases I will be served, and souvenie#fe, made stages. (AP)—Southern newspaper publish­ ■where they have brought toe com­ I possible by indmdual members of ers association headquarters today THE MANCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. plaint which led to the arrest of I the board of trustees, will be pre­ St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters annoimced that a luncheon of mem­ PHONE 5181 their husbands, Mrs. Silkowski was sented each hospital baby. of Isabella, will meet tomorrow eve­ bers would be held in New York City 773 MAIN STREET SOU^H MANCHESTER present in court and a willing wit­ During the day from 10 a. m. un- ning at 7:30 in the K. of C., club- tomorrow at the Hotel Governor ness against her husband. She til 3 p. m., the hospital will be open rooms. A card party will follow the Clinton for discussion of labor mat­ broke into tears when as she told to the public for inspection. The business. ters relating to southern daily news­ board of trustees and the superin­ her sto ry through an interpreter. papers. ' It developed that the trouble, as tendent of the hospital are hopeful A Total of 67 persons were receiv­ Members of the organization are M ATT MERZ — Associate Dealer that many will avail themsel'ves of usual, started in a discussion over ed by letter and on confession of in New York today for the annual MANCHESTER m oney and when Silkowski was this opportunity to inspect their faith at toe Easter morning service 141 NORTH MAIN ST., TEL. 6718, own Manchester Memorial hospital. meeting of toe Associated Press and (jn m k . Dishes were broken and of Center Congregational church will stey for toe meeting of toe A n ally toe wife was chased out of Over 150 births have occurred at the hospital since the first of last yesterday, held in toe Masonic American Newspaper Publishers As- to e house when her husband threw a ^ ^ociation Wednesday. (*air. at her. Mrs. Silkowski - in- year. ■ — . — - : . Templ^. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930. P A G E F O U R GARBO’S VOICE HEARD TR IM ty ANNOONCtS SIX VIOIENT DEATHS The Dog and His Shadow! SHANGHAI’S CLUBS ROCKVILLE HAVE CURFEW LAW AT U ST AT THE STATE OVER THE WEEK END I Proves a Splendid Tool in Her Bobby Burns, former catcher for Interpretation of O’Neill the Springfield Baseball Armory Most Close at 2 a. m , Just Hartford, April 21.--(AP.)— baseball team, who has played on Character “Anna Christie.” Trinity College tpday announced In Stamford, Mother Kills i many Connecticut teams in recent that two bequests have bfeen Slade ' years, has been secured to coach the When the Customers Start Greta Garbo talks at last in “Anna Christie,” showing at the to It for the perpetuation of ♦ the ...... team, of memory of Ju^e Josspb Buffing­ Herself and Two Children 1 whirhwhich nharlesCharles Weber isi .manager. State today and Tuesday. Any tre­ pidation her local admirers may ton of Philadelphia presiding judge In Police CPlwt To Spend. have had with icgard to her speak­ of the Federal Circuit Court of Ap­ by Turning on the Gas. Howard Wincbell, 49 aod Paul ing voice were dispelled at the open- peals in the ’Third Judicial District. Judge Buffington who has served on CirchowBki, 52 of Rockville, wer-e Shanghai,— (A P )—The night life ing performance at the State last the Federal bench longer than any before Justice of the Peace Harry of the “Paris of the Far East” as evening. Not only is her voice » other judge , In the history of the Morganson in ToUanff Town Cou*'t the various Shanghai Chambers of ‘ revelation, but she also demon- By Associated Bress United States, is a trustee of the on Saturday. WincheU^ was found Commerce call their city, is threat- \ strated that there is no finer actress college from which he was grad­ Six violent deaths, four of them I guilty of intoxication, fined $5 and ened by a new menace. i screen. occurring in Stamford where a : costs and given a thirty days su- The city administrations which so I -A-s the pathetic Anna of Eugene uated in 1875. mother killed herself and two chil­ j spended jail sentence. Paul Cic- completely wiped out the gambling , O Neill’s celebrated drama, Miss The bequests have been made by Herbert Dupuis of Pittsburgh dren by turning on the gas jets in a 1 chowski was charged with operating casinos of the International Settle-1 Garbo gives an unforgettable per- '.bedroom were reported over the j an automobile while under the in- ment last summer by sending the | formance. Her voice is entirely where Judge Buffington lived until recently, and Judge Buffington’s w’eek-end in Connecticut. I fluence of liquor and making a proprietors to prison, has decided t o ; t3q>ical of her other characteristics, A fourth death was reported in false statement on , his .appjicatiou make matters as uncomfortable as | A.s she is the master of pantomme, wife. 1 Mr. Dupuis will leave the college Stamford while auto accidents were j for a license. The charge of driviri,'! 4F possible for the bars and cabarets ; so she has complete control of her responsible for deaths in Sharon and by closing them up at two o’clock i vocal organs, wielding a voice as $5,000 for general expenses given ' while imder the influence of liquor “in consideration and warm admi­ ‘ Hartford. in the morning. 1 mailable as wax to suit every mood. j was nolled on payment of costs aud ration of my ’ friend, the Honorable Mrs. Edna W. Minckler, 33, and | he was fined $10 on the second ’The regulation comes as a dis- | -At times it carries a penetrating her two children Arthur 7 and tinct surprise to cabaret managers ^ I «r c e n ^ ; again it is soft and mel- Joseph Buffington who has bees so j count. faithful and such a devoted alunmus Eleanor 6 were found dead in a gas i The two men were arrested oy and hundreds of Russian, Chinese low- ^lokford, hero of w h o! “Dynamite,” plays opposite Miss of said institution.” filled bedroom in Stamford. Six gas i State Policeman Kenneth Stevens of and Japanese dancing girls ■ jets in the room had been turned on. j Garbo, and George Marion, who cre­ Trinity College wiU receive the the Stafford barracks. make their living tripping the light residue of Mrs. BulR>on’s estate, Was Despondent fantastic at so much “per trip” . It ated the father role on the stage, Going to Germany. subject to the life u s e ^ her hus­ A fit of despondency, police said, is the consensus among the night repeats his performance, and Marie was responsible for Mrs. Minckler s August Hoffman of 30. Windemere Dressier, as the old hag. gives the band, to perpetuate Judge Buffing­ owls that both tfie cabarets and the ton’s memory in such a manner as act. Mrs. Hazel Huntington, a sis­ avenue has left for Germany where girls are doomed to “slim pickings” , first dramatic role of her career an ter of the woman said Mrs. Minck- he will remain for many months. He excellent characterization. the trustees of the college shall j unless the municipal council relents consider most appropriate. ler’s husband, Raymond Minckler will visit his. twQ sisters and other I and rescinds the order. The surrounding bill includes Ben had deserted the family about five relatives. He has not visited his oid Pollock and his Park Central band; Judge Buffington haa been on the The order also means that the in­ Federal bench for 37 years. or six years ago. { home in twenty years. He will be ternational settlement ■will lose most Murray and Oakland in the comedy Joseph Merto of Stamford was i joined later by his daughter, Mrs. of its glamour for Boutiest parties skit, "Satires,” and the latest sound fatally injured when struck by a I Richard Brache, and her husband, and “ tired” and wealthy business news. taxicab driven by Michael Giglio, I of Burnside, and plans to return men who visit this part of the world On Wednesday evening, the State .’while in Sharon, Alex Frederickson, j home jn September. to have a “look-see” at the life of management will present another of TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 36, of Hawthorn, N. Y., was killed the popular International Nights, I Memorials Blessed. this allegedly wicked place, for the when a car in which he was riding i cabarets are to Shanghai what night kno^ as "Scotch Night.” Six acts Three memorials were blessed at of clean snappy vaudeville that is a with Patrick Waters of Wingdale, life is to Paris. Notice of The N. Y., crashed into a tree. Waters St. John’s Episcopal church on Sun- credit to the Scotch people will I day morning at 10:30, including an To the ordinary human being, two was injured, but his condition was o’clock may seem a late closing make up the program on that night. 1 altar and reredos given in memory not believed serious. hour, but not according to the Tax Collector The Hartford accident resulted in of Mr. and Mrs. George Randall 1 y Shanghai calculations, most people the death of Benjamin Zachs, 70 his daughters, a new chancel given COLLEGE FRATERNITIES • All persona uabel op taw to pay STUDENT STRIKE ENDS who go out for an evening start Town or Personal Taxes, in the who was struck by a machine oper­ by Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Cum­ scout (AniHI PROCBin THREE GANGSTERS their-making at any one of half a ated by William Doyle. mings in memory of their grand­ Town of Manchester, are hereby no­ dozen hotels which usually close TAKE RESPONSIBIlin tified that i will bave a rata bill for daughter, Miss Catherine Clark; a their ball-rooms about one o’clock. new baptismal ewer in memory ct Harrogate, Tenn., April 21—(AP) the U st of 1929, of t i MUia on tbe Bombay, India, April 21— (AP) — From the hotels the revelers go the dollar due and oolle^ble cm April Roland Purnell by his parents, Mr. KILLED IN CHICAGO —Dr. H. Robinson Shipherd, new SWALLOWS BIT OF TIN Strong denunciation of the Gandhi all-night cabarets where professional Middletown, April 21.— (AP.)—A 1. 1930, Personal Tax dua April president,of Lincoln Memorial Uni­ j and Mrs. Ernest Purnell, civil disobedience movement was dancing partners are to be had at a majority of fraternity men of Wes­ 1. 1930. IN HASH; DEATH FOLLOWS B»?v. Mr. Brookes III. made today by Maulvl Mohamed versity, said the “student strike is dollar mex for three dances. leyan have expressed the opinion I Rev. George S. Brookes, pastor of Yakub, deputy president of the Chicago, April 21.—(AP)— The over” and forecast a return of nor- The cabaret managers have voiced that responsibility in dealing with Said Tax Payable at thb j Union Congregational church, has Legislative Assembly, speaking at Blue Hour saloon, no stranger to uial conditions at the institution to- a strong protest against the business liquor offenders in the university Collector’s Offlea Rockville Woman, Preparing been ill several days and on Sunday the All-India Muslim conference. gang murder, saw a triple slaying < a strong protest against the Muni­ should be assumed by fraternities. morning Dr. Sherrod Soule of Hart­ He said the civil disobedience early Easter morning. ! "-Justice, mercy and intelligence cipal Council’s action. They point Figures made public today by D. in the Municipal BoUdinc Luncheon, Has Throat Lacer­ One man entered the speakeasy, will be used in straightening out the ford occupied the pulpit. movement was intended to establish out that the real business is not done C. Mills, chairman of the committee from ated by Metal Scrap. the domination of the majority over tossed a dollar bill on the bar 'and entangled affairs,” he said, adding until well after one o'clock and that in charge of a survey made in Feb­ Meeting. the minorities of India, and that the ordered beer. 'Twominutes later he it probably would be several ' jjjg psychology of the Shanghai ca- ruary on eight subjects showed that APRIL 1 TO A t a recent meeting of the Union M A Y 1 (Special.) Mahatma apparently had the idea ran out, the beer untouched, change days before the status of 25 eri^TOiled , baret frequenter is such that he will 68.9 per cent of the 438 students inclusive. Rockville, April 21.—Mrs. Paulioe Church Tennis Club, Kenneth White that Swaraj (Independence) vvas from his dollar still on the bar—and students is defined, i not go out for one or two hours en- who made replies said that fraterni­ I. Bush, 70, of 14 Mountain street, was elected - president and Miss obtainable without the cooperation three dead men on the sawdust The new president, a Harvard j tertalnment in the evening, but pre- ties should assume this responsi­ Hours: 9 A, M. to 4 P« M« ex­ Dorothy Merrick was re-elected who has been ill two weeks from of the Muslims. floor. educator, took over active charge . fers to make his noctural jaunt an bility: 27.9 per cent replied that the cept Thursday, April 3» swallowing a piece of tin while eat­ treasurer. The young people plan “Under these circumstances,” he Walter Wakefield, “’The Fibber” of the university Saturday. He is ; all-night affair, faculty should take charge, while ing some canned corned beef, died at a successful tennis season. declared, “we cannot consistently lay dead behind the bar. A bullet from New York City and was chosen I The manager of the largest for- co-operation between the fraterni­ day, April 10, Thuraday, April her home on Saturday morning. To Hear Former Pastor. with our self respect join in or had struck him in the back of the by a committee of^. trustees made elgn cabaret in the international set­ ties and faculty was suggested tiy 17, Thursday, April 24 and Mrs. Bush has been under the care Rev. Percy Thomas, pastor of the sympathize with the lawless move­ head. up of Dr. F. A. Seiberllng, Akron, tlement is credited with making the 3.2 per cent. Thursday, May 1. Hours 9 of a local physician and Dr. William Lowell Congregational church, for­ ment which recently came to birth Frank Del Re, sometimes called Ohio; General Hines, Washington; , statement that his place does not The figures dealt with fraternity and F. W. Lafrentz, New York. begin to pay its nightly cost of up­ A. M. to 9 P. M. Dwyer of Hartford. Her throat be­ mer pastor of Union church, this in Bombay presidency. Frank Dire, 33, -also had been shot matters entirely. Answers on other Interest will be added to all taxes keep until at least three o’clock in questions indicated that the frater­ ing badly lacerated. An abcess city, will return to Rockville next “The Indian Muslims are not be­ in the back, apparently as he sought ^ remaining unpaid after. ¥ a y - 1. hind any other community in their the morning. His cabaret runs often nity men were overwhelmingly of formed. It was thought, however, Sunday to preach at the latter to flee. ' 1930. Interest wfl) atart Crom desire for freedom of their mother­ until six or seven o ’clock and it Is the opinion that “ the fraternity that she was on the road to recov­ Joseph Special, 28, partner of ARREST HINDU LEADERS April 1.1930 and wiH be at tbe fate church at the evening service. It is land but they must be guaranteed during these early hours that the spirit of the majority of Wesleyan ery and her friends were shocked to Del Re in the operation of the gro- j ol 9 per cent to October I, 1930 expected hj will be greeted by a adequate safeguards of their relig­ eery, lay dead in front of the bar. i place makes a profit. fraternity undergraduates is great­ hear of her death. and at tbe rate of 10. per cent for large congregation. ious and political rights.” No Peace PMt. | Bombay, April 21.—(AP)—Two Managers of large cabarets cater­ er than their college spirit.” The MfB. Bush was born in RoBkviHe Conduits Laid. ing to Chinese are of the same op­ fraternity men, the survey showed balance of yean Interest at the Detectives saw the -tnurders as- a leaders in the civil disobedience rate of 12 per cent aftpr U«n has and resided here all her life. She The Southern New England Tele- j score against the A1 Capone gang, for inion. They point out that the Chi­ do not believe that a student who campaign of Mahatma Gandhi and been filed. wiU. be- < was a member of Trinity Lutherau j - ro"""hrs a gang of men at the dead men were Capone disciples. nes merry-makers have much the joins a fraternity is in danger of. church and the Laries’ Aid Society c-o., nas the all India National Congress work on Union street laying con- j COLD IN LONDON They saw the crime both as a refu­ were arrested today for violations of same habits as the foreigners and losing his individuality nor do they GEORG^li,;lHOW]^ connected with the church. She duits. The work has already been j tation to the reported “peace agree­ the salt act. do not start their heavy spending think that there are too many fra­ Collector leaves two daughters, Mrs. Berfia completed between the library and j ment” in gangland and as a chal­ They are Sadhu Swam! Anandt imtil morning. ternities at Wesleyan. Burkhardt and Mrs. Eva Hirth, both the Union church. It is the plan’ of | London, April 21.—(AP.)—The lenge to tlfe Capone overlordship. who recently took charge of the of Rockville and a grandson, Francis the company to use full size to'l Easter season of 1930 will be re­ There were political and labor civil disobedience camp at Ville- Burkhardt. cable instead of several smaller membered in Great Britain as one racketeering angles, too, the racket­ parte, near Bombay, in succession to The funeral will be held on Tues­ ones, which now run overhead. Some of the coldest on record. eering possibilities being regarded as Jamalai Najaj, also arrested, and day afternoon at 2 o’clock at her of the wires will be removed from After a shivering Good Friday, a particularly significant in view of K. M. Munshi, who recently resigned late home and at 2:30 from tlie Union street later. Saturday that was even colder and the persistent word lately that Ca­ his seat in the legislative council to THE Trinity Lutheran church. Rev. E. O. an Easter Sunday that was not only pone had ambitions to “muscle” into join the civil disobedience movement. /Nurse Report. Pieper will officiate, with burial in cold but afforded a mixture of rain, labor organizations. Meanwhile Gandhi is in Oujerat Grove HiU cemetery. The Rockville Visiting Nurse re­ sleet and snow, the thermometer The Blue Hour saloon is the place busying himself with a compara­ Mrs. Bush was preparing corned port, which was announced recently, dropped today almost to the freez­ where Jimmy Vinci and Joe Gran- tively small district. beef hash for luncheon. To test the shows much work done through ing point in several parts of south­ atta shot it out in a death duel five seasoning, she tasted a spoonful, March. A total of 746 visits have ern England. Ah', early reading at years ago. and as she did so felt a hard sub­ been made. Of this number 708 were Croydon for instance showed the CAPONE IN FLORIDA stance in her throat. She immedi­ nursing, 20 were advisory, Itt social temperature at .34 degrees Fahren­ LODGE OPENS MEETING service and two American Red Cro.sa heit. Athens, Greece, April 21.— (AP.) ately went to the office of Dr. T. F. Miami, April 21— (AP) —Arriv­ Rockwell, who worked for many Home service calls. There were 85 On the south and east coast, holi­ —The International Congress of lolkr-water remover ing quietly under protection of a minutes before he could remove patients the beginning of the month day-makers shivered, on the bleak Psychical Research opened in j ■with 92 cases admitted. There were seafront while amusement place Athens today, with Mrs. Johnson Federal Injunction, Alphonse Ca­ 'what proved to be a piece of tin an Lowe representing America. pone, Chicago racketeer, is back at «;/f/L enclosedt inch square. 83 patients under care at the closa proprietors and boat owners be­ 1 of the month. moaned the most doleful Easter­ Sir Oliver Lodge made a speech his Palm Island estate "for a rest tide for them in many years. on the Importance of international which I think I deserve.” ! Candidates Wanted. union and urged the yoimg to learn Capone reached here yesterday by posifive-actioTii I The Rockville High school coac.i, foreign languages} and then to work train from Chicago and was met I A. E. Chatterton, is seeking young for an international language. Con­ by his attorneys. He took a 13 : men who would like to attend the JAP PARLIAMENT OPENS gress was invited to a festival in the year nephew, who accompanied him automatic drain Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dewey |; Citizens’ Military Camp. Rockvihe and his young son for a speedboat motored to Springfield Saturday i Stadium in the afternoon, when the 1 is entitled to send five men and to fiags of the war of Independence ride on Biscayne Bay and then re­ morning and took their son and his i date only one has been selected. Mr. vfrere grouped around the president tired to his residence. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Dewey { Tokyo, April 21— (AP)—The Jap­ T U N E I N Chatterton has addressed the Amer­ of the republic, who was saluted by to Mansfield to spend the day with | anese Parliament opened today for on Mart«C Radio Froctama o««r ican Legion and Wheel Club m d he army and navy forces on review. NEW FORD TRUCK GEARED N 3.C. CoBit (o Coan Nanrork relatives and friends at the home of a three weeks session which is ex­ plans to address other groups. The FOR FOURTH MORE SPEED M ON DAY B Tcnlnn 9<00 B a T n Mrs. Roger Dewey. pected to be a lively one. 8«00 C AT., 7:00 MTT., 6rf» P.T. ZEP TO GO TO ENGLAND , Mrs. Dorothy D. Donnahue of Camp session lasts a month and all Criticism by the opposition will WJZ, New Yorki KDKA, Rtt» For imm expenses are paid for those atteod- Friedrichshafen, Germany, April Model AA Ford trucks now are bu^mj KYW. Chicawi KSTP.8^ wMoal New York spent the week end at concentrate on three main points: PanV^WSM, NaihriUci WREN, trietty, Utt ing. namely; The prevailing business de­ 21.—(AP.)—Captain Ernst Leh­ available in two gear ratios, the the home of her parents, Mr. and Ford Motor company announced to­ Kanwa Citri K O A Denvert KSL, UtyUtiS pression, imemplgyment, and what mann, vice-skipper of the Graf Zep­ Salt Lake Citn WKY, Oklahena asaUMlf Mrs. Harry P. Files. W’orked Degree. day. In addition to the 6.6 to 1 wUkin-huU is described as the failure of the pelin, announced today that the CitTi KFRC, Houttont KEC A l,oa E. J. Mayo has opened a Socony Tankeroosan Tribe, I. O. R. M., ratio, which has been standard, the Angeleai KGW , PortlazuJl o n d M iueHn* government to insist’ on Japan s giant dirigible would fly to England Astociated Stations, m o to r Filling station at Wapping Center. exemplified the himters and war­ truck is being produced with a ratio primary claimq at the naval con­ April 26. Departing at 6 a. m., it ex­ He recently bought the home vacat­ riors degree on a class of candidates pects to reach Cardington at 5 p. of 5.14 to 1. The new ratio in­ ed by Mr. arid Mrs. Carroll, on the at the eighteenth anniversary cele­ ference. creases the speed of the truck ap­ The Lower House elected Ikuno- m., anchoring there for an hour to Ellington road. Mr. Mayo plans to bration of Miantonomoh Tribe ot take Dr. Hugo Eckener, head of the proximately 28 per cent, and Is de­ open an automobile repair shop. He Manchester on Saturday night. suke Fujisawa Speaker and Shoju Koyama Vice Speaker. Both belong Zeppelin Company, aboard. Arrival signed to meet transportation re­ Idso Intends to raise poultry and There was a large delegation pres­ at the home hangar is planned for quirements in which s^eed is more of h e n e w roller water remover has ordered 300 chicks. His chicken to the Minsaito or Government ent from Rockville. Sunday morning. a factor than power. o f the NEW Maytag was de­ coops and repair shop are now im- Flower Sale. Party. der construction. The formal opening presence of Tveloped at a cost of more than The annual flower sale held un­ Mrs. Elliott Elmore is conva­ the Emperor will take place Wed­ $290,000. The en clo^, positive ac­ der the auspices of Stanley Dobosz nesday. lescing at the Hartford hospital Post, American Legion, the last tion, automatic drain shimta the where she underwent an operation three days of the past week was a water (Erectly into the tub from last week. complete success and the proceeds which the clothes are wrung without Harry P. Files, Sr., spent the THOUSANDS HOMELESS Just A Reminder To week end at his home here with his will go toward the welfare work -jf apUling or splashing. The soft top family. the Legion. The s£ile was held ai roll hugs the lower hard roll remov­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Southergill the Kuhnly store. ing all the water evenly from every Officers Elected. Manila, April 21-;— (AP)— Crip­ Buick Owners! and family have moved to the tene­ pled communications today brought part of the clothes . . . yet presses A t the last meeting of the Wheel ment house owned by Oliver Pelton further evident of the tolls taken no wrinkles mto the clothes. Buttons, at East Windsor Hill recently. Club, Edmund Smith was elected Friday by the destruction typhoon that Dennis Sullivan, formerly of Sullivan snaps and ornaments go through The Federated Workers met at president for the ensuing year. which swept over 14 towns on the the home of Mrs. Gertrude Simpson Other officers were elected as fol­ island of Leyte, demolishing the & Dower, expert Buick mechanic, is locat­ safely. on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. David lows: vice jJresident, Francis Little; communities of Tolusa and Dulag. Burnham was the assistant hostess. secretary, Russell Burch; treasurer, T ^ T T /’-k'KTTr for a Trial Washing with Thousands were homeless and many ed at JrixV jlN lJrf the NEW Maytag... the It was an “Easter” meeting and Charles Murphy; house committee, believed dead or injured. Thomas Hefferon, chairman; Ray­ first washer to offer a one-piece, c a s t -^ ^ - Rev. Harry B. Miner was the Official reports from the devasted Bum tub and a NEW quiet, endoted,lifebme, speaker. mond Cratty, Luther Alley, John region said a complete check could oU-packed direct drive. If it doesn’t seUit- A very attractive two-story Reid, William Smith; sick commit­ not be completed for a week or Van Wagner’s Service Station aelf, don’t keep it. Divided payments youU Dutch Colonial house is being built tee, Edwin Reinhold, John Gessay, more, since many towns had been never miss. on the Ellington road, near the William Smith, isolated with telephone wires down. and is prepared to handle any and all kinds of Buick town line of East Hartford by Notes. work. Prank C. Stoddard, for his future Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Kreh of SEE WHALES AND SEA LIONS Tlffi MAYTAG COMPANY, Newton, lows son-in-law, John Graham, Jr. It has Greenwich, R. I., were the week-end Founded 189S six rooms. The garage is located Ne'wport, Ore., April 21— (A P )— guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donegan of Feriunnent Pfclladelphin Factory under the house on the south side. Lawrence street. Whales and sea lions, said by Drancb, Maytar BnUdlna—881-3- The house will be ready July 1, and William R. Dowding, president of mariners to be mortal enemies, were Car Greasing Nortk Broad St., Philadelphia, will cost in the neighborhood of the local Chamber of Commerce, moving northward together today Pennsylvania & $9,000. It win be occupied by Mr. will attend the banquet of the Man­ under an "armistice.” We use the new Holmes Electrical Lift, Have your and Mrs. Graham, the future Mrs. chester Chamber of Commerce to be Thousands of sea lions moved car greased and save repairs. Graham being the present Miss past Newport yesterday, furnishing held Wednesday night. Ruth L. Stoddard. a spectacle for holiday crowds at the Mr. ajid Mrs. Stephen Coveny of beach. A few large whales maneu­ LUCKY SIX DANCE Franklin, Mass., were the week-end vered just outside the breakers. PAUL HILLERY guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry SHELL GAS and MOTOR OIL ^ u th MancOiiester The Lucky Six are to hold another Scheiner of Davis savenue. 749 Main Street, one of their popular dances tonight COULDN’T DRINK ICE. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schuele of New in the Princess Ballroom, Rockville. York City were the gfuests of Mr. A s in the past the Lucky Six have Parson: It pains me, Bilkins, to tried to obtain the best music pos­ and Mrs. Edward Huebner of Eliza­ see you in this unfortunate condi­ Van Wagner’s Service Statiim sible and ^time have secured beth street for the week-end. tion once more— and after your “Doyle’s Brown Derby. - orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bradley ot promise, too! 311 Main St., Tel. 6691, South Manchester frotn Danceland, Hartford. This ex- Springfield, Mass., were the guest.^ Bilkins: Yesh, shr. Hut, you shee, JHuminum ,< ceilent orchestra is widely' known of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bouchard of the water'sb all frozen in our ’ouse. -•'and very jwpular. Webster street on Sunday, — ^The Humorist. X.. 4 . . ... ^ NEW k. [ ' " i ' i SECOND DAY Week of Special Values Celebrating the Completion of Our NEW Store! The Better Dress Section Offers SiraiilNCSAlE Smart Silk Dresses In a Special Sale


Celehraiicn Week Special! $1.50 Full Fashioned $ 9 . 9 5 Main Floor Bargain Table! Silk Hosiery 1,500 Yds. Flat Crepe So eager are we to Celebrate the completion of our new (Rayon and Cotton) building that we made up our mind to bring home the most fashionable of dresses at a tremendously low price and Lovely Printed $1.19 . . . and we'did . . . you’ll like them . . • vou’ll be sur­ prised at both STYLE and SAVINGS! Handkerchief Lawn 6 pairs $7 Crepes and Chiffons in a perfect garden (cotton) .i ; of PRINTS . . . Flat Crepes and Georgettes in Chiffon Weight! Silk to the Top! a gay array of Flower Tints . . . Polka and Pin First Quality! Full Fashioned! dots in latest effect. 39c Yard I The manufacturer co-operated in giving us a low price provided we made the following selection Dresses smartly selected for . . of smart colors. The regular selling price is $1.50. Your choice of these two attractive fabrics at Junior Misses ...... sizes 13 to 17 one low price to celebrate the completion of our new Manon Phantom Beachnut Misses ...... sizes 14 to 20 building! Grain Reverie Atmosphere Little Women ...... sizes 16Ve to 26> -2 Breeze Brownie Rose Beige Women's and Larger Women’s sizes 38 to 52. and Misty Morn. Rayon Flat Crepe Handkerchief Ideal for slips, pa- Third Floor. Lawn IMain Floor. jamas, dresses . • . pink, coral, honey, maize orchid, rose, Designs and colors navy, black, white, that will make you haze p ink, g r a y, want several patterns. Celebration Week Creates This You’ll Be Interested in This thrush, natural and sunset. 1 yard wide, washable. Special Value Event! Very Special Purchase of Smart Main Floor. Spring and Summer Cape Coats New Spring Coats For Little Boys and Girls Hats—Sale-Priced When We Say That These Coats Would Ordinarily Sell for $19,75 .65

Even little tots $14.75 help us to celebrate this week by sav­ ing on their new Spring coats! This PEANUT STRAWS— ^ splendid collection Fashion high and price low, the pick of the market and there are both sports and dress types with many styleful embodies the sea­ TOYOS— PEARLE— VISCAS new cape effects! Military, flare, shoulder, bordered and son’s newest styles! divided capes . . . tailored or fur trimmed! A splendid collection of . . . Brimmed Many coats with hats, Upturned Brim Hats, Hats with Dress and sports fabrics in SIX .swagger capes for that Gainesborough look, Berets, Pokes. NEW SPRING SHADES including little girls, tailored Peanut straws... Lacey Straws... Hair mixtures, navy, pirate blue, tan, black, and regulat ion Braids.. .Tailored Models.. .Dressy greens. models for both Models. - .Youthful and Matron’s Sizes. boys and girls. Black.. .Brown.. .N avy.. .Fleet Blue... Of course, there is not a complete color or size range Green, orchid, Corinthian. . .Green ... Sand... Red ... in any one model . . . but such a variety, such style and maize, red and The very coats w e've Beige.. - Pansy.. .French Linen Blue... such SAVINGS merit your immediate attention! navy. Sizes 2 to 6. been selling for $7 and $8! Third Floor T h ird F««rth Floor.

“ Inez”—cuntan calf, smirt for “Ethylc”—waterznakc calf, sun- “EvcljTi’'—Black and brown “Annette*'—^tent black and "Muriel**—brown and black kid, "Viola**—«mtain and Immcdistc wear. tzn calf, beige. kid. brown kid. swagger buckles. cut-out sides. leatber, smart and eomto Extraordinary Sale! Women’s Appn “Arch Healer’’ Shoes Regular $5 and $6 Values ^ 3 At One Low Price Special Selling planned to give you outstanding foot- New Spring Styles. . . Selected I^tKers • Attractive strap pumps, cut-out Black Idd, patent leather,' vs3ar values for our Celebration! The Arch Healers are new, ‘ ties shoAving latest style effects and and brown kid. Uaed alone-(% appear and wear like $10 shoes; “arch healer” means a shoe trimmings, Spanish and Cuban heels. ly combined for ^ mould_ed t;Q fit the arch and curve of the foot, x " ’’iv ;'-

^ • ' SECOND DAY Week of Completion of Our NEW Store! The Better Dress Section Offers SIlKiTHUNE-SiUI Smart Silk Dresses . N In a Special Sale

REG. U .S . PAT. OFF. HARTFORD Celehraiicn Week Special! $1.50 Full Fashioned Main Floor Bargain Table! it 1,500 Yds* Flat Crepe Silk Hosiery % So eager are we to Celebrate the completion of our new (Rayon and- Cotton) building that we made up our mind to bring home the most fashionable of dresses at a tremendously low price and Lovely Printed . . . and we' did’ . . . you’ll like them . . - vou’ll be sur­ prised at both STYLE and SAVINGS! Handkerchief Lawn * (cotton) 6 pairs $7 Crepes and Chiffons • ^ perfect garden of PRINTS . . . Flat Crepes and Georgettes in Chiffon Weight! Silk to the Top! a gay array of Flower Tints . . . Polka and Pin Full Fashioned! First Quality! dots in latest effect. 39c Yard The manufacturer co-operated in giving us a low price provided we made the following selection Dresses smartly selected for Your choice of these two attractive fabrics at of smart colors. The regular selling price is $1.50. Junior M isses...... sizes 13 to 1/ one low price to celebrate the completion of our new. Manon Phantom Beachnut Misses ...... sizes 14 to 20 building! Reverie Atmosphere Little Women ...... sizes 16V2 to 2614 Grain Women’s and Larger Women’s sizes 38 to 52. Breeze Brownie Rose Beige and Misty Morn. Rayon Flat Crepe Handkerchief Ideal for slips, pa­ Third Floor. jamas, dresses . . . Lawn Main Floor. pink, coral, honey, maize orchid, rose, Designs and colors navy, black, white, that will make you haze pink, gray, want several patterns. You’ll Be Interested in This thrush, natural and Celebration Week Creates This sunset. 1 yard wide, washable. Very Special Purchase of Smart Special Value Event! Main Floor.

Spring and Summer C ape C oats New Spring Coats. For Little Boys and Girls Hats—Sale-Priced V/hen We Say That These Coats Would Ordinarily Sell for $19.75

Even little tots help us to celebrate this week by sav­ ing on their new Spring coats! This splendid collection PEANUT STRAWS— \ Fashion high and price low, ,the pick of the market and embodies the sea­ there are both sports and dress types with many styMul TOYOS— PEARLE— VISCAS new cape effects! Military, flare, shoulder, border^ and son’s newest styles! J divided capes . . . tailored or fur trimmed! Many coats with A splendid collection of . . . Brimmed swagger capes for hats, Upturned Brim Hats, Hats with Dress and sports fabrics in SIX NEW SPRING SHADES including little gids, tailored that Gainesborough look. Berets, Pokes. and regulation mixtures, navy, pirate blue, tan, black, Peanut straw^s... Lacey Straws... Hair models for both greens. Braids.. .Tailored Models.. .Dressy boys and girls. M odels.. .Youthful and Matron’s Sizes. Green, orchid, Black.. .Brown.. .Navy.. .Fleet Blue... Of course, there is not a complete color or size range in any one model . . . but such a variety, such style and maize, red and The very coats w eV e ’ Corinthian. . .Green ... Sand... Red ... such SAVINGS merit your immediate attention 1 navy. Sizes 2 to 6. Beige.. .Pansy.. .French Linen Blue... been selling for $7 and $8! Fourth Floor. Third Floor ' Third Floor


"Annette”—patent black and “ Muriel’ ’—brown vaA black kid, Vlohi”—suntan and , andcomfi ^^^|s^ t “Inez"—suntan calf, smart for “Ethyle”—watersnake calf, sun- ' "Evelyn’’—Black and brown I brown Md. swagger buckles. cut-out sides. _ , leather, smart and cornu Immediate wear. tan calf, beige. kid. Extraordinary Sale! Women’s Approved “Arch Healer” Regular $5 and $6 Values $ 2 90 Low Price New Spring Styles. . . Selected I^ th e ri Special Selling- planned to give you outstanding foot- Attractive .strap pumps, cut-out Black kid, patint leather^ \’iS3ar values for our Celebration! The Arch Healers are new, 'ties showing latest style effects and .and brown kia.'Ua^ alwao-pt appear and wear .like §10 shoes; “arch healer” means a shoe trimmings, Spanish and Cuban heels. ly combined foir^bia moulded to fit the arch and curve of the foot, x


MANCHESTER EVENftW h e r a l d . SOimi MA^ . MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930. FAGESDC

riouBly contemplating the erection,1 load of vati^ j national treas- Bomewhere in the central areas of i uries. ^ ^ ^ SaadpBttr , Cruisers, though much less ex­ iF ,. London, of a huge platform 1800 ;'f' Cimdng Veralb feet square and 300 feet above the pensive, are still by no means cheap. ground, to be used as an aerial The 10,000-ton “treaty cruiser' come at about 317.000,000 e a c h - HERAIiD^P^TW O COMPANT, INC. landing station. It Blsaell Straet Just as sure as shooting the mere, more than the cost of Dewey’s en­ BY RODNEY DUTCHER South Manchestar, Conn. tire fieet at Manila Bay. Conse­ NEA Service Writer THOMAS FBRG080N hint that such a scheme is on foot k. • Genaral Manager across the ocean will set some hun­ quently, no nation can fail to re­ joice if the construction of these Washington—once again the Fill-i Pounded O ctober 1, 1881 dreds of enthusiastic aviation pro­ ships is to be curtailed. j pinos are complaining .that we hold ' Published Every Bvenlns Except moters to itching and the itch will them by fixe sefuff of the neck and \ Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the never be allayed till New York or To put it bluntly.,hayies are get­ try to kick them all oyer the house Post Office at South Manchester, Chicago or some other great city of ting to be too all-fired expensive at the same'time. *' Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. •_ An eloquent little group of brown­ X SUBSCRIPTION RATES America has beaten the Englishmen for any nse. As long as they con­ One Year, by mall ...... *6-0« skinned statermen has been telling to it, by building a bigger and tinue to be so, naval limitation will discontinued Per Month, by m all ...... 8 .6« a congressional committee in Malay Delivered, one year be a popular topic. accent and iinpassiohedisioh* tones that Slnsle copies ...... * -P” higher landing platform in the middle of the town—and building it it would be outrageously unjust j MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED BASEBALL AT NIGHT while the PhUipplne Islands are un-1 PKBSS first. The Des Moines club of the W est-1 der the American flag to exclude The Associated Press Is exclusively The Des Momes cm , . j t^em from the United States as we entitled to the use for republloatlon it is an out-and-out Yankee idea, of all news dispatches credited to It ern League is^ going to try playi g Chinese and Japanese and as Gay Patterns anyhow; the only im-American its baseball games at night this sea­ Berkey or not otherwise credited In this ip proposed in a resolution intro­ paper and also the local news pub­ thing about it being the fact that son, according to press dispatches. duced by. Congressman Richard J. lished herein. information concerning the scheme All rights of republloatlon of Huge fiood lights have been instalr Welch of California. A deterinlncd group of whites, special dispatches heroin are also re­ only accidentally leaked out, where­ led,-and engineers promise that con­ served. ______as in this country the conception from Cohgpressman Welch’s state ditions of visibility, for players and has-been arguing that there are al­ An old spool bed inspired this Berkey & - Gay SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE- wouldn’t have been twenty-four SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. spectators, wdll be quite as good as together too many Filipinos in this suite which is made of walnuts—pljaih and fig­ hours old before the newspapers country already and that only harm Inc., 286 Madison Ave.. New^York, N. they are in the daytime. ured—and gumwood. Bed, dresser, dressing Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave.. were supplied with the story in full can come from allowdng the entry of i ^ This may be quite true; yet, some­ table and chest, as sketched. Regular $325.00, Chicago. Ilia detail by the first of all officials any more." how’, the plan fails to thrill us. For Backs Plea for Freedom Full service client of N E A Service, hired for the enterprise—the publi­ baseball, after all, is pre-eminently All of which gives the Filipinos Inc-Member, Audit Bureau of . Clrcula- , city man. As a characteristically a game of sunlight. The long shad­ another chance to shout for inde­ tlona Yankee planr its possible completion pendence. and lends more color to ows, slanting across the diamond The Herald Printing Company. Inc., in London before the same stimt is the now old contention that they are assumes no financial responsibility as the sun draws back of the grand­ more of a liability than an asset. 4 Pieces $189 for typographical errors appearing In pulled off in America would bring stand, are an essential feature. Half In a military sense they are just a advertisements In the 6ianchestergrief__ to _ many a patriotic hheart, e a rt. bunch of islands at the other end of Evening Herald. of the fun of attending a game Wherefore it is to be anticipated the world ready for some nation to comes from the feeling of weU-be- MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930 that stock in a mid-city skyscraper grab in case of war. Our sugar in­ ing that the warm sunlight brings. terests protest that the mounting landing field will be on sale in New THE REELING DRUNK Besides—what would baseball be tonnage of duty-free Filipino sugar One of the stock arguments em­ York wdth scant loss of time. that is imported annually is a very without its sun field? bad thing and'the same is said of ployed by protagonists of prohibi­ As to the merits and demerits of the enterprise, that’s another mat­ tobacco and other Filipino exports. Although of modern designs, it is easy to see tion is that one no longer sees Now come people from the west that Colonial pieces inspired this Berkey & Gay ter. It would be handy, of course, coast to say that the most danger- j drunken men reeling around the group. !?uffet, table, arm chair and five side streets as in the days of the open for plane passengers at London to ous of the exports from the islands be able to embark or disembark Health and Diet are the Filipinos themselves. chairs, as sketched. Formerly $219.00. saloon. That proves, say the drys, Congressman Welch has contended that there is, at least, much less somewhere nearer to things than an that the Pacific coast faces a grave aviation field a long motor ride out drinking. Advice problem as a result of “the third Incontestably it is true that the of town. But it might be less con­ invasion of our country by a horde venient for neighboring residents By DU. FUANK McCOY of nonassitnilable Asiatics, citing sight of a drunken man on the side­ recent race* riots in California, The 8 Pieces $159 walks of the business streets of al­ jvhen an occasional airplane engine three coast states are frontiers of most any community is not, now­ stalled on the take-off and landed ___ * vrrfc i"’A ttT’R.rrm western civilization, he says, and to the machine among the upstairs BELCHING AND protect the country as a whole Con- adays, common. Nor was it com­ Many patients complain of ^®lch | P jn„cf help them bar the Fill­ mon, in a great many places, par­ bedrooms or offices in the neighbor­ ing large quantities of gas from the S ^ cases of the stomach. Sometimes this occurs ! pmos as it .did_m _Hie^ ticularly the larger cities, for many hood. The conservative British tem­ Chinese and Japanese. Race riots after eating, and in some cases years before y>rohibition. Take the perament might not greatly enjoy are inevitable, in his opinion, as long such imcouventional intrusions into when the stomach becomes empty. as Filipino laborers continue to en­ city which of all American commu­ This is especially, likely to occur in This Berkey & Gay group has inherited the the much prized British privacy. ter in competition with American nities consumed the most liquor be­ nervous patients who watch their workingmen. _ simplicity of Colonial designs. Fancy grained fore prohibition as well as since— symptoms closely walnuts, maple and gumwbod have been used.. PRISON >TSITATION many cases the belching of tea'lltates^as^ 160^in 1910 New York. There are a great many Bed, dresser, chest and dressing table, as In the Cranston prison outbreak air after a meal does not indicate ^ against an estimated 50.000 in people, of the class from which the any serious condition, as lt is 1 the net responsibility seems to lie, 1930, plus some 60,000 in the Ha­ shown. Was $350.00. active drys are most largely re natural for most people to swallow waiian Islands, with immigration cruited, whose goings about in New as it really does in so many of these a small amount of air when eating, constantly Increasing. The immi­ especially with foods of a rather York were limited to a very few affairs, on the amount of freedom grants are practically all permitted to visitors. In this case porous nature. Often, too, the mix­ males and work very cheaply. When streets—Broadway, Thirty-Fourth ture of foods used may produce unemployment hit California the 4 Pieces $269 , street, Forty-second, two or three outsiders seem to have had not the some gas in the stomach. of the avenues. And they could slightest difficulty in walking into When I first began to examine ^^tiier^ (hstinguiahed Californians patients under the fiouroscope of have gone about on those streets the institution with a small arsenel appeared before the immigration of weapons in their possession and the x-ray, I was surprised to see in committee to support Welch s argu- many hours a day, every day in the many cases that the patient actual­ to have been unhampered in nassing year, any time from 1910 to 1920, ly began to belch when there was *^The Filipinos happened to have without seeing a noticeably drunk­ the arms to desperate prisraers. no gas present In the stomach, and some worthy rpokesmen right on the after belching for a few minutes, a en person once a week. There appears to be a general im­ spot. In addition to the resident pression among" prison manage­ large quantity of gas was shown in commissioners. Pedro Guevara and Here is America’s version of the moderne move­ Even in wide open saloon days the the stomach. Whenever these ner­ Manuel Oasis, their special independ­ ment as interpreted by Berkey Gay. Fancy ments that the privilege of visita­ vous patients feel solid substances spectacle of sidewalk dnmkenness ence mission had been here since De­ mahoganys, satinWood, ebonized pear and gum- • was more or less geographical. In tion is a right enjoyed equally by in the stomach, they feel uncom­ cember; Manuel Roxas, speaker ^of fortable and go through an elabor­ wood have been used. Complete as shown. manufacturing towns where the sa­ convicts and by their friends out­ the Filipino House of Representa­ side. So strong is this'Impression ate system of belching, -evidently tives; Manuel ______Briones, the majority Formerly $650.00. loon frequently jostled elbows with for the purpose of getting rid of | _ pedro Gil, the mi- the department store or the butch­ that even pretty hard boiled prison the gas, but the x-ray shows that floor lea'^'^r. er shop, the good ladies of the W. officials seem to hesitate at the while they are endeavoring to ^ -■ aA'::o,':;o. came tiahing „ from Los belch, they are really swallowing C. T, U. who happened to be abroad enforcement of reasonable precau­ Angeles for the learings Dr. Hilario tions to prevent smuggling of vari­ .air each time until the stomach Moncado, president of the Filipino 10 Pieces $398 of a Saturday evening were likely contains quite a large amount. Federation of America, heading a to see drunks a-plenty. In the larg­ ous articles into such institutions. When patients endeavor to re­ delegation to speak for Filipinos now er places they got most of their It seems to us that far too much lieve the gas pressure in the stom­ living'in the United States. knowledge of reeling men at second consideration is given to the,, sensi ach they often resort to the use of They all stressed the desire or bilities of the friends and relatives soda. The soda combines with the the Filipinos for independence and hand, for they seldom encountered Diiiues oi Uie menu hydrochloric acid of the stomach protested exclusion on groimds of such phenomena, for the barrooms of convicts in this connection. Any­ and releases large quantities of car- morals, law and precedent, whUe ad­ that paid the high rents of respec­ one sufficiently interested in a visit bon-dioxid which may in turn be mitting their helplessness. Whereas belched up, giving the patient in No question but this is a mpderhe creation with table business thoroughfares did to a prison inmate to make his visit the Califorfeans had pointed out that its lavish use of swirl mahogany and satinwood. a deserving activity should be will­ turn the impression that the soda Enriand had permitted Canada and not, in most instances, turn out is relieving the stomach of large Australia to bar Hindus—subjects of Bed, dresser, French vanity dresser and chest, staggerers into the streets. ing to submit to a thorough parch quantities of gas when it is in fact the British Empire—they pointed as shown. Regular $650.00. Yet' because, in these larger ot his person before being admitted producing more. The relief which out that . Hindus were not barred cities, the same streets are still to contact with the prisoner. occurs after the use of soda is be­ from England itself and that de­ As to the right of'the prisoner cause the soda neutralizes the hy­ pendent people had never at any free from reeling dnmks, their ab­ drochloric acid, and in those cases time been barredHnrrefi fromfro m movingIXlOVillfr tO sence is hailed as a glorious achieve­ to receive visits from friends and where distress is felt, there will the “mother country.” ment of prohobotion. And because, relatives, if he is a felon he simply practically always be found an in­ s Oppose Color Line 4 Pieces $399 in the smaller places, the drinking hasn’t any. All that is done for him flammation of the stomach which Roxas expressed his own pride of in this line is by way of being a is irritated still more by the hydro­ race in a dramatic speech, protesting is driven into back Alleys and resi­ chloric acid. discrimination against FiUpinos be­ dential areas and‘"Main street” no privilege, a kindness extended by • Belching may also be caused by cause their faces were yeUow and longer beholds so frequently its courtesy of the authorities. It is a return of some of the alkaline hinting that the future might hold frankly drunk, the Demon Rum is properly subject to whatever re­ contents of the small intestines much for the yellow race. i strictions may be necessary and back into the stomach. When the Guevara protested that it would supposed to be dead, or at least laid alkaline secretions of the intestines be “Un-American, unfair and ex­ up in hospital wdth a broken leg. wise. mix with the acid secretions of the tremely unjust to consider the Fili­ As a matter of fact, one other Cranston prison is supposed to be stomach, gas is usually formed. pino people domestic for one pur­ Butt walnut, koawood and other rare imported very good reason w'hy there are few­ a particularly well managed insti­ This is most likely to occur with pose and foreign for another.” He woods are used in this English J ^ c o b ^ group. 4 tution. It can bestow no bouquets those who are suffering with some said they were much better off in Buffet, table, china, arm chair and 5 side chairs, er drunks on the sidewalks now­ form of liver or gall bladder trou­ the islands and admitted a.Filipino- adays is because there are fewer on itself, however, for the degree of ble. The cure of belching in these American conflict of interest accen­ as sketched. Was $550.00. people of any kind on the sidewalks. scrutiny imposed upon visitors, in cases depends upon the cure of the tuated by economic, social and racial Instead of depending on their legs light of Saturday’s Edfair. real cause. ' problems. But he contended that 80 By far the greater number of per cent of FUipinos in this country to get them about, people ride in cases of belching are of the nervous were not laborers in the true sense automobiles. And that is quite as OLD STORY REVERSED type, however, and patients who of the word, though many had to 9 Pieces $349 ' - true of the drunk as of sober folk. In We’re all familiar with the sad are affected in'this way must make become domestic servants or fruit- Manchester at least four times as story of the mother, weeping be­ conscientious effort to understand pickers when they run out of money. fore the judge so that her erring the condition and control the ner­ Moncado said exclusion would be many persons pass the comer of vous impulse to belch. a “distinct slap in the face at Chris­ Main and Bissell streets, in vehicles, boy might not be sent to prison for Patients who feel distress in the tianity because 90 per cent of the in the course of a day as pass it on his misdeeds. It’s a tolerably old stomach and gas wil| practically al­ Filipinos are' of Christian f9.ith.” Filipinos were not aliens he said, and foot. And substantially every per­ story: always effective. ways be found to have stomach in­ Sometimes, though, it gets re­ flammation or gastritis and the best although the American laboring man son who would otherwise stagger treatment for a permanent cure was justified in not wanting-lower WATKI NS' iBKOTHERS. nc . alcoholically past that point whizzes versed. It did in Boston the other seems to be to use only a liquid wage competition from Filipinos he I . by in a car, either his own or a day. diet imtil ttie inflammation has sub­ should be. patient until the islands 55 YEARS AT S0 UTH MANCHEST ER A 16-year-old boy was in court sided. The milk diet serves well for were ' granted independence. The friend’s, and imless he gets into an doctor concluded with a passionate for some misdeed. The prosecutor this purpose, as the milk and cream Chairs and benches are accident not even the best eyes in seem to form a sort of salve on the appeal for freedom and good will. the W. C. T. U. could detect his urged that the lad be given an­ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ n Berkey & Gay^ living room availahlb for bedroom inflamed lining of the stomach. I groups. state. other chance. But the youngster’s will be glad to send the instructions furniture also reduced. When it is remembered that the mother then got up and asked the for taking the milk diet to anyone IN NEW YORK judge to send him to the reforma­ who is interested who will write to booze business has moved off the me in care of this paper and enclose respectable streets and into the by­ tory. She herself, she said, could not a large self-addressed envelope. New York, April 21.—The fashion ways and hidden comers, and that do anything with him. Jail was all Where there is an inflammation belts, > Ifke other items that make that was left. of the stomach, anything that pro­ up New York, have a tragic transi­ a souse propped up in a closed auto­ thus the' street' of streets got its theatrical and a dining center, with derbilts and all the rest taken tc As it happened, the judge heeded duces an added irritation may ency. Amsterdam was once clustered with Luchow’s as a pivotal point Fifth Avenue, which definitely sent mobile is as safe from observation cause this belching desire. Among The “proper” section in which to the residences of the fashltmahle'; start. the prosecutor rather than the Gramercy came into Hs own after all the who’s-who’s to tbe moving as if he were in bed, this argument the more frequent causes are ice live-and the swanky marts have an only a few years ago Riverside This individual was ..one McComb, vans, in the same scurrying to be in almost "overnight capacity, for one Sani Ruggles had deeded a con­ about the reeling dnmks of ante- mother, and the young prisoner was water and cold foods, fibrous vege­ Drive was a name to conjure with-; into whose home George Washing­ siderable portion o f his property the same section. lectured and given another chance. tables, and the acid fruits. This, oc-’ change. Fifth Avenue was greedily swal­ ton moved. Thus giving it much Today, the Rockefellers are fight­ prohibition days loses most of Its •A t the moment, the more sacro­ there to the city after his death. But isn’t the whole business a queer curs as long as the Inflammation lowed by a rapidly growing trade prestige. Even then the rental* was ing to keep businew property from force. If the good ladies who em­ exists, even though fruits and vege­ sanct sfections of Park Avenue, area; Madison Avenue hastily blos­ some $2500 . year, a tnUy fabulous i reversal of the old story? Meanwhile, also, Madison Square moving next door and a new genera­ ploy it were empowered to stop tables are wholesome foods. where tradesmen dared not "cast somed with the oddest assortment sum considering the times. tion of riches has nmved over to every Saturday night automobile QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS their shadow, are threatened with of expensive shopping places to be was not to be overlooked. .Had not commercial invasion. The official O. Washington Square, heart of Stanford White, the town’s leading Park Avenue. and smell the breaths it contains— LIMITATION POPULAR (Fear of Falling) found this side of the Rue de ia Greenwich Village, became the next GILBERT SWAN. Question:—J. S. asks: “Why Is K. has’been placed on this adultera­ Paix; moving vans began to take architect designed the now famous they’d be just surprised. Quite aside from any question of tion of ia residential section, and it’s center of swanky population. And Madison Square tower? it that some people are so affected the luxuriously minded to Park Ave­ lower'Fifth Avenue thus came into world peace, there are eminently while going down in a fast eleva­ only a short time , before thc^e very And, with the city spreading east­ BRAVE MEN nue. its own. MIDTOWN AIRPORT sound reasons of finance for an end tor? I have never beard a satisfac­ smart Madison Avenue-and Park ward and southward, other sections Avenue emporiums will find compe­ Of course the “reform” of all re­ of competitive navy building. tory explanation. I would be glad to President Roosevelt’s home, on the have you explain through the col­ tition threatening them a block or But to give you a picture of this fringe of Gramercy Park, helped to The rapidly increasing divorce forms that most completely fails to The London treaty, if ratified, so away. metropolis: the Bowling umn." Green held its own' until after the put that section on the iKwial map. appeal to.^us is any sort of a pro­ will relieve all hands of the neces­ Answer: Psychologists are under But, in the interim, the smart the Drives and when the Chateau of that B r it^ W todeed becoming the Its a long trek from the Bowling Revolutionary War; the window Charles Schwab appeariid in the up-1 of posal looking to press censorship. sity of building any more battle­ the belief that the discomfort peo­ shoppers of their time seldom got theatrical crowd bad been gathering ships; and when you stop to think ple sometimes feel going down in Green,, where it aU started, to the in and about the very Union Square per Seventies Jit seemed as though ! “Yes.” repUed the prosaic friend, Yet we can find It in our heart ,tb other ^de at the Grand Central Sta­ touch farther tlton the Battery; and the last word In swank had been “> t the’ marriage rate suggests that a modem battleship costs an elevator is simply a mental ^ at­ then a friend of a certain George which now stages arguments be­ regret that i^ece of news wasn’t titude which remains over from the tion, where changes are coming fast, tween the reds, the unemployed and saidfor that neighborhood., But thb I that- it is still the home of the around $40,000,000, you can see that I Qf ^ lin g which every baby is if not so furious. Wasbini^on moved his lares and RockefeUefs, the-Astbrs, the Van-! brave.”—'Tit-Bits. ■uppresyed-^the s^ ry of the effect penatea to lower Broadway—and the police. This became both a '|tiiat tha British air ministry is se- this is going to take a considerable { born with. "' -What once was known as Ft. I %r I 0 PAGE SEVEN 'm MANCHEOTBR e v e n in g h e r a l d , .s o u t h MANCHESTER, C O ra, MONDAY. APRIL 2L 1930. EASTER DRAMA FINELY li) HEN CEUBRATE Queer Twists JS DONE AT S. M .E. CHURCH OF CABLE NEUP ISIH ANNIVERSARY In Day’s News walk by faith and not by "He Is" Risen,” an Easter drama s lg h t.~ n Oorinthlanis 6:7. written and difecteci • by Thomas hi RUTH DEMY GROVES When faith is lost, when honor Maxwell, pleased a large audience © 1950 hV NEA SERyiCL Tribes from Naval Conference Nearing dies, the man is .dead.—Whittier. , I proved to be better census enumerat- in the South Methodist church last night and appropriately carried the Cities Send Ddegahons story of Eeister in a colorful dra­ fodj^other, H igU igfe ^ THREATEN 1 women persevered, where ^ men matization of the daily life of the i failed, on the islets in Jamaica bay Holy City during and after the the Week s Happemngs. r ^ ^ Town to Aid in Event i and in W am py areas. crucifixion. The drama, in three Budapest — The Association for. acts, was accentuated by lighting Men’s Rights at Vienna has a rival effects arranged to bring out the — !T0 KILL FOREIGNERS dramatic values of the playi By Associated Press. Mlantonomoh Tribe, No. 58, Im here. It is caUed the Club for Dl- nroved Order of Red Men, the local ygreed Women—divorced through In the drama story, Nicodemus, A _ _ » j.« M ^ _ ...a > _ . . « . • _ i With drafting of the London branch of one of the fastest growing the fault of their husbands. There Marcus and Samuel, followers of the Christ, meet on the steps of naval treaty- last week, the navsl Shanghai, A p ril. 21.— (A P )—A fraternal orders-in the country, WM I 0 qoo divorced wbmen^in the the Temple of the Holy City conference marched rapidly toward letter received here from one of six­ host to over 100 braves and .^Cmefs i 3 teen American -Catholic mission­ from nearby towns and cities Sat- 1 Guatemala City—This city, capital They discuss the arrest and con­ tll6 ClOS6 » viction of their leader while the The document is scheduel to be aries, who for weeks have been held urday night in honor of the 18th an- ! Guatemalan Republic, is en- prisoners in the Kiangsi province niversary of the Manchester tribe.n jj.gjy ^ y jg u t stairways. Earth- faithful enter the gates for worship, signed at 10;30 o’clock Tuesday dejected and hopeless. Suddenly the morning by representatives of the city of Kanchbw, said that Com­ The affair was held in Tinker H all,! qyakes are the reason. Second and munist smd bandit’ besiegers had ode of the features of the eveamg , ^ ^ d stories were abandoned when heavens are darkened, the light­ five great sea powers represented, being, the conferring of all toree de- | ^^g gj^y rebuilt after a disas- nings . flash from darkened skies thus culminating three months of threatened “w hoi Kahehow fsdls, to kill every foreigner within thg wails grees in Redmanship^on a big group ; *quake in 1916. and the earth trembled. The temple negotiations. The American delega- of candidates. ^ ' New York—Long Island is unex- walls are shaken as the veil is rent tiojj hopes to . sail for home immedi­ for robbing us of our prize. Although the WEdls continued to The affadr opeijed shortly 1 cited over the possibility of - being from toj) to Dottom. ately thereafter, perhaps on the Following the crucifixion, Judas halt them, the Reds’according-to the five o’clock in the afternoon with the covered' with waving waving: palm trees. i Leviathan'the same day. degree team ofr the local tribe con- Captairf Sir Arthur Rostron. com­ pleads with Caiaphas, high priest, i It is understood that the treaty letter, which was dated April 4, had to take back the blood money but I# notified Kanchow authorities to cap fefring the adoption rank upon' 23 mander of the trans-AUanUc liner I contains three sections. The first candidates, 18 of them from-AIan- is refused. Roman soldiers on guarJ ture the city. Defense of Kanchow, Bergenaria, is"inclined to think that r ii i two contam provisions for a battle- chester. Following this work & at the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea the missionary, continued unchang­ the westward movement' of the Gulf ' ship holiday, 9 general statement on banquet was held in the adjoining are suddenly stricken in the over­ ed with no immediate danger of its Stream will make the Island tropi­ methods of disarinkment, and tech­ hall at which nearly 200 sat down cal in nature. Dr. Frank L. Bryant, powering light that accompanied nical accomplishments such as, hu­ capture. to enjoy a roast beef dinner served Brooklyn geologist, doubts that the the coming of angels to roll the manization of submarine warfare, Plunder Country. under the direction of Prank Diana, course of the stream is changing. stone from the door of the tomb. definition of special ships and rules Meanwhile the Reds had with­ a local tribe member. Then followed Lakewood, N. J.— Nickels„instead The angels tell the old, old story to d refused a second cup of coffee, al though NataUe wa% dowm to pour it for scrapping. All*five powers— the drawn part of their forces from the the exemplification of the Hunters of dimes, are the latest from John the two Maryq and they go forth to A t breakfast he was grumpy an United States, Great Britain, Japan, siege and “while awaiting Kan and Warrior’s degree by Tankeroo- D. Rockefeller. He passed out sev­ tell the welcome news of the resur­ for him. France and Italy are expected . to | chow’s t^ l are busy Plundering sqn tribe of Rockville. Lastly was eral to children after Easter services rection. ' surrounding country, looting vil- The costumes of the various char­ though Natalie was down to pour gjgn those sections, ,_e Chief’s degree conferred by in the First Baptist church. BEGIN HERE TODAY often remembered to curb his child- acters in the Bible drama were true, it for him. Her appearance should . Three Power Pact, lages and kidnaping hostages. Scores Compounce tribe of Bristol. It w m New York—An experiment to de- NATALIE CONVERSE tries to , jgjj impulses, i impuiaco. to 1 Have induced a better mood in him. The third part will embody the of young women have been kidnaped after one o’clock when the affair termi;ie whether .expense or fear Is to the life of Palestine, even to the conquer the jealousy which con­ and many rather than submit in came to an end. keeping people out of the air has use of the goatskin water-bag of sumes her when other women ad­ r. S m h no l ^ rni-non u m ehack ? S to hlshis I “ She u® was tt a luvcijrlovely woman...... Alan ^hree-power mrec-power agreement reached- by meet him, he tume ^ ^ ^ I vroh Vtapti wnnf. to think of the word i cfoi-ac nmat Rritain smd tend to commit suicide as soon as Edward Ballsieper, Jr., of Church been made under the auspices of the the streets of Jerusalem. Mr. Max­ mire her handsome husband, with thought S his 1 had been wont to think of the word } united States, Great Britain well and his large cast did extreme­ mother, filled g 1 , vision in .connection with her. Her | Japan, and will be signed only by an opportunity offered,!’ the letter street, was toastmaster at the din­ 1 American. Society for the Promotion ALAN. When he receives a phone special pr^y^er^th^t^s^^^^ was the color of honeycombj After Wurnment. said. Numerous foreign misssioas ner. Because of the great amount of Aviation. Twelve planes were ly well with this seasonable presen­ call to the home of BERN.ADINE She in South Kiangsi have been attack­ of degree .work to be done the speech put into service at Jackson Heights, tation. LAMONT, a popular night club “What is it Bobby?’’ she and her eyes seemed to be the hue 1 Qj.gat Britain, France and Italy will making rind entertainment program mind. What is the dress she wore, if it were ^p ’question of European ed and the missionaries have fled carrying passengers for $1 to S5 hostess who has outraged the asked. “ Something was made short and snappy. Mr. each, depending upon the length of smug respectability of West­ blue, brown, green, yellow or g y. j gggyj.j^y and parity, with the hope The missionary said,that wealthy HAS N.ARROW ESCAPE. can hear?’’ classes are suffering the especial Ballsieper greeted the braves and the ride. At dark 5,182 tickets, * -V • chester aristocrats by purchasing People who knew her were always ■ ^^g ^t^^ally rouriding the threc- chiefs present and spoke a few Bobby considered Alan thought­ hatrbd of the Communists and in mostly for Sl^each. had been sold. a home among them, Natalie de­ speculating about the color of her j five-power treaty words in praise of the work of the Abbeyvllle, France. April 21.— fully for a moment. He appeared eye^ Seen in brown, she was called ! P°wer PacL one village 35 land ownprs were Zwischenahn. Germany—Heinrich mands that Alan refuse to go and for limitation of armaments. committee which planned the affair. Sandstede, baker, holds an honorary (AP)—An English aviator. Parker- puzzled. Then, very seriously, he hazel-eyed.Lzm Those who saw her in shot as a, warning to surrender son, who left Croydon, England, 'at that he give up the brokerage asked: “Mummy, does Dod ever hear The chief feature of the three- He then introduced Great Sachem degree from he University of Muen- business of “that Lamont woman. black swore that hei^orbs were property without resistance. The let Frank Haggerty of Greenvv^ch, 5:45 a. m. for Australia with Rome prayers when a feller’s just prac­ gray. But all agreed that they were power treaty is a “safeguarding ster. His avocation ,of .botany has Alan tells her that Bernadine is clause.” This provides that when a ter continued that Reds were confis­ Coifn. The Great Sachem spoke en­ as t h i first stop, became lost in a ticin’ sayiri’ ’em ?” rarely beautiful^ brought him a directorate. the widow of a war buddy who signatory’s naval program is ea-; cating lands, destroying title deeds tirely along fraternity lines dwelling Berlin—There are flags of various Tog and collided with a tree in the B(ernadine smiled with her eyes. Alan glancing^t her now, thought \illage of Darquel this morning. had saved his life, and that she is dangered by the building of a non- and establishing 'co'mmimal goyern- to some extent on advice to the new­ colors on the tables at the cabarets “Why dear?” she countered of a tiger’s eyes, sensing, perhaps, His airplane caught fire as it doing the only work she was able ment. This had resulted in great ly adopted members. for flirting. Red means that a fair the feline remark that was on the signatory, the signatory may make crashed to the groimd. but Parker- to secure in order to support her- gravely. announcement of its intention to danger of food shortage for tne Red Men’s Home patron accepts an invitation to self and her fatherless boy, Again Bobby looke^ solemnly at tip of her tongue. coming year since the fields havs Mr. Haggerty told the Red Men son, who was flying alone, succeeded (To Be Continued) build up to a level it seems safe. The dance; green that she refuses. Other BOBBY. , , ... Alan, but now his eyes were begin­ not been planted. that the state council was endeavor­ hues have various shades of mean­ in extricating himself quickly, suf­ After a bitter quarrel in which two others signatories will be em­ fering only slight burns about the ning to shine with the eagerness of Future Looks Black. ing to swing a state home for aged ing. he taunts her for refusing to bear powered to do likewise. Red Men. He said that a commit­ face and hands. his spirit. The United States understands “It is only a matter of time until New York—After playing con­ him children, Alan leaves and “Because,” he burst out raptur­ the entire southern part of Kiangsi tee has been at work and believes tinuously for 82 and a half weeks. Natalie spends a miserable eve­ that under the treaty it will be per­ that within a very short time a ously, “I think Dod’s answered me With the mitted to.build 10 new .cruisers province passes from government Ethel Barrymore will end her seasqn ! ning trying to fight dh^ ’fore I dot all ready to ask Him to.” farm would be purchased and a within the next five years, and the control,” the letter concluded. “Th^ May'lO. I suspicions—^never dreaming, that He paused expectantly, but Ber-' home provided in Connecticut for London—Senator Reed of Pennsyl- j ^ATARRH administration intends thus to pro­ future is indeed blaqk.” Alan was listening to a nadine wanted for him to explain Local Poets those members of the fraternity vsmla, during a visit' to the home of 'of head or throat is nsnsllY faced doctor who had just told ceed. Meanwhile,, the naval group Chekiang province advices said in his own way. i that 20,000 bandits had overrun who needed care in their old age. Milton the poet, learned it had no benefited by the vapors of— him that Bernadine’s reco^y is in the Senate announces that it will His talk WM vitally interesting “I was goin’ to pray Him to send I Chekiang—Anhwei province bor­ first edition of “ Paradise Lost.” So , in doubt. She answers ^ quw- THE GREAT TE.ACHER. scrutinize the London document even to those guests present who me a daddy,” he went on exciteifiy, { ders, killing hundreds and exacting he presented a copy to the cottage. tion In his eyes by telling him carefully, which means that every­ are not members of the order. “ so I could grow up to be just like j thousands of dollars tribute from VSSM that she has no relative or dear To Fred .A. VerpIaOck. thing will not be over when t’.ie A birthday cake with 18 candles Britisli ihim.” the inhabitants. The" poDUlation of th OVEtf MIUION JARS USED YEARLY friend to leave Bobby with, and Here he stood up and thrust out They call him a teacher 'American delegation signs the beautifully decorated was put up Isles is about 47,150,000. asks If Alan will take him in the canton dispatches said bandits his chest as though he wanted to Because he was one ' treaty and returns home. The treaty for drawing and was won by had become so bold they moved as event of her death. let everybody see what a man he’d Who knew, and knowing, taught. must be ratified by the senior legis­ Anthony Tournaud. The cake was NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY be if only he had a daddy to emu­ lative body of the United States. military units capturing increeislng- baked by Walter' Smith. Aui Ameri­ ly larger areas, establishing their late. With his fingers he drew in the sand In India. can flag as second prize was won CHAPTER i n own governments and levying taxes. The angles and lines of theorems Rioting flared in India in • the by a Rockville guest. Then Toast­ Virtually the entire province of Natalie! She, who wouldn’t have Alan choked on the labghter that Then he drew and redrew again, sixth week of Mahatma Gandhi’s master Ballsieper called upon Har- Kiangsu, north of the Yangtze river, very Lidstedt to render some solos, children______of her own. To have an- j forced itself into his. throat, and left And forebearing guided the hand civil disobedience campaign, which other’s child forced upon her! Alan ■ ^.jjg agg-wer to Bernadine. She lay was scourged by' bandits despite which the popular soloist did in his Uncertain and slow began March 12 with the elderly plainly foresaw a lot of trouble. But ygry gtiu and white-faced, until Nationalist leaving Ahmadabad witn sporadic opposition of the govern­ usual finished way. Bill Sweet That faltering strove yodfeled a fow numbers while strum­ he hadn’t long to dwell upon thej gQtjtjy broke the silence'with a a group of followers bound for the ment. To follow his example. ming his African violin and then unhappy prospect. 1 peremptory “Well?” Gulf of Cambay to manufacture sad Something vaguely resembling an “Dq you,” she saidjslowly, “ think Lew Shonty, Hartford entertainer, Oh! patient, so patient he was! illegally. • animated snowman o f small ^-etature.r^yoa'^ould lik?-M J^'^pverse for a ARMY MANEUVERS sang and danced. Lew introduced Impartial alike to the quick and the Serious demonstrations occurred his little daughter, Irene, aged six, tumbled into the room all of a sud­ daddy, Bobby?” Wednesday in Calcutta, Karachi and den and threw itself upon the figure Bobby surveyed Alan intently. dull. to the group'and Irene favored with Then: “I think us would be very Scholarly too, and above them Poona as protests against the im­ Sacramento, Cal., April 21.— (AP) some songs and jokes. Edwards or­ on the daybed. ^ _____ prisonment of Pandit Jawaharlal “Mummy, why wouldn’t Nellie let goo^ friends/^ he said grayely. But still to the erring a friend. —The concentrated drive' of, destruc­ chestra played during the dinner. Nehru and Mayor J. M. Sengupta, me come in here before?” it cried i Alan felt a warm glow around his Deliberate and yet tion to be waged against the imagin­ The committee in charge of the in a very real child’s voice. “What | heart. “Thanks, old man, he said, Having known youth, did not forget. Nationalist leaders. One native was ary “Red” army by the United affair was: William Leggett, chair­ killed at Karachi by a police bullet States-Air Corps First Provisional man, Waltef Smith, secretary, Alex are you staying in here for, any- j “I think so, too.” The People of Hartford Vicinity the Greatest Money Saving Offer way. Mummy? Aren’t you goin’ j Suddenly Bernadine" reached out j And because he could see to the and more than 50 persons were in­ wing during the next four days, Wilson, treasurer, William C. jured in the three riots. Among the opened today. Schieldge and Michael Steiner. They Have Ever Received from .\ny Dentist in This State. downtown?” her arms to him. “ You may be sure | years beyond your prayer was heard, dear,”^ she j -with eyes more experienced than casualties at Calcutta were ,Mi.-is Bombardment planes, theoretic­ The young voice was high with Alice Denchh, an Englishwoman, ally loaded with bombs, weighing distrust ' of the situation, t h e said softly, snuggling his firm body theirs. close. “But God may take a little Along by the way,,in the dust. who attempted to ride a motorcycle from 100 to 4,000 pounds each, Were $35.00 SET OF TEETH $20.00 strangeness of it. Why wasn’t his called upon ta “destroy” railroad THREE DIE IN RED RIOT l^ummy in her room, putting on her time to answer it while He considers Where he feared lest the turf grow through the riot zone against police A great saving on a fine set of Natural B>-t er and continued to their destina­ phone and fagots, otherwise known anything that happenteq to him. Her I At breakfast he was grumpy and tion. as bassoons, fiuets and clarinets. training was teking' ^ect. Bobby j refused a second cup of coffee, al- - / h i ®W7;- ■<'* jit'iJ' ••' ■feWf; gT- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,' MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1930.: PAGE EIGHT GOLD STAR MOTHERS PELGRIMAGE •t-r ^ ^ TO COST $5,000,000 •ANNE AUSTIN OLIVE ROBERTS G A J ^ N AtmjOR C?F ‘ THE AVEMGING WRROT" ‘ THE BLACK pig eo n : ETC. Well, hqre it is housecleaning ^t£at disappear In the summer dol- J time again, and mothers are all hot drums. Housecleaning over—^weU, that is •igSO^’HW-SERViCElHC. . and botheri^ and as busy as one- 3!'- afmi^ drummers. just a good starf. . Fried eggs eind boiled potatoes Out comes the seyrtng .machine By SISTER MARY and it’s time for the West hand to t are on the throne; the family he’d be glad > to pull into t Hamilton around, as if they didn’t mean a sleeps in imminent peril of step- bid. BpGIN WF.irtc TODAY and turn the car over to the motor- thing in my young life.” '• There seems, to be a tradition In ladders toppling over in them in Oh, yes, you can buy, ’m<^ every­ When DETECTIVE DUNDEE man that was to relieve him afe “Good psychology, which didn t this country that veal is an “indiges­ the bight, and'dress with newspa­ thing now made-up. But: When the lift* the body of DOBIS MAT- 10:46. The . old boy usually goes off happen to work this time,” Dundee tible” meat. France, however, re­ pers ,pmned oyer the windows while children come in steps, and Lucy sympathized. “The chambermaid j can wear Luefia’s things, fixed over; THISWS, ■.IS. iT:^ bSWSanged tor gards it as a delicacy suitable for shad^ and curtains are being clean­ jnd lay. It to toe .m^rhoo«j_to ^ efbedule brought them in this morning.” | ed, ntiH Joan can wear Lucy^s, fixed knows that the heavy perfume nigbt, because of his swollen “You can!t. crack a safe without' invalids, and uses it as we- use Splinters are on the alert while over; and Lctitia can w e^ Joan’s, flask, the murder weapon, is the ' . taking a chanoei'’ Conway shrugged, j chicken. rugs are: up. ready to go traVriing fixed , over—there,is no use in feed- | ; \ chief ®lue. ^ kas i^°?<^eck it,'-Payne!” Strawn flimg "But if I'd tried to sneak out and | It is in the cooking., that the di­ in the first unwary foot that comes-ing the rag bag. Then, of course, MOUB CROSBY, engaged to ^ O - shoulder at the detective chuck ’em in an ash can, the chance j gestibility of veal rests, for scien­ theiri way. } there are her own dressy from last lolling in the window. "Well, what’s would have been 10 times bigger tific experiments have proved that Bi^- idthough families suffer, it’s year to let down. Every, wpman In to MRS. B^JKE^Y; hM wateh^ your yam?” he snarled and as it turns out later, if I’d left ] properly cooked veal is as easily di- j mother who suffers most. Don’t , Christiandom is letting dowm dresses GIGI BERMaLEY at his prisoner ..and Dundee felt a the hotel I wouldn’t have had an i gested as any other meat. . ' - j think that she’s being contrary [ this spring. . ' ' ing the perfume by sprinUing R gurge of genuine sympathy toward airtight alibi on this murder busi-1 Veal always should be->thor-i and is simply closing her eyes to; Next comes the garden,'if she over everyone in the his chief, who had co u n ts so hejavily ness. I didn’t even know, a murder j oughly cooked, never rare o ru n - ^ the .beauties of the outside spring hasn’t attended to it sflrea^. Time Friday evening, before WlCliKlJ., “Johnson” to solve the mur- had been committed out there until. derdone. Even thinly sliced cuts j world just to show her prerogative waits for no woman—^nor for flow­ the butter (formei;ly employed by I saw an extra Saturday morning | like steaks and chops should be' of, “being a woman.” She knows ers, shrubs, nor vegetables, MRS. LAMBERT, now ‘ “I left the interurban at the and at that time you' didn’t know | cooked for - a t lefst 40 minutes.' you cantt clean in winter, because And if it isn’t the garden, ‘it’s ley’s social secretary, and by <»os- gj.yj^j.t House comer at 10:42,” Con- there’d been a burglary, so we were 1 Long, slow cooking is imperative,'! if you do tlje old furnace will laugh painting over the porch ^rniture, by), took it to Mrs. Berkeleys went on calmly. ‘T asked for quits!” . ' ' for the meat lacks fat and'is vetyi itself to dea,th and spout soot all qr mending the awnuigs, dr any or rooms. _ _ . . 'm y key and chatted a while with i ‘And when you did learn of the fine grained and close textured.; over the pljiee again as soon a s } all of the dozen things .the outride But not until Mrs. Berkeley, the night clerk— murder?” Dundee prodded. This is true of roasts as well as a ll; you’ve finished. j of the house cries for in the spring, DICK BERKELEY, Clorinda, EU­ Get hold of the night clerk of “God, I nearly lost, my head!” other cuts. 1 She knows that moths fly in April; So, now. little children, you must GENE ARNOLD (Doris’s fiance), the Stuart House,” Strawn wearily Conway - admitted, with a shudder. Special a u c tio n must be paid in and that the ,screens have to be i, be very, very good and not fuqs Seymour Crosby, and finally HAR­ ordered Detective Bums, who was <‘Bvit. I knew I had an alibi if worst cooking to keeping the meat juicy cleaned and up at the psychological | about the fried eggs and .boiled po- VEY JOHNSON, inissing valet who came to worst and. Hubert Cart­ and flavorsome. A covered roaster, moment. . - ! tatoes, and the step ladders,.and the robbed the house, have all been sus­ also listening in on the confession. wright was connected with Harvey “The night clerk looked at the larding, frequeift basting, or a flour She knows that bright spring sun-I million errands you haye,. to run. pected in turn does Dundee hit upon Johnson, so I kept right on with r and water dough are satisfactory shine is potent and that mattresses. I Just be good and patient ■and'wash the theory that Mrs. Berkeley and clock and asked-me if my girl and my program of acting natural ^ d I had a row, since it was so early,” methods for roasting. Chops and ' pillows, rugs, blankets and woolens | the dishes and sew on your own hut- not Doris was the intended murder taking orders for silk stockings.' ! cutlets can be rolled in flour or ' need it to. destroy germs and make tons and try to entertain father, victim. For Dundee discovers Mrs. Conway went on cheerfully. ‘Well, “You say this Berkeley job was a i I went up to my room and stayed breaded, browned and then covered them safe to live with the rest of Here’s a salute to . the great Berkeley is a perfume addict. There jumped-up affair,” Strawn began ; and cooked slowly. i the year. She can’t wait until sum- American mother whose banner for is proof Crosby hoped for his future there till Saturday morning. I car­ sourly, after a long minute of sil- j ried the jewelry in my pockets while Probably there is no. other meat • raer., Summer sun is too hot and the next few week.s wifi be' a broom mother-in-law’s early death, and ence. “What’s the yarn?” ! that responds as well as veal fo fades woolen things and hardens the and whose martial music. Will be l^imdant susniclon against Crosby j I made my rounds of the shops Sat- “Friday morning nothing was j clever seasoning. Its flavor is deli- | soft wool of blankets. I , ^played rv rugs. , , to’S fS e .n ? to" X . PHTIXIS, urday, but toia mprnlng I stowed It further from my mind than to try i cate and must be enhanced rather i Give ’Em Air i She is the person who makes the 14 months before, when Doris was j away in my sample case, because I the old racket again,” the prisoner was afraid some of it might drop than covered up. A “suspicion” o f' She knpws that the windows m ust' world a fit place to live in. If you her trusted maid. answered earnestly. “But when 1 1 sweet herbs and mild vegetables, be up all day for a dozen reasons of j think it’s Congress or Naval Par- His case against Crosby, is shat­ out of my pockets on the golf course. was showing my line tb a buyer in , I was planning to call on the trade added for seasoning, does much to sanitation. Spring brings breezes i leys, you’re mistaken, tered, how-ever, when the city chem­ a shop on Grand Avenue I heard | develop the natural flavor of the | ist reports no traces of poison as usual all day Monday, then to Mrs. Berkeley talking to Mrs.- Lam-1 leave Monday night for Chicago, per '■ a n meat. 1 found in GIGI BERKELEY;S per­ bert. Shooting off her mouth to im-1 Professional cooks consider veal j fume-scented handkerchief. Dimdee schedule. I aimed to get rid of the press people, I guess. I heard her ; stuff there, through a fence who’s stock indispensable for use in aspics, ■ has also learned that wood alcohol say, ‘Dear Mrs. Lambert! Don’t le t: in both meat and vegetable sauces j is used to fill cigaret fighter foun- been bothering me to go back to the me forget to go to the safe deposit i old racket.” and in many soups. While chicken | ' tains in the Berkeley home, ^ a d y Vault for my jewels and right after | and veal stocks jire used almost in­ work on a new theory, he is ; we’ve had a bite of lunch, you must i Mrs. Mathilda Burling...... conceived the pilgrimage of Gold Star HEALTH terchangeably, veal stock is much called to police headquarters, where “Why didn’L you get nd of the dash over to the employment bu- j Mothers to European battlefields. less expensive and more delicately Johnson the robber-valet, is being shirt and necktie. Dundee asked. reau and try to get a valet for dear | ------SSred Johnson admits the robbery, “Just try to t^ k up some way flavored. "Veal makes a stiffer jelly FEND “JAKEY PAR.ALYSIS” W.AS.*; Britain hundreds of cases of para S e r third degree. Then Dundee of getting nd of an incriminating Mr. Crosby’.” ! By JULIA BLANSHARD | care of, wants a special, interpreter than chicken, making the use of ad­ DUE -IG POISONS IN THE lysis caused by the drinking of beer S s suddenlv: “Just where did you bundle and see,if you wouldn t have f ^ w “flt^^p'^rS[p^^fm itation^*S! ^ew York, April 18.—When 6000 aU her own. ditional gelatine seldom necessary, j LIQUOR. j which had been made in such a way m i t Phyms Benham, Conway ?” done what I ^^d, ’ Conway retorted enshine sneech and ■ mothers and widows em-1 Many, many requests are coming For roasting, the leg. loin, rib and | I as to become heavily contaminated shoulder are desirable. 'The shoulder j NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY reasonably. “I thought of a dozen DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN. I with arsenic. In those cases als.o ways, each more dangerous than the “ “Well I needed sudden money and Uo graves of their soldier dead Paris.” So many Jewish mothers is often boned and stuffed and usu-1 ------i paralysis was the chief symptom. CHAPTER XLIII last, and Anally I just, left ’em toxaa mo thnt ‘Hpnr Mrs Lambert’, among them will be the woman most have inquired about kosher cooking ally is cheapest in price. The leg j sometimes is called a “cushion” of Editor, Journal of the .\merican j including however prostration and “Phyllis Benham?” the prisoner ' as a valet” Conwav continued responsible for Uncle Sam’s having and the Government has decided to Medical Association, and of Hygeia, j nausea. echoed blankly. ,“rve never Rnown Srhad , ' '" " ‘ed to,m to go as hla guoats. | M It. One girl who loot two veal and contains the smallest YOUTHFULLY BECOMING AND amount of bone. The loin is very the Health Magazine. i No doubt, when the chemis‘‘.s a girl named Phyllis Benham. SMART no use asking me where I g o f’em.” ! She is Mrs. Mathilda Burling, of brothers and last year lost her moth------j have completed their studies, it “Phyllis Crosby?” Dundee sug- tender but contains more bone, and For nearly an hour Captain j Richmond Hill, Long Island. i er who would have been entitled to o^ course the rib contains bone. ’The j The most recent epidemic sweep-1 found that the particular ’ jested. Fointed Treatmrat Altogether Strawn hammered away at his sus- | When Mrs. Burling's only son died go, wants to take her place on the breast sometimes is rolled and | ing across the United States ha."! bootleg involved had been made oy “Never heard of her,” Conway re­ Slimming pect, eliciting a very full and inter- I in France in 1918, she decided for trip. torted. “Kin to that guy I was hired roasted, although it usually is been the tremendous number of men quite unfamiliar with toxicol­ esting confession of the burglary, | patriotic reasons to leave him “over | Two women want to bring back stewed or braised. cases of partial paralysis of the leg£ ogy, and a great many sadder and to work for?” but Dundee paid little attention. His i there.” At the time, she recalls that pets, duty free, one a Maltese cat wiser drinkers will limit themselvej. “His dead wife. You stole ner mind was intensely occupied with the late Colonel Theodore Roosevelt from France, the other a bulldog reported first from Oklahoma, latex, miniature,” Dundee replied quietly. from Tennessee ;md Georgia, stit! at least for a while, to ginger ale more vital matters. said, “Maybe some day you can visit from England, the French {,overnment will give a and root beer. “I took everything that was in a At the end of the hour every de­ his grave.” 1 Begiiming in May, groups of 300 reception for them. From Paris they later from Kentucky, and some oi jewel box, without bothering to open tail of Harold Conway’s alibi had “His remark made a deep impres- women, arrainged according to their will stay one week near their boys’ the New England states. some of the cases,” the prisoner ex­ been checked and verified. The Sion on me,” Mrs. Burling said. “But destinations, will arrive in New York graves. No officia’ religious services "Very promptly the informatioi plained frankly. „ it wasn’t until five years later that a day before sailing, be met by army will be held at the cemeteries, but “Doris Matthews told one of the owner of the coupe joined with the was broadcast that these cases ot night clerk and with the interurban j I had the idea that maybe Uncle officers, put up at first class hotels, priests, clergymen and rabbis will he paralysis were the result of im­ maids that she had seen you some­ motorman in clinching the thing, for s4m could send those mothers of us be received officially by Mayor at hand for those pilgrims who wish where before,” Dimdee told him, bibing some poison in Jamaica he promptly volunteered the infor- who were too poor to ever dream of Walker and started overseas, each their ministrations. , ginger which was being drunk trying a new tack. mation that he had left No. 4318 making the trip themselves. I have tagged with a red. white and blue There are 120 mothers who must in fairly large quantities and “Yes. In the dining room of the Fairview Road at five minutes to 11. been working ever since to have the badge on a metal bar, which bears go to isolated spots, some to Ireland, Stuart House Thursday night,” Con­ some to Italy, Spain and elsewhere. which was, of course, being sold And Doris Matthews was alive a t ' bill passed, but Congressman David te r name and official number. outside the domain of the prohibi­ way answered promptly. “She was Everything, from transportation to These will be taken in a special that time. L. O’Connell and others deserve the tion law. FROEBEL’S BIBHa having dinner with a man. I met While Brede, th e, stenographer, real credit for it.” stewards’ tips, deck chairs and even group*. Also in k ^special group are him Friday night at the servant the negro pilgrims, who will make Among the earliest of the scien­ dinner. Arnold, the chauffeur, he was preparing a statement for Con­ To Be a De Luxe Trip steamer rugs will be paid for by tific investigations undertaken On April 21, 1782, Friederich way’s signature, Dundee drew Cap­ Now that the plan is full grown, Uncle Sam. one or two complete sailing groups. was. He didn’t see me Thursday and the exodus of 300 mothers per Arriving at Cherbourg, they will Returning, they will all have their was that made by the State De- Froebel, a German educator who night, because his back was toward tain Strawn aside and asked in a Public Health in originated the kindergarten move­ low voice: week begins in May, like many an- be divided into groups of 25, de­ fares paid back to theii; own doors, partment of me, but I nearly got the girl’s goat with allowances for food, tips.and '"’Tennessee. ' Within a week, 119 ment, was horn in Thuringia, (3er- Well,___ , what ______next,___ chief?”____ other mother of an idea. Mrs. Burl- pending on the cemeteries they will many. staring at her. She was a peach. “Right back where we star|^d ing hardly recognizes the child of visit, and front then on will be kept Pullman. On this last lap, the gov­ cases have been found by the au­ Of course I had on my glasses and ernment will virtually see each thorities of the State Department After his training at the univer­ my hair was parted in the middle, from,” Strawn admitted bitterly, her brain. For, from a puny, poor in these groups. They will be met “District Attorney Sherwood blew i little thing as she first conceived by officers on landing, be taken to mother home, because Uncle Sam of Health,' and although some sities, Froebel deci&d he would be­ not on the left side as it was Fri- Paris for two days. One day there has decided that while he Is being time has elapsed, it is still possi­ come an architect, but his professor day night. But I saw it had her in here this morning and told me it, the idea of the trip has attained he’d take a hand himself if John- positive de luxe stature! will be an official trip to the Tomb host, he might just as well be a ble to' give only a few definite urged him to become a teacher. bothered—where she’d seen me be­ son proved a washout on the mur- Mrs. Burling estimated that per- of the Unknown Soldier; the other. gallant one, the perfect escort. facts concerning the situation. Froebel agreed dnd studied'for two fore.” der business. I’ll have to call him haps 2000 Gold Star mothers would Chemical and laboratory investi­ years imder Pestailozzi, the 'great “And you weren’t taking any educational reformer. chances, were you, Conway? now and tell him the bad news.” • be eligible. Six thousand are going. gations require considerable time, He put in the call, with such re- She figured it would cost around particularly as they are elaborate Convinced that the education of Strawn cut in savagely. “You knew the nursery must be reformed, the girl might remember and give luctance that Dundee felt sorry for $50,000. The government is provid- and are, planned to be conclusive. him. When he hung up, he re- ing $5,000,000 in the deficiency bill At, present the authorities are Froebel in 1816 founded a school at you away. That’s why you killed Greisheim in which he proceeded to her! Didn’t I tell you so yesterday joined his young subordinate and now before Congress. She had in convinced that these cases are tbe told him gloomily: mind a real pilgrimage, perhaps stu­ (^OOEKt) develop his plans. M ore' than 20 result of taking into the body of Dundee?” “Sherwood wants to see the notes dent third class, under Red Cross years later he established himself “I didn’t kill her!” Conway re- two or more toxic substances, one at Blankenburg' where he^ first in­ you took yesterday. Got ’em with supervision, costing $365 apiece. The of which is a preparation of alcr- ;^itqrted, with amazing calm. “And I, pilgrimage this summer is going troduced the name “kindergarten" can prove it!” you?” hol and the other some heavy j “Yes,” Dundee admitted, drawing first class, in the full regalia man­ for his school. ' ' “Alibi, eh ? ” Strawn sneered. It 11) metal dye or other volatile sub­ Froebel’s influence upon modem take some alibi to get your neck i the packet of folded sheets from his ner of the War Department, and the stances., These conclusions were pocket. He removed the final page, figured cost of first class hotels, education has been notably effective out of this noose, my man!” reached by both the physicians in the United States where it has >“And I’ve got it,” Conway assured however and returned it tp his pock­ transportation, meals and so on is et “Nothing—just some stuff I jot­ a minimum of $840 apiece. and the public health authorities i to the kindergarten system, the him coolly. “Don’t you think I know for several definite reasons { manual training movenient and.oth- from the papers when she was last ted down,” he hastily answered the It is an unique experiment for the suspicion in Strawn’s eyes. “The government to take 6000 women The, inflammation of the nerves er radical changes in the elertentary seen alive? Listen: I finished my, whick resulted in the paralysis school methods. One educator has : job at the Berkeley house before 10 j stories are all complete and I hope abroad, in groups of 300 each week Sherwood has the grace to thank from May until September. Most of simply had to do with the action of said of the kindergarten that it is o’clock. I could have stowed the some toxic inorganic substance or of “the most import^t, far-reaching ’ junk in my pockets, but I took that ^ me.” ' them are between 60 and 65. One “Catch him thanking a dick!” is 88. Several are on crutches. A the action of some bacterial poison. educational reform of the l'9th'’cen- , black pigskin bag of Crosby’s just, tury.” ’ ■ , to throw dust in your eyes.” | Strawn spat disgustedly. “I’ve got few are in wheel chaits. Many of Practically all of the data 'were “What did you do with it? ” i to wait here for that big bag of them are in ill-health, on special against an infectious origin. F.:?r “Chucked it on my way to the wind, then we’ll go out to Hillcrest diets, some almost helpless. Yet instance, 83 per cent, of the pe-")- PROTECTING HIMSEI^' interurban stop,” Conway grinned. together, I suppose to have another every eligible woman lyho can come ple who were affected were men, “If you can find out who owns a By ANNETTE shot at digging up the truth.” to New York without chaperonage 79 per cent of those were between “Henry, I wish you had better big coupe parked at the curb in “Telephone for you, Dundee,” of the Government will have her fare 20 .and 45 years of age, and there manners. I noticed you dusted’the: front of No. 4318 Fairview Road This dotted crepe silk favors the Payne interrupted. paid to the embarking port and care wais not one case in the entire group chair of Mrs. Blnk’s house before Friday night and will tell him to long slim silhouette.' ‘ “Hello, Bonnie Dundee!” Gigi’s un­ and expenses from then on. She will undec 15 years of , age. you sat down, and her little son was lift up the back seat, he’ll find the It’s extremely wqarable. mistakable voice shrilled over the even have fare back to her own door Therq is, however, also a his­ watching you.” x . - bag, unless he’s found it already ^ d The bodice in baflqtie e^^ct has in­ wire. “I’m dying for news. Has from New York. torical precedent for an incidence “Yes, and I was'watching him, has been afraid to turn it in. Its verted pin tucks 'at shoulders. The Johnson confessed?” Prepared for Deaths of • this ■ character. More than 25 too. I’m too old a fish to *be' ca~ught got Crosby’s tennis shoes in it, as pointed collar apd turn-back flared “To the burglary, yes,” Dundee Every thing is planned like a mili­ years ago thebe were in Great on a bent pin.”—Tit-Bits^ well as the velvet boxes that all the cuffs reveal chic lingerie note in replied. “But he has an ironclad tary expedition. According to in­ loot was kept in.” white silk pique. iilibi for the murder. You’re not to surance companies, from 21 to 50 of 1 — — The fitted hip'yoke in pointed out­ tell anyone though and I mean that, these government guests are likely “Check on it. Sergeant Turner!” line assures desired sleekness, and yoimg woman! Where is every­ to die overseas. The Government Strawn flung at his subordinate and gives length to the, flgiire. body?” allows, for this and plans to bring Turner left the office on the run. The circular skirt shows'a grad­ “Playing bridge,” she answered back the' bodies under escort. An “That was about 10:15,” Conway ual widening with smkrt ripple at promptly. “That Is, Dad ^lnd Dick, allowance is made^ for 8800 sick continued coolly. "By that time I d hem. Clorinda and Mrs Lambert are days’ figured by statistics. Doctors, ' put on my own shoes, which l a Style No. 6 ^ can be had in sizes playing. Abbie says she’s too nerv­ nurses, attendants, 45 officers to carried out in the bag, buttoned up 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 ous to play, but she’s kibitzing. As take charge of the groups, several my topcoat to the collar, put on my inches bust. The medium size takes sure as Dad bids two spades—” interpreters, and $4400 worth of glasses and parted my hair in the 3 3-8 yards of 39-inch material with “I’ll be right out,” Dundee cut her medical supplies for emergencies at middle, like I always wear it. I 3-8 yard of 32-inch > cbntrasting and short. “Remember, you’re honor the cemeteries are arr^ged for. .stroUed on to the shed where pas­ 5 1-2 yards of biding. boimd not to spill the news till I All Gold Star mothers and wid­ sengers wait for the interurban and It’s captivating-in pale blue wool get-there.” ows whose dead are buried in for­ in about six minutes a car catae jersey with trimming bands of self “I’ll keep out of sight of the eign cemeteries and who cannot along, just as I knew it would, be­ fabric. The collar and cuffs are bridge fiends till you get here,” sh% afford to go themselves or have not cause I’ve been catching the inter­ smart of flesh colored washable promised. gone, are eligible. Mothers whose urban at that stop off and on for crepe silk. “Can you spare me,Payne and a sons are "among the missing” are six months and I know the sched- Plain flat crepe silk, shantung, car?” Dundee asked his chief. not invited. They would have no “We’ll need him later anyway and destination! Unless, however, their u I g .** printed rajah silk, men's cotton or “So you’ve been planning the haul silk shirting, pique prints and linen be might as well be on h£ind . . . sons are among the missing in a that long, eh?’^ Strawn growled. are suitable and'smart. Thanks!" given territory., If so, they can go, “No. This was a Jumped-up^f- Pattern price 15 cents in stamps Detective Payne liked and ad­ and kneel at the mound each ceme­ fair. But I’ve got a ^rl friend that or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap mired Detective Dundee, but on the tery maintains which holds remains lives not a million Iniles from the coin carefully. ride out to Hillcrest he found his of all the soldiers unidentified who Berkeley house. I take her home in young associate very poor company, died in that region. a taxi, but I hop ttie Interurban “Park here, Payne,” Dundee or­ Mothers whose sons are lost, at back to town.” Manchester Herald dered, as they slowed down outside sea cannot go. “The government , “What’s her name.” Pattern Seiyice the gates of the estate. “Stop any­ could not just take them cruising,” 9011 ‘Tm not telling that,” Conway style 684 body that tries to leave tbe as one woman explained. “And they retorted, and meant it. “But the groimds.” ) must have some- specific grave in ? As our patterns are mailed mind or' they have no place in this conductor and motorman who were from New York Cflty please allow He walked slowly to the house, ecu on last night have seen me often five days. wrestling with a new theory. Fif­ pilgrimage." enough the last six months to feel teen feet from the southwest cor­ This, of course, means that the pretty well acquainted. Friday Price 15 Cents ner of the house, however, he mother of the Unknown Soldier will G O H & l b night, on the 10:22, there was only a Name ...... 1 ...... stopped short, as his nostrils were not be among the SOOOl handful of passengers and I stood assailed with the overpowering odor Special Accommodations Sought ■ V \ O f up front, talking to the old boy who S iz e ...... of benzene. All kinds of curious requests are runs the car. Motorman No. 65,” he Who the devil could be cleaning pouring Into the Government from supplied obligingly. Address >•••••• clothes on a Sunday afternoon? their invited guests. “Got it an down pat, haven't But before he tore down to the One woman, wants to take her 1 • S • S S s • »essseesee*eei basement, from whose open window 66-year-old daughter, too, because you?” Strawn commented sourly. Send your order, to tbe “Pat­ ■“Yes,” Conway,agreed. ■“He told the fumes were pouring, Dundee they are inseparable.' =■' me Friday night he. had a fallen arch tern Dept» Manchester - Bveiflng was sure he knew the answer. An Indiaa woman, whom the Gov­ thht was himttng' Iike tliie devil and Betald, 1^ Manchester,’Conn.” (To Be Continued) ernment always has taken exceUent » ■ ' MiMega ■A------1:------——1- -

m i V . - ^'<:M


d a i l y r a d i o ISPANISB W iK VETS , n e w IX)W PRICED AUTOMOBILE 422.^-WOR, NEWARK—710. Leading DX Stations. Monday, April 21. 7;30—Music; Footlight ecKbes, Evelyn l^ye, English star of Noel 9:00—Fraternity Row ptogranu 405.2— WSB, A T L A N T A —740. HEREHOLDIUNIKIEr S $pH* \ ' ' ' ^ •’A / " 9:30—South American music. , 9:30—NBC programs ,(1 hr.) Coward’s operetta, “Bitter Sweet," 10:00—Hawaiian ensemble; organist 10:30—Muaicale; Paris evening. bids farewell to Awa?l<;a by singing 11:00—Janssen’s danoe orchestra. 11:30—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians- two numbers Identified, with her ap­ 11:30—Moonbeams musip hour. 12:00—Theater artists prognsm. pearance here when .:Un|on. 1:15—Ualstead’s dance orchestra. followed a wholesale ezchange of price than smy four*door sedan pre­ the members of the men’s class, tap 11:30—Theater organ recital, ' 374.8—WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. that had cost the government mil­ effects of our corifle supplements, S:00—WEAF progrems (2 hrs.) pieces which left the newspaper viously available on the new Gra­ dance drill by the women’s class- ."(Soiden Lyrics"; old timers. 225.4—W H AZ, TRO Y—1300. 7:30—Musical programs (3% hrs.) lions of dollars and urged the vet­ but color work to compare with the 31:ou—Merry Madcaps: organist. 8:00—Troy Woman's Club hpvr, 270.1—W RVA, RICHMOND— 1110. erans to use their influence in pre­ man one to the good and paved the ham chassis, Other new body models parallel bars stunt by the men’s best mageudneS. Already very cred­ 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—«90. 9:00—Studio musical program. 8:00—NBC programs (lli hrs.) \icay for an eventual check-mate. 9:15—Studio featore music; soprano. venting this being done. He wanted of the Standard six line are the class, tumbling stunts and pyramid itable color work is don-; on ordi­ 7:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 9:30—Tenor, contralto; baritone. O’Hanlon won his way into the 7:15—^Lowe’s orchestra; brevities. 10:30—Vaudeville artists hour. Ijo.-on-WJZ' musical program, the United States to be the equal of business coupe at $845, and the rum­ building by the members of the wo­ nary newsprint, but so far the proc­ 11:00—Baritone, tenbr, pianist. 10:30—Dixie Spiritual singers. second round by a 45 minute victory ble-seat coupe at $895. S:()0—WJZ programs (2% hrs.) 111:00—Uichinond donee orchestra. any nation on earth in fighting men’s clhss, sidehorse tricks by the ess has not been speeded up suffi­ 11:33—Dream journeys organiiL 11:80—Koutzaroff’s dance orchestra. over T. W. atowe, another member The new models share with all Socondary DX Stations. quality. men’s class, Danish drill by~the w o ­ ciently. X X X Secondary Eastern Stations. Major Raymond Gates of Willl- of the Fourth Estate. He will meet other Graham sixes and eights the men and dumb-bell drill by the men. .-Better nctures 10:00—Theater musical program. 344.6— V/ENR, CHICAGO—870. Fred Tilden in the semi-finals. ’The 508.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. mantic, secretary of the Veterans distinctive safety feature of laifiin- ‘T-beUeve that the average news­ 7:00—Soprano: pianist; tenor. 11:00—Two dance orchestra-f. I 9:30—Farmer Rusk’s plilyers. latter is considered the best in the 272.6—W L W L , NEW YORK—1100. 10:00—Smith ,family sketch. Home Commission told the gather­ ated shatter-proof safety glass in paper picture today is not nearly -7:30—O’ Leary’s Irish minatreli. tournament but another surprise 8:00—^WEAF programs (8 hrs.) 6:00—Soprano, violinist; orchestra. 110:30—^Musical olio;, comedians. ing just what the state was doing every door and window, as well as BET. CAT ON RAMPAGE so good, as it should be, either in 10:00—Night court program. 6:40—Question box, prehestra. 111:15—Easy chair music hour. in the windshields- ; 7:10—Tenor;______. court " address. - 112:00—D X air vaudeville. interesi. or in photography and tech­ 515.1—W KRC, C IN C IN N ATI—550. 7:45—Opera favorites; orchestra. 491.5—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. In this new prss^h^Oon by,, the nical presentation: x x x We need jj:00—WABC programs (S hra) diers of all wars. semi-finals simply ask Sports Editor 5261-WNYC, NEW YORK—370. I 8:00—NBG programs (2i,& hrs.) Graham brothers is seen, practical New York, April 21.— (AP) — A to watch our step in the picture 11:00—Dance orchestr.-i. 10:30—Varieties; Singin’ Mountaineer. Capt. Nichols Speaks 6:15—Bass-baritone; German lessons. Stowe to explain “the fool’s gam ­ proof that by strict adherence to 818,7—W H K , CLEVELAND — 1390. 7:00—W elfare Council addrees. 11:46—Orchestra; Mae nnd Lee. The toastmaster called on several pet cat went on a rampage in the field, particularly because of the 7:30—WABO programs 14 hra.) 7:30—A ir collega lectures, ' 461.3—WSM, NA8HVILLE-650. men and women in the audience for b it ” quality standards in massed manu­ home of Broite. truckman early to­ fine pictures presented, with speed lt;30—Memoriee Garden .music. 9 ;18—Studio musical program. I 9:30—NBC programs (1 hr.) remarks and among those who facturing, motor cars can rise above day a i^ .b it ^ d scratched tiiree comparable to the enterprise of 12:00—Two dance orchestras. 434.8—CNRO, O TTA W A —890, 10:30—Flayers, soprano, tenor. the commonplace in quality, and 328.9-WWJ, DETROIT—020. 6:30-^iris and boys corner, 11:80—Amos 'n* Andy, comedians. responded were Captain Joel M. women :| S ^ r e .^^qoifld be locked in new'spapers, on the movie screen.” 7:00—Concert orchestra. lj2:06—W E A F feature program, still be held down in price. the kitimen. , ' '• The teletypesetter wiU speed up ----6:46—Studio------musical------program. Nichols, who was at the head of 7:00—W E A F program’s ...... hrs.) 7:50—Dance orchestra. 12:85—Studio dance orchestra. ’The w ay for this demonstration Mrs. Dora Kapper, 34, a cousin of transmission of teleg^raph news, he 315.6—WRC, W ASHINGTON—960. 440.9—KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—680, Company Q when the call came for GILEAD w891,3—CFCF, i.w— -^w ■w. , ...w.-MONTREAL • •.—A L 1030. of combined quality and low prices 6:00—Twilight m'jsleal hour. 6:30—Studio musical programs. 112:00—VarieLv. program .artists. volunteers in ’98. He recited some Charles Ornestein, owner of the cal, said, and added that “the develop­ ■^:00"^rgan recital! feature hours. 7:30—NBC musical programs. X2:30—NBG dance orchestr#.. of the events of those stirring days has been paved by the Grahams dur­ had remained at ihe .Ornestein home ment of photo composing machine and gave some incidiQita of loyalty A«ten pound son was born to Mr. ing the last three years. In that over night.' When she arose this may StiU further revolutionize the of the men of Co. G which he said and Mrs. Winthrop S. Porter Fri­ time they have perfected their man­ momihg to get a glass of water the printing industry.” Band;’’ West Wind from “S6ng of day morning the 18th. The child w?s ufacturing processes — engineering, animal attacked her, Her screams This would substitute film for the W est;’’ I ’m Following You he would never forget. Thomas E. DENIES A CANCa White of Waterbury, Harry C. bom at the Clarke Maternity Home chassis construction, and body build­ aroused Mrs. Sadie Ornestein, and a tjfpe in the composing rdom, and al­ WTIC PROGRAMS from “It’s a Great Life;’’, Teasing; Smith of the Rockville Leader and ing, and acquired the manufactur­ daughter, M innie. Ornestein, who though development of a satisfac­ yravelera Broadcaatlag Service' Oh You Beautiful DoU; Honey in Wilimantic. Mrs. George Johnson of this town, Miss Barbara Fish of Manchester ing volume afforded by more than went 'toi^he'assistance -of Mrs. Kap­ tory device has "been '‘a difficult Boy; Free apd Easy; Sing You Bartford, Conn. 160,000 owners. - per, oifly to be attacked by the cat. problem,” he asserted that he was Sinners; With a Song? in my CURE DISCOVERED also were called upon for brief re­ is spending a few d i^ with her 50,000 W.. 1080 ft. C., m .8 >L marks. Mrs. Johnson, assured Uie The Graham quality evidenced In Their b re a m s awakened Ornestein confident photo-composing some day Heart; Imagination; Story of a grandparents Willimantic, mon and women of the organization the Town sedan is the culnflnation and his two sons, who rushed into would displace, the metal type-cast­ Rose; Puttin’ on the Rltz; Hoosier Mrs. E. E. Foote and Mrs. Al. W. that an honest effort will ^ be made of all the quality Ideals which have the room. ing machine. Hop; Like a Dream; Love Is a Ellis were vistors in Hartford to secure a suitable monument in guided the Grahanas throughout The cat attacked Ornestein, but “Along with the photo composing Monday, April 21 Dreamer. to secure a suitable monumem m st ijujm-cKjayTnursoay. \ their manufacturing career of a ran into the kitchen when he hurled development,” he said, “there must Eastern Standard Time 9:00 p.m.— Ted Fiorito’s M aytag Or­ Poefor Says Reporters Mis­ Manchester to the men who went Last WedneWedne»lay evening about 70 out from here during the Spamsh quarter of a century. In the Town an ash tray at it. The animal was go an improvement in our engrav­ 7:00 p.m.— The Continentals. chestra. of the towns people gathered at the sedan they offer, on a 115-inch locked in the room to await removal ing methods. The present process is 7:15 p.m.— ^Hartford Medical Society 9:30 p.m.— Chesbrough ‘Real Folks’ W ar. home of Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur N understood What Had wheelbase, a full five-passenger car for an exanflnation by Health De­ too slow and too costly. It is Talk— “Protect Them from Tuber­ 10:00 p.m.— Stromberg-Carlabn Pro­ A t the head table were seated Hills in honor of their 40th anuver- with four wide doors and a roomy, partment officials. .The women were strange that in aU these years we culosis," by Dr. John F. O’Brien, gram—Russian Easter Overture, the officers and guests as follows: sary. The program for the evening Thomas E. Murphy, chairman, sturdy, Graham-built body in which attended by an ambulance surgeon. have made no progress in engrav­ auspices Hartford Tuberculosis Rimsky-Korsakoff; AVe Maria, was prepared by Mrs. C. W. Hutch­ Been Said at a Lecture. Charles Dunlay, toastmaster, Frank are incorporated many exclusive fea­ ing. W e are still using the same old Society. Bach-Gounod; Hallelujah Chorus, inson and wajs in part as fellows: E. Shea, John J. Connors, Mrs. Jen­ tures of construction that insure slow method of etching a hard met­ 7:25 p.nUi.—^News; Baseball Scores; I Know That My Redeemer Llv- A game, “A Musical Romance.” nie Sheridan of this town and Mrs. long life. al by using a, slow-eating acid.” Benrus Time. eth. Worthy Is the Lamb from ReStation by Mrs. Merton W. Both cars are powered by a six- 7:30 p.m.— Seth Parker’s Singing Philadelphia, April 21;— (A P)— Ellen G. Berry of Hartford, repre­ “The Messiah,’’ Handel. , Hills. cylinder motor which develops 66 ac­ Dr. Francis Ashley Faught, an offi­ senting the Auxiliary, Col. William School. 10:30 p.m.— Empire Builders. Song, “The Old Gray Bonnet,” tual brake horsepower. The power 8:00 p.m.— “The Voice of Firestone” 11:00 p.m.— Lox^gines time. cial of the Philadelphia County H. Welch, Major Raymond A. Gates, I^EOPLE WILL USUALLY TAKE Beautiful Women Leverett CaiarUer, of Rockville, rep­ by Herbert Porter. plant is the original sturdy and — N B C . V 11:01 p.m.— Champion-Weatherman. Medical* Society, declared today that Original poem, “On the 40th Wed- economiesfl Graham motor perfected YOUR ADVICE IP YOU WAH 8:30 p.m.— The Gypsies— NBC. resenting the Grand Army of that 11:03 p.m.— Sport Digest. ing Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. and refined. Its more prominent fea­ . 9:30 p.m.— General Motors Family 11:08 p.m.— Temperature. _ the remarks of Dr. Weston A. city, W alter Sheridan representing ^ . FORTHEKA TO COME Use Mello-glo Hills, by Mrs. Robert E. Foote, tures are the seven bearipg crank­ Party— ^NBC. Price, of Cleveland, before the soci­ the American Legion of this town 11:09 p.m.— B e r t Lowe’s Statler shaft; interchangeable bronze ^ AFTERl \T.^ Beauties who guard their com­ 10 p.m.— “Golden Lyrics.” and WiUiam Pfunder of Rockville, Song, “Darling I am Growing Orchestra, ety Wednesday night, in which the backed main beaitogs; pressure lu­ plexions use MELLO-GLO . Face 10:30 p.m.— Benrus Time. representing the American Legion Old,” Mrs. C, W . Hutchinson. 11:30 p.m.— Bulova time. latter was quoted as having said be brication; four "point suspension, Powder only. Famous for piizlty— 10:31 p.m.— Webster’s Old Timers— of that city, Thomas J. Rogew, Recitation by C. W . Hutchison. its coloring matter is approved by had discovered in “Vitamin D” a and the cushioning of the rear en­ E. E. Webster, director. msyor of Mancbcst*6r a.nd Albert E. Song, Old Lang Syne. the Government. ’The skin never gine mounting? on. rubber. X 11:00 p.m.— “The Merry Madcaps” preventive, and, in some cases, a Waite, mayor of Rockville, and Delicious refreshments were serv­ AU main, connecting rod, and looks pasty or flaky. It spreads — ^Norman Cloutier, director. Thomas Ferguson of’the Manchester ed after which Rev. J. W. Deeter cure for the so-called degenerative camshaft bearings, as well as the more smoothly and produces a 11:30_p.m.— ^News; Weather; Atlan­ diseases— cancer, heart disease, in­ Heraldt expressed in a very pleasing maa- timing chain, water pump shaft, and youthful bloom. Made by a new tic Coast Marine Forecast. fluenza and pneumoifla— ^bad been Convene In Rockville ner the appreciation of the com­ valve tappets Me lubricated from a French process, MELLO-GLO Face 11:35 p.m— Walter Seifert. Strand The toastmaster reminded the munity for the help and support misinterpreted by newspapermen. submerged gedr pump. A guarded Powder stays on longer. The J. W. OrgMiisf. meeting that the annual state con­ that Mr. and Mrs. Hills have alwa.7s “Nowhere in his remarks, or in flat tube and fin radiator of ample Hale Co., So. Manchester.— Adv. 12:00 midn.— Silent. vention wlU be held in R o c k v ille this given and wished them many happy his paper,” said Dr. Faught, who- Is year. Already plans arc being size cools the water, which is-cir­ chairman of the scientific program^ returns. In behalf of the community culated by a chain-driven centrifugal Daylight Saving Will Effect made for that event which w ill take committee of the medical society, he presented them with a set of pump. The cylln'ders are wat6r-jack­ Seth Parker’s School By ROBBIN COONS. place on June Z*! and 28. E w r y “did Dr. Price state that he bawl dis­ dishes to which Mr. Hills responded eted the full length of the bores and If all the utterances of Paul member who can possibly attend, is Hollywood—Hundreds of actors covered a cure for cancer, or, in in his usual jovial manner as did the cooUng system includes a tber- ASHES REMOVED urged to do so. Lucas in the role of Seth Parker had have tried time^ after time to steal fact, for any disease, although in Mrs. HlUs in her quiet way. There been recorded smd a radio fan got During the evening bouquets of ,mostat. the picture from its star or to steal the course of his remarks, be did were adso several other gifts by rela­ Speedy getaway in traffic has them, he would have to set beside a flowers were presented to Mrs. J ^ - a scene, but the thoroughly efficient mention the possibility of arresting, tives and a beautifully decorated been provided for by an expanding tniving machine almost two whole nie Sheridan of this town, Mrs. E l­ DIAL6i32 scene-swiper nowadays must be able or preventing the occurence of heart angel cake made and presented by vane type carburetor with built-in days and two whole nights. At 7:30 len G. Berry of Hartford, Mrs. John disease, influen^, pneumonia, can­ accelerating ;mmp, which automati­ o’clock tonight from Station W ’llC, to steal a song too. , J. Connors of Hartford, and Mrs. Mrs. Deeter. /GUS SCHALLER Raymond Hattan, the_ comedian, cer and a host of other diseases, cally insures a proper fuel mixture Lucas will step before a microphone George Olds and Mrs. George John­ Last Tuesday eve at the regular .mostly hacterial. meeting of the Grange, officers we-e at aU times. The fuel pump is for the eightieth time as Seth Park­ recently opened the fiel'd for the son both of this town. These flow­ • The Discovery. mechanically driven and mounted on er, with more than 43 hours of new school of thievery in rather ers were gifts from the members of installed for the remainder of the the engine. Before entering the car­ broadcasting in that role behind him. amusing style. 'The main significance of Dr. Ward Cheney Camp for valuable year by Past Master Clayton Hunt DEBATE and DANCE — WmUUlAMS — buretor, all gasoline passes through In an imbroken succession, Seth Hatton, whose singing is certainly Price’s paper centered around his services rendered the State organ­ of Columbia Grange. Officers m- tabulation of a seasonal variation in a filter, and all air passes throvgto Parker’s broadcast words would trim not his strong point, w as to sing ization. ^ J *v. stalled were: master, C. W. Hutch­ an aJr. cleaner, while special intt^c Fri., Aprir25, 8 o’clock the world’s talking record of 43 with two other actors, one of whom Vitamin D, and incidentsflly A , in The banquet was given imder tne inson; lecturer, Mrs. Arnold C. O a O M A H C and exhaust manifold -provide even was very well trained vocally, cuid milk and butter, ip various peurts of auspices of Ward Cheney Camp ^ d Foote; lady assistant, Mrs. Edward hours flat, made by .Miss Kitty Cbar- distribution of properly mixed fuel lyianchester High School laye several years ago. ’They would could hit the high notes with mock the United States, Canada, and the committee in charge included Raymond. After closing the Grange, many foreign countries, intimating to all cylinders. and lce-0*Matfc also beat the record of Horaz, the ing-bird ease. Commander Thomas ■ < E. Murphy, the orchestra played several selec­ vs. that this variation might be directly The most important mechanical German actor who three years Jtgo The picture was a western, to be Past Commander Arthur E. Keat­ tions and more of the towns peop's SALES and SERVICE related to the fact that cattle in the change is the adoption of em ad*, completed a non-stop speech of more made ,ein location, but this song ing, Past Commander George John­ joined in congratulating the bride Wesleyan University spring of the year- obtained a higher vanced form of manitold heat con-?, than 40 hours duration. was td be redorded at the studio son, Charles Warren, Joseph and groom, Mr. and Mrs. George Day Phone...... 5879 percentage of Vitamins A and D Behrend, Jere Maher, Charles trol which regulates the tempera­ Fr^hmen Because of the adoption of day- before I departure to the wilds. Bosom who were present and pre from eating new grass. ’ Meinke, William Robinson, Nelson ture of the fuel mixture. This heat Night Phone .. - 3662 Ught saving time in Connecticut, all sented them with a shower of gifts. ■■■ r" Pr ' ------. ■ L’Heureux and Harry Hilton. control was developed by Graham > High School Auditorium ^bsequent broadcasts of the singing Vengeance. “He deduced the- hypothesis that Refreshments were served and danc­ since in practically every city there engineers, and was first shown on JOHNSON & LITTLE school rehearsals, beginning next " Hatton did his best, but- the Ca­ ing followed till a late hour. the new Graham eight-cylinder cars Wealeyaa Univertity Orchestra weekj will be heard at 6:30 o’clock was a distinct depression in mor­ Plombliig and Heating Oontraotors. ruso of the trio drowned him out, this year, It proved so advantage­ Eastern Standard 'Time (7:30 Day­ bidity and morts^ty in the same IS Chestnot St., South Manchester and .took thd last note “big’!--very ous in use that it has been adapted Tickets 50c light Time) on Thursdays, Instead months in which there was a rise in WILSON MEMORIAL THOMAS WELL PROBATED to both six-cylinder engines in the of 7:30 o’clock Mondays. ’The first Vitamin content in the butter, there ^ ) ^ e n they went on location, and Standard three-speed chassis and broadcast umJer this new schedule was some relation between these two 'the scene was photographed. They Norwalk, April 21.— (AP)— The the Special four-speed chassis. win be on Thursday, May 1st. facts, and he drew the inference that sang again, unrecorded this time, since Vitamin D was very much Savaimah, Ga., April 21.— entire estate of the late Mrs. Lulu A bronze tablet in an auxiliary Gorton Morgan 'Thomas, wife of WBZ—WBZA and the last note fpund Hatton tak­ concerned in rendering available building of the Independent Presby­ Federal Judge Edwin S. Thomas is NO TWO ALIKE Monday, April 21 ing his hat off and extending it in phosphorus and callsi'um contained a sweeping gesture, his mouth open. in the diet, and since it is - well terian church today directed visi­ left to her husbsuuf and two sons, 4:00 p.m.— Tea ’Timers. “My dear, all men are cast pretty known that degenerative diseases tors to a reproduction of the modest Gorton P, and Porter S. Morgan, 4:15 p;m.— ^Home Forum Decorating And- on the screen that note came much in jhe came mould.’’ bear some relation tb a paucity of church manse parlor in which and a sister, according to the will Period— ^VeUa Reeve. from Hatton’s lip«! “Yes, out some are mouldier than available, phosphorus and calcimn in. Woodrow Wilson married Miss of the deceased, filed in Norwalk ’This well established ser­ 4:30 p.m.— ^U. S. Marine Band. A new wrinkle in talkie talent is others.”— ’Tit-Bits. the diet, finally concluding tbax as Ellen Louise Axson in 1885. Probate Ckmrt. vice is personalized...... 5:00. p.m.— Stock and curb closings. the singing ensemble, which Is to there was a distinct slowing up of When the manse was abandoned The will was drawn in N ew York 5:30 p.m;-4-Amphion String Quin­ be heard often but seen seldom by there is sympathetic under­ these various diseases during p ^ o d s several years ago many of the city several years ago, and besides the fsms. ^ standing and'friendly-com- tette- - ! when the milk and butter contained original' furnishings of the parlor Immediate family bequests, servants PLACE YOUR 5:55 p.m.—Kyanize Road Man. were preserved and oUiers have are also remembered by Mfs. fOct*.. .a perfect blending 6:00 p.m.— Sessions chimes. Thin and Beady., a high Vitmain D content, h e : .' ad proved this relation. In no instance been reerpatfed. / Thomas. There are no public, be­ ORDER NOW FOR 9f details in an (MTegt of 5:01 p.m.^Champion WeaOier re­ The rifling has influenced Mary did be even suggest that he ]^ad dis­ The IxUKjrip^on on the** bronze quests. The amount of the estate port. Goodwin, Corini^ (jriffths’s former THAT MONUMENT wholly peaceful dignity and covered a cure, or that in the future tablet says; is not mentioned but is understood 6:03 p.m,— ^Agricultu^ Market lasting impression. secretary, who bnfe day ’’Just for it might he demonstrated that Vite- “This room Is on the exact loca­ to be considerable. 225 MAIN ST. .report. fun’’ took a voice test and was mln D is concerned in the cure of tion and is . largely a^ reproduclioil in order that it may be set in 6:20 p.m.— Spprt Digest. M ^ C H F S T E R signed for the chorus, to begin diet­ these diseues. of the parlor b f ' the manse in which time for Decoration Day. 6:30 p.m.— Scott Oracle. ing. '"The most serious side of this in­ Woodrow Wilson and Ellen Louise RADIO SERVICE ioAYaiidJdiilfT] 6:45 p.m,— ^TiorMa Oilers. Once before 'the camera, there s Axson were united in marriage, on all hialces. 7:00 p.m.— ^Bulova time. cident is that it must, of necessity, WHITE MEMORIAL' 9 h t Home PHQHe 1840 no telling what iopportunities may raise false hopes in the breasts of June 24, 1885 by the Rev. D S. K. New Sets and Standard Funeral 7 :0i p.m.—^Aiiiibs Axson, D.D., grandfather of the 7:15 p.m.— Le JBtoeufMPtnmen. come, and slimness ijr-preparatoess many cancer sufferers. Every hon­ Accessories. . STUDIOS in Hollywood. ^ bride and pastor of the Independent 7:30 p.m.— ^Lasse no cure for cancer other than its WM. E. KRAH CHAS. W. HART6NSTEIN , here now, imt. many are toding complete removal by X-ray, radium The tablet, presented by Mrs. L o c a l Repremntatiive ^ 8100 p.m.— Roky’s G ^ g i Charles ^ootb Malone, was placed ^ 6^9 Tolland Turnpike 8:30 p.m.— Ingram • flaaversr^trike nther meansJ;p;'she5l ,^^^ or .^ctro-dessication has been dis- 148 Summit SL D i a l SIK) in the building yesterday. m o m 8783 up the Band from ^Strike up the ager ” ■■ cdViired.’' 7-j^-!


Chicago,^ April 21.—{A P ;)—Base­ The 'Thundering Herd- chalked up Threatens ball’s ,boxing act has broken up— another victory Sunday; this being Senators for Arthur (The.Great) Shires and the third win in three starts. Var- .‘9 Russell (LenaV Blackbume are just rick and Wachekawski starred for n pair of buddies now. Hard to Pick Winner ofjTAYLOR VS. LABARBA When the SL Lords Browns, with the winners, Merz for the losers.^ whom the former White Sox pilot "rhe 'Thundering Herd issues a chal­ Athletics Win Third Straight; LEGION PRACTICE now serves as coach came to Chica­ lenge to any team in town compris­ Blackwell Regatta at Der-l TONIGHT IN CHICAGO go for a series with the Sox the ed of boys ranging from, 14 to 16 Braves Subdue Robins; erstwhile sparring mates exchanged years of age. Write John Scar- by May 3; Penn Shapes Chicago, April 21.— (AP.)—^Bud . TOMORROW NIGHT the grip and declared their high re­ chuck, 21 No.. School street, or call Taylor, the blond terror from Terre gard for each other. Haute, Indiana, and Fidel La Barba, Cleveland No$es Out De­ "I sincerely believe,” Shires said, 5040 after 5 o’clck. »^ Thundering Herd Up as Dark Horse. former fljrweight champion, will "that Blackbume is as good a work off an Installment of Promoter friend as I have in baseball.” AB. R. H. PC. A. B. Hold First Session at West .511100 Jack Dempsey’s featherweight eli­ troit, 2 to 0. “ Shires is O. K. and a hustling J. Brannick, rf . BY HERBERT W. BARKER. mination tonight in the Coliseum. ball player,” Blackbume said. A. Scarchuck, . 5 1 1,0 2 0 A. P. Sports Writer. Both boys are seeking Bat Batta- Side; May Form League If ss, c f ...... lino’s featherweight title, and are BY HUGH S. EXFULERTON, JB. i J. Wachikowski, New York, April 21.—(AP)— j down for not more than 10 rounds The Washington Senators have p., lb ...... 5 Eastern college, oarsmen have a ! taken a place in the front rank of Enough Boys Appear. J. Mitchell, lb, p .5 fortnight to brush up on thrfmer|at the division weight-126 pounds. the major league teams which have WILL BROADCAST J. Arcking, If. .. .4 points of rowing before the next big i started the year.hy upsetttag some J' Scarchuck, 2b. 4 regatta of the season, the Black- j experts to believe, that the Lions of the baseball “dope*-’-and one good The initial practice session for H. Olander, 3b .. .4 well Cup races at Derby, Conn., May i will have their hands full trying to reason for their good showing thus the candidates for the Legion base­ THE PENN RELAYS W. Brannick, cf.ss 3 3. I dispose of Yale and Penn in the two * M far is Lloyd Brown, big lefthanded ball team is scheduled for Tuesday J. Yawoeski, 3b .1 If the Navy-Columbia-Mass. Tech. 1 mile varsity event of the Bla^weU pitcher. afternoon at 5:30 p. m. at the West regatta at Annapolis on Saturday is Cup regatta. Ed Leader, one of the Side playgrotmds. All boys desir­ Brown is the only major league Total ...... 41 13 9 18 7 2 to be taken as a basis for predic- I most successful coaches in the coun- ous of trying out are urged to be hurler to pitch two full games up to Columbia System to Carry Better Boy’s Club tions then the 1930 season seems I try has expressed di^tisfacU on the present and win both of them. on the field promptly at the sched­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. uled hour, irepoxting to Coach John certain to eo down in the books as ydth his Yale eight but.it be ex- He held the Boston Red Sox to three In the garage for a complete overhauling is Knute Roclme, Notre Simons, ss ...... 3 0 1 0 0 1 one of the most spectacular in the pected that the Eli’s will pack lots l ! Jenney their names, age and po­ hits last Tuesday and yesterday Ted Busing's Description Katwaveck, c ....4 0 0 4 0 1 history of intercollegiate rowing ini of power when Derby Day rods sition which they wish to play. Dame football coach who has been an invalid since last fall. The P^oto scored his second triumph by d o l ­ shows the gridiron wizard at the Mayo Clinic in R,ochester, Minn., w e Koick, lb ...... 2 0 0 7 1 0 this country, around.aroimd. Penn, will be the dark ing the New Tork Yanks € to 3. The Until it is known how many can­ Genovess, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 2 horse” of that regatta. All three col­ triumph put the Senators in a tie didates will appear plans as to Over WABC. he is taking treatment. Columbia’s varsity eight, which L. Chappel, 3b .. ,2 0 0 0 0 3 climaxed an ' unbeaten season in leges have entered crews in each of for second place in the American whether or not their will be a pre­ Silkowski, lb ... 2 0 0 3 0 0 the four races, for varsity,-junior league instead of in the second d i - liminary------—league ^ can not be made. 1929 with a great -victory at Pough­ When the athletic representatives A CHALLENGE Davis, c ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 keepsie in the Intercollegiate Rowt varsity, freshmen and 150 pound vision. ? where lYie “dope” says theylcoach Jenney wants every boy who Luetgunes, 2b .. 3 0 1 0 2 0 crews. ! wishes to play report tomorrow eve- of more than twenty-five American Dear Sir: ing Association championship, had belong. colleges gather at Philadelphia for A. Rubacka, rf ... 2 1 1 2 0 1 Next Saturday three minor races The Yanks, losing their fourth he assures that all will be NATIONAL I would like to have a challenge to call upon all of its reserve supply the Pennsylvania relay carnival to in the Herald, for baseball games Merz, r f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 1 of strength, courage and stamina are on the program. Harvard’s straight, sent Sam Byrd in to re-. given proper consideration, Gudjuious, cf . . . • 2 1 1 0 0 1 lightweights will meet M. L 'T. at nlace Allen Cooke in the outfield ; ^ second practice will take place ,ie held at Franklin Field Friday and with any team, ranging from 18 to to beat out Navy by a quarter of a Saturday, radio listeners throughout New Y:>rk:— length in the featurp event on the Boston; the Columbia freshman with the announcement from Man- j Thursday evening at the same time GIANTS 2, PHIDIilES 1 21 years of age. T o t a l...... 28 2 4 16 6 10 the country will be afforded an op­ New Y ork Respctfully yours, Severn, M. I. T., heaviest boatload eight row Kent School at Kpnt, ager Shawkey that he would remain j place. Until the team is finally Conn., and the Columbia four oaired there against lefthanded pitching. | selected practice sessions will be portunity of following the progress AB. R. H. PO. A. 12. Harry Miller , 123 456 789 at Annapolis was a distant third, Marshall. 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 4 0 In n in gs...... freshman combination meets Pom- The change brought improvement, i held every Tuesday and Thursday of the games. 6 Windermere Ave., Better Boys Club .001 100 000 some four lengths back of Navy. Deach. If ...... 3 1 0 0 0 • Rockville, Conn. fret at Pomfret Harry Seibold of the Braves won j 5^30 p. m. Arrangement for broadcas^ng Lindstrom, 3b ...... 4 0 ^ j) - 0 Thundering Herd .811 201 000 I Columbia’s close shave has led the his game from the Robins 7 to 2 as , — ------was complCited early last week' by T erry lb ...... 3 0 ,2 12 j 0 Manager, Qerks A. C. two Brooklyn errors and a home run ; ______the Columbia Broadcasting system. O u rf ...... 2 1 1.-1 0 0 On Friday, the opening day of the Jackson, ss ...... 3 ® | | ? 2 with loaded bases provided six ^ s 1 Koettger, cf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 in the seventh inning. Young Wil­ carnival, broadcasts will begin at 3 O’Farrell, c ...... o 0 1 7 0 0 lis Hudlin of ClevelMd and Old AMERICAN p. m. for all stations of the C. B. S. Hubbell, p ...... 3 0 1 2 0 ^ network, although Station WABC George Uhle of Detroit both went 29 2 9 27 11 0 nine innings in a fine duel and Cleve- will not take the word descriptions Philadelphia land nosed out a 2 to 0 victory A 1 At Detroit:— until 3:30 p. m. Broadcasting will AB. R. H. PO. A. E. INDIANS S, TIGERS 0 pinch double with the bases full by,; continue until 5:45 o’clock. On Sat- Thompson, 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 Cleveland O’Duul, If ...... 3 0 0 3 Q 0 Burnett gave him yesterday’s game. 1 R. H. PO. A. E. urdav broadcasting will begin at 2 Klein, rf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 In the third American le a ^ e . Porter, rf ...... 3 U 0 0 0 2:30 and will continue for two hour.s. Spit is a horrid word, 0 -1 0 Hurst, lb ...... » ^ ® „ J. Sewell, ob-..;.. .^.5 0 , 0 , Edward B. (Ted) Husing, sports Southern, cf ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 game the Athletics scored t^eir. Jam ieson, c | ,3 0 0 A 0 0 third successive victory of the year l'-' 0 0 annoimcer, will give radio listeners a Thevenow, ss ...... 4 1 2 I u Fonseca, lb 0 Davis, c ...... 3 0 0 4 0 by bunching five hits off Dan Mac- 1 2 2 0 0 word picture of the games as they Falk, if ...... ^ 2 Alexander, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hodapp. 2b ...... ^ 1 1 5 0 transpire. A special feature -m Sat­ Fayden in one inning and downmg 1 5 1 Sherlock, x ...... 1 0 0 0 » 0 iVK but it is worse on the 1.. Sewell, c ...... i 0 0 urday will be a world’s champ'or- the Boston Red Sox 5 to 3. j 0 3 1 0 Collins, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goldman, ss ...... 2 0 ship invitatioh race over a mile MVCurdy, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 The New York and Philadelphia 1 Gardner, ss ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 course, in which Dr. Martin, of National League clubs which have Hudlin. p ...... j 0 30 1 4 24 7 0 Burnett, x ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Switzerland, Phil Edwards and Ray started out as if to revive the title _ — — — 001 010 OOx— 2 end of yoiir cigar of “hitless wonders” staged another ^ 2 s 27 .12 0 Congeij’ will participate. , . The 3,000-j ooo ooo loo-i close duel yesterday, the Giants win- ' D etroit meter' steeplechase, to be run b ri- Runs batted in, Jackson, OtT, ning by a 2 to 1 count. R. H. PO A. e:. day, will also be .broadcast. ^ Thompson; two base hits, Hubbell, 0 1 0 0 0 Thompson; thre base hit, Terry, Carl HubbeU held the Phillies t o , Johnson, rf .. 2 A special short-wave radio trans­ Stone, cf .... 0 4 0 •0 mitter weighing less than ■ thirt.v I home run, Ott; stolen base, Lind- four hits, two of them by Tommy Gehringer, 2b 0 1 3 4 0 Thevenow while the Giants reached .Alexander, 1 b 0 1 9 0 0 pounds has been designed for Husing i piay"’ karshalf Terry ^ to’ Jackson DON’T SPIT / 0 1 4 0 0 to carry about the field in making j Terry; left on bases. New York 8.' “ Old Pete” Alexander for the great- | Rice, If ...... 2 38S8 38& . McManus, 3b . u 1' 0 0 reports on the various events. Tlie Philadelphia 8; base on balls, off SPITTING SPREADS DISEASE er part of ten. but still it took a ; 2 IT Rogpll. ss. . • • 0 0 5 0 cpt h as a nower of five watts. An' Hubbell 4. Alexander 4; struck out, SCIENCE CONDEMNS home run by Mel Ott to win the Hayworth, c 0 0 0 0 DECENCY FORBIDS IT Uhle, p ...... 0 0 0 1 0 antenna st?ung. between two poles [^ft3^.“ ^‘^l\^exan^der7"fn''6"innmgroff u 0 0 u u will be carried by two attendants. A. o 2; hit by pitcher, by ^Tlie Law Hakes It ftinislMblg A Similar battle between the Chi- , Fothergill, z ■'m snecial short-wave receiver in the Hubbell (Friberg and Hurst); losing cago Cubs and Cincinnati R eds' 0 7. 27 10 0 _2 stadium will intercept the transmis-' Ditcher. Alexander; umpires.. Mc- marked the remaining National Cleveland .... ooo 000 200- and Reardon: time of League struggle. The — Cubs won 4 F.uns batted in. Burnett : tw o sion from the portable set and for-j 2:oo. to 3 after Cincinnati had scored base hits. Johnson., Burnett, R ice; ward it by wire to the C. B. C. 1°. . X—Sherlock batted for Alexander ' BOARD df double, plays. Gehringer to RogeJl to in 7th. . three runs in one inning off Fred Events to be broadcast Friday, in , Alexander; Rogell to Gehringer to -are: International quarter nule, c o l-] . x.x—McCurdy batted for Collins Blake.. ., ! Alexander;left'.®o bases, Cleveland 9th. 7 Detroit 9; base on balls, off lege quarter mile, district college ^ 1 lin 3. Uhle 3; struck out. by Hud in medley, quarter, half and three-: 5. Uhle 2; hit by pitcher, by Hudlin .Vt B r o o k ly n :— 1 (Alexander): passed ball, Hayworlli; quarters mile national, miiidle At-, BRAVES 7. ROBINS 2 i lantic mile, interscholastic medley,; Boston [ umpires, Ndlliti, Giesel and Dineei), AB. R. H. PO. A. E. time,T2:01., . „ , 1 3,000-meter steeplechase. 1) 1 0 0 0 ! Sports Forum X—Burnett, batted for Goldman in 'Welch, cf 0 Maranvllle, SS ...... 5 1 1 5 0 0 . 0 r I.K I I WKU O.MKI) i 7th. ■ ■ ' . Hichbotirg, rf ...... ;4 2 1 0 . z-lFothergill batted for Hayworth 0 0 0 1 1 R. Moore. 3b •» Sign Name ami Address j in 9th; E. Clarke. cf 0 0 1 0 0. I ------Berger, If ...... 5 1 0 3 0 0 I .\t IVanUington;— How They Stand Neun. lb ...... 4 0 0 8 0 1) i j N.VTTON-\L.S «. YA.NKS a Maguire. 2 b . _____ ; . 4 0 0- 2. 4 0 Spohrer, c .If-'- • •■> ■1 2 3 1 0 OLDTEML B-VSEB-ALL. ^ AB. K. H. PO. A. E. 1 0 0 0 0 2 u 0 ITSSTERDAY'S .RESWiTS Seibold. p - Uoepp. cf . .4 1 1 Rhiel. ,x • • ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 To the Sports Editor: : SVest, c f . . .0 R obertson, 3U ...... 1 0' 0 0 0 ; Rice, rf .. . .4 1 1 1 0 0 __ . —— — -— --- I read with much interest your re-- ' Goslin, If 1 1 0 ; ; 37 7 8 27 10 1 cent story on the origin .of baseba.i i Mver, 2b • . 0 1 1 4 .d B rooklyn 2 QevBlithd Detroit' 0." ! Cronin, ss a,a.a.y a a a 1 0 1 4 AB. R. H. PO. A- E. and its growth and agree .wit^ yya 0 j Judge, lb a • ^ <) 0 16 ^ s^ h in gtra 6',-NeW;-Tfork 3. Frederick, cf . that it is supposed to have bad i.s lA'uege. 3b 0 1 y) 4^ LkJuis-CMiMgro^ • Gilbert, 3b . . 0 4 'V' starting in England from the game I'Ruel. c . ’.'.3 1 • r- National League Herman, rf . . called-rounders, but as a game of : Brown, p . . • >■ ...i* . . 3 1 0 i) Hendrick, If . ,. 1 2 . .1 0 0 0 0 0 NffwV;;^)brk 2, Philadelphia 1. baseball, it is American from ever/ ‘ Barnes, z Bissonette. lb but .i- Boston 7, Brooklyn 2. Wright, ss .,. angle.. ■4\ V S' 31 6 8 27 17 ' 0 . Chicago 4, Cincinnati 3. Flowers, 2 b .. 1 am not going back too far, ■ N ew York Picinich, c . .. *.• ' AB. R H. PO. A. e ; Pittsburgh-St. Louis (rain). .0.. 12 right after the Civil Ca. Eastern League W. Clark. P -‘i Conhecticur.ici^^-, E. Moore; z . Philip Hudson, whO;’ "L Springfield -4, 'Hartford 2. .Morrison, p Company B, Tenth Allentown 7, Providence 5. Thurston, zz' . formed a baseball team known asjf-uth. rf ....; Albany lO, Pittsfield 2. 2 9 27 9 2 th i Hockanum here'in Manchester j Ueiu-.g. H> , 34 Bridgeport 9, New Haven 0. Boston ...... 000. 001 COO—7 and among the playjers on:that team j gyj.^ ^ ---- D ickey, c .3 . -0.--.Q. J B rooklyn ...... 0*^® 1®® ®®^ “ bewas outdone, the late JamesJam es W Follows. i CheMy Not form­ to | chapman.Zachary, p 3i> .0 4 :l"l THE s t a n d i n g s Runs batted in, Berger Si' Rhiel 1. ed a team at the SiShth h3id called Rhodes, p . ,,0.0. ■0[. ' 0 b Bissonette. Frederiek; ttvo base bit. the Old Glories. These priced to be Sherid, p c.4>v4l -01 .Airi0ri<»n Lfiague Bpohrer, Frederick.' Herman. Pici­ 0; .'O: b. nich; three base hit, Spohrer; home the best teams in this- -feectiom : A HargravL x ,4;*. ? t ' ® PC. ...the war against Spitting is-a Uary, xx .. O' b ; 0 . 'b run, Berger; stolen bases, Berger. game was arranged for the title Philadelphia ...... 3 I 1.000 Richbourg, Bissonette; sacrifice, Bis­ ;S3.' 3. .‘rr8'4' !i.3 .600 sonette: double play. Robertson to and the prize was a gold ball. Tht.s Dietrqat • v.- •; • L • • • 3 ? Maguire to Neun; left on base, Bos­ went to the team managed, by New York ...... ,; 1. D.tOt-OOY'btO-i^',, Washington '.. L ... 3 i .600 Washington ..... bill -0.00 ?3x-^6- ton 7, Brooklyn 9; base on balls, off crusade of decency. . . |O in it. James. VV. Cheney and was long Runs batted in',' Chapman; Crontn, Boston ’ i... • • • • • ^ ^ .500 i Seibold 3, W. Clark 3, Morrl^son 1; Bazzerl 2. Goslj.n 2, Blu^re.-Rice 2;- Chicago 1 ; .500 struck out, by Clark 5, Seibold 1; '^ ^ ^ S slS ll'^ L S ted boys of Man-j Two''base' hits, ■Loepp,.' ^^slin, ,Laa- .333 hits, off Clark 7 in 7. off Morrison 1 Baseball attractea o^ya zeri; three base hit, .Gosljn; .saorlfic^, at. .Louis ^ ' in 2; passed balls, Picinich 2; losing Chester even m those days ana inei cronin, Koenij New York .. ;.0 , ' .000 pitcher, Clark; umpires. Donohue, Smoke CERTIFIED CREMO! first professional baseball player j bases, New Vork • ' National League Klgler and Magerkurth; time 2:18. bases on balls, .—...... PC. X__Rhiel batted for ’Welsh in 7th. from these parts was a man born ->n ' r - ' / ■ .. ■ I z—E. Moore battefd for W. Clark in Brown 2. off Rhodes'.1 :.-struck. QUt, bjr. New York i'...,.... 3 I 1.000 and tip the cigars without the possibility o f spit! April 1, 1854 on Oakland street, Brown 4. bX-;Zachary: 1;. hits.' toff Hating "spit” as you do, wouldn’t you be horri­ Zachary 6 ih. 7“lj3. oft Rhddes^i'-lnb Pittsburgh ,.... •: 4 .800 ‘^zz—Thurston batted for Morrison John P. Connor. He played with ,667 many of the teams then playing (2 batters)..Joi­•Rosl^ri ...... 2 in 9th. fied if you suddenly discovered- that the cigar Try a Certified C r e m o — see how wonderfully good n in gs; wild',- ■-piten,..-.-Rhodes; losin g <^icago.' /..... r ... ■ 3 .500 profeskou3.1 baseball. The teams m pitcher, Eacltary; 'utaolres.! McCowan. .400 At Cincinnati:— you smoked was roUed by filthy fingers—and it is! Made o f the choicest, tenderest leaves tl^ Van Graflan-.andv.poBhpl}x.s,;time, 2:01. St. lioui^ V...... 2 those days took different names. He .333 eV R S 4, .REDS was a-member of the Haymakers of X—Hit for-Dick'ley.’in. ^th. -Philadelphia ...... 1 Chicago tipped with spit? And just think . . . more than the crop affords, we claim Certified Cremo’s quality XX— H it fo r Sfi^Tid in, 9th. (Cincinnati ...... 2 .333 AB. R. H. PO. Troy and left that team to play in­ z— Batted fo r Doepp in 8th. .000 English, ss ___ .... 5 0 1 3 half of all cigars made in this country are is tastier th a n that o f any other cigar* Don’t let Brooklyn ...... 0 2 6 1 dependent baseball in Northampton, Eastern League Blair, 3b .. . . , ...... 0 Mass., the Haymakers, in the great­ A t Bo. immaculate . . . foil-wrapped • • • D ykes, 3b) • a a a a a a;.4 0, 1 1 3 New Haven...... 0 ing too fast for the company'he was B oley, ss . .4 0 0 3 2 Pittsfield ...... 0 .000 Ci'itz, 2b ...... 4 1 1 1 4 1 Certified Cremo is the kind o f cigar the late Vice- in andj;$ent him on to Boston Na- Rom m ell, P ...... 1 1 0 1 0 Allen, c f ...... 4.1 1 5 0 0 Cremo factories is scientifically treated by nethods Quinn, p ..2 ■1 1 0 2 Sukeforth, c ...... 4 1 1 4 00 President Marshall undoubtedly was thinking of tionalS^where he played for many GAMES TODAY "Walker, rf ...... 3 0 1 0 .0 0 recommended by the U. S. Department o f Agri­ years and is still recorded as one of 33 " 5 'To 27 13 Meusel, If .3 0 0 1 0 0 when he said, "What this couhby needs is agoM the best outfielders that ever played B oston American League K elly, lb ...... 3 0 0 11 0 0 culture. And its purity is safeguarded alon^ every AB. R. H. PO. A. E. St. Louis at Chicago. Cuccinello, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 5 c cig a r!” in big. time. Barrett, rf ...... 4 2 2 2 0 0 Ford, ss ...... 3 0 1 5 9 0 step o f the way by amazing inventions that fo il, "wrap - It was a Hartford County man, O. Miller, 3 b ...... 4 Cleveland at Detroit. , Donohue, p ...... 2 0 0 0 3 0 • Dr. Pryor of Southington, who first Oliver, cf ...... 4 Washington at Philadelphia. Johnson, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 pitched a curve ball and he was of­ Scarritt, If ...... 3 (Only games scheduled). Heilmann, z ...... 1 ® 1 ® . ® ® R egan, 2b ...... 4 National League Swanson, zz ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ten seen in Manchester in the c^ ly -Xodt, ,1b 2 Lucas; p •>...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 80’s. :&anchester never had but'one N airlisk'y,' bb . . L ..... 3 Boston at Brodklyn. 30 3 6 27 20 '1 man in the big show, Herman K. Sweeney, b ..1 Philadelphia at New York. , R hyne, bb ...... 0 Chicago at ^Cincinnati . C hicago ...... 001 002 100— 4 Bronkie, who started as a pitcher H evlng, c ...... 3 Cincinnati ...... 000 300 000— 3 MacFayden, p ...... 3 Pittsburgh at St. Louis. for Glastonbury with Herman Mon­ Eaatem League Runs batted in, Cuyler, Stephen­ tie as his catcher. He came to the W insett, bz ...... 1 son. Grimm, jlartnott, Allen. Kelly; Manchfester team under Breckiiy Springfield at Hartford. two base hits, Blair, Cuyler,. Stephen­ 33 3 9i27 13 2 N-tw Haven at Bridgeport son; three baSe hits, Blair, Grimm: bridge as a pitcher and went ^ to Phili jdelphia 100 010 300— 5 Pittsfijsld' at Albany. sacrifices. Cuyler, .-Wilson, Walker. Newark, N. J. From M a a ^ d i^ M ^ B tj JO V« • ••-••• 110 6^10 000—a Kelljf; left- onijbase®, Chicago 8. Cin­ R ^ B J b a ^ e '^ inlti siininonsi' 2, Haaib - fAUentown at Proid#ence.^. I'-' -J- _____A , - cinnati 5 r*base oh--balls, oft Blake 3. failed to make good and ww to, C ocn aine, tfe, .ySiyMlUn.rj'Bdrrell, Ollveif, Donohue i ; struck out, by Blake 4, Waterbury. From 'WaWrbury Tie Scarritt; two base hits, Simmons; HORSE RACING Donohue 1, Lucas 1; hits, off Dono­ went to "Hartford and then back to sacrifices, Haas, Simmons, Scarritt; hue 12 in 6 Innings (none ' out in Waterbury. Waterbury was short double plays, Bishop to Boley to 7th), off Johnson non Ip-l;'off: Luck? Foxx (2), MacFayden to Hevlng to New York, April 21.—(AP.) none in 2; losing pitcher, Donohue; of players and Bronkie, when not O. Miller to Regan, Regan to Nar- The metropolitan raeffng season umpires, Jorda, Quigley and Pflrmaii; pitching, would play the outfleld. lesky to Todt; left on bases. Phila­ opens at Jamaica today with the time. 1:39. ■: One day the third baseman was iU delphia 9, Boston 8; base on balls, off historic Paumonok-handicap as the z—Heilmann batted for Johnson in r-.'i.v-- Rommel 3, Quinn 1, MacFayden 4'; 7th. • , rM- and BrooMe took hl8 place. He-was struck dut, by Rommel 1, Quinn 3, feature race of the day. ^ ■ z z —Swanson ran for Heilmann in T H E G O O D in his bright position and from there MacFayden 3; hits, oft Rommell 6 in Twelve sprinters probably -will 7th. 4 1-3, off Quinn 3 in 4 2-3; winning i-: went -^ILthe American Association pitcher. Quinn; umpires, Morlarty. start in the Paumonok, wprth ?5,- m. ~ • _____ ^ t--eofi,.\iiiith JrJfl’ Poly- r . ,TmATAMEmCA and t»h~4o,-«t of .^ifm eri; ^Cam pl^ti O w ensf-tim e, P;53. ’ Dense Dorothy thinks the Medi­ ' can b — R . Swesney batted for Narlesky jdor and R. L. Gerry’s High Stnmg 1930. Anarlcan Cigar Co. in *ti»- ' , nicked to battle it out for terranean fruit fly is just another- Very truly yours, zB-^Winsett batted for MacFayden P toe of tbofis publicity fligbta. A NORTH ENDER. In 9tb< , 8*aSl« ''*^r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 21,1980. iS S # justilicatioii for taktag ^ w a tw of an Interstote stream for uM in CHEMET a watMtood LOST FOR 8 YEARS Interest In abundantly aupplied by nature. GET-TOGETHOrS GUESTS'. NEW ENGLAND COACH PICKED \ V - . V Totaorririr th* i SKELETON IS FOUND Increases c d s im M g n e r e t meetiag o t the Get Together Ctoh COACH OF MARINE BASEBALL at d b'etbok to Cheney hall, Cheney I AnHi 21— VAP) — «sIgBS Of wikJhess, but Boies stifled Brotbws will play host to former Roberf Miner Cualnnan, clerical of toe company who have* With Pennsylvania holding the lead, &e threat, and Incidentally picked To Submit It to Special Mas­ employe- -of ' Wd bemi.pensioned after 25 or more j Mystery Surrounding Disap- !n t h / I S S t o t e r S S t e Base-’ np cre ^ tfcr toe victory as. Stevens Miss Ruth Mildred M l g n ^ Former Dartmouth Star Who COLLEGE on ,.ic- d^f.a:l«.re ^pleU^ the re- years of service, a group which ter on Wednesday; Con of the fourth grade at the Nathan iuimbera 113 men and women. A tory ^ n o defeate, league interest quirite fonr,^taga.^^y^^; . Hale school, wjere married Satjirday I pearance of Conn. Man Is The defeat by . Cornell, reduces majority of these are «q»ected to 1Ii ( a« Later Coached at Ver­ SPORTS for*"the confing week centers in th& afternoon by Rev. Charles T r i^ y to< attend ae, no effort is bring spaced Saturday clash at New !^ven, Columbia’s iieimant hope cob^i^r- necticnfs Arguments. the Fifth Avenue R re sb y to ^ ably, and makes it necessary £<^ the to miake ttclr presence posribie. Finafly Cleared Up. where the Red and Blue wiU at­ church in New ^ York O ty. A roast chicken dinner, by psaxm,; mont and Fordham Well tempt to strengthen its light blue and white to win 'ftom news of the wedding, . came; ^ BASEBAIX. Dartmouth here next Sattrday i. to- will be served by members of toe College. with a victory over Yale. The EMs Hartford, April 21.— (AP.)/—Dep­ as a j su rp i^’ to , the : firm, followed by after dinner meet the ^weU-balanced remain in the Immediate ' rumnlng.' cup&nts (rfl Teacher's HalU 1180 Known in New England. Cornell, 6; Columbia, 2. New York, April 21— (AP) — to the Green will, be niak-' uty Attorney-General Ernest L. si>eech«8 and an entertainment, of i Fordham, 7; Boston College, 2. vania team with a hard-hitting street, where they had been The mysterious disappearance eight s ^ d ' ^ h hM been sailing rutt- tag a determined effort to .toeak Averill and Attorney Benedict M. Hiring- Only the parents of both roosic, monologues, xnagic and mov­ Yale, 14; Vermont, 1. and one-half years ago of H e ^ L. leJSv S u g h non-league opposition into the gumes won colunm ^ o w - ies. Fred J. BendaU is chairman of . Few coaches are more widely City CoUege, 14; Mass. Aggies, 8. Holden, special counsel, have finish­ Mr. and Mrs. Cushman knew, that Norton, a native of Salisbury, Conn., lessiyfollowing uiroug an-even break in ov,am.ebam ! ing.its initial reverse at New BAven it was to take place. Residents at the program committee. If it is ^ HaskeU, 9; Nebraska, 4. ed their brief to be submitted to known In New England than John pionship games against Columbia j ^ t week Defeating Tosreau?s hotySi Special Master Charles W, Bunn toe Hall had not expected the mar­ possible toe pensioners will be seat­ Dickinson, 5; Temple, 1. ed at one table. It is expected th.it T. Keady, pilot of the All-Marine j will not be the easiest task asked of at St. Paul, Minn,, on Wednesday, riage so soon. Union, 13; Northeastern, 2. i Coluinbia in tte run of the league husbands and wives of the gursts .4 nine. About May 18, the team wUl' Pennsylvania is leading today be j in tte case of tte State of Connec­ Mr. Cushman is toe son of Bverett Army, 6; Haverford, 2. in a thicket two miles from Ross cause of ’ Columbia’s defeat m campaign. .. ; ticut agatast tte Commonwealth, of M. and Adelaide Miner Cushman of will also attend and toe gathering/': Holy Cross, 9; Brown, 0. :(p: leave its base at Quantico, Va., for Sanitarium in Brentwood, N. Y. Ithaca last Saturday by a score . Following Pennsylvania in the Massachusetts ta which Connecticut New Bedford and was bom to New will number upwards of 300. Boston, making that city its head­ Lafayette ’33, 10; Wyoming Sem., Identification was made by two 6 to 2. Andy Coakley tried Bill standing, Columbia, Cornell and seeks to prevent tte 'metropolitan, Bedford, Mass., and a graduate of 5. sons through a watch, a scarf pm, a Wilkens, hero of a Columbia victo^ Yale are tied for second place, each district of Boston froni diverttaig tte Philadelphia Textile School. quarters while playing games wi.n Susquehanna, 7; P. M. C., 2. colleges in Vermont, New Hamp­ pair of eyeglasses and otter per­ over Harvard a week ago, ori the Witt one victory, and, one / defeat. tte Swift and Ware rivers from tte Mrs. Cushman is the daugter o t PUBLIC RECORDS Dartmouth, 8; Wesleyan, 7. sonal effects found about the Next comes Dartmouth, halted ta its ■,aC' ■. shire, Rhode Island and Connecti­ firing line agatast Cornell, and tte watershed of the Connecticut river. Louis C. and Eva L. Mignerey of 1*1 Indiana, 7; Chicago, 1. thicket. experiment was a great success for one league-game, with Princeton ta The Connecticut brief consists of Danbury and the grand-daughter of cut as well as Massachusetts. last place, yet untested by a league WABBANTEE DEEDS. Colby, 4; Maine, 2. Disappeared in 1921 the big red team. tlurty-oue pages and stresses forty- State Senator Louis C. Mignerey.: Dartmouth, Vermont and Bates Miss. A. and M., 6; Tulane. 5. Mr. Norton disappeared Nov. 8, foe. - ' j Edward J .Holl to-WUliam and n remember Keady as a baseball ^ d Eckley’s hoys got to Wilkens for three points on claims set forth at She was bom ta Bethel, and is a Edna A. H. Wuerdlg, lot 42 ta the Bowdoin, G; Bates, 2. 1921 two months before his 84th two unearned runs on two passes, a Outside tte league circle, George­ tte opening of tte case before tte graduate of Danbury Normal school. football coach, and he was winning V. P. I., 7; Virginia, 2. birthday. Although he had been in town, continues to do well, a threat Bluefieids tract. South Manchester. fame as a pitcher in the New Eng- Quantico Marines, 2 wild throw by Balquist and a single special master at Boston, Mass., Morris L. wimftw to Robert D. -i N. Y. U., 3; good health he had gone to the sani- hv Blinn cushman in tte first inning, agatast tte perennial . champion i. February 18. Yale ’33, 11; U. S. Naval Training,’ |1 farium^for__n rpst. a rest. For months For months after py j5iinn c ^ oftor Holy Cross. The hilltoppers have Wilson, lots 47, 48 and 4 8 -in tte Cushman’s hit being inserted after to addition to tte brief, Connec­ FOUR HURT IN W M CK Middle Heights tract on Cole street. I his disappearance a search was car the side should have been retired. only one game against tte crusaders ticut is filing fifty-six pages of Conn. Aggies, 11; Pratt, i. ried on* vigorously • in New York, The young Columbian completed his this year, due to the fact that Holy comments on exhibits filed ta tte LEASE* r ' Navy, 10; Lehigh, 8. New Jersey and Connecticut,, where Cross is making no real southern Pasquale Vendrillo to Joseph \Mg- j own downfall in tte second when case, ta which the exhibits are ex- New Haven, April 21.— (.AP) — Wimarns, 7; R.’ P. I-, 5. Ma 'onic grand lodges conducted two singles and three passes were so trip. jacKJack tsarryBarry’s s cnargracharges ®peneuiopened nnd extracts quoted from • Two suitomobiles were in collision on none, store at 23 Oak street. Mercer, 13; Birmingham South­ statewide investigations in Long their campaign only yesterday when offered______with___ relation to the Milford, turnpike, close by the MECHANIC’S LIEN. grouped that three honest runs re- The Manchester Plumbing and ern, 12. Island alone 18,000 handbUls giving tulted and Fred Landau rushed to Brown was defeated by 9 to 0 as half way house ta Orange shout 4:30 them. Supply Co. as^tinst Charles W. King School. a thorough description of tte miss­ the box ta a rescue role. Sims allowed three hits. Fordham Points ta Brief (hi-a morning and later severid o( Hill, 2, Swarttwore Prep., 0. ing man were distributed Landau held tte Ithacans to four defeated Boston College by 7 to 2 The brief holds that the material those hurt were admitted to New ta tte sum of 361.71 on real estate Salisbury, 18; South Kent, 12. No trace of him was found, how- : “ , one unearned run to gain a temporary jump on tte allegations of tte bill of complaint Haven hospital here. on Comstock Road. Hoosac, 14; Berlin, 4. er,until a real estate development of the game, but field in tte Catholic college league. have either been admitted by tte One car belonged to Harry Burn- W. R. P^mer agatast Charles W. Jamaica, 7; Princeton Prep., 3. worker discovered a | highly regarded Columbia at- Syracuse seems to have a team Massachusetts answer or have been ini, 23, of 56 Asconi street, Roxbury. King in the suta of $250 on real es- * Roosevelt, 7; Stanford, 1. I Sek w S una.^e to get going agal^t which will be hard to beat ta tte proved by an abundance of testi­ Mass., who -received a fractured tate on Comstock Road. ' Andover, 6; Tufts ’33, 5. police who had Mr. Noroton’s name MiiP%"steven^s or ciirlttn Boies. Co- Syracuse-Colgate-Penn State cham- mony which ta many very import­ nose. He is on tte danger list. Peekskill M. A., 2; Madison, 1. on their list of missing persons. nicked up a 'run in the , pionship series. Capt. Ben Balsley ant aspects were \mcontradicted. It Those with him were: Jack Hoffen* WALES LEAVES EGYPT New York M. A., 7; Hamilton, 7 The police notified his sons, Her­ oprae? L d drove^Stevens from the , held Columbia to five hits on Friday not only stresses tte points Connec- berg, 21, of Ftailon street, Dorches­ Port Said, Egypt, April 21.— (10 innings.) bert L. Norton, of Lynbrook, N. S d ’ ta the third when he showed | to wm by 2 to 0. I ticut claims to have proved but by ter, sevwe lacerations and Max (AP)—"rhe Prince of Wales sailed Lacrosse. Y., and Ralph Norton, of Kew Gar­ reference to tte testimony of wit­ Goldber, Roxbury, fracture of tte for Marseilles at midnight aboard Navy, 23; Georgia Tech. 1. dens. Yesterday the sons identified Waters, Wingdale, N. Y., injured nesses for both sides ta tte contro­ right low leg. tte steamer Rawal Pindi, The royal Stevens, 17; M. I. T., 1. tte skeleton as that of their fatter. versy and exhibits offered before to tte otter car tte hurt wete himter is returning to England Johns Hopkins, 4; Swarthmore, 2. when auto hits tree. They said no marks of violence were Boston—Jimmie Picardi, 21, Bos­ tte master, tends to prove the con­ Mr. and Mrs. Israel Gaboury, of 151 after nearly a four months absence Cornell, 6; Syracuse, 4. found and that their fatter evident­ Overnight ton contender for the bantamweight tentions. Beechwood avenue, Bridgeport; the in Africa. . Army, 7; Lafayette, 0. ly had died of exposure. It was re­ boxing championship and former Connecticut conclusions in tte wife being on ttC danger list with Yale, 12; New York L. C., 2. called that there was a storm on New England and National junior brief are that the taking of water concussion of the brain and lacera­ Yale ’33, 7; Spring ’33, 4. the night Mr. Norton disappeared. A. P. News is an invasion of rights that can­ tions. Otters in this car did not re­ Crescent A. C., 5; Rutgers, 4. 112-pound amateur champion dies Way To Get At a Cold Prominent Mason hAre following operation for appen­ not be denied; that it will cause quire treatment. Rugby. Mr. Norton came to New York damage to various interests in the Yale, 8; Montreal English, 8. after receiving his education at Sal­ dicitis. New York—President-Elect Olaya ■White River Junction, Vt.—Leroy state of Connecticut is proved by a Is Through the Bowels Track. isbury, Con. He served in tte Civil clear preponderance of evidence, North Carolina, 70^^; Penn State, -War with tte 13th Brooklyn In­ of Columbia receives salute of 21 W. Truelove of Charleston, S. C., is ABOUT TOWN guns and is met by National and arrested for passing a worthless that it is a taking of navigable wa­ 55%. fantry. At the time of his disap­ ters, a fact which must be accepted Swarthmore, 89 2-5; Dickinson, pearance he was senior past master city reception committee. check for $4, one of a number he The Emblem club will give a pub­ As soon as you catch cold, tte John T. Keady. passed to finance a book, publishers by tte court, established by the 36 3-5. of the Essex Lodge of Masons, London—Robinson in radio speech lic card party at tte Elks home In pores close; perspiration, is checked. had not accepted. action of Massachusetts and of tte Gases and waste.-can’t escape land league more than a score of Navy, 86; Virginia, 40. Elizabeth, N. J. He retired as praises parley's achievements. War Department as well as by tte Rockville Wednesday afternoon at Hill School, 46; Swarthmore treasurer of the Jamaica Water Fairfield, Vt.—Mrs. Mary M. 2:30. Three prizes will be awartPed through the skin. That’s why your years ago. . u- Tokyo—Wakasutki, Japanese Brenna, G9, and her son, Thomas, evidence; that the taking is but Prep., 8. , Supply Company ta 1915. tte winners ta bridge and three in doctor’s ' first advice m of The leatherneck leader started ms delegate at London, authorized to 33, burned to death ta a fire which tte first step in the execution of a colds is a mild laxative like cas- career ta athletics when he played Ohio State, 95; Pitt., 40. Funeral services will be held Wed­ plan which has its ultimate object straight whist. Mrs. Frank Balk- Georgia Tech., 72; Clemson, 54. cemetery, j sign naval treaty. destroyed their farmhouse. cara. Medical authorities a^ee it ; baseball and football at Dartmouth nesday ta Evergreen cemetery tte taking of other rivers tributary ner, Mrs. Ella Balch, and Mrs. Stanford 831-15; California, Elizabeth, N. J-, where his wife Is Shanghai—Missionary’s letter Attleboro, Mass.—Rev. David P. Thomas Brennan are Manchester actually str>hens. bowel muscles. back in 1902-05. Since that time he Sheedy, pastor of St. John’s Roman to tte Connecticut; that the taking 4714-15. buried. Besides' the sons he leaves \ beseiged city of Hanchow says members of the committee. ' You get cascara in its most pleas­ has been actively identified with Catholic church since 1910, dead. is unnecessary; that it must be ant form in candy Cascarets. Fieldston, 67; Riverdale, 26. a daughter, Mrs. Nathaniel R. Bron anarchial situation prevaUs in dis stopped sometime;' that tte inex­ college and other sports, spendmg Cooper Union, 38; Savage, 34. son, of Waterbury, Conn. trict under bandit regime. Sudbury, Mass.—Henry Ford’s • •vi'igg Eleanor Bidwell of Chestnut Remember this when you catch four years at his alma mater as historic Wayside Inn threatened'by haustibly supply within tte eastern Golf. Bombay—In connection -with street is visiting friends at North- cold; whenever breath is bad; coach, seven years at Lehigh Uni^- a brush fire that swept 50 acres of watershed must be gathered and tongue coated;'or you’re headachy, Peddle, 6; Erasmus, 6. Gandhi’s activities, several minor made available for consumption by field Seminary, where she was a versity, an3 four years at Vermont. Tennis, his estate. bilious, constipated. ENGUSH SOCCER leaders arrested in suburbs. tte metropolitan district or a great­ student for one year. While at Vermont he coached Penn, 8; Colgate, 1. Belmont, Mass.—George A. Car­ Why resort to harsher things basketball as well as football team.s. Leipsig—Three killed, 10 injured michael, 60, secretary of tte Public er supply must be taken from the when Cascarets’activate th® Swarthmore, 6; Army, 2. interstate stream. It is asserted The official board of the Soutt In 1922 he was baseball mentor at N., Y. U., 9; Holy Cross, 0. London, April 21.— (AP)—Re­ in clash of police and Communists. Utilities Commission of Rhode Methodist church will meet this so quickly, so harmle^y and pleas­ sults of league football matches Island, dies here at home of his that Miissachusetts has not given, antly—and cost only a dime?—^Adv. Fordham, and ta 1925 he came to Mexico City—Cassidy, after escap­ neither can it give, any satisfactory evening for important business. the Marines. played in the British Isles today, ing kidnapers who threatened nis brother. Keady’s success with the Mannes follow: life, arrives on way to Peabody, Hartford Game English League First Division has been phenomenal. Under his Mass., home. g^uidance the sea soldiers have nevCi Aston Villa 0, Portsmouth 1. Derby County 4, Sheffield Wed­ Fountainbleau, had a losing season ta either foot At Hartforil:— „ Sorel, noted actress, suffers fractur­ ball or basebaU. In tte five-year POVIE.S 4. SEV.VTORS - nesday 1. Springfield . _ ed shoulder ta auto accident*' - period their football team won 37,^ ... a B. R. H. Pe>. A . E. Leicester City-6, Arsenal 6. lost 10, and"" tied“"S-gamesf their Sewell, 3b ...... 4 1 1 2 3 0 Manchester City 4, Leeds United New York—Mr. and Mrs. Lind­ baseball team won 109 games out of Gleason, 2b ...... 3 J ® „ bergh fly from Glendale, Calif., with Dougherty, rf ...... 2 1 2 0 0 0 Middlesbrough 2, Blackburn one stop, beating non-stop record. 133. Brooks, cf ...... 2 0 0 6 /O 0 ‘•ALWAYS THE BEST” Rovers 4. Chicago—Gangsters’ bullets kill i With the New England pilot at Johnson, If ...... 4 0 i ? 2 q r tte helm the Leathernecks have four Bejin.. lb ...... 3 2 .3 | 0 0 Sunderland 4, Bolton Wanderers three underworld characters. times won tte President s Cup fo. Dowtin. ss ...... 4 0 - 1 o 1 Washington—^Lamont says public Koelbecker. c ...... 4 « J ’ J “ English League Second Division supremacy in service football, and Schmidt. P ...... construction contracts Barnsley 1; Millwall 2. ing first three months of 1930 to­ they also won ■ tte baseball cham­ ^ 4 11 27 10 2 Bradford City 2, Hull City 1. MEN’S pionship from tte Navy in 1926, the talled $3 0 3,000,000. , Hartford Bristol City 2, Chelsea 1. New York—Special commission MEN’S only occasion a championship base­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Nottingham Forest 1, Bury 2. Corrella. 3b ...... 4 0 0 2 7 0 reports to Governor RooseveJt ball game was played between the Oldham Athletic 1, Blackpool 2. H. Watson, cf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 that more than 200 of largest cor­ SHIRTS services. Roser rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Reading 2, Cardiff City 0. * 0/1 * While on their northern trip the Hohin’an, If ...... 3 1 0 0 0 0 Southampton 2, Bradford 2. porations in country plan steady SHIRTS All-Maxines will visit Vermont, Nor­ Greenberg, lb ...... 4 0 ^ lo. .. 0 Swansea Town 2, Charlton Athle­ work throughout year. IRONED BY HAND wich, Dartmouth, Holy Cross, Pro­ Paynter. 2b ...... ;* t - 4 - 0 Manilla—TyphOn destroys 14 .T. Watson, ss ...... 3 0 0 1 - 'J tic 0. IRONED BY HAND vidence, New Hampshire, Tufts and Bryant, c ...... 4 0 1 1 o 0 West Bromwich Albion 4, Tot­ towns on Island of Leyte, rendering Harvard, and play their final game Woodman, p ...... 2 0 0 0 4 0 tenham Hotspurs 3. thousands homeless and killing and ,v - » with the Coast Guard, June 13. Walsh, -X ...... 1 f 0 ^ ® 5! Wolverhampton Wanderers 2, injuring many persons. •'is;--' Phillips, p ...... f C Brisco, XX ...... 1 0 0 Stoke City 1. - Washington—President Green 01 Third Division Southern Section A. F. of L. says Senate canvass I C2 2 5 27 23 0 Brentford 3, Queen’s ParkTlang- shows Parker has been definitely re- fjpriugfi^ld ...... 000— 4 CROW E IS 25th Hanford ...... 010 000 100--2 ers 0. iceted. Runs batted in, Bryant, Koelbeck^ Bournemouth & Boscombe 2, Nor­ New York—Fatter and four chil­ pr, Gleason, Dowtin, Bejin; two base wich City 3. dren burned to death as they sleep, c. * IN M ARATHON bits, Paynter. Sewell; sacrifices, J. Watson, Gleason, Brooks 2^ Schmidt; Clapton Orient 3, Bristol Rovers mother and son seriously injured. Ml' . double plavs, Sclimidt to Koelbecker 0. Washington — President Hoover * b-j to Bejin. Corrella to Greenberg. J. Crystal Psdace 4, Luton Town 1. attends Easter services in Friends’ .'iji.' TRACK. Watson to Paynter to Greenberg; Exeter City 6, Northampton left on base, Hartford 7. Springfield Meeting House; Mrs. Hoover, recov­ ' 4; base on balls, off Woodmhn 1. Tovra 4. ering from wrenched back, remains Boston—Clarence Demar wins Phillips 1, Schmidt 2; struck out, by Fulham 3, Wallsall 2. Boston Marathon for seventh time. home. SjOU Woodman 2, Schmidt 2; hits, off Newport County 0, Plymouth Miami, Fla.—Al Capone arrives. Comes within two minutes of new Woodman 10 in 6 innings. Phillips 1 Argyle 2. When Taken From record. He is 42 years old. James In 3; hit by pitcher, by Schmidt (Cor- Washington — Democrats attack rella); wild pitches. Woodman, Southend United 0, Gillingham 0. rewritten tariff bill as conferees When Taken From P. Crowe, of Manchester, came in Schmidt; losing pitcher,,* Woodman; An Aliron Bundle Torquay United 4, Merthyr Town agree on all but five rates; charge 3,a ■ 25tt; was 18th until last few rods. umpires. McDonald and Gardclla; 0. An Aliron Bundle Crowe’s time was 3 hours, 7 ;35 1-5. time, 1:5.4. agriculture was ignored. BOXl'J X—Walsh Ijatted for Woodman In Watford 4, Swindon Town 1. Boston—Four world’s records fall Third Division Northern Section Stamford—Mrs. Edna W. Minck- PHONE in women’s national A. A. U. cham­ XX—Briscoe batted for Phillips in Accrington Stanley -, South ler, 33, kiUs self and two children, Arthur 7 and Eleanor 6, by turning PHONE pionship; Stella Walsh beaten at 40, 7 th. Shields 2. sets new mark in 220. Barrow 1, Cerewe Alexandra 0. on gas in bedroom 3753 ■* sc' i Halifax Town 3, Chesterfield 2. Stamford—Joseph Merto dies as 3753 CREW. BOROTRA’S DEFEAT Hartlepools United 2, Rochdale 8. result of injuries suffered when Annapolis—Columbia crew beats Lincoln City 8, Tranmere Rovers struck by taxicab driver, Michael Navy by quarter of length with M. 0. Giglio. for I. T. four lengths back. BLOW TO FRENCH Nelson 2, Wiganhoro 0. Meriden — Derailment of four Rotherham United 1, Doncaster freight cars blocks traffic on New PROMPT SERVICE Tennis. Biarritz, France, April 21.— (AP) Rovers 0. Haven road here for four hours. PROMPT SERVICE Pinehurst— beats Greg­ , French Wrexham 1, Southport 2. Sharon—^Unidentified body of man ory Mangin 6-0, 6-1, 6-3, ta North tennis veteran, was beaten in the York City 0, Port Vale 2. found ta ruins of farm house burn and South singles finals; with Lott, semi-finals of the Biarritz tourna­ ed two weeks. Doeg loses to Allison and Van Ryn ment today by Raoul Rodel, No. 16 Danbury—Jerry Rossi, 25, shot in. doubles, 8-6, 6-4, 6-4, in tte French ranking, by scores of in leg while running toward a field Richmond, Va.—Penelope Ander­ 3-6. 6-4, 8-6. WALES BEATS FRANCE to witness a fight between two men —OUR SERVICES son wins North and South women’s With Cochet absolutely out of the one of whom, Andy James, 21 singles beating Mrs. Marion Jessup French championships May 19, and 11-0 IN RUGBY MATCH negro, was held for the shooting, 6-3, 1-6, 6-3. perhaps absent from Wimbledon, Middletown—^Prof. W. G. Chan THRIFT WASH SOFT DRY Beaulieu, France—^Tilden and and Lacoste out of tennis alto­ ter, elected dean of Wesleyan to DAM P W ASH Coen win doubles of Bealieu beating succeed Dean F. W. Nicholson. gether, .the defeat of the third Paris, April 21.— (AP)—^Wales Minimum Charge 9c per pound Lesieur and Magaloff of France 6-3, “Musketeer”, Borotra, increased Sharon—^Alex Frederick, Haw 3c per pound 6-3, 7-5; Tilden and defeated France eleven to nothing thorne, N. Y., killed and Patrick the thick gloom which has been in an international rugby match $1.25 for Flat Work Minimum Charge beat Coen and in settling around French tennis head­ Minimum Charge mixed doubles 6-1, 6-3. here today. o f $1.25 quarters the last few weeks. Had France won it would have 85c Additional Charge of 5c become international champioa for New York and tte first time. England now gets Yesterday’s Stars HELEN JACOBS LOSES tte title. The .match attracted tremendous Worcester Express A MANCHESTER CONCERN FOR MANCHESTER PEOPLE FINALS AT BEAULIEU attention on both sides of tte chan­ IMrect Connection for BOSTON nel. Thousands made tte trip and aU points. Walter Berger, Braves—Hit from England and Wales to witness homer with bases filled as Braves - . . One way Bound Trip the encoimter. The gates were Worcester ...... •>, $1/86 $8J50 beat Robins 7 to 2. Beaulieu, France, April 21.— (AP) —Helen Jacobs, America’s second closed well before tte start and Boston ....i..... $3.86 $6.35 Karl Hubbell, Giants—^Held Phils more than ten thousand people were to four hits and beat them 2 to 1. ranking woman tennis star, was de­ New York ...... $3.65 $4.35 feated in tt^.,ftaal of the Beaulieu locked but. Wales had tiuree points Return tickets good for 3() days. Mel Ott hits homer and cincheS up at half time. game for Giants over Phillies. tournament to'day by Mrs. Phyllis New DeLox ,, . Latest Type John Burnett, Indians—Drove in Satterthwaite of England. The- Parlor' Car Coaches The Gordon ^ two runs with pinch double to give scores were 2-6, 8-6, 6-4.' Leave Manchester Center for SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT Worcester 8:S5.'a.Mniand 3:10 p. m., • Cleveland 2 to 0 victory over Hgers. The victory was won more easily OF WERALD l e a g u e Sheriff Blake, Cuba—Scattered than the scores indicate. The Cali­ New York 13:3$ p., nb Bonded mid tosdred,. Careful Driv­ Reds’ six hits to win 4 to 3. fornia player has appeared unable Secretary Canade of tte Herald Goose Goslta, Senators—Hit dou­ to strike her real stride during -her Bowling Leagrue has called a special, ers. ble and triple, scored one nm, drove campaign on tte Riviera and her performance today was only medio- meeting tonight at Farr’s alleys at The All A m m ^ Bus Lines & in two more and Senators beat 8 o’clock. The object of this meet­ Civil-Aircraft Inc, Yanks 6 to 3. .,1. , . cr6. ing is for tte distribution of tte I A1 Simmons, Athletics—Helped Mrs. Satterthwaite, a steady prizes" and is urgent that all.cap- TlcketaTtckete on ’ sale , _at . The Soda ■player of wide tournament experi­ A ’s beat Red Sox, 5 to 3 wdtt'single Ptains of the, various ’ "teams in 4 he - Shoppe, Manchester Center, Phone and sacrifice fly driving ta two ence, took full advantage of her 59$6. Ameflcan opponent’s mistakes. league attend. runs. __ ^ • - / , ■

it i.

1 - "f^ i- . ■ i.' - ■-:. "-. 1 .T' V..." ' •' _ •'\!\ ■ - / ••■'.•-^ ■■ •(’■*■ ■ ■-’ '' /' ■' '«.-■■>• ’■ ^’-r >' '''^' ' ; ’• '. .'■-- ■ ' . t .*" ., V ■/ 1 ' uAxrr^«uen*ffeu iw n n iw ^ B ' BVENINfi- anrfi!VrNrV FtERALD/HERAU\-,SOOTH, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAT, APRIL 81. FAGB TWELVE. ., .■ ! "■-' r ■.'7; ■^r.: A'- \ \ i T i P m

LEGAL NOTICES 79 APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 7» STAR WEDS ACAIN r e p a ir in g 23 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 t e n e m e n t s 63 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD AT' A COURT OF PROBATE H B y> LOST AND FOUND at Manchester, Within' and*-.for the ' Want Ad Information NOW IS THE TIME to have your at Manchester, within and jor the district o f Mancestiar. on tjie l?tH. FOUND — PACKAGE containing mattteas made over. Try our work. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenements district of Manchester on the iJtn day of April.* A .’D.,' 1930. • New York, April 5l.—(AP)— belt. Owner may have same by A-1 condition. modern, near day of April. A. H., 1930. . ' Manchester Call 'ai42. E. Benson, representa- Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Present AYILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.,, FdiUliu F^ijertcki st^ e an4 screen calling at 16 Delmont street. . tive for Gruber Furniture Com­ Cheney mills, $20 and $25. Inquire Judge'. — • • ■ A BETTER P'LACE premises, 5 Walnut street. Tailor Estate of Frank Cappello'late of s^r, was'pp 'a.honeynwnrto^y as Evening Herald FOR YOUR UPHOLSTERING pany. '^Estate of Mary Fogarty late of Manchester In .said district, dcceas- LOST — SUNDAY morning Elks Shop. Tel. 5030. Manchester in said di.strict, decease. Mifs. .Hugh CTlssholm Leighton, Mr, tooth charm. Finder please tele­ ■ Upon application of the Adminis­ ed. .. ' , ^ Upon application; of Charles-CaP; Lcigliton iis hw , fourth -husband. CLASSIFIED phone 8390. trator praying for an order of sale pello praying that" admimstratlon be WANTED—TO BUY 58 of real estate belonging to aaid Es­ They were'married yesterday at advertisements Samples and prices on request BUSINESS LOCATIONS tate and appoititincht of some disin­ granted bn said estate, as per appfi- LOST—THURSDAY evening tapes­ George Hoimes, Manager ' ’ cation on file, it-i? • ■ the home of the bridegroom in East w i l l .PAY HIGHEST cash prices terested person to make said sale as ORDERED:— Thaf . the foregoing \- I'^titif ^ix averaK* words to a lino. try bag containing pink sapphire FOR RENT 64 ■per application o'n file. ^ 62d street, by- the' ^v..* .Leon R. Initial* numbers and abbreviations ring. Finder please return to 228 iqr* r ^ s , papers, magazines and ORDERED;—That the said appli­ application bo heard aq6 determined • h ..'n’lint as a word and compound “ It plejfeM us to please you” at the Probate office in Manchester Land.' ■ ,; School street. Telephone 5948. MancliMl‘Br Upholstering Co. metals. Also buy all kinds of FOR RENT—OFFICES in Profes­ cation be heard and determined at In said'-District, on the 36th day of .^vorces ended . Miss. Frederick’s tv^o^ds as two word*. Minimum cost is Chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial sional Building, 829 Main street. the Probate office in Manchester on the 26th day of April A. D., 1930, at J April, A. D., 1930. at 9 o’clock In the marriages to Frank Andrews, an l o s t —THURSDAY $20 - bUl on forenoon, and that notice b.e glvbii to ’’ Tine ^a^es® P "r” day. for transient Fine Upholstering Work 6389 or 3886. Apply Geo. E. Keith. o’clock in forenoon, and the Court architect,’ Willard Mack, playwright Main street, or in some of the directs said Administrator' to give all persons interesteej in:said estate 244 Main St. Phone 3615 ~ ^ " JUNK ' f o r RENT— l a r g e room 20x55, of the pendency of said'application, and i)r. Charles A. Rutherford of \lAsl^"^liarRe stores. Finder please call 3507. Re­ public notice to all persons Interest­ and the . time' and. place of hearing 9 cts I will buy anything saleable and suitable for lodge or bu.siness, rear ed in said estate to appear If Ih®Y SeatUe'. <- I'onsecutlvo Da-ys 7 cts ward. see cause and be heard thereon by thereoHi by. publishing a copy .,o'f this '■M r. Leighton^s previous mamage tionsecutive Days 9 cts 11 cts pay best caish prices. Prompt atten-,. of Professional Building, 829 Main order in' some newspaper having a 13 cts publishing a copy of this order once was dissolved by a divorce in Paris! 11 cts l o s t —WOMAN’S pocketbook be­ tion. Wm. Ostrinsky, 91 Clinton. street. Apply Geo. B. Keith. in some newspaper having a circula­ circulation in said district; on Or be­ ^ Ar/ordeVs ‘for ‘irVesular Insertions tween The Textile Store and Cen­ Tel. 5879. tion in said probate district, and by fore April 21, 1930. and by postli^ a in 1928. 1. ' will be charged at the °n« every posting a.copy of this order on the copy of this order on the public Siieeial rates for long term eveiy ter, Thursday evening. Finder sign-post in said town of Manches­ please return to Herald office. Re­ COURSES AND CLASSES 27 SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 public signpost in said Manchester, dav* advertising given upon live days before the said day.,Of hear­ ter, at least five days before the.day STAR SEEKS DIVORCE Ads orefered for three or six day s ward. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 ing and return make to the .Court. of said hearing, tO appear-if they see BARBER TRADE tjwght lo day cause at said tlmo and place and be and stopped the Ic- f o r RENT— m y f a r m , ideal for WILLIAM S. HYDE riav will be charged only for the ac and. evening cltuseA Lew tuition f o r RENT— f u r n i s h e d room, ■Judge. heard relative thereto, and make re­ Los Angeles, April 21.— (A P )— raising market products, cuts about turn to this court. lual number of times the ad appear rate. Vaugto Earbw' i.strict of Manchester, on the 19th will be assumed and their accuracy SUPPLIES corner Spruce and Eldridge Sts. day of April. A. D.. 1930. , by Grove ^t. One Hyndred and forty-two and one-half (142%) cannot be guaranteed. Keith. house. O. R. Lamphier Farm, Man. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., feet; Westerly by lacds now or formerly of Charles E.. Hale ct 860 Main street. East Hartford. IN D E X O F FOR SALE—ROAS'ITNG ducks, f o r RENT— 5 ROOM tenement, Judge. al. Two hundred,and fiftieeh and one- half (215%) feqt. All all modern improvements. Apply. Tel. S-3221. ______Estate of Anna M. SUller. late of CLASSIFICATIONS CONTRACTING 14 baby. ducklings, hatching eggs. JIanchester, in said District, deceas­ boimderies being more or less. . Telephone 3837. B. T. Allen, 37 130 School street. Telephone 7089. FOR SALE— 6 ROOM house; also 5 ed. Manchester Trust Co., Admr. Firths ...... BUILDING- On motion of Stephen J. Miller..ad- Engagements ...... Auctioneer’s Notice—rTerms of Sale: Ten per cent of the pur­ I Doane. strwt. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, room bungalow. All Improvepjents. ministra.tor Jlarriages ...... to order at a Call at 168 Benton street. Dial ORDERED:— That six montlis chase price at time of sale. Balance of terms anno’unceci At sale. Deaths ...... D SCREENS MADE - ^ . WHITE LEGHORN day old chicks location near Center, trolley and y j rpa.cnnahle Drice. Cecil C. Wood, 51 from the 19th day of April. A. D.. Property can be inspected at any time pre-ripus tb saile. Fpr ap­ ('.aid of Thanks ...... reasonable price. Cecil C 14c each. Hatches ever: Satur- factories. Telephone 4920. 8713. jn ilemoriain ...... Washington-street. Phone 5777- , 1930 be and the same are limited and pointments and particulars . . ; host and Found ...... J jdsiy. E. S. Edgerton, 655 North FOR SALE—Single ind double allowed for the creditors within FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement which to bring- in their claims Announcements . . . . / ...... H. B. CARTER i ■: Main street. Phone S416. houses; also one five room flat for ROBERT M. REID & SON, Auctioneers,- * Personals ...... on Hackmatack street for small against said estate, and the said a L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and Tel. 4642. .Manchester, in said District, deceas- ■place where the deceased last dwelt ' i ter street, all improvements, with within said town and by publishing Help Wanted—Malp ...... piano moving, ajodern equipment, ctl. FOR SALE—BIR(;H seasoned hard * garage. Apply H. W. Harrison, 598 Tlie E.vecutor Itaving cxhibittid his (lie same in some newspaper having Help "Wanted—Male or Female experienced help, public store­ Agcnl-s Wanted ...... “ ‘ "A wood, or hickory sawed for stove, Center street. Phone 3839. adminislr.alion account with said es­ a circulation in said probate district, Situations Wanted—Female...... house. Phone 4496. tate to this Court for allowance, it is within ten days from the date of this T. fupnace, or fire gjlkPe by the truck order, and . return make to this court Situations Wtanted—M a le ...... 3J f o r RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all OltDERED:— That the '26th day of load, good service and measure April A. D., 1930, at 9 o’clock, fore­ of the notice given. employment Agencies ...... t'J PERRBTT & GLENNEV INC. modern improvements, with heat. 64 Pearl St., Hartford. . Telephone 2-2241 Uve Stock— Pels— Poultry— \ ehiclcs Local and long distance express guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. noon. at the Probate office, in said ' . WILLIAM S, HYDE Apply at 31 East Middle Turnpike. .Manchester, be and tlie same is as- J udge. L . S. Burr, Manchester 4522. • . ' Dogs—Birds— Pets ...... and freight service, including over­ Telephone Rosedale 33-3. Live Stock— Vehicles ...... siffiied for a liearing on the allow- H-4-21-30.' R . J. McKay, Manchester 618o night express service between Man­ arTce of said administration account Poultry and Supplies ...... WOOD IS VERY SUITABLE as a FOR RENT—MODERN five room Wanted — Pets— PouUrj-^—Stock 41 chester and New York. Furniture with said estate, and this Court di- Spring fuel. We have the following flat including shades and screens, For Sale— MisccUaneous moved under the supervision of ex­ rec.fs the E.xeculor to give public sawed stove- length ’ and unci..T second floor, corner house 135 Mid­ notice to all persons interested there­ R. R. PLANS APPROVED Articles for Sale...... perts and in specially constructed Boats and Accessories ...... 4;^ cover: hard $7.50 per load; slab dle Turnpike West. in to appear and iio heard thereon by Building Materials ...... 4' trucks. Phone 3063, i860 or 8864. publisliing a copy of tliis order in ,W«shmgtqB, ..April 21 — (AP)— Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 4S $6.00 per Ioa!d, chestnut $6.O0. L. T. FOR RENT—6 ROOM-tenement, all some newspaper liaving' a circulation Electrical Ap.pliances—Radio .. . 49 Wood Co. Dial 4496. improvements, including garage. in said District, on or before April | Plans of the St. Louis-San Francis­ ]''uel and Feed ...... lO-.V •21. I'.i3'-i. and by posting a copy of; co railroad and the Chicago, Roc)£ (jarden — Farm— Dairy Products o') PAINTING— ItEPAIRING 21 WOOD FOR SALE—Ashes to re­ Inquire at 172 Charter Oak street. thi.s order on tire public signpost in Household Goods ...... the Town where tlie deceased last Island and Pacific Railway to open •Macliiiiery and Tools ...... '>2 move. Any kind of light trucking. FOR RENT—FI'VE ROOM flat on dwelt. fi\e days before said day of PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, Call V. Firpo, 116 Wells street. a through route between northern Musical Instruments...... >3 neatly done, prices reasonable. Center street, also 6 room tene­ hearing- and return make to this Office and Store Equipment . . . . hi Dial 6148. Court. Texas and southwestern Oklahoma SMcials at the Stores ...... jfi James F. Roach, Jr., 36 Walnut ment, all modern improvements. WILLIAM S. HYDE to Fort Worth and Dallas, were ap­ ■vtYaring Apparel—Furs ...... hi Inquire 147 East Center street. Judge. proved today by the Inter-State HWE 16 A PUMP street. Dial 5921. pecoRATEP WITH Wanted—To Buy ...... 5S Telephone 7864, H--1-21-30. Commerce Coipmission. Room*—Board— Hotel*—Resort* PAINTER AND paperhanger, first GARDEN—FARM- RHEIN5TONE — Restaurants 50 Rooms tVithout Board ...... class, many years experience, 75c DAIRY PRODUCTS FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ rtAPE in OVR I'lTePEK Foaniers Wanted...... o2-A ern improvements. Inquire Robert per hour. Telephone 8475. WANTED—CUSTOMERS for. T. B. PARIS SHOPS. qpnETMtfffr (Jisuntry Board—Resorts ...... *’9 R. Keeney, 16 Eldridge street. HOW ABOUT THIS ■ Plainer, Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 tested milk, at your door daily 13c Wanted— Rooms—Board ...... 62 a quart;mth tickets. Maple Rowe 2 OR 3 ROOM suites in Johnson’s SPECIAL pikASE • r'J Real Estate For Rent REPAIRING 23 ONE rft/: Apartments, Flats. Tenements .. 63 Faria.. Coventry. Phone Rosedale Block, with modern Improvements. Brand new single of six Business Locations for Rent .. . 64 MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum 33-13. Phone 3726 or 7915. rooms, oak floors, steam heat, Houses for Rent ...... 6.3 cleaner, phonograph, clock repair­ 7 room single, improvements Suburban for Rent ...... 66 ing, key fitting. Braithwaite, 52 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all including steam heat, -with an oak trim down, white enamel Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 modem improvements and garage, tVanted to Rent ...... 6S Pearl street. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 extra building lot close to Main in chambers, sun parlor, slate Real Estate For Sale at 85 Garden street. Apply 21 Rus­ ODD MAHOGANY Colonial dress­ street. Not a nev7 house but roof. A real buy at $6900. -\partment Building for Sale . . . 69 UPHOLSTERED furniture modern sell street. Many, other new singles and some Business Property for S ale ...... 70 er $36. Oak kitchen cabinet $5. Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 and antique repaired and recovered, a real bargain at $5,500. nice two family houses to. choose all work guaranteed. Phone 4892, New Jacquard bed-davenport $85. TENEMENT FOR RENT—4 rooms Houses for Sale ...... 72 with improvements. Apply 111 Holl from. Lots for Sale ...... 73 Albert Grunder, 542 Hilliard St. Watkins Furniture Exchange Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 street. Tel. 7330. Suburban for Sale ...... 73 SEWING MACHINE repairing of FOR SALE—HOtiSEHpLD furni­ -IROBERT J. SMITH ROBERT J. SMITH Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 f o r r e n t —6 ROOM tenement, all all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ ture, including gas ;!^ v e, bed room 1009 Main St, ' 1009 Main St. Wanted—Real Estate...... 77 improvements and garage. Inquire Auction—Legal 5iotlc.es plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edwstrd set, baby c a ^ % e , Q!?7 Cen,ter St, ■ -All Kinds of Insorance. ' at 52 Russell street. Insurance and Steamship Tickets Legal Xotices ...... 7S street. Tel. 4301. Telephone 8802;; By FR A N K BECK GAS BUGGIES—The Shopping Tour h e l l o , k a t e ------a o E . VEH ------t V/ANX AN .?slOW t a l k in g ------I’M SENDING OUTFIT OF CLOTHES UP SOME BUNDLES FROM BON OOUR , --FROCKS ------EVENING . LUCILE’S— W H AT-- n 6 NO ! NOT IVJONSIEUR 30WNS------THE WHOLE A HER.—— 1.UCII.E’* ------V O U W E E B M WORKS— FOR MV— ER — AVENUE. THEY’RE FOR TO S E E ME DAUGHTER • THAT MODEL NELLIE ____ SNEAK 'EM IN. ------r MADAME IS JUST ABCXJT h e r IF SHE SHOULD SEE srzE SO IF t h e y ' l l '^EM THEY’RE MY FIT HER THEY^LL MARRIEJD SISTER’S _ BE O K AY. THINGS — OIT j M E • F: Q U BUT o

There ans least four njlsta^#S:fo the above idcture.’ "niey may per­ tain to graminar.' tdstbiy. e^usUe. idrawtng enr'wbatneL iSee ‘if yoUv can find tbeml ■ Then look a t tba acmmtbleii .word below-r«ad ufieeram- ble It, hy ewitchlnglthe lattpra ®0 Wr

(1) The shoe 1# Jibt aphn^ as p »mila 4|ay® .»» B^ne is spefied incorrect^,, (S); .The ehoe .on Btaad Ip not r slipper, aa they have «o ht^s. (4) IBvery bnt oae, to ^ rowe of the cabinet Is down. <«)" The »cram bled-,word is BOUQUET.-;"• ...... ^ -


i' ■ -V , '• * , • I ’-j

Flapper-F a n n y * Sa y s : ...... ■■ -■ ... • V ■* . r SENSE ««ypNSENSE wia.u.«.w>T.o»a __

—^Onward ai^ Uj^ard. THCV'S A WOMAN) POu/N/ TH€ AU6V AW'SH6 WAN/TS ^ ( s e r VA fptcNC- 1 Heaven is not reached-by a single crAlY 6VV TH6 ^ TO^ s e c t A PlAN/N/ffl. -OM, WHAT A Swett ^BiCM OS bound, ' , i. OH, VA PUeHT Vo HCAft r n € PlAWWCR. OMtV c a n SiN/6 AROUIJ' "rMfr P iA N w eA V But we build the ladd^ by which WAMTS THUee HDN/PPCD DOUAftS POP THg PiAA/n/CR. VA FpiEN/PS -T M f piAfJhf€R ‘ THp€G Mt)MDR€0 we rise THiRCe hVHOnCO OOttARS. From the lowly earth to the vaulted ootcARs ews rne skies wMCPe w o p t o j i£vep (. And we mount to its summit (iCT THR66 HDN/0P€D DOttARS round by round. \ TO BUV A ^ p Poets. Attention! Boses and orchids and lilies Poets describe all the time; Really, this stuff brings the wUlies, W hy not hand spinach a rhyme. -tv Attorney (after cross-examina­ tion)—I hope that I haven t troubled you with all these que.s- /! tions. , . .r. io*in » y C Crosb.v. Gre«t Britain f^rerved 7 Lady on Stand—Not at all; 1 have I King Feature* Syndicate. Ine A ■ a six year old son at home. 4 The time to be careful is when OUR BOARDING HOUSE C wEA By Fontaine Fox you have a handful of trumps. Toonerville Folks By Gene Ahern Business is said to be looking up A woman’s ideal is sometimes but we fear “it ain’t seein’ nothin’. ’ shattered but more often he’s just — ■ \ VdELU, IF V(Me

NCE. Complexion these days is a syno­ UPON nym for deception. Asked if he wouldn’t like to be a A TIME.- ■cattleman and own a nice lot of white faces. Bill replied: “ Well, there’s better things to own than whitefaces. Greenbacks, for in­ stance. V-2) sKe KMows^ J* pi 930 y. WlA Mrs. Jones—I notice, Mrs. Brown, that you never order meat for your Fontaine Fox, 1030 home—it’s always vegetables. By Crane Mrs. Brown—That’s why my hus­ His Lucky^ay band never has a bone to pick. WASHINGTON TUBBS IL

T •«- * • GOOD REASON / OUlCW! WHERE'S «Y THINGS? WHERE'S \M W Q U r C IS / THEY'RE MARS? GEE WIT, I CANT lEAVlE MARVi Prison Chaplain (to prisoner about BUT E A S Y — SAS. I’LL FORGET THAT BIG K HEAPiH' this way*. WE'RE to be discharged): Now, my man, PH YALOOKM SESSIR, LEAVE HIM BEHlNP- try to remember what I said in my SAYED* WE'RE GONNA GET it'LL SERVE HIM RIGHT, TOO. When mayor of sermon last Sunday, and make up ^ X^OFFAO^' is l a n d ; ^ Cleveland, Ohio, your mind never to return to this Newton D. 1 place. Baker, who ! Prisoner (deeply moved): Guv’nor, later became no man who. ever ’eard you preach B e c r e tary of would wEuat to come back ’ere again. war, kept a 'lit­ -Tit-Bits. tle boot black stand and brushes in his HOXJRS A N D HOURS office, shined, his '/ town shoes each “How long will it be before she day and didn’t makes her appearance?” care who saw “ She’s upstairs making it now.” him do it. —Pele Mele, Paris.


By Blosser S T on rr^ T ' h a u c o c h r a n —>pecTURESi/iciN An Unexpected Visitor! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS


7, 'V r . An iiWn \


(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR iTHE PICTURE) bosH '. p,MOT«e.p. cijosecA lO - WHprr esRe. v o u qcxm' • LOOKlW FOR VJOW<, HUH? SURe,l ) CftUCrHT OY '' ^ “ O tis o u ^ T V ^ Upon the sailboat everyone was real good. The sailboat soon sailed POV-J.') rtW HELP Me. ^ S(iRpp.iSe,M\STeP--l^ THPtTS (K&OUT T h' T e M T H ' ha'ving, just heaps of fun. The wind up to shore, amid a group of boats. CLCPiM *XH= CGUW i.1 __. \ ( tWouoHT V\e©©e ^ou'o.; PLPC6. TUey opfeRSD m s filled out the big. white sail and The 'Tinles made the sailboat rock ---- " muthin' p. 3be.\ ^ made it look real fat. “W e soon will as they leaped .off, up to t ^ dock. be in Ostend town. I hope the sail Said Coppy, "Oh this river There is does not go down,” said Scouty. "If everything that floats.” — the wind dies out, ’twill leave the They walked aroxmd the town a canvas fiat.” while and seemed amazed, mile after “Don’t worry,” said the Travel mile. And then they rode a dog cart Man. "Just rest assured, boys, that to the outskirts of the town. “Where we can keep right on sailing smooth­ are we bound for?” Carpy cried. ly. W e will soon be into port. This “And, why do we take this cart wind can’t die down quick enough ride?” The Travel Man just smiled to stop our trip. Each little puff is and said, “W e’U do this trijp up bringing us much nearer and the brown.” whole trip’s naught but sport.” 'They shortly reached a spreading Then Clowny shouted, "Look, lads shore and from the cart hopped out look! My, what a short time this once more. A man who held a big trip took. I see a town, not far net smiled at the Tinymites. “J’m ^ e a d . It’s Ostend, I’U just bet. I’Ve here to gather shrimps,” said he. liked this trip along this stream. “And I’m as busy m can be. Ifow, fact it’s been just like a dream, come along and I will show you but best-of all’s that skyline. It’s interesting sights.” the nicest scenery yet.” >VSL And sure enough, Old Ostend (The Tinynoltes see a big' wind­ 4^- atood against the sky and looked mill in the next stary>) I , I . ’J PAGE FOURTEEN Hlanrlieat^ £ v rt^

' An eight pound son was bom yes­ The Manchester Commimlty Club 3RD. ANNUAL terday to Mr. and Mrs. Ivar P. Carl" will give a public whist party at the WHIST DANCE son of i02. Summer street. Mrs. White house this, evening. First prize ■winners will : receive $2:50 EASTER MONDAY BALL ODD FELLOWS H^LL Carlson was formerly Miss Irene Johnson and is the daughter of Mr. gold pieces. There will ■ be four rv Tuesday, 8:15 P. M. and Mrs. A. Johnson of 130 West other prizes and refreshments. Given by Playing will begin at 8:15. Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters ■street. th e lucky six ALL CASH PRIZES Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ Refreshments. 55 cents. J. H. Savage, advertising mana­ ters, will give a whist ih Odd Fel­ Music By ger of the electrical division of lows hall tomorrow evening at 8:15. Doyle’s Brown Derby Orchestra Colt’s Manufacturing Company, Prizes will include $2.50 gold pieces. Direct from Danceland, Hartford PDBUC WHIST TONIGHT I Hartford, will be the speaker at the Refreshments and a social time will DEPARTM EN T STORE SO. NAt1CHESTEg,,GOHH. I regular weekly meeting of the Lions be followed by general dancing. The PRINCESS BALLROOM Manchester Community i Club at the Hotel Sheridan at 6:15 general social committee will be in Gub 1 o’clock tonight. charge. A meeting of the Temple TONIGHT I ~ will take place at 7:15. 1st Prizes, $3.60 Ctold Pieces I The Beethoven Glee Club will give Rockville Refreshments. 85 cents. '* its, fifth annual concert at the High 1 School Auditorium at 8 o’clock to- Miss Margaret Reynolds of Utica, i night The club will be assisted by N Y and Miss Edith Winnings of ■Maria Kurehko, • “ The Russian PANSIES ABOUT TOWN the same city, were Easter visitors Nightingale,” who wdll appear in Nice Colors of Mrs. E. L. Anderson of 63 Pearl I two groups of numbers. Miss Eva street. I M. Johnson and Burdette Hawley Anderson Greenhouses Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, of 173 I will be accompanists. llain street and Mrs. W. E. KeyAS, Mr. and Mrs. of 1.53 Eldridge St., Tel. 8686 of Washington street, are spendtog 184 Highland street announce the ! Kenneth Shaw of Stamford sper n few days with Mrs. Keyes ^^istcr. engagement of their daughter Irene I Good Friday and the Easter week- Mrs. B. D. Lailey in Norwood. to Henry G. Anderson, son of Mr. ' end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar S. Anderson of 153 ' T. J. Shaw of North Elm street. Mass. Eldridge street. O P HERE Andrew Rankin of Massachusetts Thomas Ferguson, general man- Samuel Bolin who is employed at Institute of Technology spent Easter fot Expert! oKcr, and Ronald H. Ferguson, city Cheney Brothers, New York h e^ - at his home on Russell street. SER^ncE ! editor, of The Herald, are attending quarters, spent Easter at his home the Associated Press and American on Cambridge street. Newspaper Publishers Association conventions in New York City thiS Mrs. Pauline Grant is chairman Arranged at you:* week. of a card party to be given tomor­ windows, any one of row afternoon at 2 o clock at the the new cretonnes will ‘ A meeting of the Tennis club of Masonic Temple by “ How WiU You the South Methodist church will be Temple Chapter, Order of the East give sparkle and inter­ lield at the church tomorrow night ern Star. These socials are open to est to your room more at 7 o’clock. Matters of importance all women players. concerning the coming season will Have It quickly than ai*y single .be discussed. i Mrs. "Walter Saunders of Chest- change. They will ' nut street is visiting her son Ea^. ■ William Murphy, formerly of i who is vice president of th ° .J. i- Repaired?” transform a dark, drab Manchester, now of New York. , Robertson Soap Company of Syra­ room into a cheerful, spent the week-end visiting with his cuse, N. Y. mother and other relatives in Man- I Most embarrassing, homey one. Sunset Rebekah Lodge wiU hold 4,000 Yards of Gay, Spring Cretonnes Chester. ^its regular business meeting in Odo this situation. More Myers Orenstein has i“°ved to Fellows haU this evening. Officers so because the gentle­ Specially Priced and Displayed During Hale’s New York where he has found em­ and members of the degree team Generator-Starter ployment. He expects to return m are urged to be present at 7:45 for man has been promis­ the fall. r e h e a r s a l . ______ing to fix that leak for Igiution ■Reuben Bronke has entered the i some time. Will it r e t o n n e a r n iv a l employ of the American Telephone i Repaired C C and Telegraph Company oon- , Special Shoe take a ruined meal or struction w^ork, bemg at present . located in Meriden. j suit to remind you that at a F you are planning draperies for your windows or if you need slip cov­ Repairing precaution pays? Bet­ ers or cushions to cheer up one of your rooms, you will find exactly the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Von Deck , Reasonable Charge I right pattern and color scheme among* our delightful display of cre­ of Washington, D. C., motored from j ter let Joseph Wilson tonnes. New Spring designs that are colorful and gay—just a few yards that city to spend Easter ^ t h Mrs. We can save you expense and Von Deck’s mother, Mrs- David Mc- Offer give your plumbing will change that dark, drab room into a homey and gay one. See our spe­ Cullum of 143 Florence street. ^ and heating systems a annoyance as we have instru­ cial displays during our Cretonne Carnival. Arthur Gardner, night driver for j MEN’S SOLES thorough once-over. ments which can locate all elec­ No 4 was iU last week and Peter j Sewed on. Regular ^ 1 Happeny of No. 3 “slept in” for bum ] $1.50, At Our Shop .. V * trical troubles quickly. 2,000 Yards Thomas Hassett remaining on pard \ at No. 3 while Peter was absent. | Gardner has recovered and returned i LADIES’ SOLES to duty. Sewed on. Regular ------i .$1.25, At Our Shop § Joseph C. Wilson New Cheery Cretonnes Then if you make William Kronick of the Wilrose ! Plumbing and Heating Norton Electrical slip covers also of the Dress Shop is in New York on a | Ladies’ and Children’s Contractor. same cretonne for two buying trip.—Advt. Rubber Heels 28 Spruce St. Tel. 5043 Instrument Co. or three chairs and 4 South Manchester 3 9 ^ y a r d small pads of one of the b u y a n d b u il d HiUiard Street, Manchester tiny chintz patterns for 2 5 c (50c and 59c Grades) the straight chairs, you Phone 4060 We ai-e featuring an unusually large assortment of patterns and col­ will relate the whole of orings at thia price during our Cretonne Carnival. Patterns that are dif­ your room to your CLEAR VIEW I Boston Shoe ferent___ colors that blend and harmonize----- quality that vvill wear. draperies. 42 Restricted, large They come in the most delightful combinations in both futuristic and floral lots. Terms. I Repair Shop Service—Quality—Price designs that are suitable for every room in the home. 36 inches wide. See SS7 Main, South Manchester Tender Rib Lamb Chops 35c lb., W2 lb. 50c In Jim’s Shoe Shine Parlor Home Made Apple Pies ...... 25c each Arthur A. Knoflal Next Door to Downyflake Smart Cretonnes Crash Cretonnes Doughnut Shop Nice Ripe Tomatoes, 2 lbs. f o r ...... 25c Dial 5440. 875 Main St. and Chintzes Manchester Public Market ic yard DIAL 5111 ' 65 mpH (29c and 39c Grades) (85c and $1.00 Grades) In many of the smait A beautiful assortment of patterns In These are designs sultablp for every bedrooms today th* large and small floral designs and fu­ room in the modem house—c’aiatzes for dressing tables are turistic effects suitable for bedroom, liv- ’oedroom and Jiitchen; part linen crash draped with cretonne GOOD THINGS TO CAT cretonnes in block and warp prints for ingroom and diningroom draperies. 36 livingroon^ ana diningroom; ■ and bold as illustrated above. TUESDAY SPECIALS inches wide. patterns for sunrooms. This can be achieved Fresh Green Peas quickly and inexpen­ GRANULATED SUGAR 2 qts. 29c sively with a few yards 10 lbs. 53c Convenience of cretonne. We will have some nice in your ends of pork to cook with Cretonne kraut at from 25c to 28c lb. Confectionery Sugar kitchen Dozens of Charming 8c lb. A special on fresh lean Pork Chops at 38c lb. Ken L Rations, 7 cans ... «99c _ ^ ^ i o_ ii. C o u c h Ways To Use Bulk Dog Biscuit, 9 lb s .... 99c Ribs of Comed^ecf 12c lb. 5 lb. bags Old Grist Mill Kib­ Plenty of lean cuts of Plnc- bled Dog Bread 69c. hurst Quality Corned Beef. Cretonnes METTWURST Fresh Dandelions Draperies Cushions 25c peck Tender, juicy Sirloin Steaks. Portieres Shoe Bags Early deliveries leaving the store at 7:16 and 8:00 a. m. If Smocks Aprons- you want anything In a rush, ask lor a special on our motorcycle Play Suits delivery. Couch Covers A cretonne hat bag Laundry Bags room enough for three AT WHOLESALElPIRECT-TO-YOU PRICES Beach CJoats Bed Spreads or four hats vrill keep * them dustless and also NAIL It’8'no'loiig»*n©cc*sary/to pay high prices for high Slip Covers Shopping Bags make your wardrobe quality fixtures for your kitchen. There are BARNES Hat Bags Beach Overalls neat and tidy. A shoe Quality Enameled Sinks to fit any arrangement of your bag to hang on .the door THIS kitchen'^4[..'q^.^ can be made to match. in'beautifulj'^istening White or in the »oft, 'warm tints of Ivory, Orchid, Sea Green, Shell DOWN Pink^utum n Brown, Norse Blue or Brilliant j B l a c ^ ^ . We buy^direcf'froim'the manufacturer . . . that’s why ^ we can give you ihch high quality ware at such low ! prices. Come in and ace this beautiful ware. When you compare it with others of like quality-you’ll appreciate the wonderful saving 'we offer you. 'YSC -J — and clinch It— because ft's a fach^where'’^ buy ^ PLUMBING WATKINS BROTHERS, your lumber does moke a difference. You can't go FILMS and DEVELOPED AND Funeral Directors wrong if you select oi^/ard that Is striving, with every >- CARLW. ANDERSON, Inc. PRINTED HEATING . ESTABUSHED 55 ITEARS load sent out, to add to its reputation for fair-dealing Sbowroom and Office, 57 Bissell St. 24 HOUR SERVICE and complete satisfaction. Film Deposit Box at CHAPEL AT n OAK CT. Store Entrance \ James F. Dalton PRKE- Robert K. Anderson AUTHORIZED 34 West lUiddie Turnpike REPRESENTATIVeS 1 ^M JTY^SBPM CE^ Funeral DiriSTtor KEMP'S Telephone 3485 The W. G. Glenney Co. -A.-»v-v 4. J, . UahI, Lumber and Mason Supplies ‘i ■ If '?• AUen Place Phone 4149 Manchester
