The Meal Worms
1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 11111'·25 11111'·4 11111,·6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A NATIDNAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A ~¢ i: !f,~~''''!i :.~' ~.. t' 'i$, ~-? L'NITED STATES .DEPARTMENT 'OF AGRICULTURE ,WASHINGTON, D. C. THE MEAL '''YORMS o R. T. C,Q'l;',l'QN, SFffI,ior Entomologiat, Division of,Stored.Productinsecls, Bureau of Entomology: With technical descriptions of the mature larv:a.e by R. ,A. ST. GEORGE, Associatf1 Entomologist, Division of Forest Insects, Bureau of Ehtomolcfgy CONTENTS l'age l'age Review of literature_________________________ 1 Resistance to starvation____________________ ,24 Synonymy_________________________ ~_______ 2 EtIect of.extreme temperatures______________ 24 Distribution and origin______________________ 2 ,Parasites____________________________________ ,25 Economic !mportance______________________ 3 Life history ________________________________ 4 Control measures____________________________ 25 Description of the mature larva of Tentbrio The egg________________________________ 5 17Iolitor Linnaeus__ ________________________ 25 The !p.l:va_____________________________ 7 The pupa___________________________---- J6 Descriptionob8curlU Fc.bricius of the ,mature______.. __________________larva of Tembrio 33 The adulL______________________________ 17 Summary__________________ ________________ 35 r.ength of life cycle__________________________ 24 Litemturecited_____________________________ 36 The meal worms have lon~ attracted the attention of bc;lth scientists and laymen, owing to theIr usefulness as food for birds, reptiles, fishes, and small manunals in ,zoological gardens, aquariUID8,and elsewhere, their' desirability for anatomical and genetical research (for they are large in size and easily reared), and their destructive ness as flour, meal, and grain pests. REVIEW OF LITERkTURE Moufet (18)1 as early as 16.34 and Ray (21) in 1710 referred to the yellow meal worm.
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