

Department of Geography University of Leicester Bennett Building University Road Leicester LE1 7RH Email: [email protected]


Sandra Annunziata is an urban studies scholar, urban policy analyst and radical . Her research engages with action oriented projects using participatory tools and methods. She is currently comparing anti-eviction/anti-displacement discourse and practices in three Southern European (Rome, Madrid, and Athens) the final goal of which is to implement an anti- toolkit for southern Europe in the current period of austerity. Her research to date has investigated variegated forms of neoliberal , gentrification (and practices of displacement resistance), comparative urbanism, architecture, urban policy, the notion of European urbanism and the European urban agenda. Her current interests are in studying the impact of the geopolitics of everyday lives, with focus on the impact of the Eurozone crisis on people’s everyday lives, austerity policies and the ‘new’ housing crisis.


Currently Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Leicester, UK. The main duty as Honorary Visiting Fellow are the completion of the dissemination and writing activities of a IEF Marie Curie Project and lecturing the module Social and Cultural Geography, BA in Geography.

Visitor critics at the Cornell University Roma Program, Bachelor in and , The main duty is to teach the European Cities class and to organize field work activities. The course focuses on the notion of urban Europe; the European integration proceeds and governance; European urban policies and the European urban agenda before and after the economic crisis.


Oct 2014-Oct 2016: Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Leicester, UK. Project Title: (AGAPE) Exploring Anti-Gentrification Practices and Policies in Southern European Cities. PI: Professor Loretta Lees, funded by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF - Marie-Curie Action (EUR 221,606).

Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (from Oct 2013 to Sept 2014). Project: Small cities and social cohesion: policies and practices of inclusion of immigrants in small municipalities. Funded by the Italian National Framework for Research. Annunziata CV, p. 2 of 10

Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Laboratoire de recherches sociales et politiques appliquées (RESOP), University of Geneva, Switzerland (from May 2012 to Sept 2012). Project: AGORA-Snowboarding on Swiss Islam. Finding a place for Islam in Europe: Cultural interactions between Muslim immigrants and receiving societies (EURISLAM), funded by Swiss National Foundation for the Critical Dissemination of Research

Visiting Scholar, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, USA (from Jan 2011 - Aug 2011). Funded by Clarence Stein Grant for independent research on tenurial change in historical garden cities in Italy and the USA.

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Urban Studies, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (from Oct 2008 to Sept 2011). Project: Urbanity and Conflict in the Neo-liberal City: Neighborhood transitions in Rome between social practices and cultural processes.

Young Researcher, Department of Urban Studies, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (from 2005 to 2007). For the project “Territories of the Changing City: Innovations of descriptions and policies”, project founded by National Research Framework for research; Main focus: “Neighbourhoods, a Research Agenda” under the supervision of prof. Marco Cremaschi local scientific coordinator


Housing expert, Department of Territorial Cohesion and Development, Italy. (May 2014 to June 2015). Main focus: member of the ex-ante assessment of the National Operative Program for metropolitan areas (PON Metro)

Workshop tutor and consultant for the Heinrich-Boell Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine (April 2012 to May 2013). The implementation of pilot initiatives in the field of participatory planning in Ukraine. Educational Project funded by the Heinrich-Boell Foundation Onlus, Kiev.

Strategic planning expert and project manager, Department of Urban Studies, Roma Tre University (from May 2008 to May 2009). Responsible for the design and implementation of the Integrated Urban Plan for for the City of Arezzo, Tuscany Region, Italy. The plan included preliminary research, the strategic document, participatory activities and public bargaining (involving stakeholders through workshops and thematic focus groups), management of the development of the master plan (including physical design). The plan was designated for the award of EU Structural Funds and has been funded 16 Million Euros by the EU. The plan was evaluated by the regional government committee as the Best Urban Integrated Development Plan for the region


2008: PhD in Urban and Territorial Policies, Department of Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University (thesis title: A Neighbourhood Called Desire: Neighbourhood transition in two case studies in Rome and Brooklyn). Won National Giovanni Ferraro Award for Italian Dissertations in 2010.

November 2008: EU-Fellow at the Future Urban Research in Europe Training Program ‘The Ethnically Diverse City’ at the Bauhaus Universität of Weimar. Program funded by European Union - Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses. MSCF-CT-2004-516556.

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Dec 2006-July 2007: Visiting PhD, Department of , , USA. Supervisor Prof. Robert A. Beauregard. Objective of the visit - to study gentrification, the rebirth of an African-American neighborhood in Brooklyn, anti-gentrification movements and community organizing.

2004: Laurea in Architecture and Urbanism (five year course, equivalent to a BA degree and an MA in Planning), Faculty of Architecture, I.U.A.V (Venice), Italy.

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In English

Peer reviewed journal articles

Lees, L, Annunziata S and Rivas C (submitted) Resisting Global Gentrifications: (re)asserting the value of survivability, Annals of American Association of Geographers.

Annunziata, S. and Lees, L. (2016). Resistance to displacement in Southern European cities during austerity gentrification. Sociological Research Online. Annunziata, S. (2017). Exploring the incidence of ownership: evolving forms of tenure in iconic garden communities. The case of Sunnyside, New York and Garbatella, Rome. Planning Perspectives, 32 (1): 1-22. Annunziata, S. (2014). Gentrification in Italy, in Changing Italian Cities: Emerging Imbalances and Conflicts. Antonio G. Calafati (ed). GSSI Urban Studies Working Papers, 6: 23-34. Caser, U., Annunziata, S., and Makarenko, A. (2013) Collaborative , a Promising Approach to Brownfield Recovery. CEGOT, Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 4: 7-29. Annunziata, S. and Manzo, L. (2013). Desire for diversity and difference in a gentrified neighborhood in Brooklyn. A dialogue between a Planner and a Sociologist, Journal Cambio: Cities and neighborhood undergoing transformation, III (6): 71-88. Annunziata, S. and Cossu, M. (2010). Urbanity beyond nostalgia: discovering public life at the edge of the city of Rome. Suburbanization in Global Perspective, Research in Urban Sociology. Marc Clapson and Ray Hutchison (eds). Emerald Press, 10: 131-152.

Book Chapters

Annunziata, S. and Rivas C. (in press). “Landscapes of resistance to gentrification and displacement”. Handbook of Gentrification Studies. Loretta Lees and Martin Philips (eds). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. Annunziata, S. (in press). “Probing the right to buy: changing forms of tenure in Garbatella, Rome”. The Heritage of Iconic Planned Communities: The Challenges of Change. Robert Freestone, Mary Corbin Sies and Isabelle Gournay (eds). The University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. Annunziata, S., Caser U, and Makarenko A. (2014). “Shaping collaboratively the future of Kiev: Frunze 35 pilot experience”. Anthology in Urban Studies. City and Renewal. Svitlana Shlipchenkoì and Vladyslav Tyminski. (eds). Alfa-Print, Kiev. 345-362. Annunziata, S. (2011). “Evolving neighbourhood: public sphere without public space in a newly built private neighbourhood in Rome”. Changing Places, Urbanity, Citizenship, and Ideology in the new European neighbourhoods, Marco Cremaschi and Franck Eckardt (eds). Tekne, Amsterdam. 63-81. Annunziata S. (2011). “The desire of ethnically diverse neighbourhood in Rome: the case of Pigneto in Rome”. The Ethnically Diverse City, Frank Eckardt and John Eade (eds), in Future Urban Research Series, vol. 4. Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag. 601-632.

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Annunziata S. (2009). “Urbanity and Desire: neighbourhood change in contemporary economy. The case of Brooklyn”. The new urban question. Urbanism beyond neo-liberalism, Jurgen Rösemann, Diego Sepulveda and Lei Qu (eds). International Forum of Urbanism. 571- 582.

Book Reviews

Annunziata S. (2015). Renewing housing in Europe http://councilforeuropeanstudies.org Annunziata S. (2011). Michael Herzfeld, Evicted from the eternity. Etnografia e ricerca qualitiva. 3: 469-470.

In other languages


Banfi, E. and Annunziata, S. (2013). Snowboarding on Swiss Islam, Petit guide illustré pour découvrir l’islam en Suisse, Editions Alphil-Presses Universitaires Suisses.

Edited work

Annunziata S. and Mattiucci C. (eds) (2013). Lo Squaderno. Playing the city, 27. Accessible on-line. Cremaschi, M., De Leo D. and Annunziata S., (eds) (2010). Cities and Global Crisis: crime, development and cohabitation, conference proceedings of the Italian National Society of Urbanism, Planum. The European Journal of Planning. Accessible on-line.

Journal articles

Annunziata, S. (2017) Fare spazio all’accoglienza, note a partire dallo SPRAR di Roccagorga, Italia. Mondo Migranti. 1 [Making room for hosting refugees. The experience of the diffuse system of refugees’ reception in Italy]. Annunziata S. (2014). Ribalta e retroscena del boom edilizio, commentary of “Storie di Case, Abitare l’Italia del Boom” De Pieri at all 2014, Donzelli, Roma. Ibidem Le letture di Planum, 2. Accessible on-line. [Front and back stages of the Italian real estate boom] Annunziata, S. and Rossen, I. (2013). Gaming gentrification: an explorative device for urban policy making. Lo Squaderno. Playing the City, 27. Accessible on-line. Annunziata, S. (2012). Detroit. The Work Project, in Urbanistica Informazioni, 24. Accessible on-line. Annunziata, S. (2010). Desiring neighbourhoods: The case of Pigneto in Rome. Lo Squaderno. The value of places, 18: 25-29. Annunziata, S. (2009). La creatività nei quartieri, il caso del distretto culturale di Brooklyn. Tafterjournal. Esperienze e strumenti per cultura e territorio, 13. Accessible on-line. [The creativity of neighbourhoods. The case of cultural district in Brooklyn] Annunziata, S. (2008). Downtown Brooklyn: tra Grandi Progetti e Micropratiche. Urbanistica Informazioni n. 220, 51-56. ISSN:03925005 [Downtown Brooklyn: between big project and small practices]

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Annunziata, S. (2008). Gentrification non è Rigenerazione Urbana. Urbanistica Informazioni n.197, 5-10. ISSN:03925005. Annunziata, S. (2007). Giù le mani dall'affordable housing. Forme di resistenza alla selettività urbana a Manhattan. UrbanisticaTre online ISSN: 1973-9702 [Hands off from affordable housing].

Chapter of book

Annunziata S. (2016). “Territori della contraddizione. Il contributo dell’approccio relazionale allo studio dello spazio pubblico del quartiere gentrificato”, in Esplorazioni urbanistiche dello spazio pubblico. Gilda Berruti (ed). INU, Rome. [Territories of contradiction. The contribute of relational approach to the study of public spaces in gentrified neighbourhoods]

Annunziata S. (2015). A quale titolo (di godimento)? Appunti per una politica dell’affitto in Italia in Città tra sviluppo e declino. Un’agenda urbana per l’Italia edited byAntonio Calafati Donzelli, Rome. 149-167. [At what form of tenure? Note for a rental policy reform in Italy]

Annunziata, S. (2009). “La desiderabilità dei quartieri popolari, il caso studio Fort Greene Brooklyn”. Città del mondo, Quaderni del dipartimento di studi urbani. Giorgio Piccinato (ed), Quodlibet 2009, 143-161. [The desirability of working class neighbourhoods: the case study of Fort Greene, Brooklyn] Annunziata S. (2008) “Roma, San Lorenzo tra realtà e immaginario”. Tracce di Quartiere; il Legame sociale nella città che cambia, edited by Marco Cremaschi. Franco Angeli, Milano. 106-124 [The case of San Lorenzo in Rome: between reality and imaginaries in Traces of neighbourhood]

Annunziata, S. (2008). Urbanità e Desiderio . Tracce di Quartiere. il Legame sociale nella città che cambia, edited by Marco Cremaschi. Franco Angeli, Milano, 66-82 [Urbanity and Desire in Traces of neighbourhood]. Annunziata, S. (2007). Se tutto fosse gentrification possibilità e limiti di una categoria descrittiva. I territori della città in trasformazione: tattiche e percorsi di ricerca, Alessandro Balducci and Valeria Fedeli (eds.). Franco Angeli. Milano 2007 [If everything were gentrification: possibility and limits of a descriptive label]. Annunziata, S. (2007). Oltre la gentrification. Città e azione pubblica, riformismo al plurale, edited by Arturo Lanzani and Stefano Moroni. Carocci, Roma. [Beyond gentrification].



Annunziata, S. (2016) Gentrification resistance beyond theory and practices. At the conference Resistances beyond theory and practices, International conference, Libre Universitè de Bruxelles, 14-15 December, Bruxelles.

Annunziata, S. (2016) Gentrification resistance in Madrid, Rome and Athens during austerity: challenges and opportunities, Kosmos workshop Universal Gentrification? Conception Challenges of Comparative Urbanism, Humboldt University of Berlin, Department of Social Sciences (ISW), 14-16 October.

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Annunziata, S. (2016) Exploring anti-eviction practices in Madrid, Rome and Athens during austerity: challenges and opportunities for gentrification resistance, IRG BRS International Geographical Conference, London, 30th of August 2nd of September

Annunziata, S. and Rivas C. (2016) Displacement resistance practices in southern European cities Contested City International Conference, Madrid, 4th-8th July 2016.

Annunziata, S. (2016) Anti-displacement practices in Southern European Cities. Evidence from Rome, Athens and Greece. American Association of Geographers, 29th April - 4th May

Annunziata, S. (2015) The relevance of anti-eviction practices for housing policies in time of scarcity: a map from classic experience to the 2008 post economic crisis; International Network of Urban Research and Action 1st - 6th September, Athens.

Annunziata, S. (2015) The Theoretical implication of an anti-gentrification paradigm: from classics struggles to southern European housing crisis European Network of Housing Research, 28th Jun 2nd July, Lisbon.

Annunziata, S. (2014) Exploring incidents of ownership, AESOP, Cities from control to co- evolution Utrecht University, 8th -14th July, Utrecht.

Annunziata, S. and Violante A. (2011) “Rome-Model: rising and fall of a hybrid neo-liberal paradigm in Southern Europe” at the session The end of neoliberalism, RC21. The struggle to belong, Amsterdam 4th-8th July, Amsterdam.

Italian conference proceeding

Annunziata, S. and Fioretti C., (2015) Casa e immigrazione nei piccoli comuni, tra inclusione abitativa e sviluppo locale. Proceeding of the National Conference of the Italian Society of urbanism. Venice, 11th-13th June. Planum Publisher. 841-848. ISBN 9788899237042

Annunziata, S., (2014). European urbanism à la carte? Esperienze pilota di partecipazione e interdisciplinarietà a Kiev, Ukraina. Proceeding of the National Conference of the Italian Society of urbanism. Milan 15th -16th May. Planum Publisher. 39-45. ISBN 9788899237004

Marco Cremaschi and Annunziata, S. (2011) Strategie vs. strateghi: una riflessione a partire dall’esperienza del Piano Integrato Urbano Sostenibile della città di Arezzo. Italian Society of urbanism. 12th-16th Marc, Torino. Accessible on-line. http://siu.bedita.net/home

Annunziata, S. and Cossu M. (2011) Roma Oltre il Piano: forma di urbanità nella città contemporanea”, Proceeding of the National Conference of the Italian Society of urbanism Cities and the global crisis, February, 26th-28th, Rome. Planum. The European Journal of Planning on-line. http://siu.dipsu.it/files/2010/06/ATELIER-4-SIU-2010_b.pdf


 Visiting fellow, Columbia University, December 2006 - August 2007  Visiting Scholar, Cornell University, Department of City and Regional Planning, January 2011

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 Visitor critics for the European City Class, Cornell University Rome Program, Department of City and Regional Planning, 2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016  Visiting professor, Gran Sasso Science Institute, PhD in urban studies, master class seminar, June 2016

Invited talk and Public Lectures

June 2006, Paper presentation: Toward an anti-displacement paradigm for southern Europe, Master class for PhD Course in Urban Studies, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila. April 2016, Paper presentation: Southern European Cities in Times of Austerity: the rise of anti-eviction discourses and practices in Madrid, Athens and Rome, French School, Athens. October 2015, Paper presentation: Toward and anti-displacement paradigm for Sothern Europe, Università Autonoma di Madrid, with Contested City Madrid Group, Madrid. June 2015, Paper presentation: When Gentrification is lost in translation: consideration from popular neighborhood in Rome at the South of the North? Segregation in « Southern European » Cities Symposium, French School, Rome. January 2015, Public presentation: The challenge of comparative urbanism: what is lost in translation when looking at gentrifying neighbourhoods in Rome and Brooklyn, NYC, Urban Salon, UCL, London. December 2014, Paper presentation Gentrification in Rome, Center for Urban History, University of Leicester, Leicester. May 2014, Public presentation: A quale titolo (di godimento)? Appunti per una politica dell’affitto in Italia. [What forms of tenure? Notes for the reformulation of housing policies in Italy] National conference on Urban Agenda, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila. February 2014, Paper presentation: Neighbourhood myth from USA and Italy. University seminars series. Il mito dell’individuo. Individualismi europei ed americani tra filosofia e urbanistica, University of Roma Tre, Rome. [The myth of the individual. European and American individualisms between philosophy and planning]] December 2013, Public presentation: Gentrification in Italy at the Changing Italian Cities. Balances and conflicts. Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila. May 2011, Seminar: Dealing with the Needs of a Pluralistic Society at the Core of a Changing Metropolis: changing form of tenure in an historical Garden Cities. Cornell University College of Architecture, Arts and Planning. Ithaca, with the support of the Clarence Stein Award. June 2011, Public presentation: Tenurial changes; Dealing with the Needs of a Pluralistic Society at the Core of a Changing Metropolis, School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, University of Maryland with the support of the Clarence Stein Institute. June 2010, Public presentation: Integrated local development plan in Arezzo, International URBACT conference, Thematic Network CityRegion.Net, Municipality of Arezzo.


At University of Leicester Bachelor in Physical and Human Geography

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Years 2016, Social and Cultural geography I was co-responsible of the module with prof. Loretta Lees. Bachelor in Physical and Human Geography Years 2015 and 2016, Field work for professional geographer I deliver a class on Urban Regeneration in Europe and UK I was co-responsible of the field visit Regeneration in Corby with Dr. Katy Bennet.

At Cornell University, Roma Program Bachelor in City and Regional Planning Years 2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017, Visitor critics for the European Cities class The course focuses on the notion of urban Europe; the European integration proceeds and governance; European urban policies and the European urban agenda after the economic crisis.

At University of Roma Tre PhD Program Jan 2008 - Dec 2010, Coordinator of the PhD joint program in Urban Heritage between Bauhause Universität of Weimar and the Department of Urban Study

Master in Urbanism years 2013 and 2012, Lecturer for the Laboratory of Urbanism from 2007 to 2013, TA in Urban Social Theory and public spaces 2007 TA in Laboratory of Urbanism 2

Bachelor in City and Regional Planning 2012 -2013 -2014 TA in. Applied Urbanism 2005 and 2012 TA in Laboratory of Urbanism 1

Masters Dissertations supervision/examining 2014 co-supervision of the master theses MA student Francesca Ferlicca. Supervisor Prof. Marco Cremaschi.

External Examining of PhD In 2015, University of Rome PhD examination committee


September 2013 assistant professor at the Summer School in Urban Ethnography, University of Trento. April 2012 - May 2013 Tutor at the international workshops for pilot participatory planning practices organized by Heinrich-Boell Foundation Onlus Kiev in collaboration with the House of Architecture in Kiev, Ukraine. October 2012 Tutor at the Erasmus Intensive Program, University of Strasburg. “Connecting Europe design workshop” designing sustainable concepts for redevelopment for Khell/Strasburg toll area. Funded by DAAD, Universität Stuttgard Fakultact, Staedtebau-

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Institute, Ecole national Superior d'Architecture de Strasburg; Dokuz Eylul University; Roma Tre University June - Nov 2006, Tutor at the international workshop Learning from City, organized by Francesco Garofalo in collaboration with the Architectural Biennale of Venice.