John Julius Norwich | 512 pages | 07 Mar 2013 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780241953051 | English | , United Kingdom A Short History of Byzantium PDF Book

He is my number one choice. This of course begs the question: should the reader simply not read the same classical histories instead of Norwich's book. The battle of the Milvian Bridge made Constantine absolute master of all Europe. How come most of Eastern Europe is Orthodox Christian? Why should that be surprising? Beginning with Constantine the Great, who in a. Sometimes you need a basic general history, but there's almost no social or economic history in here at all and no explanation. Of Patriarchs and Plots In the high summer of the year , the people of Constantinople underwent as terrifying an experience as any of them could remember. Community Reviews. This was a complete recodification of the Roman law, removing all repetitions and contradictions, ensuring that there was nothing incompatible with Christian teaching, substituting clarity and concision for confusion and chaos. Sebald was talking about flying over densely settled areas, but to read the compressed chronicle of a thousand year empire is also to view our species from a great height, and the experience offers just as frightening a vantage. Besides all the "history" being skimmed over with pages for about years of Byzantine Empire, John Julius Norwich's [apparently] famous page "History of Byzantium" trilogy gets condensed to just under pages, in the hopes that by making it accessible - and not force readers to commit to 3 books, instead reading just one and getting the most important info. I only regret that I have the condensed version and not the three volume work. It was a history marked by tremendous change and drama: the adoption of Christianity by the Greco-Roman world; the fall of Rome and its empire; the defeat by the Seljuk Turks at Manzikert in ; the reigns of Constantine, Theodosius the Great, Justinian and Basil II. Retrieved 19 June It had seen the birth of a new capital, and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Empire. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. In , he was appointed CVO for having curated an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum to mark the 40th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne. Great fun. For people who like this kind of stuff like me, who like keeping handy lists and wouldn't mind knowing the chronology and genealogy of these Emperors this book will be easy to read. Even the fluke victory the Turks inflicted on it years prior did not break the empire so badly as that sacking. The stars of the book are the rulers of the Byzantine Empire, the eighty-eight men and women as well as the seven rulers who usurped the throne during the Latin occupation as a result of the Fourth Crusade in Books by John Julius Norwich. And when they weren't having those fun times they were running rampant through the streets beating each other up about obscure theological issues and hiding ikons under their cloaks and excommunicating one another. If Goodreads rating system went to 10 instead of 5 then I would give this book 9. Although Norwich does his best to keep the pace brisk and lively, the book still feels like it drags on a bit, particularly towards the end. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. As you turn the pages, the centuries roll by quickly. I suggest reading it when you can take plenty of time and many, many notes Guess who didn't do that. I don't mean this to be the end of my acquaintance with Byzantium, but it was an electrifying introduction. With barbarian hordes, crusading knights, treasures and quests, the whole thing is like Tolkien got together with David Lynch to invent something that you could never get away with if it were fiction. Where did many disgusted English knights find employment after Hastings? I'd suggest this to anyone looking for an exciting historic whirlwind through the Byzantium Empire. A Short History of Byzantium Writer

But although he was trusted by his troops, they never loved him. I became enslaved to every new emperor and shook my hea Hey now, this was one long "short" history. The Byzantine Empire, even at its worst, provided a check against Persian and later Ottoman forces that would have easily overrun Europe. Byzantium couldn't stay on top forever. Absolutely fantastic book. Feb 14, Becca rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction , in-de-library-catalog , reviewed-by-me , well-written , history. The explanations he does give aren't any more detailed than "The economy had been in decline for the past half-century. Somehow he still manages to paint a detailed picture. Norwich's thesis as stated in the introduction is that Byzantium left behind a rich legacy, both as a cultural powerhouse and as a bulwark protecting Western Europe against invaders like the Sasanian Empire and the Arab Caliphate. Byzantium lingered on for two more centuries despite constant threats from its numerous enemies and devastating bouts of plague. Such a shame that the history of Byzantium has been sidelined and written out of what we teach in history. View 2 comments. One of my favorite accounts in the book is that of Belisarius and Justinian. I also couldn't stop reading. The Roman Empire didn't stop with the fall of Rome, but the eastern portion certainly took a different path. It had not been a disaster, but it had shown that the Turkish advance in Asia Minor was unstoppable. A treat awaits you. The Latins ruled Constantinople for 57 years. It ended, however, on a note of bathos: in the West with silence and inertia in the face of the barbarian menace, in the East with a whimper — the only possible description for the reactions of a feckless Emperor as his vicious wife held him up to public ridicule as a fool, an incompetent and a cuckold. One gets a feel for the sweep of history. Where's any further information about the rise of the Baghdad Caliphate and its connection to the Turks? That may be a slight exaggeration, but it's certainly true of the majority of emperors. Not that the one function Also by John Julius Norwich. Inspired by Your Browsing History. It would be at least that. The maps and dynastic charts are also especially helpful and I copied several to tuck into other reference books. Vienna, After graduation, he joined the H. Norwich is a nonfiction author who can use prose and present his story as effectively as a great novelist. In that one day over 3, perished. City of Djinns. Particularly intense were the disputes over the nature of Jesus which created deep divisions and tensions. Kind of poetic I finished the story of its year history today as well this was totally unplanned. The book was mentioned in episode 4, series 9 of the British television sitcom Peep Show , where protagonist Mark Corrigan asks historian Angus whether there is a "comprehensive history of the Byzantine church Though there were many benevolent Emperors, quite a few were not and even some of the good ones rose to power through murder, torture, and mutilation though also several of them sincerely regretted that later in life. A Short History of Byzantium Reviews

But then he was never really a soldier-Emperor; he was above all a diplomat, perhaps the most brilliant that Byzantium ever produced. Add links. Judith Butler. What was the impact of the crusades? Download as PDF Printable version. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. There are a lot of "what ifs" in the book, and in some ways this ties with the book's theme. Retrieved 19 June Empires of Trust. Before him went the True Cross… it was, perhaps, the most moving moment in the history of the Great Church. Tuesday, 20 April , was one of the bloodiest days that Constantinople had seen in all its history. Lists of reigning emperors, sultans, and popes are provided in the appendixes. It's a shame that we in the West know so little about Byzantium. Being thoroughly confused about the Eastern Roman Empire and wanting to learn more about the great Justinian, I added this volume to my collection with the view that I would just leaf through for a bit and then put it in the queue for a future reading. It held that Jesus had one nature, Devine more God than human. There is great difficulty in a hurried survey like this, subj Rome fell in a. Welcome back. View 2 comments. Also quite a few were sent there against their will, sometimes several times, as the result of various courtly intrigues and power struggles. Abducting a General. OK, the length of the narrative doesn't leave much room for detail and Norwich warns us in the introduction that it'll be a fast ride. And despite legends about Suleyiman and Saladdin, the Muslim armies had grave weaknesses and it is sheer providence that such-and-such Byzantine general didn't follow up this battle or that one and inflict a wrecking defeat on the Muslims. Several interesting observations: 1 The Byzantine Empire contained much fear of religion, but little fear of God. Community Reviews. Coupled with this Imperial Empire you also have the continuing history of the Orthodox church. I just love Byzantium - its history is even crazier than Game of Thrones, and the setting is the stuff of dreams: gold mosaics, enamel pieces, rich silks, scintillating jewels, massive defensive walls designed by angels, nigh on mythic emperors and emperesses, and the Hagia Sophia rising above the city skyline above the Bosphorus. Arianism was adopted by some Roman emperors and Goths, Vandals and Lombards. Then Norwich quotes Alice In Wonderland: "Begin at the beginning, and go on until you come to the end: then stop. Such measures were imposed on foreign enemies and competing family members alike. The sacking of Constantinople in by the Fourth Crusade had a particularly devastating impact of the fortunes of Byzantium. The Short History of Byzantium which takes pages to cover years gets bogged down in a meaningless string of names and events that seem to take forever to read. Longitudes and Attitudes. As you turn the pages, the centuries roll by quickly. Although not trained as an academician which appears to have been of concern to some readers , he is one of the best historians I have read. Frames of War. Perfect for anyone interested in Byzantium or just history in general. Jennifer Heath. Not because it doesn't deserve 10 but because I'm convinced it cannot be better than the three volumes that this is a condensed version of. Though there were many benevolent Emperors, quite a few were not and even some of the good ones rose to power through murder, torture, and mutilation though also several of them sincerely regretted that later in life. I've had a long fascination with Byzantine history and came into this book expecting a short overview of this enigmatic empire. Absolutely fantastic book. The book provides a useful index, several maps at the front and an intricate imperial genealogy for those who dare. He began his career in the British foreign service, but resigned his diplomatic post to become a writer. So, basically Since this is my first work on Byzantium I wanted a pretty quick pace and Norwich does just this but in some instances it's kind of a whirlwind so this isn't the book for people looking for a more detailed record. It's a wonderful tour of history and it is - rather unexpectedly - hilarious. I hope to read the three volume edition next year, just to be fair to the author and Byzantium. Read more Under him the imperial army was more like a flood of volcanic lava, advancing slowly but inexorably.

A Short History of Byzantium Read Online

I feel that the history of Byzantium is often ignored, there are no movies abo I thought I left a comment on this and now can not find it. Books by John Julius Norwich. Norwich makes a lot of anachronistic moral commentary, such as one emperor being "shamelessly bisexual," some theological dogma being a triumph of "West over East, clarity over mysticism," and three or four emperors having saved Western civilization from barbarism or "the Islamic tide" or whatever. Thomas Flanagan. Norwich's page narrative of the year history of the Normans Kingd This is a truly ghastly book by an historian who has written several outstanding works. Stylishly written and overflowing with drama, pathos, and wit, here is a matchless account of a lost civilization and its magnificent cultural legacy. The empire rose and fell through the centuries, contending against all manner of adversaries, but the fatal dagger came at the hands of those who ought to have been its defenders; the Crusaders, who in the Fourth Crusade, sacked the city. When Norwich writes at the length that he is comfortable with, he produces full fleshed characters and dynamic narratives. On the Edge of a Dream. Download as PDF Printable version. But a book in which I was sorely sorry to turn the last page. He has written and presented some thirty historical documentaries on television, and is a regular lecturer on and numerous other subjects. Though there were many benevolent Emperors, quite a few were not and even some of the good ones rose to power through murder, torture, and mutilation though also several of them sincerely regretted that later in life. Paperback —. It held that Jesus was created by the Father and subordinate to Him in essence more human than God. There is next to nothing about the Byzantine economy, their culture just fleeting mentions are made of the Byzantine obsession over theology, and repercussions such as the 5th Century Iconoclasm and their art though is somewhat better treated. Download Hi Res. I also couldn't stop reading. No one ever did. Hey now, this was one long "short" history. I became enslaved to every new emperor and shook my head at the sacking of Constantinople by the whacked-out western Crusaders. Get A Copy. Under a tangle of red hair, his thick, beetling eyebrows met across his nose; the rest of his face was deformed by a huge, angry scar that turned crimson when he was aroused, giving it a still more hideous aspect. Notable ones included Justinian I, who had restored much of the lost Roman Empire in the sixth century and was the "last truly Roman Emperor;" Heraclius , who defeated the Persian Empire forever and saved Byzantium, even besting one of its leaders in personal combat, and who made Greek, long the language of the people and the Church, the official language of the Empire, and John Palaeologus, who in was the first Emperor to leave his capital as a petitioner for much needed aid from the Christian West. Why waste your time reading Game of Thrones when you can read about the real deal? I'll be honest and say in no way I felt this book to be an abridgment. Manuel Comnenus He gained many victories, but he consolidated none of them; and he left the Empire in a worse state than he found it. Yet Theophilus never ran into debt and was to leave his treasury a good deal fuller than he found it. But then he was never really a soldier-Emperor; he was above all a diplomat, perhaps the most brilliant that Byzantium ever produced. As a teenaged history buff, I could only wonder why. There are illustrations, but in my paperback edition they are fairly poor black and white reproductions. James Reston, Jr. Stay in Touch Sign up. This is a truly ghastly book by an historian who has written several outstanding works. Norwich supplies lots of maps, family trees which come in very handy in the later chapters of the book , and lists of Emperors, Sultans, and Popes. There were a few scoundrels, to be sure, but which empire doesn't have them? Second was the constant war and infighting. Frames of War. Although Norwich does his best to keep the pace brisk and lively, the book still feels like it drags on a bit, particularly towards the end. He is also tremendously successful in conveying the forces behind the events and how it is ultimately human nature that shapes history. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/fad329d6-cae6-4b27-b789-073d1c0af7eb/notebook-sunrise-mountains-sunset-sun-nature-s.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/ronjajohanssonhk/files/nick-and-norahs-infinite-playlist-65.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/nellienordinjo/files/always-present-the-luminous-wisdom-of-jigme-phuntsok-345.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585869/UploadedFiles/DE4A027E-0F3C-1140-7A9E-6E966C086F99.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585416/UploadedFiles/3063CA62-E2C7-81E7-8403-E4F5D2241EF2.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585853/UploadedFiles/BF85BA16-98A5-6A02-BD4D-201118D26B25.pdf