Washington, Tuesday, November 9, 1943
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It A . ’ l UTTEBA I SCRIPTA /Q * } MANET /$*. 1934. ^ VOLUME 8 * {/anted ^ NUMBER 222 Washington, Tuesday, November 9, 1943 The President 19 U.S.C. 1559) y provides in part as CONTENTS follows: “Merchandise upon which any duties or THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2599 charges are unpaid, remaining In bonded P roclamation: Page warehouse beyond three years from the date Merchandise In G eneral—Order and of importation, shall Be regarded as aBan Merchandise in general; order B onded Warehouses doned to the Government and shall Bis sold and bonded warehouses___ 15359 under such regulations as the Secretary of E xecutive Orders: BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES the Treasury shall prescribe, * * Land transfers from jurisdiction OF AMERICA of Department of Agricul WHEREAS‘section 318 of the said act A PROCLAMATION ture to Tennessee Valley (46 Stat. 696; i9 U.S.C. 1318) provides in Authority: WHEREAS section 491 of the Tariff part as follows; Cherokee National Forest Act of 1930, as amended (46 Stat. 726; 52 “Whenever the President shall By proclama (C orr.)_______________ 15360 Stat. 1083; 19 U.S.C. 1491) provides in tion declare an emergency to exist by reason part as follows: Nantahala National Forest of a state of war, or otherwise, he may au (C orr.)________________ 15360 “Any entered or unentered merchandise thorize the Secretary of the Treasury to (except merchandise entered under section extend during the continuance of such emer REGULATIONS AND gency the time herein prescribed for the 557 of this Act, But including merchandise NOTICES entered for transportation in Bond or for performance of any act * * exportation) which shall remain in customs AND WHEREAS, by my Proclamation Alien P roperty Custodian: custody for one year from the date of im Vesting orders: portation thereof, without all estimated du No. 24871 (55 Stat. 1647) I did, on May ties and storage or other charges thereon 27, 1941, declare an unlimited national Arima, Sumisato___________ 15403 having Been paid, shall Be considered un emergency to exist; Bonfiglio, Cecelia and Nicola— 15405 claimed and abandoned to the Government NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Grazzini, Josephine (2 docu and shall be appraised lay the appraiser of ROOSEVELT, President of the United ments) ---------------- 15398,15409 merchandise and sold by the collector at States of America, acting under and by Haag, Martha______________ 15408 puBlic auction under such regulations as the virtue of the authority vested in me by Hafner, Dr. Sigmund Martin« 15394 Secretary of the Treasury shall pre scribe * * the foregoing provision of section 318 of Hassencamp, Hermine KuBler the Tariff Act of 1930, do hereby author and Oliver_______ 15402 WHEREAS section 557 of the said act, ize the Secretary of the Treasury, until Holmstroem, Anton, et al__ 15401 as amended (46 Stat. 744; 52 Stat. 1087 the termination of the emergency pro Kirchhoff, Anna Marié and and 1088; 19 U.S.C. 1557), provides in claimed on May 27, 1941 or until it shall Siegfried Richard Xaver part as follows: be determined By the President and de F ritz--------------------------- 15399 “(a) Any merchandise suBject to duty, with clared by his proclamation that such Kugler, Arthur, et al________ 15401 the exception of perishaBle articles and ex action is no longer necessary, whichever Leipzig Trade Fair, Inc_____ 15396 plosives suBstances other than firecrackers, is earlier; Lochner, Emma____________ 15398 may be entered for warehousing .and be (1) To extend the one-year period Mangold, Ella______________ 15395 deposited in a Bonded warehouse at the prescriBed in section 491, supra, as Meyer, Frederick__ ____ 15406 expense and risk of the owner, importer, or amended, for not more than one year Motion picture film copyright consignee. Such merchandise may Be with drawn, at any time within three years from from and after the expiration of such interests owned by desig the date of importation, for consumption one-year period in any case in which nated nationals: upon payment of the duties and charges ac said period has already expired or shall Italian_______________ 15391 cruing thereon at* the rate of duty imposed hereafter expire during the continuance Japanese______ «_________ 15393 By law upon such merchandise at the date of of said emergency and in which the For Nagy, John, et al___________ 15407 withdrawal; or may Be withdrawn for ex eign Economic Administration certifies Nothdorf, Herman__________ 15397 portation or for transportation and exporta to the Commissioner of Customs that Pilster, Gustav and Julie___ 15405 tion to a foreign country, * * * without Rompf, Katherine_____ !____ 15400 the payment of duties thereon, or for trans such extension will not impede the war effort; and Rossi, Maddalena________ 15402 portation and rewarehousing at another port SamBataro, Antonio________ 15390 or elsewhere, or for transfer to another (2) To extend the three-year period Sauer, Christian, and Mary bonded warehouse at the same port: Pro prescribed in sections 557 and 559, supra, Viser_____________ 15395 vided, That the total period of time for as amended, for not more than one year Schimmel, Anna___________ 15396 which such merchandise may remain in from and after the expiration of such SchoenBerger, Christian, Jr _ 15403 bonded warehouse shall not exceed three three-year period in any case in which * Sentrup, Laurp, Meyer and years from the date of importation * * Paul____ _______________ 15408 WHEREAS section 559 of the said act, 16 F.R. 2617. Sohre, Eleonore____________ 15397 as amended (46 Stat. 744; 52 Stat. 1088; (Continued on p. 15361) (Continued on p. 15360) 15359 15360 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, November 9, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS^Continued I nterstate Commerce Commis S ecurities and E xchange Commis sion—Continued. Pa€e sio n : Pags F E D E R A L » register Steam roads; uniform system of Hearings, etc.: accounts________ i______ « 15386 Acme Mining Co_____________15412 Navy D epartment: New England Gas and Electric Enlistments; revision of regu Assn., et al__________ 15412 lation _____________ 15381 North American Co____ ______15415 PuBlished daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following legal holidays, by the Naval reserve; volunteer reserve Southern Colorado Power Co_ 15413 Division of the Federal Register, The National (special service) medical United Utilities, Inc____ _____ 15413 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained officers__________________ 15385 Ward Baking Co. and Conti in the Federal Register Act, approved July 28. Offic e of D efense T ransportation: nental Baking Co_______ 15414 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Adams Transfer and Storage S elective S ervice S y st e m : ch. 86), under regulations prescribed by the Co., et al., coordinated op Conscientious oBjectors’ estaB Administrative Committee, approved by the erations plan______________ 15410 lishments: President: DistriBution is made only by the O ffic e of P rice Administration: Kalamazoo State Hospital Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: Project, Mich____________15415 The regulatory material appearing herein is Bressler Brothers, Inc______ 15377 New Lisbon Project, N. J -------15415 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Individual orders under price Wernersville State Hospital which is puBlished, under 50 titles, pursuant regulations, list__________15410 Project, Pa______________ 15415 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as JoB printers in Denver, Colo— 15411 S olid F uels Administration for amended June 19, 1937. Alfalfa hay, designated western War: The F ederal R egister will Be furnished by states (RMPR 322, Am. 1)_ 15379 mail to suBscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Anthracite, restrictions on de per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Bakery products (MPR 319, Am. liveries By retail dealers__ 15363 vance. The charge for individual copies 7) _______ 15379 Bituminous coal, unBilled____ 15362 (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Butyl alcohol and esters thereof W age and Hour Div isio n : size of the issue. Remit check or money (MPR 37, Am. 10)________ 15368 EmBroideries industry, employ order, made payable to the Superintendent Canadian residents, ration Books ment of home workers; ef of Documents, directly to the Government (Gen. RO 15)__________ : 15378 fective date postponed___ 15362 Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Doors, grain and coal (MPR 483, Learner employment certifi There are no restrictions on the repuBlica Am. 1 ) ______ _____I _____ 15380 tion of material appearing in the F ederal cates, issuance to various R egister. Food rations, temporary (Gen. industries (2 documents) _ 15387, RO 9, Am. 3 )___________ - 15378 15388 Fuel oil, rationing (RO 11, Am. W ar D epartment: 8 7 )_________________ 15380 CONTENTS—Continued Lighting control within re Hawaii: stricted zones; designated Alien P roperty Custodian— Con. Motor vehicle lighting and Western Defense Command Vesting orders—Continued. Pa8e phonograph records zones______________ ______ 15361 Thomasen, Eduard, and oth (MPR 373, Am. 22)____ 15369 Navigation regulations; areas of ers________ !___________ 15407 Tire rationing (RO IE, Am. Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Uccello, Domenico and An 2 )__________ 15378 of Mexico_________ ______ 15381 gelo_________ 15398 Miscellaneous commodities; ex W ar F ood Administration: Weidinger, Ida Becker______ 15404 ceptions for sales to United Maben, Buell F., designated Civ il Aeronautics B oard: States agencies