1. Introduction Sri N.H.V.Rama Rao of , Taluk Shirahatti,, District Gadag has a Lease, QL.No.707, over an area of 2-0Acre (0.81Ha), in the Sy No. 58/A to quarry Building Stone. The Quarrying Lease was sanctioned for 5 years from 02-02-2008 and extended the lease for 5 years i.e., up to 01-02-2018. Dept. of Mines & Geology Gadag, has issued deemed extension letter (Annexure IA) in pursuance of Rules 8A(4) of KMMC Rules 1994. The eligible deemed extension will be up to 01-02-2028 w.e.f. 02-02-2028 vide letter No.DMG/SG/QL No.707/8A/2017-18/3539 dated: 02-03-2018

The quarrying development in the study area needs to be intertwined with judicious utilization of natural resources within the limits of permissible assimilative capacity. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a valuable tool for resource management and conservation of environmental considerations can be conveniently & advantageously woven into the process of planning, implementation and operation of the project. Measures to enhance the quality of environment subsequent to quarrying are also incorporated in the EMP.

The present Environmental Management Plan is aimed at ensuring sustainable development in the study area of the quarrying operations. The strategy is to control the pollution at the source to the extent possible, with the available and affordable technology, followed by treatment measures before the pollutants are discharged into the environment. Although, the study area is not adversely affected with the quarrying activities, however, concerted efforts have been planned to integrated measures for improvement of the environment in the study area.

The environmental attributes for which the management action plan is contemplated are Air quality, Water quality, Noise, Soil, Topography, Land use and the Socio economic status of the area.

This Environmental Management Plan report has been prepared for submission to 2

District Level Environmental Appraisal Committee/District Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority constituted by MOEF for obtaining Environmental Clearance 2. Purpose Of Environmental Management Plan

Various purposes of the environmental management plan are;  To treat and dispose of all the pollutants viz. liquid, gaseous and solid waste so as to meet statutory requirements (Relevant Pollution Control Acts) with appropriate technology.  To support and implement development work to achieve environmental standards and to improve the methods of environmental management.  To promote green-belt development.  To encourage good working conditions for employees.  To reduce fire and accident hazards.  Budgeting and allocation of funds for environment management system.  To adopt cleaner production technology and waste minimization program.

3. Status on Baseline Information

The area is 1.80 km NW of Village. Gadag–Bangalore Main Road is

2.67 km West of the area. The Lease area is situated in SW at a distance of 1.46 km from Mulgund– Shirahatti PWD Road. The Lease area is 22 kms from Gadag a Taluk & district head quarter.

The nearest railway station is at Gadag which is at a distance of 22 kms from the Lease area.The nearest airport is Hubli, 65 kms. The nearest port is Karwar which is 240 km.

Parasapur Reserve Forest is 3.36 kms. Water Tank is 3.33 kms. No wild life sanctuary within 15 kms radius from the Lease area.

Topo sheet No. with Latitude and longitude:

Topo sheet No 48 M/12

Latitude: N 150 14’ 20.4” to N 150 14’ 24.1’’

Longitude: E 750 32’ 36.2”to E 750 32’ 40.2’’ 3

The Lease area is a Hillock. The highest elevation in Eastern portion and lowest elevation in Western portion in the pit, in the area are having an elevation difference of 6.7 m (i.e., 685.2 m and 678.5 m respectively).

There is dry agricultural land around the lease area. This type of small-scale open cast mining operations may not degrade the environmental conditions.

Water Regime

The slopes are drained by nallas which are outside the quarrying lease area. These nallas flow towards SW and act as flood channel during rainy seasons. None of these are perennial. This area receives rainfall about 650 mm per year. The ground water table observed in this area is between 60 to 80 meters below the ground from the quarrying level. The area around the quarrying operations is almost dry, barren & grazing with some vegetation & agricultural.

Quality of the Air

The quality of the air is not pure and fresh, however, within permissible limit as there are number of building stone quarries in nearby region. Moreover, there will be always good breeze from the adjoining open area.

Solid Waste There is solid waste material. During the Plan period about 10,525 tonnes of waste will be removed/ excavated, will be utilized for approach road.

Climatic Condition

The area enjoys arid climate. The hottest month is May and coldest month is December. The rainy season comprises of May to September. The temperature varies from 20oC - 25oC in winter to 38oC-42oC in summer. The weather is continued to be pleasant during November to march. This area receives rainfall of about 650 mm per year.


Human Settlements

There are no villages within the lease area. The Lease area is 1.8 km SE of Seetalahari Village, having a total population of 439 and Household population of 69 (as per 2011 census).

Public Buildings, Places of Worship and Monuments There are no public buildings, monuments or wild life parks in and around the area. No Places of worship and monuments in this Quarrying area or near-by this place.

4. Land Environment

Land area indicating that the area likely to be degraded due to quarrying, pitting, roads, workshop, etc.

As the Building Stone Quarry is carried out in small scale in about 0.701Ha The depth of excavation will not be more than 15.0 mts. The excavated Building Stone is sold to the customers.

In this type of minor-scale open cast OTFM quarrying operations, no township is planned and there are no other hazards generated.


The reserve details are as under:

Total Mineral resources-----3,81,539 tonnes.

Mineral reserves ------2,29,404 tonnes.

Quarrying An open cast, Other Than Fully Mechanised Quarry Method, will be adopted to operate

the area. The annual production is about 40,000 tonnes/year maximum. The Building

Stone deposit is hillock and the Building Stone is well exposed in the entire area.

A bench height of 3m and a minimum bench width of 4m will be maintained. 5

For production, it is proposed to work in the NE side and advance towards SW The Building Stone and waste generated from working benches is loaded to dumpers by excavators and front end loaders and hauled to the destination.

Solid Waste There is solid waste material. During the Plan period about 10,525 tonnes of waste will be removed/ excavated, will be utilized for approach road.


Afforestation cannot be taken up along the lease boundary as it is rocky area. Hence, plantation will be done along approach road in consultation of Horticulture and forest departments to maintain the green belt for balancing the ecological environment. Details of the afforestation program are given below:

Afforestation Table – Green Belt

Year No.of Plants Survival Rate Saplings(Local Botanical Name species) Approach Road

1. 2018-19 50 60% Tamarind Tamaindus Indica

2. 2019-20 50 Neem Azadirachta Indica 3. 2020-21 50 Ala Ficus Benghalensis 4. 2021-22 50 Banni Acacia Ferruginea 5. 2022-23 50 Mango Mangifera Indica Total 250 Anjan Hardwickia Binata Honge Pongamia pinnata





The area has a tropical climate. The peak summer will be in the month of May. Highest temperature of 42°C during May and lowest temperature of 20°C during December was recorded in this area and the rainfall in this area was about 550mm.


This is one of the important factors deciding the dispersion of air pollutants due to Factors like lapse rate, inversion etc. In the area, it is observed from the records that the temperature varies slightly in the month.

Relative Humidity

The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere affects the amount of solar Radiation received and reflected by the earth. Water vapor serves to scatter or Absorb radiation energy, and hence humidity has a major influence on air quality. Generally the relative humidity observed in the area is moderate.


Precipitation serves as a cleansing agent for the atmosphere by removing Particulate matter and soluble gases in a process called “Wash Out”. The rainfall in this area was about 650mm 7

Wind Speed & Direction

Wind is one of the most important modes in the distribution, transportation and dispersion of air contaminants. The velocity of the wind determines the travel time of particulate to a receptor and the dispersion rate of air contaminants. EMP study & Scope

The objective of preparing an EMP is to provide mitigative measures for protection of Environment. In order to obtain a clear picture of environmental parameters, the studies were carried out inside the area (Core zone) proposed for mining. Based on the available information and monitoring carried out in the area for various environmental parameters EMP of the area is prepared. The EMP for the subject Quarry Lease is undertaken as part of obtaining clearance from Environmental angle. Quality Of Air

Quarrying operations does not involve deep hole drilling and blasting. Use of machinery for excavation & loading of Building Stone, is a major contributor for affecting the air quality. Loading and transport of Building Stone generate some small quantities of dust, which again depend on factors such as the topography, nature of material handled and climatologically parameters like wind speed, wind direction and stability classification of the area viz location of buffer zone villages. The quantum of quarrying operations is very limited and hence there shall not be regular fugitive emissions. However, care will be taken to suppress dust by sprinkling water at all loading places, etc. Dust extractors will be used at drilling point.

Quality of Water a) Surface water: There are no nallahs and tank existing nearby the Quarry area, Precautions will have to be taken to avoid the wash-off from the mine to nearby nallahs by construction of Check dams & retaining walls. b) Ground water: Ground water is cannot encounter as the area is hillock. So any change in the ground water condition is ruled out.


Noise Level The noise level of the core & buffer zone is expected to be within the permissible Limits. Quarrying activity is likely to increase the noise levels at the loading points and jack hammer drilling locations. Since the workers will not be expected to be exposed to high levels of noise for considerable period of time, no Extra precaution is proposed. . Land Environment

The Quarry lease area of 2-00 (0.81 Ha) acres is Revenue land. The area is hillock covered by rocks. The Quarry lease area is proposed to be utilized for quarrying and except for quarrying the land is not used for any other purpose. The buffer zone consists of patta lands which are barren, agricultural & grazing lands. The major activity in the buffer zone is dry and whatever agriculture activity takes place is entirely dependent on rains. The crop includes Jowar with maize, ground-nut and vegetables.





Mineral deposits are exploited for the sustained development of the country. But this economic activity is likely to cause some adverse impact on the environment and ecosystem of the area. Therefore, it is obligatory on the part of the lessee to implement suitable control measures to mitigate the adverse impact of the various quarrying operations. After analyzing and study of the quarry, it is found that the quarry activity certainly will have little effects on the different environmental parameters as is evidenced in the earlier chapter. It is possible to control the deterioration of environment due to quarry activity by adopting and monitoring few fixed practices as described in detail in this chapter.


The proposed Quarry activities are not likely to contribute to any variation in the climate parameters of the region. The variations observed are on a regional scale and the control factors lie much beyond the small area considered for Quarrying. Hence no management measures are needed and proposed.

Air Environment

The sources of air pollution in the region will be due to quarrying and the related transportation activities. The meteorology of the area becomes an important parameter in environmental issues in the mining settlements. Suitable measures to protect the inhabitants and environment against the dust and fumes emanating from vehicular movements are required to be taken. The dust generated is from the mine haul roads and drilling/loading sites. It is proposed to take up mitigative measures in the form of sprinkling water in the sensitive areas. The gaseous pollutants namely SO2 & NOx are below detection level. As stated earlier the gaseous pollutants in and around the Quarry 10 are well within the permissible limits. There is no likelihood of the concentrations exceeding the standards as there is little dust emanating from the drilling, blasting & loading. There is no other factory or beneficiation unit in the lease area. However, gaseous pollutants will be monitored as per the requirement.

Dust Control

The dust generated from loading and transport operations will be controlled by water spraying. For these purposes water tanker fitted with sprayer will be used at haul road, etc. Sprinkling water on the roads by tanker will be practiced. Dust extractors will be used at drilling point. The office complex is also suggested to be surrounded by green belt, to arrest the spread of dust to the other locations.

Noise Environment

The haulage vehicles shall be maintained with proper lubrication, fitting of effective silencers and maintenance to reduce the noise. Workers are provided with earplugs to avoid the noise from the machineries. The proposed green belt along the approach road will help in reducing the noise level.

Water Environment

Water Consumption and Waste Water Management Water consumed for Consumption Discharge Treatment Final disposal KLD/day KLD /day units Provided point a) Domestic use 0.83 0.58(70%) Soak pit Land b) Gardening. 1.0 NA NA NA c) Industrial purpose 1.5 NA NA NA

It is proposed to use water for sprinkling over the roads for suppression of dust during summer. The major source of water pollution in open cast quarrying is the surface run- off carrying the fine silt. The problem is prevalent mostly in rainy season. For this control 11 measures by way of providing check-dams along the boundary of the project site and outside the lease area will be initiated and further take up afforestation on the side of these retention walls to minimize the flow of silt. Drains will be constructed to channelize the water in loose soil areas to prevent erosion.

Storm Water Management

Check dams will be constructed to contain the surface run-off of the silt and sediments from the lease area during heavy rainy season. Garland drain around the quarry will be made to divert the water from working areas.

Land Environment

The Dhanbad declaration on Environmental Management in Mining Industry states “It is imperative that in order to ensure the continued and sustained progress of the mining industry in , the environmental dimensions should be integrated into the planning, design, development, operation and working practices of quarry on scientific and rational lines, by the Governments and the industry in a mutually reinforcing manner”. The land related Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been presented here under two sections viz., Soil & Water conservation and Afforestation.

Land Restoration/Reclamation

Land restoration or reclamation of the area is very essential in any mining industry. Proper measures adopted during restoration will control most of the adverse environmental impacts of Quarry and also improve the aesthetic beauty of the area. Due to the Quarry activities in this area the profile of the ground will change due to formation of pits. At the end of the Quarry operations, the pit will be rehabilitated. The pit will be properly fenced and utilized as water tank for Agriculture as the lease area is surrounded by Agriculture lands.


Provision of Green Belt along the affected area

Development of greenbelt around the project site will not be taken up as it is rocky area. However,, plantation will be done along approach road in consultation with Horticulture and forest departments to maintain the green belt for balancing the ecological environment. About 500 plants will be planted every year. The major pollutant is generation of dust. This is an effective way to check pollutants and their dispersion into surrounding areas. The degree of pollution attenuation by a green belt depends on its height and width, foliage surface area and density. The main objective of green belt is as follows: 1. Mitigation of impacts due to fugitive emissions caused by vehicles 2. Attenuation of noise levels 3. Ecological restoration 4. Creation of aesthetic environment

Control on soil Erosion

There is no top soil production in the area. Parapet wall along the lease boundary and Check dam across the water course from the lease area will be constructed.

Wild Life Protection:

Presently, there are no wild animals spotted in the core zone. However, the practice of afforestation programme and other control measures shall bring greenery to the area and also the vegetation of mixed species and availability of water will form a natural habitat for these wild animals and helps in conservation of the flora and fauna of the area. Fencing & trenching of the lease area boundary shall be proposed as part avoiding entry of animals within the quarry/pits towards unauthorized entry & wild life protection.

Management of Socio Economic:

Quarrying industry will improve the economic status of the people and area. Continued Quarrying activities, will benefit the local people due to provision of more infrastructural 13

facilities provided by the Quarrying industry, as Quarrying industry boosts up the local market, which will invite people from different places to install their ancillary units. Disaster Management Plan

Disaster Management Plan is envisaged with a goal to prevent hazards and accidents at work places by careful design, operation, maintenance and inspection of the Quarrying machineries & equipments. All the quarry activities will be in accordance with the approved Quarrying plan and directives of Directorate General of Mines Safety. All the eligible employees will be sent to refresher courses from time to time on safety issues. The control measures will be adopted to take care of hazards/disasters that may occur during quarry operation. Safety awareness through competitions, posters & organizing safety weeks every year.

Fire fighting & first aid provisions will be provided in mines office & quarry lease area.

All safety appliances to be made available to all the staff.

Proper maintenance of haulage roads

Conclusions, Suggestions/recommendations

Building Stone will be obtained from quarrying.. The typical process after quarrying involves the following steps:

 Drilling  Blasting

The suspended particulate matter getting airborne from the Quarrying activity gets dispersed in close proximity itself and settles down early. The noise levels due to the proposed quarry activity are also not of a higher order that calls for immediate corrective measures. There is positive socio-economic front in the surrounding region due to the proposed Quarrying industry. The practice of afforestation scheme at all possible places is a step in the right direction towards achieving ecological balance.


Even though there is no perceptible impact from the quarry activity on the environment of the region, it is imperative that mitigative measures have got to be implemented on full 14

scale for creating environmental balance and intern maintain the ecology of the region. The following suggestions/recommendations merit due consideration in this regard.  As no control over wind can be exercised, the frequency of the dust suppression measures like constant watering of the haul roads shall be practiced.  Afforestation as envisaged in the Quarrying plan is to be carried out so that it not only enhances the green canopy but also stop the spread of dust particles and air borne pollutants.  Surface water conservation measures and groundwater recharge be given high priority. Environmental Monitoring-Financial Implications

After an in-depth study of the Environmental Management Plan, the management may make estimates of expenditure on annual basis for the implementation of different environmental protection programme will be implemented as required.

Capital Cost

Capital Sl.No. Activity Quantity Cost/Yr.(Rs) 1 Fence along Lease Boundary 355m 3,55,000-00 2 Catch drain along Lease boundary 200m 1,00,000-00 3 Siltation Pond 10x5m 50,000-00

Total 5,05,000-00

Recurring Cost Recurring Activity Quantity Sl.No. Cost/Yr.(Rs)

1 Afforestation/Green belt development 50 saplings/yr 25,000-00 2 Water for Drinking, Dust suppression & Plantation 333KLD /yr 3,33,000-00 3 Period Medical Checkup & PPE supplies Yearly 75,000-00 4 Environmental Monitoring Yearly 50,000-00 5 CSR Activities Yearly 1,00,000-00 Total 5,83,000-00



Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1. Project Details 1

2. Present Environmental Conditions- 6

Base Line Environment

3. Environmental Management Plan 9


1 Environmental Monitoring Report





For QL. No.707 in 2-00 Acres (0.81 Ha) in Sy.No.58/A Revenue Land, OTFM Mining, At Seetalahari Village, Gadag Taluk & District,

of Sri N.H.V.Rama Rao S/o Sri Venkateshwar Rao N.H.V Rama Rao #5/26, Shirahatti Taluk Shirahatti, District Gadag