Beflitji He Considered for Mjhbjk Should Be Welfare and Is a Member of Golden Anniversary of the Re- Community Honors
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Friday, 18, 1960 Page Two THE ARIZONA POS’I March Brook Heading SAY YOU SAW IT Nominations Being Taken ror White - IN THE POST Noted Rabbi For Awards For Service House Parley Nominations are now being received by the Tucson Benjamin N. Brook, Jewish Community Council for persons deserving of com- execu-! five director of the Tucson' munity honors at the annual Awards Night to be held later Jewish Community Council, Will Speak At this spring. will leave next week to attend William Gordon, chairman of the Council’s awards com- the White House Conference ;mittee, asks that names of on Children and Youth as an with his committee. any person who should be official delegate from the Nominations he sent Service Here considered for honors be filed should state of Arizona. at to the Awards Committee The conference, bringing to- Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, first American to be named Tucson Jewish Commun- the gether leaders from through- 1 president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, will ity Council office at 102 N. nation, out the will be held bo the guest speaker when Temple Emanu -El continues piumer. Letters of nomina- next weekend. of anniversary tion should carry the qualifi- Mr. Brook also is serving observance its 50th with a Service of Re- at cations of the person recom- as Arizona dedication Friday, April 1 8:15 p.m. :i president of the lsl *f 9 Ww mended and the reasons why State Conference of Social i The sei-vice will mark the fig* BEflitji he considered for mjHBJK should be Welfare and is a member of golden anniversary of the re- community honors. the Mayor’s Committee on! form Temple first Jewish Both men and women are Human Relations and the I house of worship in Arizona. eligible for the season-end committee of Citizens inter- m v awards. Ministers of 11 churches in ested in Tucson Youth. existence by THEOTRii received 1910 will be in- Recommendations ——o vited to participate in an E ,G H WAY by the Awards Committee APACHE. 2 t NA°M R K academic procession at the will be given serious consi- Jewelry Shop J: “I BURY THE LIVING- ' service. "FOUR SKULLS OF deration, Mr. Gordon declar- JONATHAN DRAKE" ed, in urging all members of Has New Owner Rabbi Marcus Breger and "HOUND OF THE " v~- of Cong. BASKERVILLES the community to give seri- The Village Jewelry Store, jIIIIIi members Anshei Is- "THE MUGGERS" ous attention to the awarding No. 12 Broadway Village, is rael have been invited to at- of service honors. under new ownership and ma- tend the services. At one time BILTMORE the Temple and Cong. Anshei P.‘.7....y.vS *oowaußN«yoM^i nagement. \ I a 20 Israel were within a few IICINSEO Adm. SI.OO Per Person Mr. Gary Little, year Children Age 6 to 12 25c City O? Hope resident of Tucson, took over doors of each other on South Walt Disney's All in Techni- operation Stone Avenue. ( color of the store on the \Lulte-Ske*'PROCESS 1 I "TOBY TYLER" Party Planned first of March. Mr. Little has Dr. Freehof was born in q o "HOPPITY GOES TO TOWN" I oli»ycontroH«c^J«»"'"<l% The City of Hope Tucson been in the jewelry business London and came to this chapter will hold a paid-up 15 years in Tucson, 14 of country at the age of 11. He desert . party clothes! CACTUS membership and card them at Davis-Monthan Air- is a graduate of the Univer- for at p.m. at Post the is ’ Kenneth More party March 29 1 base Exchange as sity of Cincinnati and the Party clothes look festive, •'SINK THE BISMARCK' the Desert Inn. official watch maker. Hebrew Union College. also Randy Carmichael will en- Mr. Little has jewelry, dia- and new with fabulous Dr. Solomon B. Freehof He served as a chaplain gay Marlon Brando tertain at the piano. Reser- monds, watches and many "YOUNG LIONS" during World War I. Lustre-Sheen drycleaning vations may be made by call- gift items as well as a mo- dern watch repair section. NEW YORK, (JTA) The Rabbi Freehof was spirit- *° ing Mrs. A1 Kaufman. 2200 PARK AVS * that it FIESTA a An item of interest is the 1960 Los Angeles Israel Bond ual leader of K. A. M. Temple re-sizes while cleans! in Chicago for 10 years and - ultra sonic watch cleaner that campaign got off to a flying Doris Day Jack Lemmon has been with Rodes Shalom "IT HAPPENED TO JANE" cleans the watches by the use start with the sale of more "THE FEARMAKERS" Temple in Pittsburgh since - of sound rather than the old First in Personal Service Deborah Kerr Yul Brynner than $1,000,000 in Israel bonds 1934. He is a past president "THE JOURNEY” method which called for "ONCE UPON A HORSE" slushing the watch around in at an inaugural dinner ad- and member of the Central EA 7-4585 Conference of fluid. newest dressed by Gen. Moshe Day- American Rab- It is the devel- bis and is member of the MIDWAY =T opment in watch cleaning. an. a executive board of the Union Sal Mineo "THE GENE KRUPA STORY" of American Hebrew Con- James Stewart, Jim Novak, gregations. Jack Lemmon "BELL, BOOK, AND Dr. Freehof is the author CANDLE" of many books including, “Stormers of Heaven”, “Pre- mmmammmmmmmmmmrnCAMPBELL. 16 CONVENIENT If BPPllirrmini'll AT FRINCB face to Scripture” and “In Admission SI.OO Per Person the House of the Lord.” LOCATIONS I Held Over! Exclusive Tucson Showing At the services of Re-dedi- "NO GREATER SIN" cation, Rabbi Albert T. Bil- Plus gray "MIRACLE OF BIRTH" will also address the • Speedway, near 'IMlI gathering. El Rancho Center I IIIf 111 I¦ Min RODEO NOCAUS «<ghway • North Stone at Fred Mac Murray Drachman In Walt Disney's Obituaries "THE SHAGGY DOG" - Shirley Maclaine • 1108 East 6th St., Dean Martin Anthony Franciosa Menzon, 76, of of Peter 1049 corner Fremont "CAREER” E. Lowell, died March 5, at a • East 26th St. and • local hospital. < SATURDAY-SUNDAY * South Craycroft 22 nd St. ~2/i£&£tfe mvil*m* EVERY 0 Arizona Facts Mr. Menzon had come to Held Over! rs* Tucson 10 years ago. • y North WEDNESDAY, TOO! Tucson Cary Grant - Tony Curtis AND Survivors include his wife, Blvd. at Water St. "OPERATION PETTICOAT" Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs, POST TIME 1:30 P.M. Ida: a son, Joseph, of Los Mickey Rooney • Angeles; three daughters, East 22nd Street "OPERATION MAD BALL" and Wilniot (to LJack RILLITO PARK Mrs. Ruth Bulgart, Mrs. Et- Open Soon) ta Bluestein and Mrs. Char- N. 1 st at River Rd. lotte Semon, all of Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Rose Fleisher, of Joliet, 111., and a brother, Sam, of Peoria, 111. There are six gi’andchildren and two great-grandchildren. Waiahomigse • • • |||^~ Morris Cooperberg, 69, of Montreal, Can., died March 2 I and the in Jerusalem. Mr. Cooperberg had been a frequent visitor to Silver Spurs Tucson. He was visiting in Israel at the time of his death I For fifty-nine years, Watahomigie, Chief of the Hava- | and his body was shipped to supais, and Ed Cummings, a Grand Canyon Guide, Montreal for burial. J Mr. Cooperbei'g established a friendly feud each vowing he would perpetuated the Cooper Clothing Mfg. Co. other's most prized possession. 1 some day own the j Ltd. He was a member of Much money was bet and advice given, but Ed never Hadath Israel Synagogue and managed to acquire the chief's hand-tooled saddle a founder of the Hebrew Free Bright New Look . ... or the chief, Ed's silver spurs. Watahomigie's death ; Loan in Montreal. in 1947 brought whites and reds together to honor his ;! Survivors include his wife, Ray, a son, Dr. Arthur Coo- memory. As the first shovelful of earth fell into the ! Right New Size! perberg; a sister, Mrs. I. grave, stepped forward dropped in Ed Cummings and 1 Lichtenstein of New York and his silver spurs his tribute to a life-long friend and ; two grandsons. Fine car styling for the Economy Wise—the respected adversary. ; • • • George Rosen field, 59, of Every person, of course, has his own idea of what ! 1727 E. Water, died March constitutes a prized possession. Today, thousands of < 15 in a local hospital. 1960 COMET Arizonans earn their "silver spurs" achieve their , Mr. Rosen field had come to goals —by working in one of the state's most impor- Tucson a year ago from Eli- tant industries the malt beverage industry which zabeth, N.J. PRICED AS 5011725 Survivors include his wife, directly and indirectly employs over 11,000 Arizonans ! LOW AS LI I I Anna; a daughter, Mrs. Syl- whose annual earnings exceed $33,000,000. ! Rose, plus sales tax and license plates via of Elizabeth; a son, Sandor, of Tucson; two sis- United States Brewers Foundation ters, Mrs. Violet Sandor, of See It Today! at Elizabeth, and Mrs. Vivian ARIZONA DIVISION Friedman of Miami Beach, Fla.; and four brothers, Paul, 525 First National Bank Building • Phoenix, Arizona j) of Merchantville, N.Y., and SELBY MOTORS 2200 EAST BROADWAY Louis, Dan and Lester, all of Philadelphia..