Imperial Portugal in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions: the Luso-Brazilian World, C
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-64076-4 - Imperial Portugal in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions: The Luso-Brazilian World, c. 1770–1850 Gabriel Paquette Index More information Index Abrilada, 183–87 coffee cultivation in, 331 absolutism, 84 , 120 , 123 , 128 , 129 , 165 , colonial settlement in, 342 212 , 246 , 264 , 276 , 289 , 331 colonial settlers in, 60 , 61, 343 , 361 absolutists as anti-constitutionalists, cotton, 344 249 free white settlement (1836), 343 Academy of Sciences ( Academia das imports from Brazil, 361 Ci ê ncias de Lisboa ), 38 , 40 , 58 , 75 , iron foundry in, 58 140 , 322 as penal colony, 59 , 74 adventurers, 8 , 305 slave ships from, 323 , 363 afrancesados , 105 slave trade, 367 Africa Angolan settlement by Pernambucans, colonies of European settlement, 341 344 cultivadores of, 341 anti-masonic discourse, 136 direct trade with, 345 anti-Semitic discourse, 136 Africans sold into slavery at Rio de Assembly’s Projecto of the Constitution Janeiro, 323 (1823), 162 Age of Revolutions, 1 , 4–7 , 85 , 372 , Associa çã o Mar í tima e Colonial , 347–58 373–74 amassing of data on colonial emigrados part of, 264 possessions, 348–49 Age of Romanticism, 257 agrarianism, 20 , 38 , 39 Banda Oriental, 9 , 55–56 , 200 , 218 , 227 , Brazil, 78 233 , 302 , 308 encouraged in Brazil, 20 Barca, Conde da, 91 , 99 Ajuda, Natural History Museum and Minister of Foreign Affairs and War, 89 Royal Botanical Garden of, 36 , 45 , Bentham, Jeremy, 131 92 Beresford, Viscount (William Carr), 90 , Alexander, James, 349 92 , 93 , 102 , 106 , 108
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