Wildcats head Miss Mendocino ON THE MARKET to NBL meet Regents Scholar Guide to local real estate ...................................Inside ..........Page A-8 ............Page A-3 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper .......Page A-2 Tomorrow: Sunny to partly cloudy 7 58551 69301 0 FRIDAY May 12, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 48 pages, Volume 148 Number 33 email:
[email protected] Citizens asked to ‘Mothering Sunday’ minimize Students make gifts The history of water use Mother’s Day By BEN BROWN to honor The Daily Journal The Daily Journal Mother’s Day is more Officials at the Millview their moms than a Hallmark holiday, County Water District are urging according to an article by Ukiah residents and their own By LAURA CLARK holidays.net. customers to conserve water over The Daily Journal The earliest Mother’s the weekend because higher Oak Manor Elementary Day celebrations can be demand is putting a strain on their School students on Thursday traced back to the spring wells. made colorful books and celebrations of ancient Millview is currently supplying planted flowers in hand- Greece in honor of “Rhea, water to the city because improve- painted pots in honor of the Mother of the Gods,” ments at the city plant have some special women. states the online article. reduced that facility’s output, said “We’re making a “During the 1600s, Millview County Water District Mother’s Day something,” England celebrated a day Operations Manager Michael third-grader Anika Brown called ‘Mothering Sunday.’ Wieling. said, when asked what she Celebrated on the fourth “We’re trying to help make up and her classmates were Sunday of Lent (the 40-day the difference,” Wieling said.