Food Safety and Inspection Service
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2016 Explanatory Notes Food Safety and Inspection Service Table of Contents Purpose Statement …………………………………………………………………………………... 23-1 Statement of Available Funds and Staff Years……………………………………………………… 23-3 Permanent Positions by Grade and Staff Year Summary……………………………………………. 23-4 Motor Vehicle Fleet Data……………………………………………………………………………. 23-5 Salaries and Expenses Appropriations Language……………………………………………………………………….. 23-6 Lead-off Tabular Statement………………………………………………….………………….. 23-7 Summary of Increases and Decreases….……………………………………………………….. 23-7 Project Statements……………………………………………………………………………….. 23-8 Justifications…………………………………………………………………………................... 23-10 Proposed Legislation…………………………………………………………………………….. 23-15 Geographic Breakdown of Obligations and Staff Years ……………………………................... 23-16 Classification by Objects ……………………………………………………………................... 23-17 Shared Funding Projects.….…………………………………………………………................... 23-18 Status of Programs ………………..…………………………………………………………….. 23-20 Summary of Budget and Performance Statement of Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………………… 23-48 Key Performance Outcomes and Measures……………………………………………............... 23-60 Full Cost by Strategic Objective ….……………………………………………………………… 23-69 FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE Purpose Statement The Secretary of Agriculture established the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on June 17, 1981, pursuant to legislative authority contained in 5 U.S.C. 301 that permits the Secretary to issue regulations governing the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The mission of FSIS is to ensure that the Nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and processed egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged through inspection and regulation of these products. FSIS is composed of two major inspection programs: (1) Meat and Poultry Inspection and (2) Egg Products Inspection. 1. The Meat and Poultry Inspection Program is authorized by the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) as amended and the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA). The purpose of the program is to ensure that meat and poultry products are safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled through inspection and regulation of these products so that they are suitable for commercial distribution for human consumption. The FY 2008 Farm bill amended the FMIA to make siluriformes an amenable species and upon approval of the Fish inspection rule in FY 2015, FSIS will begin inspection of siluriformes under the FMIA. FSIS also enforces the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act through the program, which requires that all livestock at Federally- inspected establishments be handled and slaughtered in a humane way. FSIS conducts inspection activities at Federally-inspected meat and poultry establishments; and for State programs, the agency ensures that State meat and poultry inspection programs have standards that are at least equivalent to Federal standards. FSIS also ensures that meat and poultry products imported to the United States are produced under standards equivalent to U.S. inspection standards, and facilitates the certification of regulated products. FSIS’ science-based inspection system, known as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, places emphasis on the identification, prevention, and control of foodborne hazards. HACCP requirements include meeting sanitation, facility, and operational standards, and other prerequisite programs to control pathogen contamination and produce safe and unadulterated food. 2. The Egg Products Inspection Program is authorized by the Egg Product Inspection Act (EPIA). The program’s purpose is to ensure that liquid, frozen and dried egg products are safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled through continuous mandatory inspection of egg processing plants that manufacture these products. FSIS also ensures processed egg products imported to the United States are produced under standards equivalent to U.S. inspection standards, and facilitates the certification of exported regulated products. During 2014, the agency maintained headquarters offices in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area; 10 district offices; the Policy Development Division in Omaha, Nebraska; laboratories at Athens, Georgia, St. Louis, Missouri, and Alameda, California; the Financial Processing Center in Des Moines, Iowa; the Human Resources Field Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota; and a nationwide network of inspection personnel in 6,426 Federally regulated establishments in 50 States, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Included are 347 establishments operating under Talmadge-Aiken Cooperative Agreements. A Talmadge-Aiken plant is a Federal plant with State inspection program personnel operating as Federal inspectors under Federal supervisors. Much of the agency’s work is conducted in cooperation with Federal, State, and municipal agencies, as well as private industry. As of September 30, 2014, the agency employment totaled 8,676 permanent full-time employees, including 625 in the Washington, DC area and 8,051 in the field. FSIS employed 9,036 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs as of September 30, 2014). This included other-than-permanent employees in addition to permanent full-time ones. 23-1 FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE FSIS funding is broken out into the following categories: 1. Federal Food Safety & Inspection: Expenses associated with operations at all federally inspected meat, poultry and egg product establishments. 2. Public Health Data Communications Infrastructure System (PHDCIS): Expenses associated with providing public health communications and information systems infrastructure and connectivity. 3. International Food Safety & Inspection: Expenses associated with import and export operations and certifications. 4. State Food Safety & Inspection: Expenses associated with state inspected establishments and state run programs. 5. Codex Alimentarius: Funds US Codex portion of the intergovernmental Codex Alimentarius with the purpose of protecting health of consumers, coordination of food standards, and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. Ongoing OIG Audits Assignment 24601-0004-31 – Food Safety and Inspection Service Ground Turkey Inspection and Safety Protocols. OIG is continuing its audit work. Assignment 24601-01-23 – Implementation of the Public Health Information System (PHIS) for Domestic Inspection. OIG is continuing its audit work. Assignment 50601-0002-23 – Evaluation of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Process Verified Programs. OIG is continuing its audit work. Assignment 24601-0001-23 – FSIS Follow-up on the 2007 and 2008 Audit Initiatives. OIG is continuing its audit work. Assignment 50601-0004-31 – USDA’s Response to Antibiotic Resistance. OIG is continuing its audit work. Ongoing or Completed GAO Audits Assignment 361507. Poultry Pathogens. GAO issued the Final Report in October 2014. Assignment 361446. Pesticide Residue on Food. GAO issued the Final Report in November 2014 . Assignment 361560. Executive Branch Efforts to Address Fragmentation in Federal Oversight of Food Safety. GAO issued the Final Report in December 2014. Assignment 361562. Federal Veterinarian Workforce. GAO is continuing its audit work. Assignment 441231. Evolution of the National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC). GAO is continuing its audit work. Assignment 460635. Municipal Water Technologies. GAO is continuing its audit work. Assignment 321050. Cargo Preferences for Food Aid. GAO is continuing its audit work. 23-2 FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE Available Funds and Staff Years (SYs) (Dollars in thousands) 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Enacted 2016 Estimate Item Amount SYs Amount SYs Amount SYs Amount SYs Salaries and Expenses: Discretionary Appropriations.................................. $1,056,427 9,158 $1,010,689 8,933 $1,016,474 9,194 $1,011,557 8,930 Rescission....................................................................... -28,607 - - - - - - Sequestration.................................................................. -50,529 - Subtotal........................................................................ 977,291 9,158 1,010,689 8,933 1,016,474 9,194 1,011,557 8,930 Transfers In..................................................................... 212 - 212 - - - - - Transfers Out.................................................................. -815 - -400 - - - - - Adjusted Appropriation............................................ 976,688 9,158 1,010,501 8,933 1,016,474 9,194 1,011,557 8,930 Balance Available, SOY................................................. 732 - 4,556 10,780 - - - Other Adjustments (Net)............................................... 1,994 - 354 - - - - - Total Available........................................................... 979,414 9,158 1,015,411 8,933 1,027,254 9,194 1,011,557 8,930 Lapsing Balances........................................................... -181 - -177 - - - - - Balance Available, EOY................................................. -4,556 - -10,780 - - - - - Subtotal Obligations, FSIS 974,677 9,158 1,004,454 8,933 1,027,254 9,194 1,011,557 8,930 Obligations under other USDA appropriations: APHIS, Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) Eradication awards program....................................................... - - 180 - 200 - - - APHIS Blood Sample..................................................... - - 71 - 100 - - - Office of Communication, Procure - USDA Website Software for Ask the Expert...... - - - - - - - - OCFO, Salary and benefits