No. 19-292 IN THE Supreme Court of the United States ROXANNE TORRES, Petitioner, v. JANICE MADRID AND RICHARD WILLIAMSON, Respondents. On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONER SHERRILYN A. IFILL DANIEL HARAWA Director-Counsel Of Counsel JANAI S. NELSON NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & SAMUEL SPITAL EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. JIN HEE LEE* 700 14TH ST, NW SUITE 600 KEVIN E. JASON WASHINGTON, DC 20005 ASHOK CHANDRAN NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & Counsel for Amicus Curiae NAACP Legal Defense & EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. Educational Fund, Inc. 40 Rector St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10006 *Counsel of Record (212) 965-2200
[email protected] February 7, 2020 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page(s) TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ..................................... iii INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE ............................ 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT ......................................................... 2 ARGUMENT ............................................................... 5 I. A Police Officer’s Discharge of A Firearm Is A Quintessential Fourth Amendment Seizure................................................................... 5 II. The Decision Below Risks Eviscerating the Primary Vehicles for Ensuring Accountability for Egregious Police Misconduct. ........................................................... 8 III. Preserving This Court’s Longstanding Precedent Regarding Fourth Amendment Seizure Is Especially Important Given Law Enforcement’s Historically Oppressive Use of Weapons in African- American Communities. ..................................... 12 A. Law Enforcement Historically Employed Oppressive Practices, Including Use of Firearms, to Control and Intimidate African Americans Before and After Emancipation. ................. 12 B. African-American Civil Unrest in the Mid-Twentieth Century, a Response in ii Part to Unconstitutional Police Violence, Led to the Expansive Use of Weaponry by Police. .................................... 17 C.