The Third Programme a Literary History
The Third Programme A Literary History KATE WHITEHEAD CLARENDON PRESS OXFORD 1787 Oxford Uniirrsify Press, lYblton Street, Oxford 0x2 ~DP Oxjord New lbrk Toronto I>elhi Bonr1)ay Calcutta hfadras Karachi Acknowledgements Petaling Jaya .Tingapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Var es .Sa/aant Cape ?bwn Melbourne Auckland and associated companies in I would like to thank the following people for their kind Bzrlin Ibadan assistance during my research: the late Douglas Cleverdon and Oxford is a trade mark of Oxford Uniuersifj Press John Lehmann, Patric Dickinson, Harman Grisewood, Professor Peter Laslett, Ludovic Kennedy, Ian MacIntyre, Leonard Miall, Published in the United .States P. H. Newby, Piers Plowright, Harry Ritchie, Rosaly Roffman. Iy Oxfork Uniuersify Press, U.TA Dr Michael Weaver supervised the thesis on which this mono- 0 Kate Whitehead 1989 graph is based, and was helpful and enthusiastic throughout. The staff at the BBC Written Archives Centre provided . All rights reserved. No part of this publication nray be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transnritted, in any form or by any means, invaluable assistance during three years' regular attendance and rlectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without enquiry. I must also thank the staff of the Society of Authors, the the prior permission of Oxford Uniuersio Press National Sound Archive, and the Bodleian and Christ Church British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Libraries for all their help. The Department of Education and W'hitehead, Kate. Science was generous in providing me with special travel grants The Third Progranrnre: a literary histov. and allowances, as was Christ Church and the English Faculty of - (Oxford English monographs).
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