Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 4-23-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 23, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 76, Issue 141 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Universil Y at Carbondale Tuesday, April 23, 1991 , Vol. 76, No. 141. 16 Pages Conduct proposals submitted for vote By Natalie Boehme C" ' lege of Liberal Am and Sl aft Wrher . 'lmiuec member, in an interview in February. The Facuhy Senate will place !he The draft also in reases a finishing touches Tuesday on its departmen t's inv olve ment in SlUdent Conducl Code chealing determining whether or not a policy. Sludent has chealed. said Morgan, A committee. which has direclor of Allied Heallh and reviewed the code since Sept 28, Public Services in the College of h., prepared a drafl of proposed Technical Careers. changes for the senate to vOle on. This proposal would allow Ihe Committee member Frederic departmental chairperson to review Morgan said proposals includ e: th e complaint and determi ne • Reversin g the code's require whether there was a code violation. ment for a wriucn confession of he said. guilt [rom the sluden~ Under thi s proposal, if charges • Ass igning a grade of incom· are filed the department chair· plele unti l al l legal processes arc person would be responsible for eompleled; noti fying th e accused stud ent • Allowing accused sludents 10 within five school days.