Speicher’s 1964 Cutlass Celebrates 50 years Also in this issue: Members Celebrate 50th Anniversary of 1964 Olds Route 66 Tour Update First Pictures from Homecoming 2014 Editor’s message……. 2014 R. E. Olds Chapter Board of Directors You can tell the weather has changed in Michigan, our Chapter members have been busy. The Walkinshaw Tribute was well attended as was the Memorial Day President event in Dimondale and at Hummer’s. It is always a “good time” when our Bruce Powelson Oldsmobile families get together. H 517-548-2793 Besides having fun when we are together other things happen. At our Memorial C 517-331-3560 Day picnic we were discussing the significance of the day and Eva Cooper
[email protected] thought it would be a great idea if we thanked our Chapter members that are veterans. She suggested having our veterans send in a picture of themselves in Vice-President their uniform from when they served. Several people liked the idea, so………. Chris Heminger Here is your assignment: Are you a military veteran? Dig around in your old 517-655-3514 photos and find a picture of yourself in uniform. Send it to me with information
[email protected] about what branch you served in, what were your years of service and any other information you want to include. I would like to include these in the November Secretary issue just in time for Veteran’s Day. Please send them either by email or snail Ed Shand mail (photos will be returned) and have them to me by October 1 at the latest.