A High-Efficiency Low-Power Chip-Based CMOS Liquid Crystal Driver for Tunable Electro-Optic Eyewear

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A High-Efficiency Low-Power Chip-Based CMOS Liquid Crystal Driver for Tunable Electro-Optic Eyewear electronics Article A High-Efficiency Low-Power Chip-Based CMOS Liquid Crystal Driver for Tunable Electro-Optic Eyewear Hai Deng 1,* and Guoqiang Li 2,3,4,* 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33174, USA 2 Visual and Biomedical Optics Lab, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212, USA 3 Versatile Research LLC, Columbus, OH 43220, USA 4 Biomolecular Sciences Institute, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA * Correspondence: hai.deng@fiu.edu (H.D.); [email protected] (G.L.); Tel.: +1-(314)922-8883 (G.L.) Received: 9 November 2018; Accepted: 17 December 2018; Published: 22 December 2018 Abstract: A high-efficiency low-power chip-based liquid crystal (LC) driver has been successfully designed and implemented for adaptive electro-optic eyewear including tunable vision correction devices (eyeglass, contact lens, intraocular lens, occluder, and prism), phoropter, iris, head-mounted display, and 3D imaging. The driver can generate a 1 kHz bipolar square wave with magnitude tunable from 0 V to 15 V to change the lens focus adaptively. The LC driver output magnitude is controlled by a reference DC voltage that is manually tunable between 0 and 3 V. A multi-mode 1×/2×/3×/4×/5× charge pump is developed for DC-DC conversion to expand the output range with a fast-sink function implemented to regulate the charge pump output. In addition, a new four-phase H-bridge driving scheme is employed to improve the DC/AC inverter efficiency. The LC driver has been successfully implemented and tested as an IC chip (8.6 mm × 8.6 mm) using AMS 0.18 µm High-Voltage CMOS technology. Keywords: liquid crystal driver; digital charge pumps; H-bridge inverters; high voltage CMOS circuits; electro-optic eyewear; adaptive optics; adaptive eyewear; smart eyewear 1. Introduction Electrically tunable liquid crystal (LC) lenses, prisms, irises, and occluders are very useful in vision-related applications, such as eyeglass [1], contact lens [2], phoropter [3,4], treatment for amblyopia and strabismus [5], head-mounted display [6–10] (virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality), and 3D imaging [1,11]. The electrically tunable power of the LC lenses and prisms (or the transmission of the occluders) can be adjusted with varying refractive indices (or the scattering) due to re-orientations of LC directors controlled by the applied electric fields. For eyewear applications, relatively small and safe drive voltages but still a large enough range (e.g., up to 15 Vrms), compactness and low power consumption are critical for effective LC lens applications [1,12–15]. According to the literature, it has been demonstrated that LC lenses based on patterned electrodes for phase modulation provide the best optical wavefront and imaging quality with smaller aberrations. In this case, different voltages are applied to the electrodes to form the desired phase profile. This indicates that multiple output channels are needed for the LC driver. LC lenses usually require a standard square wave with adjustable RMS voltage amplitudes as a controller for adaptive varifocal tuning. Typically, a small size battery, and a DC-AC converter with adjustable output amplitude can be used to generate a desired driving voltage for effective LC varifocal length control. The switched-capacitor charge pump (SC-CP) regulators [16], which can either step up or step down the input voltage, are the preferable Electronics 2019, 8, 14; doi:10.3390/electronics8010014 www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics Electronics 2019, 8, 14 2 of 13 form of the DC-DC converter for generating square waves of various amplitudes, since they can be Electronics 2018, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 13 easily implemented with integrated circuits. However, traditional charge pumps, which have a fixed multiplicationstep down ratio,the input are voltage, not flexible are the in preferable generating form a wide of the range DC‐DC of converter different for output generating voltages square for LC lens applications.waves of various In this amplitudes, work, a multi-modesince they can charge be easily pump implemented will be used with to improveintegrated the circuits. LC driver efficiencyHowever, in voltage traditional generation. charge pumps, By alternating which have the gatea fixed control multiplication voltages ofratio, the are switching not flexible transistors, in the chargegenerating pump a canwide connect range of flying different capacitors output involtages parallel for or LC series lens during applications. charging In this and work, discharging a periods,multi and‐mode consequently charge pump multiple will be used conversion to improve ratios the LC can driver be obtained. efficiency in The voltage optimum generation. mode By of the alternating the gate control voltages of the switching transistors, the charge pump can connect flying charge pump is automatically determined by the input voltage. Once the optimum mode is selected, capacitors in parallel or series during charging and discharging periods, and consequently multiple a bang-bangconversion control ratios topology can be obtained. can be further The optimum used to regulatemode of thethe output charge voltagepump is of automatically the charge pump. However,determined a charge by pumpthe input outputs voltage. DC Once signals the optimum only. We mode need tois selected, convert a them bang to‐bang square control waveforms topology (AC) for applicationscan be further in electro-opticused to regulate lens. the output voltage of the charge pump. However, a charge pump Tooutputs convert DC a signals DC voltage only. toWe a squareneed to wave, convert one them can to use square an inverter waveforms to periodically (AC) for applications switch the polarity in of a DCelectro input‐optic generated lens. by the charge pump. Two simplest topologies of the inverters are half-bridge and full-bridgeTo inverters. convert a Implementing DC voltage to a a full-bridge square wave, inverter one can requires use an two inverter more to transistors periodically than switch a half-bridge the inverter,polarity but the of a peak-to-peak DC input generated output by voltage the charge is twice pump. as large Two as simplest that of topologies the half-bridge of the inverter. inverters are half‐bridge and full‐bridge inverters. Implementing a full‐bridge inverter requires two more In this work, a new chip-based LC lens driver has been designed for low power portable transistors than a half‐bridge inverter, but the peak‐to‐peak output voltage is twice as large as that of applications. The system is powered by a single lithium-ion button cell with a voltage of 3 V, while the the half‐bridge inverter. output RMSIn this voltage work, of a thenew square chip‐based wave LC is lens adjustable driver has from been 0 V designed to 15 V for through low power the control portable of the inputapplications. reference voltage. The system The is input powered reference by a single voltage lithium can‐ion be button changed cell by with turning a voltage a knob of 3 V, of while a trimpot manually.the output The RMS amplitude voltage of of thethe square LC driver wave output is adjustable voltage from is 0 supposed V to 15 V through to be 5 timesthe control as large of the as the referenceinput voltage. reference The voltage. charge The pump input reference automatically voltage changes can be changed the conversion by turning mode a knob and of a regulates trimpot the outputmanually. voltage The to generateamplitude the of the required LC driver DC output voltage voltage level; is the supposed DC voltage to be 5 is times then as converted large as the to AC voltagereference by the voltage. full-bridge The inverter.charge pump The highautomatically output RMS changes voltage the conversion (up to 15 V) mode is crucial and regulates for LC driver the in tunable-focusoutput voltage lens control. to generate The the high-voltage required DC CMOS voltage (HV-CMOS) level; the DC process voltage for is chipthen fabricationconverted to is AC gaining voltage by the full‐bridge inverter. The high output RMS voltage (up to 15 V) is crucial for LC driver popularity recently for many high-voltage applications [17]. An important feature of the HV-CMOS in tunable‐focus lens control. The high‐voltage CMOS (HV‐CMOS) process for chip fabrication is process is the existence of a deep n-well (DNW) in a moderately p-doped bulk allowing the circuits to gaining popularity recently for many high‐voltage applications [17]. An important feature of the be isolatedHV‐CMOS from process high voltages. is the existence The LC of driver a deep in n‐well this work(DNW) will in a be moderately implemented p‐doped with bulk AMS allowing HV CMOS technologythe circuits to achieve to be isolated the high from voltage high voltages. output forThe lens LC driver focus in control. this work will be implemented with TheAMS rest HV ofCMOS this papertechnology is organized to achieve as the follows. high voltage The output system for architecture lens focus control. and the detailed design of the CMOSThe rest LC of driver this paper are introduced is organized in as Section follows.2 The. The system methodology architecture for and improving the detailed the design design of and somethe of theCMOS system LC driver simulation are introduced results are in presentedSection 2. The in Sectionmethodology3. The for LC improving driver chip the implementation design and and testingsome of results the system are givensimulation in Section results4 are. Finally, presented some in Section conclusions 3. The are LC drawndriver chip in Section implementation5. and testing results are given in Section 4. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section 5. 2. LC Device Driver Design 2. LC Device Driver Design The system architecture of the proposed chip-based LC driver is shown in Figure1a.
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    LT1054 SLVS033G –FEBRUARY 1990–REVISED JULY 2015 LT1054 Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters With Regulators 1 Features 3 Description The LT1054 device is a bipolar, switched-capacitor 1• Output Current, 100 mA voltage converter with regulator. It provides higher • Low Loss, 1.1 V at 100 mA output current and significantly lower voltage losses • Operating Range, 3.5 V to 15 V than previously available converters. An adaptive- • Reference and Error Amplifier for Regulation switch drive scheme optimizes efficiency over a wide • External Shutdown range of output currents. • External Oscillator Synchronization Total voltage drop at 100-mA output current typically is 1.1 V. This applies to the full supply-voltage range • Devices Can Be Paralleled of 3.5 V to 15 V. Quiescent current typically is 2.5 • Pin-to-Pin Compatible With the LTC1044/7660 mA. 2 Applications The LT1054 also provides regulation, a feature previously not available in switched-capacitor voltage • Industrial Communications (RS232) converters. By adding an external resistive divider, a • Data Acquisition Supply regulated output can be obtained. This output is regulated against changes in both input voltage and • Voltage Inverters output current. The LT1054 can also shut down by • Voltage Regulators grounding the feedback terminal. Supply current in • Negative Voltage Doublers shutdown typically is 100 μA. • Positive Voltage Doublers The internal oscillator of the LT1054 runs at a nominal frequency of 25 kHz. The oscillator terminal can be used to adjust the switching frequency or to externally synchronize the LT1054. The LT1054C is characterized for operation over a free-air temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.
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